#baobhan sith x reader
fandom-go-round · 19 hours
Hmm, how about being with Barghest and Baobhan sith from fate grand order and having sex with each girl for the first time with a male master S/O?
Warnings: Sex, Sexual Situations, Implied Cannibalism, Size Kink, Strength Kink, Implied Dom/Sub, Dirty Talk, Implied Humiliation Kink, Implied Brat Taming, Blood Drinking
She’s hesitant to bring up sex; between her reputation and doing her best to learn about Chaldea, Barghest doesn’t trust herself to make the first move. It’s painfully obvious she’s into you and wants to take the next step but she can’t vocalize it. You’re either going to have to make the first move or wait for Baobhan Sith to get so annoyed she bullies Barghest into it. It’s better to approach her on your own, to help make this an enjoyable experience instead of awkward.
Barghest doesn’t want to lose control. That’s one of the first things she mentions to you and practically begs you to be patient. She feels a bit better because she’s contracted to you and can’t hurt you, not really, but she still wants you to take the reins. She wants this to be about you and your pleasure. It won’t stay that way, not with the way she enjoys sex, but it’s something she wants established early. Barghest cares about you and sex is just one way she shows it.
It’s easy for her to man handle you; you’re so light compared to her, most of the time she doesn’t even think about it. She wants to kiss you deeper? She’ll lift you up higher on the door for better leverage. She wants you to fuck her? She lays down and tugs you on top of her, hands on your hips to help guide you. Barghest has you set the pace but let her do the hard work; she wants to make you feel good and gets her own pleasure from that.
She’s going to refuse oral the first time you have sex, for your safety. Barghest loves giving head and will happily stay between your legs for hours. The issue is that she could get too ravenous and she doesn’t want to break you, at least not in a way you don’t want. If you offer to eat her out be warned; she won’t ask you to stop for a long while and your jaw will be sore. It’s the only time she can’t stop being selfish so make the most of it.
Baobhan Sith:
She’s a brat in the best and worse sense. She’s going to tease you mercilessly for wanting to fuck her and make you beg for it. If you do what she asks, Baobhan Sith goes red, laughs in your face, and then goes to get herself off. If you keep your cool and invite her to your room later, she’ll make a big fuss about it but be there. Don’t be late; she’ll get pissed if she thinks you’re ‘blowing her off’.
Baobhan wants to sleep with you, feelings involved or not. If you’re just blowing off steam, she’s a lot less vulnerable. She’ll stay on top, bossing you around and making you work for it. She’ll ride your face until she’s satisfied and then ride your cock, only letting you cum if you beg sweetly. If feelings are involved she’s a lot more likely to let you set the pace, letting you fuck her open slowly and with soft kisses. She might complain the entire time but she loves it.
She will catch feelings, even if it starts as a friends-with-benefits situation. She hasn’t had a lot of relationships, physical or otherwise and the more like a traditional relationship this gets, the more unsure she becomes. Reassure her that you like her for her and want to spend time with her; never do it in public though. Baobhan likes to tease you in public but never try to have a vulnerable conversation there.
If you want her to drink your blood during sex, you’ll have to bring it up. She likes the idea of sinking her teeth into your neck but it’s a line she isn’t going to cross. She’s shocked when you bring it up, most people run away from her because she wants to drink their blood. She gives you so much shit about it but her face is bright red and her fingers shake as she straddles you. Baobhan won’t take too much blood but she is going to want to do it again.
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Hello again, 2 months have passed since I made that commission and today I come to ask for another of the same characters (Yes, sorry xd). Headcannons for Morgan, Sith, Melusine and Barghest with a depressed Master, how would they react to this and how would they help him.(Oh and one question, apart from Fate, would you make commissions related to other Type-Moon franchises? (Tsuhikime, Mahoyo and Knk) because I'm interested in ordering something related to Shiki (R), Arcueid and Aoko, Thanks)
(I will take literally any excuse to write for the Fae, especially Barghest and Baobhan Sith, and sorry that it took so long to get this back to you, I was trying to decide if I should go off my own experiences with Depression or if I should base it around a more… I dunno generalized(?) version of it, oh and to answer your question, I’d be more than open to writing for other Type Moon franchises! Also I couldn't find any good images for everyone sorry!)
