vuulpecula · 11 months
"Doctor McCoy," she was trying to keep the panic from her voice, but it still raised at least a half-octave. "Doctor McCoy!" Fox was backing up, fingers reaching for the switch that would quarantine the area that held the patient--or what was left of the patient. "Bones!" She hardly ever called him that, wanting to forever remain professional, but the situation warranted it.
Lights flickered, an alarm sounded. From behind glass, the quarantined subject slumped off the bed to the floor where it began to crawl toward her. Flesh replaced with what looked like some sort of fungus. As if a small ecosystem had suddenly developed within the short hours he had been back on their ship, complaining of a headache.
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✖ @barebcnes ♡’d for a starter !
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paramounticebound · 11 months
Some incorrect quotes for @barebcnes >:D (I'm on the mobile app so apologies for garbage formatting sjdhsjdh)
Bones: I'm 10 times funnier and sexier than you.
Khan: 10 times 0 is still 0 though.
Bones: Jokes on you, I can't do math.
Bones: This is such a bad idea.
Khan: Then why are you coming along?
Bones: One of us need to be able to talk the cops out of arresting us when this inevitably goes wrong.
Khan: Anything, honestly, but nerds especially
Bones, desperately, as Khan bleeds out: YOUR BLOOD TYPE
Khan: Oh! B positive.
Khan: What’s up guys? I’m back.
Bones: What the- you can’t be here. You’re dead. I literally saw you die.
Khan: Death is a social construct.
Bones: Okay, truth or dare?
Khan: Truth
Bones: How many hours have you slept this week?
Khan: ...Dare
Bones: Go to bed.
Khan: I don’t like this game.
Bones: Look at me straight in the eyes and tell me the truth, Khan!
Khan: You can’t expect me to look into your eyes and be straight.
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moved-to-fiercengineer · 10 months
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ACCEPTINGS ASKS -> @barebcnes -> dead is dead. there's no such thing as a good way to go. ' (for jaylah)
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It was not that she had doubted what was said about Doctor McCoy, but she had not expected that he would be grumbling under his breath as he was sent along with Jaylah who was part of the engineer crew to investigate the shut down of a power plant. The doctor was there because there had been several cited injuries and two causalities.
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❝ One of the tenants my father followed would be ⸻ ❞ The translator switches over to Tyrakhese, being unable to perfectly translate the phrase which Jaylah knows that Doctor McCoy would not understand. ❝ Erm, it is like dying with stardust in lungs would be a good way to go. I believe that is close enough translation.. ❞ She responds in unintentional debating to Leonard's complaining about death.
❝ I would not want to die like that ⸺ ❞ She gestures toward the one of two causalities they were examining. Jaylah could say that her class from Montgomery Scotty on safety when she had started at the Academy would have taught her much. On a glance here, Jaylah could see that there were many safety mistakes made here.
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nursc · 10 months
“i want to assure you i remain as cold and heartless as the first day we met.”
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❛⠀⠀⠀of course, sir. ⠀ ⠀ ❜ ⠀⠀⠀it is a miracle she can keep a straight face. years of perfecting her bedside manner, and dealing with bones, save her from the punishment he would surely dole out if she laughed at his face. his very… painted and colorful face. was that… eye-shadow? clasping her hands in front of her chest, she leans against one of the biobeds, glancing back at the patient — a very precocious, sweet little girl, then back at her boss, admiring the girl’s handy-work from behind her still placid expression. ⠀⠀⠀ ❛⠀⠀⠀if i didn’t know any better, i’d say you were part dragon. not an ounce of warm blood on ya. ⠀ ⠀ ❜
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fallen-regentarc · 10 months
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“   let us remember why we are here   &   what we hope to achieve .   ”
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             '    i've   never   forgotten   why   I   am   here    &    what   the   goal   is    .    '    davina   wasn't   sure   why   he   was   saying   that    ,    why   he   was   speaking   as   if   she   had   suddenly   lost   her   way    &    needed   to   be   reminded   of   her   duty   on   board   the   Enterprise    .    '    I   am   still   able   to   do   my   job    &    I   am   fully   capable    ,    I   know   what   we   hope   to   achieve   and   I   am   determined   to   make   sure   that   we   reach   that   goal    .    We   owe   it   to   the   Captain    .    '    Davina   wants   to   say   that   she   owes   it   to   herself    ,    but   she   doesn't   know   if   she   deserved   much    ,    feeling   like   a   fraud   since   she   only   joined   Starfleet   to   escape   her   past    .
