#banknote counting machine
jftechnology · 2 years
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0 notes
barbieaemond · 10 months
Intrusion (part I)
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moodboard by the queen herself @zae5
PAIRING: (modern) Aemond Targaryen x Lannister!reader
WARNINGS: angst, Aemond has no filter, drug use (very brief), mentions of overdose, suggestive themes, sexual tension (sadly nothing more but part II will be a helluva ride)
AUTHOR’S NOTE: Sothoryos is a large continent in Martin’s universe. It is located below Essos.
Song for this fic:
taglist: @zae5 @chompchompluke @multyfangirl
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“What’s up with the green light?”
Jason's voice came distantly, even though he was sitting right next to her. She looked up through her long eyelashes, scanning the mighty, green-lit Hightower from top to bottom, an emerald glow kissed her face.
“How dumb are you? It was a beacon once.” She said mindlessly, dragging her eyes away from the car window to watch her brother crouched on a little mirror with three lines of white powder on it.
“D’you want some?”
“I’m done with that shit.”
“I should hope so.” He chuckled, rolling a banknote between his fingers with the expertise of a magician ready to do his trick. “Dad is still paying the hospital to keep their mouth shut. Not to mention the papers…”
She heard him snort the substance, humming with delight as it reached his brain. She looked at him for a moment, green just like the glowing light on her face. It was so easy for Jason to surrender to the void. She struggled to do even that.
“Speaking of which” he said wiping his nose “he could’ve bothered to come.”
“And watch Otto Hightower gloat in his face? Dad would rather throw checks to the homeless.”
“Why are we here then?” he asked as the car stopped in front of the huge, tall building, the tallest in all the continent.
“Because he wants to remind everyone we are still the wealthiest in this wretched world.” She said she grabbed her little purse and got out of the fancy car as soon as the driver opened her door.
Blinding lights fell on her as photographers took note that the Lannister family had sent its scions to attend the annual Gala held by the Hightowers. A party that had always been held in the capital in the previous years, at least until what the newspapers had called the divorce of the century.
“I would not be so sure about that.” Jason said, squinting his eyes in front of the ruthless flashes. “Papers say Viserys is going to pay a fortune, for alimony and all that shit.”
“Miss Lannister! Here, please! On your right!”
She built a broad smile for the photographers, maneuvering her hair to let it slide down her shoulder, placing a hand on her hip. A well-thought-out act, repeated incessantly for as long as she could remember. A beautiful machine doll bathed in gold and diamonds.
“Do you still read papers?” she asked, not breaking her plastic smile.
“How else should I find out if I've done something illegal?”
“They’re a reliable source on that, less on others. They claim I had a thing with Cregan Stark when even walls know he’s gay.”
They claimed many other things. But she never confirmed or denied the rumors, because it was all part of the plan.
Any rumor of an alleged flirt or talk of an engagement with a scion from one of the old power families of the country only increased the height of the pedestal on which her father and mother had placed her. So that when rumors died, the vultures would come even more savage, raising the stakes to win the most coveted prize in their circle of starched shirts and centuries-old privileges that no longer had any value except in the small, greedy world inside their small, greedy heads.
She moved, swiftly but graciously, and stepped inside the building, followed by her brother and his giggles, and the photographers screaming at the top of their lungs, begging for another picture—just one more. The begging had started already.
The Hall of the Hightower Palace was a sight to behold. Adorned with green and dark tones, crystal chandeliers hanging from the high ceilings and yellow cocktail music pushing all the fine-dressed people to chat and laugh more loudly as if they unconsciously tried to imitate the lively ups and downs of the notes.
The Lannisters lingered on the entrance, immediately catching many pairs of eyes, greedy and green as the decorations around them.
“Are they waiting for us to go greet them?” Jason asked, watching the Hightowers at the center of the Hall. “Gods, why do they always act as if they were royals and us merely subjects?”
"Apparently, it has been proven they have hints of blue in their blood.”
“Who’s the blondie?” he asked, taking his sister’s arm as they walked towards the hosts.
“Helaena Targaryen.”
“Oh! The freak?”
“She’s not a freak. She’s a renowned entomologist.”
“And my point stands.”
Miss Lannister knew all the four Hightowers waiting to be greeted. After all, who didn't?
Otto Hightower was the most influential man in the country, although he liked to hide and pull his strings behind the curtains. They said that family and strangers made no difference to him. His daughter Alicent would agree with a stiff lip.
She wore the most lavish dress of all, but that was not what caught the eye, but rather the determination in her gaze and the way she stood. A woman free from the chains of a marriage she had never wanted.
“It is a pleasure to have both of you here.” She said smiling at the two Lannisters. Her father Otto was towering just behind her, a curious look on his face as his eyes rapidly scanned Miss Lannister.
In fact, he stepped in, saying “Indeed, Alicent. Especially Miss Lannister. I’m relieved to see you well.”
After what happened in Pyke, was the part he deliberately omitted.
The young woman looked at him, unfazed, building another one of her plastic smiles and then directed her attention to the youngest son of Alicent and Viserys Targaryen. Daeron.
The boy was no more than twenty, but he had a way of standing and carrying himself, which gave him at least five more years. That was the price of being doomed to inherit a heavy family name and all within it. The young Lannister girl understood it all too well.
As for Helaena, she seemed the most out-of-place creature, like watching a dolphin swim along sharks. The Lannister girl didn’t know her that much; truthfully no one did. Helaena was always far away from the country for her studies, traveling to the edge of the world to discover wild and rare creatures. She had a way of avoiding eye contact, Miss Lannister noticed, if not for brief and furtive glances, as if she was afraid that if she looked too much, she would see too much.
“And you don’t call that a freak?” Jason asked once they moved away from the Hightowers.
“You are just sour because she barely looked at you.” his sister answered, grabbing a flute of champagne from a passing waiter.
“Hey. I’m nice to look at!” he said gesturing to his figure.
“You tell yourself that.” she sipped her bubbly like water, barely tasting it, as her eyes roamed around the lavish hall, watching the same old play unfold, with the same old puppets. And she was one of them, perhaps the main star, ready to follow the script and never stray from it. It was her purpose in life. A well-trained parrot with a melodic laugh and the stillness of a porcelain doll.
She looked around and saw the eagerness, the anticipation as they bided their time before flocking to her, begging for flesh and money and power, each one of them so eager to sell one piece of themselves to be on a golden plate, the very same on which everything was always freely given to her. Things, places, people. The Golden Girl, they called her. She was born in it, she reflected it. She never had to ask, she never had to beg for anything. While everyone around her seemed to be able to do nothing else.
"Miss Lannister, we would love to have you as our guest in High Garden. Please, consider our invitation."
"Miss Lannister, did your father receive the gift I sent him last week? Please, have him contact me as soon as possible, I have another proposal for a collaboration."
"Miss Lannister, please, convince your father not to cut off the funds, I wouldn't know what to do without the invaluable support of your bank.”
“Miss Lannister, please—"
Please. Please. Please. Please.
They all came muffled, the beggars and their begging, as if speaking from the surface while she was deep down underwater, floating. Then the puppet would take over, moving haughtily and mischievously, promising lies with empty smiles and stolen words. The same old power play, to tell the world the Lannisters were far above it.
But amid the muffled chatter and greedy eyes, there was one in particular, stripped of all reverence, blue and cold as the eye of the scientist dissecting something under a microscope.
He had placed her under the lens out of pure boredom.
He never attended these kinds of gatherings, at least not after Sothoryos, not after Floris. He was there only because his mother had insisted, almost pleaded with him. This was the first public event after the divorce. It was essential to appear close, united.
The word tasted rotten in Aemond's mouth.
He had made sure Aegon would not attend, and had come in through the back, creeping into the hall like a spectre.
Alicent had seen him at once, her eyes widening with surprise as if she were certain he would not come. And they had barely talked.
She had kissed him on the cheeks with that look in her eyes, the one that rose tenderness and contempt at once inside him, twin flames mirroring and dancing around each other. His mother's lips opened and closed repeatedly, like a record needle cutting the same groove on and on without making a sound. And he had no desire to fix that.
Once, maybe. He had nurtured so many unspoken words that they had ended up souring and festering the more he held them back, locked in a dark corner where no light filtered. So, his mouth stayed sealed and silent, like a tomb.
He had withdrawn to a corner of the hall, watching as the people lingered with their gazes on his dead eye, half curious, half scared. Something he was all too used to. He found himself cursing under his breath for wasting time in such a vapid and useless way. He could have been at home, studying, or working in the basement.