Morgan Le Fay
Morgan Le Fay, the queen of all Fae-kind is many things.
A woman who provides the image of someone who is unshakeable and unbreaking.
A woman who has to do so, because that is what is expected of a monarch.
A woman who takes everything vulnerable about her and locks it away from even those closest to her.
Then you called her forward.
Someone who could manage to slip into the box where she keeps her weakness, wounds, and insecurities hidden.
Someone who could see past the masks she wears.
Someone who can hold her and say “It’s okay, it’ll all be okay.” and she’ll believe it.
But one day, she noticed something different about you.
How there was a lack of… fire in your eye.
How you spent more and more time alone, and what time you didn’t spend alone was spent almost entirely with her.
How you lacked energy.
How you seemed subdued.
How you tried to avoid people.
And one day.
How you just broke down as you were sitting down and doing nothing.
In that moment, all of her composure, all of her masks broke like glass.
And not knowing what else to do, she did what you would do when she would do the same.
She was crying while doing so, she was crying as she held you and told you “It’s okay, It’ll all be okay.”
And despite how her words lacked almost all of her usual power behind them, you believed her.
Because Morgan Le Fay is many things.
Your Queen.
Your servant.
The woman who loves you.
The woman you fell in love with.
And the woman who will do anything to repay the kindness you offered to her when you slipped past her guard and into her heart.
Just so she can continue to see your smile.
Baobhan Sith
Baobhan Sith is the most stubborn person you will ever meet.
In a way that’s part of her charm.
It’s also one of the worst things about her.
She will never admit when she needs help.
No matter how heavy the pressure placed upon her is.
No matter how much strain is placed on her.
She is the future queen after all, she has to be strong.
But her refusal to let anyone in will come back to bite her.
Or it would’ve if someone just as stubborn as her didn’t summon her one day and decide to break through her shell.
Needless to say it took quite a while to get through to her.
But when you did, Baobhan found the world was a much easier place to live in.
Having someone she can trust with everything.
It was liberating to her, not having to hold everything in.
So when she started to notice you holding things in from her she would not stand for it.
She forced her way in, just like you did for her.
Regardless of what you said to her she knew what was lies and what was truth.
And until you and her both left everything bare for each other to see.
She wouldn’t stop. 
Melusine is a loner.
She never really vibed with others.
Always on a slightly off wavelength to everyone else.
Perhaps it was because she was a dragon.
Or maybe it was just how she was.
But to connect with another, that was something Melusine desired more than anything.
To have someone willingly share their warmth.
To have a partner who would listen as she gushed about the things she loved, the things she hated, everything.
To have a partner she would listen to as they gushed about the things they loved, the things they hated, everything.
But a desire was all it was.
At least until she met you.
Because when she met you, got to know you, got to see what made you tick.
She knew she had found the partner in crime she had been looking for.
And she also knows when something is wrong with her partner.
Barghest is someone who fears getting close to people.
It is something that she has spent her entire life as a Fae Knight avoiding.
Despite her inherent desire to have a group she can lean on and a group who can lean on her.
Eventually she learned to allow the other knights in to a degree but not in the same way she craved to do so with another.
To have a home in someone’s heart and to give someone a home in her heart.
To have someone who she can cook for and to have someone who will cook for her.
To have someone who she can care for and to have someone who can care for her.
It was a hopless dream for a knight like her to have, but still it was a dream she cherished.
Yet one day by sheer luck she happened to meet a certain someone who managed to grab her attention.
You were someone quite interesting to Barghest.
And eventually that interest turned to something more.
To something where she wanted to share in her dream with you.
To something where she wanted to share her heart with you.
And when your heart aches, when you are shaken and the darkness of the world begins to crush you.
Know that you will always have not only one of the Fae Knights, not just a member of the Fang Clan, but someone who you share your heart with and someone you can lean upon no matter what.
Oh and if you even try to think of standing alone, know that Barghest will refuse to allow that to happen.
It is in her nature after all.
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Title: Wrong Winchester Turned Right (Part IX)
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader (Female)
Word Count: 2474
Warnings: Very brief mention of self-harm
Prompt: So not really a prompt, I was on Pinterest and I looked up fanfiction prompts and this popped up from a user who I can’t find the account of… Anyways reader jumps on the back of who she thought was her best friend in public but ends up quickly realizing her mistake.
