asahina-banana · 8 years
The Last Moments of My Life (a BTS Jimin one-shot)
(This was initially for a BTS fic I was working on, but I wanted to change the whole feel of the story so I discarded this chapter. I actually quite liked how it came out so I decided to keep it here instead)
"Youth has no age. It just stays there. Beautifully."
As I held a blurry photograph in my right hand, I realized I've never pondered about the meaning of those words until now. Not until I finally felt ready to take my last breath, and cross the finish line.
I hung my head down as I sat on the cold bathroom tiles, and rested my back against a bathtub that was overflowing with water that was equally as cold. The eerie sounds of the creaking old faucet trying to forcefully release torrents of water that was mixed with the splashing sounds it made was strangely pleasing to my ears, and I smiled a bit at this oddity. As a professional dancer myself, I've heard and danced along to a lot of amazing music-- but for some reason, the sounds I am hearing right now was definitely one of the best honey to my ears.
Well, I suppose it's because the beauty in some things seem to only bloom when you're about to lose it. When you take it for granted, it's when everything would be wilted.
"Crap, it's freezing." I then mumbled to myself with lips that were starting to tremble uncontrollably. The human side of me really wanted to get out of here, change into the warm pajamas I got for my birthday this year and drink a cup of warm tea. However, the demons in my head commanded me to get into that freezing bathtub and proceed with what I have contemplated with so far-- and unfortunately, the latter had won over my mind.
With a little bit of reluctance, I stepped inside the cold bathtub with my clothes still intact. After I submerged myself into the ice cold water, I could feel the weight of my ripped jeans dragging me down even more. The bathtub was actually quite small and shallow, but now I felt like I was being pulled into a very wide and deep lake. It was a very terrifying and unpleasant sensation, yet I already made up my mind that I was to see it through.
After a minute or two being drenched inside this icy water, I could feel a tremendous pain almost across my whole body. It was as if a thousand needles had pierced through my skin, but no blood was coming out. Even if I had spared my right hand that was holding the photograph from being completely submerged-- the excruciating pain did not spare a single part of my body. The tips of my fingers were still quite dry and safe from these icy waters, but I'm starting to feel very numb.
Before I was numbed completely from my sense of touch, I took a glance at the photograph. It may be small and blurry, but the memories it brings were more vivid than ever.
The photograph was a picture of me and six other people that were smiling very brightly. They were people I really cherish, even more than my blood-related family. We met in the middle of great adversity, and after knowing each other, we might have already wasted the first half of our youth getting in trouble with every inch of our society. However, the latter half of the chapter closed rather beautifully, and I was very happy I could end it with those people.
Youth is something people a lot take for granted, and it'll slip away before you realize it. It's not because human beings get old physically, but it's due to the fact we lose in touch with who we really are. We succumb to the norms by giving up our hopes and dreams. We hand over our individual blueprint to a large group of people called the 'society' who knew nothing of building an individual.
As a group of what the normative community deemed as unwanted aberration, we wanted to escape our suffocating environment in order to be able to complete our individual blueprints on our own terms. It might be a brash decision; but armed with a few thousand won, a borrowed open-air truck and our free-spirited youth, the seven of us decided to do it anyways.
But now, my breath is slowly becoming heavy, and my arms are slowly becoming numb.
However, I still want to pray in hopes of God hearing my pleas.
Dear God, please let this sinner child of yours relive the only memories that were precious to me. The fleeting memories that I still try to reach for, but were already slipping away from my fingers before I knew it.
Please, let me relive the memories of my ageless youth, which was the most beautiful moment of my life.
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asahina-banana · 9 years
"A Palette of You and Me" - drabble for Milechin’s bday 2015
Hello! This drabble is dedicated to my friend milemiru a.k.a. milechin’s (super belated) bday this year! It’s a story based on her OC, Jun and her friend, Milk’s OC Chester!  Their OCs look really nice together ;w;b
“If this is what happiness is supposed to look like, then I refuse to be happy.” Growing up, those were the words I used to tell myself every single day. Indeed, that was not an encouraging principle to grow up with, but what could I do? I was born and raised around people whose entirety were forcibly smeared in pure white, even if they have intentions of darker shades beneath it. Everyone was attempting to create an everlasting euphoria, although it will dilute the true colours of one’s soul sooner or later.  I, on the other hand, refused to participate in such blasphemy and kept my palette clean out of the substances that may dilute it. Others had always labelled me as a smidge in their superficial world of absolute purity, in which I gave absolutely no heed about. I have no need for mouths who speak of only white lies and hearts filled with intentions black as the darkest of nights. The only thing I needed was to keep my colours true–but that was before he came into my life like a bolt from the blue.  “You’re Jun, right? I’m Chester, your class captain! Do you want to play with us?” Those were the first words that he said to me, in which I responded silently by shaking my head. He had the fake smile and messy palette of colours everyone had, so I refused to get involved with this guy.  “Hey Jun! Do you want to eat lunch together?” He approached me with that smile still carved on that conspicious mask of his, which was clearly painted in nothing but white lies. Again, I vowed to myself that I would not succumb to the people of this world enshrouded in a shade of blinding white that I despised so much–so I rejected him once more. “Jun, you really have a nice hat! Did you make that by yourself?” He came to me for the third time, this time with a seemingly empty compliment. I gave him a quick nod, before I walked away again from him. Chester–or so he was called, never gave up in approaching me since then. I had no idea why he harbored such intentions, especially being the person that he was. Basically speaking, the black-haired, cheeky boy was the perfect embodiment of a person belonging to this incredulous euphoria. He was cheerful, kind, talented in various fields, and was also adored by many. The boy was oftenly referred to as the jester of the community too, as he had the capability to create a joyful atmosphere as he tickled the tummies of most of the people surrounding him. I suspected that those were just merely an act that he kept on the surface of his mask, just like how everybody else would live their daily lives.  I was repulsed by how fabricated the entirety of this boy was, but eventually after five long years, I was somehow forced to get to know him better. Chester was a pretty decent guy and was quite enjoyable to talk to if you open up to him. I now understood what all the positive response towards him was about, even if I refused to accept it initially. I’m still not content on how he was trying so hard to dilute his colours into the euphoria, but I didn’t know exactly what to do about it either. In the end I remained silent about it, as I stood by his side for another five long years. That meant more talks about random subjects and minor life problems, ranging from what to eat for the day until girl problems that Chester had.  Honesty was one of the brightest colours I had in my palette, and I won’t lie to myself that those were the best moments of my life. Who knew that by blending in for a bit, I could share so much joy with another human being that I despised in the beginning. Life was beginning to get much more colourful compared to the blinding shade of white I used to see– before it took an unexpected turn. It was a supposed to be a normal day, just like any other one. The two of us would walk home together, carrying a hefty stack of books against our backs as we chatted idly. But the skies were of different colour that day–and so was he.   “Hey, can I tell you something?” Chester asked me casually, with that usual ‘smile’ of his. I gave him a nod and replied with nothing in mind, “Sure.” Little did I know, how I would view this soon-to-be good friend of mine would change drastically since then.  “You see, it’s raining badly in here.” Chester answered with a trembling voice, before he slowly revealed what’s beneath his mask covering all his lies all this time.  “Chester… You…” “Jun, can you do me a favor? Can you help me… Stop the rain? Life’s been quite a hassle lately, and I just created this mask to hide it all.. So I…” He began talking again, this time with his eyes completely drenched in tears and words only escaping between soft sobs. There was a huge bruise underneath his right eye, which had the darkest shade of purple I’d ever seen. Not to mention he had a tremendous amount of scars all over his face, which might be too horrifying for the public to see. However, since that moment– I could see Chester with a symphony of beautiful, and much brighter colours painted all over him. He was slowly turning away from his old palette which I hated so much, and of course– little did I know will also change my life in the latter future. I then walked up to him and gave him my brightest smile. After a short nod, I simply answered him, “Of course, Chester. Of course. I would love to. In fact, I’ll gladly take that mask away from you right now."  — (hello milechin sorry for being so late!! But here’s your birthday present, sorry it took really long cuz I was in the middle of a writing block. I followed Milk’s and your artworks on Chester and Jun for quite some time ago and I liked it (I know you love them too //shot).. so I decided to 'try’ and make up a story based on what I see on your artworks! I hope it works tho ahahah;;;  HAPPY BELATED BDAY ONCE AGAIN THO thanks for sticking around with me for the past couple of years!! I’ll always be your no.1 supporter in anything you do *^*))b  So have a nice day and I love you <33) ~yuta
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asahina-banana · 9 years
A Beautiful Chaos - drabble by yutaka
(This was somewhat inspired by Kenshi Yonezu's Eine Kleine, even though the plot is unrelated to it. Just another stress-relief drabble by me, please enjoy!) -- It was cloudy that day, followed by a ferocious thunderstorm and mild earthquake afterwards. An unexpected outcome for those people indoors, indeed. Well, nobody knew what the weather forecast was for that day. But unfortunately, nobody never did care about it. Everyone felt safe under the protection of the roof they perceived to shelter them with the luxury of ignorance. But of course, like any other main characters of a story-- I was the odd one out. Those people did once offer me what they deem as security and comfort, in which I blatantly refused. I'd rather become liberated and play with the lightning like an actual daredevil. "Hey. Do you want some water?" Those were the first few words before I stepped outside, and entered directly into the storm. She was crouching on the ground while breathing heavily at the time, and silently shook her head without looking at me. "You sure? I'm not sure you can stay hydrated with those tears alone. They'll taste bad, anyways." "...!!" She led out a loud gasp and finally turned her head around at my direction. Her dark, chocolate eyes were completely swollen from crying, and those pale cheeks of hers were somehow smudged in dirt. As the girl with short, ebony hair looked directly at my eyes dumbfoundedly, she asked me, "Are you here to pick on me too?" "No, I'm just here to give you water." I replied with a flat tone, while handing over one bottle of water. "Besides, you'd probably need another bottle to clean that dirt off your face. Here, you can use my share if you want to." Slowly, she got up on her feet and cautiously took the first bottle from my hand. Surprisingly, unlike her smooth complexion, her tiny hands were rough and full of scars--which I'm sure had a story behind it. The girl looked at me once again with hesitant eyes before saying, "Thank you, I'll have this." With a few quick moves, she opened the bottle cap and splashed water all over her face, almost emptying the bottle in one go. She then drank all the remaining liquid, and I could see a furtive upward curl on her lips after she did so. "Thank you again for that, Furuaki-san. How can I repay you for this? Do you need anything, like