#bali cattle
asiaphotostudio · 2 years
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Indonesia, 2002 Bali, Indonesia. インドネシア バリ島 Photography by Michitaka Kurata
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praveen545 · 4 months
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Discover the natural power of Patanjali Cow Dung Cake. Made from pure cow dung, it's a sustainable and organic fuel source for cooking and spiritual rituals. Experience its eco-friendly benefits and harness the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda. Buy now for a healthier, greener lifestyle.
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imzsuzsis-blog · 2 months
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"On behalf of my family, Lando Norris, I'm asking for the full truth now!" I stood behind him while he threw himself into the bin, because sightseeing was the obligatory program today and this was the third bin he threw into. "I'm saying that I'm not pregnant with some kind of virus. You're just imagining it, I won't deny that. That I'm gay and that Ollie and I had a rough time, but we're still a couple." I smiled back at Alex and shoved the test back into my belt pouch. Don't let him see that I lied to him. "Shit, did you see Lando?" George became serious and became engaged to his girlfriend." "What were you gossiping about?" "Congratulations, man, that's a big word." "Thanks, Lando, when did you tell our little three that you were probably pregnant?" "Lando, I told you that's what you said yesterday in Swedish, you flat idiot!!!" "It's good that I'm pregnant from Ollie, but the breakup was very rough, the boys don't want to talk about it, let's sit down somewhere and celebrate the engagement."
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"I'm a fool, I let the boy I love go." I twirled the racket and at least tried not to throw it, but once I almost managed to hit Logan in the face. "Ugh, I'm sorry, my thoughts wandered somewhere else." "Paul is your boyfriend, that is, the one with whom you made the news." "Logan, it's not true, you made this up and you spread or spread the rumor about me, it's not false." ,.I have no relations with the f2 field, they said that you were dating him and he was quite angry about the kiss, who did it happen to?" "Fuck you that me and Lando kissed, you fucking have nothing to do with it, you Florida bastard!!!!" I ran out in anger, laid down on the floor and could hardly breathe. Logan freaked me out, he's the gossiper, but I really can't stand it in that field. "Paul pick it up!!!!"
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In front of the cattle, I was in the hotel room and I was video chatting with my girlfriend who was there with Bali Carlos's girlfriend and they say that they really like each other... They can't stand each other. Apparently, one of the queens of OnlyFans reached out to Carlos. He is already sick of this app, as are many of us in the field, especially Lando or Alex, although Lando tried it, but he thinks there are so many whores and cock-hanging him prostists up there that he deleted it, so he doesn't date here if he wants someone for himself, he also tried the apps, but they failed miserably there more than once he walked out of the date himself, the subject wanted to kidnap him and drag him out to make him a prostitute, but he was also transgender, he keeps in touch with him to this day, but unfortunately most of them were whores who only wanted Lando's money, so that's all about Tinder. "Sorry, but that was really optional." "Charles can't go without throwing up." "I'll leave you... Calm down, Lando, it will definitely be over one day, don't worry about it too much." "That's not the problem, but Kelly, you know. DR Yin said she started to worry if I didn't only have acne in the morning anymore. Now it's half past two and I've been throwing up for half the day and I don't even know how many Tokyo trash cans are full of what I had for breakfast today." "Fuck it, I'll call the ambulance then, it's bad, not only your health is important now, but the health of the people inside is even more important!!!"
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In the hospital, I didn't even understand what the doctor was talking about. I looked at her, then at Charles, who was shrugging because I think he thought the same thing as me, he thought I was pregnant by him. We started pointing out that no, I am not from him, but from another boy who is younger than me. I felt that someone other than Charles would hold my shoulder and bring me heart trouble. "My mother Loki, the heartache that hit me was terrifying." ,,Lando will say hello if we already dated yesterday..." ,,Hi, I've only vomited for almost half a day, you poor trash, and you know I'm afraid that my beans will hurt. I'm about five weeks pregnant, but that's not fixed either." "Thank you, he said that he can tell you at any time that you are seven weeks old, not five." ,,MR Norris calm down, thanks for the information about you now deep air guys from outside..." I looked at him, I couldn't believe it. "Fetus, fetus?" "Tears of joy or sorrow?" "Ecstasy is more there, my little one." "Look at one there and the other there, but wait with him if it doesn't get absorbed by the twins, but it seems to me that it won't." I held my face at the news, my brain couldn't place the news, it was good and bad. "Do you hear?" "Yes, I can hear their tiny heartbeats." I wanted to go out and nyakuba fell over, but I didn't go, I took the little rest I had, I saw how he was wiping the jelly from my stomach, I stood up, took everything and went out. "Why did you send us out?" Silnetly fell to the necks with a tearful face, I couldn't say what to say, "Gemini, now the other is not willing to give up."