Note: Holy moly has this been a long time coming! I hope y’all enjoy it, a lot of work went into this with the assistance of a beta reader. I’m not caught up on Season 13 yet so that’s why it’s not keeping up with the show. Hope you enjoy.
(Read Part I Here, Part II Here, Part III Here, Part IV Here, Part V Here, Part VI Here, Part VII Here, Part VIII Here)
“She’s still in her room,” JoAnn had said the minute she opened the door.
“Sam, can you stay with JoAnn while I go check in with Allison?”
After Sam led JoAnn towards the living room you found your way up the stairs and to the only closed door. You knocked but heard nothing. You tried the door handle and it turned slowly in your grip. As you pushed the door open you took in the view. The sun crept through the closed blinds, offering the only form of light in the dark room. You saw a shape on the bed and realized JoAnn might have overreacted. Perhaps Allison hadn’t gotten a lot of sleep and was knocked out cold. You pulled your phone out, turning the flashlight on to get a better look around.
You walked around the room and everything seemed in place. No clothes on the floor, no crooked papers, not even a single strand of hair in the brush. You kept turning until you got near the bed but you straightened when you saw the shape was no longer laying there. You moved towards the door, intending to escape, but the lights flicked on and the shape from the bed was standing in front of you in the shape of Allison Waters. Her eyes looked hollow and dark, her skin pale. She reminded you of-
“Well, well, aren’t you pretty. She’d like you.”
“Who would?” Your skin was crawling. Allison just continued to stare at you. “Allison, can you tell me what happened?”
Allison turned and left her room. What had just happened? Where was Allison going? Shaking yourself of those thoughts you followed Allison. You watched her walk out the back door towards the woods. You stopped at the edge of the woods. Your dream came back to you, and so did your past.
“(Y/N)!” You turned and found Sam running towards you. “What happened? Why are you out here?”
“Allison’s gone, she walked out in the woods. She looked sick.” You glanced back at the woods and then started walking back to the house with Sam. “Sam, remember how I said something about this case feels familiar and you basically shot me down?” Sam opened his mouth to interrupt but you held up your hand. “This isn’t an ‘I told you so’ moment but the way Allison looked, there was something about her appearance that struck me as something I’ve seen before.”
“Like what?”
“I don’t want to talk about it here. Let’s go talk with JoAnn and then head back to the motel.”
“Are you okay?”
“Sam, just, not now.”
Twenty minutes later Dean found you curled up on the bed facing the wall. He sat across from Sam who was scrolling through his computer.
“What happened?”
“We might have a lead but she’s been off since she watched Allison walk into the woods.” Sam closed his laptop. “She told me about her dream and everything that happened this morning. Nice bruise by the way.”
“She’s tough.” Dean pushed himself up and sat down behind you on the bed. “(Y/N), will you talk to me? What’s wrong?”
Sam jumped up and moved to the other side of the bed kneeling in front of you. “What did you say?”
You looked at Sam, recognition flashed through his eyes. “She looked just like (Y/S/N). Sam it was like reliving the past.”
“What are you talking about?” Dean looked between you and Sam.
“(Y/S/N) was my sister.” You sat up and pulled your knees to your chest. “She was sixteen when she disappeared. I was only twelve but I knew what was going on. She was gone for a week and when she came back she wasn’t (Y/S/N) anymore. She hid in her room, stayed quiet, would disappear for hours before coming home and hiding in her room again. She was my big sister so I tried to spend time with her but she ignored me.
“One day I came home from school and found the house open, dark, and quiet. I don’t know what made me do it but I walked through the house. There wasn’t anything out of place so I thought someone just forgot to shut the door all the way but then I heard muffled crying coming from my parents’ room. I pushed the door open and found my sister standing over my father and my mother cradling his head in her lap. As my sister turned to look at my intrusion her eyes were dark and her mouth was covered in blood.”
You took a deep breath as the images of your father laying on the floor covered in blood and your mother crying over his lifeless body resurfaced. As you fought the tears you hugged your knees tighter and dropped your chin. You looked between the brothers and your heart constricted. The look of pain in their eyes nearly made you stop but you knew this was important to resolving this case.
