#bali driver service
sluttywonwoo · 6 months
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instead of you [part thirty-four] || l.mh
pairing: [best friend’s brother] lee minho x college!reader ft. han jisung
summary: you didn’t expect to spend your summer pretending to be your best friend’s girlfriend- then again, you didn’t expect to fall for your best friend’s brother, either. 
warnings: swearing, angst, smut (mdni ; 18+)
word count: 3.8k
a/n: revamped my tom holland series from my main blog ( @wazzupmrstark ) to try and motivate myself to finish it!!
additional smut warnings: protected sex, public(ish) sex
“Were you able to get some rest?” Jisung asked, hand in yours as you walked through the airport together. 
“Not much,” you admitted. 
“Thankfully, I don’t think we’re doing anything today. We can just crash when we get to the hotel.”
Jet lag was hitting you particularly hard. Oahu was a whole eighteen hours behind Bali, meaning you were technically in yesterday. Everyone else seemed to be handling it fine but maybe that was because they hadn’t ruined their relationship with their best friend by sleeping with his brother. 
It was midday and already hot as hell. You waited outside with the Hans while Dom filled out the paperwork for rental cars. He called Minho inside to sign a waiver that allowed him to be the driver of the other car. Minho was the only one of the four of you who was old enough to legally drive a rental car and he rubbed it in the rest of your faces with a shake of the keys once he rejoined your group. 
 “Follow us to the resort,” Dom instructed Minho. “I’ll send you the address in case you lose us.”
You climbed into the backseat with Jisung and slumped over on his shoulder. You tried to stay awake as Minho drove through the island but your eyelids were feeling heavy and the winding mountain roads weren’t helping. 
“Are we not staying in Honolulu?” you asked, watching the road signs zoom past. 
“We’ll take a day trip over there but my parents wanted to stay at Ko’Olina again because they liked it so much last time,” Jisung explained. 
“Right, I forgot that you guys have been here before.” 
“I try not to think about it.”
Your time in Hawai’i was being split between two islands: Oahu and Kauai. In Oahu, you were staying in separate hotel rooms, and in Kauai, everyone was sharing a condo again. 
It was nice to be able to have your own space but it also meant that there really wasn’t a way to avoid Jisung. You were kind of stuck with him. At least he was speaking to you again. He’d had some time to cool down so he wasn’t as angry but you could tell that he didn’t particularly want to spend time with you either. 
You were stuck at a crossroads in that respect. You weren’t sure how to mend things with him but you knew you wanted to. You just weren’t sure if he felt the same way. He had been pretty clear the night that he found out about you and Minho that he wanted nothing to do with you outside of your already agreed-upon deal. But that had been in the heat of the moment. You had tried extinguishing any flicker of hope that threatened to engulf you in order to protect yourself from being hurt again, but it was getting harder and harder to do the more time you spent with him. 
Sometimes it felt like nothing had changed. There were fleeting moments shared between just the two of you when there was no one around to pretend for that made you think your friendship might still be salvageable. But they never lasted long. They were lapses in Jisung’s judgment, when he would accidentally let his guard down, acting like you were still those kids you had been back at school, like you were still his favorite person. 
He ordered room service for the two of you and you ate in relative silence. When the tension became unbearable you turned on the TV and flipped through the channels, ultimately deciding on some show playing on The Food Network. Perfect vacation television. It was a rerun of Chopped. You could tell it was a rerun from the dated fashion choices and technology- not because you were an avid fan or anything, though you had seen your fair share of episodes by being best friends with a culinary student. Whenever you watched it together Jisung liked to play a game where he would invent his own dishes with the ingredients the contestants were given. 
“What would you make with that?” you asked, nodding at the screen, trying to lighten the mood.
He took a moment to think, mulling over the assortment of items in his mind. “Probably a salad of some kind since it’s the appetizer round. It’s a cop-out but I could make a dressing with that peanut brittle.”
You hummed in acknowledgment. “Knowing you, it would probably still taste good.”
“You have too much faith in me.”
“Or I just know you.”
“Yeah, maybe.”
Later that night, after you had both showered, you tried bringing up your conversation from the other day but Jisung shut you down entirely. 
“I don’t want to talk about this,” he mumbled, tossing one of the extra pillows from the bed onto the armchair a little harder than necessary. 
“I’m just not ready yet,” he cut you off. “I... don’t want to say anything else I don’t mean. And I’m not ready to forgive you yet.”
There it was again, that stupid spark of hope struck like a match against the side of your heart. 
You nodded in understanding, biting your lip to keep from showing just how disappointed you were. 
It was a strange mix of emotions, hope and disappointment. They were complete opposites but somehow you were feeling them simultaneously. 
“O-okay,” you said shakily, watching as he climbed into bed. 
You moved to do the same even though it felt painfully awkward, how were you supposed to just go to bed after that? How did people in relationships do it? How did people just roll over and fall asleep like nothing had happened after an argument? 
As soon as you reached to pull the sheets back, fingertips brushing the fabric, your phone vibrated next to you on the bedside table. 
You glanced at the screen and saw that it was a message from Minho. He was asking you to meet him downstairs. It wasn’t that late but it was already dark and it had been a long day. What could he possibly want?
Jisung must have noticed the look on your face because he sighed and muttered “go” at you without meeting your eyes. 
“I, uh, I’ll be back. Later.”
“Yeah, whatever.”
You made sure to grab a room key on the way out and then hurried down the hall to the elevator, pressing the down button over and over again until it finally arrived at your floor. 
Minho was waiting for you in the lobby like he said he would be, leaning against a pillar with his arms crossed impatiently. To your surprise, he smiled when he saw you. 
“What’s so important you couldn’t tell me over text?” you demanded in annoyance. 
Minho’s grin faltered but didn’t fall. He just eyed you with an air of amusement. “Who said I had something to tell you?”
“Why else would you make me come down here?”
He raised an arm, dangling the key to the rental car he had driven earlier that day. “Wanna get out of here?”
“Where are we going?” you asked. 
“Do you trust me?”
“Not particularly.”
Minho placed his hand over his heart and winced. “You wound me.”
“Just tell me where you’re taking me!”
“But that ruins the surprise!” he argued. 
“The surprise? It’s like eleven p.m. and I’m tired! Why are you dragging me out at this hour? Jisung’s already annoyed that I came down here to meet you in the first place.”
“How does he know?”
“Who else would text me at this hour?”
“Fair point. But are you just going to stand there and interrogate me all night or are we doing this?”
You huffed in frustration. “I don’t even know what ‘this’ is!”
“Come on!”
Minho grabbed your hand before you could argue any further and dragged you out through the lobby into the parking lot. 
“So now you’re kidnapping me?” you exclaimed, tripping over your own feet.
Minho chuckled but still shot you a look of warning. “Keep your voice down! People are going to think you’re serious.”
“Yes, sir,” you deadpanned. 
“Stop trying to turn me on in public, you already have an unfair advantage.”
You weren’t sure how serious he was but you rolled your eyes anyway. You also didn’t know what he meant by the second part but you didn’t ask about that either. 
He didn’t let go of your hand until you reached the car. And even then, it seemed like he was hesitant to release you from his grasp, fingers lingering on your palm like he was afraid you’d run away the second he set you free.
But you climbed into the passenger seat and buckled your seatbelt without a second thought. A series of poor decisions had already led you here. What was a couple more?
Mostly, your curiosity is what drove you to get in the car with him. You figured you didn’t have much to lose at this point. You hadn’t spoken more than a couple of words to Minho in the last few days. You had assumed he’d want nothing to do with you after you fucked up his relationship with his brother-- then again, maybe he didn’t want anything to do with you and was only driving you somewhere where he could chew you out without anyone overhearing. Hell, maybe he was taking you out to a pier where he could push you in the water so that your body would never be found. 
