bangtanfancamp · 4 years
every story I’ve written on this site- every single one- was written on my phone. Just me and my two little thumbs hacking away at the mobile version of google docs because I don’t own a laptop. I never complained because it was better than nothing 🤷🏽‍♀️ and anytime I needed to post a story and add the keep reading tab, I’d have to borrow a friend’s computer. And as inconvenient as that was, I was so excited to write that I made the best of it.
Life has been a particularly terrible crapshoot as of late, and writing has brought me so much joy in the midst of it. But it has been becoming really challenging to continue on my phone. So fast forward to the other day, my best friend surprised me with this after I babbled about how cool it was. It’s an iPad case!!!!! With a color changing light up keyboard!!!! He’s basically given me his iPad since I use it more than him and he’s getting a laptop—so this is mine to use as much as I want so I stop killing myself writing 12k stories on my broken iPhone 6s
😭😭😭😭😭😭✨ I could weep guys. IS THIS NOT THE COOLEST THING YOUVE EVER SEEN?!?!?!?!
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