#mey rin x william
The Butler, Romantic
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"Remember, we'll meet here after two hours, okay boys?" Said Lizzie, a smile on her face. Beside her are Sieglinde, Doll, Paula, and Mey-Rin. Across from her is Sebastian, Joanne, Ciel, Alois, Bard, and Finnian. Sebastian place a hand to his chest and bows, "We will see you then my lady."
And with that the groups left into separate directions. The season was winter, it's cold yet nice for a typical February month, just a few days away from the holiday that is Valentine's Day.
"Isn't Valentine's Day lovely?" Said Joanne as he sighs happily as the men walk into a floral shop. The air was thick with many flowers of different sweets and textures around the room, causing Ciel's nose to scrunch up in a flinch. "I guess you can say that... Just different now since all of us have someone on this day." Said Bard with a shrug of his broad shoulders. The shop owner looked at the lot at last and spoke up gentle, "What can I help with you gentleman?" Sebastian stepped forward, a warm glow to him somehow, and spoke firmly yet... nice- "We have come to purchase some flower arrangements for Valentine's Day sir." The shop owner smiles a beaming gleam as he nods, "You have chosen wisely men!" Suddenly, the man pauses and stares at the Earl of Phantomhive who stares back in confusion. "What is it?" "Erm, I'm sorry. I just thought I saw two of you."
Ciel snuck a glance behind Finny after the shop owner walked to talk with Sebastian more, looking to the young man with peacock gem eyes and dark short hair. "Sorry Ciel." "It's fine Ciel."
Unlike the usual outings, a new guest has joined in the form of the real non dead Ciel Phantomhive, who many of the public assume is either dead or too sickly to be Earl. No one besides the group and the household know of the two working together taking turns of the names, and on special outings like this do the two truly look like twins with matching clothes and eye patches to not throw off people around them.
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The ladies sat at a isolated table a busy tea room, roses decoration all the table centerpieces creating a sweet smell with the scent of tea and perfume, among each member is a box wrapped with their bags. Lizzie claps as they sat down, "I'm so happy we're doing this. We haven't had the pleasure to go out just us girls often and just before Valentine's Day as well." She giggles at the last part. Paula giggles beside her, "I agree Lady Lizzie, this is most exciting." The lady Midford glanced across the table to Sieglinde, who's dark hair is still cut short in an adorable bob while dressed in a lovely green dress, and Doll, who at the moment is wearing a lovely blue gown handed down by Lizzie herself with a scent of roses coming off her neck.
The previous circus performer smiled and spoke, not hiding her accent as much, "This certain is a new thing for me. I never had a partner nor had a excuse to shopping." Mey-Rin, who sits beside her and who's hair is tied in a bun dressed normal, looked to her and joined in, "I agree, yes I do! Never have I ever thought I'd ever find someone to spend Valentine's day with."
"What are your guys plans for Valentine's Day anyway?" Asked Alois as he stands by Ciel looking at the wild roses and daisies. Finny, not missing a beat and holding a large group of white lilies, with sparkling eyes and a big smile said, "I'm taking Valentina to the gardens for a nice picnic! She mentioned how much she wanted to see the stars and thanks to Mister Sebastian I can cook some good Mofongo!" Bard smiles as he picked up a pansy, "I'm grateful Lady Elizabeth gave me permission to use the kitchen and the garden gazebo for the night, I can't wait to dazzle my woman like the angel she is!" Sebastian chuckles, "You have been married with Paula and Finny and Miss Valentina has been engaged for hardly a month already and you're energies are over the moon." The chef lightly shoved the butler, "Come on now you should know why. What are your plans for your lil' lady?" The butler in black smiles and pluck up a red rose before sniffing it, his eyes shining, "I plan to cook her a grand meal and take her to a ballet. She's been talking about seeing this one performance of Cinderella so I figured I take her on the very first night."
Alois giggles and spoke up, "Does that imply the Phantomhive manor will be mostly empty? A whole empty manor for the young Earl and his Valentine?" He giggles as Ciel shoved him and his brother, out in public as "Sirius", speaks, "What are your plans anyway?" Ciel thought for a moment before answering, "Maybe some dinner and a London stroll."
Meanwhile, the ladies' pastries and tea has arrived to the table and conversations of the date in plan are being spoken. "I swear I have a sneaking feeling Alois will spoil me and Smile." Sighed Doll as she sipped her tea, her eye beaming in whoa after she took that sip. Lizzie giggled and asked, "Does he always though? Surely you'd be used to it by now." Doll shook her head, "Nah, even if I should I can't get over it. It's a nice feeling though, being pampered by a cutie like that, especially at night." With a eyebrow risen, Sieglinde queried, "Why at night?" All the women looked to Doll who simply grins with a look in her eye. It didn't a while until it sunk in her meaning.
"M-My Goodness you already have-!?" Mey-Rin shrieked silently in a flush face, shocked her master would be already be doing such things with two people, even if it's been a whole two years since most of the relationships started. Doll chuckled and shook her hand, "No no, we haven't gotten that far yet, just some touching and maybe some-" With pink cheeks Lizzie scanned the area fast while speaking a hushed warning, "Doll! You should speak about things like that in public!" The brunette tilted her head and glance around. "Why? No one's listening and it's normal."
After a moment of silence, a surprise of Paula speaks up, "Baldroy tends to look rather hungry in the bedroom." "Paula!" Doll snorted, "Well I can't say I'm too surprised you both are already there." Paula blushes as she speaks more softer, a small shy smile on her lips, "He seems the type to be rough a bit but he's actually quiet gentle... he even ask what I prefer a lot." After a small sip of her tea, Mey-Rin surprise everyone even more, "When you guys... have those moments with your partners... do you take the reins or-?" "Damn, does Suit let you take charge?" Asked Doll, surprised most with the maid's question. Mey-Rin, blushing more, answers with a small squeak, "W-Well he's mostly tired after work, he is..! A-Also, he tends to smell a lot like peppermint which is very nice, it is."
The three, then four after Sieglinde chimed in, chatted a bit of the men in their lives while Lizzie watches. Then, watching and listening got dull with her so she joined in, "So, you know how Sebastian sometimes roll his tongue when speaking his Rs? Well, on certain times he tends to do that when he kiss-" The table squealed some and giggles and continued to chat around.
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One the morning of Valentine's Day, it seemed like a normal day at first, until both Phantomhive Lords and the servants gotten some cards and roses sent from those whom they too have sent cards and roses too earlier on.
After breakfast and the normal schedules of the nobles until lunch the plans of the day itself was no pushed into swing. Food being prepared, flower assembles being created, settings made, last checks of things done.
Everything by the end is perfect when the night comes and the respected parties go to here the other halves of their hearts to start the day as planned. The manor, besides Finny in the garden with his fiance, was as planned mostly empty with the real Ciel Phantomhive off to Joanne's gardens of his manor with Sieglinde, leaving the other twin in the manor with the two he planned to spend time with. Doll snuggled against his shoulder as they ride the carriage back to the said empty mansion, Alois holding his hand the side next to him, boxes of new clothes and things tied together in the spare seats across from the three.
On the other side of the trees in the city of London walk a man dressed in a lovely shade of emerald greens and blacks beside a beautiful young lady with hair of fine gold done up with a black ribbon wearing a lovely red dress side by side down the street of night, a happy glow among them like a bubble of sorts. "That ballet was lovely Sebastian. The outfits were beautiful and the music was lovely!" Said Lizzie with a giggle and a snuggle of his arm, smiling at the rumbling chuckle of his chest, "I'm glad you enjoyed that." A moment of silence filled the two as they walked more, the candle lights of the street glowing so hauntingly beautiful. Finally, the lady spoke, "Sebastian, what do you think Valentine's Day will look like for us years ahead?"
The butler pauses and ponders, he surely would want to amaze his lady ten times every year but would she want that in the end? "Well, I would want to see you smile much more. I would even say I would want to you smile every day from this day forth my dear." Lizzle giggles, stopping when the man stops walking. "The first time I met you, you were crying over the lose of a boy whom you knew wasn't who your heart truly wanted to please to the rules of the world. Over time I began to see the you you tried to bury away from the eyes of everyone, and for that level of trust made me love you more and more beyond your dear precious smile..."
Lizzie watched as Sebastian free himself her gentle grasp and slowly knelt to her, a hand to his heart, as his voice grew tender as he speaks, "I swear to you my dear that I will always try to make you smile, to love every piece of you, cherish you to the fullest and continue to do so long after your last breath. I promise to stand beside you through every battle, big or small, and treat you like the Queen you are to me." Her breath gets stuck in her chest that grew tight as she sees him reach in his breast pocket, her eyes widening and filling with tears fast. "I may not know much of the traditions of human culture, I may not be the man society wish you to have, but I swear to you with all my being I will never ever stop loving you for not a single day goes by where I haven't loved you after you shown me so many beautiful things to know..."
Carefully, he takes out a box and opens it, showing the maiden the lovely ring inside the velvet walls, his eyes clearly growing misty as a lump grew in his throat as it became clear from his words, "My dear Lizzie, I understand it's custom to bring forth a piece of jewelry to create a bond stronger than anything I've seen, and so I did just that. With proper permission from your family, as the world ahead of us as my witness, with the bottom of my heart...will you do me in doing the honors of making me the happiest being of all the world can more can offer....and marry me and be with me for the rest of time...?"
Lizzie hiccuped as she cries, her gloved hands covering her shaking lips, her heart beating so fast. Sebastian shifted to stand as he quickly formed an apology, "Li-Lizzie, I'm sorry-" The man was stopped with the force of his dear jumping onto him, her arms tightly hung around his neck as her voice coats her ears as the two fell to the ground. "Yes! YES! I would be more than honored to marry you..!" She sobs into his neck, her face pink and such a mess of tears and makeup but neither care at the moment. A smile appears to Sebastian's lips as he sits up, gently takes Lizzie's hand and slides the ring onto her gentle finger. Lizzie sniffs and hugs him again, this time their lips connected as one as their hearts beat as one.