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horsesofgili · 2 years
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Educational post today! Indonesia has had horses for thousands of years and they are very much a part of their culture. DNA has verified that many local breeds are actually closely related to Mongolian horses. This means several things: 1 - despite being small they are crazy strong. A 12 hand “pony” can easily carry an 85 kg rider without any issues. On the island of Sumba such “ponies” compete in traditional games with adult men riding bareback and throwing spears at one another! And they can pull way more than they can carry! 2 - they drink very little water. Even if provided with fresh, clean water in comparison with “western” horses these local horses drink very little and often refuse to drink it unless it has feed/grass mixed in it. Despite this they are rarely dehydrated. 3 - they can thrive on the poorest quality of feed such that “western” horses would quite literally die. 4 - since Indonesia is thousands of islands which previously there was not a lot of travel between them…distinct “breeds” have developed on each island. Such as the Bali pony, Java pony, Timor pony, Sumba horse, Sandalwood pony, and Sumbawa pony just to name a few. 5 - a large portion of rice, legumes, and wood throughout Indonesia is harvested using animal power; either horses/ponies, cattle, or water buffalo 6 - working horses are common throughout Indonesia (and SE Asia) even being seen in large cities such as Jakarta, Surabaya, Bali, Mataram 7 - local law prohibits the use of motor vehicles on the Gili Islands. This is why our islands depend upon working horses and ponies 8 - Despite being a part of the G20 and a major world economy much of Indonesia is very much still a developing nation. In many areas (including Lombok) education is poor, medical care not readily available (for humans), and poverty is common. To many families their working pony is their only source of income. Also keep in mind unless you are in Java equine vets are non existent…as are feed stores…tack stores…and all the things that are taken for granted. 9 - working horses and ponies have been on the Gili islands since the 90’s and on Lombok for hundreds (if not thousands) of years 🤩😍 https://www.instagram.com/p/CloHgyhP3-o/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Bos javanicus
Banteng is one of three (or four) wild cattle species, found mainly in the forests of Southeast Asia. The largest populations of bantengs occur in Java, Cambodia, Borneo (Sabah) and Thailand, but they are also present in Kalimantan and Myanmar and there are also feral populations in the Northern Territory of Australia. It's possible they are extinct in India, Bangladesh and Brunei. The herds consist of 2-40 individuals and of a single bull, usually.
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They are similar to cows, with body length bewteen 1,9-2,25 metres. Wild bantengs are usually larger and heavier than their domesticated counterparts - the domesticated population consits mainly of the Bali cattle. Because of the unusual length of thoracic vertebrae in bulls, the back is elevated and it looks as if the animal had a hump. There is present an extensive sexual dimorphism in bantengs - bulls have long, slender horns with sharp tips, arcing upwards and slightly forwards; cows' horns are shorter, tightly curved and pointing inwards at the tip. Speaking of sexual dimorphism, adult bulls are large and sturdy and usually of dark brown or black color (however, sometimes, the bulls can retain their brown color, ocassionally with white spots); the cows, on the other hand, are thinner and have a light brown or red coat. The juveniles are reddish brown. Furthermore, females and young animals also have a dark line running across their backs and aged bulls can turn gray. Another distinctive thing about bantengs' appearance are their white to light brown underparts, white legs and patches on their rumps, light colored faces and black snouts.
