bakhtaks-blog · 2 years
Hi everyone 💜 Sorry for the sudden disappearance, a lot had happened IRL.
There's been some ups and downs. One of the ups was that I had FINALLY learned to set and respect my own boundaries, and to prioritze my mental health more. Something I should have done much sooner, but better late than never as they say. I also learned that being on social media too much and on too many platforms is too overwhelming for me, so the only art social medias I have are DeviantArt and Tumblr. Just letting you know in case you see me on other platforms, if you do, then that's not me 😅 I've also cleaned my art gallery. I know I can be cringy, and I don't mind it tbh because if I get an idea I like then of course I'll draw it for my own amusement. But with that being said, shit, have I made sooo many cringy art that I no longer can stand looking at. Either because of the artstyle or because I don't agree with/like the work itself because I've changed my mind (as you do). I'll still make art I personally like, but hopefully not too cringy for my own taste XD
Now to one of the downs... A very special person close to me sadly passed away, and I am to this day still grieving over them as the wounds are still fresh. I never thought I would experience this type of loss right now. I'm still processing it all and trying to continue on living, but fuck, does it hurt not having them here. I'm really not okay, but I will be with time, no matter how long it might take.
As for here and now, I think I'm ready to make and post art again. I miss drawing dumb stuff for both myself and everyone who enjoy my work. I do want to give a headsup that I might make some artwork to help cope with my loss (you'll probably know what those are if I ever post them) but you don't have to worry about me, again, I may not be okay now but I will be with time.
Thanks for reading through, I hope you’re all doing well. Here's a new temporary banner of Pennywise choking me:
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javon34 · 1 year
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Here's a crossover shipping with Jason Voorhees from Snowls & Sadako from Bakhtak.
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يا بختك
تفضل قاعد لوحدك
Painting by aleksandra Waliszewska
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luna-ticusss · 1 year
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90s design cus it's my fav 。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。
@asktheslashercouples @bakhtaks-blog 🗿pls react i ♥️ Your content ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ
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naary-y · 18 days
3matan ya bakhtak 😍
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ta-matia-tou-morfea · 4 months
*و أنا حاطة ايدي على خدي* 😁
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alhindee · 2 years
Shakhtak Bakhtak game of luck تصفح برقم المجلد > Group 1 > Volume 15: Transactions 3 > Shakhtak Bakhtak game of luck The third question of Fatwa no. 3900 Q 3: What is the ruling on playing chess for the purpose of entertainment and testing intelligence? A: It is impermissible to play chess for any purpose whether it is for money return or not, due to the great corruption resulting from this game. May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions. The Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta' Member Member Deputy Chairman Chairman `Abdullah ibn Qa`ud `Abdullah ibn Ghudayyan `Abdul-Razzaq `Afify `Abdul-`Aziz ibn `Abdullah ibn Baz            https://alifta.gov.sa/En/IftaContents/PermanentCommitee/Pages/FatawaChapters.aspx?View=Page&PageID=5609&CultStr=&PageNo=1&NodeID=1&BookID=7 https://shamela.org/page/alifta/2f4ef295ba4d2ee06fe74bdc425ce30a.html #Islam #Quran #Hadith #Sunnah #Fatwa #Salafi
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sylviaplathsworld · 2 years
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dracoaries · 4 years
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Happy birthday, @bakhtaks-blog! :D Have a Lottie to celebrate (because she’s the best clown)!
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tremazo · 5 years
a lil’ question
hey @bakhtaks-blog  ever heard about the japanese horror film known as: Ichi the killer
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bakhtaks-blog · 4 years
Thoughts on Kayako x Freddy?
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Apparently I ship them now.
I can just imagine Freddy legit care for her and just wanting to make her happy. Toshio is not too fond of mom’s new boyfriend though:
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javon34 · 1 year
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(Bakhtak) Freddy Krueger x Sadako.
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If there is one other version of itself this Pennywise would like, it’s @bakhtaks-blog‘s. They have its sense of humour, clearly, but is also someone it looks up to, as it’s the reason this blog even exsists at all. :3
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dasacht · 5 years
Decided to voice a comic strip done by @bakhtaks-blog​ on Basil and Rattigan from Great Mouse Detective, be sure to check out the original comic strip here https://bakhtaks-blog.tumblr.com/post/190501066888/happy-lunar-new-year And I hope you enjoy
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airasora · 4 years
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Tomorrow at 10:30CEST @bakhtaks-blog and I will be livestreaming the horror game “The Beast Inside” on twitch! Click here to check out my twitch channel.
I’ll be posting on tumblr again a half hour before we start streaming. Hope to see you there :D
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horriblethief-blog · 7 years
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Something i drew for @bakhtaks-blog ! I love your blog, and i hope you like my drawing for you!!
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