No, he's too famous for that. He’d never get away with it. 
You were silent as Minho put the car in gear and backed out of the lot. As soon as he turned onto the main road he rolled the windows down, glancing over at you to make sure it didn’t bother you. 
“Is this okay?”
“Yeah, it’s fine.”
You watched him mess with the radio dial until a signal from a local station was picked up. Once he found something, he adjusted the volume so that you could hear the music over the sound of the rushing wind, and then he reached across the center console, hand outstretched. The gesture caught you off guard, and you were unsure whether or not you should take it. You figured it would be more awkward if you left him hanging so you looked away and slipped your fingers between his, relaxing into the familiar feeling. 
The roads were mostly empty. Everything was already closed for the night. Eventually, Minho merged onto the highway, heading east. 
“Do you know where you’re going?” you asked twenty minutes later when he still hadn’t taken an exit. You were beginning to suspect that he didn’t really have anyplace in particular in mind, that he was just taking you for a late night drive, which would have been fine. You liked long drives too. But he had made it all seem so mysterious and the anticipation was killing you. 
“Of course I do, how dare you doubt me!”
“It’s just that you don’t have a GPS on or anything!”
“I’ve been here before,” he reminded you.
“Yeah, one time three years ago.”
“That’s all I need,” he assured you. “And if you pay attention to the road signs you don’t even need to memorize the route.”
“You sound like my dad,” you mumbled. 
“Your dad must be a very talented navigator,” Minho said decisively, complimenting himself.
You rolled your eyes. “Yeah, but he didn’t fail his driver’s test- what was it, four times?”
“Low blow,” he chided and shook his head. 
“You needed to be humbled.”
Comfortable silence resumed between the two of you as Minho continued driving. He got off the highway a few miles later and wove through town before finally turning onto a rocky uphill path. The radio signal weakened almost immediately, static interrupting the music that had been playing. He turned the volume down out of instinct.
“Remind me, do you get carsick?” Minho asked suddenly, like it was an afterthought that had just occurred to him. 
“Um, sometimes? Why do you ask?”
“These roads are winding,” he explained, “they might make you nauseous. Just try to look straight ahead. Don’t look at your phone.”
“I haven’t looked at my phone this entire time!”
“Well don’t start now.”
You braced yourself for the twists and turns of the road but it was difficult to anticipate where they would be with how dark it was. The headlights of the car were the only source of light on the gravel road, everything else surrounded by shadows and silhouettes of trees.
Finally, just when you were starting to feel a little lightheaded, Minho pulled into a little lot on the side of the road. 
“Are we here?” you asked, squinting in the darkness to try and make anything out.
“Yup,” Minho answered with a smile.
He turned off the car, letting the headlights dim.
“Come on!”
“We’re getting out?” you exclaimed. 
“Would you just trust me?” 
Sighing, you kicked open the passenger side door and climbed out of the car. Minho rounded the back to meet you on your side, blanket in hand. 
“Where are we?”
You closed your eyes and did as you were told, waiting for any sort of clue as to where you were. In the distance, you could hear waves crashing against the shore. The salt in the air and the sound of breeze rustling through palm fronds only confirmed what you already knew. 
“You took me to the beach?”
“Follow me.”
Minho took your hand and led you along the sandy path down to the shore. You toed off your shoes and held them in your free hand as you walked. The place was practically empty. The only other signs of life were the flames from a bonfire about half a mile down the beach.  
Minho used the flashlight on his phone so you could see where you were going, keeping you steady when you tripped over your own feet in the uneven sand. 
“Careful there,” he chuckled. 
He picked a spot that wasn’t too far from the path, something that put a little more distance between you and the bonfire. 
“Is this okay?”
“Seems as good a place as any,” you said and shrugged. 
Minho laid out the blanket and motioned for you to sit on it. The sand underneath the fabric was cool, having long lost hold of the heat from the sun. It molded to the shape of your body as you chose a comfortable position. 
You could feel Minho’s presence beside you but neither of you moved closer to the other. You figured he hadn’t brought you all the way out here to sit in silence, but you didn’t want to be the one to prompt the conversation. He was the one who was so insistent on coming, he could make the first move. 
He did, after several more moments. You waited patiently, allowing him to collect his thoughts. His eyebrows were knit together, eyes downcast, as if he were having an internal argument with himself. Then, his expression softened and he met your gaze, any trace of conflict seemingly absolved.
“You look really pretty.”
You scoffed. “You can’t even see me that well.”
“Speak for yourself, I can see you perfectly.”
“It’s dark out!”
“We have the moonlight.”
“I think you need to get your eyes checked,” Minho teased. 
“Did you bring me out here just to make fun of me?”
“Yeah, are you not having a good time?” Minho asked. “Do I need to up my game?”
You rolled your eyes but didn’t grant him a response, instead pulling your knees to your chest so that you could rest your chin on them. 
“Do you like it? Here, I mean?”
You nodded. “It’s nice. Quiet.”
“But why this beach? I mean, we’re on an island, the whole place is beach, but you drove me all the way out here.”
“It’s usually pretty empty, especially at night.”
“And you know that because... you’ve taken lots of girls out here?”
“If you count my mum, then yes,” he said sarcastically. “I don’t exactly frequent the island of O’ahu.” 
“So you’re saying that if you did, you’d bring girls here all of the time?”
“Oh, totally. It’s how I’d seal the deal, like all the assholes in the movies.”
“By telling them they’re the first one you’ve ever brought here?”
“Exactly. But you know I’m telling you the truth because you already slept with me.”
You shoved him with a scoff, a little harder than you intended, making Minho fall back onto the blanket. 
“Hey! What was that for?”
“You know exactly what that was for.”
He grinned sheepishly and then stretched out the arm that was closest to you. “C’mon, then. Join me.”
You shifted a bit, moving further down on the quilt so that when you laid back Minho’s arm would slot perfectly under your neck. You curled up to him, slinging your own arm across his stomach. The rhythm of his breathing along with the sounds of the waves breaking against the shore was soothing. It was the most relaxed you’d felt in a long time. You were halfway to sleep when you felt Minho murmur something into your hair. 
“What?’ you asked groggily, blinking your eyes open. 
“The stars, look.”
You repositioned yourself a bit so that you could stare straight up at the sky to see what he was talking about, gasping quietly when you did.
It wasn’t as impressive as the night skies on the boat had been, you were much closer to civilization now, but it was still better than anything you’d ever gotten to see back home. It was as if the sky was dripping with diamonds, stars hanging out of reach like they were on display at a store far out of your budget. 
“It’s gorgeous.”
“I thought you might like it,” Minho mused, “I’m glad the clouds cleared so you could see them.”
“It’s nice here even without the stars,” you assured him. “Though, they’re definitely a highlight.”
Minho turned his head to look at you, smiling. Your eyes had adjusted slightly, allowing you to see the details of his face. 
You weren’t sure who leaned in first, but the next thing you knew you were kissing him. Minho cupped your face with both hands and pressed his tongue against the seam of your lips, silently begging you to open your mouth. You did, gasping when he got impatient and nipped at your bottom lip.  
You took the initiative this time and rolled on top of him, working your hands under his t-shirt to feel him up. 
“Missed this,” Minho sighed, “missed you.”
“It’s only been like three days!” 
“Way too long, if you ask me.”
You rolled your eyes but let the comments fuel your ego anyway.
He matched your pace and dropped his hands from your face to let them roam your body. It didn’t take long for them to find your tits, fingers brushing over your nipples underneath the fabric of your shirt. You rolled your hips against his, already able to feel that he was half hard through his sweats.
