#More at my deviantArt SweetCatMint
sweetcatmintea · 5 years
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Perspective Shift
[image description: A digital illustration separated into two halves, the top half depicting The Batter from Off and the bottom half showing his true form, Bad Batter. The Batter is a young man standing with his feet apart and arms slightly lifted by his sides. One hand is palm up, the other is pointing a metal bat towards the viewer. The add-ons are shown as a three tiered halo of eyes above his head. There are red flowers behind him. 
Bad Batter is a monstrous humanoid with a reptilian mouth similar to a crocodile, blank white eyes, and large clawed hands. He has animalesk legs that are dripping/melting black ooze. Spectres swirl behind him. 
The two halves of the image are separated by a word. ‘Purify’ when the Batter side is up, Destroy when Bad Batter is up.] 
Comments and speedpaint under the cut!
Here it is! I’m actually really happy with how this turned out :3c I hadn’t intended to paint it originally but I think it was the right decision in the end. I was also planning on having the Bad Batter background to be mostly white pretty much the whole way through but changed it last second XD It was meant to show the Bad Batter end goal similar to the game but the contrast works better like this I think. 
I took some liberties with some of the character elements. Bad Batter ended up looking more like a t-rex than I wanted but that’s what happens sometimes <u<;; I’m really proud of the hands c: Especially the vein details 
If I can just gush a moment about this game, it was such a cool twist at the end to be the bad guy. I played through hoping to get some explanation on how pummeling things to death with a bat was going to help the inhabitants so for it to turn around at the end and say it didn’t, it was pretty shocking XD I also love how much the game broke the fourth wall and insisted you were the puppeteer even though your actions could not deviate from the Batter’s intentions until the very end. There were a few battles that I tried to opt out and flee from that the game refused to allow. (Poor ham baby 8^8) Hahaha when you think about it, the only way to actually take control of the game is to turn it off. (But we’re all a little to curious for that, aren’t we) 
What do you think? Have you played it?
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Flapper Witch! She turned out better than the last witch :)
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sweetcatmintea · 5 years
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Baby Snapple Dragon 
[image description: A limited palette illustration of the pokemon appletun laying down, leaning slightly to the side. He has his head resting over his left front leg and his right stretched in front of him showing toe beans. His apple hat is sliding off his head somewhat and he has one eye up and the other down. He looks happy lolling about in grass.] 
Palette: Diet Soda Society 
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Aaaaahhh I love this baby so much I cannot adequately express it >u< They’re so flipping cute, oml! The name could use some work but when your baby dragon is happily parading the bouncy ball around the camp, it doesn’t even matter ;u; At least 4 type weaknesses? Don’t care, he’s staying on my team. (I called mine Snapple :3c) 
Swsh had some great designs (and music!) so even though I couldn’t have my regular faves, I still got very attached to my team. I ended up with Cinderace (Whitby), Toxtricity (Spike), Appletun (Snapple), Perrserker (Chess), Boltund (Tatt), and Leafeon (Sylph). I haven’t completed the post game yet but am looking forward to it when things settle down again ^u^ What did you guys think of the game?
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@kainablue and @paper-shield-art
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sweetcatmintea · 5 years
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Needs More Pink~
[image description: A digital painting of Opal from Pokemon Sword and Shield with a sylveon perched over her shoulders. The same image is repeated, one on a dark background, one on a white. The third image is a close up of their faces. 
Opal is depicted as an elderly lady with white skin, thin white hair, and heavy blue eyes. She is wearing purple eyeshadow and red lipstick, not quite smirking at the viewer. She has an air of knowing about her while she supports Sylveon’s head with her left hand. She is wearing her teal hat, pink dress, and purple fur shawl. 
Sylveon is smiling menacingly/ challengingly at the viewer, back legs sitting on Opal’s right shoulder with his front half somewhat draped over her right one. Both Sylveon and Opal’s pupils are glowing pink.] 
Comments, speedpaint, and link to my Hidden Sylveon Lore theory are under the cut!
I got a new tablet and am back in the game! Yay :D
I loved Opal during my playthrough. She’s an absolute riot and seems to be more than she appears. In spite of its flaws, the most apparent being how trim the game is, I really enjoyed playing shield. It was beautifully made, had fantastic music and, in my opinion, one of the best supporting cast to date. 
Here’s the theory I promised: Boop! I’d love to hear what you think and whether you had any theories yourself ^u^
And here’s the speedpaint
Art Tag
@kainablue and @papershield-art 💜
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sweetcatmintea · 4 years
Ms Myrtle’s Garden
Hello hello! I’m back after a million years ^u^ It’s @flashfictionfridayofficial‘s 50th promptiversary today so I really wanted to try and participate. Writing has been less than stella lately but I finally had an opportunity to explore an idea I’ve had for a while. It’s more of an atmospheric piece than an actual story but I hope you enjoy nonetheless! Feedback is always appreciated 💜💜
Prompts: Smoke and Mirrors | Unusual Concoction | Shattered Sunshine Words: 1140
Dearest Olivia,
Though the distance between us is great, the moments between my thoughts of you dwindle by the day.
How was that, pretty Pride and the Prejudice right? I’m only messing with you Ollie. Theatrics aside, I miss you so much! I can’t wait until we see each other again. If nothing else, at least this “studying abroad” thing has allowed us to realise our lifelong dreams of writing long winded letters with homoromantic subtext and sending them across the ocean to an eagerly awaiting recipient. (Yes, I know all of the good opportunities the pamphlet listed; I’m being dramatic!) Just kidding about the subtext though. (Or am I ou<~*)
I’m still reeling from your last letter! There’s no way you really bunked with a ghost! That’s terrifying. You may laugh and play it off as nothing, but I would have jumped ship and swam home if that was me. Though, you always have been the braver of us so I’m sure you’ll indulge me and forgive my reaction. Just say the word and I’ll jump on the first plane and come rescue you! A la a redeemed antagonist proving their worth.
