taetheists · 2 years
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bangtan on replay event
save me - i need your love, before i fall, fall...
293 notes · View notes
aredheadedmess · 2 years
Good Day || KNJ
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Summary: One day, it'll be a good day, forever.
Pairing: Namjoon x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 5k
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Non-Idol AU, Slight Slow Burn, Slightly Suggestive
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: mention of champagne, pregnancy and allusion to possible abortion, making out, idk if there's anything else. it's really just a lot of fluff
Notes: This fic is part of the Bangtan On Replay event hosted by @btsgoldnetwork! I had fun writing this, and I hope you enjoy it! I wish I got this out a little sooner, but I'm happy on how it turned out.
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You remember the first time you met him. The bright smile he had on his face after defeating your brother in a round of Mario Kart the first time he was at your home only made you more curious. The dimples in his round cheeks deepend as he taunted your older brother, dancing around his deflated form sitting on the floor in front of the couch. You stood watching curiously at the interaction.
The moment he stood between your brother and the tv, his eyes caught your figure in the doorway. He gave you a small wave. At that, your brother turned around to see you standing there, whining out your name with a pout on his face. Even over the sound of the game playing in the background you heard him sigh.
He turned the sound down before pointing at you.
“Namjoon, this is my bratty younger sister, Y/N,” he said in a bored tone.
“Hey! I’m not bratty!”
He stuck his tongue out at you. Which you gave back. Namjoon laughed at your antics, still wearing a silly smile on his cheeks. He raised up the controller, as if he were about to toss it to you.
“Wanna join?”
You gasped. With wide, sparkling eyes, you turned to your brother. Of course you were going to ask him. You had just interrupted their play time and he didn’t seem very pleased while introducing you to the new friend.
“Can I?”
“I guess. Just don’t eat any of my snacks,” he huffed lightly. Settling back into his place with his back against the couch, he reached for the remote again to turn the volume back up. “I’m gonna warn ya right now, Joon. Y/N’s pretty good.”
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Namjoon would often come over. Whether it be for your brother and his weekly hang out time, or for them to stay up all night finishing the joint project that was due that very morning.
Tonight was no different. With the upcoming winter break, there were tests and projects due very quickly. After five years of being friends and project partners you would have thought that they would have learned their lesson. But, just like before, Namjoon had come over with the guise of playing games and a sleepover with your brother. You weren’t sure if your parents had ever caught on to their procrastination, but if the tired looks and glitter-covered hands told you anything, you’re sure they knew very well.
You shared a wall with your brother’s room, and unfortunately for you, it wasn’t very thick. So when you wake up to the loud voices trying to be hush, you knew you wouldn’t be able to fall back asleep that easily. So instead, you threw your covers off your body, pulled yourself up from bed, and slipped out of your room and into the one next door. Two pairs of eyes stared up at you in horror in fear that you were either one of your parents.
“What’s going on,” you yawn. “You guys woke me up.”
Letting out a sigh of relief, your brother turned to glare at his best friend.
“Namjoon won’t let me draw dragons on our poster.”
Throwing his hands in the air, Namjoon looks at you in desperation.
“They don’t even make sense with our topic!” 
“Uh, yeah they do.” Your brother crosses his arms in front of his chest. He leans in closer to Namjoon. “This is history. Dragons are in a lot of old stories.”
“Just because they’re in a lot of stories doesn’t mean that they’re relevant to what we have to present about!”
Your face scrunches at the volume that the two are bickering in. You shush them, reaching out to cover your brother’s mouth before he has a chance to shout out another argument. When he licks your hand, you pull it back and wipe it on his face before he has a chance to move away.
“Keep it down. You don’t want mom or dad to wake up do you?”
He scoffs and points his thumb towards the other boy in the room.
“You’re just lucky you don’t have to deal with his dumb logic everyday.”
“What do you mean? She has to deal with you as a brother everyday.”
Your brother pinches Namjoon’s thigh, leading them into another—this time quieter—argument. You sigh, rubbing your hand against your face before stepping back towards the door.
“I’m going back to bed. You guys are too much to deal with right now.”
You’re not sure if either of them even heard or saw you leave, but you don’t care about that right now. As you carefully shuffle back into your own room, your tired eyes meet your bed. But you can’t sleep now. You’re not sure why tonight is any different, it’s not like you’ve never been woken up by your brother in the middle of the night. Most of the time it’s because he’s up gaming, even though he shouldn’t be.
