#bardroy x paula
The Butler, Romantic
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"Remember, we'll meet here after two hours, okay boys?" Said Lizzie, a smile on her face. Beside her are Sieglinde, Doll, Paula, and Mey-Rin. Across from her is Sebastian, Joanne, Ciel, Alois, Bard, and Finnian. Sebastian place a hand to his chest and bows, "We will see you then my lady."
And with that the groups left into separate directions. The season was winter, it's cold yet nice for a typical February month, just a few days away from the holiday that is Valentine's Day.
"Isn't Valentine's Day lovely?" Said Joanne as he sighs happily as the men walk into a floral shop. The air was thick with many flowers of different sweets and textures around the room, causing Ciel's nose to scrunch up in a flinch. "I guess you can say that... Just different now since all of us have someone on this day." Said Bard with a shrug of his broad shoulders. The shop owner looked at the lot at last and spoke up gentle, "What can I help with you gentleman?" Sebastian stepped forward, a warm glow to him somehow, and spoke firmly yet... nice- "We have come to purchase some flower arrangements for Valentine's Day sir." The shop owner smiles a beaming gleam as he nods, "You have chosen wisely men!" Suddenly, the man pauses and stares at the Earl of Phantomhive who stares back in confusion. "What is it?" "Erm, I'm sorry. I just thought I saw two of you."
Ciel snuck a glance behind Finny after the shop owner walked to talk with Sebastian more, looking to the young man with peacock gem eyes and dark short hair. "Sorry Ciel." "It's fine Ciel."
Unlike the usual outings, a new guest has joined in the form of the real non dead Ciel Phantomhive, who many of the public assume is either dead or too sickly to be Earl. No one besides the group and the household know of the two working together taking turns of the names, and on special outings like this do the two truly look like twins with matching clothes and eye patches to not throw off people around them.
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The ladies sat at a isolated table a busy tea room, roses decoration all the table centerpieces creating a sweet smell with the scent of tea and perfume, among each member is a box wrapped with their bags. Lizzie claps as they sat down, "I'm so happy we're doing this. We haven't had the pleasure to go out just us girls often and just before Valentine's Day as well." She giggles at the last part. Paula giggles beside her, "I agree Lady Lizzie, this is most exciting." The lady Midford glanced across the table to Sieglinde, who's dark hair is still cut short in an adorable bob while dressed in a lovely green dress, and Doll, who at the moment is wearing a lovely blue gown handed down by Lizzie herself with a scent of roses coming off her neck.
The previous circus performer smiled and spoke, not hiding her accent as much, "This certain is a new thing for me. I never had a partner nor had a excuse to shopping." Mey-Rin, who sits beside her and who's hair is tied in a bun dressed normal, looked to her and joined in, "I agree, yes I do! Never have I ever thought I'd ever find someone to spend Valentine's day with."
"What are your guys plans for Valentine's Day anyway?" Asked Alois as he stands by Ciel looking at the wild roses and daisies. Finny, not missing a beat and holding a large group of white lilies, with sparkling eyes and a big smile said, "I'm taking Valentina to the gardens for a nice picnic! She mentioned how much she wanted to see the stars and thanks to Mister Sebastian I can cook some good Mofongo!" Bard smiles as he picked up a pansy, "I'm grateful Lady Elizabeth gave me permission to use the kitchen and the garden gazebo for the night, I can't wait to dazzle my woman like the angel she is!" Sebastian chuckles, "You have been married with Paula and Finny and Miss Valentina has been engaged for hardly a month already and you're energies are over the moon." The chef lightly shoved the butler, "Come on now you should know why. What are your plans for your lil' lady?" The butler in black smiles and pluck up a red rose before sniffing it, his eyes shining, "I plan to cook her a grand meal and take her to a ballet. She's been talking about seeing this one performance of Cinderella so I figured I take her on the very first night."
Alois giggles and spoke up, "Does that imply the Phantomhive manor will be mostly empty? A whole empty manor for the young Earl and his Valentine?" He giggles as Ciel shoved him and his brother, out in public as "Sirius", speaks, "What are your plans anyway?" Ciel thought for a moment before answering, "Maybe some dinner and a London stroll."