answers for tomorrow's Japanese history homework, or---ah." Her words came into a sudden halt, and led out a gasp. "I-I'm sorry, I almost forgot that you rank first in last semester's final exams... And the semester before..." The girl apologized, feeling very flustered. "You probably won't need answers from someone like me, don't you... Ahahah..." "You're right, I don't. I finished that homework already." I gave her a short reply, which I could see was creating a discomfort in her face. "I-I'm sorry..." "Hold on, I haven't finished what I wanted to say." I interrupted her right away before continuing, "Instead of answers for that homework, I need answers from you, Tominaga Ranan-san. Answers that only you can give me." "From...me? What do you possibly need?" I sneered at her and replied, "An answer as to whether I am allowed to become your friend or not." There was a blank look on her face, before it started exploding into all sorts of expressions. Feeling somewhat flustered, words then began bursting unonctrollably from her mouth, "E-eh?! A-are you serious, Furuaki-kun? M-me? Why would a top student like you b-be interested in making friends w-with...M-me??" "Because I wanted to go into the eye of the storm." I replied blatantly, without realizing how it bewildered Tominaga even more. To save the day, I decided to resume speaking, "...And I'm quite interested in you. So with that in mind... Mm. Nice to meet you... I guess?" I then offered my hand to her, which she reluctantly shook it with a completely puzzled look still stuck on her face. "W-well... O-okay then. N-nice to meet you too, Furuaki-san..." She replied, before she completely let go of my hand. "R-right, now we should probably go back, Matsuoka-sensei is calling for everyone." "Yeah, you're right. Let's go." I said as I nodded my head. Tominaga then headed off first, and I followed right behind her. From behind, it was quite visible that the petite, 153 cm girl was fidgeting all over the place. She kept looking back at me too, as if I was some weird person trying to follow her around. I only gave her a smile every single time she did that, and somehow it creeped her out even more. Indeed, my first intention of befriending her was just to have a taste of the storm. Just to enjoy a friendship with the most despised girl in the whole year level. What actually caused that seemingly average girl, whose name was written with the kanji from "chaos" and "safe" for her reputation today? However, I did not realize how my actions in that time would cause such a havoc being welcomed into my life. It was unbearable at some point, but I will never regret it. Tominaga Ranan is, and will always be--the most beautiful chaos that happened in my life. I couldn't care less what other people say, I will keep chasing for the storm and never let it escape my sight. -end-
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asahina-banana · 9 years
Daily Life of a Saniwa (part 1)
Did this as a stress reliever from uni! Please enjoy~ (Also, you can check out the story here on AO3)
“Oooh, saniwa-sama! The fireplace is shining!!” The young man with spiky hair beside me squealed in excitement. His gaze was fixated on small, brightly lit up fireplace made out of bricks in the middle of the tiny room. As our blacksmith, who was no taller than any of our knees were inserting our last piece of charcoals and whetstone, the atmosphere then grew slightly heavier by the minute.  
Once the flames started to burn even brighter, I closed my eyes and clasped my hands together. I then murmured, “I hope we can summon good and strong swords…! I don’t mind if they are not tachis or ootachis, but I invested all my effort and materials in creating two swords at once, so I beg you whoever’s on the other side of the fireplace… Please give me good swords!!”  
“Ahaha, saniwa, you don’t need to be that anxious! I’m sure for someone as nice as you are, the  gods  will give you something beyond your expectations!” My only companion so far– Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki, comforted me before patting my back softly. I’ve only been assigned to this job for a couple of weeks now, with solitude as my best friend during the first fortnight or so before Yoshiyuki came.  
It was cumbersome initially, especially living in a time and age where you’re completely foreign to almost everything. My feet might still be standing on the same soil, but everything else above that was alien to me. The buildings, people, types of clothing, and even the social norms were nothing identical to what I’m used to. At first I regretted my decisions in falling trap for such a lucrative yet somewhat shady job description, but I told myself I’m not going to let myself wallow in such negative thoughts and enjoy this opportunity.  Besides, not everyone gets to travel to the past and summon a charming sword   like Yoshiyuki, right?  
“Saniwa, look!! The flames are getting brighter!” He exclaimed, snapping me out of my thoughts.  
“Ahh, you’re right! I wonder when the spirits will come out…” I mumbled, unconsciously walking closer to wards the fireplace. As I bent down to level myself with the flames, out of a blue–  
“WAAHHH! ” A high-pitched screech resounded from the other side of the flames, followed by a pair of arms forcibly  pushing my shoulders backwards. I desperately tried to hold my ground, but for some reason the weight pressed on my physically unfit body  added up substantially–which caused me to fall down to the cold, cement ground on my elbows.  
“Ouch!!” I shrieked in pain upon the impact. However, j ust when I was about to  sigh in relief that I had no bones broken, two bodies came smashing down  right on top of mine. Someone’s knuckled fists were directly slammed upon my chest , and I felt an immense jolt of pain  traveling  throughout my upper body.  
“Saniwa!!” I heard Yoshiyuki screaming in  panic. H e then immediately grabbed my arms and dragged me out from the pile of terror, only to find his slightly injured master desperately grasping for air . My elbows were suffering from internal bleeding at that point, and it wasn’t a big help to ease breathing at all. The blacksmith then came towards us and seemed to be even more panicked than Yoshiyuki, but I gave him a forced smile and a thumbs up to signal  that I can somehow manage it.  
Once my breathing started to return to its normal pace, I slowly got up and  whoops –accidentally pressed one of my elbows on the  concrete floor. I silently grimaced and bit my lip, before I turned around to the other side–to where my new companions were.  