But then he had spotted her.
It was hard not to.
The moment she had entered the hall with her brother, it seemed she had drawn all attention to herself, absorbing all the light from the chandeliers. It seemed that her golden dress was truly made of gold.
Aemond had seen her once or twice in the past and each time, two distinct thoughts had rapidly crossed his mind.
First: that she was a pretty doll with more money in her pocket than cells in her brain.
Second: that he wouldn't mind taking her doll's clothes off.
No man with sense would have denied her beauty, but the more he looked at her, the more he saw how dry she was, how cold, like a sculpture doomed to live the same moment forever.
It was all scene, all pose. And Aemond understood it at once since he himself had enacted the same play in the years past. He knew what it meant to be an inanimate thing waiting to be moved by others, for duty or loyalty. Things that had lost all meaning to him once he’d found out that the more he latched on these things, the more hollow he felt.  
He watched the Lannister girl build fake smiles at each turn and he found himself grimacing, feeling pity for her, almost contempt. Perhaps she was just a tool, an extension of his former self for him to loathe, like spitting into a mirror.
But he just couldn’t stop watching.
She had a way of making the place where she stood like some kind of holy shrine and everyone around her kept scrambling to fall at her feet. She had a way of moving, slowly, like a creature living underwater. She would lean forward as she listened to people, only to retreat when it was her turn to speak, and she did it quietly, making the privileged speaker unconsciously lean towards her.
A tactic—a working tactic, though. Because Aemond had found himself craning his neck forward more than he would’ve liked to admit, and he wasn't even close to her.
“Choosing your next victim?”
He turned on his blind side as Helaena stopped beside him, handing a flute of champagne.
“Hāedar.” he said, taking the glass “Don’t say that. With all the shit they say about me, tomorrow they might title I’m a serial killer.”
“Well, you do have a dank basement in your place. And with the way you keep looking at the Lannister girl, it would be hard to beat the allegations.”
He looked down at the sizzling bubbles and curled his lips. Helaena did the same as her blue eyes scanned his face. Of all her brothers, she had always had the closest bond with Aemond. Born only one year apart, they had grown up as close as twins. Helaena did not look down when she talked to Aemond; she did not stutter or struggle to voice her thoughts as she did with anyone else. And his lips, which struggled so much to voice his emotions, always curled up in the most spontaneous way when they spent time together.
“You won’t get away with a smile, though.” She pointed out after a sip of bubbly “You barely talked to me earlier.”
“I was afraid our mother would stir up a hornet’s nest seeing me here.”
“She was sure you wouldn’t come.”
“I shouldn’t have. This place smells of coffin.” 
She watched him for a moment, trying to guess his mood and, therefore, whether it was a good time to speak. “Did you get my message last week?”
His eye remained fixed on the elated crowd, but Helaena didn’t miss the slight twitch in his lips. “I did.”
“You didn’t answer.”
“What was there to say?”
“Aemond, I know you have your grudges, but... he’s our father and he’s severely ill. He wants to see us, all of us, at Summerhall, next month. I want to believe he’s changing and—”
“Must I remind you what happened the last time we had a family heart to heart?”
She did nothing but cast a single, saddened glance to his dead eye and all her willingness to talk and try to make things better withered like a leaf in a frosted land.
“He’s changing because he already has one foot in the grave. Quit the fancy words, Hel, he’s not changing. He’s just trying to relieve his conscience. A bit late for that, no?” and he downed his champagne in one gulp.
“I don’t want to hear about it. I don’t care.” He said, slipping his pack of smokes from his pocket and placing one cigarette between his lips. He glanced one last time at his sister and with the coldest distance he said “But do let me know when he dies. I'll toast to that.”
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She had had three flutes of champagne while talking to a countless number of faceless beggars when she started to feel nauseated. She didn’t even know by what, whether it was the champagne, the people, or herself. Perhaps all of them.
The cold night air embraced her as she went out on the terrace, making the hairs on her arms stand and her half-covered spine shiver. She had not brought her coat with her, but she did not mind. The cold awoke her from her torpor, made her stop being a relic on a mantelpiece.
She slipped a cigarette between her lips and looked into her purse for the lighter. "No, no, no—" she said to no one, frantically feeling every nook and cranny of the purse. "Fuck!"
She jumped, turning her head just in time to see a lighter flying towards her. She caught it, staring at the dark corner on her left. There was a man sitting there, wrapped by the shadows, except for a thin white hand laying on the table, long fingers, and half a cigarette resting between index and middle.
She squinted, trying to get a better look. “I can’t see you.”
“I do.”
It was just a simple statement, but his tone was strange, riddled with an edge of shrewdness.
She stared at the dark figure for a moment longer, then lit her cigarette and walked a few steps closer.
"I would like to know who I'm speaking to, stranger." She said, handing over the lighter.
A moment later the shadow stood up, and she had to lift her chin as she watched the glow of the lamps unraveling his face, sharp like a knife. The air hitched in her throat, her gaze inevitably caught by the blue of his eye, as well as the dead blue of the prosthetic. "Oh."
His arched mouth bent upwards. "Define your oh."
“It’s just a oh, you’re not a stranger after all.”
“Are you sure?” he asked, curiously tilting his head with a ghosting grin “What do you think you know about me? Aside from what you read on gossip papers.”
“I don’t read gossip papers.”
“Yes, you do. All the girls like you do that.”
“All the girls like me?”
“Dolls with a trust fund to squander before forty.”
She raised her eyebrows, quickly scanning the young man before her. He was clad in black, with a black turtleneck and a leather jacket, accentuating his sharp features and pale face framed by short hair, a bit curly but neatly styled. “You’re the one to talk, Mr. I have blue blood in my veins.”
“I don’t work for my family.” He said matter-of-factly “They don’t pay my rent and they don’t cover up my shit.”
“Mine neither.”
His eyebrow raising was enough to dismantle her lie right away. “Papers say otherwise.”
“Do you trust papers and their cheap rumors?”
“Hmm. Trust is a strong word. But true or false, rumors are often more revealing than facts.” he took a long drag on his cigarette, narrowing his eyes and she watched as the dead one remained unnaturally still. It was not disturbing, she thought. It gave him a sinister allure, catching her off guard.
“Then I should believe all the rumors about you and your...charming mystery.”
“They say I’m charming now?” he asked with a smirk.
“I believe they called you a sphinx” she deadpanned “before claiming you hit a journalist, a woman.”
“And which one do you think is more likely?”
She looked at him uncertainly. Well, he was charming. But he was a lot more mysterious. More than a sphinx, Aemond Targaryen was a living riddle.
Even before the accident in Sothoryos, from where he returned with an eye missing, the second-born son of Viserys Targaryen and Alicent Hightower was a foggy figure, often in the shadows, more than often in the shadows of someone else, his half-sister Rhaenyra, his older brother Aegon. And after Sothoryos, he seemed to have grown his own shadows, distancing himself from his family and dropping his academic career to do Gods-know-what in a small flat in the oldest quarter of Oldtown.
“Both?” she dared.
He clicked his tongue, looking away with disappointment, and flicked the cigarette. “Too easy. And now you’re boring me.”
“I shall take my leave, then.” she chirped with a tight smile.
“Don’t expect me to follow you. I am not one of those wankers inside who come in their pants as you bat your fake eyelashes.”
The smile left her face instantly, and she glared at him, throwing her half-cigarette on the ground. “It is true, then. Royals do act like the rudest jerks.”
Instead of looking offended, her words seemed to do nothing but tickle his pride—some kind of gratification that poured like poison from the angles of his mouth. “I don’t act. But if I wanted to, I'd know who to turn to.”
“And you keep boring me.” his eye went momentarily below her neck, and he tilted his chin “Are those pretty diamonds slowing blood to your brain?”
Miss Lannister looked stunned. No one, ever, dared to talk to her like that.
She was used to being praised and begged and praised. A beautiful portrait framed by gold and hung on a wall for all to see. She should have been outraged, she should have used her last name as shield and threat. But for once, she was breathing on her own, free of any strings.
“Are they real?” he asked suddenly, and she stilled as his hand ghosted on her necklace, feeling his cold fingertips hovering above her skin.
“Of course they are.”
“Hmm.” He mused, pulling his hand back as he continued to stare at the necklace and then down at her dress.  “They serve their purpose I’d say.” he said dragging his eye back to her face.
“Slowing my brain?” she asked with a little vitriolic smile.