Meanwhile, the ladies' pastries and tea has arrived to the table and conversations of the date in plan are being spoken. "I swear I have a sneaking feeling Alois will spoil me and Smile." Sighed Doll as she sipped her tea, her eye beaming in whoa after she took that sip. Lizzie giggled and asked, "Does he always though? Surely you'd be used to it by now." Doll shook her head, "Nah, even if I should I can't get over it. It's a nice feeling though, being pampered by a cutie like that, especially at night." With a eyebrow risen, Sieglinde queried, "Why at night?" All the women looked to Doll who simply grins with a look in her eye. It didn't a while until it sunk in her meaning.
"M-My Goodness you already have-!?" Mey-Rin shrieked silently in a flush face, shocked her master would be already be doing such things with two people, even if it's been a whole two years since most of the relationships started. Doll chuckled and shook her hand, "No no, we haven't gotten that far yet, just some touching and maybe some-" With pink cheeks Lizzie scanned the area fast while speaking a hushed warning, "Doll! You should speak about things like that in public!" The brunette tilted her head and glance around. "Why? No one's listening and it's normal."
After a moment of silence, a surprise of Paula speaks up, "Baldroy tends to look rather hungry in the bedroom." "Paula!" Doll snorted, "Well I can't say I'm too surprised you both are already there." Paula blushes as she speaks more softer, a small shy smile on her lips, "He seems the type to be rough a bit but he's actually quiet gentle... he even ask what I prefer a lot." After a small sip of her tea, Mey-Rin surprise everyone even more, "When you guys... have those moments with your partners... do you take the reins or-?" "Damn, does Suit let you take charge?" Asked Doll, surprised most with the maid's question. Mey-Rin, blushing more, answers with a small squeak, "W-Well he's mostly tired after work, he is..! A-Also, he tends to smell a lot like peppermint which is very nice, it is."
The three, then four after Sieglinde chimed in, chatted a bit of the men in their lives while Lizzie watches. Then, watching and listening got dull with her so she joined in, "So, you know how Sebastian sometimes roll his tongue when speaking his Rs? Well, on certain times he tends to do that when he kiss-" The table squealed some and giggles and continued to chat around.
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One the morning of Valentine's Day, it seemed like a normal day at first, until both Phantomhive Lords and the servants gotten some cards and roses sent from those whom they too have sent cards and roses too earlier on.
After breakfast and the normal schedules of the nobles until lunch the plans of the day itself was no pushed into swing. Food being prepared, flower assembles being created, settings made, last checks of things done.
Everything by the end is perfect when the night comes and the respected parties go to here the other halves of their hearts to start the day as planned. The manor, besides Finny in the garden with his fiance, was as planned mostly empty with the real Ciel Phantomhive off to Joanne's gardens of his manor with Sieglinde, leaving the other twin in the manor with the two he planned to spend time with. Doll snuggled against his shoulder as they ride the carriage back to the said empty mansion, Alois holding his hand the side next to him, boxes of new clothes and things tied together in the spare seats across from the three.
On the other side of the trees in the city of London walk a man dressed in a lovely shade of emerald greens and blacks beside a beautiful young lady with hair of fine gold done up with a black ribbon wearing a lovely red dress side by side down the street of night, a happy glow among them like a bubble of sorts. "That ballet was lovely Sebastian. The outfits were beautiful and the music was lovely!" Said Lizzie with a giggle and a snuggle of his arm, smiling at the rumbling chuckle of his chest, "I'm glad you enjoyed that." A moment of silence filled the two as they walked more, the candle lights of the street glowing so hauntingly beautiful. Finally, the lady spoke, "Sebastian, what do you think Valentine's Day will look like for us years ahead?"