Honestly, it hasn’t been too exciting over here in my little corner of the world. I paid Ms Myrtle a visit yesterday, so I’ll tell you about that. (Ms Myrtle says hi!) I’ve been working on restocking new blends for the store and figured it would be nice to take some over for Ms Myrtle to sample. I feel kind of bad for her, y’know? She doesn’t get many visitors these days. I think the children are all too scared of her.
It was cold, oddly so for this time of year, when I arrived. Her front yard is as immaculate as ever, though I’m not sure I’ve ever actually seen anyone tend to it. Maybe it’s just the perfect level of overgrown that everything looks nice simply because the plants are healthy? I don’t know, I digress. It took a few minutes of shivering and waiting for her to answer once I’d knocked on the door, but soon enough, she greeted me with a warm smile and welcomed me in.
“Oh, hello dearie! It’s so lovely to see you again.” The way she talks is so cute.
Camembert, like the stinky cheese he is, took one disinterested look at me and trotted off on whatever cat business he had planned. Probably off to eat someone’s beloved pet. I’m not sure there’s a single person in the block who doesn’t have a personal vendetta against him. It’s practically a childhood right of passage. I know your dad still hasn’t forgiven him for Captain Bubbles’ murder. Still, we could be friends if he’d just let me love him.
Right, staying on topic.
The incense hit me as soon as I passed the threshold, thin plumes of smoke wrapping themselves through the air of the living room, following as we passed through to the kitchen. It wasn’t unpleasant. It never is. But it certainly gives her home a particular presence. A nostalgia rattle. She still keeps the house dim, like even the lamps know they are in an old person’s home and want to be as stereotypical as possible. She led me into the kitchen, flicking on the kettle with shaky carefulness.
“What wonderful concoction have you brought me today, sweetheart?”
I laughed, awkwardly playing off the compliment like it doesn’t absolutely make me blush every time. Because it doesn’t. Don’t smirk, I can feel it from here.
“Nothing too unusual today, Ms Myrtle,” I said, passing her the box, “It’s a rose-almond blend. Black tea base so it should be pretty forgiving for beginners. I was wondering what you thought of the flavour? I think something’s missing but can’t place it. Although, any excuse to visit you is always a good one.”
“Oh ho ho, you flatterer.” She set the mix to brew, smiling airily all the while. “Everything you do is so clever! I’m sure the tea is just wonderful.” Beckoning me to follow, she ambled to the back door. “It’s rather nippy in here, let’s enjoy this outside. Maybe we will be lucky enough to catch the afternoon sun.”
If the front yard is homey and inviting, the back garden is whimsically sweet to the point of toothache. Thick, lush foliage, a thousand flowers blooming no matter the season, windchimes that were little more than mirrored shards hanging from the trees and shattering sunshine across the grass in every colour imaginable. Her garden is so wonderful, I really wish I could enjoy it more. I never could get past the little bells though. There has to be hundreds of them by now. I don’t know, something about seeing all of those little strings poking out of the ground… You know what I mean.
We spent the afternoon sitting together, sipping tea, and chatting about this and that. I talked about the store and my ideas for future mixes. Ms Myrtle suggested adding vanilla to the rose blend. I think I’ll try that. She talked about how proud she was of me (and you) for growing into ‘such fine young ladies’, and that she’s been rather into baking lately and would be so happy if I’d take some rosemary bread home with me. I accepted of course. We spoke about her partner and the war they were in. More the dancing whenever they came home side of it than the fighting side. I still don’t know which war they served, but I don’t think anyone really does so what else is new.
The windchimes quietly sang the entire time. Despite the vitality of the garden, there’s still this all-encompassing stillness about it. No bugs sitting on the rim of our teacups, no lizards basking, no rustling in the bushes. I can’t help but wonder, are the chimes a cover? Did Ms Myrtle notice? Does it distract her from the absence of birds?
Despite the twinkling and the dancing rainbows refracting around us, a muffling shadow crawled over us, a stiff breeze running shivers up my spine and agitating the chimes. Our visit was cut short by the ring of Camembert’s bell. In her polite and dottering way, Ms Myrtle ushered me out the door, depositing a loaf of bread into my arms and requesting I visit again soon. I can only imagine her cat caught another unfortunate creature. I watched as Ms Myrtle sighed, took up as trowel, and disappeared back towards the garden, smiling all the while. I left as Camembert’s bell was joined by those of the safety coffins.
That was that. Nothing too out of the ordinary. It may have only been yesterday but I demolished that bread. You’re really missing out haha! Anyway, write again soon!
Miss you, love ya,
Your bestie,
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@snobbysnekboi, @inkovert, @kainablue, @i-rove-rock-n-roll , and @goblin-writer
This is supposed to have an unsettling atmosphere. I’m not sure if it comes through or not. I’d love to know what you think!
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sweetcatmintea · 5 years
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Dear Brothers 
[image description: A digital illustration of two cats, The Judge and Valerie from OFF, hugging. The Judge has one paw over Valerie’s shoulders and is rubbing his face on Valerie’s head. Valerie is looking up at The Judge, leaning in to him. The judge is portrayed as a large, short haired, albino cat, with a wide grin and back folded ears. Valerie is a short blocky cat with long curly fur that is white with a dark grey gradient on his tail, paws, ears, and mouth. Valerie has yellow eyes.]
Poor lonely Judge. I couldn’t just leave him like that 8^8
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@kainablue and @papershield-art
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sweetcatmintea · 5 years
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[image description: a digital illustration of a girl sleeping with a herd of wooloo and mareep while a houndoom sits guard. The girl is resting against a wooloo with a houndour puppy sprawled over her chest. She has tan skin, curly dusty pink hair, and ram horns. She’s wearing a pink overall type dress, white button up shirt with puffed sleeves and a peter pan collar, and brown ankle boots. The group is resting in the shade of a tree in a field.]