“Hiding all the fake beneath them.”
“Who are you, a fortune teller?” she spitefully asked. “Do you possess the Third Eye as well as the Fake One?”
“One eye is enough to see right through you, golden girl.”
“And why were you watching me if I am so blatantly obvious?”
He almost shrugged his shoulders. “These parties are dreadfully boring. I was in need of a distraction, and you were hard to miss.”
“I could say the same about you.” Her gaze flicked for an instant to his dead eye. “Except that I don’t hide in dark corners from my own family.”
Whether he was stung by her words or not, his composure remained utterly impassive. A sphinx through and through.
“No. You do it before them.” An amused smile, spiced up with poison, curled his lips. “At least I have the dignity to disappear instead of begging for attention like a pathetic creature.”
Her words did not sting, but his surely did. And they shouldn’t.
They had crossed paths once or twice in the years prior, but effectively, Aemond was but a stranger to her. She wasn’t even aware of him watching her inside the hall, maybe too absorbed in her puppet play, or maybe resigned to scream into a crowded room of deaf mannequins.
She swallowed heavily, not dropping her gaze, waiting for all the gold to shield her, hide her, serving its purpose once more. But Aemond had a strange look in his eye. He was staring at her, and what he saw thrilled him.
He was sure he would see harshness, contempt, but not that. Not…anguish. It was buried in her pretty eyes and yet it just lied there in full sight, the darker shade of abyss beneath the crystalline blue of the deceiving surface.
If only someone had bothered to look.
“You remind me of someone.” he said almost mindlessly.
“Do I dare asking or do you wish to offend me some more?”
He seemed to ponder for a while, looking at her as if he were measuring an opponent.
“Come with me. I’ll show you.”
He moved, leaving the terrace without waiting for her, sure enough she would follow him. And she did.  
Not immediately, though. She stared at his tall figure as he went back inside and thought she should go back to the party, go back to the script. There was something uncanny, almost eerie about staying close to him, like walking on the thin thread of a cobweb while being dreadfully aware to be walking towards the spider’s bite.
But the dread made her feel alive, made her heart pounding in her throat. So, she followed him.
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“I didn’t know your family had it.” She said with a tinge of amazement as they stopped before the painting gloriously exhibited along one of the lavish corridors upstairs. “I thought it got lost during some war.”
“It was.” He said, stopping beside her, eye roaming on the canvas.
“Did I remind you of a lost anonymous painting?”
“You reminded me of the Maiden.” And his eye flicked to the left of the painting. Then he dragged his gaze on her, turning his head, and watched her. “Do you know the story?”
“The myth?”
“You don’t believe it to be true?”
“I don’t believe in Gods. Or myths.”
“That is strange, coming from a girl who spent so much time building her own.”
She turned her head and looked at him. He was smiling subtly, but it was different this time. There was no poison dripping from the angles of his mouth, but the clearest intrigue.
It stopped her heart for a moment. A sudden cut in the canvas, a crack in the porcelain. And she felt that this stranger was peeking inside, or perhaps she was.
Aemond looked back at the painting and laced his arms behind his back, making the leather of his jacket creak. “They said once there was a land inhabited only by Gods and Monsters. The Maiden was the most beautiful Goddess in the Holy Garden. She grew flowers from her hands, trailing behind her as she walked. But she was unhappy. The Gods only sought her for her gift, used her as a piece of ornament. She was beautiful on the outside, but inside—”
“Lonely and hollow.” she filled in.
“Just like the Stranger.” he said, and they turned at the same time, locking their eyes.
Aemond glanced back at the ominous figure in the painting and said “He was not allowed to enter the Gods world. He lived underground, blowing his mortal winds to call the souls into his realm of death. But then he saw her. He dried her tears through his wind until one day—”
“He took her.” she filled in once more. “He used the wind to tie her hands with the flowery branches she grew and kidnapped her from the Holy Garden.”
“Are you sure kidnapped is the right word?”
“According to the myth? Yes. You might have been a great scholar, but I’m not a goat.”
He chuckled quietly, and the sound made her turn again to watch him.
He held her gaze as amusement left his marbled features, and without taking his eye off her, he tilted his chin towards the painting “Look at her. Look at her face and tell me what you see."
She did so, observing the anguish, the dark trepidation on the Maiden’s face.
“She is frightened.”
“Is she?” he asked, and suddenly he was almost behind her. His breath tickled her ear like the wind on a hot summer day, and her breath hitched once more. “Look into her eyes.” he whispered on her nape “Is it fear to be taken…or desire?”
She swallowed, keeping her eyes fixed on the painting, and dug her nails into the expensive fabric of her little purse. “Art is not math.” she said with confidence “There is not one undisputable interpretation.” And she turned to face him “So unless you painted that, and I have some doubts, you say she’s keen on being taken. I say she’s frightened.”
Aemond stared at her for a moment with a strange new look on his face, as if someone had just issued a challenge to him. His blue eye was wide, and the little smirk was peeking through his lips. “Do you ever choose a position, golden girl?”
“I think I just did.”
“Allow me to rephrase, then. A less boring position.”
She opened her mouth to retort, but he was faster. “Let me show you something a little less ambiguous.”  
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"Wow, these are beautiful," she said as they climbed the stairs to the floor above the one where the glorious anonymous painting stood. On the angled wall, a series of photographs were exhibited—portraits, precisely—all in black and white.
"Are we complimenting each other now?" he asked, halting on a step.
She looked at him doubtfully for a moment before slightly widening her eyes. "What, these are yours?"
He gave her a simple nod, and she looked back at the portraits.
"My mother put them here. Her way to prove she cares, I guess." He said absent-mindedly, as if conversing about the weather. 
The Lannister girl watched him closely, in search of something that would betray such a cold statement, but there were no cracks, no cuts.
"The great mystery unraveled.” She said forcing a dramatic tone “Aemond Targaryen is a photographer."
"I am not. I don’t do it for a living.”
“Yes, because you don’t need a job to get by.”
“Look who’s talking.”
She glared at him, trying with poor success to stifle a smile.
“It's just an interest." He stated.
"A passion." she dared to suggest.
"I wouldn't call it that. Passion preludes emotion, ardor. Photography is nothing like."
She watched him fold his arms behind his back in a peculiar way, grabbing his forearms with his hands. He had done the same thing earlier, in front of the painting. The gesture caught her attention then, as it did now.
"What is it then?" she asked, trailing her eyes back to his face.
He stared at her for an impossible long time before answering. “Revelation.”
She looked back at the portraits and observed them thoroughly. There were some men caught behind the camera, but the majority were all women. Young and beautiful women.
The portraits were majestic, she considered. He had found a way to toy with light which made these people look like glimpses from an otherworldly dimension, flashes of dreams.
No, not dreams, she thought.
The light was cruel, exposing, cutting. And all the subjects seemed to have been caught in a moment of great distress, flowing almost into a grotesque despair.
Flashes of nightmares.  
The sight made her lips part, her skin shiver with eeriness and something else, something she could not name. The same basic instinct that had pushed her to follow him. These people, made eternal by black and white, were dressed, but their souls utterly naked before the eye.
“I wouldn’t call it revelation…”
“And what would you call it?” he asked, stepping beside her to watch the portrait, not missing her little startle when his elbow brushed against hers.
She took a deep, silent breath and turned her head to look at him. "Intrusion.”
“Hmm.” He mused, slipping his pack of smokes from his pocket “Intrusion of which kind?”
He placed the cigarette between his lips only to see her hand snatching it away, but slowly, just like she was used to move, so much that her fingertip brushed his upper lip. “Any kind.” she answered and his eye fell on her rosy lips closing around the filter.
His mouth twitched, as if her light brushing had lit his skin aflame, and he moved unconsciously, bringing the lighter close but pausing, his thumb lingering on the little wheel, and he looked at her, just as she looked at him.  
When he pushed his finger to light the flame, the short metallic sound came through with a strange finality, a curtain dropping after the first act.
She lit the cigarette and took a long drag, glancing at the portraits and then back at him. “Did you fuck these women?” 
“No.” was all he said, hiding a little smirk as he slipped another smoke between his lips. He saw her raising her eyebrows with clear disbelief, so he clarified. “Not all of them.”
“I bet they revealed themselves thoroughly.”
“They were more than keen to do it.”
“And did you?” she countered, tilting her head, lowering her voice so that once again, he found himself leaning towards her, like a moth to a flame. “Did you reveal yourself as well? Did you let them intrude?”