This is part of my Black Butler AU, mostly word for word from a RP me and my sister did recently, still heavily dedicated to @annoyinglyshinycherryblossom, @nullb1rdbones, @sebalizzie, @docmartensanddietcoke, and @onehellofashadynerd
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blondeaxolotl · 1 year
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When your two best friends (not by choice) start rambling about two random servants who do nothing but get in the way of your work
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This account is purely dedicated to Black Butler
i have a separate account for other anime: @bubbles0bop
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I am taking requests!!
•I will take requests for all characters
•I will write NSFW 🔞 but not for minors
Being Sebastian's S/O may include...
Being the Undertaker's S/O may include...
Undertaker with a reader who has a major crush on him
Grell with an Actor! S/O
Being Grell's S/O may include...
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hotmonkeelove · 10 months
My Black Butler Ships
Sebastian x Mey-Rin - Mey-Rin is the only one who's actually in love with Seabastian, rather than just lusting after him. She isn't constantly throwing herself at him. Instead, she's too shy to tell him. Much of the fandom says he knows about her feelings, but I have to doubt that. Sebastian claims she's incompetent because she's stupid, which says to me he's clueless as to the stupefying effect he has on her. He might know she's attracted to him, but I don't think he really understands the nuances of love. He believes that humans are all selfish and never satisfied, despite knowing ones who aren't like that. Mey-Rin, in particular, is nothing like that. She thinks being a maid and receiving a pair of glasses are the best things in the world. The only thing she wants is him, yet she's never aggressive about it. I think their dynamic has the most intriguing possibilities.
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Claude x Hannah - angsty and kinky! I love the twists in their relationship and Claude's character arc. While I think we can all agree Ciel becoming a demon at the end of Series 2 was stupid and deserving of getting disregarded in the third, Claude and Hannah's ending was perfection!
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William x Grell - they have the best chemistry of all the Grell ships. And William seems to have a bit of a soft spot for Grell, despite all the trouble she causes. (Whereas Sebastian is far more hostile to her.)
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Ciel x Elizabeth - they're adorable and they've been maturing together.
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That's it, at least so far.
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cidneyphantomhive · 5 months
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NEW ART DROP I put all the adult black butler characters I’d want to draw in a ship manner on a spinny wheel along with ship tropes to write fanfics, then decided I also wanted to draw art to go with it. For this one I got William and Mey-Rin and the death trope, but I didn’t want to draw her dead so I thought maybe a coma that would lead to it while William prepares himself for his reaper duties. It just goes to show, even when love is involved, a reaper must do his duties😢
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deusa-astaroth666 · 3 months
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I did :D
Hater dos Midfords com orgulho❤️
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Here's a list of my favourite ships and duos that nobody asked for:
- Grell x William
- Grell x Madame Red
- Eric x Alan
- O!Ciel x Lizzy (Romantically, but only through a historical lens and because of Book of Atlantic (They didn't know incest was bad back then and it was common in nobility in order to keep the money within the family))
- Cloudia x Undertaker
- Ciel and Lady Sullivan
- Ciel and Sebastian
- Grell and Ronald
- Snake and Finny
- Mey-Rin and Ran-Mao
- Undertaker and Grell
- Bard and Lau
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naquey · 9 months
I figured I might as well start a masterlist while I'm at it because I never really had one before, and don't exactly know how to write one. No better way to whack at it, am I right?
Hi! You an call me Naqe or N. I'm aspiring to be an author and have loved writing since I was in fifth grade. It has been my passion for as long as I've known. I write fanfiction as a hobby, and am in college! Surprisingly, I'm fairly new to tumblr despite writing fanfiction for a long time. I started out on Quotev and just recently moved to AO3 under the same name Naqe. I deeply enjoy the fandoms that I am in and the fandoms that I discover.
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Basic request and ask ethics:
minors DNI (if you see the above banner on anything nsfw that i've written and you still interact. I will block you)
dms are open to anyone 18+ (im 20 an DO NOT want to be talking to a child for any reason)
don't be an asshole: INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO PROSHIPPING, BATCEST, OR INCEST (if i see you come to my page i will block your ass)
i will not write anything 18+ if asked {(only on my own accord) and even if I do, I use a place holder. No x readers}
no zenophobia, transphobia, homophobia
nothing pertaining to religions (think: religious themes) outside of black butler
i only write for male/gender neutral reader
nothing with yandere or mental illness (even if it isn't glorifying it)
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Avatar The Last Airbender Batman Black Butler Ever After High Five Nights At Freddy's Genshin Impact Gravity Falls Harry Potter Marvel Monster High My Hero Academia Twisted Wonderland Nanbaka
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-Sokka -Aang -Zukko -Toph -Katara -Uncle Iroh -Mai
-Bruce Wayne/Batman -Dick Grayson/Nightwing -Jason Todd/Red Hood -Tim Drake/Red Robin -Damian Wayne/Robin -Stephanie Brown/Spoiler -Cassandra Cain/Batgirl -Barbara Gordon/Oracle -Helena Wayne/Huntress -Ed Nygma/Riddler -Oswald Cobblepot/Penguin -Harley Quinn -Selena Kyle/Catwoman -Harvey Dent/ Two Face -Turner Haynes -Harper Row/Bluebird -Cullen Row -Duela Dent
[Black Butler]
-Sebastian Michaelis -Ciel Phantomhive -Grell Sutcliff -William T. Spears -Ronald Knox -Undertaker -Madame Red -Bardroy -Finny -Mey-Rin -Gregory Violet -Lawrence Bluer -Herman Greenhill -Edgar Redmond -Vincent Phantomhive -Blavat Sky -Joker -Dagger -Snake
[Ever After High]
-Raven Queen -Madeline Hatter -Lizzie Hearts -Cerise Hood -Darling Charming -Apple White -Daring Charming -Dexter Charming -Hopper Croakington -Hunter Huntsman -Ashlynn Ella -Briar Beauty -Chase Redmond -Sparrow Hood -Duchess Swan -Humphrey Dumpty
-Mike Schmidt -William Afton -Ness
[Genshin Impact]
-Raiden Shogun -Tighnari -Kuki Shinobu -Neuvillette -Kamisato Ayaka -Kamisato Ayato -Thoma -Kaveh -Kaeya -Alberich -Lisa -Amber -Lumine -Aether -Zhongli -Furina -Venti -Diluc -Rosaria -Keqing -Itto -Kaedhara Kazuha -Shikanoin Heizou -Layla
[Gravity Falls]
-Dipper Pines -Mabel Pines -Bill Cipher -Stanley Pines -Stanford Pines -Robbie Valentino -Thompkins -Soos Ramirez
[Harry Potter]
-Neville Longbottom -Harry Potter -Ron Weasley -Fred Weasley -George Weasley -Hermione Granger -Luna Lovegood -Remus -Lupin -Sirius Black -James Potter -Severus Snape -Regulus Black
-Spiderman -Doc Ock -Silver Surfer -Loki -Thor -Deadpool
[Monster High]
-Frankie Stein -Deuce Gorgon -Clawd Wolf -Cleo DeNile -Draculara -Clawdeen Wolf -Abbey Bominable -Twyla Boogeyman -Torelai Stripe -Ghoulia Yelps -Holt Hyde -Jackson Jekyll -Manny Taur -Venus McFlytrap -Rochell Goyle -Garrot DuRoque -Robecca Steam -Sparky -Hexiciah Steam
[My Hero Academia]
-Izuku Midoriya -Iida Tenya -Uraraka Ochaco -Bakugou Katsuki -Shinsou Hitoshi -Touya Todoroki -Twice -Mr. Compress -Toga Himiko -Magne -Shigaraki Tomura -Spinner -Overhaul -Hawks -Takeshita
[Twisted Wonderland]
-Cater Diamond -Riddle Rosenheart -Ace Trappola -Deuce Spade -Trey Clover -Idia Shroud -Malleus Draconia -Lilia Vanrouge
-Hajime Sugoroku -Samon Gokuu -Enki Gokuu -Kenshirou Yozakura -Mitsuru Hitokoe -Rorotto -Kiji Mitsuba -Damian -Nijimasu Nanairo -Yamada Orochi -Koisuke Kyuubi -Uno -Rock -Nico -Jyuugo -Honey -Trois -Aki -Haru -Musashi -Liang -Qi -Upa -Hakushaku -Tengu Murakami -Tsukumo -Fuji-san -Kusatsu -Ikkaku -Kojiro -Isou -Kujaku -Mei Yomidou -Ido Yomidou -Chimney -Hell -Tauro Twister -Taura Twister
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Eddie Baby (Rose Corvid/Ed Nygma)
Gotham Frights (Rose Corvid/Ed Nygma)
[Black Butler]
[Ever After High]
[Five Nights At Freddy's]
[Genshin Impact]
Sickness is Green (Kaveh x reader)
Business (Diluc/Li Jing)
[Gravity Falls]
[Harry Potter]
Did You Hear About That Mother (Roan Goldfinch & Walburga Black)
The Eagle and Her Prey (Roan Goldfinch/Regulus Black)
One Last Night (Roan Goldfinch/Regulus Black)
One Kiss (Roan Goldfinch/Regulus Black)
A Thousand Years (Remus Lupin/Cassander Lyall)
[Monster High]
[My Hero Academia]
[Twisted Wonderland]
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Crime Down 10 (Ed Nygma and Oswald Cobblepot x reader)
[Black Butler]
One Of A Kind (Ocs x reader)
[Ever After High]
[Five Nights At Freddy's]
[Genshin Impact]
[Gravity Falls]
[Harry Potter]
[Monster High]
[My Hero Academia]
[Twisted Wonderland]
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[Black Butler]
[Ever After High]
[Five Nights At Freddy's]
[Genshin Impact]
[Gravity Falls]
[Harry Potter]
The Black Family (personal fanon)
[Monster High]
[My Hero Academia]
[Twisted Wonderland]
Semi-Personal Drake Parker Headcanons
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Entrusted To You [Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji]
Meet the Character [about ocs]
Star Wars; Purged [Star Wars]
Fame [Drake & Josh]
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source: cafekitsune
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beembugs · 4 months
About me
Hi! I’m beembugs ur friendly neighbourhood shy kid whose parents won’t let you play with me because I’m too odd.
