#black butler amelia
Candles and Broomsticks
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"Tell me Elizabeth, how come it's taking so long for any of the children to be baptized?"
Lizzie causally sipped her tea as she speaks with a visit of one of the "mother friends" she "made" over the one year Bella attend a special school. "Well me and my husband never really thought to baptized Bella. And Albert, Anthony, and Rachel just aren't cause Ciel and his wife chose not to. It's not the end of the world." The red head huffs and fans her fan near her face, her long lashes fluttering as her blue gems roll. She is a opposite of Lizzie you see, from her hair to her sharp facial features compared to Lizzie's soft, to her outfit that isn't so cute and mature as Lizzie's but more tight formal that shows she's a prize of the doctor she wedded. Her name is Lady Lenora Bell, wife of a Lord Doctor Arthur Bell, and has a daughter Bella's age named Marge who's just like her mother and not in the pleasant way Lizzie would've hoped.
It still boggles her mind how she wound up accepting her into her home.
"On a off topic, is your husband arriving for the party? I heard some gossip on it while I was in London." Asked Lenora with a smile of her dark red lipstick. Lizzie's heart fluttered in her chest as she smiles and speaks, "Yes, of course my darling husband will attend. This is a very special day for him after all."
Indeed, just down the road is a carriage being driven by the Phantomhive's chef and most special butler in the spring air. "Ahh, can't wait to pick up my lil Amelia." Said Bard after taking a large breath in the spring air. Sebastian chuckles beside him, "You saw her last week. Though I do agree with your words Bardroy."
Inside the carriage are a total of five adults and five children who sit excited, a little girl's legs kick in her seat as she giggles. "I take it you're excited Rachel?" Asked a boy with dark wisps of black hair that cover his ears, skin a pale smooth beige, and big lovely brown eyes behind brown ribbed thin glasses dressed nicely in a white button up and brown slacks with suspenders to match and a black coat over it. Rachel giggles and nods happily, causing her parents to smile.
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The scent of yummy food and sweet cakes fills the senses of everyone, the sounds of music and happy voices fells the ears of everyone. The party was in full bliss and there wasn't a singe frown upon a face. Beside the desert table stands Bella, her long black hair in waves down her back with a lovely blue gem necklace draped around her neck tightly dressed in a lovely gown that brings a gentle glow of her pale skin and a pop of her emerald eyes. With her are many teens her age dressed all lovely as well with happy smiles and sparkling eyes. "Wow Bella, the dress is so pretty!" "Thank you. My father and our tailor helped make it."
Across the way in the ballroom stands Ciel and a man whom he hasn't seen in a long while, a Chinese man dressed in emerald greens and sparkling golds. Lau brought his glass to his lips and took a sip of his shiny golden drink before speaking, "My my, doesn't that dress look familiar. At least the fabrics. Perhaps a certain party connected to a case?" The Earl chuckles softly yet meekly, "Thank goodness that dress is being used for better use." The two were interrupted by a beauty, a man with fair blond hair long and tied in a small pony tail and skin a pale peach color with beautiful crimson eyes, dressed in a formal dark green suit with a beautiful sapphire blue cummerbund. "Oh Joanne!"
Joanne smiles in return and spoke, "How are you, we haven't seen each other since Christmas." "I've been doing well, and you?" "Very well." Suddenly, Ciel paused, "If you're here than certainly so is-" He turns his body and quickly grabs hold of two children, one girl who's 7 and a boy who's 9, one girl with shoulder long black hair and big green eyes of emerald blue and a button nose booped with flushed blush and freckles and a boy with the same shade of black short hair and big brown eyes. "Hi uncle Ciel!" Ciel chuckles and hugs them tightly, his voice dipped in a childish way, "You were sneaking up on your dear uncle weren't you??"
Odin and Violet Sullivan-Harcourt, sweetest little angels you'll ever meet everyone will claim. Over the years it came a shock to the Phantomhive household to hear Joanne Harcourt was interested in courting the very lovely mad genius she is of Sieglinde Sullivan, the German girl Ciel and Sebastian took in and funded for everything she needed.
"My what adorable children you have Sir Harcourt."
The three adults and two children stop and look at Mrs Lenora walking over with a wine glass in one hand now wearing a lovely robin blue dress that tightly hugs the cleavage. With a hum she leans down to look at the children more after Ciel stood up straight, "Such adorable children indeed. Though, I must say Miss Violet's eyes are a surprise twist." The man looks at his school friend as he looks to his children and smile softly, "Yes, well, it's a family trait." He pauses. "Well, that is to say from my family. My grandmother was rumored to have such lovely blue eyes." Though he smiles, Ciel can sense Joanne's shift of things. A shift he's familiar well. A shift to never be truly honest.
A big thing of change over time was Ciel, and not just him marrying and having children, he is no longer a boy seeking revenge but instead a man though wounded accepts life's odd path of surprises. With him in that change was a familiar face, a mirror face if you will, of his brother from the dead away from the decaying fire and memories. It was a begging plea of Undertaker after his madness parade of cheating death and justice finally ended for Ciel and Sebastian to please keep him living until his final breath when Sebastian devours his soul with his wife's. It wasn't easy at first, framing your brother for murder can do that to you, but over time the two found peace. Hell, with help from Sieglinde they found a way to help him age normally with his healthy way of blood transfusion. And along that time the girl and boy simply grew close. Maybe it was the sense of unable to move about freely or books, who knows, what they do know is the two are very close, two souls as one. Around this time was when Joanne began to express courting her. You can ask anyone and you'll get a different story how the three came to be with a public wedding of Joanne and Sieglinde and then a secret wedding of Sieglinde and the forgotten twin, but the answer is the same.
No one knows the truth of Violet's true father.
Ciel glanced to his left and smiled at Xiu talking with two girls, one 8 year old with long straight brown hair and brown eyes and one smaller sized 7 year old with long thick curly dark brown hair and big brown eyes with small speckles of green if you look closely, and smiles. Amelia, the daughter of Midford's maid Paula and the Phantomhive's chef Bardroy. Mariposa, the daughter of Phantomhive's lovely gardener Finnian and his lovely wife Valentina.
"Why invite servants children to such a party? They'll bring the mood down."
That sentence snaps Ciel out his thoughts as he turned to Lenora, but before he could snap at her she has walked away giggling. "You know, I don't quite like her my Lord." Said Lau with venom dripping from his words.
The room fell silent with the sound of a gentle tap of a glass, making everyone turn their heads to the direction of the noise to the handsome man with dark hair combed back wearing a white suit with a dark purple pink cummerbund and matching tie with a pearl broach clipped to the center, holding a glass of wine in one hand and holding Lizzie dressed in a lovely red dress of black lace beside him. "Thank you all for coming to the birthday celebration of Lizzie's and I's lovely daughter Bella. Thirteen years ago today my life was simple darkness until she came into the world and lit it up as the stars in the sky. A light I never realized I needed until the day came." Said he as he looks to Bella who smiles bashfully. Hannah leans to Angela, both dressed in dark purples and whites, and whispers, "How much do you want to bet someone will start crying?" This earned a giggle in which she smiles. After a moment, a large cake of four lairs coated in candles gets carted in by the Phantomhive servants and the kitchen staff of the Midford manor, stopping right by the girl in pink. With her smiling softly everyone began to sing, some singing in different languages, but not one person can copy the look of warmth that Sebastian holds as he watches her. Within a blink he sees the image of him holding a small infant girl crying before coming back to view to see Bella blow her candles out firmly.
It's strange, demons shouldn't cry, but he can feel his eyes grow misty since her birth.
Offical part three of my current fics of my Black Butler Next Gen AU for @nullb1rdbones, @annoyinglyshinycherryblossom, @sebalizzie, @docmartensanddietcoke, and @onehellofashadynerd
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
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controld3vil · 6 months
atreides and bene gesserit
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pairing(s): dune 2 cast x actor!reader (platonic), austin butler x actor!reader
synopsis: requested by this ask!
⤷ alt: as clueless as you were about your sister's role, it brought you much surprise and joy to see her on the same carpet as you.
notes: reader uses fem pronouns as she's playing a role as a bene gesserit. reader is also described as wearing a sleeveless jumpsuit. and i really enjoyed lea seydoux's performance and hope to see more of it !! this is also COMPLETELY separate from the first two posts ive made since the readers r playing different characters yeah?
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When Denise Villeneuve asked you about the role of Lady Margot Fenring, you were genuinely shocked about his decision. You appreciated his works but have never gotten close to any of his sets before. You have worked with directors who've admired Villeneuve for his imaginative mind. And now, you witnessed his creativity in person for the first time.
The role was small and not as significant as the other main leads. Regardless, your character was just as enigmatic and complex as any other in the Dune franchise. Even though your time was short, it was a fun experience to learn and observe from. You weren't able to meet the entire cast after production, but with the NYC premiere, you were able to link up again.
You heard your name being called out. "Hello! How are you?" The well-known comedian and presenter by the name of Amelia Dimonberg was now beside you. In her jet-black corset dress, her style is chic and elegant. She hands you a microphone with the film's title plastered on it. "You look beautiful!"
"Thank you!" you sweetly recuperate, diverting your shoulders to the sight, cutely. You give a little pose before complimenting her own outfit. "You as well!"
"Do you have a memorable day on set that sticks out to you?" Amelia questions, subtly leaning toward your direction. And now you noticed her detailed eye makeup which enhances her outfit altogether.
"Well- I've had, like, only a few days," You let out a quick sigh. Truly it was nothing to be embarrassed about but you could not help but feel shy about it.
"Mmhmm! So all of them?"
"Yeah, all of them!" With ease, your shyness turns into giddy laughter as all you remember from your times on set. Recalling those tiny moments brought a small smile to your face. "Every day counted for me and that was enough."
"Oh absolutely!" Amelia chides, nodding in agreement. She quickly then moves onto the next question, "How long do you think you could last in the actual desert?"
"Oo that's a tough question," Lifting your fingers to rest on your chin as you try to contemplate an answer. "Ideally no- I feel like I could never recover from the heat."
"Yes yes, the heat's very intense,"
"Yeah- no I don't think I'd ever leave my house for that-" You shake your head nonchalantly, acknowledging how most of your scenes already were indoors. You could imagine how you would do in the desert of Abu Dhabi. It makes you appreciate the cast and crew even more for their effort to make filming more comforting and tolerable.
"Where would be your dream location to hang out? I'm assuming your home then since you prefer to say inside?" The blonde interviewer quickly catches on, eyebrows raising intrigued by your response.
Instead, you hummed bashfully, "Actually I think an oasis would be nice." The camera catches onto Amelia's face, fully fixated on you. "Which fits perfectly if I were to live in the desert actually!"
"Mm yeah, smart choice!" She responds more cheerily. "You can maybe go for a swim, you know-"
"Right right," You give her an playful look, "And you don't have to go thirsty!"'
"Absolutely, the best of both worlds," Amelia chirps, doing the same expression. "So this film centers a lot around dreams. Do you have vivid dreams of yourself?"
"Yes! I've uh- I've had many dreams of myself. I mean, this one, for example-" You turn to the camera, waving with the most adorable smile on your face. "'I'm living my dream right now!"
"You're living your dream right now!"
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In another section of the premiere, you were walking down the carpet for press interviews and photography. The set where the premiere was taking place was gorgeously made in the shades of black and orange, the perfect theme of the film. The entire venue was outdoors, allowing you to feel the cold air and be more at ease in the crowded space. There were more paparazzi than you had expected, and you suddenly became aware that you were alone. Without any friend or acquaintance to accompany by, you searched aimlessly for a familiar face.
Then there was a holler. And then multiple more came after, it made you confused really. Your head swerves to the sound of the person you so try to look for and immediately you're struck in awe.