Comments and speedpaint under the cut!
Man, this was equal parts fun and challenging! I was super excited to draw Leraje when you described her @sancta-silje. She’s such a cute character >u< 
I know you asked for her to be drawn with a houndour or houndoom but I couldn’t resist drawing a bunch of sheep too <u< I hope you don’t mind!
If you haven’t already, you should definitely check out Silje’s art and writing! It’s amazing :D
Thanks so much for your support!
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sweetcatmintea · 5 years
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Knave Crowned 
[image description: A digital illustration of a Eurasian Magpie in flight against dark grey clowds. The underside of the bird is shown. There is a blue crown above his head.]
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A gift for my dad ^u^ We both really liked the magpies when we went to England and I accidentally ruined a photo of one Dad tried to take ( o.o;;;) So I painted this for him for christmas :3 It was a challenge but a lot of fun
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@kainablue and @paper-shield-art
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sweetcatmintea · 4 years
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[image description: a fullbody digital illustration of a young man cuddling a young woman, sitting on the ground. The man has scarred tan skin, shoulder length wiry auburn curls, long hare ears, and matching hare feet. He has his mouth pressed against the back of the young woman’s head, one hand in hers, the other resting on her thigh. He is only wearing boxers. 
The young woman has pale, freckled skin and long white hair that reaches the floor. She has white rabbit ears and paw feet. She’s sitting in his lap, looking back at him adoringly. One hand is on his cheek, the other is holding his. She is wearing a pink check bra set. 
There are ferns and sunflowers behind them. Description end]
Comments below the cut and speedpaint in reblog!
Hello again ^u^ I’ve had this one sitting on my desktop for some time now haha <u<;; I’ve been busy with other projects but also feeling reluctant to actually post content? Idk, it’s a bit odd. 
Anyways, here are my favourite buns having a nice moment together :3c
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@kainablue and @papershield-art
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sweetcatmintea · 5 years
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Nugget and Tenders 
[image description: A sketched digital illustration of Nugget from Kindergarten sitting down holding Tenders the cat. Tenders is rubbing his face on Nugget’s cheek. Nugget is portrayed as a pudgy young boy with blond curls, fair skin, and freckles. He is wearing blue shorts. a red shirt with yellow squares, grey socks, and black shoes and a black belt. Tenders is a brown cat with a darker tail, lighter paws and lighter ears. He’s wearing a yellow nugget collar. Text reads: Nugget loves his Tenders (Tenders loves his Nugget)]
I watched jacksepticeye’s playthrough of kindergarten and really liked Nugget :3 He’s so cute haha
Art tag
@kainablue and @papershield-art
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sweetcatmintea · 5 years
A Hare’s Worth: Opening Scene
So yep, this is the very beginning of my wip A Hare’s Worth. It’s not perfect but improvement comes with time ^u^ I hope you enjoy it! (I know their surname is inconsistent with other uploads. I’m still working out how I like it) Feedback is always appreciated 💜
Words: 1310 Characters: Marcos and Bridget
Ever since he could remember, Marcos had been worried. He worried about everything and anything and nothing at all. He worried that the world really was just a terrible place like the adults said, and that he wouldn’t ever have any of the right answers, not even when he was old and grey. He worried about growing up and about understanding things like bills and jobs. That’s not to say he didn’t appreciate being alive, not at all. Although it was a contemplation that does not usually cross a small child’s mind, he had already decided he very much wanted to live. After all, who knew what was in the Next? Yes, Marcos had always been worried, but one day he hoped he might not be.
The smell of rain lingered in the damp air as Marcos and his mother, Bridget O’Haera, hurried from the store in the hopes of reaching their home while they were still dry. The brown paper bag would be poor protection for the notebooks Bridget had purchased and she would have preferred they weren’t ruined the same day they were bought. They weren’t too far away, Marcos could trace the map in his mind to their house. Just follow the street to the end, left until they got to the yard with the rose garden, then turn right and their house was just after the one with a blue letterbox. Not too far away at all. His hare claws clicked uncomfortably against the concrete path as they walked. He had never liked the scraping feeling, but it was probably better than getting who knows what all stuck under them and in his brown fur if he walked on the grass instead. It’d be bad if an ant bit his paw.
Nearing the end of the street, Bridget hurried her pace, nudging them from a half trot into a speed walk. Even though she had hare feet like him, she never seemed bothered by what they walked on. He had some trouble keeping up with her long strides, stumbling as he looked around to work out why they were going so fast. There was nothing there. Just a man leaning against the fence to an empty lot, seemingly lost in the drag of his cigarette. Even from a distance, the stench easily overcame the subtle petrichor Marcos had been enjoying. The smell assaulted his nose, choking him. As the pair approached the man, he paused from his smoke and smiled at Bridget. She returned it with a polite nod, making to pass him. Before she could, he stepped into her path.
“Hey there. I’ve seen you around a lot, always wanted to strike up a chat. Name’s Paul.” Paul flicked his cigarette butt, crushing it uncomfortably close to them.
Bridget took half a step back to avoid his heavy boot crushing her toes. Marcos skittered back another pace, sticking close to his mother’s side. Her grip tightened on his little hand. Not enough to hurt, but still, he was starting to get nervous.
“Yeah. We must like to shop at the same time. Too bad we can’t stay and talk, but it looks like the weather’s turning, so…” She tried to again to move past him. Again, he halted her.
“C’mon now, we’ve got time for a little chat.” He flashed his teeth in what she was sure was meant to be a charming smile. As subtly as she could, Bridget pushed Marcos further behind her. Paul leaned in closer, his open jacket a hair’s width from brushing against her.