I post whenever I feel like it, not much as of late since I’m a student who’s had exams but I’m looking forward to drawing more when my free time is more my own and isn’t dedicated to slaving away raising the standards of the uk education system. my old account was Biesmichae and I had a pretty sturdy following but I stupidly deleted my account because I just lost interest in fandoms due to life being busy.
Quick stats
-I’m from the UK
-I’m an Aquarius
-my pronouns are she/her
-I am an adult
-I have a cat called moo
-I’m currently an Undergrad
-I draw a lot but am too nervous to post my art
Favourite black butler characters:
Favourite Arcs:
-Green witch arc
-Blue revenge arc
-Book of murder arc
-Book of Atlantic arc
Favourite ships:
-Sebastian x Mey-rin (special place in my heart)
-Sebastian x Agni
-Mey-rin x Grelle
-Bard x Mey-rin
-Sebastian x Bard
-Finny x Ciel
-Mey-rin x Ronald
Things I don’t Fuck with:
-Sebaciel shippers (I have filtered the tags to avoid content so don’t start on me when I’m just minding my business)
-people who refuse to recognise Grelle as a woman.
-NFSW content involving characters who are minors, even if they are aged up it’s still weird.
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yumestar19 · 7 months
Black Butler X Splatoon 3 Headcanons
Ciel Phantomhive
Preferred Weapon Type: Shooters
Main Weapon: Splattershot
Favourite Mode: Splat Zones
Sebastian Michaelis
Preferred Weapon Type: Dualies
Main Weapon: Jet Squelcher/Dark Tetra Dualies
Favourite Mode:
He is the one everyone is the most scared of and he is indeed pretty above average, being damn fast, not missing a shot and handling the battlefield like a master of situations, buuuut... As long as Ciel gives him orders from behind, he cannot put his full potential to use.
If he loses a battle, it is only because the referee cat distracted him.
He forgets to press continue at least once per session because he can't get enough of the cat.
In the lobby he hangs out near the cat every time, watching it and wishing to touch its fluffy paws, then realising it's just a game and getting depressed.
He loves Splatoon 3 for the sole reason that it has cats as referees.
Elisabeth Midford
Preferred Weapon Type: Brellas/Dualies
Main Weapon:
Upon seeing her low rank, you are going to assume she's a total noob and doesn't move the team forward, but then surprise, she's the one who leads everyone to victory, slaughtering one by one and competing even with Grell.
She's actually a pacifist, but Splatoon 3 makes her forget all morals and good manners, mercilessly killing players who are just standing around or swimming up the walls.
She is a team player, shielding her teammate and rushing to their rescue, but she is also great at solo.
When Ciel is near, her skills are skyrocketing. If Ciel is killed, you have hopelessly gotten yourself in a deadly situation, because she will go berserk, wiping out the entire opponent's team.
Edward Midford
Preferred Weapon Type: Brushes
Main Weapon:
Favourite Mode:
He is relatively average, a little less good compared to Lizzy, Sebastian and Ciel, but does his job decently. However, if you kill his sister, then running away won't help you anymore, because he chases you all over the field and won't rest until he slaughters you. Probably dies as well during the attempt, but he doesn't care, as long as the opponents dead
Also, he gets absolutely pissed if the opponent kills him before he could take revenge
One of his strategies is to hide behind his sister's shield and then race fast behind the enemy and finish them off. This won't work every time.
Preferred Weapon Type: Chargers
Main Weapon: E-liter 4K Scope
Favourite Mode: Turf War/Anarchy Battles
She is the incredibly talented sniper that you won't notice until the very moment you die. Always changing positions and never staying in one spot for too long, she's hard to kill and even harder to avoid. She can wipe out an entire team and protect the base like no one else. However, if you manage to get close, she struggles with her short weapon range and easily gets killed. Her skills also vary depending on the stage.
Preferred Weapon Type: Blasters/Splatlings
Main Weapon: Range Blaster
Favourite Mode: Turf War/Rainmaker
Preferred Weapon Type: Sloshers
Preferred Weapon Type: Stringers
Main Weapon: Tri-Stringer
Favourite Mode:
He would actually be useful in battle IF he wouldn't
Grelle Sutcliffe
Preferred Weapon Type: Splatanas
Main Weapon: Splatana Stamper
Favourite Mode: Anarchy Battles
William T. Spears
Preferred Weapon Type: Chargers
Main Weapon: Snipewriter 5H
Favourite Mode: Tower Control/Salmon Run
Ronald Knox
Preferred Weapon Type: Rollers
Main Weapon: Dynamo Roller
Favourite Mode: Clam Blitz/Splat Zones
He abuses the boyaah-button far too much
Preferred Weapon Type: Shooters
Main Weapon: N-Zap '85
Favourite Mode: Turf War
In General
For absolutely no canonical reason: if Mey-Rin and William were to fight each other, it would be an extreme battle between two professional chargers. It would be difficult to judge which of them would win.
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The Butler, New Companion
The streets of London is nippy in gloomy in the late spring weather, busy too as many walk to and for in a hurry of sorts like busy bees in a hive all while the sun shine above them pass the grey skies. All Sebastian could think as he walks in London is how happy he is that it's just a little less smog in the air than back then. A little less dead people sprawled in the streets than back them. A little less pain and suffering than back then. He would hate anything if it was the same for his daughter as it was to his young master.
The butler turned is head and looked to the two women in his life, his dear wife and their dear daughter, walking side by side talking and enjoying the weather. It hasn't been a week since Bella's thirteen birthday party and the parents decide to treat the girl to some shopping as what society and Lizzie says "she's now a young lady". Sebastian, though knowing it was coming, truly dislikes the idea. "Young lady" means grown up. "Young lady" means someone is going to try and court her. "Young lady" means she will be married to someone who give or take in the gamble of life will mistreat her and he wouldn't know until last minute. "Young Lady" doesn't sit right with him.
Lizzie looks to her husband and smiles, her voice low and softly sooth, "Is there something wrong?" The man shakes his head some, knowing well he can't lie with words. The lady smiles and turns to the teen and said, "A new year of age and a new beginning, such fun yes?" Bella simply nodded with a smile before she looks ahead some, her mind zoning out on the world.
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The sound of hose hooves colliding softly to the dirt echos the forest softly with the wheels of the nice neat carriage as it rides down the path of a green scenery, in the back of said carriage is little thin Bella dressed in a white ruffled lace shirt with a green pinafore, a brown basket of sorts resting on her lap with a simple cute black ribbon wrapped straw boater sitting alone beside her left knee. However her usual happy or pleased face is missing for the late spring early autumn weather but instead a thin line of thought.
"Is there something troubling you dear?" Asked Sebastian, not once glancing back over his shoulder so he'd crash the carriage from being too distracted, not like it'll happen. Bella looked to her father than down to her boots, a soft sign of not wanting to speak pretty clear. Sebastian thought for a moment before speaking, "Could it be you're nervous of not making friends?" Silence was his answer. "My dear Bedales is a lovely school, giving equal education to both girls and boys and a very wonderful looking place. And you, my dear Belladonna, are easy to make friends." Said he, a smile on his lips. Bella huffs, "The friends I made are people I've seen since childhood and babies, and only one of them will be there." "What about those girls in dance classes? Surely they are your friends." "Only Marge will be there and she isn't what I'd call a friend daddy..."
"Ah... Marge Bell I assume?"
Since the birthday party of Bella's 13th, the butler has been keeping an eye on his wife's new so called "friend" Lenora after hearing from his young master what she said about some guests and Lizzie's words of her entitled attitude. It doesn't surprise him sadly her daughter will be equally that way.
Sebastian smiles in the air. "You are an amazing person Bella. I am more than certain you'll make plenty friends by the end of your first week for being your wonderful self. And before you argue, no I am not just saying that as your father or my kind nature, it is the truth and nothing but." He said, feeling his daughter's smile behind him.
Trees moved to the side in his eyesight to show a beautiful building of Bedales School, a place recently opened by 1893 with luscious scenery and high regards of nobles and "average" people of society. The carriage finishes pulling up until a stop at the road's end right in front of the school's steps, the wind crisp and cool sweeping through the two bodies as if a spirit passed through to try and steal their souls like unawaken corpses. The older of the two pauses when hearing footsteps and seeing a shadow walk until a man, tall and thin, walked into view. He had skin of pale ivory with mighty fine bone features like a sculpture and blue eyes molded into his sockets all snug, black hair kept nice and neat in swiped curls, dressed in a formal dress attire. The mystery man bows. "Hello," speaks his deep gentle voice, "Welcome to Bedales School." Sebastian helped Bella out the carriage after she fixed her hat as he speaks, "I will introduce Lady Belladonna Isabella Cordelia Marie-Angelina Midford, starting from today she will be attending your schooling system." With that, the man nods, "Yes. She will be in my class. I am Schoolmaster Adam Faux-Lavande. It is a pleasure to meet you both."
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The classroom had a very interesting scent to it. That was Bella's first thoughts on it. The sound of the classroom was very loud. That was Bella's second thoughts on this school.
Bella's green eyes looked around the classroom to look at the children between the ages of 13 and 15 years of boys and girls chatting with each other the second she entered the school's classroom, only recognizing only two faces among the student bodies, her dear friend Xiu who with such lucks of having a good brain in his mind enters the school a day before her. And of course the second face instantly went to her side the second she sat at the empty desk beside. She was a girl the same age, long dark blond hair done in a half up do and a pompadour hair style dressed in a well sewn dark purple dress, her skin a soft peach pale with large blue green eyes and a smug smirk on her pink colored lips. Marge Bell.