Minho groaned and broke away from kissing you to catch his breath, tilting his head back and swallowing hard. His hips stuttered underneath you, encouraging you to keep going. You took over and began kissing your way down his neck. 
“Do you have a condom?” you asked breathlessly
You knew you were acting desperate but it’s because you were desperate. You were aching for him and your panties were beginning to feel uncomfortably sticky. 
“Are you sure?” Minho asked, not answering your question. 
“Yes, fuck, where are they?”
He propped himself up on his elbows and nodded down at his pocket. “I still have a few in my wallet.”
You sat up a little and brought one of your hands down to his pants, brushing your palm over his erection before fumbling for his wallet in his pocket. 
“You’re a menace,” he hissed as he kicked his head back. 
“Don’t act like you don’t love it.”
You retrieved a condom and slid the wallet back into his pocket, tearing the foil wrapper open while you tried to get his pants off at the same time. 
“Need help?”
“No, I got it,” you muttered.
You were able to get Minho’s pants down far enough to get his dick out and put the condom on him before pushing your own pajama shorts and panties to the side so you could ride him without having to take them all the way off. 
“Wait, I haven’t even fingered you or anything,” Minho interjected, putting a hand on your stomach to stop you from lowering yourself onto him. “It’ll hurt.”
“We don’t really have a lot of time,” you argued back, “I’m really wet already. You don’t need to.”
“Bullshit,” he countered in disbelief. 
You were starting to get annoyed. Why wouldn’t he just fuck you like you wanted? You could tell Minho was getting frustrated as well, confused as to why you were rushing into it.
“At least let me rub your clit a little first?” he pleaded. 
You wanted to tell him that it really was fine, that you’d just need a couple of extra seconds to adjust to his size, but he was already running a thumb over your pussy, feeling around for the spot that would make your knees buckle.  
“F-fuck,” you whispered when he found it, arching just slightly to press yourself into him further.
“Feels good, doesn’t it?” Minho asked, sounding entirely too pleased with himself. 
You couldn’t even deny it. “Yes.”
“Still gotta be quiet, though,” he reminded you, “don’t want to let those folks down the way know what we’re up to, huh?”
You nodded in agreement even though you had completely forgotten about the people having a bonfire on the beach. They were likely too far away to see the two of you in the dark, but you knew sound carried so you would still have to be careful. 
“Can you put it in now? Just want to feel you.” You threw in a pout at the end just for good measure, hoping that would be enough to get you what you wanted. 
Minho nodded and put a hand on either of your hips to help you. You sighed in relief as you sank down on him, finally feeling full. You were able to take him all at once but you did need more time to adjust to having him inside of you, to which Minho cockily mouthed I told you so at you.
Once the discomfort ebbed away you leaned down and pressed your chest to his, resting your head against his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around you instinctively as you started rocking yourself on his cock, trembling at just how deep he could get at this angle. 
“I can’t believe we’re doing this,” you mumbled. 
He carded a hand through your hair and cocked his head to the side. “What, having sex on the beach?”
“It’s a first for me too,” Minho admitted. 
“Better make it memorable then, right?”
lmk what you think i always appreciate feedback!!
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hungriestheidi · 2 months
Instead of fake dating, everyone is convinced that you aren’t actually dating + geochalex
reverse trops writing prompts
Oscar comes back from Team Torque entirely confused as to why Alex has a folder of George pictures on his phone. When he brings it up to Lando, waiting for their turn in the fan zone, he doesn't get a very satisfying response.
Idly scrolling through his phone, Lando shrugs.
"It's for the bit, mate," he says, not even bothering to look up.
"They have this 'joke' going on," Lando makes some sketchy air quotes with his free hand, "that they are obsessed with the other. Haven't you seen that Williams video?"
Oscar frowns and Lando smirks, evil amusement in his grin.
"Mate, you are missing out on critical fan service content."
Then they get called to the stage and when they are out of there, there is no time to talk about anyting but the race to come. So he doesn't get to ask more questions or tell Lando it sounds a bit too extreme to be just for the bit.
He hasn't texted Logan in months and maybe it wouldn't be a good conversation starter to ask 'hey, why is your teammate hoarding pictures of his friend?'. It does sound insane when he thinks about it too much, so he scraps the idea all together.
Somewhere after Miami, he hears the rumours of Charles' necklace in George's hotel room. Allegedly, a hotel staff found the thing under the bed. Their PRs never acknowledged the thing, so Oscar pocketed the situation under weird rumours F1 fans make after boring races to keep themselves entertained.
Then there's the issue of that Monaco coffee shop date, as the fans labeled it, that went viral on Twitter. George, Alex and Charles exchanging laughs and weird glances in between too complicated, extremely pretentious coffee orders.
"Mate," Lando says, the moment he senses Oscar is about to bring it up, photo ready on his phone, "we all live in Monaco. Of course sometimes we hang out. I prefer a club but hey, they are fucking weird."
So Oscar hums in agreement and tries to not think again about it. He needs to focus on racing anyway, so he doesn't have space in his brain for more than that.
Then Lily brings it up one day, out of the blue, a week into the summer break, with her hair wet from a swim in the resort's pool.
"Did you know Alex Albon is here too?" She says, picking up a towel to dry her face. "I saw him sunbathing with Russell".
And it's so casual it takes over a minute for Oscar's brain, focused on picking apart a particularly tough mango, to catch up on what she's saying.
They are in Bali. It isn't that unexpected to find other people with big pockets around. It is unexpected that he's with George. It is even more unexpected when they come across one another on the hotel lobby, George's skin turning bronze by the sun, and Charles is there to help him load suitcases to an SUV with Alex on the driver seat.
"Hey, Osc!" Alex greets through the mirror. He steps out of the car as George and Charles take notice of his presence. They all have matching Hawaiian shirts and they all chat with Oscar like this is all very normal and not a conflict of interest a best, a complicated triangle of friendships at worst.
What do their girlfriends even think about their partners all leaving for a boys' trip? Isn't that prime example of cheating scenarios? Oscar doesn't bring it up, the question of 'where are your partners?', because is none of his business but he also thinks he'd rather avoid going out on a holiday with Lando considering how Lando is and how much he cares about Lily, really.
When they depart, George scolding Charles for not wearing sunscreen and Charles pulling at Alex's shirt like a cat so he can sit in the passenger's seat instead of the back, Oscar waves at them politely and then heads back indoors, waiting for Lily to be done with her spa session before they head to the pool again.
He texts Lando about the weird encounter, with a picture he sneakily took and everything. Lando texts back a cry laughing emoji, tells him they are so fucking weird, mate.
"They were probably recording something," Lando says the next time they see each other, MTC bustling with life as the second half of the season begins to burn with closeness, "just wait and see, it's probably some annoying ad or a Williams video. You know how they are."
Oscar takes a sip of his protein shake. "Yeah, I guess."