                '    day   or   night    ,    Doctor   McCoy    ,    you   know   I   will   stand   here   and   do   whatever   is   asked   of   me    &    whatever   is   needed    .    '    davina   can't   help   but   sigh    ,    running   her   fingers   through   her   hair   before   taking   the   glass   of   whiskey   in   front   of   her    &    finishing   it   in   one   gulp    &    wincing   at   the   burn    .    '    my   issue   is   that   I   do   not   feel   like   I   am   doing   enough    .    like   I   could   be   saving   more   of   our   people    &    I   am   failing    .    '    she   sighs   once   more   as   she   reaches   to   fill   her   glass   up   again    ,    staring   down   into   the   liquid   before   looking   back   up   at   him    .
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                '    does   it   ever   get   easier    ?    '
@barebcnes . prompt
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mistrdctr · 9 months
Pinned Post.
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Mistrdctr - a headcanon-heavy, probably a little canon-divergent and mainly 'Dr. Strange' as well as 'Dr. Strange: MoM'- based MCU-portrayal of Dr. Stephen Strange. 18+, Mun & Muse 30+. Mutuals only, very selective. Blog created: Dec. 2023 | WIP. Fluctuating activity. Mun is about to rewatch all movies but it might take a while.
Queue currently posting 2 times within 24hrs. (IF I manage to fill it, that is)
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Carrd ♦ Memes [always open] ♦ Promo 1.
About Stephen: Character Sheet | Short Introduction | Headcanons | Musings Stephen and his cloak | This portrayal of Stephen is not, and has never been, the Sorcerer Supreme - a post.
Blog Design credit: calirph Promo credit: hyruleshop
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My other blogs: @respondedinkind [my main, my love, my heart, my soul] @barebcnes [Extremely slow]
Rules for easier accessibility under the cut (Forever WIP):
First of all: I am here to have a good time. My portrayal of Stephen is going to be of more or less casual nature, but that doesn't mean that I don't intend to portray him seriously. My knowledge, though, is limited; This means his portrayal won't be highly in-depth and might be missing things here and there. I am also absolutely not familiar with the comics, so zero knowledge in that regard, and still need to rewatch most movies (have rewatched Dr. Strange 1 & 2 so far, still missing all the other movies where he appears - I have seen those in the past but it is been a long while). If you cannot handle my lack of said knowledge, this blog might not be for you. Otherwise: I'm looking forward to interact with you!
Some basic RP rules: No god-modding (some things are allowed if it makes sense in the context of the RP: My muse following yours into a room etc. That being said, Strange is a sorcerer and he can do some things that might be considered 'god-modding' in a loose sense (e.g. make your muse change location with him in an instant). Be prepared for that to happen.), the mun is absolutely not the muse (means when muse says / does / acts a certain way it does not mean that the mun condones it and/or would act the same), muses can also be wrong (yes, my Stephen might be rude, or have wrong/no knowledge, or misunderstand your muse, and your muse is allowed to do the same as well!), and please communicate with me if there are any issues at hand (I promise I won't bite, but I am highly allergic to talking-behind-my-back kind of stuff. I am almost 34 years old, I can handle communication).
Some blog-specifications: This blog is mutuals-only (non-mutuals are allowed to send in asks about headcanons / muse-development etc), therefore highly-selective, and I might not always reply to threads in the same order they come in; That means I will reply to some threads faster than to others, simply because my excitement fluctuates. That does not mean I don't like interacting with you, I promise. Regarding replying-speed: I am usually quite fast and reply within a few days or a week. In rare cases it can be multiple weeks or a month. You are allowed to ask me about a reply in case I haven't answered in 2 weeks or such, but please don't pester me about them. Another thing about replying / threads: I might drop threads after a while if I feel there's simply not much existing anymore that can be added / written in any way. I might not inform you about this decision but you are absolutely allowed to ask me if I did - and, in case I did, I am almost always happy to start a new thread from a new perspective or after a time-jump or something to have our muses interact more! I just don't like trying to force-squeeze interaction into a thread that would have died otherwise already. I prefer doing new threads to keep things fresh and exciting. This blog is also 18+, means I won't interact with any muns under the age of 18 and I honestly prefer if you are above 21 years old. NSFW will be present in various shapes. I put replies containing smut under a 'read more'. I also tag my NSFW-things with either Suggestive; or UnSFW;, so you can block the tags if needed.
