banjo-be · 8 months
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*gets a new camera takes a bazillion pictures*
Gravity Rush 2 (2017)
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odyssej · 6 months
"Let me do it," Mati took the needle from the wrinkly hand of the medicine lady.
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hoids-banjo · 3 years
Hello!! I just wanted to tell you that your URL is one of my all time favorites. Hoid is a very special character to me, and he reminds me of a dear friend in my life who is one of the finest banjo players I've ever seen. Fr I had to do a double take when I saw your URL the first time because it was so weirdly specific!! :)
it happened again… i forgot about my inbox.
anyways i love this! i think when i picked my url i was thinking of that string instrument that you’d plays in the stormlight archive, but i don’t even think it’s anything like a banjo lol. either way, i’m glad my url made you happy!!
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I would follow you but you follow notable racist and misogynist banjob*tch. bye
Firstly I have to ask ehy would you censor anybody's name in an anonymous ask? Like, that's not gonna lead them back to you even if they do namesearch.
But more importantly, I'm not particularly interested in picking up followers who are strangers interested in emotionally manipulating me. Like, she's college aged or thereabouts and I'm still really vague about what she even said or did that led to cancelation but you're trying to guilt trip me for the sin of following her on tumblr? Because she said stupid shit which I know for a fact she apologized for?
A 20 something transwoman in Texas should be granted a bit of grace I think, and if you're gonna imply some sort of guilt by association stemming from the mere act of following somebody on here you're not somebody I anticipate really appreciating the long string of dumb reblogs I share or the occasional bit of sincere thought I provide. In fact I follow a number of people I don't agree with on quite a few points, and while I'm not looking to wade into anything when I'm goofing around in this space it's pleasant to be intellectually stimulated every once in a while.
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garbage-empress · 5 years
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fishbowltwo · 5 years
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drew a banjob and almost totally forgot to post it here oops
good to see my sweet boy is finally getting the love he deserves
(twitter link)
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aysha754 · 4 years
ดูเธอทำ (Doo Doo Doo/Doo Ter Tum) is een nummer van Banjob Polin, uit de band Job 2 Do. Banjob Polin is een bekende reggae artiest uit Thailand en zijn liedjes gaan vaak over het milieu, de zee, rastafari's leven, vrijheid en de natuur. Banjo Polin is geboren in 1958, dus hij is 61 jaar oud. Het lied is uitgebracht in 2005 en gaat over zijn broer en zus die hij tijdens een tsunami in 2004 heeft verloren en zijn ex die al zijn spullen (geld, kleding...) had meegenomen. Hij was vooral boos omdat ze de Bob Marley CD’s ook had meegenomen. Toen ik het lied hoorde voor ik de betekenis ervan wist, dacht ik eigenlijk dat het een vrolijk nummer was en ik had niet verwacht dat dit helemaal niet zo is. Ik heb het lied leren kennen doordat Banjob Polin de buurman was van mijn vader’s ex-vriendin. Er zijn ad libs in de intro en de songteksten zijn repetitief. De achtergrondzangers zingen hetzelfde in het eerste couplet en komen terug in het refrein. Er is een sleutel wijziging in het tweede couplet en de drums blijven hetzelfde, meestal is er op het einde tromgeroffel. Ook is er een stille synthesizer met een nagalm op de achtergrond. Rustige ritmes worden gespeeld op een elektrische gitaar die naar links is gepand, halverwege is er een gitaarsolo die goed samengaat met de verschillende soorten drums. 
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oecsports · 5 years
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泰國輪網傳奇卡泰錫(Khanthasit Sakhorn)(圖/輪轉活動整合行銷工作坊提供)
在訓練部分,運動員每天訓練6小時,加上每週兩次體能訓練,而泰國政府也相當注重明年的帕運賽事,今年也為團隊找來專職的體能訓練師,加強選手體能與重量訓練,也因此泰國輪網傳奇卡泰錫(Khanthasit Sakhorn)雖已高齡48歲,仍在球場上屹立不搖,世界排名高居21位。
談到明年2020東京帕運,泰國隊成員一致認同日本輪網的盛行程度遙遙領先其他亞洲國家,無論是選手陣容與訓練計畫都相較齊全完善。「大家當然都會想贏得帕運獎牌,但就現況而言,其實是個非常困難的挑戰」泰國隊教練笑說著說道。泰國隊陣中除了三位年紀超過四十歲的老將卡泰錫(Khanthasit Sakhorn)和男子組的Suthi Khlongrua與Banjob Suwan外,其餘幾乎是新生代選手,球齡都在兩年以下。目前面臨世代斷層考驗的他們,除了需要透過更多的訓練互相磨合與搭配之外,更要調整好心境面對更多世界好手。
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代表隊成員在場邊為泰國選手Suthi Khlongrua加油(圖/輪轉活動整合行銷工作坊提供)
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泰國輪網代表隊上一面獎牌是由卡泰錫(Khanthasit Sakhorn)在2012倫敦帕運所摘下的女雙銅牌,期待泰國隊能在2020年東京帕運突破隊史最佳,爭取更高的榮耀。
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beagleboys · 8 years
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“The Grope Diamond/The Dazzler Diamond.” Art by Jaime Diaz Studio, 1989.
Scrooge McDuck is displaying a diamond so bright that it’s blinding, and the Beagle Boys want it!
Obviously the entire story wouldn’t fit, just posted some of my favorite panels. Partial translation below:
Duckworth: It looks like a battering ram on wheels, sir.
Scrooge: Aha! And there are the perpetrators, the Beagle Boys!
Scrooge: In any case, this proves as a good warning for me to strengthen the security at tonight’s premiere!
Baggy: I’m already here, I heard your call!