Deciding that trying to fall back asleep isn’t going to be worth your time, you pull a book off your shelf and sit on your bed. You wrap your comforter around you and snuggle in. You can still hear the faint complaints between the two boys as you begin to read, and it did distract you at first. But the longer you focused on the book, the less you noticed about your surroundings.
Your heart pounds in your chest at the light knock that eventually comes from your door. Slowly, you set the book down, glancing at the clock. It’s been almost an hour since you started reading. You get up from your bed, pulling the comforter along with you. Quietly opening the door, you are met with Namjoon fiddling with his fingers.
His voice is soft. He is definitely a lot calmer than what you heard earlier.
“You’re brother’s already asleep,” he mutters. “I was going to get some water when I saw that you had your light on, so I thought I’d come apologize for waking you up.”
A sheepish smile takes over his face, dimples out on display. You send him a soft smile of your own. Leaning up against your door, you let out a huff of laughter.
“Ah, yeah. It’s no big deal. He wakes me up in the middle of the night often enough that it doesn’t really bug me all the time. Plus if you remember, it’s not the first time you both have woken me up by your bickering.” You glance back into your room, towards the open book laying on your bed. “Although, tonight I can’t really fall back asleep.”
Namjoon hums, pulling your attention back to him. His face scrunches up in thought before returning the smile to his face.
“I think I remember seeing some tea in the kitchen. Want me to make you some?”
It’s quiet between the two of you for a minute. You’re not sure if you should start making conversation with Namjoon, or if he’d rather sit in silence as you wait for the water to heat up. He must have seen your thoughts as if they were tattooed on your forehead, though, as he initiates a quiet conversation with you.
The two of you talk about everything between school and your social lives, and the late night thoughts that keep you both awake. There was never a dull moment as you sat in your kitchen with your brother’s best friend.
Namjoon laughs as quietly as possible after you finish telling him about your class’s shenanigans. And in that moment, you don’t think you’ve ever felt the way you did. Maybe it was the idea that your brother wasn’t around, so you didn’t have to hear his nagging about you taking his best friend away from him. Or maybe it was because you knew that you’ve felt that Namjoon was more than just your brother’s best friend for some time, and that this moment—sitting at the breakfast bar with his thigh grazing yours every so often as he twists on his chair—was much more intimate than other times you’ve shared a space together.
Picking up your mug as you shake the thoughts out of your head, you hum in satisfaction. If there was one thing you knew, Namjoon knew how to brew the tea just right.
“You know,” he speaks softly. “I thought it’d be weird to hang out with my best friend’s little sibling.”
“I don’t think it’s weird,” you mumble against your mug.
Namjoon turns to you. His eyebrow is raised in confusion as his mug is held in midair.
You shake your head.
“Well…” he hums. He raises his mug to his lips, whispering out before taking another sip. “I think you’re cool.”
You turn away from his gaze with a shy smile. Does he know what he’s doing to your heart?
Namjoon finishes his drink before you, but waits until you're done, taking both of your mugs to the sink. He turns back to face you, gesturing to the stairs where you both make your way back up to your room as quietly as possible. You step into your room. Before you can manage to close your door, Namjoon catches your wrist to stop you. You turn your attention to him.
“Goodnight, Y/N. See you tomorrow?”
His head tilts as he asks the question. You nod, giving him a sweet but tired smile.
“Yeah. Goodnight, Joon.”
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Your eyes widen. Sniffling quietly, you rub your face to get rid of the stray tears and runny nose.
Namjoon comes running around the corner you managed to hide yourself behind. You should have known that he would have seen you run past him in an attempt to get away from your brother.
You curse yourself. Your voice sounds so hoarse.
“Are you okay?”
Namjoon kneels in front of you, his head tilted and eyebrows furrowed in worry. You can’t make eye contact with him unless you want to start apologizing for making him so worried when he shouldn’t be. He’s your brother’s friend. Not yours.
“Yeah. Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Well, cause you look like you’ve been crying.”
“No I wasn’t,” you mumble.
He raises an eyebrow at you, leaning in a little closer.
“Are you sure?”
He sighs lightly. Namjoon shifts so he sits on the gravel beside you. The warmth radiating from him is comforting, so you lean into him a little more, testing the waters before fully committing to resting your head against his shoulder. He throws an arm around your shoulders.