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lagycart · 1 year
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bali trip - day 1.
early this month, went to bali with my besties for our yearly trip to just relax and unwind, since we couldn’t do it last year. we met at the airport very early in the morning, checked in, had breakfast at old town kopitiam, which wasn’t very nice, bought some alcohol for the trip and boarded our plane. the flight took a really long time to take off though, so we ended up being late.
lucky for us, customs and immigration at bali airport was quite fast, but then my friend’s luggage got destroyed during transit, so we had to take more time to make a report for claim. after we were done with everything, finally met up wth our driver and head for a very late lunch.
we have decided our lunch place ahead of time at ulekan, a quite fancy indonesian cuisine restaurant in canggu. their menu has quite a lot of signature indonesian dishes, so we ordered a few to share - gado gado, sate babi samcan, nasi campur royal, bebek goreng and genjer blacan. the drink menu was also quite extensive, i really enjoyed the strawberry & guava granitas, it’s so refreshing. the fresh coconut wasn’t very good according to my friend.
our food did take a while to arrive, the food presentation is top notch though, the pork belly satay is quite nice, the deep fried duck is really nice with the crispy texture, the mixed rice has a little of everything, some dishes are quite nice. however, we find that the chili here is not spicy at all, something is missing from the overall taste. and i guess this area is more catered for tourist, maybe the food taste is tailored towards tourist instead.
after lunch, we went to lifestyle and homeware stores around canggu and seminyak for shopping. and also visited the beach at seminyak around sunset to just enjoy the sea breeze and take some photos. the beach has quite a lot of people but it’s also spacious so it was quite an enjoyable thing to just walk around and just enjoy the scenery.
after we are done with window shopping, we went to merah putih for dinner, this is a fine dining restaurant which we also saw from social media. the restaurant ambiance is really dark and romantic, they gave us lights with menu just in case we couldn’t read.
we also ordered different dishes to share, however, the dishes here are small portions, so you are able to order more. we ordered fresh oysters, jangkang, urap labu, ikan bakar, kembang kol, bak pao sapi, and nasi uduk. also got ourselves cocktails, because why not, it’s also the perfect atmosphere.
the service here is really nice, they made sure to serve our drinks and food all together, the staff also checked and made sure everything was okay and we had enough food. we also got a small bowl of soup as appetizer while we wait for our food. even though the restaurant is pretty packed, our food arrived quite quickly.
we really enjoyed all the dishes we ordered, as the ingredients used are unique and the combination works perfectly. the chili and sambal given was also spicy, which further enhance the taste of all the dishes as well. this place is definitely worth trying even though it’s a little pricey, but the food served is unique and we definitely enjoyed our meal here very much.
we head to our hotel at sanur - harsono boutique resort, for check in after dinner as it was getting late and it took us about an hour drive to reach, we were also pretty tired from being out and about since early morning. once we checked in, shower and sleep comes to mind. our 2 bed room villa is awesome though, there’s king size bed in each room, with rain shower and bathtub, a living room, a kitchen and dining table and our very own private pool too. the design of the unit is quite unique and nice overall, we were definitely pleasantly surprised. the pillows had a weird smell though, so we put our one-time-use pillow cover and bedsheet on top just in case. first night ended around midnight, as we were going to be up quite early the next day.
to be continued...
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maxverstepponme · 1 year
Girl where are you? We need to talk about Lando and that Central Model. I know in Hollywood there are very strong rumors that model agencies basically work as escort services and seeing so many in a very small pond of F1 drivers is just sus
It’s no race Sunday so I’m enjoying it 💀//
Basically there is a whole 'yachting' industry in Hollywood and it's an open secret that modelling agencies provide a discreet yachting service. It's been widely reported incl here for anyone unfamiliar: https://www.stylist.co.uk/long-reads/yachting-hollywood-trafficking/627259
Basically if you see models travelling a lot between places associated with yachting there is a good chance they're being paid to be there. Those include Tulum, Portofino, South of France, Mykonos, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Oman, Miami, Bali etc. - basically all the rich people party towns.
There was a lot of blind item chatter at the time that Tim Bergling (Aviici) had got mixed up in some drama between a yacht girl and the man who had purchased her and that was the real reason for his death.
It's usually old rich white guys and wealthy middle eastern men who use yacht girls but they're also used by younger famous men who want an arrangement. I wouldn't be hugely surprised if the discreet easy hiring of beautiful professional girls suited the F1 drivers' lifestyle too. In many cases they're going to pay a lot to service their girlfriend's lifestyle anyway so this just cuts out the emotionally messy side of things. With a famous client, the girls get paid and have a nice bit of exposure and the guys get a pretty girl for as long as they want her and no drama when they decide to move on.
There's a really ugly side to it too. A lot of girls have absolutely horrific experiences. I'd really think negatively about them if someone I was a fan of did participate in that industry. 99.9 percent of those girls are not with a 23 year old millionaire F1 driver, they're with some revolting old letch who wants to do degrading things to them.
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jivetravel · 15 days
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anormalbinsan · 19 days
Making Memories with Car Rental and Driver Services
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The renowned Island of Bali, famously called as a slice of heaven on Earth, offers a diverse range of experiences for visitors seeking adventure, tranquility, and immersing in culture. Starting from its awe-inspiring shorelines to lush paddy fields, vibrant bazaars, and ancient shrines, there's something or another for everyone on this Indonesian paradise. But navigating Bali's teeming thoroughfares and winding pathways can be challenging, especially for beginner visitors. That is which is where getting a car rental with a driver in Bali is beneficial – providing convenience, convenience, and freedom of exploration this captivating island at one’s own pace.
Bali car rental with driver is a sought-after option that allows visitors to book transportation with a knowledgeable native driver to guide the island of Bali's streets. Whether you're looking to tour Bali's must-visit spots or venture off the usual route, utilizing an exclusive driver can improve your journey by offering insider tips, local insights, and stress-free transportation.
One of the biggest advantages of booking transportation with a driver in Bali is gaining access to native insights. Your driver is more than just there to navigate; they can also function as your informal tour guide, providing suggestions on top places to explore, dine, and purchase. Bali's highways can be chaotic, with cramped streets, pushy drivers, and unclear signage. By engaging a driver, you can unwind and enjoy the scenery without stressing about finding your way foreign roads or getting lost.
By having a Car rental with driver in Bali, you have the flexibility to create your individual itinerary and discover Bali on your own terms. Whether you want to explore several attractions in just one day or take a leisurely drive through the countryside, you're in charge of your itinerary. Traveling in Bali's tropical weather can be tiring, especially if you're relying on public transportation or taxis. A private car offers AC-cooled comfort, enabling you to get away from the heat and humidity between destinations.
Safety should continuously be an utmost concern when journeying, particularly so in unfamiliar destinations. By hiring a reliable car rental provider with experienced drivers, you can rest assured knowing that you're in skilled hands.
Renting a vehicle with a driver in Bali is an easy procedure, with several companies offering this service across the island. Start by researching car rental agencies in Bali that provide driver services. Seek out reputable providers with favorable reviews and a history of offering reliable transportation. Once you've selected a car rental provider, reach out to them to make a reservation. Be sure to specify the type of vehicle you require, the duration of your rental, and any specific requests you could have.
Before finalizing your booking, cross-check the details with the rental provider to guarantee there are no misunderstandings. Authenticate the pickup location, drop-off location, and any extra fees or charges. On the daylight hours of your rental, your driver will meet you at the designated location, whether it's your hotel, airport, or another agreed-upon spot. Take this opportunity to introduce yourself and talk about your itinerary for the day.
With your chauffeur behind the wheel, it's time period to sit back, kick back, and appreciate everything Bali has to provide. Whether you're exploring iconic landmarks like Tanah Lot Temple and Ubud Monkey Forest or venturing into hidden gems off the conventional trails, your driver will make sure you make the most of your time on the island.
While spontaneity can be fun, it's constantly a good idea to have a general itinerary in mind when hiring an automobile with a personal driver in Bali. This will help ensure you don't miss out on any must-see attractions and allow your driver to plan the most effective route. Successful communication is essential to a successful car rental experience. Be sure to communicate your preferences, interests, and any unique requirements with your driver upfront to steer clear of any misunderstandings later on.
Bali's can be capricious, with congestion commonly causing delays, particularly so during peak hours. Stay adaptable and give extra time for travel between destinations to steer clear of feeling rushed or stressed. As an outsider in Bali, it's important to respect the local customs and traditions. Dress modestly when exploring temples, refrain from littering, and always ask permission before taking photos of locals. A little gratitude goes a great distance. If you've had a pleasant experience with your driver, contemplate tipping them as a gesture of gratitude for their hard work and hospitality.