“Y’know, I don’t normally talk to…” he glanced up at her long, furred ears, “your kind, but I think I’ll make an exception just this once. Weird as they are, those bunny ears are pretty cute, y’know.” He caught a strand of her auburn hair, wrapping the curl around his finger. It took all of her willpower not to tremble as he took his liberties with her personal space. She managed to hold her resolve, acutely aware of how tightly Marcos was gripping her leg. Men like Paul were far from an uncommon experience for her, particularly in her line of work, but that didn’t make them any easier to deal with. As much as she would have liked to slap his hand away with some particularly colourful language, she knew getting her son home safely was the only thing that mattered. For now, she’d play by his rules.
“I’m flattered, really, but we must be going.”
His gaze dropped to Marcos and her heart stopped. Leave him alone. She pushed him back further, but it was already too late.
“I’m great with kids, so you don’t have to worry about your little ankle biter scaring me off.” Another charming smile. “What’s your name, champ?”
All but hidden behind her, Marcos glanced at his mother. He didn’t want to talk to this man. Although Bridget’s nod was encouraging, her forced smile was less so.  He swallowed nervously.
“… Marcos… Sir?” Please go away.
Paul laughed. “How polite! And what’re you up to today, Marcos?”
Marcos curled into himself, mumbling a response. “… Getting things, for school…” He didn’t like the way Paul said his name.
“I didn’t know they let you rabbits into school.” Paul tussled Marcos’ wiry curls. “Good for you!”
Marcos didn’t complain when Bridget shoved him back safely behind her. Her fur bristled as she gave a forced laugh.
“Yep, starting school is a big step for kids. As lovely as this chat has been, we really have to go before it-”
Thunder cracked the sky, punctuating itself with a heavy downpour.
Cursing, Paul ran for cover. Bridget’s tension followed him. She checked Marcos over quickly, then hurried for home again.
Fifteen minutes later, the brown paper bag was on the scuffed wooden kitchen table, the door was locked, and Marcos was in a warm bath. The notebooks were damp but, with a little effort, still salvageable.
The rain lasted for the rest of the day and well into the night. Marcos listened to his mum bustling around their little house, making sure all of the preparations were made for his first day at school. He was supposed to be asleep. By now, both he and his mum knew he wouldn’t be. He just didn’t know how to do it. Even with the water tapping against his windowpanes and creating a soothing white noise, thinking of nothing was surprisingly difficult. Sighing, he fussed about in his bed, trying to find a more comfortable position to arrange himself in. Is that really how adults went to sleep? Was it even possible? Just think of black, right? It’d be easier if the moon wasn’t so bright. Who said the moon could be that bright anyway? That was the sun’s job! Marcos nuzzled further under the blankets. He just had to kind of manoeuvre himself so he could be completely covered with just enough air to breath. As annoying as it was to be very much awake, at least he wasn’t lonely. A fuzzy bear pressed tight to his chest made sure of that. Maybe he should count sheep? He didn’t know more than ten though. One sheep. Two sheep. A blue sheep…
Eventually, he felt his body grow light and his mind quiet. Only to be jolted awake by the shrill ring of their telephone. Who was calling? Maybe he should hop up and check. No. His mum had told him to go to bed. He’d probably get in trouble if he was up. Plus, if he went out, she might not be there. He hated it when that happened. It was really scary. Listening carefully, he could hear her voice faintly from the living room. Barely a murmur, he couldn’t make out any of the words. The noise lulled him back to sleep.  
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@snobbysnekboi, @inkovert, @kainablue, @i-rove-rock-n-roll, and @goblin-writer
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sweetcatmintea · 5 years
The sad man, the fox, and the woods
Oops, I slept in <.<;; This was the other idea I had from this Fridays prompt! It gave me such a strong image I didn’t want to ignore it but, if I’m being honest, this probably would have been better in a visual medium. Oh well, it’s written now. Hope you have fun in the woods! Feedback is appreciated ^u^
Flash fiction friday is organised by @flashfictionfridayofficial
Prompt: Weeds and Ruins Words: 1017
It wasn’t an accident that he wandered into the forgotten wood. Forgotten on purpose, forgotten by accident, it didn’t matter when the result was the same. Broken hearted and stumbling, he grew more and more lost in his effort to find whatever was left behind of himself. It was all too much. Too much pressure, too many expectations, too many cold shoulders when he finally crumbled to dust.
The bird song in that ancient place was a welcome reprieve from his troubled thoughts as he plonked down onto a smooth, cool stone in the shade of a great oak tree. No destination in mind, here was as good a spot as any to rest. It had been good foresight to bring lunch along. There was no use being sad and hungry. Bread and cheese. Nothing fancy, but enjoyable none the less. As he unwrapped the protective cloth, he became increasingly aware of a presence half hidden in the trees ahead. Expecting little, he called a friendly greeting to it. The presence drew closer, a red fox trotting forward with a handsome face and beautiful pelt. It approached with a pluckiness he couldn’t deny was charming.
The young man smiled. “Hello there. Did you come join my lunch?”
The fox sat in front of him and, very properly, responded. “I’d be honoured.”
To his credit, the young man blinked but once in surprise, then carried on as normal. He halved the loaf and cheese, offering the larger of the two to the fox, placing it upon the cloth on the ground. He’d heard many a strange tale of the creatures of this wood. He may as well see where this goes.
The fox ate with a politeness he could not adequately describe. It kept pace with him, finishing at the same time.
“Thank you.” It said, something glittering in its dark eyes. “We haven’t made introductions. Would you be so kind as to give me your name?”
The young man made himself comfortable, resting his chin on his palm. “Wouldn’t it be more appropriate for you to lead, since you joined my meal?” His intention was not to irritate the creature, but he could not dampen his teasing nature. To his relief, the fox grinned.