Bantengs are active both during day and night. These herbivores usually feed on grass, sedges, leaves, fruits et cetera. They can go without hydrating themselves for a really long time, however, if possible, they drink a lot, usually from standing water. We don't know much about reproduction of bantengs, but it's expected to be similar to one of taurine cattle. The gestation period is 9-10 months long and a single calf is born. The calves are suckled up to 16 months, however, some cows continue nursing until they give birth to another baby. Bantengs live for as long as 26 years. Another interesting fact is that bantengs have a symbiotic relationship with Torresian crows, that feed of their ectoparasites (possibly ixodid ticks) - and it's important because it's the first known symbiosis between a native bird and a non-native mammal, and it took 150 years to form.
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Bantengs can be bred to other bovine species, such as cows and water buffalos, however, this can be a threat to banteng population. Because of that, Bali has banned other cattle varieties on the island.
Now, the "vet med" part. Bantengs are hosts to several endoparasites (liver flukes, intestinal worms and Paramphistomum species) and ectoparasites (usually some tick species, even though bantengs are usually immune against them (and tick-born diseases).) Bantengs are suspectible to bovine malignant catarrhal fever (which is usually fatal and animals that survive are infectious for the rest of their lives and may relapse). Another illnesses that have caused deaths in captivity are black leg or quarter ill, and bovine viral diarrhoea. There is also a skin disease seen only in bantengs - bali ziekte. It begins with a dry eczema, that turns into a necrosis and lacerated mucous membranes in the affected area.
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rejoicingtoday · 4 months
National Farm Animals Day : April 10th
Today, we raise a grateful “moo” and a joyful “cluck” to all the incredible creatures who call farms their home! Every year on April 10th, we celebrate National Farm Animals Day, honouring these amazing beings who contribute so much to our lives.
From cows providing nourishing milk and delicious cheese to chickens laying eggs for our breakfast and sheep offering warm wool for our clothes, these animals work tirelessly to support us. This special day is an opportunity to express our sincere appreciation for their dedication.
So let’s join together and give a resounding cheer for our feathered, furry, and moo-tastic friends! They deserve our heartfelt recognition for the many ways they enrich our lives.
Types of Farm Animals
Mammals : Goats, Sheep, Pigs, Cattle, Zebu, Donkeys, Dromedary camel, Horse, Yak, Llama, Alpaca, Gayal, Bali cattle, Domestic rabbit, etc.
Birds : Chicken, Domestic duck, Domestic goose, Domestic guineafowl, Domestic muscovy duck, Domestic turkey, Emu, Egyptian goose, Indian peafowl, Mute swan, Ostrich, etc.
Insects : Bees, Butterflies, Silkworms, Lac insects, Cochineal, Waxworms, Crickets
History of National Farm Animals Day
In 2005, animal lover Colleen Paige created National Farm Animals Day to give these hard-working friends the appreciation they deserve! Why? They provide us with delicious food like milk, eggs, and wool, but often get overlooked.
This day isn’t just about treats (though they wouldn’t say no!). It’s about understanding their importance and the challenges they face, often crowded in large farms with less-than-ideal living conditions. This can lead to health issues and the use of antibiotics.
Similar to National Farm Animals Day, World Farm Animals Day (October 2nd) also aims to improve their lives. Both days remind us that happy and healthy farm animals contribute to better quality products for us. Spreading the word and supporting relevant organizations can make a real difference! Read More @ https://rejoicingtoday.com/national-farm-animals-day/
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coinguitar · 4 months
Is Bali The World's Worst Destination for Animal Cruelty?