Renting a car with a driver in Bali offers travelers the perfect blend of convenience, convenience, and local expertise, permitting you to discover the island's treasures with ease. Whether you're in search of thrills, peace, or cultural immersion, having an exclusive driver by your side assures an unforgettable and relaxing experience from beginning to finish. So what wait? Book your Bali car rental with driver today and set off on the adventure of a lifetime!
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intui-travel · 1 month
Convenient Taxi Service from Denpasar Airport
Arriving at Denpasar Airport in Bali? Make your journey into paradise hassle-free with our convenient taxi service offered by Intui.travel. Our Denpasar Bali Airport transfer service ensures a smooth and comfortable ride from the airport to your destination, whether it's a hotel, resort, or any other location on the beautiful island of Bali.
Here's why our taxi service stands out:
Efficient Airport Pick-Up: Our professional drivers will be waiting for you at Denpasar Airport upon your arrival, holding a sign with your name for easy identification. They'll assist with your luggage and ensure a prompt departure.
Comfortable Vehicles: Travel in comfort in our well-maintained vehicles equipped with air conditioning and spacious seating. Choose from a range of vehicle options based on your needs and group size.
Safe and Reliable: Your safety and comfort are our top priorities. Our drivers are experienced, licensed, and knowledgeable about the local area, ensuring a safe and efficient transfer to your destination.
Flexible Booking Options: Booking your taxi from Denpasar Airport is easy with Intui.travel. Simply provide your travel details, select your vehicle type, and receive instant confirmation of your reservation.
Start your Bali adventure on the right foot with our convenient taxi service from Denpasar Airport. Avoid the stress of finding transportation upon arrival and enjoy a smooth journey to your desired destination.
Visit Intui.travel - Denpasar Bali Airport Transfer for more information and to book your taxi service today. Let us take care of your airport transportation so you can focus on enjoying the beauty of Bali.
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markeduke · 1 month
Craft A Memorable Journey with PT Autoz Trans Indonesia Service
Bali, the Island of the Gods, beckons travelers with its enchanting landscapes and cultural richness. Amidst this paradise lies a crucial aspect of a seamless travel experience: reliable transportation. Enter PT Autoz Trans Indonesia, a pioneering force in the realm of car rental services on the island.
Specializing in a spectrum of offerings, from self-drive options to chauffeured rides, PT Autoz Trans Indonesia has earned its reputation as the go-to destination for all your mobility needs in Bali. With a comprehensive fleet ranging from sewa mobil manual lepas kunci bali, sewa mobil matic lepas kunci kuta, rental mobil matic lepas kunci bali, rental mobil manual lepas kunci bali, sewa mobil lepas kunci kerobokan, sewa mobil lepas kunci jimbaran, sewa mobil lepas kunci nusa dua to opulent luxury vehicles, they cater to diverse preferences and budgets, ensuring every journey is adorned with comfort and convenience.
For those craving the liberty of exploring Bali at their own pace, PT Autoz Trans Indonesia presents a fleet of self-drive vehicles. Whether navigating the bustling streets of Denpasar or embarking on a scenic drive along the coastal roads, their range of fleet including sewa mobil driver bali, sewa mobil driver bbm bali, sewa mobil new hyundai stargazer prime matic bali, sewa mobil new daihatsu xenia matic bali, sewa mobil mitsubishi xpander matic bali, sewa mobil honda brio matic bali and family-friendly vehicles provides the perfect companions for your adventures.
However, if you prefer to sit back and relish the vistas without worrying about navigation, their sewa mobil toyota agya matic bali chauffeured services offer an unparalleled blend of luxury and professionalism. Experienced drivers, well-versed in Bali’s intricate roadways, chauffeur you in style, allowing you to immerse yourself fully in the island’s beauty and culture.
Moreover, PT Autoz Trans Indonesia stands at the forefront of eco-conscious mobility with its sewa mobil listrik wuling air ev bali  service. Embracing sustainability without compromising on comfort, these electric vehicles offer an eco-friendly alternative for conscientious travelers exploring Bali’s pristine landscapes.
Planning a grand event such as a wedding? Look no further, as PT Autoz Trans Indonesia extends its expertise to cater to your special day. From elegant Alphards to spacious Hiaces, their wedding car rental service ensures you make a grand entrance, leaving an indelible mark on your guests and cherished memories for a lifetime.
Traveling with a large group or organizing corporate events? PT Autoz Trans Indonesia has you covered with its fleet of vans and buses, promising seamless transportation solutions tailored to your requirements. Whether it’s a team-building retreat or a leisurely tour across Bali’s attractions, their vehicles offer comfort and reliability for every passenger.
Furthermore, for those seeking long-term mobility solutions, PT Autoz Trans Indonesia presents its monthly car rental service. Ideal for expatriates, digital nomads, or anyone planning an extended stay on the island, this service offers flexibility and cost-effectiveness, ensuring you have a dependable vehicle at your disposal throughout your sojourn in Bali.
At the heart of PT Autoz Trans Indonesia’s ethos lies a commitment to customer satisfaction. Beyond merely providing transportation, they strive to curate unforgettable experiences, ensuring every journey with them becomes a memorable chapter in your Bali adventure. Their dedication to excellence reflects in every aspect of their service, from vehicle maintenance to customer support, fostering trust and loyalty among their patrons.
PT Autoz Trans Indonesia emerges as the epitome of excellence in the realm of car rental services in Bali. With their diverse fleet, impeccable service standards, and unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction, they redefine mobility, transforming your travels into seamless, enriching experiences. So, whether you’re a solo traveler, a family on vacation, or a corporate group, entrust your mobility needs to PT Autoz Trans Indonesia and embark on a journey where every mile is adorned with comfort, convenience, and unforgettable moments.
[Related site1] [Related site2]
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nandneeeeeee · 1 month
Essential Bali Travel Tips: Your Guide to a Safe and Memorable Journey
Bali, with its stunning beaches, vibrant culture, and lush landscapes, is a dream destination for many travelers. However, like any travel destination, it's important to prioritize safety to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience. Here are eight essential travel tips for Bali to help you make the most of your visit while staying safe. There are so many things and unique experiences in Bali to have for unforgettable memories!
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Research and Plan Ahead: Before your trip, take the time to research Bali's attractions, culture, and customs. Plan your itinerary accordingly, but also leave room for flexibility and spontaneity.
Stay Aware of Your Surroundings: Bali is generally safe for tourists, but it's essential to remain vigilant, especially in crowded tourist areas. Keep an eye on your belongings and be cautious of scams and pickpocketing.
Respect Local Customs and Culture: Bali is a predominantly Hindu island with unique customs and traditions. Respect the local culture by dressing modestly when visiting temples and participating in traditional ceremonies.
Practice Responsible Tourism: Help preserve Bali's natural beauty and cultural heritage by practicing responsible tourism. Dispose of waste properly, avoid single-use plastics, and support local businesses and artisans.
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Be Mindful of Traffic: Bali's roads can be busy and chaotic, especially in tourist areas like Kuta and Seminyak. Exercise caution when crossing the street, and consider hiring a local driver or using ride-hailing apps for transportation.
Stay Hydrated and Protect Yourself from the Sun: Bali's tropical climate means it can get hot and humid, so stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. Apply sunscreen regularly and seek shade during the hottest parts of the day to avoid sunburn and heatstroke.
Watch Out for Bali Belly: Bali belly, or traveler's diarrhea, is common among tourists due to differences in food and water. Drink bottled or boiled water, avoid street food from questionable vendors, and opt for freshly cooked meals from reputable restaurants.