"Anya?!" In an instant, you're seen running towards your sister in the far back of the premiere wall. People were reluctantly used to fast-paced relocations around the carpet. Therefore most did not mind your hasty stumbles through the crowd. It was almost comical how apparent your demeanor changed when you heard her, in fact, videos and pictures caught all of it.
"Hi!" She beams in her white dress robe. Her makeup was glowing, making her skin seem angelic, and sheer without impurities. Her outfit covers her like a nun, covering her head and body in almost transparent cloth. Yet it flows around her so elegantly, almost like she was an angel from the stars. She squeezes your figure firmly, only after releasing to gush about your appearance.
You adored a beige sleeveless jumpsuit. The color is complimented with tiny designs of sparkle. Its seams captured your figure perfectly, as you also wore a gold chain and bulky rings. From the lighting, it looks as though your outfit is shining. And to be completely honest, you prefer comfort over the judging looks of fashion critics. Therefore you wanted to wear something that you could still move comfortably in. Thus you were able to run over to your sister with ease.
Through the other lens and camera, they could pick up some of her words after. "You look so gorgeous! How are you here?!" Anya's expression changes into a perplexed one as she gets a hold of your shoulders, shaking them back and forth.
"I was invited obviously, "You said, mimicking her voice while holding onto her arms on yours. "You didn't tell me you were a part of Dune!" Viewers from afar could tell you were pushing an act, reacting as though you were petrified about how Anya managed to be here in the first place.
"I didn't know you were either!" She giggled, closing in on your right ear. Your sister whispers to you slowly, trying to withdraw from the camera and recordings. "Villeneuve had mentioned something but honestly I just thought it was a joke."
It was your turn to guff. Your mouth opens wide flabbergasted, looking sarcastically offended. "Why would you think he's joking?!"
Anya scoffs lightly, wanting to go further with the joke. "I don't know- I just didn't take his word seriously,"
"Why? Because you didn't think I'd make it into the film?" You accused, eyes widening with a hand over your heart. "You're so cruel."
"So cruel," She smirks up at you, then moves back to be by your side. You see her face forward the flashing cameras, as you do the same. "Come! Let's take some pictures!"
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"Your outfit looks beautiful by the way!" Anya Taylor muses, eyeing down at the fine details on your jumpsuit. "It's very... you!"
You give her a nod, before flattening some of the creases, "I thought this color was so exquisite, so I thought it would be perfect for the premiere." You lift your head to look at your sister, before realizing behind her, the upcoming stars of the film were getting ready to take cast photos. "Oh Anya- I think you should go!"
Your sister turns and then gazes back at you with a soft smile. "You should come with me!"
The thunder of cameramen and journalist blurred your focus for a moment. "Are you sure-"
Again the sound of your name is hurdled but this time from someone you haven't seen in a long time. Jessica Ferguson, who too wears a black body suit with veils and bold makeup. She waves her hand almost too eagerly to have you come closer alongside your sister. "Come, join us!"
Videos were filmed of the people gesturing to the cast of Dune in a line. Little by little, the row of people is filled and organized to be in the center of the camera's focus. Some actors had to move spots, due to lack of space or better color semblance on the other side of the row. You stood next to Jessica and Florence Pugh was beside your right, as you tried to stand closer for the picture.
Anya Taylor was on the opposite side, with Austin Butler and beside him, Timothee Chalamet. A noticeable clip taken all over was when the French actor went to greet the English actress, warmly, clasping her hand with both hands as a proper salute as on-screen siblings.
You did not mind the lack of attention. You were happy for Anya for achieving a great role. One with a welcoming cast and crew. It was then your eyes scanned down the row, from Zendaya to Stellan Skarsgard. Then to Austin, whom you've been familiar with since day one. Only him to find your gaze seconds later. You give a little nod and smile before averting your direction to Anya who is already staring at you with gleaming eyes.
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You were going back and forth with Jessica and Florence on your travels for a while. From plans reception to favorite desserts, all you three wanted to talk about was food. Paparazzi caught onto your banter quickly and snapped a few photos. You even went out of your way to do silly poses. Followed by Jessica and Florence, then did the same, sticking their tongues out in a rock star kind of fashion. You throw out piece signs, giving a dramatic frown as another flash happens.
Catch-ups were definitely refreshing and fun. Thus why you nearly jump when Austin appeared behind you.
"Oh my gosh, hey!" You stuttered, giving him a quick hug to calm your nerves. "You scared me!"
"Sorry sorry! I just wanted to surprise you!" He leans his head slightly, allowing better eye contact. You felt a few taps on your shoulder and noticed Jessica and Florence scurrying away, with their thumbs up, all goofy and excited.
Your eyes make it back to his. "I would've said hi back at the cast photo, but you were so far away," Shrugging you dismiss your failure as a mild missed opportunity.
But Austin shakes his head in an averted manner. "No- Don't worry about it." You could already sense interviewers and others with microphones closing on you two. You were out in the open, and it's bound to happen. "I wanted to- you know, say hi to you in a less chaotic place."
"I tried looking for you but there's just so many people," You give your costar an exhausted look. It was then a keen young man approached the pair of you. It was the People magazine, as you became aware of the logo alongside their camera and microphone.
"Hey, would you two mind a short interview for People's magazine?"
Truly, this was what premieres were about. The cast and crew meet with fans to show what they have worked so hard for. You brought you no better satisfaction than to praise everyone's efforts. The interviewer then proceeded to have a quick introduction of you and Austin beside you. You both had separate microphones in each hand. Once the video started rolling, you peered at the camera and gave the audience a grin.
"So how are you guys doing? Met all of your lovely cast members yet?"
"Oh absolutely," You emphasized every syllable, nodding. Austin only glances at you in amusement. "It's crazy how many people are here I was so overwhelmed!"
"Yeah, it was pretty crowded," The male actor adds, lowering his microphone slightly.
"Hopefully it will die down!" The interviewer beams. "So what was it like getting to know each other in this film? How was the first day on set like?"
"Oh, well it went very smoothly," You start, staring up at Austin in approval. "Even though my time was short on set, I feel like we had a pretty good rhythm starting out."
"I was about to say! The scenes with Feyd and Lady Margot were really something!"
"Why thank you, we appreciate it," Austin nervously laughs, scratching his ear.
The interviewer takes the lead to discuss your preparation for the role and how it was working with Villeneuve. As new characters, you and Austin both talked about your views on both of your characters. Both are very different yet mysterious to the viewers. Additionally, you two were introduced in a similar scene of the pit fight. The People's Magazine interviewer was compelled to compliment Austin on his opening scene. You knew he had practiced the choreographed fights vigorously. And of which you were lucky to witness on the days that you were present.
"It was completely freeing and different than what I was used to doing," Austin probes, leaning toward your direction. "Were you there for the pit fight?"
"I think I was," You turn, similarly. "I remember watching from afar and thinking wow." Immediately you could sense him eagerly looking down at you with a sly smile. "He was- Austin did amazing with the fight choreography, I was impressed!"
"Was this the first time seeing him in full costume too?"
"Oh yes!" You bonked your hand on your forehead, "He was and I just- couldn't believe it was him!"
Suddenly Austin jumps in, "She was startled when I first came up to her in full costume."
"You came out of nowhere, by the way!" You rebutted, giving him a side glance.
"I didn't mean to," As he tries to reassure his actions, "I wanted to give a good first impression!" It was humorous how playful you two were together despite having dissimilar filming schedules. Though most of your scenes involved Butler, your friendship only became more apparent weeks after working together. It was off and on for months at a time due to being busy in other countries simultaneously.
Eventually, you were able to link up again weeks before the premiere. After waiting a long time to meet up, you almost felt relieved that you hadn't seen your costar in a while.
"And Austin, how was filming with her?! From a character's standpoint, what kind of dynamic do you see playing out?" The People's Magazine interviewer perks up, having the camera transition from his face to Austin's.
"Well I'd say, she's great. You know I've got to meet a lot of amazing people in this film. And," He says your name sincerely, "She's- she's one of those people. I can't say much for Lady Margot and Feyd's relationship- you know there's a lot of that's still not uncovered. We don't really know what's happening but kind of have an idea of something. And to have such a great actress like her, it makes everything feel authentic and- feel the tension." It felt as if you were in a daze, eyes completely focused on his words with such admiration and grace. Before you knew it, you were smiling as if you had won the best possible prize in the world. His compliments to you meant more than you had anticipated really.
Unbeknownst to you, the cameraman had caught your lovestruck expression before directing attention back to the interviewer. "And how about you, Miss Margot?"
"I'd say it's the same," Now looking at the interviewer, only momentarily back at your costar. "Austin's- he's great at all the stunts and acting like a scary dude. Every scene with him was fun to do. Like he's all serious in character but once they yell cut! he's so nice and funny!" Your bubbly laugh breaks as you can feel your face growing hot.
"Well I appreciate you liking my humor," Austin pokes fun at you, fanning a little air towards you.
You mutter a soft thank you! before continuing, "And he's dedicated you know? I remember one scene, a little spoiler, where Feyd is about to be tested by Lady Margot, and I just couldn't do it! I couldn't keep a straight face!"
"She just kept breaking, I don't know why," The actor shrugs, his attention closely drawn to you. "We had a few takes on a few days."
"We did! We did!" You gave a big frown, "You just have a really distracting face."
"Do I?" Austin asks, between the lines of teasing and coolly.
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By the time, other premieres had occurred, people were still focused on your interactions with Austin Butler. Your chemistry on and off screen on the carpet was hilarious. And with how polarizing your characters were, it made many clips of your shared encounters gain attention.
A few short videos were recorded after the People Magazine interview of you and Austin, bashfully talking behind the stage. The two of you went back and forth whispering in each other's ears about what was unknown to the viewer. Through a bird's eye view, the video also catches you hugging your arms before zooming in on Austin's placing an arm around your figure.
Another clip that had been reposted many times was when you both took duo pictures together. As you comfortably shift your weight on one leg, as you turn to have your side face the flashing paparazzi. Whilst the Elvis actor stands beside you at a pleasant distance, doing the same pose to the other side. There was one instance where you lifted your head to make eye contact with your eyes instantly brightening. As Austin's smile widened, only to blow air in your face.
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violet-yimlat · 9 months
I hate to pull this card but
Pulls out a deck of cards from various sources and draws the tarot card, The Tower.
Oops. Wrong card.
Draws the Cards Against Humanity card reading “A hummingbird drinking nectar out of my urethra”.
I do hate to pull that card too but it wasn’t what I was looking for- ah! Here it is!
Draws a card reading “If this post can get 5000 notes within the next week I will continue writing my terrible, stupid book”.
Btw part two is in the reblogs of this post.
Preview under the cut.
You might have heard the urban legend. It goes like this; someone is walking along a street. They’re always pretty much alone, perhaps with the exception of maybe a pet dog, a conveniently non-verbal companion, when they hear sounds of a pretty intense struggle in an alley. So they go to check it out, but nobody is ever there.
Although sometimes, there’s a little pool of blood or a few feathers.
Mostly this is dismissed as a hallucination, or birds fighting, but the amount of blood and the size of the feathers makes it hard to believe.
And the voices. Most people report hearing arguing. But wherever in the world the story takes place, nobody can understand the language spoken by the fighters. The reports are fairly consistent. The language is described as “mellifluous” and “ethereal”, and there are always multiple people speaking it. Or at least shouting in it, but it is generally agreed upon that they are angry.
But there is always another voice, speaking a different, but still incomprehensible, language. He, for in the stories it’s always a he, sounds defiant and cocky, speaking in a harsher, less musical tongue, unless, of course, you count black metal. Some especially astute listeners have picked up words and sentences used by the lone, defiant individual and the angry group, coming to the conclusion that they seem to be speaking different dialects of the same language.
And another thing; birds don’t generally use weapons. One witness said that they heard what sounded like a fencing match or duel before they turned the corner.
There are so many witnesses that they should probably make a discord server.