"Hello Bella! It's sooooo good to see you again~!" She said, her voice an annoying pitch of sugary sweet high pitched with a tone very obvious to those not blinded by the jewels and fabrics to be "ugh". The girl's dark eyebrow twitched but she smiles. "Marge, it's so good to see you too! I thought I heard my mother say you were attending this school." Said she, her chest filling with dread of speaking with her. As if Sebastian's mind is her own, she knows well Marge is much like her mother. She cold to everyone who isn't up to her standards, she's rude to them even, she's a vain peacock who begs for attention by flaunting her wealth around freely as if believing the world circles around her.
Everyone quickly seated the second Schoolmaster Faux-Lavende entered the room as he speaks, "I apologize for attending later, I had an important talk. Welcome and welcome back students to Bedales. For the first week I and the other schoolmasters will help educate you and see you grow. Rules you will need to understand, I will not tolerate pickings in this class and the other side of the school is forbidden. That side is for the older kids and they shall not mess with you and you will not mess with them, do I make myself clear?" Everyone nods and class started of the week.
Bella hisses at the prick of her finger as she stares at the needle that did it. Today she is forced to sit with some girls including Marge who was currently bragging the ears off of everyone else in the circle learning how to sew and do needle work. Just outside the window were the boys free to play to their hearts' content which aches her so.
Bella's hand rose fast in the air. "Yes Miss Midford?" Said the Schoolmaster. Bella stood from her chair with a smile, "I believe the answer is 14." Schoolmaster Faux-Lavende looked at the chalk board of the math problem and smiles. "Correct, as usual Miss Midford."
Bella walked the halls with a sigh. She just got off needlework with a complaint of studying, knowing full well she can't skip forever and not join the boys with the acts of running around in joyous fun. "Dad said school would be fun...but I still only have Xiu as my friend..." She mumbled, now feeling worst as she feels the possible feelings Xiu is feeling now. Xiu, best to describe, isn't like how the boys she met are free and okay to be as wild as a nut animal in a zoo. No no, he's more calm and collected with the personality of what people call "shy", he prefers things such as baking and reading a good book beside his loyal dog Cedric, a corgi he and his mother Mey-Rin saved from the streets one night a year ago.
Suddenly, the sounds of piano keys catches the girl's ear. Like a siren call she walks to a room, poking her head into the room she hasn't yet entered, the instrument room. There seated in the farthest wall by the large windows of the room is a lovely piano and a boy sitting there playing the keys with ease. The boy is pale, strong long face with a sturdy nose to match and from what Bella can see are narrowed yet lovely violet eyes, a mess of thick fluffy dark hair in wisp and curls with the bangs so long they cover slightly the left side of his face, dressed in a soft white dress shirt and brown pants.
Bella stands still as she listens to the boy play, a smile on her lips as she listens to him. She can almost feel his emotions through his fingers on those lovely keys as the sun shines into the room giving him a wonderful glow like a angel in a Norse Celtic folklore. The boy finally noticed her and instantly stood from his spot, causing her to stumble. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to prey." She said as she stepped in carefully and slow. She watched as he brought a hand up and rubbed his neck nervously like a child caught taking a cookie from a jar. "S-Sorry..." He mumbled, luckily loud enough to be asked a repeat, "I usually shouldn't be allowed in here..." The young lady's eyes knit and her head did a tilt. "Why is that?" She asked, more curious of this boy than Alice taking a bite of a cooking while diving in a looking glass chasing a rabbit.
Emerald green and violet hue clash as they meet pass dark lashes curled softly to the skies and to the ground. The boy looked away with a soft 'heh' of his lips before he does a small bow, a gentle wind of his voice as he speaks respectfully, "I'm Noel. Pleasure to meet you." Bella smiles, gripping the skirt of her pinafore softly in a little curtsy in return, "I'm Bella."
Ah, the time has came at last as the schoolmasters shown the students the music room that they'll also learn instruments and the theory of music and choir but only for the students joining the class sessions of that "There are some rules to be followed in this room; Do not disturb the other students, respect the room as if it was your home, be kind to the instruments you're using." Said Schoolmaster Faux-Lavende as he stands beside the same piano Bella has seen her new friend play yesterday. Said girl looked to Xiu and smiles as his eyes shine at the piano in the room.
"Now then," Said the schoolmaster as he finishes the set up of a music stand and violin, "Those who know how to play this instrument please raise your hand." Bella smiles big and raise her hand fast, looking around to see she rose her hand along side some others including mysterious Mr Noel who stands sheepishly in the back. He seems to have the same class schedule yet no one really talks to him and would be gone on some of Schoolmaster Faux-Lavende's classes. Said schoolmaster smiles and steps aside, "Miss Midford, would you like to play a piece?" Bella, with a humble nod, walks over to the stand and gently takes the violin from the man's hands and got the stands ready as the man got the music sheet ready for her to read and perform.
The girl felt the strings and wood among her fingertips with a soft smile as she gets the bow ready. Ode to Joy, easy enough. With her eyes closed she began to play, listening closely to the strings that flow well to perform the song it keeps secret, her chest feeling light as she plays. Much like her mother teaching her fencing along side her father, she was taught to play music from a young age by her father as well. Oh how he would laugh at the assumption his daughter can play something like Ode to Joy.
After the song ended her arms relaxes and Schoolmaster Faux-Lavende smiles as he turns to the class "Thank you Miss Midford-" But his words were caught when everyone heard the sound of the violin being played again, his head whips around as the cords got fast and stares at Bella playing with fast fingers and beautiful body movement that makes not a secret song but a full speech of wonder. Niccolò Paganini's 24 Caprices.
Everyone stares and listen in awe at her movements, the feeling of what she's performing strong already. Xiu smiles at his friend with beaming eyes and Noel simply smile from the back so wide his cheeks hurts from the amount of the flesh stretching out like fish hooks. However, unknown to all is Marge who stands glaring at the girl playing beautifully with her teeth sunk deep into her bottom lip angrily.
Bella stops playing finally and opens her eyes as the class claps loudly and praise. "Wonderful work Miss Midford!" Said the schoolmaster as Bella did a small bow with a smile, his hands never once stop clapping in applaud.
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By the end of Thursday Bella's social bar was high with some new friends in her circle and good impression already made. A perfect first week of school if you ask me.
The girl walks to the school's front to be picked up by the carriage taking her home as it has for a few days now until Monday, her empty food basket in her hands and her straw boating on top of her head. Her feet stop just out the door as she waits patiently for Xiu who will join her on this ride home. She smiles to the sky as takes a deep breath in of the colder air of the season's chance. The door opened and Bella turned to look at who it was, only to feel dread when seeing it was Marge walking out with a sudden smirk. "Ah Bella, had a fun week?" Marge asked as she steps forward into Bella's personal space line which cause the girl with darker hair to step back, in which she nods in response as she mentally plea her father to hurry quick to the school grounds. Marge giggles and looks ahead to the school grounds. "I can tell, you sure did show you were simply very happy being the center of attention all week long, isn't that right?"
Her question caught Bella off guard hard as she stares at her. "I wasn't trying to be the center of-" She started before Marge rose her voice to her, "You're just a girl related to a simple Lady title while my family have high regards in society while society easily mock upon your stuck up nose name. You try so hard to win others over it's so pathetic!" She laughed, causing Bella to flinch and look down, her chest feeling a bit tight and her throat burning. "To use your title and money talents to try and be the star is so sad and so typical for a sad ugly girl like you!"
Bella's body felt cold. Not the cold of the weather cold, just cold. A very strong dense cold like a blanket made of frost burying deeply into his skin and it's throbbing veins like hooks along lines of a fishing dock that burns after sinking in tight and deep. Her chest was tight like bandages and had many small pricks and jabs much like bees and wasps stinging her breast to bits, taking away her air. Never once has she felt this way before...this...strong urge of a feeling...Like a pull to a side of a looking glass to a world of madness... A urge telling her to coil this girl up like a snake and squeeze until the very idea of her life gone within a blinking flutter of her eyes...
"You know, I don't believe she was trying to be the center of attention."
Both the two girls looked to the right to see Noel standing there, looking rather annoyed and peeved at the scene in front of him, in one hand is a cardigan and the other a half empty food basket. "In fact," He continued with a sweet smile plastered on his face "You seem the one to fit those words Miss Bell." Marge sputters in shock, her face fuming red. "How dare-" "You are very vain, so vain you make a damn peacock blush in shame of his own feathers. You flaunt around like a rare item when in reality you're just a very large lit up "Pick me I'm very easy to rob" sign painting all across your form. You speak out of turn and try and be control what others say and do to be around you when you know damn well you have no royalty to make such rules. Queen Victoria will laugh and spit upon your name if she sees you."
Bella smiles at his words as Marge growls and stomps off to the sounds of a carriage. "Thanks.." She said in such a such whispered in which Noel nods, "I really dislike people like her. My parents taught me better to let those kinds of people walk around freely as if nothing will happen for their actions." He answered in return. She looked at his basket and rose a brow, "You didn't eat?" He glanced to her eye view and shrugs, "I did. I usually saved some for my dad." Bella smiles at his answer more before reaching in her basket and presenting him a jar of honey that has been opened but not used much. Noel's eyebrow rose for a second as he look at the jar and her, looking at her lovely green eyes much like her mother's. "I assume this can be nice to share. My father helps some bee hives and gets such good honey in the spring so naturally I will share too." She said, smiling at her last words.
With somewhat nervous hands, Noel reached out and took the jar carefully into his palm, their finger tips slightly brushing against each other.
The two back away in a part upon the door opening again and Xiu walks out, perfect timing to the carriage to take them home arrived with the butler dressed in black guiding it. She turns to Noel and smiles, "See you next time Noel." And with that, both Bella and Xiu walk off the steps to Sebastian and his carriage, leaving the new friend to watch them disappear with a smile before he began to walk away from the building.