Ma: Okay, Baggy. But where is everybody else?
Baggy: Hmm ... BigTime’s here too! And Burger also!
Bouncer: We’re comin’, mama!
Ma: I can see Bouncer and Banjob too!
Babyface: Damn, Mom, you had to play your flute just when I tried to rob a candy store!
Ma: Quiet, Babyface!
Ma: Everyone in! My plan for tonight is really great!
BigTime: It sure better be something big.
Ma: Anyone of you read today’s newspaper?
Baggy: Can anyone read here?
Ma: Well, son, this evening Scrooge McDuck is getting hold of the world’s largest diamond!
Ma: Now I’ll tell you who’s in charge of stealing it!
Bankjob: Me, mama!
Bouncer: Of course not, it’s me!
Burger: And me too, Mom!
Ma: No, no, no. Not any of you.
All: Then who?
Ma: My answer is Baggy.
BigTime: Baggy?!
Bouncer:  But he’s a clumsy idiot!
Ma: Come on boys, get in position now!
Guard: Bankjob is trying to get through the wall! Stop!
A Beagle Boy was posted at every entrance to distract the guards.
Guard: Why are I tearing up?
Burger: I sure love a burger with lots of onions.
Guard: Who left this child here? And why’s it wearing sunglasses?
Babyface: *Crying*
BigTime harassed one of the guards.
BigTime: *loud obnoxious noises*
Guard: Just stop!
Baggy: Wow, Ma was right again! But the brightness doesn’t bother me, I’ve got my sunglasses!
Scrooge: Hey! Who took the diamond?
Baggy: Now let’s take this thing home!
Ma: Never mind! I can always call them the old way.
Babyface: See you later, chump!
Burger: Let’s go home!
Bouncer: Burger, that’s Ma’s whistle!
Burger: Come on!
Baggy: You’re back already, Ma?
Bankjob: What could have happened?
Babyface: (I bet) many karats I'll be the first one there!
Ma: It wasn’t me, sons! It was Scrooge who whistled from below!
Boys: Scrooge?!
Scrooge: Yes, and you’re just on time!
Cop: Wow, the Beagle Boys!
Babyface: Ahhh, Mama!
Bankjob: Run, boys! The race begins!
Ma: Hold on boys, I’ve got the diamond!
Scrooge: Guess who, mama!
Ma: Ow! Who tripped me?!
The Beagle Boys were blinded by the spoils...
Ma: Too bright!
Boys: Oh!!
Cops: Avert your eyes, but it surely caught the Beagle Boys! Arrest them all!
Scrooge: Wonderful!
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hoids-banjo · 3 years
I finished The Rhythm of War and needed something to help me recover from everything that _that_ was. Your blog provided and just kept providing. Thank you for your humor and doing what you do!
So I’ve been avoiding this site a bit since December (coincidentally when this ask was sent) cause I’ve been really busy with school and a whole bunch of personal stuff, but I just checked and saw this and it made me really happy, and realize why I love this site and our fandom. I’m gonna try to be a bit more active, I’ll probably do a reread soon! Anyways, thank you @orangealien
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odyssej · 2 years
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The medicine lady, Banjob.
The manager I spoke with yesterday kept saying how “powerful” this 70-year-old lady is as she works full time. She’d peg me as too young, job is tiring, but you know, stubborn old women are all the same. I hope to be at least half as fit by then!
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odyssej · 4 years
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The medicine lady.
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odyssej · 7 years
Ankle-deep in a pool of blood, naked, holding up a limp woman.
Brookes: Mais elle est morte! (But she’s dead!)
Isabelle: Regardez encore. (Look again.)
Brookes looks down to find a bloodied baby as though it had just been brought into the world.
Brookes [to Banjob in the car]: If I were to talk about it with my mother, she would cry.
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odyssej · 7 years
The head chef just took a look at the last comic and put his palm down below his stomach, “Small child?” Yes, tragic, isn’t it?
Now I want to see about drawing Isabelle, the child in Brookes’ dream who would present her with flowers, unfazed by her exposed body, to leave as gift for a dead woman. And that’s when things would start really weird, Brookes waddling in blood and holding up a baby. If her mother were to cry, it’s because Isabelle was her sister who died young, and the dead woman was her mother - Brookes’ grandmother, and Isabelle was her aunt. The baby was none other than her own mother.
And it’s all because Genevieve let slip that she felt it was a “punishment” for young Brookes to have a medical condition as well. As to what it is, I’d rather it be shown, not told. Her situs inverus - having reversed organs - is just the icing on the cake. Doesn’t affect the story too much, thankfully, just more an inconvenience on her part. There’s Banjob the medicine lady for a start.
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odyssej · 7 years
(Thinking more about Mati’s loyalty and the chain-smoking medicine lady.)
Banjob: If there’s such a thing as “fragile masculinity”, then there’s also “fragile femininity”.
Brookes: Don’t you give me that tosh.
Banjob: Dreams are supposed to be “tosh”, hm?
Mati: Spill it.
Brookes: First, ditch those specs of yours, can you?
Mati: … Very well then. [removing his glasses and placing them on the counter, and taking from the drawer a hammer.]
Brookes: … Mati, I’m touched. [The hammer stops in mid-air.]
Mati: Oh, right, no need to be so dramatic. I’ll just donate these. Come again, darling?
[As Brookes leans in to whisper in Mati’s ear, his eyes widen.]
Mati : … H-holy cow, Brookes.
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odyssej · 7 years
Banjob is the name of the medicine lady.
Brookes: What if I try dingdong siu ze?
Banjob: I'd advise against it. They’ll kill you both.
Brookes: Yet you just treated a hitman?
Banjob: Even if we carve out ours, this is not a woman’s world.
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