The butler pauses and ponders, he surely would want to amaze his lady ten times every year but would she want that in the end? "Well, I would want to see you smile much more. I would even say I would want to you smile every day from this day forth my dear." Lizzle giggles, stopping when the man stops walking. "The first time I met you, you were crying over the lose of a boy whom you knew wasn't who your heart truly wanted to please to the rules of the world. Over time I began to see the you you tried to bury away from the eyes of everyone, and for that level of trust made me love you more and more beyond your dear precious smile..."
Lizzie watched as Sebastian free himself her gentle grasp and slowly knelt to her, a hand to his heart, as his voice grew tender as he speaks, "I swear to you my dear that I will always try to make you smile, to love every piece of you, cherish you to the fullest and continue to do so long after your last breath. I promise to stand beside you through every battle, big or small, and treat you like the Queen you are to me." Her breath gets stuck in her chest that grew tight as she sees him reach in his breast pocket, her eyes widening and filling with tears fast. "I may not know much of the traditions of human culture, I may not be the man society wish you to have, but I swear to you with all my being I will never ever stop loving you for not a single day goes by where I haven't loved you after you shown me so many beautiful things to know..."
Carefully, he takes out a box and opens it, showing the maiden the lovely ring inside the velvet walls, his eyes clearly growing misty as a lump grew in his throat as it became clear from his words, "My dear Lizzie, I understand it's custom to bring forth a piece of jewelry to create a bond stronger than anything I've seen, and so I did just that. With proper permission from your family, as the world ahead of us as my witness, with the bottom of my heart...will you do me in doing the honors of making me the happiest being of all the world can more can offer....and marry me and be with me for the rest of time...?"
Lizzie hiccuped as she cries, her gloved hands covering her shaking lips, her heart beating so fast. Sebastian shifted to stand as he quickly formed an apology, "Li-Lizzie, I'm sorry-" The man was stopped with the force of his dear jumping onto him, her arms tightly hung around his neck as her voice coats her ears as the two fell to the ground. "Yes! YES! I would be more than honored to marry you..!" She sobs into his neck, her face pink and such a mess of tears and makeup but neither care at the moment. A smile appears to Sebastian's lips as he sits up, gently takes Lizzie's hand and slides the ring onto her gentle finger. Lizzie sniffs and hugs him again, this time their lips connected as one as their hearts beat as one.
This is part of my Black Butler AU, mostly word for word from a RP me and my sister did recently, still heavily dedicated to @annoyinglyshinycherryblossom, @nullb1rdbones, @sebalizzie, @docmartensanddietcoke, and @onehellofashadynerd
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tiredotter331 · 6 years
For some reason, I ship Bard and Paula. I legit don’t know why, but I do. They rarely even interact with each other! But still I think of them both like “ Aww it’d be cute if they got together.”
Am I alone in this ship?
@bethendxryk @wahpumkya
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What are your headcanons for mom Paula with a baby daughter?
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So, we need a partner right?
I found out this ship
There's like one fic of them and they're not the main focus and it's cute
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Paula x Bard
Let's jump in
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The pregnancy was fun with her
Lizzie was the most excited obviously cause he big sister figure was married and having a baby soon with the man she loves
Bard is excited as hell but nervous too cause trauma-
I want to put this in a AU where Bard basically looked at Doll and was like, "My kid now stfu yall"
Doll helped deliver the baby girl
Lots of tears
Snake: You're not a big sister instead of a little sister Doll, Says Emily Doll: . . . *starts crying holding the infant*
The girl is name Amelia
There was a lot of panic after the birth cause neither were sure anywhere was safe. Bard was in a farm town with people he knew so it wasn't like there was a big issue and Paula literally had a child now
They love Amelia's giggle the most
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Baby's first Christmas was just pure happy feels
Yes, the twins' birthdays but even they were excited for the baby's first Christmas
Baby Amelia LOVES the tree and is all happy giggles
Midford and Phantomhive Christmas seems to already be a thing but it became a very known thing once Bard and Paula got married and had Amelia
Paula making ginderbread
Bard is actually not burning the meat! Yay~!