“She killed him and then she used this extra long finger nail to slice my mother’s throat. I should have run but as I watched her kill our mother I snapped. I grabbed the item closest to me, which happened to be the candlesticks my parents got when they got married. When I hit my sister with it she hissed.” You laughed and shook your head. “She actually hissed. When she wrapped her hand around it to take it away she screamed and pulled her hand away, it was burned. I had no idea what the candlestick was made of. I had guessed steel or iron so I hit her again with it and ran. I went to the kitchen and grabbed whatever knife I thought I could use.”
“It’s like you were born to be a hunter,” Dean said.
You turned your eyes on him. “I never wanted this. I had no choice.”
“Sweetheart, none of us choose this life.” Dean chalked this up to just another thing the two of you had in common.
“I killed her.” You paused. “I killed my sister and then my mother because my sister turned her into whatever she was. I took off, ended up with Jody Mills, until I was eighteen. I tried to avoid the hunting scene but I couldn’t do it. For years I tried to find the bitch who turned my sister but I never could. I have a fear we’ve just found another one of her victims.”
“You never said how you came across Sam?”
“Jody.” You ruffled Sam’s long hair, smiling when he frowned. “Jody called me after everything happened with her family and she found the two of you. Somewhere down the road, when the two of you took your break, she connected us.”
“Do you know what this creature is?”
“I had initially given up but after meeting Sam I decided to pick up the research again. We thought it was a vampire, that’s where I got stuck initially, but it’s not. It’s like this cousin to the vampire, a Baobhan Sith. It’s a Scottish Folklore. Supposedly they only come out once a year to feed and only at night but I haven’t heard about anything that resembles her antics since everything happened with my sister. Well, until now that is.”
“What else do we know about this thing.”
“Men find the woman to be very attractive and she keeps them interested by asking them to dance. After that she goes for the kill. She kills women too but when she does that they become one. She prefers hunters. I’m sure that means animal hunters not us but it’s true. I didn’t see the beauty, but maybe that’s because I’m a woman. Finally, we can kill them with iron.”
“Great,” Dean said, happy to finally be getting some sort of lead. “What’s next?”
“I use myself as bait to lure her out.” 
Dean jumped up and glared at you. “Are you crazy?” Recognizing those weren’t the best choice of words he crossed his arms and looked at Sam, then you. “There is no way we can let you do that. You could get yourself killed!”
“I already talked to Sam about it, and besides it is neither of your choice to make.” You swung your legs over the side of the bed and stood up. Sam stood up, stuffing his hands in his pockets. You looked between the brothers. “This is my fight and I’ll do it with or without your support.”
You walked out of the motel. There was a park only a few minutes down the road and you figured you could find a comfortable place to think without the sulking Winchester Brothers around. Who were they to tell you what you could or couldn’t do with your life? This was your battle. You were the only one of the three with a real connection to this case.
When you got to the park you took a seat on a bench and pulled out your phone. It hadn’t stopped buzzing since you walked out of the motel room. You shut it down and surveyed your surroundings. You saw kids being pushed on the swings, the giggles filled the air around you. You watched parents running with their kids, holding their infants close. The world kept turning. None of them knew of the monsters lurking in the shadows, the monsters hiding in the forests, and you wish you didn’t know either.
Dean tossed his phone at the wall, turning as it shattered. What did he need it for, it’s not like you were actually going to answer his calls.
“That was stupid,” Sam mutters.
Dean turns to him, arms crossed over his chest. “No this plan is stupid!” Dean raked his fingers through his hair. If he pulled any harder he would be bald before he went to bed. “I’m going out there.”
Sam stepped in front of the door, using what little extra height he had to try and intimidate Dean. “And doing what?”
“I can’t just let her go out there alone. Jesus, Sammy, she’s… I… She means a lot to me. If anything happens to her I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself, ever.”
“Go get her, tell her we support her, but that we want to work this out first before anyone does anything rash.” Sam stepped away from the door. “Then maybe when we kill this thing you two can stop dancing around each other.”
Dean shrugged his jacket on, pocketed his wallet, and snatched his keys off the end table. Shit. “I shattered my phone, she turned hers off, how am I supposed to find her?”