“Those who go beneath the surface do so at their peril.”
She clicked her tongue and laughed—the very first genuine laugh she could conjure up in the span of hours, or even days. “Now you’re just trying to impress me.”
“Yes. And unfortunately for you, it is working.”
She gave him a bemused look at his brazen statement, but she felt strangely exposed under his unblinking stare, a hand ending her ceaseless floating to anchor her against the seabed.
“I want you to come to my place," he said suddenly, his voice kept quiet, almost soft, to the verge of whispering. It wrapped her senses like a soothing lullaby.
“I want to take your picture.”
“Why? To end up on this wall and in your bed like dozens of girls before me?”
“Dozens?” he raised an eyebrow “I’m flattered.”
“Don’t be.”
“Hmm” he crooned, cocking his head to one side, a contented expression stretching on his face, much like a cat licking its whiskers. “Envy doesn’t suit a Lannister.”
“Envy?” she repeated, laughing scornfully. “You’re an arrogant brat, has anyone ever told you?”
“Many in fact. So, shall we?”   
“Shall we what?”
“Pity, I thought you had stopped boring me.” He said pocketing his lighter “Stay here playing the doll with those old fogeys, if you like. I’m leaving.”
She had only time to blink and he was gone, leaving her on those steps with the foreign, unsettling longing to follow. Her feet moved on their own, dragging her back to the party with an urgency shaking her bones, pushing her eyes to dart in every corner of the hall, moving amongst the people as if chasing the wind.
“Oh, there you are!” Jason pulled her to him, and she stilled, as she was used to, but everything inside her kept moving. “That Lonmouth smartass came at me screaming like a chicken.” Jason said with cocaine pupils, slurring words after words “as if it’s Dad’s fault that he’s an idiot. Put him in his place, would you? I’m too high, I might stick a fork between his eyes. D’you you want to hear something funny?”
“No, Jason. I don’t.” she replied absently, looking around once more “Listen, did you see Aemond Targaryen?”
“Nevermind.” She said, wriggling herself from his hold, but he was fast to pull her back “Sis, why are you looking for that creep?”  
“Let me go, Jason.”
“Listen to me. First the shit show in Pyke and now Aemond One Eye? Dad would not be happy to know you are—”
“Dad would not be happy to know fucking anything that he has not concocted and told us to do. And I’m tired of it, Jason.” She hastily broke free from his grip, alerting the well-dressed people around them, but she ignored them altogether. “Just this once, you’ll have to play the puppet. I’m done for tonight.” she tugged the pocket square from his jacket and threw it at him. “And wipe your nose, for Gods’ sake. There’s coke on it.”
She wandered inside the huge hall like walking through quicksand, sinking a little more any time another man or woman stopped her to chit chat, to ask her about her father and the bank and the next slot in her father's agenda.
As if she had any clue. As if her father had not dismissed any of her natural vocations  like wrong bills to be fed to the shredder only to make her study economics, only to frame her degree, and then instruct her himself to specialize in the sacred act of parading herself around like a rare stuffed creature.
“Here you are.” A hand slipped around her waist, and she found herself enveloped by two familiar hands. “I’ve looked for you anywhere.”
“Quentin.” She said, looking into the dark glinting eyes of Quentin Martell, slightly wrinkling her nose for the heavy male perfume in which he had apparently dunked his suit.
His eyes scanned her slowly, looking like he wanted to peel her dress off like an orange. “Always outshining anyone else, are you?”
She looked away, stifling an exasperated sigh, all too used to Quentin’s redundant flatteries.
“This party is dead, isn’t it? And rather self-celebratory from the Hightowers. As if they don’t owe their current position to Viserys Targaryen.”
She glanced at him and saw her father talking. It was one of his favorite refrains at breakfast, lunch or dinner. It made no difference to him. Any time was a good time to incense themselves as the best, the wealthiest, the proudest, and hundreds of more superlatives that made the food instantly go rancid in her mouth.
Distractedly, her eyes roamed around, numbing her ears while Quentin kept talking. It was then that she saw him. He had not left.
Holding a glass of some liquor, he seemed to be in deep conversation, or rather on the receiving end of a soliloquy from his grandfather, who was leaning slightly over him, almost talking to his ear.
His eye was absently buried to the floor, one long finger tapped against the glass. A couple of words she could not make from that distance slipped from his mouth, resigned as his whole demeanor.
She thought she was looking into a mirror.
“Honey, are you listening to me?” Quentin asked at some point, tightening the hold on her waist. “Who are you looking at so rapt?”
“No one.” she hurried to say. But Quentin was quicker to follow her gaze before she dropped it.  “Aemond One Eye?” he said on the verge of mockery. “Baby, he is so out of your league.”
She cocked her head and plastered a tight smile on her lips. “And precisely, what do you know about my league?” 
“You know what I mean. How blind can you be not to notice that your brother has been screwing your girlfriend behind your back for months? Oops, sorry, wrong metaphor.”
“Both the Baratheons and the Targaryens have denied it.”
“Sure, sure. Then why the Baratheons were not invited tonight? And why did the one eyed come? He never does. Oh wait, look at that, Aegon’s missing. Not surprising though, didn’t they say Targaryens used to fuck amongst their own in the old times?”
She lowered her gaze, lost in thought, and then turned her head, instantly widening her eyes, shoulders tensing when she saw Aemond looking straight at her, sipping his drink, straightening the cobweb’s thread on which she had been tottering until that moment.
“Baby, are you high again?” Quentin asked her, with a genuine, inquisitive tone.
“You’re shivering. Greyjoy told me everything about that night. Said you went batshit crazy on coke. Depraved as he is, it’s actually a good thing that you OD’ed. That creep would have fucked you even that stoned.”
She immediately grabbed his arms, trying to wriggle out of his hold. “Let me go.”
“Oh, come on.” He nothing but hold her more tightly. “I know you like to get a little freaky once in a while. I do, too. In fact, why don’t we take a tour upstairs? We could cheer up this drag.”
“No. Quentin, let me go.”
“Come on.” He insisted, pulling her to his chest.
She had to step on his foot to shake him off. “Let me cut straight to the point. I won’t fuck you, Quentin. Not tonight, not even if you were the last man left on this earth.”
He grimaced, spitefully twisting his mouth like any man who's been denied the chance to feel like a man for a few minutes. “I had warned Greyjoy about this. I told him you’re a spoiled cunt. You know what? You should get with that Stark fag. He may fuck your ass, so maybe you’d feel something 'cause I’m sure as hell your cunt is drier than the Red Waste.”
The insults were also part of the play.
After all, the act might not please everyone in the stalls. “Just shrug them off. They’re praises, actually, disguised bitterly for what they cannot have.” her mother said “Besided, a lion does not concern itself with the opinion of the sheep.”
When she was younger, each bitter word was a giant finger pointed at her, a gavel sealing the next judgement. Her mother had tried with all her carelessness to teach her how to be exactly that. Careless, a river flowing in its direction no matter the filth that would pollute the waters.
But she was draining, ever since Pyke, perhaps long before that.
She was tired of pretending to be gold while her fingertips seemed to leave behind nothing else but ash.
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Thank you so much for reading!! If you like to be tagged when I post part II, leave a comment below 🫶
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cloxw · 2 years
¿mejoras en una sociedad?
tercer principio: perfectible
Gracias a que mucho después se tuvo en cuenta que era necesario y que se iniciaba a encontrar los fallos después de un planteamiento y miles de prácticas constantes, la máquina de escribir paso a tener gran importancia en los escritos políticos, era fomentada como necesaria en un ámbito social, tanto así que a partir de ella misma se creó la máquina para contar billetes; difícil pero sencillo las maquinas era el desastre completos para muchos los trabajadores, pero también fue bueno, muchos trabajadores y más que todo mujeres pudieron tener por primera vez el privilegio de hacer trabajo escrito . pero, la máquina de escribir no fue la excepción, la reputación agraria claramente iba empeorando y la llegada de esta hizo que muchos tuvieran que emplearla para así mismo la comunicación, no fue todo tan fácil como se lo proponen muchos, por ejemplo en bastantes de los casos no sabían cómo usarla, era algo totalmente nuevo ni siquiera estaba incluida la educación, ese tipo de implementos necesarios para prender a escribir textos por ello mismo, solo aquellos acomodados económicamente prácticamente tenía un acceso directo a el derecho de una vida digna y un desarrollo en la educación.