Indeed, just as planned, there were two of them standing right in front of my eyes. One of them had a scary look on his face,  his crimson eyes flaring with anger.  His short, jet-black hair was cleanly cut, and it was a perfect match with his refined outfit. I’m uncertain if it’s an army uniform of some sorts , but one thing for sure–this man was the embodiment of a classic,  masculine beauty.  
On the other hand, the person beside him was way more feminine than he was. His complexion was close to a female’s, only to be enhanced by his dark-blue hair tied in a somewhat cute ponytail. The boy also had a white scarf around his neck and a pale blue  haori  covering almost his whole body. That shade of blue was strikingly familiar to me, but nothing was coming up in my mind.  
Apparently, n obody had started talking as we exchanged glances to seemingly assess one another. But right when I was going to initiate a conversation, the blue-haired boy opened his mouth first and  asked with a trembling voice,  
“U-umm… A-are you our new master?”  
“Y-yes. With the help of my blacksmith, I-I’m the one that summoned you two here. ” I gave answer, feeling as nervous as he was.  
“I-I see…”  
“Y-yeah. So, starting from today, I am your new master. I’m just a normal saniwa around here, so you can just address me with my title. And  what name should I address each of you by …?”  
The boy in ponytail smiled sheepishly at me and replied, “ I am named Yamato no Yami Kasusada, but  my–no, our old master  usually calls me Yamato.” He then stopped midway and looked at the beautiful man, before continuing,   “A-as for him, his name is –”  
“–tch.” The other sword  clicked his tongue, with displeasure written all over the wrinkles on his face. “This is ridiculous. I don’t have any obligations to introduce myself to you. Why should I serve someone as ugly as you are? This is nonsense. Complete nonsense.”  
“Excuse me?!” I exclaimed, taken aback by the sudden remark.  
He snorted once again and then snapped, “Woman, I meant what I said. I’m not going to obey the orders from such unsightly person as you.”  
“Kiyomitsu, don’t say things like that–”  
“–Tch, does it really matter?” He snarled at Yamato, causing his companion  to flinch backwards. ‘Kiyomitsu’ then glared directly at me, before he led out a long sigh.  
“Seriously, you should think twice before summoning a sword of my caliber.”  
I took a deep breath to calm myself down, and replied  back to him, “Oh? Why do you say so?”  
Kiyomitsu shook his head a couple of times before answering , “Look at you. First, y ou can’t even wear a kimono properly. I can tell that your obi is not tied properly. Second, what kind of hairstyle is that? You have  tousles  everywhere, and you’re not even tying it up into a bun! Are you even a woman of this age?!”  
Technically, I’m not…  But I decided to shut my mouth, and listen to what he had to say next.  
“…And, third. That face. That face!! I cannot stand your face! There’s not even a single trace of beauty left in that face of yours!! My goodness, how dare you disgrace the eyes of this beautiful sword! ”  
“Haa…” I sighed and buried my face in my palms, trying to mute his voice travel ing  into my eardrums. His talk about  how 'unpleasant’ I looked were not bothering me that much, but I he won’t stop blabbering…  
Geez, I wonder how can I handle this  troublesome fellow . To the very least, I hope everyone else that I summon in the future is not like this…
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asahina-banana · 9 years
Dump #09 (03/05/2015) - The Worst Enemy
Your worst enemy is not your rival, or the foes wearing masks of lies. They are nothing close to that.
Your worst enemy is one that remains hidden, yet its existence depends on you.
Yes, I’m talking about you. You are, your worst enemy.
Your foes can’t see inside your head, but you can. You have full control of visibility-- well, heck, you have full control everything.
Well, fuck this shit. I’m still struggling in fighting this gargantuan beast, whom acts like a parasite as well in eating my life away.
Damn, I need to get my shit together. I really need to. Sighs at life... 
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asahina-banana · 9 years
Drabble #03 - A New Bud (Wasurenagusa's Harada Sanosuke)
“Twenty minutes have passed, and she’s still in there. Is she really going to be alright?” The young man fidgeted nervously, somehow unable to stand still. Upon hearing muffled pants beyond the doors of his house, his crimson eyes were twitching uncontrollably, followed by cold sweat trickling down his slender, dainty neck.
“Do not worry, Sanosuke-sama. Ooku-san is the best midwife in this village, so your wife is in good hands.” An older female said reassuringly as she gave him a bright smile.
“But that girl is so fragile and small, and she might not be–”
“AAAHHH!!” A screech was suddenly heard, piercing directly through the paper doors a few metres behind Sanosuke.
The man led out an immediate gasp, before he turned around and dashed towards the house in panic. Sure, a warrior of his caliber was used to being surrounded by an orchestra of desperate screams for second chance in life.
Being the ruthless samurai back then, he would ignore everyone and let them soak with crimson red–just like his favourite flower. His past self felt that the world was too bleak, so why not paint them in a more grandeur manner instead? Not only that the former Shinsengumi member was able to feast upon an ocean of his favourite colour, he was also getting an abundance of applause from people, taking the form of horrified screams and histerical shrieks. At some point he was enjoying it–before he met her.
She wasn’t exactly a beauty, nor could her brains compensate for that. In addition, she had a weird way of talking and was extremely clumsy. The young girl was quite good with housework, but that was about it. The captain of the 10th unit, Harada Sanosuke was rather irked and perceive her as an absolutely unfitting person to work in one of the base of one of the most influential government-operated special forces at the time. There were a few times he questioned his leader, Kondou Isami in why he would take in someone like her, but was never given a clear answer.