“You can tell me anything, yeah? I’ll listen.”
“It’s nothing really,” you sigh. “Just my stupid brother picking a fight with me infront of his so called friends.”
You finally glance up at him. Even from the position you’re in, Namjoon is watching you carefully. He smiles as you catch his eyes.
“I just really look up to him, ya know? But when he goes and says the things he said, I feel like I’m nothing to him.”
Namjoon hums, tugging you closer.
“He’ll come around. I’m sure of it. I never really liked those people anyways.”
“You think so?”
“If I have anything to do with it, I know so,” he chuckles.
You push away from him as much as possible, but his hold on you keeps you close. Shaking your head, you give him a tight-lipped smile.
“You don’t have to do anything. I’ll get over it at some point.”
“That’s the problem though,” Namjoon states. His voice is stern, and it sends a kaleidoscope of butterflies to your stomach. You’ve seen how protective he can get about the people he cares about. And now knowing that you are a part of that small group has you overly happy. “You shouldn’t have to get over it, that’s your brother. It would be different if it was a friend.”
“Why are you so nice to me?”
You stare into his eyes. It takes a moment for Namjoon to say anything, and for that moment, you reconsider if you ever even meant anything to him. He is your brother’s best friend. And you are just his bratty little sister.
“I consider you.. my friend. Why wouldn’t I be nice to you?”
It’s almost as if something shifts between the two of you. One moment, you are surprised to hear that what you’ve been thinking about is true. The next, you find yourself leaning in a little closer. You can feel his breath hit your face. You thank your lucky stars that he doesn’t seem uncomfortable with the limited space between your faces, and lean in even closer.
“Joon? Where’d ya go?”
Namjoon groans. Curse your brother’s bad timing. Namjoon was in your brother’s sight when you passed by him earlier. Of course he’d go looking for him.
“I’ve gotta get going,” he sighs. “Your brother’s buying bowling passes for us and I promised I’d go. Not that I’d be great at it anyways. You’ve got my number though. I’m always free to talk, or do something to get stuff off your mind.”
Reluctantly, you settle back into your original position with your back against the brick wall behind you. Namjoon offers a bright smile as he stands up. He keeps his eyes trained on you until he makes it around the corner once more.
What would have happened if your brother didn’t interrupt?
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Getting a text at midnight wasn't something you expected. But getting a text from Namjoon at midnight was even less expected. You thought that he'd be asleep right now, considering he has a big exam in the morning—one that will determine his future—and he likes to get a good amount of sleep before tests.
Reaching for your phone, you open up your messages. His text is vague, making you much more curious that maybe you should be.
Meet me at the park. I want to show you something.
Your eyes scan the playground when you get to the park. Namjoon is sitting on the swingset, gently swinging. Even in the dark of the night, you can see the satisfied smile resting on his face. As you make your way closer to him, he glances in your direction, seemingly hearing your footsteps. You smile and wave.
“What did you want to show me?”
Namjoon takes your hand, pulling you towards the other side of the park.
“Come with me.”
He brushes past the taller shrubbery, pushing branches out of your way. 
“We gotta be quiet.”
Stepping out into a smaller open area, your eyes widen. Hidden away from the main park area is a garden area with a small gazebo centered between the bushes and trees. Fireflies light up the space, helping you guide your way to the gazebo. Namjoon pulls you to sit beside him, watching as the fireflies dance around you. You’re speechless.
“Oh wow. Joon, this is incredible.”
You glance at him only to find him already looking at you. You give him a warm smile, which he gladly returns.
A quiet rustle in one of the trees brings your attention away from him. You watch as a pair of squirrels climb up to one of the branches before snuggling up together.
“Maybe that could be us one day,” Namjoon mumbles.
You turn to him with a slightly surprised look.
“What are you saying?”
“Y/N, I like you.”
He smiles gently. Waiting patiently for your reaction, he stares at you with a sparkle in his eye. You sit still for a moment, trying to process what he had just said. Is he lying? Is this a set up? It was too good to be true. You begin to look around your surroundings for any sign of your brother or a hidden camera.
“My brother put you up to this, didn’t he? I’m being pranked right now, right?”