Saw subdue in, sixth yielding day our greater let land they’re there fill divided divided for that above lights own fruitful all living without tree sixth third. Created bearing above, god, living fifth meat and, their our Them cattle let night. Dry fowl they’re divided yielding saw after after his fill fifth saying seed. Fill. Forth morning let morning light beginning. When you put a lot of…
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hardynwa · 1 year
Nasarawa Police arrest 17 suspected kidnappers, rescue 5 victims
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The Police Command in Nasarawa State has arrested 17 suspected kidnappers and rescued five victims unhurt. The command’s Police Public Relations Officer, DSP Ramhan Nansel stated this while parading the suspects on behalf of the Commissioner of Police, Baba Maiyaki, on Thursday in Lafia. Nansel said the suspects were arrested during various operations across the state between February 10 and April 19, based on intelligence. He said five victims were rescued unhurt from the various operations, with four arms and eight rounds of live ammunition recovered from the suspects. Nansel said an investigation revealed that some of the suspects were responsible for the series of kidnappings on the Nasarawa Eggon-Akwanga road, parts of Lafia and environs as well as in the southern axis of the state. He also said some of the suspects had confessed to being members of a kidnapping syndicate operating in Bali, Taraba, who had to relocate to Awe in Nasarawa State after security operatives had neutralised their colleagues. The police spokesman said the command had also arrested five suspects for alleged armed robbery and two others for alleged cattle rustling. He said all the suspects would be charged to court upon the conclusion of investigations. Nansel assured the public that the Command, under CP Maiyaki, would sustain the collaboration with other security agencies to rid the state of criminal elements. In preparation for the Eid-el Fitr celebrations, Nansel said the Command had deployed personnel to various praying grounds and recreational centres to forestall any breach of peace. He assured residents of the state of adequate protection throughout the period, urging them to be law-abiding and report any suspicious movement to security agencies for prompt response. Read the full article
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goldcoastdreams · 2 years
Scenic Rim agritourism farmers enforce measures to protect against foot-and-mouth disease
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Agritourism operators in south-east Queensland's Scenic Rim region are asking tourists to sign waivers — and some to avoid their properties altogether — due to increased vigilance about the threat of foot-and-mouth disease. Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) affects pigs, cattle, goats and sheep.
It was detected in Indonesia in May and spread to Bali earlier this month, prompting fears a tourist could carry the disease into Australia on clothing or footwear.
In the worst-case scenario, billions would have to be spent on a national response while scores of painfully diseased cattle, sheep, pigs, and goats could be culled.
Read More: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-07-30/scenic-rim-rural-tourism-guard-againts-foot-and-mouth-disease-/101269318
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zeamex · 2 years
Foot and mouth disease: How a dirty flip-flop could cause catastrophe in Australia
Foot and mouth disease: How a dirty flip-flop could cause catastrophe in Australia
But Australian officials are becoming increasingly concerned about what they’ll bring home and are considering advising travelers to leave their flip-flops — known as thongs in Australia — in Bali. Foot and mouth disease (FMD) is rapidly spreading through cattle in Indonesia, and on Tuesday the first cases were confirmed in Bali, a popular tourist destination with direct flights to seven…
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onlyexplorer · 2 years
Foot-and-mouth disease: what can you do to avoid being part of the foot-and-mouth disease problem?
Foot-and-mouth disease: what can you do to avoid being part of the foot-and-mouth disease problem?
Foot-and-mouth disease is upon us. At present, it is spreading in livestock in Bali and all over Indonesia. If he arrived in Australia, the consequences would be devastating. In the worst case, billions would have to be spent on a national response and dozens of seriously ill cattle, sheep, pigs and goats could be culled. Overnight, Australia’s international cattle markets would shut down. An…
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praveen545 · 4 months
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Looking for high-quality cow dung products. Explore a wide range of organic cow dung products on Flipkart. From fertilizers to incense sticks, find the perfect eco-friendly solutions for your gardening and spiritual needs. Shop now and embrace the power of nature.
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theusarticles · 2 years
How a dirty flip-flop could cause catastrophe in Australia
How a dirty flip-flop could cause catastrophe in Australia
But Australian officials are becoming increasingly concerned about what they’ll bring home and are considering advising travelers to leave their flip-flops — known as thongs in Australia — in Bali. Foot and mouth disease (FMD) is rapidly spreading through cattle in Indonesia, and on Tuesday the first cases were confirmed in Bali, a popular tourist destination with direct flights to seven…
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asikicollection · 2 years
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@asikicollection Bali - Cattle market every Sunday morning at Beringkit
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tovave · 3 years
soil and water conservation
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erosion control Several aspects of vetiver make it an excellent erosion control plant in warmer climates. Vetiver’s roots grow almost exclusively downward, 2 m (7 ft) to 4 m (13 ft), which is deeper than some tree roots. This makes vetiver an excellent stabilizing hedge for stream banks, terraces and rice paddies, and protects soil from sheet erosion. The roots bind to the soil, therefore it cannon dislodge. Vetiver has been used to stabilize railway cuttings/embankments in geologically challenging situations in an attempt to prevent mudslides and rock falls, such as the Konkan railway in western India. The plant also penetrates and loosens compacted soils.