“Look for the nearest park first.”
Dean didn’t bother asking why, instead he left the motel, hoping he wasn’t too late. He’d told you he liked you but he was falling fast and deep. You’d only known each other for a couple of weeks but it didn’t seem to stop him from hoping for more, a lot more.
You kicked your legs out, back, out. The swing rose higher. But no matter how high you got  you always came back down, and right there was the forest. It was like it was calling to you every time you stared at it.
“If you swing any higher you’re going to fall on your head.”
You drag your feet through the gravel, stopping the swing. “How’d you find me?”
Dean dropped onto the swing next to you, twisting to look at you. “Sammy suggested the park.”
“Kid’s been around me too long.”
“If you’re going to do this-”
“There’s no if, Dean.”
“Would you just let me finish?” Dean stared at you, waiting for you to answer. After you gave a slight nod he continued. “If you’re going to do this, we’ll support you, but we’re going to do this as a team.”
You’d been prepared for a fight. They’d both been so upset when you left, but here Dean was, trusting you. Your heart fluttered and you resisted the urge to place a hand over it, instead reaching out for Dean’s hand. “This means a lot to me.”
Dean looked at your hand. The act had been so simple, yet intimate. His heart kicked up a notch and he wasn’t sure how to handle that response so he stood up, pulling you with him. “We should get back before Sammy starts to worry, but before we get back I need to make a pit stop for a burner.”
“What happened to your phone?”
“I may have gotten a little angry.”
“I was in a dark place, for a long time.” You hesitated. Glancing up you found Dean’s emerald eyes soft, welcoming. “When I couldn’t find the person responsible for all of this I started to blame myself so I turned to self-harm. One day Jody caught me struggling to bandage myself up, but rather than ask me questions and judge me she finished bandaging me up and gave me a hug. I started to see someone who knew the world and helped me start working through some stuff. I met Sam only after a few sessions and I thought I was okay, but researching again reopened the wound and I got in my head. Sam found me one night on the bathroom floor and took me to the hospital to get bandaged up. Sam made sure I went back to my therapist, but since all of this has started I haven’t been able to go see them. I could always call or text but it’s been busy.”
Dean stared at you. He’d always considered you tough, strong, but he found your resiliency even brighter now. His hands were reaching for you before he knew what he was doing. He pulled you into his arms and sighed as you wrapped your arms around him. Dean whispered, “You’re stronger than you know.”
You pulled back, putting your hands in his. “Thank you. Not something I like to bring attention to.”
Dean leaned forward and pressed his lips to your forehead. “Thank you for trusting me.”
Sighing, you held onto Dean’s hand as you walked to the closest store and picked up a new burner as well as a few snacks. You continued hand in hand to the motel room, Dean squeezing tight as you walked into the room and found Sammy scowling at his computer. 
“I’m going to lose my mind over this case. (Y/N), I need more information on this,” Sam paused and stared at the screen, “Baobhan Sith. Whatever else you can give me that you found in the past or remember because based off of what I’m finding, this creature shouldn’t be around for another 70 or so years.”
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Hellooo! How are you? I hope you are well, I would like to do a FGO commission, Headcannons for Morgan Le Fay, Baobhan Sith, Mélusine and Barghest in love with Reader (Master) I would really like to see this, please let me know if you can or not, it's ok if you can't , thank you 😊
Your Wish Is My Command!
(My first Fate request, I had a lot of fun with this! Especially Barghest, but that’s probably because she’s my favorite!  Sorry if it’s shorter than you were expecting or if a lot of it doesn’t make sense. My allergies have been kicking my ass and I had to take one of those pills that knock you out harder than Mike Tyson when I wrote this!)
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Morgan Le Fay
Morgan has the type of style that could only be defined as “Extravagantly Simplistic”
If you don’t understand what I mean by this just look at her dress.
This same style and poise carries over into the relationship you two share.
It doesn’t matter if it’s sleeping or fighting she always keeps a certain elegance about her no matter what.
But this doesn’t mean she’s cold, in fact it’s quite the opposite, she is a very warm hearted person especially with you.
All of that said, do be careful whenever you hear her reciting something under her breath in the Fae tongues, it could be anything from a curse to a shopping list, or both!