Indeed, that was her position in his eyes a couple of years ago. If Sanosuke were to be trapped in a situation where he had to kill the young, innocent girl, he would do it without hesitation. Her screams were probably like a melody to him, indifferent to everyone else.
But of course, that was all in the past. It was the former cold and heartless Captain Harada Sanosuke, in which he gladly threw it away for her. All just for the sake of that clumsy, airheaded girl– whom was the only person who saved his life.
“Oi!! What happened?!” The former captain shouted as he slammed the doors open.
A young female with ebony hair and fair complexion slowly looked back at him, and gave him a soft smile, despite looking so exhausted. Loud wails were resounding throughout the room, which was strangely followed by a joyful giggle from the female.
“Harada-san, come here! Take a look at our child… It’s a boy! And it looks a lot like you, hehe…”
Letting out a sigh of relief, Sanosuke then puts on a perplexed look before replying, “Seriously, you make me worry a lot. I might get my wrinkles faster with you, you know.”
“Hahaha, don’t say that, Harada-san.” She remarked, showing a bitter smile. “Anyways, don’t you want to hold him? He’s really adorable, you see!”
“Alright, I’ll come closer now. Ooku-sensei, is it okay if I hold the baby now?”
The midwife, whom was an elderly woman nodded and then answered, “Of course you may.”
As he walked slowly towards to her, she carefully handed over the baby to his slender, long arms. Gazing upon the life he and his beloved wife created, it was impossible that words could suffice in describing his feelings now. In the past he was busy destroying lives, but it semeed that now Sanosuke’s going to be preoccupied in raising the life he help create.
While he was distracted with his thoughts, Sanosuke felt a soft, pair of hands carressing his cheeks a couple of times. He then turned around, and saw her smiling affectionately again at him. She then said something that he could never forget for the rest of his life. It was so simple and trivial, yet it meant a lot to him.
“I believe you’re going to be an amazing father to him, as you’ve been a wonderful husband for me. From now on, please take of us, Harada-san!”
—— This drabble was based on Harada Sanosuke’s story (CV: Tachibana Shinnosuke) in the drama CD series Wasurenagusa 3! I love the ending so much and I have listened to it a couple of times HAHA
I think this was more like a stress-relief late night one-shot, so apologies if it might not be that good…;; orz
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asahina-banana · 10 years
Dump #08 (27/3/2015) - This messed up world
My hours are finite, but I tried lasting longer than midnight.
My emotions constantly waver, yet my mouth says “never”.
My identity is questioned by most, as they doubt my soul was the real host.
My struggle with willpower is prominent, even if it may seem as non-existent.
My choice of garment seggregates my position in society, as if it was the deity.
My reasons to question how the world works are doubted, as it seems that everyone’s eyes are clouded.
This is exactly why if someone ever asks “Are you alright?”, I will always have this one, default answer:
"I’m fine, I never know how to answer otherwise."
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asahina-banana · 10 years
Dump #07 - Oh no (06/02/2015)
It finally came into realization: that I have no more luxury to only think about leisure and the likes of it. More responsibility are to be carried now, and I hope I can do it. Yep. I can. I can do it. It may seem as the most beautiful lie but I can do it.
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asahina-banana · 10 years
Drabble #02 - Lights of the Dark (Happy birthday Sagihara Sakyou!! 25/1/15)
As far as I know, there are some people’s hearts that are like caves. They hide a lot of hidden nooks and crannies under the darkness they possess, concealing nothing but the unknown to the world outside. Most people do fear uncertainty and taking risks, since the known light of their surroundings are more comforting than exploring an unknown place. They might find treasures, or even a sound, solitary sanctuary during troubled times—but of course to most, the risk doesn’t measure up to what could possibly be in store for them.
But I, on the other hand, refuse to go along with the crowd. Wielding a torch flamed with my beliefs and willpower, I took the risk of exploring a cave I never thought I would. A deep, dark and seemingly endless cave harbored inside the heart of a man whom I met by pure chance— leading me to find all sorts of wonders the natures of humanity can offer.
"Alright kids, today’s practice is over! Good job, everyone!" He called out to the exhausted kids filling up the spacious training room, which is responded by everyone ceasing their actions almost immediately. They direct their bodies towards the man with the slender built and thick, ebony hair tied in a side ponytail that reaches slightly below his shoulders, and bow down in unison at him.
"Thank you very much, Sagihara-sensei!" The kids express their gratitude in their loudest voices, filling up the room with the echoes of their sincerity. 
"The pleasure is mine, kids. I’ll see you all tomorrow!" 
"Yes, teacher!" Everyone responds in unison again, before quickly scrambling together towards the sliding doors.
"Yayy! It’s home time! The swordplay lesson today was fun, right?" A boy asks to a few other kids cheerfully, with a huge grin on his face. 
Another boy nods and replies, “Yeah! Sagihara-sensei was also so cool in his demonstration! Don’t you want to be like him in the future?” 
"Totally! I want to be a samurai like him when I grow up!" A few others responded, their faces gleaming brightly in high spirits.  
"Eeh, I thought the reading lesson was more fun. Studying the ‘Iroha Uta’ was so much better! Swinging around swords is so tiring…" Another girl vocalizes her opinion, in which a few other girls nod their heads silently in agreement to it.
One boy sticks out his tongue and mocks them, “Bleh, you girls are so lame! Just a short practice like that is not tiring at all!” 
"Hey! Don’t be so rude!" The girl snaps at him, placing her hands at her hips. "Why do you have to be a jerk every single time, Satou-kun?! Geez!"