"Did you have a good day you two?" Asked Sebastian as he smiles to the two in his carriage. Xiu smiles and chirped, "Yes Mister Sebastian sir!" Bella giggles, "Yes. It was a lovely day to finish a lovely week."
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As a carriage of black rides down the dense forest of bushes and trees, passing a small stream of water as it does, butterflies and other bugs float around as it goes pass. Inside said carriage is Noel sitting calmly on soft red cushions looking out the window in peace.
"I see you made new friends Noel."
The boy looked across from him to Schoolmaster Adam Faux-Lavende who seats casually with a soft gentle smile. Noel returns the smile, "Yes I have. I have a strong feeling we'll be great friends until the end papa." The schoolmaster smiles and reaches forward, his hand gently petting and rubbing the thick hair of the boy in front of him. "Very good. I'm so proud."
As he leaned back, a shadow covered the carriage thanks to a thick tree branch, and as it disappears and welcomes the noon sun again Schoolmaster Faux-Lavende's dark hair has now formed in a color of white and his blue eyes has now shifted in a dark purple violet like tone that clash with the lighter tint of his son's. A smile came upon his lips. "Your father will be quiet excited for this honey I believe. What a nice friend you made to gift you such sweet things on your first week of school." He said as he rubs the peeling label on the pretty jar full of sticky yummy honey waiting to be open.
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Next Up In the Saga. . .
Three friends search a mystery to prove themselves worthy to work along side the adults in their lives. What secrets do they uncover? Do Bella, Xiu, and Noel know what they're getting into?
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Part 4 of my Black Butler AU for @sebalizzie, @onehellofashadynerd, @docmartensanddietcoke, @nullb1rdbones
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blondeaxolotl · 1 year
mm meyron ramble
copy-pasting a ramble a mini brainrot I had about mey-ron on discord here, (also ps, I headcanon grim reapers blood is purple but it fades to green when exposed to oxygen, because separates them even more from humans yknow) Thinking about Mey-Rin finding out Ronald is a grim reaper by watching him slam face first into a wall and it end up getting him a nose bleed, which exposes him for not being a human. While she's treating him, of course she's shocked and surprised about him grim reaper at first, he just goes "oh man, how do you feel about your boyfriend being a grim reaper, pretty weird huh" and she just responds by giggling and going "I don't care what you are, human being or not, it won't stop me from loving you, hell I'd love you even if you were a worm" Cue next scene Ronald is crying to William about how he's going to marry this woman because she told him she'd love him if he was a worm. William is just listening and trying to figure out what the fuck does a worm have to do with a relationship.
I might draw this later, MAYBE, I just had to get it out of my head for now cause I'm dying about them
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hiro-doodlez · 4 months
Angel dust
April oniel
Big Man
Casey J.
Death the kid
Jade emporer
Len k
Lady bone demon
Monkey king
Ne zha
Red son
Rin k
Son wukong
Vanessa (paf)
William a.
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"unspecified" just means the asker didn't specifically say "can I get headcanons/reaction/fic" for the request; there might be context in the request itself implying which type of content would be best suited for it, but it's not 100% specified
and my lil "??" denotes something where I think either a type of content or an AU might apply but, again, it's not specified so I'm not 100% sure but there's something in the request which makes me lean in a certain direction
it took nearly 3600 words just to describe all the things in the list so you guys got a lot to look forward to! ... and, obviously, I have a lot to look forward to creating! <3
requests that are done and in the queue ready to be posted (in no particular order)
headcanons: reacting to S/O in shorts and a tank top during the summer [Edgar; Gregory; Herman; Lawrence]
‘kisses’ meme: #45, sleepy kisses [Edgar; Gregory; Herman; Lawrence; Sebastian]
reaction: a goth horror-loving S/O [Sebastian]
reaction: S/O who likes to fawn over them [Sascha; Wolfram]
‘card suits’ meme: 4 of spades Alois; Doll/Freckles; Joanne; Maurice]
‘soft Sunday’ headcanon meme: favorite way to receive affection?; favorite way to give affection?; are they loud and proud about their relationships, or do they keep it private?; would your muse be the one doing most of the cooking or not?; is your muse good at housework? [Peter]
headcanons: progressive falling in love [Snake]
reaction: S/O who never curses [Peter]
requests that have not yet been done
reaction: S/O who likes to hug them a lot [Cheslock; Clayton; Edward; Joanne; MacMillan; Soma]
unspecified: S/O gets sick and almost dies [modern!Agni]
fic: reader empathizing with Cheslock and they comfort each other
reaction: modern person showing up at the manor with the earls’ revived siblings who has their soul back [Alois; Ciel; Sebastian]
reaction: (male) S/O saves them but loses his life [Doll/Freckles; Maurice]
unspecified: (fem) S/O who’s short and feisty but soft around him [Joker]
unspecified: reader escapes an arranged marriage and disguises themself as a man to work as a butler, meets Grell and they both get a crush; reader’s parents come back and try to force them home, Grell shows up to rescue and confess to them
reaction: domestic life [Beast; Dagger; Doll/Freckles; Joker; Jumbo; Peter; Snake; Wendy]
headcanons: male S/O [Ciel]
headcanons: poly [Joker x S/O x Dagger]
reaction: learning S/O is a member of a K-pop group [Grey; Phipps]
headcanons: NSFW [Agni]
headcanons: arranged fiancee who’s very bold and ready for marriage (is also friends with Gregory who’s smitten with them) [Lawrence]
unspecified: S/O who’s a witch and headmistress of an orphanage [William]
reaction: S/O dying and coming back as a ghost [Alan; Eric; Grell; Othello; Ronald; Rudger; Sascha; Undertaker; William]
reaction: what hobbies do they have/would like to have? [Alan; Eric; Grell; Othello; Ronald; Rudger; Sascha; Undertaker; William]
headcanons: first kiss [Bard; Finny; Mey Rin; Sebastian; Snake]
unspecified: (fem) S/O who works retail, he walks in on her getting scolded by the manager for no reason and he stands up for her [modern!Agni]
‘sense’ headcanon meme: heart; touch [Cheslock; Clayton; Edward; Joanne; Soma]
headcanons OR scenario: first child is born [Grey]
preference: who prefers a dominant S/O?
preference: who prefers a plus size S/O?
reaction: S/O knitting them something [Beast; Dagger; Doll/Freckles; Joker; Jumbo; Peter; Snake; Wendy]
audio: escaping yandere S/O [Maurice]
‘it’s all about the yearning’ meme: “I know I fucked up. I know I did but don’t shut me out anymore. Let me in, please let me in.” [Gregory]
audio: fluff [Agni]
‘it’s all about the yearning’ meme: “Have you ever had something missing? Like something just doesn’t feel right inside you but you don’t know what it is.” [Agni]
headcanons: domestic [Patrick]
headcanons: older sister figure [Alois]
headcanons: chaotic reader [Joanne]
unspecified: older sibling figure reader [Ciel]
headcanons: angst [Maurice]
reaction: snow leopard demon S/O [Bravat; Hannah; Joanne; Snake; Triplets]
headcanons: romantic and expecting father [Rudger]
unspecified: loud, energetic girlfriend [Lawrence]
reaction: being proposed to [Beast; Dagger; Doll/Freckles; Joker; Jumbo; Peter; Snake; Wendy]
‘sense’ headcanon meme: sight; nose; heart; hands [Dagger; Peter]
unspecified: dealing with a powerful witch [Ciel; Edward]
reaction: multilingual S/O [Beast; Dagger; Doll/Freckles; Joker; Jumbo; Peter; Snake; Wendy]
fic: Vincent x plus size (fem) reader who wears glasses (insecure day or taking her somewhere special]
unspecified: ADHD reader [Alois; Ciel; Edward; Grey; Undertaker]
‘kisses’ meme: 44, kissing every finger [Agni]
‘kisses’ meme: “free space” [Dagger; Peter; Snake]
unspecified: getting a handmade blanket from their S/O [Alois; Ciel; Edward]
unspecified: Cheslock crushing on a student rep from a collaborating girls’ academy
‘it’s all about the yearning’ meme: “Just let me look at you for a little bit.” [Agni]
scenario: Joker taking his S/O and twin daughters out to the current city they’re living in, the girls drag them into a candy shop
unspecified: plus size insecure S/O [Joker]
reaction: meeting a modern person with modern technology who shows them videos, etc. [Beast; Dagger; Doll/Freckles; Joker; Jumbo; Peter; Snake; Wendy]
unspecified: S/O who can shapeshift [Alois; Ciel]
unspecified: fluff [Alois]
scenario: S/O gives birth to their baby [Joker]
unspecified: protecting S/O on the Campania [Edward; Grey]
unspecified: trying to make a relationship work with limited time together [Wolfram]
headcanons: dealing with reader being sleep deprived [Cheslock and Gregory]
unspecified: S/O who makes (a very specific genre of) music as a coping mechanism [Alois; Astre; Ciel; Sebastian]
reaction: having to take care of their younger sibling [Cheslock; Clayton; Edgar; Edward; Gregory; Herman; Joanne; Lawrence; Soma]
fic: William x reader cooking together while he finally relaxes
fic: Wolfram x motherly reader singing lullabies to Sieglinde
unspecified: a day in Joker’s life taking care of baby Ellis, leading the circus, looking after his wife, and following Kelvin’s orders
unspecified: Beast x S/O training Betty after “The Sebastian Incident”
unspecified: NSFW, S/O’s first time and being gentle [Agni]
unspecified: S/O who can use death magic [Alois; Ciel]
fic: Soma rescuing reader from an abusive home after a relationship that starts with letters
‘card suits’ meme: 2 of spades; 3 of spades; 6 of diamonds; 8 of diamonds; ace of clubs; 3 of clubs; 4 of clubs; jack of clubs; queen of clubs; ace of hearts; 2 of hearts; 3 of hearts; 6 of hearts; 8 of hearts; 9 of hearts; queen of hearts; king of hearts [Peter]
fic: Ciel finding out his (male) S/O was part of the cult but was forced to participate
reaction: Undertaker, confronting his wife who’s responsible for the Phantomhive manor burning and the twins being in the cult, because she was jealous of his spending time with the Phantomhives
reaction: same-gender S/O [Beast; Dagger; Doll/Freckles; Joker; Jumbo; Peter; Snake; Wendy]
scenario: NSFW, bottom Joker x (male) S/O get interrupted
fic: Edward x reader (Ciel’s older sister) after Madame Red’s funeral
reaction to the scene [Bard; Ciel; Finny; Lizzie; Mey Rin; Sebastian]
headcanons: NSFW [Rudger]
unspecified: planning an engagement party with his S/O [Grey]
love letter: Grell
fic: soulmate AU, time freezes when you and your soulmate are in a room together for the first time and unfreezes when you make eye contact [Sebastian]
reaction: soulmate AU, everyone is born with a tattoo which glows when you meet your soulmate and fades to grey when they die, reader’s was grey from birth but starts to glow one day [Alan; Eric; Grell; Othello; Ronald; Rudger; Sascha; Undertaker; William]
free space! any character, concept, anything!