Morgan is definitely the small spoon, in pretty much everything when she’s with you but she doesn’t mind being the big spoon every now and then.
She’s probably very violently dismembered someone after they insulted you then asked if you wanted ice cream with a smile.
All in All Morgan is a very kind and giddy significant other unless you are put in the crosshairs of something which in that case… well just pray she doesn’t torture it for to long.
“OH! Hello there my spouse! I’m glad to see your wounds have healed!” a blood drenched Morgan happily exclaimed as she kicked a flayed arm into a magical fire.
You simply gazed at the fire and asked “I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that was the guy who got the jump on me?” plainly, completely used to Morgan’s overprotective nature.
Morgan simply smiled and nodded
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Baobhan Sith
Baobhan’s style is simply extravagant, at least until she’s alone but I’ll circle around to that in a bit.
In a LOT of way’s she’s a brattier version of her mother.
Be warned though, she is stubborn and petty! Which is quite the combination!
She definitely strikes me as the type to spend her days off sitting in a too large T-Shirt and shorts eating Ice Cream while watching horror movies alone before she accidentally puts on a soap opera and gets sucked in.
She will not hesitate to roast someone so hard they spontaneously combust.
Baobhan is not someone who likes large gatherings of people so she much prefers quality time with just the two of you though she’d rather die before admitting it.
She Says she's a top, she’s not, she’s a sub, small spoon in everything she couldn’t be the big spoon if she tried.
Baobhan is probably the second most possessive person on this list.
That being said she’s probably the last one to jump to violence, wounds are temporary, the destruction Baobhan can unleash with her words is eternal.
You opened the door to the home that you and Baobhan shared where you immediately tripped over an ice cream carton which was followed by the sound of someone scrambling to change the channel on the TV.
When you walked into the living room you saw Baobhan surrounded by an army of Ice cream cartons with puffy red eye’s
“Were you crying?” You asked.
“nO!” Baobhan lied poorly
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Melusine’s style is quote: “Warm”
Sweaters, pants, jackets, the works.
She’s a very physical person, all about hugs, handholding, and staying together no matter what.
All of that said, she is the second quickest to violence on this list.
She will absolutely NUKE whatever tries to harm you.
Some random jackass?
Crippling loneliness?
Mélusine is the smolest of spoons.
That being said! She will ABSOLUTELY use her size and cute eyes against you!
You have had to stop her from destroying the world on more than one occasion, usually because of traffic.
“So when are you going to be home My Master? The show will be starting soon!” Mélusine asked energetically.
You swallowed deeply as you said “Ah… right about that…” before trailing off.
“Master, think VERY carefully about what you say next.” Mélusine coldly stated.
“I’m caught in traffic” You quickly exclaimed, ripping the bandaid off.
Silence was all you heard before a loud boom
“Mélusine nO-”
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Barghest’s Style is just cute clothes like sundresses, she also likes to wear earthy colors.
Barghest is pretty awkward, she’s not really sure how to hug or kiss you most of the time mostly because of her size but also because she genuinely loves you and is afraid that she’ll eat you.
Well I say kiss, she licks you but that’s not the point.
Strikes me as the type to just mope around unless the two of you are together or if she’s doing something which usually includes cooking large portions of food, exercising, or watching something that catches her attention which is usually whatever has a catchy tune and some form of well choreographed action.
She loves being the big spoon though she also enjoys being the small spoon on occasion though before the two of you could even get to that point you had to teach her how to cuddle.
Barghest gets jealous pretty easily so watch out for that because that’s usually when she gets possessive and when she gets possessive… Well, I'll let you imagine what happens next (Hint: It involves any form of cushioned space around human size and biting).
She loves cooking, even more so when you’re with her, though be warned her “Normal sized” Portions could feed five men, so you're just going to have to force yourself to eat it.
She’s willing to get into a fight if she has to but she prefers not to.
You constantly have a bite mark on your collar bone, she also licks you on the neck when asked why she does this she gets a possessive and hungry glint in her eyes like she’s daring someone to challenge her and says.
“I want every single man, woman, child, non-binary and agender person to know you are mine, Master!”
“Oh, okay!” You quietly squeaked out embarrassed.
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