"Hey, don’t fight!" One boy steps out from the crowd and separates the two away. "Satou, Taeko, don’t cause a ruckus anymore! Later Kayo-neechan will get mad at you two again!" 
"B-but Kayo-neechan is not here today! So i-it’s fine, right?" Satou attempts to defend himself, and pouts at the other boy afterwards.
"Kayo may not be here, but I am." A somewhat feminine but still considered a low, baritone voice responds to the kids from behind, and everyone immediately turn their heads around in shock. 
"Samu—I-I mean, Sagihara-sensei!" The boy whom initiates to stop the quarrel answers in shock as well, but seem to be delighted upon seeing his calm and collected presence nearby.
"Yanohiko, I appreciate your effort for trying to stop the quarrel. And as for you two… Satou, you shouldn’t tease a girl like that. Always remember that a true man should treat a woman with respect. Always." He reprimands Satou, as he pats the young boy’s hand gently.
"I’m sorry, Sagihara-sensei… I won’t do it again…"
"It’s good that you want to admit your mistakes, but make sure you apologize to Taeko-chan too. Come on, apologize to her."
Satou reluctantly looked at the girl and hung down his head, before gathering the courage to say, “I-I’m sorry about that, Taeko.”
"Heheh, apology accepted!" Taeko flashed him a bright smile, before she hears a voice calling her name a couple of times. "Ah, my mother’s already waiting for me. Well then, see you tomorrow, everyone! Satou-kun, see you tomorrow too!" 
"A-ahh! I remember I still have chores to finish as well! Sagihara-sensei, and everyone, see you tomorrow!" A girl calles out, which is followed by the rest of the group gradually leaving with their own reasoning—eventually leaving Yanohiko alone. 
"Yanohiko, where’s Orin-san? Is she going to pick you up today?" He asked, looking around for Orin-san, whom happens to be Yanohiko’s elder sister.
The young boy with slightly tan skin and spiky hair shakes his head before replying, “Mm, not for today. Orin-nee seems to be busy today. Besides, I want to play with Kayo-neechan! Where is she today, Sagihara-sensei? s she back already?”
He looks around the vicinity, trying to look for me—who happens to be right behind the back door for a few minutes now. Usually I’d be helping Sagihara Sakyou-sensei around, but today is a special day, so I went on a short leave for three days to prepare for this day. It’s indeed, a special day for the teacher and also owner of this free-of-charge primary school dedicated to poor kids of Edo—whom is also by chance, the one and only man whom I vowed my entire life to. 
"I’m not sure, Yanohiko… I haven’t seen her today either. She’s busy helping out her father for the past three days. The tea shop’s has been loaded with customers recently, after all." Sakyou-san answers, with a gloomy tone in his voice. 
"E-eh?! But I’ve been wanting to show to both you and Kayo-neechan my spinning top skills! I can spin longer than ever now, and my spinning top can even last on a rope now for a few seconds! It’s not as good as how you do it, though…" The boy replies, feeling disappointment. He looks as if he is ready to cry anytime— and that’s when I know I should reveal myself to the two. 
As I enter the room, I put on my biggest smile and greet them, “I’m sorry I’ve been away for some time, Sakyou-san, Yanohiko. But I’m finally back!”
"Kayo-neechan! You’re back!" Yanohiko chirps and excitedly runs towards me. Cocking his head sideways, he notices that I was carrying a plate on my hands. Curious, the young boy asks, "Are those…mochi? Why are they so many of them? And what are those writings for?" 
"Now that’s a surprise, especially for you, Sakyou-san."
"For me?" Sakyou asks in bewilderment, before he slowly approaches me. When I feel that his field of vision is too close to the plate, I extend one hand and exclaim,
"Sakyou-san, stop right there! A-ahh, I don’t mean to be rude but..uhh.." I stop awkwardly, and avert my gaze away from him for a while. After taking a deep breath, I continue, "D-do you mind… standing still for a bit? You can get closer after Yanohiko finish reading these letters for me…"
"Me? Read?"
I smile at him and reply, “Yes, Yanohiko. Last time I saw you, you were very good in reading the ‘Iroha Uta’! So this time around, can you read the letters on these mochi for me? Read them from the top right, then follow this order…”
"From the bottom, then continue the top again? Okay then…" The boy answers, and directs his energy to focus only on reading.
Yanohiko takes a deep breath before slowly spelling out the words, “Sa..kyo..u..sa..n..Ha..p..py…Bi..r..th..da..y… Oooh! I can read this! Sakyou-san, happy birthday! Wait—ehh??”
Sakyou-san leads out a gasp and looks at me directly with his crimson eyes, before finally is able to utter something from his mouth,
"Kayo… H-how did you know about this? I don’t think I’ve ever told anyone about my birthday, not even you…"
I grin from ear to ear and reply, “You actually did, during the bri—uhh, I mean you did tell me some time ago. I still remember it after that moment, so for the past three days I was practicing in making these mochi for you… I had to make the taste right for you, considering you don’t have a sweet tooth. There’s actually a lot of failed batches at home, ahahah… Oh, I also thought of making you your favorite koi dish at first, but you eat that almost everyday—so something different once in a while is nice, right? Ehehe…”
"That is very kind of you, Kayo. I appreciate it a lot. Very well then… shall I give it a try?" He remarks, before taking one mochi for him and one for Yanohiko. "Here you go, Yanohiko. You should give one a try. Kayo-neechan worked hard to make these."