“Yes, you’re right, of course.” It put a paw to its chest, dipping its head. “You may call me Russet. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”
“The same to you Russet. You cannot have my name, but you may borrow it for the afternoon if that suffices.”
Russet laughed lightly. Not a cruel or plotting laugh, a genuine one. “That would be lovely.”
The young man held a hand to Russet. “My name is Logan.”
Russet accepted the handshake and, as he did so, his dark paw melted away to leave brown skin. In a heartbeat, the fox had vanished, leaving a handsome young man in its place, the beautiful pelt settling over his shoulders like a cloak. His warm, mischievous eyes that glittered even still did nothing to detract from the welcoming smile that suited his face so well. He laughed again.
“You’re a clever man Logan. I dare say I like you.”
Logan couldn’t deny he liked the way Russet said his name. “The feeling is mutual. Are you one of the fae?”  
Russet winked, pulling Logan to his feet. “Is it not obvious? How many foxes have your tongue?” It was only then that Logan realised they were still holding hands. Russet’s skin was so soft compared to his rough calluses.
“I hadn’t met a talking fox before, that’s true, but I hadn’t met a fae either. I’d say it’s a fair question.” Logan followed Russet’s lead, allowing him to take them further into the woods. Of course, he knew the tales of fae leading travellers astray, but disappearing didn’t sound so bad anymore. Not if he stayed in the company of this strange man.
“It is a fair question,” Russet nodded, “so if you must know, yes, I’m one of the fae. Does that frighten you? You can stop and go back now if you really want to.” His expression softened. Not quite sadness, but understanding the reality of the situation.
“It doesn’t. I’d like to spend more time with you.”
“Excellent!” He perked up again. “Then, in the name of equal exchange, allow me a question. What is a bright young spark like you doing in a place like this? These woods will eat you right up if you’re not careful.”
Logan paused, biting the inside of his cheek. “I’m, well, I guess you could say I’m not having a great time lately.” He laughed. It was not bright and crackling like Russet’s, but hollow and defeated. “I think maybe I was looking to be lost for a little while.”
“Hmmm. ‘tis a shame to hear little mortals spending their precious time in melancholy. Why don’t you spend the day with me? Take your mind off your woes for a little while. I promise I’m not trying to trick you and a fae’s word is not something to sneeze at! Tell me, do you know how to dance?”
“No, I don’t really know how to. I’m sorry.”
Russet brightened. “Even better! I’ll teach you. See here, you put your hand here, on my waist, yes, like that! The other hand goes here. Don’t worry, you’ll be fine.”
Russet’s fox skin tickled Logan’s fingers as he was led through a simple waltz. They moved to the rhythm of the earth. One he couldn’t hear until the steps became natural. They danced all day, over weeds and over ruins, wandering through the forgotten wood at a gentle tempo, laughing and smiling and forgetting themselves entirely.
When the evening came, Russet donned his fox skin and led Logan back to the entrance of the wood. For three days, Logan raced to the smooth stone as soon as day broke, spent all of the sun’s hours with Russet, and returned home ready to leave again in the morning. On the fourth day, Logan stayed lost. They danced and they were happy.
Tag List
@snobbysnekboi, @inkovert, @kainablue, @i-rove-rock-n-roll, and @goblin-writer
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sweetcatmintea · 5 years
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Trickster Sylveon Theory (context)
Leafeon | Glaceon | Umbreon
[image: a digital illustration (with five detail shots) of a night forest scene in the Kalos region in Pokemon. The main figures are a semi-realistic sylveon who is leading a young child into the woods. The child is  wearing an eevee onesie and holding a chespin plush. Their back is to the viewer. The sylveon has one ribbon wrapped around the child’s hand and one holding the back of their head. Spotted in the trees behind the sylveon and child are a noctowl (sitting on a large, smooth, blue stone and eyeing the pair), two spritzee on a branch above them, one leaning on the other asleep, and the second looking down at the scene, and a phantump half hidden behind a tree. There is a ring of mushrooms in the right half of the mid-ground, illuminated by the moon. There are trees, one fallen, in the foreground, with a sleeping espurr curled in a pile of leaves. The whole image has a warm pinky purple hue to it.] 
 Comments and speedpaint under the cut!
Happy Halloween!
I was really excited about this one! Originally, I thought Sylveon would be the last because I had No idea how I wanted to draw him. However, when I started to think about fae lore, I was hit with inspiration ^u^ 
This design of Sylveon is a mix of Borzoi dog and Oriental cat, two animals I consider to be very fairy like in appearance. He also has albino pink cat eyes instead of his usual pupil-less blue. I kinda feel like this Sylveon is trying to lead his person away so he can try to keep them safe in a weird sorta way. I’m really happy with how the lines turned out! The colours didn’t quite hit the mark I was aiming for, but hey, it’s another lesson learned.I listened to Billie Eilish’s ‘When we fall asleep, where do we go?’ album so many times while working on this XD Ilomilo kinda became the unofficial mood song for it. 
Here’s the speedpaint: (The last section of effects and finishing touches got cut off but the video is already pretty long so I don’t think it’s that bad)
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sweetcatmintea · 4 years
Eight Step Program
Whoo Flash Fiction Friday! (Saturday evening bc Australia be like that) I almost didn’t make it XT (I know I have some lovely people to talk to but today has been a Day so I’m running a little behind sorry!) Felt like writing something culty with the cool imagery that the prompt inspired, and played with form a little because I was running out of time. I hope you enjoy it! Feedback is always appreciated 💜
Flash Fiction Friday is hosted by the lovely @flashfictionfridayofficial
Prompt: Blooming Blossom Words: 810
Eight Step Program
Step One: Invitation
It was chance, that’s all, when I stumbled into his influence, lost and confused
He smiled, all charm and debonair, there were no coincidences, only God’s will
I was bashful, shy to take his hand
He promised everything. Promised a little songbird like me would be safe in his sanctuary
He called himself Hawk
I asked what it meant for a canary to be in front of a bird of prey
Protection, he said, his talons would keep the cats at bay
Step Two: Love bomb
I met his flock, each and every bird at his sanctuary.