headcanons: with a tall angel-killing witch S/O [Grey]
fic: Arthur Conan Doyle x reader, she goes to his residence to invite him to The Event because Ciel thought he’d be more relaxed with a date
headcanons: big boobed girlfriend who lets them use her breasts as a pillow when they cuddle [Edgar; Gregory; Herman; Lawrence]
headcanons: big boobed girlfriend who lets them use her breasts as a pillow when they cuddle [Cheslock; Clayton; Edward; Joanne; Soma]
unspecified: enemies to lovers, fox demon future S/O [William]
audio: Terms of Service AU [Peter; Snake]
unspecified: crow or cat hybrid S/O [Alois; Ciel]
fic: Finny spending the day with his baby boy
unspecified: Derrick x S/O who tries (and succeeds) at helping him be a better person
unspecified: poly [Edward x (male) S/O x Cheslock]
headcanons: pole [Joker x S/O x Sebastian]
audio: Joanne being kissed and cuddled
unspecified: S/O from the future [Aleister]
unspecified: interested in a servant working at the Phantomhive manor [Aleister]
scenario: the one(s) Ciel wants revenge on is/are dead already, how Ciel and his soulmate feel and how Sebastian reacts
audio: Grell x listener, listener gets home late and Grell jumps on them, having been worried
scenario: soulmate AU, Aleister meets (fem) S/O at an auction ball, things are dull before they meet but then they make eye contact and he buys her
fic: Maurice x reader, after his exposure no one else wants to associate with him and they comfort him after he’s bullied
unspecified: S/O who suddenly gets sick and he’s frustrated that he can’t help her [Agni]
reaction: S/O getting catcalled [Beast; Dagger; Doll/Freckles; Joker; Jumbo; Peter; Snake; Wendy]
sex + romance headcanon meme: 💦; 😘; 😊; 👍; 😉; 💯; 👰; 🌼; 🏩; 🎆; 💕; 🔥; 💑; 👀; 👎; 💲; 🎀; 💝; 💘 [Peter]
audio: fluffy, waking up next to him in the morning and getting breakfast together [Dagger]
unspecified: S/O who wears comfy clothes when they get sad (which is frequently) [Alois; Astre; Ciel; Maurice]
reaction: S/O getting shot, they survive but it’s still serious [Alois; Ciel; Edward; Grell; Grey; Ronald]
headcanons: monsterfucker Peter with a beast-like monster S/O
audio: confession [Snake]
fic: reader is a new addition to the circus troupe and saves a snake from being tormented by hecklers [Snake]
fic: Sebastian x maid!reader, reader is usually obedient but decides to test Sebastian’s patience and receives a cheek grab and voice shift to his ‘true’ voice
preferences: which boys would like bath bombs/what kind?
Fic: Snake x (fem) reader, reader lets the snakes do whatever they want, climbing on her, etc., and one day comes to Snake for help because one of the snakes (or more?!) is stuck under her clothes
fic: platonic Grell and child reader fluff
reaction: S/O with chronic allergies [Beast; Dagger; Doll/Freckles; Joker; Jumbo; Peter; Snake; Wendy]
headcanons: Terms of Service AU, relationship with app owner [Maurice]
reaction: Terms of Service AU, playing FNAF [Beast; Dagger; Doll/Freckles; Joker; Jumbo; Peter; Snake; Wendy]
headcanons: killers in a horror movie [Alois; Ciel; Doll/Freckles; Maurice]
reaction: child reader who’s disabled and doesn’t ‘fit in’, they befriend the circus troupe, then the troupe find out reader has ‘normal’ friends who care for and help reader as well as do friends’ parents and when asked just say, “isn’t that what friends do?” [Beast; Dagger; Doll/Freckles; Joker; Jumbo; Peter; Snake; Wendy]
‘things you want to hear’ meme: “I feel like I can tell you anything” and “you know what I love about you?” [Peter]
headcanons: S/O has kids from a previous marriage [Doll/Freckles; Peter; Snake]
unspecified: Trancy nurse survival AU, multilingual reader who scolds the Triplets in another language when they purposely get themselves into mishaps
audio: listener comforting Maurice after a nightmare
audio: angst [Maurice]
unspecified: demon AU, with a human S/O [Beast; Bravat; Doll/Freckles; Grey; Phipps]
headcanons: platonic, someone in the form who’s the ‘fixer’, an inventor who inadvertently creates messes [Edgar; Gregory; Herman; Lawrence]
fic: Phantomhive servants and maid!reader who’s the newest addition, they all throw her a surprise birthday party
unspecified: inventor S/O [Grey]
unspecified: angst [Grey]
unspecified: S/O who’s insecure about not being a proper lady [Grey]
unspecified: poly [John x S/O x Phipps]
headcanons OR scenario: Cheslock’s little brother coming to Weston
unspecified: doctor S/O, fluff and wholesomeness [Peter]
unspecified: doctor S/O who surprises him by wearing nothing but her white coat [Peter]
songfic: “Love Story” by Taylor Swift [Dagger OR Peter]
‘eyes emoji’ meme: eyes [Peter]
audio: fluff, listener just getting home after being away for a while [Alois OR Ciel]
unspecified: Hispanic S/O who thinks his accent is sexy [Peter]
unspecified: trying to cheer up his grumpy S/O with bad jokes [Joker]
unspecified: on a stroll with their girlfriend and she jumps in a river to save a child in danger [Alois; Ciel; Edward; Grey]
unspecified: comforting their girlfriend who lost her niece in an accident [Edward; Grey; Ronald; Undertaker]
audio: date night or Christmas, wholesome [Peter]
songfic meme: “Leave Out All the Rest” by Linkin Park [Alois]
songfic meme: “I Wouldn’t Mind” by (S)He is We [Maurice]
unspecified: S/O who sings or hums while they’re giving him massages [Jumbo]
unspecified: S/O walking in on the scene where Joker touches Beast’s leg from behind
audio: Terms of Service [Dagger, Finny, OR Wendy]
unspecified: S/O who writes music dedicated to him [Peter]
headcanons: as fathers [Dagger; Joker; Jumbo; Peter]
‘things that you want to hear’ meme: “I missed you” [Dagger] and “you’re my favorite person in the world” [Peter]
headcanons: wealthy S/O who spoils them out of love [Dagger; Peter]
audio: Valentine’s Day [Dagger OR Peter]
unspecified: S/O who’s always tired and works a lot, and finally they get to spend time together [Grell]
unspecified: badass Mey Rin in a bind
‘105 comfort’ meme: “you’re perfect just the way you are” [Peter]
‘105 comfort’ meme: “you’re allowed to be weak” [Jumbo]
‘105 comfort’ meme: “I’ll take care of it” [Peter]
unspecified: NSFW, artist boyfriend [Grey]
unspecified: (fem) S/O who’s wealthy and likes to spoil him [Dagger]
unspecified: (fem) S/O who composes a theme for him as a gift [Finny]
unspecified: (fem) S/O who’s a child psychologist [Wolfram]
songfic: “That Would Be Enough” from Hamilton [Dagger OR Peter]
headcanons: reader from the 21st century [Edgar]
reaction: S/O learning Latin so they can dirty talk to him [Sebastian]
unspecified: reader getting frustrated with homework and trying to help them [Lawrence]
songfic meme: “I Choose” by Alessia Cara [Jumbo OR Snake]
unspecified: AFAB nonbinary reader sneaks into Weston and befriends the P4 [besties with Gregory; falls for Edgar]
unspecified: confident and badass S/O, SFW and NSFW [John]
‘nonverbal’ meme: “beat”, “kiss”, and “loop” [Finny]
‘headcanons part 3’ meme: 🫀,🏉; 💥; 👓; 💍; 🏛; 🧭; 🚓; 🧬; 📖; 🤱; ⏰; 🚌; 🥀; 👊; 🩹; 🌊; 🏭; ⚰️; 🦁; 🔒; ⛓ [Peter]
fic: platonic, angel!reader saves Alois from being killed by Claude and gives him his happy ending as a mother figure
reaction: Doll/Freckles, playing horror games with her S/O
audio: cuddling [Soma]
reaction: reader confessing to an affair… but the ‘confession’ is a joke [Ciel; Doll/Freckles; Joanne; Maurice]
unspecified: platonic sisterly reader (lullaby?) [Doll/Freckles]
reaction: taking care of their S/O after a serious carriage accident [Bard; Ciel; Edward; Finny; Grey; Ronald; Undertaker]
songfic: “Heaven’s Light” from The Hunchback of Notre Dame [Doll/Freckles]
unspecified: girlfriend who brings him breakfast in bed on special occasions [Dagger]
unspecified: Bard x reader
unspecified: S/O who doesn’t drink alcohol [Peter]
unspecified: S/O who likes to cuddle and will sometimes tackle-hug them [Finny; Ronald; Snake; Undertaker]
palette meme: #39, “Absinthe Mage” [Peter]
preference: who would be okay ‘meeting the parents’?