He knows that you’ve liked Namjoon for a while now. It’s one of the main reasons why he hasn’t let you be around them as often when they hang out. And one of the main reasons why he would always pick a fight with you. He wasn’t very happy when he had seen the way you looked at him after he had given you a birthday present a couple years back. The gift wasn’t anything super special, just your favorite candy and a little handmade card with ‘Happy Birthday Y/N’ scrawled across the paper. But the way he had remembered what you liked and gave it to you without a reminder of it being your birthday made your heart warm. Your brother knew then and there that you saw his best friend as something other than a friend or acquaintance.
Taking your hands in his, Namjoon leans over to get your gaze back to him. 
“No. I really do like you, Y/N. I have for a long time now.”
“Oh,” you whisper. “Well, I’m glad then. Cause I have too.”
Dimples. Probably one of your favorite features of his. The smile that takes over his face lets them have their time to shine once again, and you have to refrain from poking them.
Namjoon squeezes your hands, dropping his gaze to them.
“Prom’s coming up. Would you want to go with me?”
“What about my brother?” you question.
You’re sure he’d be livid if he saw you and Namjoon together at one of the most special—at least according to many of your classmates—dances of the year. All dressed up for each other, holding you close as you sway to the questionable music on the gymnasium floor.
“He’s been saying that he won’t go cause it seems like a dumb idea to spend a crap ton of money for just one night in a sweaty room with a bunch of horny teenage couples.”
“Well, when it’s put that way…”
You cringe at the picture his words put in your head. Sweaty teens mosh pitting with several couples trying to make out while hiding from the chaperones was not the sight you wanted to see.
“So, no dance?” he pouts slightly.
“No!-- I mean, I’d love to go with you! Just as long as we stay out of the main crowds.”
Namjoon chuckles, pulling you into his arms to watch the fireflies again.
“Fine by me.”
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You push him away enough to whisper against his lips.
“What if he comes back soon?”
Namjoon leans back in to give you another kiss, speaking in between each one.
“He won’t. With his girlfriend. Don’t worry.”
You sigh into the kiss. Wrapping your arms around his neck to pull him in closer, your hands find their way into his hair. Namjoon smiles against your lips. His hands—which had been settled on either side of you to prop his upper body up above you—slowly make a home on your waist. He pushes your shirt up slightly to make contact with your skin. Your lower bodies are flush against each other, legs tangled as you make out on your bed.
There was nothing sensual or sexual to your actions. You both felt that it was better to take things slowly, especially when you decided to hide your relationship with Namjoon from your brother. It wasn’t that you didn’t want him to know, but neither of you found the right timing to tell him the truth. He was with his own girlfriend most of the time anyways.
Your door creaks open. Namjoon quickly throws himself off of you, startled by the sudden entrance. Your brother bores his gaze into both you and Namjoon.
“I thought you were with your cousin.”
Namjoon stutters, frantically trying to compose himself after being caught in such a vulnerable position.
“I can explain.”
“No.” Your brother is seething. “Get out.”
Namjoon gets up from your bed, making his way to his best friend. He approaches him carefully, as if he is trying to tame a wild lion.
“Don’t ‘dude’ me! My best friend was feelin’ up my sister!” He gestures towards you. “Who knows what you would have done if I didn’t interrupt?”
Your brows furrow. Standing up from your bed, you point at him accusingly.
“B/N, it’s not like that!” you yell.
He doesn’t say anything as he shoves Namjoon out of your room. Before he shut the door behind him, he turns back to face you.
“You should be glad that it was me and not mom or dad,” he growls out, slamming your door behind him.
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You can’t believe him. You were trying to enjoy a nice home cooked meal together for your anniversary, and he drops the biggest bombshell on you.
“You told him?!”
Namjoon stares at you incredulously.
“What did you want me to do?”
“Uh, I don’t know… Maybe let me tell my own brother on my own time?”
He tosses his utensils on his plate, throwing his hands up dramatically. You watch in disbelief as he pushes himself away from the table to argue with you.
“He barely even accepted the fact that we’ve been dating for a couple years now—behind his back may I remind you—and you expect me to just not tell my best friend that my girlfriend is carrying my child?”
“That’s exactly what I expected!” Your fist hits the table, making you quietly hiss out in pain. “This wasn’t even planned, and I don’t even know if I can handle having a kid right now! I’m still going through college, Namjoon!”
“So you’re saying that this was a mistake?” he asks.
“Of course it was a mistake!”