They smiled and sang, sweet siren songs of kindred spirits
It felt right, to belong. Like I was meant to be there
I chirped along, so sweet and innocent, preening their feathers and winning their hearts
Still, I never strayed.
I stayed closest to Hawk, a favourite pet without a name, ready with which ever song he desired
No one knew I was missing until I had been found
Step Three: The prize on display
They showed me their secrets
Lifetimes stretched beyond recognition
Mortality little more than a fading memory, a home for all eternity
I could have that too, if I wanted
It was always if I wanted
All I had to give was my loyalty
What was that in exchange for forever?
Step Four: Agreement
It was beautiful, the congregation
Each bird adorned in silken plumage, ready for me to join their ranks
He held out the cup, tea unfurling, blossoming into blooms in the glass, colour swirling as the flavour seeped out
His smile was so sweet as he raised it to my lips, awed hush overtaking the room
It seems silly that the salt surprised me
I should have known immortality tasted of tears.
I was reborn that day, rising from my ashes
I was Mockingbird
Step Five: A threat to the prize
On the second day of my second life, he warned me
If I wanted to be forever, it must be by his side
The water sustained us.
He would say no more. I was a favourite; I asked no more
Step Six: Establishment of guilt
I had done well, proven my loyalty beyond question
He bestowed unto me an honour
The honour of an audience with Dove, the most important bird bar him, the centre of his sanctuary
She was small, much smaller than I expected. Machinery like hulking giants crouched around her, keeping her alive
I could not claim she was at peace in her slumber, crying despite closed eyes
Step Seven: The carrot and the stick
If she awakens, the immortality ends
A gift of a god to devoted followers
Hawk was surprised when I said that. I wasn’t supposed to know she was the key
No one was
Truthfully, it was an accident that I did. Though it was hardly a secret if you looked in the right place.
Maybe there was a snake in the sanctuary
I breathed the notion with the heaviest of hearts. Betrayal was unfathomable, yet the only reasonable explanation
He believed me. It was no fault of mine that a strayer whispered forbidden knowledge into the wind
I knew and that was safe, I was Mockingbird, I do nothing but sing.
But who else knew
And what would they do with what they knew?
We had to hide Dove, allow her to roost somewhere safer, somewhere far away from reaching hands.
Hawk wrought hell in the flock, demanding the snake’s exposure
Hawk rewarded me, the highest honour, set to guard the defenceless Dove in his absence
Step Eight: Identity control
If she wakes, we die
A muted thought as she blinked the sleep from those sad, sad, eyes.
She sobbed as she thanked me, sobering to make a request, too weak to act on her own.
It had been lifetimes too long to be a god trapped in corporeal form
Centuries of half death and loneliness
It was gentle. Painless.
I left her there, smiling on her bed
Approaching the gate, I can’t help but wonder what will happen when they see the blood on my hands
I can’t bring myself to care, grandeur crawling up my spine in arrogant handfuls
Perhaps that is the by-product of narcissism accompanying fulfilling a god’s wishes with my mortal hands
Of freeing a Dove from the claws of a Hawk
Their god is dead because they couldn’t tell a Mockingbird from a Shrike
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@snobbysnekboi, @inkovert, @kainablue, @i-rove-rock-n-roll , and @goblin-writer
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sweetcatmintea · 5 years
So I’m a Vampire now...
Hello hello! It’s flash fiction Friday again! (Hurray!) Guess who still hasn’t learnt to stick to a word limit: This creature! (I’m so sorry <u<;;;;) Anyways, this kinda snuck up on me and I couldn’t think of anything better than this little vampire drabble. I hope you enjoy it!  Feedback is appreciated ^u^
FFF is hosted by @flashfictionfridayofficial
Prompt: Deep End Words: 1665
“And we’ll have fun fun fun unt- Michael, put the rock down.” I hoped my voice conveyed how done I was with his reaction. Michael stood, back to the old jeep his mum let him borrow when he mowed the lawn, arm raised, poised to bash my head in with a sizable chunk of concrete. Vanessa wondered back to him from the direction of the mostly closed shops, an eyebrow quirked above her glasses.
“I swear to god, put the rock down. I’m not here to gogurt you.” Why do I have to be friends with an idiot?
He held firmer to his makeshift weapon. “Prove it. I can see the blood lust in your eyes.”
I pressed a palm into my forehead. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. “Yeah, my eyes dilated. Y’know, that thing that happens when you are happy to see your friends. Go repeat bio. If I was gonna slurp your guts, I wouldn’t be singing the beach boys and waltzing up to you like a door knocker asking for money. Especially not after I asked you for a lift.”
Michael narrowed his eyes at me. “Unless that’s what you want us to think. I know you Jessie. You’re sneaky.”
“Oh my god, why are you so dumb? Vanessa, can you PLEase talk some sense into him.”
Vanessa knocked the rock out of his hand, pitching it across the desolate car park before he could react. She should go into a ball sport. I don’t know, baseball or something. It clattered somewhere in the distance.
“Michael, stop being weird. We both know Jessie could have pinned you before they got turned. Your noodle arms can barely open a particularly sturdy container. You’re just making them feel unwelcomed. And being a trashy friend.”
“All true.” I nodded. “Plus, it’s not like I chose to get turned. If that loser Josh hadn’t done me dirty last week, I’d be at home feeding my Tamagotchi. Has he even reported me missing yet?”