Bard basically cuts down a easy size tree every year since his marriage
When Amelia gets older she does that normal kid thing of waking up first and jumping on the parents' beds to wake them up cause Santa came (I almost spelled Satan I apologize)
Since in the UK Christmas lasts 10 to the whole month even while the US only has one special day Bard is very rarely getting used to it. This is due to the US having Thanksgiving in late November #funhistoryfacts
Amelia did that cute baby startle wiggle of whoa her first time hearing a Christmas cracker for the first time
Paula has moments in the morning of Christmas day she looked at her family by the fireplace and tree opening presents and having a jolly good time and she just smiles softly
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There's like ONE fic of them and they aren't the stars-
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Can I ask for hcs of Paula x Bard and their family? (Doll and if Bard Jr was still alive?)
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Bard and Paula always found each other at least attractive and fun to be around already but were to shy/insecure to say or do anything
After the whole mess of the revenge arc was done Bard most likely got Déjà vu when Paula confessed her feelings.
If in a AU where Bardroy Jr was found alive and brought to the manor while Bard was working there then he was the one who basically helped
Doll was taken in by Bard in any AU you want to use
Lots of tears were happening on Doll's end when she gets adopted by Bard officially
Dude, I love picture Bard Jr and Doll playing together while Bard is working and Paula's just watching happily
This was a random AU but now it's growing on me-
Dear Lord I want to write fics now!
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I made a edit of my new favorite AU family of if Baldroy Jr is alive and Bard married Paula and took in Doll
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For the characters like baldroy and Paula who don’t have a surname, what are your headcanons of their surnames would be ?
Well, it implies in Bard's flashback that Baldroy might actually be his last name and that's why he wants to be only called "Bard" or "Baldo" cause his son's full name was Baldroy Jr, implying same first name too. But I don't know if that's the truth or not
I used to write Bard's last name as Henry, a big reference of an Americal folk legend of John Henry in which I see Bard loving the story and relating to it a lot
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what are your headcanons of what the baldroy family would do for easter ?
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Since they're both working for rich families Paula and Baldroy work hard on the Easter breakfast or brunch or dinner happening with the Phantomhives and Midfords
Doll added to the mix and the first few hours of Easter is busy busy busy
With OCiel's and Sebastian's help they visited the FOL Orphanage kids where they fed them some cooked ham, yummy tea, and other things
To say Doll and Bard felt uncomfortable celebrating Easter is a bit of a understatement given they don't really believe in God and Jesus or at least not as much on Bard's part, while Paula is still a very devoted Christian who believes but doesn't push it on her husband and daughter
OCiel has a whole new set of Easter themed stuff for Funtom and Doll gets all the failed caramel chocolate eggs
Kind of like what Lizzie did in the manga after the Titanic ship arc it became a little tradition of making eggs and doing that insane egg hunt, but after Lizzie and Doll became besties it wasn't just Lizzie's egg they have to find but now Doll's sometimes
First Easter Nina made Doll a prototype spring themed dress for her to wear and when she tried it on she stood there red in the face stiff as a board while Paula and Lizzie keep making comments how cute she looked while Bard is holding back laughs in the back
During the egg hunt Doll always goes after OCiel first to either stop him from getting the egg or distract him a bit as a flare of drama fun
In one occasion they were squared up one on one in the gardens fighting while Sebastian is with their egg too busy my guess also fighting with someone else maybe Wolfram cause man is STRONG-
OCiel felt he had a win soon when Doll scooped up and kissed him, then she ran off laughing. OCiel stood there for like 5 seconds red faced before he screams after her
One time she teased him by waving his hand near her chest which made him trip backing up
When Amelia was born, Oh Boi-
She made the cutest messy egg and that was the egg to get
And it was WAR with the Baldroy family to get Amelia's first egg vs everyone else!
The FOL Orphanage joins in Easter a lot after everything
It always end with Bard and Doll challenging each other to eat the most ham or candies until their stomachs hurt later on and Doll swears to never eat sweets upon morning. Then she eats like two left over candies if offered
Bruh don't get me started once Doll and OCiel got married and had kids
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