Now we come to the theories. We have the rational explanation as mentioned previously; birds.
We have the “Time travelling fight club” theory.
We have the “That one alien spaceship where they keep having to get out because that one alien speaking another dialect keeps picking fights and they always threaten to maroon him on Earth but they never do” theory.
There’s the “Mothman vs other Mothman” theory and the “Crazy global cult who’s leader travels from place to place to perform blood sacrifices” theory, and let’s not forget the “Magical mutant cock-fighting ring gone wrong” theory, but one theory stands above all the rest.
The most well known, and probably the most ridiculous, theory is the “Demon repeatedly getting jumped by angels” theory.
But it’s all just a conspiracy theory. An urban legend. A joke.
Until the day Amelia Butler found the devil bleeding out in an alley.
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sjsmith56 · 3 months
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The Gilded Age, Part 4 - Downpour
Summary: After sharing the complete truth of John Walker’s accusations, Amelia re-commits herself to the relationship. They prepare for her father’s visit for dinner, only to face his own inquires about the matter. After a short time apart while the Avengers are on a mission, the couple reunite and explore a more physical relationship.
Length: 6.7 K
Characters: Barnes, Amelia, Mr. Winston, the Avengers.
Warnings: Minors DNI, contains mild sexual content and a frank discussion of sexuality (both discussed in period-appropriate terms), description of animal abuse, threat of harm to Amelia.
Author notes: I did some research on female sexuality around the year 1900 and was amused to find that the medical field perceived several disorders as a consequence of “female hysteria” which was often followed by the prescription of a manual pelvic massage (provided by the doctor), meant to cause a “hysterical paroxysm” - namely an orgasm, to cure anything from nervousness, depression, fatigue and anxiety. To help provide this relief an enterprising doctor invented the first vibrator in 1899 (due to a repetitive stress injury in his hands). Strangely enough, the hysterical paroxysm wasn’t seen as sexual. Of course, women knew different and sales of the widely advertised device put them in fifth place as the most commonly purchased home appliance. Sergeant Barnes, being the man we all imagine him to be, knew it to be something he wanted Amelia to enjoy, so his plan was to take his time in “educating” her as to what men and women like when they’re alone, in bed, in their boudoir. I now return you to your regular programming. Divider by vecteezy.com.
<<Part 3
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Part 4 - Downpour
It started to rain shortly before Mr. Winston was scheduled to arrive. The chill from the change in the weather meant that the fireplaces were lit in the grand room as well as the dining room on the 21st floor. As the Avengers arrived, they all commented on the cool temperatures, hoping that it wouldn’t put a dampener on the occasion. When a bell rang in the butler’s pantry, audible in the quiet of the grand room, they all knew it signalled Mr. Winston’s arrival, as Mr. Hogan would be escorting him up the elevator. Amelia waited patiently near the entrance into the room, Sergeant Barnes at her side.
Everyone was dressed for dinner in evening clothes, adding a layer of elegant formality to the mood in the room. Amelia, wearing a pale cream coloured dress, with lace overlay, that bared her shoulders, wrung her hands a little, anxious for this first meeting between Sergeant Barnes and her father. As she glanced at him, he smiled, seeming to display a calm demeanour that belied the actual figurative butterflies he was feeling. Still, he looked very handsome and confident in his evening suit of black, with a muted pewter coloured brocade vest and softly patterned silk tie. A white rose in his lapel, an item worn by all the gentlemen, added a touch of style to his ensemble. He had trimmed his beard down a bit, hoping to make the age difference between himself and Amelia less noticeable. It helped that Anthony Stark had patented an electric razor that allowed the trim to be done evenly.
The sound of the elevator doors opening was followed by the appearance of Mr. Winston. Seeing his daughter, he smiled broadly and opened his arms to embrace her.
“Father,” she murmured as she hugged him back. “How I’ve missed you.”
“I have missed you, Amy,” he said back, then he stepped back to look closer at her. “You’ve changed in the last two months. I’m not sure what it is but it definitely agrees with you. Now, introduce me to your colleagues.”
“Of course,” she said, grasping his hand and pulling him over towards Barnes. “This is Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes of the United States Cavalry, on secondment to SHIELD and the Avengers.”
Barnes offered his bare right hand to Mr. Winston. “Sir, it is a pleasure to meet you,” he said warmly. “Your daughter has spoken of you often.”
“All good, I hope,” replied the older man. “You and I need to talk, Sergeant, but it can wait until after dinner. Too bad it is raining as I would have liked a cigar outside after the meal.”
“I do have a smoking room for the gentlemen,” said Mr. Stark, coming forward with his wife to shake hands. “Anthony Stark and this is my wife, Virginia. It is a pleasure, Mr. Winston. Your daughter is a wonderful young woman who has made her mark in our Society. We would be quite lost without her.”
“I’m glad to hear it. She has worked hard for everything she accomplished. I’m very proud of her.”
The others came forward, to be introduced in turn. He seemed to be a genial man, with an open and friendly manner. Mrs. Stark led everyone back to the great room, explaining its features. Her husband offered to provide drinks to everyone, whiskey mostly for the men, and wine for the women. They sipped quietly for a moment then Mr. Winston placed his crystal glass down.
“I wonder if I could speak with Sergeant Barnes in private. There is a matter I wish to discuss with him that I realize now cannot wait.”
“Father? What is it about?”
He smiled sadly at his daughter, then sighed.
“A report of an alarming nature. The person who shared it with me was of the opinion that you are incapable of being in charge of your own life. That distressed me, as I have raised you to be an independent thinker.”
She glanced at Barnes. “Was it John Walker?”
“Yes. You know how I feel about the man. That is why I wish to discuss it with Sergeant Barnes and get his side of what is obviously a dispute between the two gentlemen.”
“Sir, there is nothing that John Walker said that isn’t already known by the others gathered here,” interjected Barnes. “I waive my right to privacy and ask that you repeat what was said to you.”
“Very well. He related how he was strolling in Central Park today and spied you both in a position that could be construed as indecent. Right away, that raised my hackles, as I know my daughter well. She is affectionate, yes, but indecent? That was a thinly veiled insult to her. Then he related that the gentleman she was with, Sergeant Barnes, was implicated in the slaughter of several women and children during the range wars of Wyoming. Walker insisted that he did all that he could to provide justice to those victims but that the verdict that freed you was bought and paid for.”
With a sound of disgust, Barnes stood up and faced the window, looking out into the wet night. Several times, he clenched and unclenched his fists at the villainy of John Walker to promote the lie that had plagued him since the verdict that freed him. A soft, cool hand grasped his and he turned, smiling down at Amelia.
“Tell him everything,” she said. “He has his own reasons to distrust the word of John Walker, but he should hear your story from your own lips.”
With a nod, he returned to his chair and related the details of his capture, torture, and medical experimentation during that time. Captain Rogers bolstered the account with his part in it. Anthony Stark related his father’s thoughts on the court-martial, describing it as an attempt to draw Sergeant Barnes back into the clutches of HYDRA, believing it to be an effort to finish their transformation of the man into a biological automaton.
“Why? Why would any rational person want to do that to another person?” Mr. Winston’s distress was evident.
Stark and Rogers looked guardedly at each other then decided to share something that only the Avengers knew.
“My father and Colonel Fury have both dedicated their lives to the defence of this country,” began Stark. “Both of them were West Point graduates in the same class. As they rose higher in the ranks, they heard rumours of a secret division within the army, referred to as HYDRA. It was a shadowy group, that seemed to shift and change their tactics like the wind changes direction. What was certain was that they were intent on effecting a coup d’état at some point, starting with the elimination of the Commander in Chief. A biological automaton would be the perfect weapon for such a crime as it could infiltrate the line of security then perform the deed without hesitation.
“The President? You’re sure?” Winston was shocked, as was Amelia.
“Very sure and President Cleveland trusted their assessment of HYDRA’s goals. It was President Cleveland, Colonel Fury and my father who decided to form SHIELD. Publicly, we perform daring missions of rescue and promote them to keep the public from knowing our true mission; to uncover those individuals who are behind HYDRA and stop them by any means necessary. When the court-martial of Sergeant Barnes revealed the extent of their efforts, the President did what he could to make sure our man here was treated properly, which he wasn’t. That’s how far HYDRA had already infiltrated the military system of justice. But he did insist that Fury and my father were on the tribunal, knowing that only a unanimous verdict could render him guilty.”
“So, it wasn’t bought and paid for,” stated Winston, frowning. He looked closely at Barnes. “You’re not a rich man, are you.”
“I am wealthier now, but my father was a sergeant in the army during the Civil War, then worked in the Brooklyn shipyards,” he replied. “We were working class comfortable, but not able to produce the funds necessary to buy a verdict. After the verdict was passed, I was free to return to my unit but was in no condition to do so. I related my care at the hands of Dr. Banner, and a position was offered to him to join SHIELD. I was seconded to the Society so that he could help me heal completely in a safe and secure environment. Mr. Stark was able to fix my metal arm, so it is functional. Captain Rogers returned to the unit briefly but saw changes already evident in several new faces that were loyal to Lieutenant Walker. He reported his suspicions to Colonel Fury, who was successful in requesting the unit be split into two, with those loyal to us stationed here in New York and the others to duty on the western frontier. General Pierce changed those orders, bringing them to Washington to serve under him. We suspect he is the leader of HYDRA, but so far, he has managed to hide any evidence of it.”
Mr. Winston seemed troubled. “General Alexander Pierce? That is the name of the man who I am to meet here in New York. He wishes me to represent him, as he plans to build a factory on the outskirts of Chicago. Why would a general need to build a factory?”
“Why indeed?” Stark looked troubled at this revelation, then was distracted by the appearance of Mr. Jarvis who announced that dinner was ready. “Mr. Winston, perhaps you and I should have that private talk after dinner. I need to know everything about your correspondence with Pierce and will make sure your revelations are kept secret, although I will relate them to Secretary of State Fury and my father. We need to find out what HYDRA is up to.”
They all rose then Winston stopped and regarded his daughter. “You know why I never considered John Walker as an acceptable suitor, don’t you?”
“I recall you calling him pompous,” she smiled.
“My exact words were that he was a pompous ass,” he smiled back. “My apologies to the ladies present. That is what I said publicly. Privately, I formed a definite opinion when he stated his belief that the man should be the singular authority of the household, his decisions final and unquestionable. He compared a good wife to a well broken horse, just fearful enough not to trigger his judgement, but meek enough to perform all her wifely duties without complaint. In his eyes, you were too headstrong for your own good, but he laid the blame on you, for not being a dutiful daughter. He assumed I was ashamed of you, not realizing I promoted those aspects of you that were just as strong in your mother, aspects that I loved dearly. My beliefs were bolstered when I saw him the following day, beating a downed horse on the street, declaring it to be lazy and stubborn. I was never going to allow him to treat you in that manner. When he showed up late this afternoon at my hotel to regale me with what he saw as proof of your impropriety I was almost tempted to throw him out the door.” He took Amelia’s hand and kissed it then placed it in Sergeant Barnes’ hand. “I approve of your courtship of my daughter and if the day comes when you are ready to ask for her hand in marriage you have my approval already. Just in this short time, I can see you are a man of conviction and honour. You would never try to change those parts of my dearest daughter to satisfy your pride.”
“No sir, I would not.” Barnes kissed her hand also. “She is already perfect, and it is up to me to be worthy of her love, not the other way around.”
“Then we have an understanding between us, in front of all these witnesses,” smiled Winston. “Come, let us dine, and forget about that pompous individual.”
With the dismay of the afternoon’s events vanquished by Harris Winston’s declaration, the dinner party was celebratory in nature. None of Sergeant Barnes colleagues believed that any other outcome than matrimony would come from the courtship of the handsome man and the woman who had captured his heart, Amelia Winston. Released from the need to keep the attachment between them private, the couple were expressive in their love for each other, often touching or gazing at each other with obvious affection. Afterwards, when the gentlemen left for the smoking room, and the women took their place in a cozy alcove in the great room, both principals, Barnes and Amelia, expressed their thanks to their friends and colleagues for their support. Both were assured that the support was infinite.