songfic: “Hacerte Mía” by La Ross Maria and Nino Freestyle [Dagger OR Finny]
songfic meme: “Sea of Lovers” by Christina Perri [Dagger]
songfic: “Sneakin’ Around” from Star vs. the Forces of Evil [Dagger]
unspecified: S/O who works as a stand-up comedian [Undertaker]
unspecified: multilingual S/O who mumbles “I love you” in another language (with pet name) while cuddling [Dagger; Peter; Snake]
reaction: S/O studies psychology and will teach if asked [Beast; Dagger; Doll/Freckles; Joker; Jumbo; Peter; Snake; Wendy]
unspecified: Southern/Texan S/O who’s good at cooking [Bard]
unspecified: S/O who’s strong and protective [Peter]
fic: Joker x reader, reader is Doc’s apprentice and a good person trying to learn, they end up seeing Joker a lot and things develop
fic: based on the “guess again” scene from Game of Thrones [Peter]
reaction: S/O surprises them by adopting an orphan [Ciel; Edward; Grey; Phipps; Undertaker]
unspecified: S/O on the autism spectrum [Peter]
unspecified: S/O who’s a jazz and blues singer at a high-end establishment [Bard; Ciel; Finny; Mey Rin; Sebastian; Snake]
unspecified: walking in on (fem) S/O on a phone call and overhears her praising him to her family [Peter]
audio: Terms of Service AU [Dagger; Peter]
‘things that you want to hear’ meme: “there’s my beautiful bride” OR “I’m the luckiest man alive” [Beast; Wendy]
‘things that you want to hear’ meme: “I can’t stop thinking about you” OR “last night was incredible” [Peter]
songfic: “Remember Me”/“Recuérdame” from Coco [any character]
fic: survival AU (Safe & Sound AU?) Dagger x (fem) S/O reminding him that he’s important and enough
fic: angsty pining and fluff, reader is a big younger and pining for him, he thinks they should find someone younger [Bard]
unspecified: Phantomhive staff training ready to defend the manor
fic: reader fights Wolfram with Bard while escaping and they share angsty dialogue during the fight, then they start to grow closer again after Wolfram’s sacrifice
fic: anything [Undertaker]
unspecified: platonic, singing to the birds in the garden [Finny]
songfic: “Love Story” by Taylor Swift [Finny]
headcanons: Cheslock, any thoughts not already mentioned
reaction: fiancee being a witch [Edward]
headcanons: S/O who’s cheery around him but not so cheery around others [William]
reaction: (fem) S/O who’s hypermobile with knee problems [Dagger; Finny; Peter]
fic (??): visiting (fem) S/O at work but she’s dealing with nasty customers [modern!Agni]
scenario: fluff, S/O who loves baking [Snake]
unspecified: being a single parent [Bravat]
headcanons: reader who uses a (personalized!) cane to walk because of an accident [Alois; Ciel]
‘botantical’ headcanon meme: abatina; amaryllis; anemone; chrysanthemum; gardenia; heliotrope; hibiscus; ivy; marigold; peony; rose [Peter]
‘botanical’ headcanon meme: anemone; chamomile; daisy [Cheslock]
headcanons: wedding details [Grey]
fic: he comes to the hospital after reader gets hit by a car (fluffy ending) [modern!Agni]
‘botanical’ headcanon meme: amaryllis; hibiscus; ivy [Dagger; Joker]
reaction: (fem) S/O who’s an opera singer [Dagger; Joker; Jumbo; Peter; Snake]
reaction: hypermobile (fem) S/O’s joints start clicking and popping as they’re sleeping next to her for the first time [Dagger; Joker; Jumbo; Peter; Snake]
unspecified: adjusting to each other’s tastes and traditions [modern!Agni]
unspecified: keeping their relationship with (male) S/O a secret [Ciel; Joanne]
reaction: selectively mute S/O who owns a sassy, filthy-mouthed macaw [Cheslock; Grey; Phipps; Snake; Triplets]
unspecified: hypermobile (fem) S/O who goes to the doctor for knee problems and then buys him something nice [Peter]
reaction: hypermobile (fem) S/O with knee problems [Agni; Soma]
‘gemstone’ headcanon meme: amazonite; apatite; cat’s eye; citrine; diamond; diopside; emerald; fluorite; iolite; jasper; kyanite; onyx; opal; peridot; rose quartz; spinel; tiger’s eye; tourmaline; zircon [Peter]
reaction: helping their hypermobile (fem) S/O with physical therapy exercises [Bard; Ciel; Finny; Sebastian; Snake]
fic: continuation of modern!reader telling the future in riddles [Alois and Ciel]
reaction: friend/companion bringing (Astre/Luka) back to life [Alois; Ciel]
reaction: hypermobile (fem) S/O with knee problems [Grey; Lau; Phipps]
‘kiss & tell’ prompts: finally kissing the person you’ve been pining for; neck kisses that turn into love bites; wiping away your lover’s tears as you kiss them; a kiss while being reunited after a long time; kissing your lover in a moment of sheer joy; a kiss to wake you lover up in the morning; kissing your partner to seal a marriage; a risky kiss between forbidden lovers; a possessive kiss in front of a jealous third party [Peter]
‘kiss & tell’ prompts: a kiss to shut them up [Peter]
‘kiss & tell’ prompts: a possessive kiss to stake a claim [Lau]
unspecified: helping reader through a bad panic attack [modern!Agni]
‘settings’ prompts: 029, an extravagant greenhouse [Finny OR Snake]
reaction: hypermobile (fem) S/O with knee problems [Edgar; Gregory; Herman; Lawrence]
unspecified: moving house and it’s stressful but they’re still sweet to each other [Agni]
unspecified (fic??): (male) Reaper S/O, fluff, long day ends in stargazing and S/O falling asleep [William]
scenario: shy fem S/O [MacMillan]
scenario: having to escort his S/O to a graveyard at night for some reason [Grey]
headcanons: life before the troupe, birth family, etc. [Jumbo]
headcanons: NSFW [Jumbo]
headcanons: modern (what he usually does after uni, how he flirts, etc.) [Cheslock]
headcanons: scientist friend brings Luka back as a surprise [Alois]
headcanons: angsty, he discovers a horrible and ugly secret of reader’s [Maurice]
audio: helping hypermobile (fem) S/O with knee problems [Peter]
headcanons: when Anne gets sick vs. when her children get sick (Safe & Sound AU)
headcanons: cuddling [Jumbo]
audio: watching a documentary about London’s kidnapped children with Listener (Terms of Service AU??) [Doll/Freckles]
headcanons: hurt/comfort about family relationships [Ciel; Doll/Freckles; Joanne; Maurice]
‘stonework’ headcanons: rosy haze; touch; fog [Peter]
‘cupcake’ picrew meme: Peter
‘cupcake’ picrew meme: Dagger; Joker
‘tea’ picrew meme: Peter
‘stonework’ headcanons meme: coral fragments; brickwork shadows [Dagger; Peter; Snake]
‘stonework’ headcanons meme: apatite tic; chatter [Dagger; Peter; Snake]
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razbrry · 3 months
my big 4!♥️
GRELL SUTCLIFF☆, sebastian michaelis, ciel phantomhive [SFW ONLY], ronald knox, william t speirs, undertaker, claude faustus, alois trancy [SFW ONLY], mey-rin, finny, bardroy, prince soma, agni, joker, beast, doll [SFW ONLY]
i’m not writing allat. i’ll write for any character from any game! aaand fyi, i simply adore KOREKIYO SHINGUJI☆
ILLUMI ZOLDYCK☆, the entirety of the phantom troupe, gon freecs [SFW ONLY], killua zoldyck [SFW ONLY], kurapika kurta, leorio paradinight, hisoka morrow, shaiapouf
☆ TAMAKI SUOH ☆, kyoya ootori, takashi morinozuka, mitskuni haninozuka [SFW ONLY], hikaru hitachiin, kaoru hitachiin, (please dont ship them together, dear God…), haruhi fujioka [SFW ONLY] , umehito nekozawa, ritsu kasanoda, ryouji ‘ranka’ fujioka
~ yesyes, i write for other animes too! MHA, yuri on ice, nana and so on. just request and i’ll let you know!
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The Ultimate Oneshot Book
In which I will write oneshots, headcanons, scenarios and many more from the fandoms I love and adore :3
(That rhymes lol)
I accept requests for headcanons, oneshots, scenarios, AU's and many others!
~Requests are currently closed!~
Chapter 1: ~Rules For Requesting~
Chapter Text
Holy crud It took me forever to put the relationships and characters down ;-;
Alrighty, this is the...3rd oneshot book I've made.
But i never had a oneshot book so big though.
Okay, I'll explain a few rules here for requesting.
1. Do not request smut or sex between blood-related characters, PLEASE. NO. INCEST.
2. Be specific when requesting, don't just type character x reader, give me more detail on what you want me to write, this rule applies to oneshots, headcanons, scenarios and AU's.
3. This should be expected, but I'm putting this down here anyway. I do not write sex scenes with minors In them. Nor do I write minors with a character who is 18+, smut or not.
4. I can also write Polyandry / Polygyny, LGBT+ etc.
5. If you request sexual trauma or rape, I will NOT write It explicitly. Same with gore.
6. I also write character x character and oc x character, If you want me to write a character with your oc you'll have to give me information about their looks, backstory, personality, etc.
7. The maximum of characters I write for headcanons are five, don't request more than that, please.
8. I don't have a grasp on writing foursomes, sorry peeps.
9. I take quite awhile to write AU's so bear with me lol
10. Enjoy the reading :)
Chapter 2: ~Requests are officially open!~
Chapter Text
Alrighty! This oneshot book Is open for business!
Just realizing how weird I made that sound...
Okay, here's the list of characters I write with readers, however It might be updated In the future.
The following male characters that I write for Attack On Titan are...
Levi Ackerman,
Eren Yeager,
Armin Arlert.
The following female characters I write for Attack On Titan are...