Have Emergency Contacts Handy: While Bali is generally safe, it's essential to be prepared for emergencies. Keep important phone numbers, such as your country's embassy or consulate, local emergency services, and your accommodation, saved in your phone.
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By following these essential travel tips for Bali, you can enjoy a safe and memorable journey filled with unforgettable experiences and cultural discoveries. So pack your bags, embrace the spirit of adventure, and get ready to explore the beauty of Bali, Indonesia's island paradise.
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stillvacations-blog · 3 months
Navigating Bali: Choosing the Best Transportation Company for Your Island Adventure
Bali, with its stunning beaches, vibrant culture, and lush landscapes, beckons travelers from around the globe. As you plan your journey to this tropical paradise, one crucial aspect to consider is transportation. Navigating the island efficiently and safely can greatly enhance your experience. Here's a guide to selecting the best transportation company for your Bali adventure:
Research Extensively
Before your trip, dedicate some time to researching transportation companies in Bali. Explore their websites, read reviews from fellow travelers on platforms like TripAdvisor or travel forums, and seek recommendations from friends or online communities. Pay attention to the company's reputation for reliability, safety, and customer satisfaction.
Consider Your Needs
Different travelers have different transportation preferences and requirements. Consider factors such as the size of your group, your itinerary, and your budget. Whether you prefer the convenience of private transfers, the flexibility of renting a car, or the affordability of public transportation, choose a company that aligns with your needs.
Evaluate Fleet and Services
Take a close look at the types of vehicles and services offered by each transportation company. Some may specialize in airport transfers, while others provide day tours or shuttle services to popular attractions. Ensure that the company's fleet is well-maintained, comfortable, and suitable for your group size. If you're traveling with children or require special assistance, inquire about amenities such as car seats or wheelchair accessibility.
Check Safety Measures
Safety should always be a top priority when choosing a transportation company. Verify that the company employs experienced and licensed drivers who are knowledgeable about local roads and traffic conditions. Additionally, inquire about safety features in the vehicles, such as seat belts, air conditioning, and GPS tracking. A reputable company will prioritize the well-being of its passengers and adhere to strict safety standards.
Compare Pricing and Policies
While budget considerations are important, remember that the cheapest option may not always be the best choice. Compare pricing across different transportation companies, taking into account factors such as vehicle quality, included services, and any hidden fees or surcharges. Pay attention to cancellation policies, booking procedures, and payment methods to ensure a smooth and transparent experience.
Seek Recommendations
Personal recommendations can provide valuable insights into the quality of a transportation company. Reach out to fellow travelers who have visited Bali previously or consult with local tour operators and accommodations for trusted recommendations. Hearing firsthand experiences can help you make an informed decision and avoid potential pitfalls.
Book in Advance
To secure your preferred transportation options and avoid last-minute hassles, consider booking your transportation in advance. This is especially important during peak tourist seasons when demand for transportation services is high. Booking ahead not only guarantees availability but also allows you to plan your itinerary more effectively.
In conclusion, selecting the right transportation company is essential for a memorable and stress-free experience in Bali. By conducting thorough research, considering your needs, prioritizing safety, and comparing options, you can find a reputable transportation provider that meets your expectations and enhances your exploration of this enchanting island destination. Whether you're embarking on a solo adventure, a romantic getaway, or a family vacation, choosing the best transportation company sets the stage for an unforgettable Bali experience.
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lsundarinfo · 3 months
Top 10 Must-See Attractions in Bali -Your Ultimate Travel Guide
Bali, the name itself conjures images of pristine beaches, vibrant Hindu culture, and lush rice paddies. If you're dreaming of a tropical escape with breathtaking beaches, lush greenery, and a rich cultural tapestry, Bali is the place to be. Whether you're a seasoned traveler or a wide-eyed adventurer, Bali has something for everyone. For those who believe that Bali is exclusively for couples, I am confident that by the conclusion of this blog, I will have shifted your perspective.
Bali Travel Guide: Your Ultimate Handbook to Paradise
Beach Lovers
Bali is a haven for beach enthusiasts. With its pristine white sandy beaches and crystal-clear waters, it's perfect for those seeking a relaxing beach vacation. Popular beaches like Kuta, Seminyak, and Nusa Dua offer a range of water activities and stunning sunset views.
Cultural Explorers
If you're fascinated by rich cultures and traditions, Bali is a cultural gem. Ubud, the cultural heart of Bali, is renowned for its traditional dance performances, art galleries, and historic sites. Explore ancient temples, attend local ceremonies, and immerse yourself in Balinese arts and crafts.
Wellness and Yoga Enthusiasts
Bali has become a global hub for wellness and yoga retreats. Ubud, in particular, is known for its yoga studios, holistic retreats, and spa offerings. Many resorts and retreat centers provide serene environments for those seeking relaxation and rejuvenation.
Honeymooners and Romantic Getaways
The romantic ambiance of Bali, with its luxurious resorts, private villas, and intimate beach settings, makes it an ideal destination for couples. Enjoy candlelit dinners on the beach, spa treatments for two, and sunset walks through scenic landscapes. 
Solo Travellers
Bali is a popular destination for solo travellers due to its friendly locals, vibrant atmosphere, and the ease of meeting fellow travellers. Ubud's artistic community and the bustling nightlife in Seminyak and Kuta offer solo adventurers plenty of opportunities to socialize
Bali is family-friendly, offering a range of activities suitable for all ages. From water parks in Nusa Dua to interactive cultural experiences in Ubud, families can enjoy a mix of relaxation and adventure. Many resorts also provide family-friendly amenities and services.
Partygoers and Nightlife Enthusiasts
Bali has a lively nightlife scene, especially in areas like Seminyak, Kuta, and Canggu. Beach clubs, bars, and vibrant night markets offer a lively atmosphere for those looking to dance the night away or enjoy a tropical cocktail by the ocean.
When to Go To Bali - Hitting the Perfect Season
Bali enjoys a tropical climate with two distinct seasons: wet and dry. The dry season (April to September) boasts sunshine, clear skies, and minimal rain, making it ideal for beach bums and outdoor enthusiasts. However, this peak season also sees a rise in tourist crowds and prices.
The wet season (October to March) offers a more budget-friendly experience with fewer crowds. While there may be occasional downpours, they're usually brief and followed by refreshing sunshine. This season is also perfect for surfers seeking epic waves.
Insider Tip:  If you can't decide between seasons, shoulder months (April-May and September-October) offer a good compromise between pleasant weather and manageable crowds.
Visa Requirements: Hassle-Free Entry
Most nationalities can obtain a Visa on Arrival (VOA) upon landing in Bali. This typically costs around USD $35 and allows you to stay for 30 days.  Double-check visa requirements for your specific country before your trip to avoid any surprises.
Navigating the Island: Taxis, Scooters, and More
Now you might be thinking, is having an International Driver’s Permit (IDP) a necessity for enjoying the scenic drives across Bali? You might consider taking your chances without a license, but that would be a significant oversight. Being caught driving without the proper permit is a sport for Bali's police, and hefty fines await those who fail to carry an IDP. Don't risk it – make sure you have the required documentation to fully enjoy your Bali exploration without any unwanted surprises.
For legal driving in Bali, it is imperative to possess an International Driving Permit Bali (IDP) applicable to both motorbike and scooter (Category A) as well as car (Category B) licenses. Bali strictly enforces traffic laws, including scooter speed limits of 60 km/h on city roads and 80 km/h on highways. Adhering to safe driving practices and local regulations ensures a smoother exploration of Bali's diverse landscapes. When renting vehicles, it is essential to furnish required documentation: (1) an IDP/IDL and (2) a valid driving license from one's home country. Prioritizing insurance coverage for damages, theft, personal accidents, and health in case of injury further enhances a secure driving experience.