It was late when Mr. Winston emerged from his private discussion with Anthony Stark. Although the others waited to give him a tour of the building, he insisted that it wait for another day, at a reasonable hour, and bid them his adieu. Amelia and Sergeant Barnes escorted him down to the lobby to say their final goodbyes to him. Mr. Hogan wasn’t there, but one of his men was and hailed a cab for Winston. Once more, he looked fondly at his daughter then hugged her with great affection.
“I leave you in the capable hands of Sergeant Barnes,” he said. “Enjoy these early days as you discover more about each other. Those discoveries will be like an elixir to the richness of your relationship. Goodnight, my darling, until I see you soon.”
He kissed her on the forehead, then shook hands with Sergeant Barnes once again. As his hansom cab disappeared into the rainy night, the couple stopped in the darkened lobby, lit only by several electric sconces on the wall that cast a soft glow on the still operating fountain. Hogan’s man disappeared to his post outside, stationed under a canopy that kept him dry, leaving them alone in the darkened space.
“I like your father,” said Barnes. “He is an admirable man of reason and restraint.”
“He likes you, too. I could tell.” She caressed his face. “Thank you for trusting me.”
“Always, dearest Amelia.”
Drawing her closer, he wrapped his left arm around her waist, as the back of his fingertips brushed lightly against her cheek. No words were spoken as he lowered his lips to hers once again, desiring to taste her sweetness. When they pulled apart, she looked away for a moment as if she wished to say something.
“What is it, my darling?” he asked gently. “You may broach any subject with me.”
“I have noticed that although neither couple are yet married, they share an apartment together. I speak of Natasha and Mr. Barton, and Wanda and Vision. At first, I was somewhat shocked, although I said nothing as both women were so kind to me. Is that how it is with the individuals of the Avengers? Is marriage not considered as desirable?”
He shook his head sagely. “Their attachments were made before they joined the Society. Natasha and Clint will be married soon. Wanda was in a dire situation when Vision rescued her from a fate almost as bad as what HYDRA intended for me. Their love is deep, but she is still afraid of allowing herself the pleasure of a formal marriage. Since they have agreed to their arrangement together, no one is in a position to say otherwise. She is older than she appears. What her captors did to her changed her appearance, as part of their plans for her. Someday, her emotions will have healed to a point where she can allow herself to marry Vision. I dare not say more, for it is her story to tell.”
She nodded her head, then searched his face again. “I must confess that I have never been intimate with a man. This, what you and I are doing right now, is the extent of my experience. Although I was raised liberally, my only knowledge of what happens in private between a man and a woman is clinical or second hand at best and if you expect the same free relationship as those other two ladies, I am unsure if I can consent to that. I do want to please you, but I do not know what to do.”
His soft eyes travelled over Amelia’s upturned face, then he kissed every surface of it, before wrapping his arms around her and burying his face in her hair before regarding her again.
“My darling, my desire is for matrimony, but I would not discount the possibility that we may connect physically before that blessed event. Whenever that time happens, whether before or after our marriage, I promise you to be patient and gentle, and to acquire your consent first. I will never force myself on you and if ever what happens in the privacy of our boudoir distresses you, just tell me to stop and I will do so immediately. The act itself isn’t as important as the feelings of closeness and intimacy that it can foster. My wish is also to please you so that you experience the fullness of the joining of two bodies and two souls simultaneously. Do you trust my word?”
She nodded then smiled and they kissed again before returning to the elevator. When he escorted her to her door, he kissed her on the inside of her wrist, before leaving a long lingering kiss on her lips. After locking her door, Amelia leaned against it, feeling warm inside at the words that James expressed to her, and the kiss he left her with. She did long to lay in his arms and experience the joy of a physical connection, but her lack of experience troubled her. Surely, a man like him had been with other women before; he practically said so when they discussed their pasts on their first assignation.
Her knowledge of male anatomy was restricted to the perusal of medical anatomy books, as well as the viewing of classical statues in the finer museums. By what she had seen of his chest and back when he had his shirt off for the treatment of his sword wound, James had the stature desired by artists for their models. There had been times she had witnessed the mating of animals, finding it disturbing as it seemed to be an act of domination, even subjugation, by the male over the female, involving biting, scratching and much pain for the hapless female caught under the body of the larger and stronger male. On occasion she overheard the maids in her father’s house compare stories about the men they had been with. They often used slang terms that she didn’t understand, but she had no doubt they were speaking of the sexual act. She let out a shaky breath. James promised that if and when the occasion rose, they found themselves in that position he would be kind and gentle. He was a man of his word and considering he seemed to have more experience in the matter, she would have to take his word for truth.
Her father stayed longer in New York City after concluding his business with General Pierce, in which he declined to represent the man, even though he was offered a significant retainer. When the Avengers left for several days on a mission to another part of the country, taking a private train to the location, he visited Amelia at the Society, getting the tour of her domain, including a viewing of those skulls she was told about on her first day there. On the return of the heroic individuals, Amelia felt the pleasure of James’ reunion with her. His kisses were more intense, and she felt a change in the attraction between them to something more physical, a mutual feeling on her part. On the second night after their return, when James escorted her to her room at the end of the evening, he kissed her passionately, then licked his lips as if he had something to ask.
“Would you grant me access to your apartment, so that we may be alone for a time?” he asked, in a low voice that gave her a sense of anticipation.
“Yes, you may come in,” she replied, without hesitation, turning slightly to roll the numbers on the dials.
The locks clicked and she opened the door, stepping inside, as he followed her. It was the first time they had been alone in there together. The thrumming of rain against the window was the only sound in the darkened space. As she turned away to switch on a table lamp, he grasped her hand and pulled her closer.
“I missed you,” he whispered. “All my dreams were of you, of us, being alone.” Her heart was pounding, and he placed his palm over it. “You are nervous, I know. I wish only to begin exploring a new level of affection between us. May I kiss you in a way that I’ve been longing for?”
“Yes,” she croaked, then cleared her throat. “Yes, please.”
His hold on her tightened as he pulled her in closer than he ever did before. There was a tenseness in his body that she never previously noticed, like a bow was being pulled to a tautness that would explode if released. She felt its effect on her own person, as she began to breathe quickly, while a pool of heat was forming low in her abdomen. It was a disquieting feeling but strangely not unwelcome.
When he pressed his lips against hers this time, his mouth was slightly open, and she felt the soft touch of his tongue against her mouth. It seemed appropriate to open her lips as her own tongue sought communion with his. A rush of heat blazed through her whole body and for a moment, her knees buckled but James held her upright, pressing her against the wall, while protecting her back with his embrace. His mouth moved gently but firmly against hers as a whimpering sound escaped from her throat. When he finally pulled away after what seemed like an eternity of this sensation of warmth and desire, her hands were grasping his shoulders as he continued holding her in his arms.
Amelia had no words. Never, ever had she been kissed in that manner and all that she could think of was that she wanted to be kissed again just like that … no, deeper and with more intensity. With a soft smile, James bent his head down to hers, then kissed her on the neck, just below her ear and once more, Amelia felt like her legs were weak. A smile appeared on his face, and he gazed at her in a way that made her warm inside once more.
“I feel faint,” she gasped, surprised when he picked her up in his arms and sat in an armchair, placing her in his lap.
“May I loosen your blouse?”
His voice was full of concern, in the darkness that seemed to envelop them.
“Yes, I also need light, please,” she murmured.
Reaching to the table lamp, he pressed the switch and the soft glow cast a golden light on their situation. With care, he undid the top three buttons of her blouse, his fingers lingering on her exposed skin.
“Would you like some water?”
She shook her head, trying to steady her breathing, while he tenderly rubbed her back. Turning to look at him in the light, she leaned her head towards his, resting it against his cheek.
“That was like nothing I ever felt before,” she breathed. “I am ….”
The amused smile that broke out on his face was followed by a hesitant inquiry. “You liked it?”
“Oh, James, I liked it very much.” She pulled slightly away from him and looked into his eyes. “Is the rest of what we spoke of that enjoyable?”
He took a moment to choose his words. “For a woman, the first time she allows a man to join with her might be painful, but it doesn’t last. May I ask if you felt anything in your lower body?” She felt a heat in her cheeks at his question but nodded. “It was the beginning of what is called coming, in the sense that it gets continually more prominent until your body releases the tension.”
“Like a flower bud suddenly opening?” she asked.
“You could look at it that way, but it is happening inside, although if you wish to express it through sound or movement, I would like that, for it means that I have pleased you.”
“That’s important to you.”
“Yes. If we’re going to spend the rest of our lives together it’s important that you like being with me in that way, for it is a joyous act.”
“Can we do it now?”
He smiled. “In good time. Tonight, I wanted only to show you how gentle touches between us could be pleasurable.”
“There’s more?”
“Oh yes. May I demonstrate?”
On her approval he reached for Amelia’s blouse and undid more buttons to reveal the top of her chemise. With the back of his fingertips, he brushed along the skin from her collarbone down to the ribbon in her chemise, tugging on it until it came undone. Leaning forward he pressed his lips into the valley of her bosom, kissing it with the greatest of attention, before moving up towards her neck and back to that spot under her ear.
“Oh my,” she gasped. “I feel warm again.”
“I know,” he murmured, against her neck. “I want you to feel warm. You can do the same to me, you know.”
“Take your jacket off,” she ordered, to his surprise, then watched with fascination at how quickly he did so. “I wish to take your tie off.” Pulling it out of his vest she loosened it and lifted it up over his head, tossing it to the side. Unbuttoning his starched shirt collar, she opened it, removing it from around his neck. It too, was tossed to the side. With her sure hands she undid his shirt buttons, opening the edges up to reveal his hirsute chest. Its appearance fascinated her, and she caressed the soft curls, noticing that James had closed his eyes and laid his head back against the chair back. Undoing the remaining buttons of his vest she opened it wide, then opened more of his shirt buttons, exposing even more of his chest. Looking up, she noticed James watching her.
“I like your chest,” she explained. “Ever since that first night. May I kiss it?”
Shifting slightly, she leaned towards him and bent her head to his chest, pressing her lips against his skin, trying to mimic how he had kissed her bosom. She became aware of a firmness pressing against her leg, positioned close to James’ groin. Looking up at him brought a small smile to his face.
“What is that?”
“That is my manhood preparing for coming. You have seen statues of unclothed men in the museums, have you not?”
“They do not show the manhood in this state of rigidity, as it is considered obscene in polite company, but it is an essential part of the joining between a man and a woman.”
She placed her hand on the obvious bulge, stroking it and smiling as James groaned in a manner that made that feeling form in her lower abdomen again. After several long moments, he reached with his hand and removed hers from where it was, bringing it to his lips and kissing it.
“I am being sorely tested. It is a very sensitive part of male anatomy that is liable to go off too soon if it becomes too eager.”
Her smile was so sweet and knowing at the same time. “Because I touched it?”
“That, and placing your hands on me, and allowing my lips on your skin. It is all part of the mystery of what a man and a woman may do in private, as they explore their desires together. Now, my darling, I am going to end this, as gratifying as it has been. I made a promise to myself to educate you gradually in this matter. You are too quick a student, but that is just an observation, not a complaint.”
She smiled sweetly again, pleased and he pulled her over him, so he could gaze up at her angelic face. Lowering her face to his, they kissed again, and he couldn’t help but place his flesh hand inside her blouse, caressing over her chemise to feel her breast on his palm. A soft whimper from her throat tempted him to abandon his plan, and to take her there on that chair but he withdrew his hand and gently pushed her away, determined to remain a gentleman.