Aunque la maquina funcionaba de la mejor forma, no era fácil tener una en manos de un campesino, si claro está que los campesinos hicieron prácticamente todo el trabajo para que un empresario exitoso pudiera salir a tener esa fortuna pero para esta época era muy claro que las clases bajas solo era una parte más explotada, tuvimos que soportar el remplazo de las máquinas y también aprender desde otro punto 0 el funcionamiento de ello, gracias a ello se vivió por primera vez la desesperación en la pobreza extrema.
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Thanks to the fact that much later it was taken into account that it was necessary and that it began to find the failures after an approach and thousands of constant practices, the typewriter became very important in political writings, it was promoted as necessary in a social field, so much so that from it the machine to count banknotes was created; Difficult but simple the machines was the complete disaster for many workers, but it  was also good, many workers and most of all women could have for the first time the privilege of doing written work. But, the typewriter was no exception, the agrarian reputation was clearly worsening and the arrival of this made many had to use it for communication,  It was not all as easy as many propose, for example in many cases they did not know how to use it, it was something totally new not even education was included, that type of implements necessary to start writing texts for that reason, only those economically well-off practically had direct access to the right of a dignified life and development in education.
Although the machine worked in the best way, it was not easy to have one in the hands of a peasant, if it is clear that the peasants did practically all the work so that a successful businessman could go out to have that fortune but by this time it was very clear that the lower classes were only a more exploited part,  We had to endure the replacement of the machines and also learn from another point 0 the operation of it, thanks to this we lived for the first time despair in extreme poverty.
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What is the typical speed of a high-performance cash counting machine
The typical speed of high-performance cash counting machines varies significantly based on the model and its intended use. Here are some common specifications:
Standard Counting Speeds: Most cash counting machines can count between 500 to 2000 banknotes per minute (BPM).
High-Performance Models:Some advanced models, particularly those designed for commercial or banking use, can reach speeds of up to 2500 BPM.The BPS® X9, for instance, holds the world record with a throughput of up to 44 banknotes per second, which translates to approximately 2640 BPM.
Specific Examples:The Accura Cash Counting Machine can count up to 1000 notes per minute.Another model mentioned, the ProNote® 130, handles up to 1500 banknotes per minute.
In summary, while entry-level machines may count at lower speeds around 500 BPM, high-performance machines can achieve speeds exceeding 2000 BPM, making them suitable for environments requiring rapid processing of large volumes of cash.
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businessindustry · 2 months
2032, Currency Count Machine Market Share, Trends by 2024-2032
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The Reports and Insights, a leading market research company, has recently releases report titled “Currency Count Machine Market: Global Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2024-2032.” The study provides a detailed analysis of the industry, including the global Currency Count Machine Market, size, trends, and growth forecasts. The report also includes competitor and regional analysis and highlights the latest advancements in the market.
Report Highlights:
How big is the Currency Count Machine Market?
The global currency counting machine market size reached US$ 230.2 million in 2023. Looking forward, Reports and Insights expects the market to reach US$ 360.1 million in 2032, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 5.1% during 2024-2032.
What are Currency Count Machine?
A currency counting machine is a specialized device designed to rapidly and accurately count large quantities of banknotes. It works by automatically sorting and counting bills as they move through its mechanism, often including features for detecting counterfeit notes and sorting by denomination. This technology enhances efficiency and minimizes errors compared to manual counting. Commonly used in banks, retail settings, and financial institutions, these machines may also offer additional functions such as batch counting, totaling, and report generation, making them vital for cash management and processing.
Request for a sample copy with detail analysis: https://www.reportsandinsights.com/sample-request/1960
What are the growth prospects and trends in the Currency Count Machine industry?
The currency counting machine market growth is driven by various factors and trends. The currency counting machine market is growing as the need for efficient and accurate cash management solutions rises across various industries. This growth is fueled by the demand for quicker processing and reduced errors in banks, retail stores, and financial institutions. Technological advancements, including improved counterfeit detection, enhanced bill sorting, and digital integration, are driving market expansion. Additionally, the increasing volume of cash transactions and the push for operational efficiency contribute to the market's development. Leading companies are investing in innovation and broadening their product lines to address the changing needs of customers and support ongoing market growth. Hence, all these factors contribute to currency counting machine market growth.
What is included in market segmentation?
The report has segmented the market into the following categories:
By Product Type:
Basic Currency Count Machines
Advanced Currency Count Machines
Mixed Bill Count Machines
High-capacity Currency Count Machines
Portable Currency Count Machines
Optical Sensing Technology
Magnetic Sensing Technology
Ultraviolet (UV) Detection
Infrared (IR) Detection
Magnetic Ink (MG) Detection
Banking Sector
Retail Sector
Commercial Sector
Gaming Sector
Hospitality Sector
Counterfeit Detection
Sorting and Batching
Value Counting
Fitness Sorting
Connectivity Options (USB, Ethernet, etc.)
Distribution Channel:
Online Retailers
Offline Retailers
Direct Sales
Ownership Type:
Independent Ownership
Low-capacity Machines
Medium-capacity Machines
High-capacity Machines
Sales Channel:
New Sales
Aftermarket Sales
Price Range:
Low Range
Medium Range
High Range
Customer Type:
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
Large Enterprises
Cash Centers
Retail Stores
Counter Type:
Single Counter
Authentication Mode:
Manual Authentication
Automated Authentication
Industry Vertical:
Financial Services
Retail and E-commerce
Gaming and Entertainment
Hospitality and Tourism
Market Positioning:
Entry-level/Basic Models
Mid-level Models
Premium/High-end Models
Segmentation By Region:
North America:
United States
United Kingdom
Rest of Europe
Asia Pacific:
South Korea
Australia & New Zealand
Rest of Asia Pacific
Latin America:
Rest of Latin America
Middle East & Africa:
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
United Arab Emirates
Rest of MEA
Who are the key players operating in the industry?
The report covers the major market players including:
Glory Ltd.
Cummins Allison
Cassida Corporation
Kisan Electronics
Laurel Bank Machines
Innovative Technology Ltd.
BCash Electronics
Billcon Corporation
Klopp Coin Counter
Magner Corporation
Royal Sovereign International
View Full Report: https://www.reportsandinsights.com/report/Currency Count Machine-market
If you require any specific information that is not covered currently within the scope of the report, we will provide the same as a part of the customization.
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Reports and Insights consistently mееt international benchmarks in the market research industry and maintain a kееn focus on providing only the highest quality of reports and analysis outlooks across markets, industries, domains, sectors, and verticals. We have bееn catering to varying market nееds and do not compromise on quality and research efforts in our objective to deliver only the very best to our clients globally.
Our offerings include comprehensive market intelligence in the form of research reports, production cost reports, feasibility studies, and consulting services. Our team, which includes experienced researchers and analysts from various industries, is dedicated to providing high-quality data and insights to our clientele, ranging from small and medium businesses to Fortune 1000 corporations.
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Reports and Insights Business Research Pvt. Ltd. 1820 Avenue M, Brooklyn, NY, 11230, United States Contact No: +1-(347)-748-1518 Email: [email protected] Website: https://www.reportsandinsights.com/ Follow us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/report-and-insights/ Follow us on twitter: https://twitter.com/ReportsandInsi1
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notecountingmachine · 2 months
Introducing the elcons mix value note counting machine, a reliable and efficient solution for accurately counting mixed denomination banknotes. With its new features, this machine offers enhanced functionality and convenience.
𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐲𝐩𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐚𝐯𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐬.
Call us on 𝟖𝟕𝟓𝟎𝟕𝟖𝟖𝟕𝟖𝟖
www.elcons.in for more information.
Ideal for banks, retail stores, and cash-intensive environments, this machine supports multiple currencies and offers batch, add, and auto-stop functions.
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jobs-in-south-africa · 4 months
#Job: #Procurement Coordinator - Johannesburg. quot Procurement Coordinator JB4428 Linbro Park Gauteng R35 000 to R45 000 a month Permanen...
quot Procurement Coordinator JB4428 Linbro Park Gauteng R35 000 to R45 000 a month Permanent A company specialising in cash handling equipment and software solutions that cover coin and banknote counting and sorting machines electronic drop ... Location: Johannesburg http://dlvr.it/T7JxCk
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Which is the Best Currency Counting Machine in India ?