Things To Know About International Driving License
Must-Visit Places in Bali: Unveiling the Magic
Bali's beauty is multifaceted. Here are some must-visit destinations to include in your itinerary
The cultural heart of Bali, Ubud is a charming town nestled amidst emerald rice paddies. Explore art galleries, traditional dance performances, and the iconic Monkey Forest.
Seminyak & Canggu
For a luxurious beach experience, head to Seminyak and Canggu. Indulge in world-class restaurants, trendy boutiques, and pampering spas.
Nusa Dua
This resort enclave offers pristine beaches, five-star hotels, and exciting water sports activities. Perfect for families seeking a relaxing retreat.
Tanah Lot
Witness the captivating sight of this ancient Hindu temple perched on a rock formation in the midst of the ocean. A truly breathtaking spectacle, especially during sunset.
Tegallalang Rice Terraces
Capture postcard-perfect moments amidst the cascading rice terraces of Tegallalang.
Mount Batur
Challenge yourself with a pre-dawn hike to the summit of Mount Batur, an active volcano. Witness a breathtaking sunrise and panoramic views of the island.
Beyond the Tourist Trail: Unveiling Hidden Gems
If you crave a more off-the-beaten-path experience, consider these hidden gems:
Essential Tips for a Memorable Balinese Experience
Respect the Culture
Bali is a deeply religious island. Dress modestly when visiting temples, and be mindful of local customs and traditions.
Haggling is expected at markets and with independent vendors. Do your research beforehand to get a fair price.
Local Currency
The Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) is the local currency. ATMs are widely available, but it's always wise to carry some cash for smaller purchases.
Learn Basic Bahasa Indonesian
A few basic phrases will go a long way in endearing yourself to the locals and enhancing your experience.
With its captivating beauty, warm hospitality, and vibrant culture, Bali promises an unforgettable adventure.  Use this guide as your stepping stone, and get ready to be enchanted by the magic of the Island of the Gods!
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saurabhanandtripzygo · 3 months
How to Stay Safe and Healthy While Traveling in Bali?
Bali, often dubbed the "Island of the Gods," is a mesmerizing destination that attracts millions of tourists every year with its stunning landscapes, rich culture, and vibrant atmosphere. While exploring Bali can be an exhilarating experience, it's important to prioritize your safety and health to ensure a memorable trip.
Here are some essential tips to help you stay safe and healthy while traveling in Bali
Stay Hydrated: Bali's tropical climate can be hot and humid, leading to dehydration. Make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day, especially if you're spending time outdoors or engaging in physical activities.
Protect Yourself from the Sun: The sun in Bali can be intense, so apply sunscreen with a high SPF rating regularly, and wear sunglasses, and a hat to shield yourself from harmful UV rays. Additionally, seek shade during the peak hours of sunlight, typically between 10 AM and 4 PM.
Prevent Mosquito Bites: Bali is located in a region where mosquito-borne diseases like dengue fever and malaria are prevalent. Use insect repellent containing DEET, wear long-sleeved clothing, and sleep under mosquito nets, particularly in rural areas or during the evenings.
Practice Safe Eating and Drinking Habits: Enjoying Bali's delicious cuisine is part of the experience, but be cautious about where you eat. Opt for restaurants and food vendors with good hygiene practices, and avoid consuming raw or undercooked food. Stick to bottled or boiled water to prevent waterborne illnesses.
Be Cautious with Street Food: While Bali is famous for its street food scene, exercise caution when indulging in street food. Ensure that the food is cooked thoroughly and served hot to minimize the risk of food poisoning.
Stay Alert on the Roads: Traffic in Bali can be chaotic, with narrow roads and unpredictable driving behavior. Exercise caution when crossing the streets, use designated pedestrian crossings whenever possible, and consider hiring a reputable driver or using ride-hailing services for long-distance travel.
Protect Your Valuables: Petty theft and pickpocketing can occur, especially in crowded tourist areas. Keep your belongings secure at all times, use a money belt or concealed pouch for valuables, and avoid displaying expensive items such as jewelry or electronics in public.
Respect Local Customs and Traditions: Bali is known for its strong cultural heritage and religious practices. Be mindful of local customs, dress modestly when visiting temples or religious sites, and refrain from engaging in behavior that may be considered disrespectful.
Stay Informed about Safety Alerts: Keep yourself updated on any safety alerts or advisories issued by local authorities or your country's embassy or consulate in Bali. Stay informed about potential hazards such as natural disasters or civil unrest, and adjust your travel plans accordingly.
Purchase Travel Insurance: Before traveling to Bali, consider purchasing comprehensive travel insurance that covers medical emergencies, trip cancellations, and other unforeseen circumstances. This will provide you with peace of mind and financial protection during your trip.
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speedyposts · 4 months
‘Nothing left’: Indonesia’s tourism industry fears wipeout under tax hike
Jakarta, Indonesia –  After spa therapist Murniyati survived COVID-19 on a sparse salary, she thought the worst was over.
But after the Indonesian government’s announcement of a steep rise in taxes on entertainment services, she fears the salon where she works could be forced to close, leaving her unemployed.
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“My husband is just a taxi driver so our combined income is low. Our life, my life, depends on him and me,” she told Al Jazeera.
Murniyati is just one of the countless workers across Indonesia who could be affected by the plans to apply a 40-75 percent tax rate to entertainment services such as spas, bars, nightclubs and karaoke joints.
The proposed hike has sparked a fierce backlash from businesses, including a court challenge by spa owners in Bali.
Hariyadi Sukamdani, the chairman of the Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association, said in a press conference last month that the changes would lead to job losses in an “industry that absorbs a significant amount of labour and does not require higher education, making it essential for the general population”.
Amid the blowback, the government announced it would delay the hike pending an evaluation.
“We will collectively assess what the impact [of a higher entertainment tax] would be, especially for small business owners,” Coordinating Maritime Affairs and Investment Minister Luhut Binsar said last month.
Still, Sofie Sulaiman, Murniyati’s manager at Jamu Body Treatments in Jakarta, is angry.
The spa provides jobs for many women, all of whom are from less well-off backgrounds. Many of them are widows and single mothers, and most have been working at the spa for more than 20 years.
Sulaiman said her business would need to cover the cost of the tax hike, as it is too high to pass on to customers.
“Our market is teachers. It’s not businessmen, it’s not tourists, it’s not honeymooners who spend money when they travel. They are just teachers, they are just housewives,” Sulaiman told Al Jazeera.
Sulaiman said it would be impossible to make a profit under the new tax regime.
“We will sacrifice ourselves,” Sulaiman said, adding that she might have to close down. “There is nothing left after that.”
Bhima Yudhistira, an economist from the Center of Economic and Law Studies, said the tax hike could boost revenue for local governments and provide greater autonomy to communities, but the lack of consultation had left officials divided.
“Some local governments which have huge tourism spots such as Bali see this as not a potential for revenue, they see this as a new tax burden after COVID-19,” Yudhistira told Al Jazeera. “They will lose because the number of tourists will drop and businesses will be affected.”
COVID-19 had a devastating effect on Indonesian businesses and workers, with 2.67 million jobs lost in 2020 and more than 30 million micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) forced to close during the pandemic, according to the national statistics office.
Under the planned tax revision, the rate is set by each local government, making November’s local elections especially important, said Yudhistira, who is sceptical about the government’s promise to provide relief measures and incentives to affected businesses.
He believes businesses could be “cherry-picked” depending on their political connections.
“We see that many of the local government incentives previously didn’t work well … The industry owners or business owners that have strong connections to the local government leaders, to the governors, they have incentives.”