More RP-stuff: I love Crossovers, AU's, completely made-up stuff, timetravel-shenanigans, Universe-shenanigans and whatever one can think of. I am also open for OC's and Canons alike. OC's need to be fleshed-out and provide information for me to find easily. I will scroll through blogs that follow me and check whether our writing-styles match and judge whether I could see us interacting; If I don't, I won't follow back. If I follow you back, I want to write with you - the same goes for if I follow you first! I prefer to interact with non-animated FCs (exceptions are being made for Marvel-comic-muses), and I personally love to include simple icons into my replies. However, I will also adapt and sometimes not use icons - you are very welcome to decide upon whether you want to use some or not. I use small text, but other than that, I don't format my replies much. You are welcome to format as much as you desire to, I simply won't adapt to your style. If you, for any reason, need me to keep my posts as 'regular text' to make it easier for you to read, please tell me and I will totally do that for you. I usualy write quite long replies and prefer multi-para. I only do shorter things rarely and mostly for crack / casual interactions. Please do not reply to my multi-para with a single sentence - you do not need to match my sometimes insane length by any means, but please give me something to work with.
Concering drama / communication: I am not here for drama of any kind, whether it might be personal drama or Marvel / MCU drama. I write with who I want to write, I use whatever FC I want to use, and I have the right to (soft-)block whoever I want to for any given reason. I won't allow rude anons to slide into my askbox; Any kind of rude anon ask will be deleted on sight.
Regarding shipping: I love shipping, I'm not going to lie about it. However, I am also here for all the platonic ships of any kind. I prefer to write M/M ships and for some personal favorite ships of mine I might even do some insta-shipping, but I also prefer to have chemistry lead to our muses to get close to each other. F/M ships have to develop over time, the chemistry has to be perfect, and will, most likely, rarely happen - so don't expect your muse to be shipped with mine unless the chemistry works. I'm sorry about that, but this is for my personal comfort. It's nothing against your muse in any shape or form. Some favorite ships of mine: IronStrange and KhanStrange (yes, I like some odd ships and no, I don't care if you approve of it or not), but if the chemistry works, any ship will turn into my favorite, honestly. I do not ship Pal.mer.Str.ange. There's a reason it never worked out and I personally will never see Stephen and Christine ending up with each other in any Universe. Regarding her: My Stephen has separated himself successfully from her and does not run after her anymore, doesn't matter much at which point of his timeline an RP is going to happen (there's exceptions, of course - the closer to the 'beginning' of Dr. Strange's origins, the more likely he is to still have feelings for her).
About the mun: Hi, you can call me L., she/her/they/them, I am 34 years old, married and mother of two cats. I am honestly just a bean; My rules might come across as a bit strict or written in a very serious manner, but I myself am just a wrinkly potato that's screaming way too much about favorite fandoms and ships and I am awkward as hell. I promise I am actually nice, just very cringe at times (lol), so if you want to contact me, feel free (especially when we are mutuals; I might not answer non-mutuals asking 'do you want to RP?'-inquiries because those make me slightly uncomfortable… :'D)
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respondedinkind · 1 year
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Indie, mutuals-only, selective, multi-everything, canon-divergent and heavily headcanon-based Khan Noonien Singh from Star Trek into Darkness. Includes possible NSFW & Triggering content. No Minors. 18+ Mun is 30+ with abt. 13yrs of tumblr-RP-experience. Khan is around since 2012, blog revamped Oct. 2023. Previously known as: intodxrkness OC- and Crossover-friendly.
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-> [Carrd] • [NEW MAIN VERSE POST] • [Very important post for 'RP Sideblog Hub Blogs'] • [Promo] Disclaimer: Do not use my icons. Do not use my blog graphics. Credit: Promos / Blogdesigns by [x] and [x].