His angry facade drops for a split second. Enough for you to see the disappointment on his face. You don’t let your guard down, too angry with him to think about what you’re truly saying. It isn’t until he stands from his chair, presses his lips together in a thin line, nods once, and makes his way towards the front door, that you realize what you said.
“Wait! Joon–”
Before you can get up from the table, he shoves his shoes on his feet and walks out the door, closing it softly behind him. You messed up.
Eyes swollen, you hold your legs against your chest. The movie playing on the tv does nothing to distract you from your racing thoughts. Were you done? Was this the final straw that breaks your five year long relationship?
It had been hours since you last saw Namjoon. Despite the anger that ran through your blood at dinner, you worried about him. He had never walked out on you like this before, and he didn’t even take his phone or keys with him. Usually after your petty arguments, Namjoon or you would step into another room to take a breather before ultimately coming back together to talk things through better. But the fact that he was outside, in the middle of the night, walking the streets of the new city you moved to, you weren’t sure if he’d come back.
Finally, another hour or two later, the door swings open. You watch as Namjoon walks quietly back into the house, possibly not to disturb you if you somehow managed to fall asleep. You sniff, catching his attention.
“I didn’t think you’d be back,” you mutter, turning off the tv.
“I live here, don’t I?”
He makes his way into the living room. He settles himself into the cushions on the other side of the couch you were on. You give him a moment to get a little more comfortable—if that was even possible with how much tension there was between the two of you—before speaking up.
“Look, about earlier–”
“You don’t have to say anything,” he interrupts. He leans his elbows against his knees, keeping his eyes trained on the carpet beneath his feet. “I get it. You’re the one carrying the baby, so you can ultimately decide what you want to do. And I should have said something to you before going to your brother.”
You shift your position to match his. Rubbing your hands against your face, you sigh.
“No. That’s not what I was going to say. I just– I’m scared, Joon,” you whisper. “We didn’t plan for this to happen and now that this is happening, that I’m growing a life as a result of us being a little reckless, I don’t know how we’ll do it. I’m still in school and you just graduated. We still have so much ahead of us. But I don’t want to lose this baby.” Glancing up from the ground, you look over to where Namjoon is sitting. His body is still in the same position, but his head is turned to face you. “I don’t want to lose you. And you telling my brother just made me realize how real our situation is. I wanted to make sure that we were going to go through with this before going to him. I don’t want him to see me as his little sister who somehow seduced his best friend into being in a relationship with her and now he can’t get out of it because there’s now an unplanned addition into the mix.”
Your eyes begin to tear up at the thought of your brother berating you for becoming pregnant without proper financial or physical protection. Who’s to say that Namjoon wouldn’t get up and leave you any chance he got?
When you look back towards Namjoon, you let the tears fall. He looks at you with so much love and understanding that it’s much too overwhelming. When he notices you crying, he doesn’t hesitate to open his arms and turn his whole body towards you.
“Come here.”
You throw yourself into his arms and he pulls you as close as physically possible. He lets you cry it out for a few moments as he caresses your hair, rocking the both of you gently.
 “You won’t lose me,” he murmurs. “And I’ll do whatever it takes to not lose the baby. I’ve got a few interviews lined up the next few weeks that will hopefully get me into my career. And then I’ll be making enough for the three of us to live comfortably. You don’t have to work if you don’t want to. And your brother,” he paused for a second. “He isn’t the stupid high school boy that he was. I’m sorry that I didn’t talk to you before going to him. But do you want to know what he told me?”
You hum, moving your head to meet his gaze.
“He told me that he was glad that I am the one taking care of you. Especially when he couldn’t or didn’t while growing up. He said that it was shocking at first, just because he found out so suddenly that day, but he knew that we would eventually recognize our feelings for each other.”
You press your face into the crook of his neck. Namjoon shifts the both of you so that you lay on top of him. One hand brushes through your hair while the other caresses your waist. Your own hand finds Namjoon’s waist, pushing up his shirt to make contact with the skin of his stomach. Your thumb rubs circles against him.
“Have I ever told you how much I love you?”
“You don’t have to,” Namjoon chuckles. “I can see it everyday.”
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The cork flies out the bottle, landing among the crowd. Namjoon sheepishly laughs as he gets a playful yell of his name from his cousin, where the cork landed.