Indonesia has made a name for itself as an affordable destination, but some government officials have expressed their hope that higher costs will drive away visitors on a budget in favour of high-spending tourists.
Gabby Walters, an associate professor of tourism and business at the University of Queensland, said that such an approach would be a mistake.
More than one million Australians visited Bali last year, most of them looking for a cheap, fun holiday. They made up a quarter of all tourist arrivals, making them the largest visitor group, according to official statistics.
“[Australian] Bali tourists want alcohol, they want to party, so you’ve seen a rise of beach clubs, nightclubs and that’s not what the high-yielding tourists are after,” Walters told Al Jazeera. “The way that the Bali tourism industry is structured, it’s set up to encourage and cater for that market.”
It is a market that could be put off by higher prices, at a time when tourism numbers are only just over half of what they were before the pandemic, Walters said.
“If there’s going to be a 40-75 percent increase to buy a drink in a bar or go to a nightclub or have a massage, then people are definitely going to look elsewhere,” Walters said, noting that other destinations in the region have been cutting taxes.
Thailand dropped a related tax to five percent to attract tourists and has seen a boom in arrivals. More than 28 million tourists visited the country last year, while Indonesia attracted just over nine million.
Moving forward, Sulaiman is unsure about the future of her spa, but she knows that shutting up shop and leaving her staff unemployed is a possibility.
She is confused, like many others in the industry, about the lack of consultation.
“I don’t think in any other country, you would find this kind of hike in tax,” she said. “They have never invited us to have a discussion.”
Yudhistira said the tax revisions were made too quickly, with those most affected left out of the conversation. He thinks there are other ways to increase local government revenue without damaging the entertainment industry.
“The burden for the entertainment industry is high, the number of laid-off workers … Instead of increasing the entertainment tax they should increase the other local government tax,” he said.
With the outcome of the government’s tax plans unclear, legal appeals pending and local elections looming, the future of the entertainment industry is uncertain.
For workers like Murniyati, so are their livelihoods.
“Our lives depend on our jobs. We are worried,” she said.
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theunchartedindonesia · 5 months
Investing in Ink: The Potential of Tattoo Tourism in Bali's Economy
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The tropical paradise of Bali is gaining fame beyond its scenic beauty and cultural allure. It's now recognized for a burgeoning industry: tattoo tourism. This sector is opening new doors for investors. It merges Bali's rich artistic heritage with modern business opportunities. 
Tattoo tourism in Bali is flourishing, attracting global attention. The island's skilled artists and deep-rooted artistic traditions are key drivers. Tourists are flocking to Bali not just for relaxation but for unique ink experiences.
This surge is reshaping the island's tourism landscape. It brings a new dimension to Bali's already diverse attractions. The demand for quality tattoo artistry is drawing a new wave of visitors.
The trend reflects a broader cultural shift. Tattoos are becoming more mainstream worldwide. Bali, with its unique artistic flair, is well-positioned to capitalize on this change.
Investment Opportunities and Potential Returns
Investment in Bali's tattoo tourism is diverse and promising. Opening new studios or investing in existing ones offers direct engagement. Funding ancillary services like aftercare products can diversify income sources.
Tattoo tourism's appeal lies in its steady demand. Especially in areas popular with tourists, like Kuta or Seminyak. Investing here can yield consistent returns due to high tourist footfall.
Digital platforms are emerging as a lucrative investment area. Online booking systems and digital portfolios can attract a tech-savvy clientele. They streamline the customer experience, tapping into a broader market.
Risks and Challenges
Investing in tattoo tourism comes with its challenges. Navigating Bali's regulatory environment is crucial for compliance. Health and safety standards in tattooing must be meticulously followed.
Market fluctuations can affect tattoo tourism, like any tourist-dependent industry. Global travel trends or economic downturns can impact visitor numbers. Health crises also pose significant risks.
Cultural sensitivities play a vital role. Investors must ensure that tattoo themes are culturally respectful. Balinese culture and religious sentiments must be considered in business operations.
Future Growth Prospects
The future of Bali's tattoo tourism sector looks promising. Tattoos are gaining wider acceptance in society. Bali is becoming a renowned hub for tattoo artistry. This positions the island for sustained growth.
Sustainable practices can enhance the sector's appeal. Using eco-friendly inks and reducing waste aligns with growing eco-consciousness. It can become a unique selling point, attracting environmentally aware tourists.
The role of technology is pivotal in future growth. Digital marketing strategies can significantly improve online visibility. Engaging with global audiences through social media is essential. Influencer partnerships can also play a key role.
The Role of Digital Marketing
Effective digital marketing is crucial for this sector's growth. SEO techniques improve online visibility for Bali's tattoo studios. Engaging content on social media can attract a diverse audience.
Digital marketing opens global doors. Studios can showcase their work to a worldwide audience. This can significantly boost tourist interest and footfall.
Influencer marketing is another powerful tool. Collaborations with influencers can enhance brand visibility. It brings authenticity and reach to marketing efforts.
Embracing Sustainability
Sustainability is becoming increasingly important in business. Eco-friendly practices in tattoo studios can set them apart. This approach resonates with the growing number of eco-conscious travelers.
Using sustainable materials and reducing waste is not just ethical. It's also a smart business strategy. It can attract a niche market of environmentally aware clients.
Sustainable practices reflect Bali's broader commitment to environmental stewardship. This alignment can enhance the overall appeal of Bali as a tourist destination.
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stillvacations-blog · 6 months
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Planning a getaway to the enchanting island of Bali? Make your journey stress-free and enjoyable by opting for an airport transfer service. This convenient transportation option comes with a myriad of benefits, ensuring a smooth transition from the airport to your destination.
1. Efficiency and Time Savings:
Airport transfer services provide a streamlined and efficient way to reach your hotel or villa. By pre-booking your transfer, you avoid the hassle of standing in long queues for taxis or navigating unfamiliar public transportation. This translates to more time spent on enjoying the picturesque landscapes and cultural richness of Bali.
2. Local Expertise:
Professional airport transfer services often employ local drivers who possess extensive knowledge of the island. Beyond simply transporting you, these drivers can offer valuable insights into Bali’s hidden gems, recommend popular attractions, and suggest authentic local experiences.
3. Comfort and Convenience:
After a possibly long flight, comfort is key. Airport transfer services offer a range of vehicle options, from standard sedans to luxurious SUVs, ensuring you travel in style and relaxation. Forget about lugging your luggage through crowded terminals or figuring out public transportation schedules – your driver will take care of everything.
4. Safety First:
Safety is paramount when traveling, and reputable airport transfer services prioritize the well-being of their passengers. Professional drivers undergo rigorous training, and vehicles are regularly maintained to ensure a secure journey. This commitment to safety allows you to unwind and appreciate the scenic beauty of Bali without any worries.
5. No Hidden Costs:
When you book an airport transfer service, you can often enjoy fixed rates, eliminating the uncertainty of metered taxi fares. This transparency ensures that you won’t encounter unexpected costs, allowing you to stick to your travel budget.
6. 24/7 Availability:
Bali is a destination that thrives day and night. Airport transfer services typically operate 24/7, ensuring that no matter when your flight arrives or departs, reliable transportation is readily available.
7. Customized Experiences:
Many airport transfer services offer customizable packages to suit your preferences. Whether you’re traveling with a group, need a child seat, or have specific requirements, these services can tailor the experience to meet your individual needs.
In conclusion, choosing an airport transfer service for your Bali holiday is a smart decision that enhances the overall travel experience. Enjoy the convenience, safety, and local expertise that these services provide, allowing you to focus on creating lasting memories in the tropical paradise of Bali.
Plan & book : https://stillvacation.com/airport-transfers-bali/
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