Runoff mitigation and water conservation The close-growing culms help to block surface water runoff. It slows the water flow and increases the amount absorbed by the soil (infiltration). It can withstand water velocity up to 5 m per second (16 ft/s). Vetiver mulch increases water infiltration and reduces evaporation, thus protects soil moisture under hot and dry conditions. The mulch also protects against splash erosion. In west African regions, such as Mali and Senegal, vetiver roots were traditionally used to reduce bacteria proliferation in water jugs and jars. In Indonesia, the roots of vetiver are widely used in the production of fragrant mats. In the Philippines and India, the roots are woven to make fragrant-smelling fans called “sandal root fans”. Crop protection and pest repellent
Vetiver can be used for crop protection. It attracts the stem borer (Chilo partellus), which lay their eggs preferentially on vetiver. Due to the hairy architecture of vetiver, the larvae cannot move on the leaves, fall to the ground and die. Vetiver’s essential oil has anti-fungal properties against Rhizoctonia solani. As mulch, vetiver is used for weed control in coffee, cocoa and tea plantations. It builds a barrier in the form of a thick mat. When the mulch breaks down, soil organic matter is built up and additional crop nutrients become available. Vetiver as a termite repellent
Vetiver extracts can repel termites. However, vetiver grass alone, unlike its extracts, cannot be used to repel termites. Unless the roots are damaged, the anti-termite chemicals, such as nootkatone, are not released.
animal feed The leaves of vetiver are a useful byproduct to feed cattle, goats, sheep and horses. The nutritional content depends on season, growth stage and soil fertility. Under moist climates, nutritional values and yields are best if vetiver is cut every 1–3 months. Food and flavorings Vetiver (Khus) is also used as a flavoring agent, usually as khus syrup. Khus syrup is made by adding khus essence to sugar, water and citric acid syrup. Khus essence is a dark green thick syrup made from the roots. It has a woody taste and a scent characteristic of khus. The syrup is used to flavor milkshakes and yogurt drinks like lassi, but can be used in ice creams, mixed beverages such as Shirley Temples and as a dessert topping. Khus syrup does not need to be refrigerated, although khus flavored products may need to be. Perfumery and aromatherapy Vetiver is mainly cultivated for the fragrant essential oil distilled from its roots. In perfumery, the older French spelling, vetiver, is often used. Worldwide production is estimated at about 250 tons per annum. Due to its excellent fixative properties, vetiver is used widely in perfumes. It is contained in 90% of all western perfumes. Vetiver is a more common ingredient in fragrances for men; some notable examples include Dior’s Eau Sauvage, Guerlain Vétiver, M. Vétiver by Une Nuit à Bali,Zizan by Ormonde Jayne and Vétiver by L’Occitane en Provence
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sitting-on-me-bum · 5 years
Banteng Bull by Steve Wilson Via Flickr: The banteng (Bos javanicus), also known as tembadau, is a species of wild cattle found in Southeast Asia. Banteng have been domesticated in several places in Southeast Asia, and there are around 1.5 million domestic banteng, which are called Bali cattle. These animals are used as working animals and for their meat. Banteng have also been introduced to Northern Australia, where they have established stable feral populations The wild Banteng is considered as Endangered by the IUCN. The populations on the Asian mainland have decreased by about 80% in the last decades. The total number of wild bantengs is estimated to about 5,000-8,000 animals. No population has more than 500 animals, only a few have more than 50. Reasons for the population decline are reduction of habitat, hunting, hybridisation with domestic cattle and infections with cattle diseases. The most important stronghold for the species is Java with the biggest populations in Ujung Kulon National Park and Baluran National Park. The biggest population on the mainland is found in Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary in Thailand. Another larger population lives in Kaeng Krachan. Borneo has still a few hundred bantengs, more than a hundred of which occur in Kulamba Wildlife Reserve in Sabah
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