Michael mumbled a sheepish apology. “Sorry, I was just worried you’d gone off the deep end all blood lusty or something…”
I waved it off. I wasn’t really angry. It’s not like we’d exactly been in this situation before.
Vanessa shook her head, giving me a one-armed greeting hug which I, of course, returned. “He hasn’t mentioned it. I mean, you have been reported missing. That was a whole thing that happened with your parents and then us pretending like you weren’t texting us because how do you tell someone their kid is off getting the lowdown on being undead, but yeah, not reported by Josh.”
“What a soggy zit. I swear, when I get my hands on him.”
“You’re not going to kill him, are you?” Michael and Vanessa shared a worried look.
“What? No. Of course not! That’s disgusting. You think I’m gonna put my face hole anywhere near that slimy weasel and voluntarily drink two thirds of his blood?? Do you know how long that would even take?”
Michael rubbed the back of his neck, avoiding my eyes. “Well, I kinda thought you’d y’know, snap his neck or something now you have super strength…”
“Who’s gone off the deep end now?” I rolled my eyes. “I’m not some killing machine. I’ll just dob him in and let him flounder some explanation for how he shoved me at the burglar while we were closing up shop and ran away. He’s lucky it was a vampire and not some lunatic or I’d really be dead.”
Vanessa plopped down on a concrete chock block, sipping her bubble tea and settling in for a long conversation. It was wild, I could hear the jelly in the cup squishing together. Michael sat to her side, patting the ground to invite me to complete the triangle. I obliged.
Vanessa started us off. “So what’s it like? Being all vampirey now?”
“Well, I’ve got cool powers now. Not the powers of being cool, I already had that.”
It was Michael’s turn to roll his eyes at me. I elbowed him in the ribs. Gently. Breaking bones had become a real danger. He snorted a laugh, almost shooting red bull up his nose.
“I got these neato glow in the dark eyes. Don’t know if you can turn that off. They do the cat slit thing though which is interesting. I can see So much more at night. But I think I need reading glasses now? Can’t make out squat near my face in the day.”  
Shuffling around in the pockets of my oversized 90s jacket, I retrieved a packet of dried wasabi peas and munched away as I talked.
“I’m like, crazy strong. No kidding, I accidentally ripped my favourite jeans on the second day of being a vampire. Just tugged them a liiiittle too hard and bam, ruined pants.”
“Have you got fangs?” Vanessa peered closer at my mouth. It would have been better to ask that before I started eating.
“Fangs for the memories, even if they weren’t so- nah, I’m just kidding. I got them.” I bared my teeth at them, poking the lengthened canines with an index finger. “They’re sharp as anything. I’ve drunk more of my own blood than anyone else’s ‘cause I keep biting my freaking tongue. Reminds me of being little and sucking a candy cane into a shank. I’m surprised none of us got an impromptu festive tongue piercing off those things.”
“Speaking of blood… Do you need to drink it now?” They both leaned forward, anxious for my answer.
“Oi, quit it with the looks. I’m not going to freaking bite you. I’m not some mindless animal, I’m just me. Just Jessie.”
“Is there a difference there?” Michael’s ribbing was, for once, welcome.
“Hardy har. Yes, I mean, technically, I have to consume blood. But, like, the pamphlet seems to say that it’s basically a supplement more than anything so I’ve just gotta eat normal stuff and chuck back a shot or two after.”
“Okay, two things. First, human blood?”
“Again. Eww. Do you have any idea how many diseases are in human blood? There’s a reason we haven’t literally eaten the rich yet. To be fair, I’m somewhat immortal now so I won’t get sick physically, but emotionally? Imagine the toll.”
“So how do you..?”
“You know you can just go to the butchers and buy blood right? It’s like an actual cooking ingredient. It comes in blocks. It tastes like satan’s toe jam but you just gotta chuck it back real quick. Or, I’m getting a fondness for black pudding. It too tastes like feet but isn’t as bad.”
Vanessa took a thoughtful sip of her drink. “Okay. Second thing. Pamphlet?”
“Oh yeah, this thing.” I fished it out of my other pocket, passing it to them. The vampire pr committee went to great lengths to make it cute with little cartoon vampires giving advice on this time of change, talking about how your body is changing and the strange things you may feel.
“Aww that’s super cute.” Vanessa pointed to a little vampire on the cover, handing it to Michael when she was finished skimming.
“I know right. Apparently they got tired of the old program where you get bitten and have to have an awkward talk with the weirdo who kinda killed you.”
Michael handed the pamphlet back. “Speaking of, what was it like living with a vampire for a week?”
I groaned. “Oh my god, he was insufferable. At first it was like ‘I vill show you ze vorld, shining shimmering splendour va ha ha’ which was neat but then it got all ‘I’ve turned you into a monster! You will suffer for eternity! Woe is ze life of an immortal. I am so sorry va ha ha’. Which I’m like, yeah you could have at least asked my name first or waited for my hair to grow out a little instead of sticking me with this too short for the long style, too long for the short style do I’ve gotta rock for the rest of time, but all in all, it’s not the worst that could happen so chill a little maybe?”
“Aw, poor guy. He doesn’t sound that bad.” Vanessa was much less, judgey, than me. I kinda felt bad for ripping on the man.
“Okay, he’s not terrible, but the lamenting. God, the lamenting. ‘Woe is me, I have seen so many seasons I can not even remember my age.’ Why don’t you just get a calculator and subtract this year from your birth year? Then you can know that bit. ‘Oh, but ze isolation! My human friends are long dead and buried!’ That’s super sucky bro. Why don’t you make some new friends and ask if they want to be turned? Or like, go on immortalsingles.com and get a butt touch buddy? With the internet age, it’s a lot easier to connect. ‘oh but who could love a monster like me? I haven’t even seen my face in five hundred years va ha ha.’ There is a Whole genre of people online (and in line) for that. And just, update your mirrors. Get a cheap one and it won’t have silver in it and you can see your face again. I kinda think he just enjoys lamenting. If he’d get with the times, things wouldn’t be half as unpleasant for him.”