"I’d gladly have it, Sagihara-sensei! Mmm!" The boy immediately sinks his teeth inside the fluffy and chewy mochi, and almost a few split seconds later his face lights up like fireworks during a festival.
"Kayo-neechan, this is really nice! Mmm! The red bean filling isn’t really sweet, but it still tastes really good! Mmmhmm!" He compliments me, while his mouth continues to chew.
Sakyou-san decides to take a bite as well and thankfully, shows the same reaction as Yanohiko. He then comments, “Oh, you’re right! This is really splendid, Kayo. The taste is less sweet than most mochi I’ve ever eaten, and this, by far is the best out of them all.”
"Really? Ahh, I feel so relieved! I actually haven’t tried out that batch at all, so I was gambling on the results…" I lead out a sigh of relief, pressing my hands on my chest.
"Here, you should eat one, Kayo-oneechan!" Yanohiko offers a mochi, but out of nowhere, Sakyou stops his hand gently and smiles at the boy. 
"That would be fine, Yanohiko. I can do the favor. Kayo, now open your mouth…"
Reflexively, I jolt backwards out of embarrassment and exclaim, “W-what are you planning to do, Sakyou-san?”
"I’m going to feed you, of course. Don’t you want to find out how the mochi tastes like?" He replies, oblivious to almost anything.
"U-uu… But it’s embarrassing…"
He then smirks at me and suddenly whispers in my right ear, “Or would you like to do it in another manner… That satisfies you?”
"…!!!" I quickly cover my face, which I can feel heating up from his words. 
"Kayo-neechan? What’s wrong?"
"N-no, it’s nothing. I’ll take one of these by myself then… Itadakimasu.” 
"Hehe, I hope you like your own mochi just as much as I love seeing you get embarrassed, Kayo."
"S-stop it, Sakyou-san!!"
Like people used to say, “There’s always light at the end of the tunnel.” Or in this case, I can say that, “There’s always light inside every cave.” 
It’s just that most people are not willing enough to sacrifice their own light to illuminate others, because the risk is too high. The risk to sacrifice your own to enter a place—or someone’s unknown heart is unbearable to most. It could burn down your whole entity into ashes, if one is not careful. 
But I’m glad I took the risk. I’m glad I had the courage to enter the unknown, only to find that it illuminates my life even more than before.
To the man who wields a sword more powerful than any,
to the man who sacrifices the wants of the flesh in order to help others in need,
and lastly, to the man whom accepted my torch and is willing to carry it for the rest of his life,
I have only two words for you, my dear:
“Thank you.”
Hello, Yutaka here!
Well this is still the 25th of January in my place, so happy birthday to one of my fave charas in Ken ga Kimi, Sagihara Sakyou!! This short drabble is based on one of the “Kimi” ends in the game, and I thought it would be nice if I can explore it a little bit more. It’s a super short story so prolly if you haven’t played the game, it’s a bit confusing… but anyways! I hope anyone enjoys reading this, and see you next time /o/
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asahina-banana · 10 years
Drabble #01 - Doutanuki x Saniwa drabble
"...Ouch!" The young man winced as a few cotton buds soaked in alcohol were pressed onto his forehead, which gradually became drenched in crimson red.
The person tending her, a female around his age led out a long sigh and said, "Hang in there for a little while, I'm going to finish this soon...and yep, that should do it."
"I'm indebted to you, master..." He bowed his head down as he pressed his palms firmly onto his knees. "You shouldn't spend so much time and energy for me, I'm just a mere tool..."
"Geez, stop being so gloomy, Doutanuki. You feel 100 years older with that kind of expression. I can see it even from here, so chin up!" She scolded him jokingly, and led out a playful chuckle afterwards.
"But master..."
"No buts, Doutanuki. I command you to look up at me right now, and stop that attitude at once. Sulking crybabies are forbidden in my team!" The girl ordered him with a smile, in which he was a bit hesitant to comply at first. But Doutanuki then slowly gained the courage to look up to her face, and somehow to her bewilderment--made an attempt to mirror her bright and cheerful smile. 
Just like how the sun always appear after the rain, Doutanuki's smile, despite rather awkward, radiated his usually cloudy face and of course--his master's heart. It clearly translated the sword's kind and sincere feelings towards his work, teammates and even her, as the only master who'd ever treated him with such unthinkable compassion. 
There was a moment of silence between the two as his master was at loss for words, since it was the first time she actually saw that sword of hers putting up such a bright expression. She'd always teased her about it, but never thought that it would became reality at a somewhat unpredictable moment. 
Doutanuki then quickly brushed off the smile from his face and broke the silence, "S-so...? Do I look weird like this? I probably do, don't I... Since you're not responding at all... And..."
"No, no! You look..." Her words trailed off, before her cheeks suddenly flushed red from her own thoughts. She then instinctively looked away and her reply came out stammered, "...A-attractive, I-i suppose. Y-yeah."
"But master, I'm just a sword... I am not forged with aesthetics in mind, so I fail to comply what your words mean..." He replied blatantly with a confused look.
Upon hearing his innocent reply, the girl broke out into laughter and remarked, "Aesthetics? Really? Ahahaha! You're too interesting indeed, Doutanuki!!" 
"W-well, anyways. Don't sweat it, you'll grow even a thousand years older if you do. Okay then, I'll be taking my leave right now. See you later, Doutanuki!" She stood up from her seat and left the room with her medical equipment, leaving him alone in the room. He steadily watched her back as she left, with a slight hint of  melancholy reflected from his eyes.