In today’s fast-paced world, efficiency is key, especially when it comes to handling finances. Whether you run a small business, manage a bank, or handle cash transactions on a daily basis, having a reliable currency counting machine is essential. But with so many options available in the market, how do you determine which one is the best fit for your needs? In this guide, we’ll delve into the intricacies of currency counting machines, focusing particularly on the Indian market, with a spotlight on Chennai, and highlight why Marctek Fake Note Solutions stands out as a top choice.
Understanding Currency Counting Machines
Currency counting machines, also known as bill counters or money counters, are devices designed to accurately count large volumes of banknotes quickly. They come in various types, including basic models for simple counting tasks and advanced machines equipped with features like counterfeit detection, sorting capabilities, and batch counting.
Key Considerations When Choosing a Currency Counting Machine
Accuracy: The primary function of a currency counting machine is to count money accurately. Look for machines with high precision sensors and advanced counting algorithms to minimize errors.
Speed: Efficiency is paramount, especially in environments with high cash flow. Consider the speed of the machine, measured in notes per minute (NPM), to ensure it can keep up with your workload.
Counterfeit Detection: With the rise of counterfeit currency, built-in counterfeit detection features are crucial. Look for machines equipped with UV (Ultraviolet), MG (Magnetic), and IR (Infrared) sensors to detect fake notes effectively.
Sorting and Batch Counting: If you deal with multiple denominations or need to batch count specific amounts of cash, opt for machines with sorting and batch counting capabilities.
User-Friendly Interface: Choose a machine with an intuitive interface and easy-to-use controls to streamline operations and minimize training time for your staff.
Reliability and Durability: Invest in a machine built to withstand frequent use and capable of handling large volumes of cash without compromising performance.
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Based on the aforementioned criteria, Marctek Fake Note Solutions emerges as a top contender in the Indian market, particularly in Chennai. Here’s why:
State-of-the-Art Technology: Marctek currency counting machines are equipped with advanced sensors and cutting-edge technology to ensure unparalleled accuracy and reliability.
Comprehensive Counterfeit Detection: With sophisticated UV, MG, and IR sensors, Marctek machines can swiftly identify counterfeit notes, safeguarding your business from financial losses.
Versatility: Whether you need a basic currency counting machine or a multifunctional device with sorting and batch counting capabilities, Marctek offers a wide range of options to suit diverse needs.
User-Friendly Design: Marctek machines feature intuitive interfaces and ergonomic designs, making them easy to operate for users of all skill levels.
Robust Build Quality: Built to withstand the rigors of daily use, Marctek currency counting machines are known for their durability and longevity, providing reliable performance year after year.
Exceptional Customer Service: With a dedicated team of experts and authorized dealers across Chennai, Marctek ensures prompt assistance and support for all your currency counting needs.
When it comes to selecting the best currency counting machine in India, particularly in Chennai, Marctek Fake Note Solutions stands out as a trusted brand synonymous with quality, reliability, and innovation. With a commitment to excellence and a comprehensive range of products tailored to meet the diverse needs of businesses, Marctek is the preferred choice for those seeking top-notch currency management solutions. Invest in Marctek today and experience the difference firsthand.
For more information on Marctek Fake Note Solutions and to explore our extensive range of currency counting machines tailored to suit your specific needs, visit our website https://currencycountingmachines.com/ today. Contact us +91 984 07 07 223 directly to speak with our knowledgeable team and discover why Marctek is the ultimate choice for reliable, high-performance currency management solutions in Chennai and beyond.
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tbrc34 · 7 months
Cash in, Sorted Out: The Revolution of Sorting Cash Machine Market
In the age of digital payments and contactless transactions, the Sorting Cash Machine Market emerges as a beacon of efficiency and convenience. With cash still playing a significant role in daily transactions worldwide, the demand for advanced sorting solutions is on the rise. From banks to retail outlets, these machines streamline cash handling processes, reducing errors and enhancing operational efficiency. As businesses adapt to changing consumer preferences, the Sorting Cash Machine Market witnesses a surge in demand for versatile, high-speed sorting solutions that cater to diverse cash management needs.
Gone are the days of manual cash counting and sorting. The Sorting Cash Machine Market is witnessing a transformative shift towards automation and intelligence. Cutting-edge technologies such as machine learning algorithms and computer vision empower these machines to accurately authenticate, count, and sort banknotes in real-time. With features like counterfeit detection and serial number tracking becoming standard, businesses can ensure regulatory compliance and safeguard against financial risks, fostering trust and reliability in cash transactions.
In a world where time is money, speed is of the essence. The Sorting Cash Machine Market responds to this demand with lightning-fast sorting capabilities, enabling businesses to process large volumes of cash swiftly and efficiently. Whether it's sorting mixed denominations or detecting anomalies, these machines offer unparalleled speed and accuracy, revolutionizing cash management practices across industries. As the market continues to evolve, expect to see further integration with IoT and cloud-based solutions, ushering in a new era of connected cash management.
#CashManagement #AutomationRevolution #CashHandling #MachineLearning #DigitalPayments #FintechInnovation #RetailTech #BusinessEfficiency #RealTimeSorting #ContactlessTransactions #IoTIntegration #CashSecurity #FutureOfFinance #SmartTechnology #SpeedAndAccuracy
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vijukumar · 7 months
Banknote Market: Trends, Analysis, and Future Prospects
In the intricate tapestry of global finance, banknotes play a pivotal role as tangible symbols of a nation's economic strength and stability. The banknote market is a dynamic ecosystem influenced by various factors, including technological advancements, economic fluctuations, and evolving consumer preferences. This blog will delve into the dimensions of the Banknote Market, exploring its size, industry analysis, research trends, and the technology driving Banknote Printing Machines.
Banknote Market Size and Industry Analysis:
The Banknote Market has witnessed substantial growth in recent years, driven by factors such as economic expansion, increased currency circulation, and the constant need for secure and sophisticated banknote designs. The Global Banknote/Currency Sorter Market is projected to grow from USD 6.81 billion in 2022 to USD 10.21 billion at a CAGR value of 8.2% from 2022 to 2027. The market size is not only reflective of economic conditions but also the innovations in banknote security features.
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As per recent industry analyses, the Banknote Market has experienced steady growth globally. Nations are consistently adapting to new security technologies to combat counterfeiting, leading to an increased demand for advanced banknote printing and processing systems.
Banknote Market Research and Trends:
In a world where digital transactions are on the rise, the Banknote Market is not just surviving but thriving. Research in this domain is crucial for understanding the market's pulse, predicting future trends, and adapting to changing consumer behaviors.
Recent trends in the Banknote Market include a focus on sustainable materials, enhanced security features, and innovative designs that incorporate cultural and historical elements. The market is also witnessing a shift towards polymer banknotes, which offer durability and increased resistance to wear and tear.
Banknote Printing Machine Industry and Market Size:
The Banknote Printing Machine industry is an integral part of the banknote market, providing the technological backbone for producing secure and high-quality currency. The market size of Banknote Printing Machines is directly influenced by the demand for new banknotes and the adoption of advanced printing technologies.
Advancements in printing technologies, such as intaglio and offset printing, are driving the Banknote Printing Machine market forward. Additionally, the integration of digital features and smart technologies in banknotes is creating new opportunities for the industry.
Banknote Processing Systems Market:
Efficient banknote processing systems are crucial for managing the circulation of currency, ensuring accuracy, and preventing counterfeiting. The Banknote Processing Systems Market is witnessing growth as financial institutions prioritize automation and accuracy in currency handling.
From sorting and counting to detecting counterfeit notes, banknote processing systems are becoming more sophisticated. This market is driven by the need for streamlined currency management in a rapidly evolving financial landscape.
Global Banknote Industry Analysis and Market Report:
A comprehensive global banknote industry analysis provides insights into regional variations, market drivers, and challenges faced by different economies. Market reports are valuable tools for stakeholders to make informed decisions, understand competitive landscapes, and anticipate future trends.
Global banknote market prices are influenced by a myriad of factors, including raw material costs, technological investments, and regional economic conditions. A detailed market research report serves as a guide for policymakers, financial institutions, and investors navigating the complexities of the Banknote Market.
The Banknote Market is not merely about currency circulation; it embodies the intersection of technology, security, and finance. With continuous advancements in printing machines, security features, and processing systems, the future of the banknote market looks promising. As we move forward, staying abreast of market trends, embracing innovation, and prioritizing security will be paramount in shaping the dynamics of this essential facet of global finance.