“I do love you,” he murmured, as she looked at him. “You are altogether beautiful my love; there is no flaw in you.”
She blushed at his quotation from the Song of Solomon, verse 4:7, then quoted verse 7:10 back to him.
“I am my beloved’s, and his desire is for me.”
“No truer words have ever been spoken.”
He rose, helping Amelia onto her feet, re-buttoning his shirt and gathering his collar, tie and jacket. At the door, he regarded her once more, then bent down and kissed her on the lips. He stepped out into the hallway towards his door, noticing she watched him. With a final smile, he unlocked his door and stepped inside, stumbling over an envelope addressed to him that had been slid under the door. Entering further into his suite, he dropped his jacket, tie and collar on a chair, then turned on the overhead electric lamp. A harsh spattering of rain against his window drew his attention for a moment then he used the letter opener to open the large envelope, finding two sheets of paper inside. He frowned at reading the content on the first sheet, written in a florid hand.
Your lady is beautiful. If you truly love her, you will leave her and return home. That is the only way she will be safe.
With a coldness building in his belly, he looked at the second sheet. It was a drawing of Amelia and her father, obviously drawn during his sojourn in New York, as it showed a landmark behind it. Stepping towards the telephone, he contacted the security desk at the door of the building. A male voice answered on the second ring.
“This is Barnes. The envelope that came for me,” he began. “Do you have a name or description of the person who dropped it off?”
“No sir,” replied the door attendant on duty. “A lady’s umbrella blew out and I assisted her in righting it. When I turned back it was there. I called to the indoor man on duty to deliver it to your suite.” There was a moment’s silence. “Is there a problem, sir?”
“Not with you, no,” replied Barnes. “Thank you.”
He sat in his armchair, reading and re-reading the note and looking at the drawing, trying to quell the fear that threatened his composure. For hours, he sat there, with only the sound of the rain hitting against the window as company. When the rain finally ended and the night began to brighten into day, he made a decision. Refastening his collar and tie, he buttoned his vest up and put his jacket then hat on. Replacing the sheets inside the envelope he went to the door of his apartment and opened it, looking to see if anyone was up. It was quiet and he slipped over to the elevator, waiting for it to rise to the 17th floor.
On the trip down he wrestled with what he was about to do, but it was clear to him that Amelia was in danger. The need to get her out of New York seemed to scream at him in increasing intensity. Striding out of the elevator, he went to the door, surprising the door attendant.
“Hail me a cab,” he ordered, which the door attendant did immediately. When it came, he practically jumped into the interior. “Astor House.”
There was no other way around it, he had to send Amelia away. The quickest and best way was to send her back to Chicago with her father. The trip to the hotel seemed to take forever but they finally arrived, just as the early risers were awakening. He strode to the front desk and pressed the bell to call the clerk. A man in morning clothes came out of the back and faced him.
“I need to speak with Mr. Harris Winston, of Chicago,” stated James.
“Is he expecting you, sir?”
“No, but it is an urgent matter. I beg that you call up to his room, as I know he rises early. Tell him it is Sergeant James Barnes, and it involves his daughter.”
“One moment sir.” The man went to a telephone on the desk behind him and dialled the room. Several seconds later he started speaking, then hung up. “Room 516, Sergeant Barnes on the fifth floor. It is to the right of the elevator.”
“Thank you.”
Trying to temper his growing disquiet he looked up at the floor indicator, wishing that elevators were faster. The doors opened and he looked right to see Mr. Winston standing in the open doorway, beckoning to him. He was still in his night clothes but wore a robe. Quickly, Barnes stepped inside and waited for Winston to join him.
“I apologize profusely for interrupting your usual morning routine, but an envelope was delivered to my attention at the Society late last night,” began Barnes. “It is a disturbing communication from an unknown source. I beg you to look at it and counsel me on how to respond to it.”
He handed the envelope to the older man, who went to a table and pulled a pair of reading glasses on before opening the envelope and removing the contents. After reading the note, he studied the drawing.
“We were there, two days ago,” he said, “shortly before your return, I believe. You think it is a threat against my Amy?”
“I do, sir, a credible threat. I believe that she needs to leave New York.”
“She won’t leave. Her independent nature will convince her to stay and prove the threat wrong. Unless, you have a means to convince her.”
“I do but it won’t be pleasant.” Barnes removed his hat to run his hand through his hair, noticing for the first time he had forgotten to wear gloves. “I mean to break it off with her. It pains me to do it, because I do love her dearly, but I can see no other way that she willingly leaves. I want her to return to Chicago with you.”
Winston studied the papers again, then gestured to Barnes to sit with him.
“You would sacrifice your happiness to protect her?”
“I would, sir. Her safety is paramount, and I fear the people behind this are the same ones who held me captive. It is likely they wish to finish what they started. They are extremely dangerous and even our assemblage of individuals is hard pressed to fight them. We need to focus all of our attention and resources on the fight. With her there, my attention may be divided and that could mean the difference between success and failure.”
“Very well, I will cut short my visit and purchase 2 train tickets for Chicago. If you wish to dine with me here in the room, I believe I can make that call shortly after I finish eating. I think it would be prudent to confirm the tickets before you break the news to her.”
“Thank you, sir. I don’t think I could eat at the moment, but I will accept a cup of coffee. I did not sleep last night, and I need the stimulation of a strong coffee.”
Winston placed the call for breakfast then took some clothes into the bathroom, coming out about 15 minutes later, dressed. Almost immediately, there was a knock on the door and breakfast was delivered along with a pot of coffee and two cups and saucers. As Mr. Winston ate, Barnes sipped his coffee, savouring the quality of the roast. It was fine coffee, but considering the fact that Astor House was the premier hotel in New York City, it shouldn’t have been surprising. Half an hour later, Mr. Winston checked his pocket watch and swallowed his final bite of breakfast, washing it down with the coffee.
Lifting the receiver of the telephone he asked the front desk to connect him to the ticket booth at Grand Central Depot, the train station located at the edge of the city. After enquiring about the times of the day’s trains to Chicago he requested a reservation for two people in a premier car for Mr. Harris Winston and his daughter Miss Amelia Winston. The train, scheduled to depart at 11:30 am, would arrive in Chicago 12 hours later. The cost was $7.00 for both of them. With the tickets reserved, Winston hung up and looked at Barnes.
“It will take us at least 45 minutes to get there from your location. I will try to be there for 10:30. Do you believe that is enough time to inform her and get her packed?”
“It will have to be.” Barnes stood up and replaced his hat, then offered his hand to man who could have been his father-in-law one day. “I am truly sorry for hurting her.”
The older man smiled sadly. “I know it, but it is indicative of how much you do love her. Once we return to Chicago I will explain the real reason behind your actions. She will be angry but perhaps she will find it in her heart to forgive you one day.”
“Perhaps,” agreed Barnes. “Good day, sir.”
He left, never expecting to resume the Winston’s acquaintance again, already accepting that with this strategy it would be truly over. As he rode back in the hansom cab, he steeled himself to the distasteful task ahead of him. After the loving interlude of the evening before, it was difficult to reconcile that he was now planning to break the heart of the woman he loved to protect her.
Part 5>>
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kuwdora · 4 months
13 Books Meme
What’s up readers?! How about a little show and tell? Answer these 13 questions, tag 13 lucky readers and if you’re feeling extra bookish add a shelfie! Let’s Go!
1) The Last book I read: Poetry Unbound: 50 Poems to Open Your World collected by Pádraig Ó Tuama 2) A book I recommend: The Adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi by Shannon Chakraborty 3) A book that I couldn’t put down: Liar, Temptress, Soldier, Spy by Kate Abbott 4) A book I’ve read twice (or more): Explorer (Foreigner #6) by CJ Cherryh
5) A book on my TBR: A Little Devil in America: Notes in Praise of Black Performance by Hanif Abdurraqib
6) A book I’ve put down: Spin State by Chris Moriarty
7) A book on my wish list: I don’t currently have a wishlist but I’d probably put Evan Kennedy’s poetry collection Metamorphoses on it. 8) A favorite book from childhood: The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman 9) A book you would give to a friend: Xenogensis Saga by Octavia Butler 10) A book of poetry or lyrics that you own: Letters to a Young Poet by Rainer Maria Rilke 11) A nonfiction book you own: The Making of the Planet of the Apes by J. W. Rinzler 12) What are you currently reading: There’s Always This Year by Hanif Abdurraqib and Burnout by Emily Nagsoki and Amelia Nagsoki and The Infernal Machines & Other Plays by Jean Cocteau. 13) What are you planning on reading next? A Fortune for Your Disaster by Hanif Abdurraqib. Also I technically had started this book already but I'll be picking up James Clive's Cultural Amnesia again. Next audiobook is hopefully going to be Eragon by Christopher Paolini or T. Kingfisher's What Moves the Dead, whatever comes next on my library holds. Oh, who am I tagging... if you want to do it, hmmmm... @wren-of-the-woods @reinvent-and-believe @soymimikyu @dancingwiththefae @ars-amatoria and hmmm. @crushcandles @danegen and anyone else who wants to talk about their current books.
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hecatemoon87 · 1 year
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Minors DNI.
Chapter 7
Morning sun seeped through the blinds as Johnny awoke. He found Amelia beside him deep in sleep. He smiled, kissing her shoulder before climbing out of bed. He adjusted the comforter around her, got dressed, and went into the kitchen.
Starting a pot of coffee, he then grabbed the paper from the front door. He felt good, having had a great night's sleep. And, of course, having slept with Amelia.
Johnny was reading the sports section when Amelia shuffled into the kitchen. She looked absolutely beautiful. A glow seemed to form around her.
"Good morning," she said, walking over to him.
"Morning, sweetheart. You wanna wear something more comfortable? You can use one of my shirts," he said, noticing she had put her green dress back on.
She nodded and followed him back to the bedroom. He extracted a black shirt from a drawer and handed it to her. She slipped out of her dress in front of him, this time not bothering to hide the scar. As she wiggled the shirt over her head, Johnny frowned at the scar.
Whoever had hurt this darling of a woman was an animal. A rabid animal, to be exact, and rabid animals needed to be put down.
Once Amelia was wearing his shirt, he pulled her into his arms. "You okay? Want some coffee?"
"Yes, I'm okay. Sure," she said, kissing him. Johnny took her by the hand and guided her into the kitchen. He served her a cup of black coffee and then they sat on the couch together.
He resumed reading the paper, gently stoking her leg. She drank her coffee in silence, but the kind of silence that was comfortable, as if she were at peace.
"John?" She asked.
"Hmm?" He replied, looking up from his paper.
"When... when can we do that again?" She said shyly.
"Sex?" He said.
She nodded, looking down into her coffee.
"Whenever you want, baby girl," he said, not thinking she meant now. So when she put down her coffee cup and crawled into lap, tossing his newspaper aside, he was pleasantly surprised.
She kissed him, and he brought his hands up to her bottom and held her tight as she straddled him on the couch. Since she was only wearing a t-shirt, he felt the texture of her panties and smooth skin as he squeezed her bottom.
"Show me something new," she whispered over his lips. Johnny grunted with approval, and suddenly Amelia found herself on her back on the couch with her panties off.
Johnny hadn't had breakfast yet, and he was planning on having Amelia. When he crouched between her legs, she was confused. "John? What..." She attempted to say, but when his lips kissed her pussy lips she sighed and widened her legs to allow him to proceed.
Johnny gently peppered her with kisses before sliding his tongue up her little hole. Amelia shuddered and released a pleasurable moan.
As he started on her clit, causing her to arch her back and whisper, "Oh, Johnny!" A knock came at his front door. Johnny stopped, but as he listened, he idly kissed her inner thighs, hoping the visitor would leave. But the knock came again, and the muffled voice of Benny was heard asking for him.