“You’re not a very empathetic listener, are you.” That’s a lot coming from the guy who was going to stone me fifteen minutes ago.
“Hey! I hooked him up to the internet and gave him my number. I didn’t just leave him.”
“Yeah yeah yeah. Whatever you say Jessie.” Michael got up, brushing his jeans off and stretching. Vanessa and I followed suit. One thing remained on my mind. Something I needed to prepare myself for.
“Okay, before we head home, I have one last, very important question.”
They looked at me quizzically.
“Has anyone been looking after my Tamagotchi?”  
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@snobbysnekboi, @inkovert, @kainablue, @i-rove-rock-n-roll, and @goblin-writer
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sweetcatmintea · 5 years
Magical Girl Pride
Flash Fiction Friday again! I almost missed it, oops >A< This is just a fun little story, not edits this time so it’s pretty raw <.<;; I hope you enjoy it! Feedback is always appreciated 💜
Flash Fiction Friday is hosted by @flashfictionfridayofficial
Prompt: Queer and Curious Words: 955
It’s not easy being in your twenties. Too old to be given direction, too young to be seen as an ‘adult’, left to drift aimlessly if your teen made plans don’t pan out. Unemployment is a pain when there’s always someone more skilled than you applying to whatever position you’re begging for. On paper anyway. That’s how I ended up spending more and more time in the local park. You can’t just stay in the house all the time, the anxiety creeps in with the isolation, making it more difficult each day to leave. No money for an actual outing, the free park was the best option I had.
I ambled about, a comfortable stroll in the overcast afternoon, scanning over rare newcomers from under my mirrored shades. People watching is much less awkward when they can’t see where you’re looking. I came upon an elderly lady kneeling in front of some overturned soil. She was diligently working away, sifting through the earth, replacing what she found with new seeds. That might be illegal? I don’t think you’re actually allowed to disturb the plants in a public park. I mean, I wasn’t about to tell her to stop. She could be planting natives for all I know about plants. What was she doing anyway? It felt like more than simple gardening. In fairness, it’s not really my business. I turned to leave her be, but as the clouds above grew heavy with the promise of rain, my mind changed. Two sets of hands would get the job done faster and hopefully get her home before either of us got soaked. I sidled up to her as casually as I could manage and, admittedly a little awkwardly, offered my assistance.
She laughed, or cackled might be a better way to describe it. “Why spend your time with an old duck like me? Don’t you have more important things to do Dearie?”
I scuffed the toe of my sneakers on the grass. “Not really… Besides, I think helping you would be a good use of my time! What are you doing anyway?” I crouched to better see her work.
She cackled again. “Curious, curious, curious. You know what they say about the cat, Dearie.” If it weren’t for the glittering mischief in her old grey eyes, I’d have thought she was berating me.
“Curiosity may have killed him, but satisfaction brought him back. I don’t think it’s such a terrible trait.”  
She nodded, pleased with my quippy response. “Very clever. You can help if you must.”
She continued sifting gently through the soil while I watched on awkwardly waiting for direction, until her trowel hit something with a quiet ‘plink’. Dusting it off, she pulled a small glass ball, about the size of a gumball, from the ground. A tiny violet rattled around inside. Interesting. Maybe it’s an old jewellery piece someone lost. Was she searching for it specifically?
“Here,” she offered her hand to me, glass ball held lightly between gloved fingers, “If you want to help, hold this.”
The instant my skin made contact, I felt… glittery?? Stars swirled in my eyes and I could do nothing but float in the strange mental place. Is this what a stroke is?? Am I dying in front of an old lady in the park?! As quickly as it consumed me, the pinkish haze snapped away. What? Ooh that was weird. My body felt wrong. I could only stare dumbly at my now cold legs. Where did my jeans go? How did I get into a dress? Black, white, grey and purple, a tuxedo styled top and cocktail skirt where my t-shirt and jean combo once was. Huh? My hair, suddenly much lighter, brushed my neck. Black strands falling in my eyes. I swiped it back but without human ears, there was nothing to keep it in place. Grey tabby cat ears moved with me as naturally as the tail did. Huh???
The old lady said nothing as my mind scrambled to piece together what had happened. She simply observed, half smirking to herself. Did, did she do this to me? Obviously she did. Who else would have.
“Did you turn me into a magical girl??” The glass ball rattled as I spoke, attached like a bell to a choker.
“Well, that is one word for it.” She began what was apparently going to be a long-winded explanation, but I cut her off.
“Am I going to fight evil with the power of friendship?? Do I get a love interest? Is she cute? What am I saying, everyone in a magical girl story is cute. It’s basically law. Can I invite other people as part of my team? Never mind, I texted, she’s on her way. Is there financial compensation? Like, for medical bills. I mean, compensating hero work is also good. I do need to be able to feed my cats after all. When the story is complete, do I get to keep my powers?”
She looked taken aback. “You’re not upset?”
“No?? This is the best day of my life! Eh, other than that time my mate and I cracked each other up so much we got stomach aches and couldn’t talk all night. Definitely a close second.”
“Okay then. Well, you seem to have some idea of what’s going to happen, so I’ll be brief. You’ve been imbued with the magic of pride and will use it to-”
“Fight aliens??”
“Fight for your fellow lgbt+ family.”
“Oooh even better! What’s the first mission for the gay agender?”
She paused, folding her hands over her trowel. “When your friend arrives and you assemble your team, the mission begins. You must turn the frogs gay.”
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@snobbysnekboi, @inkovert, @kainablue, @i-rove-rock-n-roll, and @goblin-writer
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