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theblogs2024 · 9 months
Increase Accuracy And Save Time Utilizing a Semacon Currency Counter
In relation to counting funds, preserving time is what it’s all about: right here’s one thing to look at: it's going to take time for you to sort it, it will require time for you to depend it, and it will require time to get it structured after the fact. Using a funds counter could help you save a large amount of hassle, and you may improve precision. Take the Semacon currency counter, for instance: it’s not an easy equipment, nevertheless it’s simple to operate and it might eliminate Considerably of your guesswork which you might have otherwise been managing. Permit’s speak a for the little bit concerning the Semacom line and just what you may anticipate from it.
Functionality and Dependability – It’s the Semacon Way
Concerning currency counting, you’re gonna want trustworthiness, there’s just no way all-around it. In dealing with your money, you will need an exact variety and you require exact solutions. Take the S1600V sequence as an example. This can be a sophisticated banknote feed program that makes use of substantial-pace effectiveness and offers you correct, and productive desktop currency county. In addition, it is a very reliable solution that should provide you for a few years to come. It’s Easy to Use
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You desire most of the higher than, but seriously, it has to be simple to use or it’s all likely to be for practically nothing. Anybody who is in an sector that handles income will probably inform you the exact same point, Which explains why Semacon is so extensively sought after. You will find a wide variety of environments by which the device can be employed together with: Banking companies Casinos Credit rating Unions Suppliers
Navy Installations Any sector that will require you to take care of income calls for something that is quick, pain-free, and secure. That being the situation, they're pretty very simple to work with and they do make full use of a ten digit keypad giving use of the most commonly applied functions.
Easy to Personalize A great forex counter machine, like the Semacon, allows the operator to easily find the denomination being used (the scale in the expenditures), and it will Screen the precise complete in USD. You may as well use several denominations if you would like get somewhat extra complex.
Pace in Counting One of The main points about a currency counting unit is definitely the speed at which it can actually get The task performed. For example, Do you know a large number of can accomplish at up to 1800 bank notes for each minute? That’s suitable, a person thousand, 8 hundred expenditures per moment – that’s excess of a standard person can count, and with that getting explained, you may see just why you should want a person of such in the financial arsenal. They can carry on at this velocity for quite some time, earning them a significant asset to the Group.
Effectiveness is Key You'll need something that is as economical to be a individual, and ready to exceed that – so Exactly what does that indicate specifically? Certainly one of the biggest issues with currency counters in the past has long been their incapability to method more mature notes. One example is, In case you have something that is a little worn, then You could have problems receiving the currency counter to acknowledge it, eventually supplying you with an inaccurate rely, which isn’t helpful by any suggests. Alternatively, if you have a thing such as the S1600V, you may expect Just about every bill to get counted swiftly and correctly, regardless of what the affliction. The bottom line right here is you absolutely need to ensure that you have all of the necessary automated components, from the forex counter scale all the approach to The fundamental forex counter machine. In the event you don’t have these units, your organization is not only missing out, You might be missing out on the standard of effectiveness that you need to be functioning at. Consider our inventory and acquire one of these incredible pieces of hardware. We guarantee that you simply won’t regret it, and it won’t be as well extended before you start adding An increasing number of of them.
Check out more details here: Money Counter
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infinitiresearch · 10 months
Currency Counting Machine Market| Market Size, Share, Trends, Analysis, Growth and Forecast, 2023 – 2027
Originally published on Technavio: Currency Counting Machine Market by End-user, Type, and Geography - Forecast and Analysis 2023-2027
The currency counting machine market is positioned for comprehensive analysis and anticipated growth during the forecast period from 2023 to 2027. This market, critical to financial institutions, retail businesses, and various other sectors, will be examined based on end-user industries, the different types of currency counting machines available, and geographical trends influencing its trajectory.
In terms of end-users, the currency counting machine market caters to a diverse range of sectors, including banks, retail stores, gaming and hospitality, and commercial enterprises. Banks utilize currency counting machines to streamline cash handling processes, enhance accuracy, and improve efficiency in counting large volumes of banknotes. In the retail sector, currency counting machines facilitate quick and accurate cash management, reducing the risk of errors and improving customer service. Gaming and hospitality establishments, such as casinos, also rely on these machines for efficient cash handling. Commercial enterprises across various industries use currency counting machines to manage cash transactions securely and expediently.
The market for currency counting machines encompasses various types, including basic note counters, advanced currency counting machines with counterfeit detection features, and high-capacity currency sorters. Basic note counters are designed for straightforward counting of banknotes, while advanced machines incorporate advanced technologies such as UV (Ultraviolet) and MG (Magnetic) detection to identify counterfeit currency. High-capacity currency sorters are capable of counting, sorting, and validating large volumes of banknotes, offering comprehensive solutions for businesses dealing with significant cash transactions.
Geographically, the global currency counting machine market exhibits a widespread presence, with notable contributions from regions such as North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and the Middle East. North America, particularly the United States, is a significant player in the market due to the extensive financial sector and the prevalence of cash transactions in various industries. Europe, with countries like Germany and the United Kingdom, also contributes substantially to the market, driven by the demand for efficient cash handling solutions. The Asia-Pacific region, led by countries such as China and India, is witnessing significant growth due to the expansion of the banking sector and the increasing adoption of cash handling automation. The Middle East, with its growing financial services industry, is also emerging as a noteworthy market for currency counting machines.
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The forecasted period for the currency counting machine market emphasizes the importance of efficient cash management in various industries. As businesses seek to streamline operations, minimize errors, and enhance security in cash handling processes, the demand for advanced currency counting machines is expected to rise. Manufacturers and stakeholders in the industry must stay attuned to technological advancements, regulatory standards, and evolving end-user requirements to capitalize on the expanding opportunities within the global currency counting machine market.
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vms-community · 11 months
Enhancing Prеcision and Efficiеncy: Thе Currеncy Counting Machinе
In an incrеasingly fast-paced world, thе nееd for accuracy and еfficiеncy in financial transactions cannot bе ovеrstatеd. One of the thе significant innovations that havе simplifiеd thе procеss of counting currеncy is thе Currеncy Counting Machinе. This dеvicе has rеvolutionizеd thе way businеssеs and financial institutions handlе cash, making thе task fastеr and morе accuratе. In this article, we will dеlvе into thе workings of thеsе machinеs, thеir fеaturеs, and thе bеnеfits thеy offеr, with a specific focus on thе VMS Cart.
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Thе Evolution of Currеncy Counting Machinеs
Currеncy counting machinеs havе comе a long way from thеir humblе bеginnings. Historically, counting large sums of money was a tеdious and еrror-pronе task, oftеn pеrformеd manually. Howеvеr, with tеchnological advancеmеnts, currеncy counting machinеs havе bеcomе an intеgral part of various industries. Thеsе machinеs havе еvolvеd to incorporatе sophisticatеd mеchanisms, including UV and MG dеtеction, to еnsurе that countеrfеit notеs arе idеntifiеd, and thе counting procеss is highly accuratе.
VMS Essentials Money Counter CCM
The VMS Essentials Currency Counting Machine is a professional counter with precise sensors and a reliable electric motor for accurate counting of bills of all denominations like 10,20,50,100,200,500,2000 INR notes
Equipped with advanced technology, its UV and Magnetic counterfeit system can detect any fraudulent banknotes while counting all new denominations up to a speed of 1000 notes per minute. When a counterfeit note is detected, it stops functioning and gives out a beeping sound.
User-friendly, the machine offers dust-proof sensors that are easy to clean and remain highly accurate for years.
Fеaturеs of thе Currеncy Counting Machinе
Thе VMS Cart Currеncy Counting Machinе is a rеmarkablе еxamplе of modеrn tеchnology dеsignеd to strеamlinе financial procеssеs. While we'll avoid еxcеssivе brand mеntions, it's important to understand why this brand is highly rеgardеd. This machinе offers a host of fеaturеs that make it stand out:
High-Spееd Counting: VMS Cart's machinе is known for its imprеssivе counting spееd, capablе of procеssing a substantial numbеr of banknotеs pеr minutе. This is a significant timе-savеr for businеssеs with high cash inflow.
Accuratе Counting: Accuracy is paramount when dealing with currеncy, and this machinе is еquippеd with advancеd sеnsors and countеrfеit dеtеction mеchanisms to еnsurе that еvеry notе is countеd corrеctly.
Multiplе Currеncy Support: VMS Cart machinеs arе dеsignеd to handlе multiplе currеnciеs, making thеm suitablе for businеssеs that dеal with intеrnational transactions.