VERSES as dash-posts for easier access: [MAIN VERSE - Main Mixed Alien/Star Trek Into Darkness Verse] • [Alien Verse] [Alien Verse Alternate Version] • [ST-iD Verse] • [MCU Main Verse] • [MCU Verse (for Alien Verse)]
-> MAIN VERSE Things about Khan (Main Mixed Alien/Star Trek Into Darkness Verse): [Character sheet] • [Khan's (animalistic) mannerisms] • [Musings] • [Headcanons] • [Muse Demeanor & Mannerisms Meme]
-> Things about Khan (Alternate Alien Verse, NOT MAIN) [Character sheet including some Alien lore] • [Another Character sheet] (Mostly applies to Alien Verse) • [Headcanons] • [Explanation on how Khan ages] • [Khan's extremely powerful mind and how it works]
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-> Currently exclusive with the following FC's: Dom.in.ic She.rw.ood (@/ssolessurvivor) No.om.i Ra.pac.e (@/sxbaist)
Other blogs I have: @mistrdctr (beloved, semi-active) @barebcnes (also bevloved, semi-hiatus / very very very low activity)
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spectrcm · 8 years
@barebcned || starter call !
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        “Credence?” he called softly, taking several short steps closer to the boy he could see huddled by the wall.  “It’s Credence, isn’t it?”  A faint smile tugged at the corners of Newt’s lips.  He wasn’t good at this, not with -- not with people.  But he supposed Credence was a different case entirely.  He wasn’t just a boy.  He didn’t even want to be just a boy, but he didn’t want this.  Nobody wanted this.
“Are you hurt?  May I come closer?”  Newt’s approach had long since come to a halt, not wanting to get too close without the boy’s EXPRESS permission.  He knew how troubled he was, and he understood why.  It wasn’t his fault.  That was what he wanted him to know. —that his wasn’t his fault, none of it was his fault.
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paramounticebound · 11 months
"Please, for the love of... I don't know, anything ---don't fuck a pumpkin just because it's halloween." Leonard has seen things. He does not want to see them again. ( :D )
unprompted || @barebcnes || always accepting.
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Traditions of Samhain, while having brushed his knowledge, were not known intimately-- not really, not truly, though Khan is reasonably certain that fornicating with squash isn't a celebrated practice.
He'd be offended if he wasn't so baffled.
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gcldentina · 8 years
have you picked up any of your muses habits?
Munday OOC Questions || Accepting
10: Have you picked up any of your muses habits?
I always pick up my muses habits, tbh. But Tina and I already had a bunch of the same habits. The most prominent being that we both have SUPER expressive faces, and we’re both pretty emotional. I mean, I don’t know if those are exactly habits, but they are similarities!
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paramounticebound · 9 months
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Send me 🫦 to have a New year's kiss at midnight. || @barebcnes || not accepting.
He'd never cared much for tradition. Whatever had been taught to him by his mother had been washed away in sand and soot, reminding him that rituals had little use. Life would not halt for repetition or custom, ever apathetic in a constant, churning galaxy. Thus the way he remained impartial, a silent and immutable shadow in the corner of the room that observed with quiet, passive eyes, was largely ignored.
Still, he'd been permitted a momentary freedom from his prison. McCoy had convinced the captain that socialization would be beneficial for his rehabilitation, a forced integration the perfect tool of healing. Perhaps not in those words-- not really, not when he'd been incapable of the feat lest it concerned his body. Inside his skull, the darkness a perpetual companion. Earth had changed, yet he had remained the same.
How harrowing, the thought flitted through his mind like a moth yearning for the decimation of flame, ever the brooding shadow in the corner of the room.
A wonder that few spared him a glance as the festivities continued. That was how it ought to remain. If he planned on allowing weakness, he would never say so. Leonard was not his world, but he was close enough to occupy Khan’s mind that it made him wonder, made him doubt that pride-woven sense of self. Comfort became a weakness that seeped from the pores of his teeth and the pink of the tongue that wet his bottom lip.
McCoy brought him tea. It’d become something of a habit by now. Such a thought: it was easy to get ensnared, but he would never admit there are other reasons. Maybe he was selfish. Maybe he was insane. Maybe he was not ready to tell the good doctor that he was ready to flay himself open-- reveal himself as a poet instead of a warlord. A man instead of a monster.
Maybe he was weak. Maybe he was no better than the chemistry and firing synapses in his skull after all.
It was that, the swell of foreign emotions; the culprit, overtaking him, continuing the chain of cruel, thoughtless decisions. Leonard is near, leaning into him to say something above the cacophany of laughter, music, and downward count of time. If there was a protest, Khan pointedly ignored it, backing the other against the wall. The augment was not as subtle, no, not when he was made of jagged edges and frayed wire. Khan’s lips found McCoy's, quick and magnetic, and he could not break away before he realized his error. He lingered, too long. Always too long.
A new year, a new vulnerability.
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