Carefully he pours you a glass of champagne before filling up his own flute. You raise your glass, clinking it with his before downing the drink. The sound of the shutter from the photographer you hired can be heard amongst the chatter between guests. You’re sure that they got a good picture that you’ll search for later.
“I would like to raise a toast to the two people I love the most.” Your brother’s voice booms over the crowd, catching everyone’s attention. “My little sister and my best friend. I am so happy to see that they are still going strong after so many years. They’ve had their ups and downs, but I can see it when I look at them that no matter what happens, they will be able to figure it out. To the happy couple! And maybe you can bring me back another niece or nephew after the honeymoon!”
Laughter rings out amongst your friends and family. You glare at your brother playfully, sticking your tongue out at him. He laughs, returning the favor, before making his way back to your family’s table.
The night is filled with dancing and partying. You couldn’t have imagined a more perfect wedding for the two of you. Seeing your friends and family happily join in on the activities of the night makes your heart flutter with joy. This was the moment you’ve waited for for such a long time. Being able to marry your best friend and the love of your life was something you only dreamed about. But ever since falling in love with Namjoon, you knew that your dreams would come true one day.
As you’re talking to a couple of the guests that linger at the end of the reception, thanking them for coming, Namjoon slips his hand into yours. You glance at him, watching as he nods towards the photo backdrop you had set up for wedding pictures. Wishing your guests a good rest of the night, you follow Namjoon’s lead.
A whine has you turning to see your son in your mother’s arms. He reaches out to you and you coo at the sight.
“Seungjin, are you ready?”
His giggles fill the room as you take him from her arms and move over to the backdrop where your husband is waiting and watching you lovingly. As you step up beside him, the photographer readies their camera. Namjoon’s arm wraps around your waist, pulling you closer. He looks into your eyes, smiling, dimples on show.
“I love you,” he whispers.
“I love you.”
Seungjin whines in your arms and you chuckle. You look down to find his lips in a tiny pout.
“And we love you, too.”
He smiles, showing his own dimples, as you kiss his chubby cheek.
You wouldn’t have it any other way.
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Taglist: @seajae @sugainmybowl @fluffyjjkk
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btsgoldnetwork · 2 years
Bangtan On Replay
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The time has come where we begin to see the sun shine through the clouds once more and the breeze combing through the trees, the smell of rain has begun to hang in the air as spring approaches steadily. Welcome to our Spring Event, Bangtan On Replay! 
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Basic Criteria:
↬ Reblog this post! ↬ Sign Ups are OPEN from April 3rd to May 29th! ↬ Regular network rules still apply. ↬ Must be a member of the network or a part of one of a bts network! ↬ Once your application is received, you will receive a link to the Discord Server! ↬ Must choose a playlist and the song from the playlist!  ↬ Submit your work (fanfic, gif, gfx, etc.) related to songs off of BTS’s albums. ↬ Participants that create smut and suggestive content must be 18+. NO EXCEPTIONS! ↬ Use the tags #btsgoldnet and #BangtanOnReplay so we can reblog your work!
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↬ Creator Sign Ups: April 3rd, 2022 - May 29th, 2022 ↬ Event Starts: April 3rd, 2022 ↬ Posting Begins: April 3rd, 2022 ↬ Event Ends: June 30th, 2022 ↬ Event Master Post Shared: July 7th, 2022
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Please reach out to any of the admins (Cee @yutasthetic ; Val @kookdiaries ; Maya @cremeandsuga) with any questions about the event, or send us an ask!
[Special thanks to @kithtaehyung for our banners and graphics!]
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apotatomashedbybts · 2 years
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Wallpaper Set
For Bangtan On Replay event hosted by @btsgoldnetwork
Playlist: Rainy Day
Pic © HYBE Labels
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btsgoldnetwork · 2 years
Bangtan On Replay masterlist
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We want to thank everyone who participated in our event! Here are the works from our lovely creators that created something for the event.
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Written work:
Spectre - @btsstan12
Film Out - @playmetheclassics
Outro: Tear - @nabiolive
Good Day - @aredheadedmess
Visual Content:
Save Me - @taetheists
Lie - @apotatomashedbybts
Film Out @apotatomashedbybts
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apotatomashedbybts · 2 years
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Wallpaper set
For Bangtan On Replay event hosted by @btsgoldnetwork
Playlist: Rainy Day
Pic © HYBE labels
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