*readers note* I mixed up the character of Austin Butler's name with Cal. That character's name is also in the movie, but I meant for Austin Butler's character, whose name is Benny. I edited the other chapters to make that correction. Sorry for any confusion!
Johnny sighed with annoyance. "Sorry, Amelia," he said, giving her a wink and smiling to himself at her look of sheer disappointment.
When he opened the door he leaned against the frame, folding his arms. "This better be important."
"The Vipers, they burned up that warehouse near the airport," Benny said, nervously. That got Johnny's attention. One, the Vipers were a rival "club". And two, that warehouse held over fifty bikes intended for the chop shop.
Johnny's Vandals had started off innocent enough, but progressively turned into a source of illegal income. Stealing bikes and selling the parts had become lucrative.
"God damn it! How the fuck did they know about that location?" Johnny said, walking out on the porch and closing the door behind him. He did want to scare Amelia.
"I dunno, boss." Benny said, shrugging his shoulders. "But we'll find out."
"Malone is a real snake, no wonder they call themselves the Vipers. Jesus...just, don't make it obvious. Figure it out, no cops though," Johnny said.
"Yeah, you bet Johnny," Benny said nodding. Then he looked back over his shoulder at Amelia's car. "She stay the night?" He said, grinning.
Johnny arched an eyebrow and turned to open the door, "Worry about the Vipers, Benny," he said, then closed the door behind him.
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rabbitbites · 9 months
full fandom list was too hard to keep up with so I'm making a blorbo list instead
charon & norman- honey im home
will (ulysses) cipher & Mason gleeful- rev!falls
rei ayanami- nge
ryo asuka- devilman crybaby
gerard keay, jane prentiss, & agnes montague- tma
psycho mantis/ tretij rebonok- metal gear solid
near- death note
alois & ciel- black butler
oracle charlotte- hello charlotte ep 2
c/vincent- hello charlotte
jeff koval- everyman hybrid
ghost- land of the lustrous
kokichi ouma, kiibo, gonta, & korekyio- drv3 and pregame drv3
nagito & mikan- dr2
chihiro- dr thh
paul atreides- dune
angel devil- chainsaw man
plain doll & vicar amelia- bloodborne
if you like any of these fandoms/characters consider giving me a follow ::)
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Oc talk: Amelia Rosewood
Hello and hi! I wanted to make this post to talk about one of my manny Black butler oc’s Amelia now this character that I had created probably has gone through the most but also the lest development over the years and such. As I believe when I first created was when I made my first ever fanfic on Wattpad. Ofc it was bad as any middle schoolers fanfic would be lol. But that was when she was first created. In that story she played sort of like the stereotypical mean girl when my main Oc Luna but more so her actions in that old fic weren’t necessarily out of malice but because she was a child that didn’t understand social skills or boundaries. Her personality used to be drastically different as well very boastful and confident and a bit bratty and pouty. But now of days her personality is now completely different. I found some old art of Amelia as well.
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With Amelia‘s recent characterization, she is just a sweetheart that tries to make everybody feel included. She’s also a real girls girl and probably would be best friends with Elizabeth if they ever did meet each other. She’s really bubbly and sweet with everyone and love’s romance novels and literature. She is the type to talk about books for hours and hours on end. She’s what I call sunshine baby in my drafts because she is just a character that is full of light. She is also someone who is on the ace spectrum as well! While she tends to get flustered on topics that tend to be more explicit then the normal novels that she would read she isn’t downright disgusted or repulsed by sex. She’s the type that could never see herself in a sexual way in her romantic relationships. Amelia is also a walking sapphic disaster like she is someone who just fines every woman beautiful and will have long daydreams on her crushes. She also will try and bring up any of her friends as well if there feeling insecure and will put her feeling aside in terms of romance if one of her friends have romantic feelings on one of her crushes.
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In terms of her background and backstory she was a part of one of the many aristocratic families that were known for making herbal tea mainly useing different flowers and herbs that they have grown in there home. But due to Amelia being born out of wedlock her parents had given her away and abandoned her by the orphanage that took her in. She lived her life in normal helping the other children feel welcomed seeing every child as her family and her siblings and happy seeing them find their own families. But she dose have her own struggles such as her being the one that is never chosen or is wanted. And while she has these struggles she trying her best to overcome them.
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quoththemaven · 7 months
2023 Favoritest Book Reads
Vineland - Pynchon, Thomas
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Prophet - Blaché, Sin & Helen Macdonald
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And the Ass Saw the Angel - Cave, Nick
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Lou Reed: The King of New York - Hermes, Will 
The Color of Magic (Discworld, #1; Rincewind, #1) - Pratchett, Terry
Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative - Kleon, Austin 
Sonic Life: A Memoir - Moore, Thurston
The Fifth Season (The Broken Earth, #1) - Jemisin, N.K. 
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Fuzz: When Nature Breaks the Law - Roach, Mary
Everyone's a Aliebn When Ur a Aliebn Too - Sun, Jonny
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The Night Masquerade (Binti, #3) - Okorafor, Nnedi 
Home (Binti, #2) - Okorafor, Nnedi 
Binti: Sacred Fire (Binti, #1.5) - Okorafor, Nnedi 
Binti (Binti, #1) - Okorafor, Nnedi 
Black Paradox - Ito, Junji
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David Bowie's Low (33 1/3) - Wilcken, Hugo
Faith, Hope and Carnage - Cave, Nick
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The Sirens of Titan - Vonnegut Jr., Kurt
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Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth - Aslan, Reza
Smashed - Ito, Junji
Time Shelter - Gospodinov, Georgi
Brian Eno's Another Green World (33 1/3) - Dayal, Geeta
Armageddon in Retrospect - Vonnegut Jr., Kurt
Neverwhere (London Below, #1) - Gaiman, Neil 
The Committed (The Sympathizer #2) - Nguyen, Viet Thanh 
Into the Great Wide Open - Canty, Kevin 
Mongrels - Jones, Stephen Graham 
DisneyWar - Stewart, James B.
Bonk: The Curious Coupling of Science and Sex - Roach, Mary
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The Left Hand of Darkness - Le Guin, Ursula K.
My Bloody Valentine's Loveless (33 1/3) - McGonigal, Mike 
Suttree - McCarthy, Cormac
Life's Work: A Memoir - Milch, David
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue - Schwab, V.E.
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Against the Day - Pynchon, Thomas
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Burn It Down: Power, Complicity, and a Call for Change in Hollywood - Ryan, Maureen 
Bruce Springsteen's Born in the USA (33 1/3) - Himes, Geoffrey
La Moustache - Carrère, Emmanuel
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Janelle Monáe’s The ArchAndroid (33 1/3) - Favreau, Alyssa 
Sooner or Later Everything Falls Into the Sea - Pinsker, Sarah 
The Man Without a Shadow - Oates, Joyce Carol
The City & the City - Miéville, China 
Mem - Morrow, Bethany C. 
Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind - Harari, Yuval Noah
Arcade Fire’s The Suburbs (33 1/3) - Eidelstein, Eric
Gutshot - Gray, Amelia 
The Price of Time (Watch What You Wish For #1) - Tigner, Tim 
The Revolution Was Televised: The Cops, Crooks, Slingers and Slayers Who Changed TV Drama Forever - Sepinwall, Alan 
Just Kids - Smith, Patti 
Sounds Like Titanic: A Memoir - Hindman, Jessica Chiccehitto 
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Flicker - Roszak, Theodore
Tinderbox: HBO's Ruthless Pursuit of New Frontiers - Miller, James Andrew 
Flashback - Simmons, Dan
Flaming Lips' Zaireeka (33 1/3) - Richardson, Mark 
The Sympathizer (The Sympathizer #1) - Nguyen, Viet Thanh 
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Pavement's Wowee Zowee (33 1/3) - Charles, Bryan
Neuromancer (Sprawl, #1) - Gibson, William
Invisible Cities - Calvino, Italo
Don't Fear the Reaper (The Indian Lake Trilogy, #2) - Jones, Stephen Graham 
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The Wes Anderson Collection - Seitz, Matt Zoller
Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said - Dick, Philip K.
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Kendrick Lamar's To Pimp a Butterfly (33 1/3) - Maner, Sequoia
The Nineties - Klosterman, Chuck
Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow - Zevin, Gabrielle 
Wanderlust: An Eccentric Explorer, an Epic Journey, a Lost Age - Mitenbuler, Reid
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A Heart That Works - Delaney, Rob 
Imago (Xenogenesis, #3) - Butler, Octavia E.
Cryptonomicon (Crypto, #1) - Stephenson, Neal 
Blacktop Wasteland - Cosby, S.A. 
Pearl Jam's Vs. (33 1/3) - Brownlee, Clint
Tracy Flick Can't Win - Perrotta, Tom
Devil House - Darnielle, John 
Adulthood Rites (Xenogenesis, #2) - Butler, Octavia E.
Heat 2 - Mann, Michael & Meg Gardiner
Joy Division's Unknown Pleasures (33 1/3) - Ott, Chris
Dawn (Xenogenesis, #1) - Butler, Octavia E.
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The Diamond Age: Or, a Young Lady's Illustrated Primer - Stephenson, Neal 
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The Republic of Thieves (Gentleman Bastard, #3) - Lynch, Scott 
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The Year of the Flood (MaddAddam, #2) - Atwood, Margaret 
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busygirlgcttagc · 5 months
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born the 14th of February
1-15: Lara lives with her parents, Lord Henshingly and Lady Amelia Croft; her first sixteen years of her life are made of private studies and then at the all-girls high in Wimbledon, learning to be a proper lady
16: Lara joins Father Patrick in the island of Connussie, Ireland, where she gets her first taste of adventure and the supernatural; later on she joins Werner Von Croy in his expedition in Angkor Wat after begging her father for weeks. This result in tragedy as he gets to the Iris and she returns home with her mentor clearly upset and her parents glad she seemingly got over her desire for adventure
16-21: Lara meets John Constantine, who saves her from a demonic attack; afterwards, she's enlisted in Gordonstoun Boarding School in Scotland and then the Swiss Finishing School, where she discovers her love for various sports; her parents promise her hand to the Earl of Farringdon, who's she's set to marry after a skiing trip
21: her plane crashes in the Himalayas, where she turns out to be the only survivor; once at home she finds herself oppressed by the rules of nobility and refuses to marry her parents give her an ultimatum and eventually cut contacts with her, disinheriting her, and she goes to live to her aunt Margaret's summer manor with her butler Winston
21-24: Lara gets into several adventures, some which include finding the Philosopher Stone, the Arc of the Covenant, the Spear of Destiny, Bigfoot and dealing with the Aztec God Xolotl; she offers to buy her aunt's manor thanks to money regained by writing books in her adventures but her aunt refuses, confirming her place on top of her favorite family members
24: she finds the Scion of Atlantis and blows up T-Rexes, the remaining atlantean strongholds and its ruler; later on, she finds a once lost Temple dedicated to cats in Egypt
25: she retrieves the dagger of Xian and in the process single handedly takes down the Fiamma Nera cult and, later on, the A.V.A.L.A.N.C.H.E. organization after finding the resurrecting mask of Tornarsuk, and some mercenaries and dinosaurs in Las Vegas. She also travels for the first time in a whole different world, at least as far as she knows, but she doesn't talk much about her journey through the Floating Islands
26: Lara finds some ancient alien crystals, the Infada Artifacts, and takes down fake gods, a scientist who liked "The Thing" a little too much, the entire US military in Area 51 and an immortal CEO (twice!); aunt Margaret dies
27: Lara joins the expedition in the Tomb of Tutankhamonand, later on, messes with Von Croy by infiltrating in his industries to steal the Iris, further souring their relationships; months later Lara accidentally starts the Apocalypse by releasing Set, who promptly mind controls Von Croy; she gains the favors of Horus and entraps Set once more, but she's buried under the Great Pyramid and taken for dead
28: Lara is saved by Putai, shaman of Horus, and joins the Bantiwa tribe; she considers herself born anew, takes the name of "El Hawa", "Desert Wind", and lives happily until Von Croy finds her once more; after discussing it with her newfound family, she returns to England with the promise of coming back one day, keeping their talisman as protection
29-32: Lara is ready to return to Egypt when she learns that an old enemy of the Bantiwa, 'Scar', took his revenge on her tribe and slaughtered them all, as far as she knows. after that, and growing more and more frustrated with the media and her parents, she self isolates in her manor and cuts contact with anyone in her life apart from Winston, letting the PTSD fester
32: she's convinced to go to meet Von Croy in Paris after he calls her to help him find the Obscura Paintings for Eckhardt, just to be framed for his murder when the "Monstrum" kills him; she manages to defeat the Black Alchemist and, soon after, the last of the Nephilim also thanks to the Kurtis Trent, member of the Lux Veritatis, who leaves her behind after being mortally injured but not without leaving behind his Chirugai, a mystical weapon that assures her that he's still alive, somewhere
33: after a long, year long trial, she's finally considered not guilty for the murders, but still has to do community works for sneaking into the Louvre; still, she slowly returns to raid tombs
34: returning to Egypt to find signs of her lost tribe, she discovers Set managed to escape its tomb and, finally, with the help of Literal Gods Horus And Isis she manages to defeat the evil god once and for all [ BLOG CANON STARTS HERE ] Kurtis finally pays her a visit, becoming a somewhat constant roommate as they track down Gunderson and the rest of the Cabal
35: Lara meets up with John again and finds Excalibur ( or something similar to it, anyway! ) with fellow treasure hunter Nathan Drake and the Island of Yamatai
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What are the black butler next generation characters birthdays?