Mikasa Ackerman,
Hange Zoë,
The following male characters that I write for Ace Attorney are...
Apollo Justice,
Simon Blackquill,
Dick Gumshoe,
Gregory Edgeworth,
Phoenix Wright,
Matt Engarde,
Klavier Gavin,
Miles Edgeworth,
Kristoph Gavin,
Godot (Diego Armando).
The following female characters I write for Ace Attorney are...
Franziska Von Karma,
Mia Fey,
Maya Fey,
Dahlia Hawthorne,
Athena Cykes,
Trucy Wright,
Pearl Fey,
Kay Faraday,
Ema Skye.
The following male characters I write for Black Butler are...
William T. Spears,
Claude Faustus,
Sebastian Michaelis,
The following female characters I write for Black Butler are...
Hannah Annafellows,
Elizabeth Midford,
Grell Sutcliff.
The following male characters that I write for Hero Academia are...
Midoriya Izuku,
Todoroki Shouto,
Bakugou Katsuki.
The following female characters I write for Hero Academia are...
Uraraka Ochako.
The following male characters I write for Touken Ranbu are...
Tsurumaru Kuninaga,
Mikazuki Munechika,
Izuminokami Kanesada,
Yamatonokami Yasusada,
Kashuu Kiyomitsu,
Horikawa Kunihiro,
Kasen Kanesada,
Shokudaikiri Mitsutada,
Oodenta Mitsuyo.
The following male characters I write for Voltron: Legendary Defender are...
Lance McClain,
Keith Kogane,
Takashi Shirogane,
Hunk Garret,
Matt Holt.
The following female characters I write for Voltron: Legendary Defender are...
Katie Holt (Pidge),
The following male characters I write from Danganronpa are...
Makoto Naegi,
Byakuya Togami,
Kiyotaka Ishimaru,
Chihiro Fujisaki,
Leon Kuwata,
Mondo Owada,
Hifumi Yamada,
Yasuhiro Hagakure,
Hajime Hinata,
Nagito Komaeda,
Byakuya Togami (Ultimate Imposter),
Gundham Tanaka,
Kazuichi Souda,
Teruteru Hanamura,
Nekomaru Nidai
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu,
Shuichi Saihara,
Rantaro Amami,
Gonta Gokuhara,
Korekiyo Shinguji,
Ryoma Hoshi,
Kaito Momota,
Kokichi Ouma.
The following female characters I write from Danganronpa are...
Sayaka Maizono,
Kyoko Kirigiri,
Aoi Asahina,
Toko Fukawa,
Sakura Ogami,
Celestia Ludenberg, (Taeko Yasuhiro)
Junko Enoshima,
Mukuro Ikusaba,
Chiaki Nanami,
Akane Owari,
Sonia Nevermind,
Hiyoko Saionji,
Mahiru Koizumi,
Mikan Tsumiki,
Ibuki Mioda,
Peko Pekoyama,
Kaede Akamatsu,
Kirumi Tojo,
Himiko Yumeno,
Maki Harukawa,
Tenko Chabashira,
Tsumugi Shirogane,
Angie Yonaga,
Miu Iruma.
Okay, that took forever ;-;
Alrighty, requests are officially open! Have any questions? Ask me! :3
Chapter 3: Todoroki Shouto x OC (Oneshot)
P.S: I think I made Shouto and Rei a little OOC...
This oneshot was requested by Noir!
The character, Aimoto Crystal does NOT belong to me and belongs to Noir.
I do not own any kind of rights to Boku No Hero Academia.
Read and enjoy!
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
Shoes hit against the floor as the owner of them walked through the hallway, eventually stopped walking and went up to one of the rooms, opening the door upon hearing laughter.
A woman sitting In a chair next to a hospital bed walked up to the girl and hugged her.
"Crystal! Great timing, dear." The woman exclaimed, pulling away from the raven haired girl, pointing over to the hospital bed, "This Is Rei, she's one of the patients here, can you keep her company for a little bit while I take care of something else."
Crystal nodded, her lips forming Into a smile, "Sure." She said, to which her aunt gave her a thumbs up and left the room.
The white haired woman smiled softly, patting the chair Crystal's aunt was sitting In earlier, "Would you like to sit with me, dear?"
"A- Ah! Sure!" The girl hesitantly walked over and sat In the chair by the hospital bed.
She's pretty...
"Do you come to the hospital often?"
Crystal jumped slightly, "Ah...I do sometimes so I can visit my aunt..."
"Well, when you come by..Can you visit me? I would appreciate the company."
Crystal looked up, smiling once more, "Of course!"
Crystal's feet moved back and forth as she wasn't really paying attention In class and looking at the heterochromiac boy who's seat was In front of hers, he turned his head to meet her eyes, aware of her staring and raising a brow. Crystal quickly turned her head, her face was flushed red as she covered It.
He's so quiet...
Steps were heard going down the hallway,
"Don't talk to her, It'll make everything worse than what It Is."
Screw that.
Shouto opened the door, about to say something but widened his eyes when he saw a familiar face.
Crystal turned her head to the door upon hearing It open and her eyes widened also.
After a while of Shouto talking with his mother, reuniting with her and Rei explaining the situation of Crystal visiting her both of the teenagers eventually went together to go visit Rei who would often wink and say something along the lines of, 'You two have been getting close lately' or 'I'm so glad you both are friends'.
And that one day came.
Crystal handed the flowers In the vase to Rei, "Here you go, I hope you like them!"
Rei looked at the flowers and smiled, "Thank you, sweetie. How did you know I like these?"
"It was actually Shouto who told me..." Crystal rubbed her neck, which was as flushed as her face.
"Hm, that's sweet of him...Shame that he doesn't have a girlfriend yet." Rei sent Crystal a wink and the raven haired girl stumbled, her dark brown eyes widening slightly.
"H...How...Did you..."
"Mothers just know, get 'em tiger!" Rei winked again and Crystal came out of the hospital room, more redder than usual.
Shouto raised a brow, "Are you alright?"
"I- I'm fine! I'll just head back home now!"
"I can walk you back If you want?"
"S...Sure!" She squeaked, earning another eyebrow raise from Shouto, but the male said nothing as they headed out the hospital.
Crystal looked up at the sky, eyes widening once more.
"What's wrong?"
"I...I don't have an umbrella..." She admitted, looking at the dark sky as It rained cats and dogs.
"There's a extra one at my place, we can go there and I can get It for you?"
Crystal nodded, "Okay."
The two teenagers headed to the house, turning around and noticing Crystal was soaked from the rain, her uniform somewhat see-through and Shouto quickly turned his head, his face flushing slightly.
"I...I should get you some new clothes, you'll get a cold..."
Crystal looked down, noticing her clothing being wet she flustered, nodding, Shouto went to his room, grabbing a new shirt, It was a little big but he hoped that It would fit her, he came out. Passing the shirt to Crystal. "You can change In the bathroom." He said, the raven haired girl nodded, heading to the bathroom as Shouto searched for that extra umbrella, after finding It he headed to the bathroom, completely forgetting to knock and he opened the door.
"Hey, I found the umbrella and I'll place It nea-" He froze, pausing with his words as his face flushed slightly and Crystal jumped, putting her hands over her chest to hide the bra that she was wearing.
"Sh- Shouto?!" She screeched, stumbling a little as she tried to regain her balance from surprise, she was expecting the male to leave but Instead he walked Into the bathroom, standing In front of her.
"I like you."
The girl wasn't sure If she should laugh or say that she liked him as well, he just said It with such a straight face which turned Into a pinkish hue after she stayed silent for so long.
Is this even a good time to say that...?
Crystal shook the thoughts out of her head, holding the shirt that he gave her earlier over her chest, she blushed and turned her head away. "I like you as well...But..."
"Shouldn't we talk about this when I'm...Decent...?"
As If a delayed reaction Shouto's face turned as red as the left side of him, to which Crystal let out a soft chuckle.
"I..I'm sorry."
"It's fine Shouto." She smiled softly as the male headed out of the bathroom.
His lips were dry, maybe a little chapped as well.
The kiss was sloppy but It seemed like neither had cared,
Shouto pulled back and Crystal's eyes widened, "Uh...Shouto?"
"Your left shoulder Is on fire..."
"Damn It."
Hoped you enjoyed It!
Chapter 4: Levi, Eren, Bakugou (Headcanon)
These headcanons were requested by, moriartart!
Can I request a hadcannon with Levi, Eren, and Bakugo having a tatted goth-esque S/O and if they initially liked it / how they feel about it after getting together?
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
At first he's just...'What the fuck is this shit'.
Eventually he'll get used to It since It's something that you enjoy.
But just because he's used to It doesn't mean he'll understand.
He'll be extremely curious.
He'd genuinely be Interested and ask you questions.
Like, 'Why do you enjoy that so much?'
Way more understanding of It and might actually like It, unlike Levi.
Doesn't give a shit at first.
Then later on he will eventually get Interested.
He'll listen to you talk about the subject...Sometimes.
Keeps getting emo and goth mixed up and you have to keep correcting him.
Hope you enjoyed the headcanons!
P.S: Slight language cause Levi and Bakugou ;-;
Chapter 5: Lance McClain x Reader (AU)
This AU was requested by, Ruby Star!
< This AU contains slight cursing >
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
"Damn It, you're going to get us In trouble, AGAIN." Keith mumbled to Lance as he followed behind him, grumbling. "You know, Allura and Shiro won't be happy If we go to the surface."
Lance turned around, sending Keith a wink. "Relax, we won't be gone long. I just want to see how everything looks on the surface."
Keith let out a sigh, "The stupid things I do with you Is starting to make me question my mental state. Fine, lead th way."
Lance grabbed Keith In a hug grinning, "See?! Was that so hard?"
"Let's just go before I change my mind, fishbreath."
"Why you- You know what, whatever." Lance hmphed, slapping his blue fins across Keith's face as he swam off.
"Ow! Get back here!"
"Catch me first!"
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