"...'Attractive', huh... No one has ever said that to me in that kind of manner, and it feels...strange..." 
(Okay this is just a practice after a long time of not writing, so forgive me OTL. It might be a little bit strange but... I LOVE DOUTANUKI WOO)
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asahina-banana · 10 years
Dump #06 (12/2/2015) - Things I miss about high school
1. Coming to school on a rainy day. The classes feels colder than usual, yet the people and atmosphere inside feels warmer than ever.
2. Anticipating break and lunch times. Me and a couple of friends usually sit together at this long table on the top floor. We’d complain about lessons, gossip about teachers, share our stories and even talk about the most ridiculous things.
3. Just going into classes, really. I had moving classes, so each new class means being with different groups of people. That was fun.
4. Talking and drawing during assemblies and seminars of some sorts. It’s quite often we get scolded, but that’s fine.
5. Free periods. This usually means time for chitter chatters or watching movies together. Or sometimes just solitary times with the laptop, but eventually people will talk to each other anyways.
6. Last period of the day! Atmosphere becomes a lot more cheery than before.
7. Mornings, coming to school sleepy and meeting people who are as sleepy as you are.
8. Field trips. I had 3 field trips with my year level, and all of them were a lot of fun.
9. Half-empty classes due to certain circumstances, usually special events like orchestra or unfavorable ones like flood.
10. Special events, especially the school play and orchestra. They really drain your stamina, but deepen bonds between friends. Especially during breaks.
11. Sweet 17 parties! Time to eat and again, chatter even more than before.
High school has been a blessing for me, especially after that dreadful last year of middle school. I remembered that having a group of friends that sticks together was only a dream or something that I see in manga. Specifically in the manga “Kirameki Gingachou”, that manga made me wish I had an actual group friends in which I can enjoy my time with.
It somehow came true, thanks to the blessings of God, most likely.
I will never forget this… no matter how cheesy I’ll seem to be at the end of this post.
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asahina-banana · 10 years
Dump #05 (15/11/2014) - Time should stop
I wish time would just stop.
Change is very hard to accept.
The fact that we should grow up is really hard to take in. It’s like trying to swallow a whole bubble gum—it’s not impossible, but it’s damn difficult to stuff that thing in your throat.
Man do I feel like one line from The Script’s overrated hit.
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asahina-banana · 10 years
Dump #04 (15/11/2014) Unused excerpt from Hiiro ch.5
Numerous people presumed true that books were windows to see this vast, limitless world of ours. They spend countless hours in consuming knowledge from words stringed together upon paper or other means of technology, in hope of reaching erudition of whatever they sought for. I do have faith in this belief, but at the same time there was something lacking in it. As I toiled through my life, I was able to fill up the holes regarding this matter.
Indeed, books might provide us the tools to envision parts of the world arcane to most. But the entity that was capable of executing it was our brain, not these books. They were nothing but mere tools to aide human brains, supposedly one of the most advanced systems that ever existed on this planet. 
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asahina-banana · 10 years
Dump #3 (9/11/2014) - Thoughts on 10:37 pm
Today feels very empty.
I can't seem to complete anything.
Well, today might be one of those days being repeated in a cycle bound to end, anyways.
Might as well enjoy the ride, right?
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asahina-banana · 10 years
Dump #02 (3/11/14) - Problems from another dimension
I have a problem.
It’s coming from another dimension.
No, it’s not some unknown planet or something mythical of some sorts.
A place our eyes and mind visit everyday, leaving our body in a dormant state.
A dimension created by technology to cure loneliness by connecting us with the rest of planet Earth.
Ironically, why do I feel even lonelier than before?
As I cast my sorry eyes upon the seemingly more vibrant lives that people are having, my heart is anchored down and rendered powerless by something that has no form.
I’m beaten down by an entity so powerful, yet it has no physical body.
I’m still struggling in engaging a silent battle against it. A battle that nobody else but me and Him up above should be aware of.
But someday, I wish victory could be seized within these weak, battered bare hands.
Until then, I shall prevail.
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asahina-banana · 10 years
Dump #01 - from Hiiro (temporary title) ch 4
Let’s take the three main concepts of time and compare them with a building.  The future should be the top floor; the present time would be the set of stairs connecting the top floor and the bottom floor—which should be the past. Even if I were to walk through the bottom floor, use the stairs and go to the top, the lower level would still be there. It created a path for me to walk up the stairs, and onto the upper level. It won’t disappear nor crumble down—because if it did, the top floor would practically be non-existent.
Simply put, the past was the key to create the future that we’re familiar with. It helped in creating better lives in this modern age, as opposed to a global scale battlefield back in the past. No one’s forced to kill beings mirroring themselves anymore, because our predecessors were well aware of the terror it brought upon them. So I feel that we, the generation that enjoyed a time of peace—had the obligation to understand what brought us here. To comprehend the sacrifice of millions before our first cry resonated in this world, and to prevent daunting events from reoccurring as well. Humans were violent beings in nature, but I guess we’ve evolved through time. So in order not to repeat that, people of this age were not required to embrace guns in their sleep; they just have to transmit information from all sorts of media readily available around them. This was a matter so simple, but unbeknownst most.
I’ve taken interest in history since then, and even more after I had a company to indulge in this subject with. That person was no other than Jun, of course. As nerdy as it might sound, we did talk about history for hours and watch various programmes related to it as well. Thus, on the basis of this profound hobby discovered in the latter years of my life, I landed on a new destination with high hopes of getting the right shot for the second time.
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