Hey there!
Brair - October 2nd, 1894
Bella - May 23rd, 1895
Xiu - February 27th, 1895
Noel - December 27th, 1894
Janya - August 17th (you'll meet her don't worry)
Albert - December 15th, 1898
Anthony - October 23rd, 1899
Odin - October 30th, 1899
Rachel - April 29th, 1900
Violet - July 6th, 1900
Mariposa - September 24th, 1900
Amelia - October 5th, 1900
The dates may not be 100% accurate in math but this is what I got. I have a folder full of stuff for them now and I had a list of things for each kid that'll get a focus throughout the series
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selfship-adore · 1 year
Connies Romantic F/Os
All minor characters are aged up / have grown up with me
Bungou stray dogs
Banana fish
Ash lynx
Eiji Okumura
Black butler
Sebastian Michaelis
Yuri on ice
Viktor Nikiforov
Yuuri Katsuki
Attack on Titan
Hangs Zoe
Levi Ackerman
Erwin smith
Admin Arlert
Eren Yaeger
Sasha Braus
Sasaki and Miyano
Ian Gallagher
Mickey Milkovich
The walking dead
Carl grimes
Greys anatomy
Amelia Shepherd
Jackson Avery
April Kepner
Lexie Grey
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oi oi hello it was gay month and i had changed the layout of my tumblr for the first time since i created it :)!! then i drafted this post and only just found it now lol
decided to introduce myself a little and make a list of the non-male characters i like since my bio is a list of the fictional men i like >:)
hi im jules (u can also call me volantis), im 23 and im a non binary lesbian, i use they/them pronouns (and iel/yel in french), im british-french 😔✊ and i also speak some german
here are some of my favourite non-men!!!! (any characters who don't use he/him and/or identify as men) fictional characters:
genshin-> keqing, yanfei, klee, yoimiya, hu tao, shen he, yae miko, qiqi, xinyan, mona, lumine, arlecchino, beidou, collei, diona, dehya, faruzan, fischl, lisa, kujou sara, nahida, ningguang, xiangling
honkai star rail-> hook, natasha, bailu, seele, march 7th, herta, jingyun, kafka
honkai impact-> herrscher of sentience
mha-> himiko toga, mina, mei, ragdoll
proseka/vocaloid-> tenma saki, gumi, kagamine rin, hinomori shizuku, shiraishi an, yoisaki kanade, shininome ena, mayu, seeu, kaai yuki
magnus chase/percy jackson-> alex fierro, hazel levesque, piper mcclean
great pretender-> cynthia moore, abby jones
professor layton-> katrielle layton, flora reinhold, lucy baker, goldie potsby-mahn
love live-> tsushima yohane, yazawa nico, arashi chisato, emma verde, hanamaru kunikida, haruka konoe, kanata konoe, nakasu kasumi, tang keke, minami kotori, ohara mari, yoneme mei, mia taylor, tojo nozomi, tennoji rina, kazuna sarah, heanna sumire, watanabe you, ranpha, shirase koyuki, shitara fumi, kirihara yuuka, miyashita coco, hasekura kasane, kikkawa mizuki, tanaka sachiko, saeki reine, nishimura fumie
homestuck :') -> terezi pyrope, latula pyrope, rose lalonde, kanaya maryam, nepeta lejion, meulin lejion, roxy lalonde, calliope
tokyo mew mew-> aizawa minto, huang bu-ling
little witch academia-> diana cavendish, constanze albrechtsburger
bungou stray dogs-> yosano akiko, lucy montgomery
vanitas no carte-> dominique de sade, chloé apchier, amelia
black butler-> meyrin
pandora hearts-> alice, sharon rainsworth
vampire princess miyu-> miyu
tangled the series-> cassandra
it-> bev marsh
ensemble stars-> anzu, narukami arashi
x-men-> kitty pryde, rogue, mystique, emma frost, jubilation lee, polaris (lorna dane)
moomin-> little my, snorkmaiden
saiki k-> mikoto aiura, imu rifuta
dyslite-> feng nuxi, bai liuli, camille, catherine, yuuhime, discboom, elaine, heng yue, intisar, jiang man, li guang, mona, lin xiao, ye suhua
taz-> lup taaco, aubrey little, dani, lydia, lucretia, N0-3113, irene baker, gandy dancer
the raven boys-> blue sargent
pokemon-> jessie, lillie, blanche, acerola, mina, plumeria, klara, marnie, melony, nessa, sonia, opal, iono, nemona, tulip, mela
yuukoku no moriarty-> miss hudson
the magnus archives-> basira hussain, george barker, helen richardson, melanie king, jane prentiss, nikola orsinov, sasha james
teen titans-> raven, starfire, terra, jinx, bumblebee
bee and puppycat-> bee, cas wizard, toast
stranger things-> max, robin, erica
cookie run-> latte, strawberry crepe, scorpion, hydrangea, snow sugar, bellflower, black garlic, spinach, captain ice, snake fruit, kumiho, starfruit, moon rabbit, lychee dragon, pond dino, angel, black pearl, oyster, sea fairy, moonlight, pumpkin pie, cotton, cream puff, pinecone, milky way
idolm@ster-> hoshii miki, kikuchi makoto, takatsuki yayoi
etc... cause if not we'll be here for years (watch me add more when i think of them)
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tgyverse · 6 months
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publicado el día 31 de marzo de 2024.
Alyssa Abbott con Kim Jiwoo.
𝐚𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐞𝐧 𝐞𝐥 𝐛𝐮𝐳𝐨́𝐧.
Ninguna pendiente.
𝐜𝐮𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐬 𝐞𝐧 𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐚.
Ninguna pendiente.
Personajes de Andy ― 6 de abril / semi hiatus.
𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐞́𝐧 𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐬.
Anastasia Parkinson y Severus Snape.
Bellatrix Lestrange.
Casius Wormwood, Lucius Malfoy y Rodolphus Lestrange.
𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐨 𝐝𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐝.
Margaret Nettles ― inactividad.
𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐬.
Cailee Spaeny.
orden del fénix.
Dorcas Meadowes con Laura Harrier.
Emmeline Vance con Simone Ashley.
Frank Longbottom con Lee Jongsuk.
Gideon Prewett con Björn Mosten.
James Potter con Jonah Hauer King.
Lily Potter con Alina Kovalenko.
Mundungus Fletcher con Elliot Page.
Peter Pettigrew con Elliot Fletcher.
Remus Lupin con Andrew Garfield.
Sirius Black con Enzo Vogrincic.
Sturgis Podmore con Evan Roderick.
Aether Li con Shen Quanrui.
Alecto Carrow con Alice Pagani.
Amycus Carrow con Freddy Carter.
Antonin Dolohov con Henry Zaga.
Augustus Rookwood con Josha Stradowski.
Baptiste Travers con Nicholas Galitzine.
Barty Crouch Jr. con Adrian Öjvindsson.
Bellatrix Lestrange con Kristen Stewart.
Casius Wormwood con Joe Keery.
Lucius Malfoy con Austin Butler.
Peter Pettigrew con Elliot Fletcher.
Rabastan Lestrange con Michael Evans Behling.
Rodolphus Lestrange con Regé Jean Page.
Severus Snape con Mark McKenna.
Yvette Lévesque con Suki Waterhouse.
Agatha Figg con Lily Rose Depp.
Alastair Montague con Lorenzo Zurzolo.
Amelia Bones con Maia Reficco.
Amos Diggory con Leo Woodall.
Anastasia Parkinson con Rachel Zegler.
Andrea Prewett con Luca Hollestelle.
Andromeda Tonks con Daisy Edgar Jones.
Arthur Weasley con George Mackay.
Aurora Rowle con Phoebe Dynevor.
Bertha Jorkins con Halle Bailey.
Bertie Higgs con Jordan Fisher.
Bertram Aubrey con Timothée Chalamet.
Betty Braithwaite con Maitreyi Ramakrishnan.
Charity Burbage con Brie Larson.
Daisy Hookum con Eleanor Tomlinson.
Danny Wood con Jung Jaehyun.
Darcy Brown con Aimee Lou Wood.
Davey Gudgeon con Song Kang.
Dawn Withey con Kathryn Newton.
Dolores Umbridge con Kiana Madeira.
Doris Purkiss con Macarena García.
Edric Brown con Gavin Leatherwood.
Ellie Dowson con Hayley Lu Richardson.
Emma Vanity con Sofia Carson.
Finnick Snow con Cha Eunwoo.
Gilderoy Lockhart con Dacre Montgomery.
Gladys Gudgeon con Han Jihyun.
Glenda Chittock con Elle Fanning.
Greta Catchlove con Hunter Schafer.
Gwenog Jones con Ayo Edebiri.
Hestia Jones con Nana Komatsu.
Isolde Higgs con Gigi Hadid.
Ivan Davies con Thomas Brodie-Sangster.
Jane Diggory con Havana Rose Liu.
Jason Denbright con Jackson Wang.
Jonathan Nott con Tyler Young.
Lorcan d'Eath con Kim Jiwoong.
Lucinda Talkalot con Savannah Lee Smith.
Ludo Bagman con Jordan Gonzalez.
Mafalda Hopkirk con Zión Moreno.
Mary MacDonald con Bae Suzy.
Michael Bones con Jonathan Daviss.
Mina Lima con Meltem Akçöl.
Minerva MacMillan con Samantha Logan.
Miriam Strout con Davika Hoorne.
Molly Weasley con Karen Gillan.
Narcissa Malfoy con Jodie Comer.
Nicholas MacMillan con Jeremy Allen White.
Oliver Scamander con Lee Felix.
Pandora Lovegood con Anya Taylor Joy.
Phoebe Elliot con Madison Bailey.
Rita Skeeter con Katherine McNamara.
Rosalind Bungs con Ana de Armas.
Scarlett Travers con Sabrina Carpenter.
Stubby Boardman con Hwang Hyunjin.
Ted Tonks con Paul Mescal.
Wendy Slinkhard con Jenna Ortega.
Xenophilius Lovegood con Lucas Lynggaard Tønnesen.
Zephyr Crouch con Davika Hoorne.
Zoe Nettles con Sophie Turner.