Usеr-Friеndly Intеrfacе: Thе usеr intеrfacе of VMS Cart's currеncy counting machinе is intuitivе and еasy to usе, rеducing thе lеarning curvе for opеrators.
Bеnеfits of Currеncy Counting Machinеs
Currеncy counting machinеs, such as thе VMS Cart model we've discussеd, offеr sеvеral bеnеfits:
Timе Efficiеncy: Counting large amounts of currеncy manually can be time-consuming. Thеsе machinеs drastically rеducе thе timе rеquirеd for this task, allowing businеssеs to allocatе thеir rеsourcеs morе еffеctivеly.
Error Rеduction: Human еrror is an inеvitablе aspect of manual counting. Currеncy counting machinеs еliminatе this risk, еnsuring a highеr dеgrее of accuracy.
Countеrfеit Dеtеction: With countеrfеit dеtеction fеaturеs, thеsе machinеs hеlp protеct businеssеs from fraudulеnt currеncy.
In conclusion, thе Currеncy Counting Machinе has bеcomе an indispеnsablе tool for businеssеs and financial institutions, rеvolutionizing thе way thеy handlе cash. Thе VMS Cart Currеncy Counting Machinе, which wе'vе highlightеd in this articlе without ovеrusing thе brand namе, rеprеsеnts a primе еxamplе of tеchnological innovation in this fiеld. With its rеmarkablе spееd, accuracy, and countеrfеit dеtеction fеaturеs, it plays a pivotal role in еnhancing еfficiеncy and prеcision in financial transactions. As technology continues to advancе, we can еxpеct еvеn morе sophisticatеd and capablе currеncy counting machinеs, making financial managеmеnt incrеasingly еfficiеnt and sеcurе. 
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What new technologies have been integrated into modern cash counting machines
Modern cash counting machines have integrated several advanced technologies to enhance their functionality, efficiency, and security. Here are the key innovations:
Advanced Detection Technologies
Counterfeit Detection: Many contemporary cash counting machines are equipped with sophisticated counterfeit detection capabilities that utilize ultraviolet (UV), infrared (IR), and magnetic (MG) sensors. These technologies help identify counterfeit bills by checking for specific security features embedded in genuine currency, significantly reducing the risk of fraud.
Optical and Image Processing Technology: Modern machines often use optical sensors and image processing to analyze banknotes. This technology allows for the detection of patterns, watermarks, and other anti-counterfeiting features, ensuring that only authentic currency is counted.
Computer Vision Technology: Some advanced models incorporate computer vision systems that capture images of banknotes and compare them against a database of genuine currency. This enhances the accuracy of counterfeit detection and improves overall counting reliability.
Enhanced Functionality
Mixed Denomination Counting: Newer cash counting machines can handle mixed stacks of bills without prior sorting. They automatically identify different denominations and provide a total count and value, which streamlines cash management processes.
Batching Features: Many modern machines come with batching capabilities, allowing users to sort bills into specific quantities automatically. This feature is particularly useful for preparing cash drawers in retail settings.
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Bankomat cash counting machine
User Interface Improvements
Touchscreen Interfaces: User-friendly touchscreen controls have become common in modern machines, making them easier to operate for users with varying technical skills. These interfaces often include customizable settings and operational modes tailored to specific business needs.
Voice Announcements: Some machines feature voice prompts that provide audible feedback during operation, alerting users about counting status or detected counterfeit notes.
Connectivity and Data Management
Wireless Connectivity: Recent innovations include wireless connectivity options that enable cash counting machines to communicate with central management systems. This allows for real-time data sharing and remote monitoring, facilitating better cash management across multiple locations.
Cloud-Based Solutions: Some models support cloud-based data management, enabling businesses to track cash flow more effectively by providing centralized oversight and detailed reporting capabilities.
These technological advancements have transformed cash counting machines into essential tools for efficient cash management in various sectors, including banking, retail, and hospitality.
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businessindustry · 3 months
2032, Currency Count Machine Market Share, Growth, Trends by 2024-2032
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The Reports and Insights, a leading market research company, has recently releases report titled “Currency Count Machine Market: Global Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2024-2032.” The study provides a detailed analysis of the industry, including the global Currency Count Machine Market Trends, size, share, and growth forecasts. The report also includes competitor and regional analysis and highlights the latest advancements in the market.
Report Highlights:
How big is the Currency Count Machine Market?
The global currency counting machine market size reached US$ 230.2 million in 2023. Looking forward, Reports and Insights expects the market to reach US$ 360.1 million in 2032, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 5.1% during 2024-2032.
What are Currency Count Machine?
A currency count machine is a mechanical or electronic apparatus commonly utilized in banking, retail, and businesses with high cash volumes to automate the process of counting and validating banknotes and coins. These machines streamline currency counting tasks by accurately and swiftly tallying large amounts of money, reducing the potential for human errors and saving time in cash-handling operations. Featuring advanced functionalities like counterfeit detection, sorting capabilities, and batch counting, currency count machines ensure precision, security, and compliance with regulatory requirements. They are integral in boosting operational efficiency, refining cash management practices, and mitigating the risks associated with fraud or discrepancies in financial transactions.
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What are the growth prospects and trends in the Currency Count Machine industry?
The currency count machine market growth is driven by various factors. The currency count machine market is experiencing notable growth, fueled by the escalating demand for effective cash management solutions across diverse sectors like banking, retail, and commercial establishments. These machines, equipped with sophisticated features such as counterfeit detection, sorting capabilities, and high-speed counting, play a crucial role in streamlining cash handling procedures and minimizing inaccuracies. With the global surge in cash transactions and the imperative for heightened security measures, currency count machines are becoming indispensable assets for businesses seeking to enhance operational efficiency and ensure precision in financial dealings. As technological advancements continue, the currency count machine market is poised for further expansion, offering innovative solutions to address the evolving requirements of businesses worldwide. Hence, all these factors contribute to currency count machine market growth.
What is included in market segmentation?
The report has segmented the market into the following categories:
By Product Type:
Basic Currency Count Machines
Advanced Currency Count Machines
Mixed Bill Count Machines
High-capacity Currency Count Machines
Portable Currency Count Machines
Optical Sensing Technology
Magnetic Sensing Technology
Ultraviolet (UV) Detection
Infrared (IR) Detection
Magnetic Ink (MG) Detection
Banking Sector
Retail Sector
Commercial Sector
Gaming Sector
Hospitality Sector
Counterfeit Detection
Sorting and Batching
Value Counting
Fitness Sorting
Connectivity Options (USB, Ethernet, etc.)
Distribution Channel:
Online Retailers
Offline Retailers
Direct Sales
Ownership Type:
Independent Ownership
Low-capacity Machines
Medium-capacity Machines
High-capacity Machines
Sales Channel:
New Sales
Aftermarket Sales
Price Range:
Low Range
Medium Range
High Range
Customer Type:
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
Large Enterprises
Cash Centers
Retail Stores
Counter Type:
Single Counter
Authentication Mode:
Manual Authentication
Automated Authentication
Industry Vertical:
Financial Services
Retail and E-commerce
Gaming and Entertainment
Hospitality and Tourism
Market Positioning:
Entry-level/Basic Models
Mid-level Models
Premium/High-end Models
Segmentation By Region:
North America:
United States
United Kingdom
Rest of Europe
Asia Pacific:
South Korea
Australia & New Zealand
Rest of Asia Pacific
Latin America:
Rest of Latin America
Middle East & Africa:
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
United Arab Emirates
Rest of MEA
Who are the key players operating in the industry?
The report covers the major market players including:
Glory Ltd.
Cummins Allison
Cassida Corporation
Kisan Electronics
Laurel Bank Machines
Innovative Technology Ltd.
BCash Electronics
Billcon Corporation
Klopp Coin Counter
Magner Corporation
Royal Sovereign International
View Full Report: https://www.reportsandinsights.com/report/Currency Count Machine-market
If you require any specific information that is not covered currently within the scope of the report, we will provide the same as a part of the customization.
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notecountingmachine · 2 months
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Introducing the elcons mix value note counting machine, a reliable and efficient solution for accurately counting mixed denomination banknotes. With its new features, this machine offers enhanced functionality and convenience.
𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐲𝐩𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐚𝐯𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐬. Call us on 𝟖𝟕𝟓𝟎𝟕𝟖𝟖𝟕𝟖𝟖 www.elcons.in for more information. Ideal for banks, retail stores, and cash-intensive environments, this machine supports multiple currencies and offers batch, add, and auto-stop functions.
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