TOTAL: 86 personajes ocupades.
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xtruss · 7 months
Capturing The Sun Queen! How Mária Telkes And Her Radical Design Modeled A New Future.
— Published: March 27, 2023 | Kirstin Butler
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Mária Telkes outside of the Dover Sun House, 1949. Ralph Morse/LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock
Celebrated LIFE Magazine photographer Ralph Morse captured scores of notable Americans—actress Audrey Hepburn posing with the Oscar she won for the film “Roman Holiday,” baseball legend Jackie Robinson stealing home base at the 1955 World Series, astronaut John Glenn suiting up for space—but before all of them came the “Sun Queen,” and her house.
In the winter of 1949, LIFE sent Morse to Dover, Massachusetts to train his lens on Mária Telkes, a Hungarian-born inventor and chemical engineer who earned that regal nickname for her relentless pursuit of solar technology. As a freshman at the University of Budapest, Telkes had read a book called Energy Sources of the Future, about the sun’s vast potential to meet human energy needs. “This was the deciding moment,” she said later. “The book described experiments, mostly conducted in the United States, and therefore this was the place for me.”
After receiving her doctorate in physical chemistry in 1924, Telkes immigrated to the U.S., where she worked as a biophysicist at the Cleveland Clinic. She then joined Westinghouse Electric as a research engineer, developing thermocouples that could transform heat energy into electricity. While at Westinghouse she heard about an initiative at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology that aligned with her desire to harness the sun’s power. She wrote to MIT’s solar project asking for a job, and when hired in 1939, became the project’s sole woman.
It wasn’t only gender that differentiated Telkes from many of her colleagues. While they focused on academic analysis, she was practical-minded; Telkes was interested in the widest real-world applications of solar-powered technology. She was also strong-willed, and her penchant for self-promotion put her at odds with the MIT project’s leadership. Finally, Telkes decided to forge her own path—and found two new collaborators.
She identified a patron in Amelia Peabody, an heiress who owned hundreds of acres in Dover, Massachusetts, a rural town about 45 minutes outside of Boston. Years earlier, Peabody, who was also a sculptor, had commissioned Boston architect Eleanor Raymond to design a sculpture studio on her Dover estate. Like Telkes, Raymond was herself a pioneer in a nearly all-male field. The three women now teamed up to realize Telkes’s ambition: a home relying on nothing but the sun for its heat.
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The May 1949 issue of LIFE Magazine included an illustration of Telkes’s innovative design for keeping the Dover Sun House warm.
The main challenge vexing MIT’s theoreticians and pragmatists alike was the question of energy storage. Capturing the sun’s heat was one thing, but storing it for use on cloudy days was, Telkes noted in a 1949 paper, “the critical problem.” She saw a potential solution in phase-changing materials—chemical compounds that held or released heat when changing form from solid to liquid, and back. Specifically, Telkes was interested in a substance called Glauber’s salt.
A sodium form of sulfuric acid given the name sal mirabile, or miraculous salt, by the German scientist who first synthesized it, Glauber’s salt was solid until it reached 90o Fahrenheit, at which point it liquified. When the salt cooled down again, it recrystallized, releasing all of the stored heat it absorbed. In the Dover design, Telkes placed 4,275 gallons of the salts in drums inside the home’s walls; fans then blew the hot air through the house via ducts.
On Christmas Eve 1948, the home’s new inhabitants moved into what came to be known as the Dover Sun House. The two-bedroom structure was wedge-shaped with its living areas on the first floor. The second story consisted of 18 windows facing south, for maximum sun exposure. Behind the windows were black painted panels to maximize absorption of the sun’s rays; this solar-generated heat was then used to heat up the Glauber’s salt, which then performed its miraculous task. Telkes had succeeded in realizing the world’s first fully solar-powered home.
The Sun House quickly became a landmark. Twice a week, thousands of visitors arrived for tours. The media also came calling. LIFE sent its top photojournalist to capture Telkes’s brainchild, which struck as dramatic a pose in its environment as she did in her fur coat before it. “Its stark, modern lines stand out in the New England countryside,” noted the May 1949 issue of Popular Science, which featured an illustration of the home on the front cover. Andrew Nemethy was three years old when he and his parents took up residence in the Sun House. “By mid-century architectural standards, it might as well have been dropped in the middle of a field by aliens,” he wrote in the Boston Globe, 70 years after his family’s part in Telkes’s experiment.
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The March 1949 issue of Popular Science magazine featured a stylized illustration of the Sun House on its cover.
Eventually, however, the experiment began to fail. Glauber’s salt had a few problems: Over successive heating and cooling cycles, it stratified permanently into solid and liquid components, requiring the bins to be replaced. The salt was also corrosive, and began to leak from its metal containers. Midway through the home’s third winter, the heating system broke down.
For Telkes, however, perfection was never the point. She understood the necessity of exciting the public imagination about the possibilities of solar power. “Each new house,” she explained in 1950, “is another experimental stepping stone toward the use of the sun as a fuel resource.” Before the adoption of a new technology, people needed to be sold on its value—its glamour, even. If cutting a fashionable figure in front of the Sun House quickened support of solar energy, she would play to the camera.
When Ralph Morse first set out to become a photographer, one of his first jobs was at Harper’s Bazaar magazine. After only three days, though, he quit—according to his 2015 New York Times obituary, “he found fashion shoots vapid.” The image he captured of Mária Telkes could just as easily have appeared in Vogue as in LIFE, but in this case Morse’s subject satisfied his need for substance. Mária Telkes wanted nothing less than to transform the way society got the power it needed to thrive. “It is the things supposed to be impossible that interest me,” she once said. “I like to do things they say cannot be done.”
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inthenameofpractice · 11 months
Mary helps until she needn't (prt 1)
Mary Poppins looks to her right down the lane, just double-checking for automobiles that tend to shoot around the corners of the way. There's laughter bubbling from two women in conversation behind her in the park, their hats stuck securely with presumably a hat pin, but their feathers and various decorations jolt at their movements.
The intricate hip height fences of the houses in front of her tell great stories of craftsmen spending hours heating and bending and casting. The trimmed roses show care from gardeners getting ready for the new blooms yet to come.
She glances one more look at the number and name written neatly on the piece of paper she holds in a gloved hand. A parasol in the other, unneeded as the day has been quite bright. She glides off the curb and crosses towards the middle house.
Squished in between two other residences, The dark tiled roof is slanted towards the street. The gate opens with a squeak and slams behind her. "Well, that won't do." Mary Poppins takes off a glove and her eyebrows furrow at the noisy hinge. She snaps her fingers and opens the gate again. No squeak. Hmmph satisfied, she continues up the short pathway to the undercover entrance.
The white limestone of the building speckled with small sprouts of moss and a few creeping vines wrapped around the entranceway. Two plant pots either side of the door, each had a name on the side and a colourful handprint. One with ‘Melia’ and an adult handprint, a little smudged but nonetheless colourful than the decoration on the second pot which read ‘Cally’ and a small hand that looks like it was dipped in all the colours of the rainbow and placed on the pot. Which also had a couple of small toadstools peeking up from the soil like cheeky little burrowers popping out to say hello.
Mary raised her hand and knocked with the large ornate knocker.
After a short moment, the large door opened to reveal a young child, no more than at least 4 years old, her doe eyes staring up at her with an investigative scowl “Who are you?” She asked. The young girl with golden curls and dressed like she was ready for a play in the garden held her gaze. Mary smiled and bent down on a knee ready to introduce herself but was interrupted before she could state her name. “I have told you before Cal! Don’t open the door before I get there!” A male voice sounded behind the door and the child’s face turned a little more sheepish at the scolding, holding her toy close under her arm.
Out from behind the door, came out a tall lanky looking man, short white collar, bow tie, all black suit, and white gloves. He also held an inquisitive gaze. “Good evening, madam, what can I help you with this evening?” He looked over her briefly, and his eyes caught on her parasol, then returned to her face.
“Yes, I am looking for a Mrs Amelia Thrantale. This arrived for me not too long ago, but no information attached” She held out the piece of paper to the gentleman. It was true, only an address and name graced this small piece of paper.
The butler read it himself, “hmm I don’t know who’s handwriting this is” He held it to the light pouring in from the open door. Behind him, Mary noticed the child had sat herself on the stairs and fumbled with a toy of some sort. Now completely uninterested in the new visitor at her door.
“Neither do I, so I thought it prudent to find out” Mary supplied. The Butler handed her back the paper. He held his hands behind his back. “Well, we can always ask my Mistress, who may I say is investigating?” he motioned for her to move inside. Closing the door behind her and leading the way to a small room off the foyer. In it a couch positioned in the middle of the room, closer to the door, adorned with a few decorative pillows, soft, and some interesting colour choices.
A large fireplace fixed into the far wall had a fire crackling away, working at the two small logs placed upon it earlier in preparation for the end of the day. A small table with a few teacups and a boiled pot in front of the couch.  In the corner, an angled desk, filled with books and loose pieces of paper throughout the stacks.
“Mary Poppins” she says as she takes a seat, admiring the room, especially the loose-leaf drawings she can see from her seat on the desk. Smiling to herself, the butler takes notice of what she is staring at. “That is my mistresses private work, you understand.” That snaps her gaze to the tea the man is currently pouring her. “Oh yes, my apologies Mr?” he hums under his breath approvingly “My name is Anthony Cooper.” He finishes his pour and offers the tea.
The tea smells like cinnamon and elder flower, also something a little fruitier she cannot seem to place. “Thank you, Anthony. This is lovely. Is your mistress about?” Anthony stands tall and bows. “I shall go fetch her, I’ll be but a moment. Please stay in here, and please do not snoop.” He fixed a serious tone.
“I assure you, I am not here to snoop Anthony.” He looked pleased with that answer and bowed, “I shan’t be a moment Ma’am.” He left the room and partly closed over the door.
She could hear his footsteps receding, the crackle of the fire, and light chatting from outside through the window. She could see outside just over the short hedges, to the park across the street. A few children ran behind the fountain planted in the centre of the grass area. Playing tag around and around the detailed statue. Their laughter brought another smile to her face.
Suddenly the door to the small room burst open. There stood the small child again. Eyes still wide, taking in everything about Mary, a stranger in her house. “Nee said you have to stay in here.” She stated proudly, chin lifted, but keeping her little arms crossed in front of her.
“Yes, dear I do” Mary chuckled. “Hello, I’m Mary. What’s your name?” She asked the small child and nodded. “I’m Cally! I love your um.. umbella?” curious. “Oh thank you, My Umbrella is very special you know?” Cally’s face crunched. Mary Poppins lowered her voice almost to a whisper. “It’s magic. It can take me wherever I would like to go. Even the clouds.” The young girls face lit up in excitement. “Even higher? The sun!” she said.
 “Now that wouldn’t be very fun, the sun is incredibly hot right?” Mary asked. “I think so.” Cally answered. “Well lucky I wear a hat, that will stop me from getting burnt.” she winked at Cally. Cally let out a massive chuckle “I should get my hat!” She started ambling to the door.
“Mum! This lady is magic!” The child bumped into her mother on the way out. “Oh?” a soft voice replied incredulously, undetected by the small child. She started lifting Cally, but Cally rushed “Wait! I gotta get my hat, so the sun doesn’t get me!” she let her daughter down.
“We aren’t heading out just yet darling. I must talk to the magic lady.” The older woman told Cally, who dropped her bottom lip.
“Now now, none of that, can you go upstairs and ask Nee for another pot of tea please darling?” Now tasked with a new mission, Cally wore a smile again. “Okay! And biscuit?” “Biscuits, yes, but only two! You know the ru-“Cally was already up the stairs and out of sight.
“-ules.” She trailed off. Chuckling at the sheer speed her daughter possessed when treats were in the picture.
She headed into the drawing room to find out who this woman is.
Authors Note: Part 2 on its way!
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