#♡ * ⁎ ┈ v . strange new worlds
fallen-regentarc · 1 year
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❝          you're lonely too .          ❞ ❝          we  all  are,       from  time  to  time.          ❞
( @darehearts & @fallenregent )
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dollfacefantasy · 23 days
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pairing: light yagami x fem!reader x naoya zen'in
summary: light yagami is not gay. he has a girlfriend. naoya zen'in is just a special case.
cw: nsfw (18+), smut, p in v, oral sex (m receiving), anal, fingering, threesome, mlm, misogyny, internalized homophobia, infidelity & cheating
a/n: people say bring back crossover fics... bring back silly fics... so i did... my masterpiece... picture of naoya by @ sso_s__ on twitter
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Light felt as though he was looking into a funhouse mirror right now. The man that stood across from him in the alley resembled him in so many ways. The blonde hair swept into pointed bangs, the seemingly permanent scowl curled onto his lips. Even this guy's way of standing matched his own.
But there were also strong differences between them. The other man's hair ended with black tips. Shining silver studs pierced his earlobes, complimenting his pretty face. His golden eyes were even framed with inky liner.
Light could never imagine looking so stylish. He'd always relied on his natural looks to impress those around him. Never had he thought about enhancing his appearance with hair dye or jewelry or makeup. That stuff should be of no concern to a god. Light decides who lives and who dies in this world. Not if he wants his eyes to have winged tips or be double lined. Still, he felt a draw to it for some reason.
He'd been walking back to his apartment when Ryuk warned him something strange was lurking up ahead. Expecting a shinigami or at least another death note owner, he crept forward on guard. But all he found was this guy, who despite his striking appearance, seemed normal. The only thing of any significance was the way he was staring back with confusion.
"Can I help you?" Light asks, the words tasting hesitant on his tongue.
"Where am I?" the other man is quick to respond, clipped and expectant.
Light blinks at the question. "Are you lost?" he responds without answering the question.
"No," he replies so fast it seems automatic, "Well... sort of."
Strange. Light pulls out his phone and flips it open, thumb ready to dial a number. "Is there someone I could call for you?"
The other man's eyes catch on the device, examining it with a combination of curiosity and dismissal.
"What do you have that old thing for?" he scoffs. "Haven't seen one of those in a while."
A frown pulls at Light's lips. Sure, the phone wasn't the most modern model, but it wasn't that old. For someone needing help, this guy had an attitude about him.
"I know it's not like the new touch screen ones they have out now, but it works for me," he says flatly with a shrug, "Now did you have anyone who could pick you up or give you a ride home?"
Despite his attempt to move the conversation forward, the stranger still seems stuck on Light's choice of electronics. His brows have furrowed together, a gleam of bewilderment taking over the golden flecks in his irises.
"You know they have ones that can flip open with a touch screen. Why don't you get one of those? I doubt that thing can even play a video without burning a hole through your hand."
Light's eyes narrow at the other man. 
A flip phone with a touch screen? Why would this guy feel the need to tell such an inconsequential lie? Does he think I'm stupid? Was this a prank or a test of some sort? But for what? He's tested nothing but my patience so far.
He shakes his head after thinking to himself, still undecided on the motives of this pretty boy.
"I don't need it to play videos. I have a computer for that. Do you want me to call someone for you or not?" he huffs.
"It's 2018, phones are computers. Why restrict yourself?"
"Don't tell me you don't know when you are either," Light retorts.
"It's not 2018. It's 2012."
This guy glances across the alley as if he's suspicious. Of what, Light has no clue. He wasn't the one loitering around a dark alleyway as the sun went down, getting into arguments with strangers about the year and flip phones.
He almost rolls his eyes but sighs instead. "Look, I don't have all night. I'd be happy to help you, but if you don't need anything, I really should get going."
In the first bit of uncertainty from this man, he pauses. "Could I go back with you to your apartment?"
Light's brow quirks up. "I don't think that's a good idea. I don't know you, and my girlfriend wouldn't be too happy about me bringing a stranger home."
A sneer even more severe than the one he'd given before takes over the man's features. "Please. Why would I be interested in thieving off someone carrying around a flip phone? My life is much more lavish than your own, I just don't want to wait around in an alley while I decide what to do."
Light feels his own arrogance boiling within, begging to bubble over and show itself. But before he can defend himself, this guy keeps talking.
"But, if you let your girlfriend decide who is and isn't allowed in your apartment, I doubt you'd be much help to me anyways," he says.
"She isn't the one who decides, but I don't want to deal with her getting upset because I brought some random guy home."
"You make it sound like she'd be jealous," the man smirks, a hint of teasing in his voice.
The words knock the wind out of Light. He audibly sputters. 
Why would she be jealous of a man? She knows I'm not gay. It would be pointless. Why would this guy even suggest that? Does he think I'm gay? There's no way. Is he gay? He's playing at something. He wants to rile me up so I'll let him come with me. But why? I'll go along with it just to see what he wants. If anything goes wrong, I have the piece of the death note on me. All I need for that is...
"What's your name?"
"Naoya Zen'in," he answers smoothly, "And yours?"
"Light." No way he was giving away his full name to this guy. He didn't know if he had a death note of his own on him. "I'll let you come with me, Naoya. But as soon as you get yourself together, you're gone."
"Works for me. I doubt it will take long, Light," Naoya agrees and crosses the alleyway to approach him, "Let's get going."
The two of them walk side by side in silence down the narrow pathway between buildings. Silence fills the space between them. Light continues to ruminate on the previous conversation while Naoya trots with an air of smug satisfaction about him.
"So why were you even in that alley in the first place? And why don't you know what you're going to do?" the younger man asks.
"I'm not from here. Well the city, I mean. My family lives outside it. I just have to figure out what to do about getting there," Naoya says, answering the second question first, "Last night, they had a party, and those things can get kind of wild. I don't really remember how I got out here."
A simplified explanation, Light can tell. "A party? So were you drinking or something?" he inquires further.
"Something like that... my family is different than most. You can't really understand if you're not one of us. This is probably like a test or something."
"Testing your ability to call a cab or get someone to give you a lift? Sounds pretty pointless," Light says. This guy was so casually arrogant. It rubbed some part of Light in a way he couldn't explain.
"My trip home will be farther than you might think," is all the older man says back.
Another pause comes over them. The sound of their shoes on the pavement takes the place of voices. Looking down, Light notices their paces are in sync. He lags for a moment to disrupt that.
"So you were coming home from work?" Naoya asks, picking up the slack in the conversation. From the way he speaks, it seems as if asking others about themselves is foreign to him.
"Something like that," he shrugs. A sigh leaves him. 
I should try to be social. To appear normal. If this is a test of some sort, I can't let him know he got in my head.
"I work on the Kira case. The investigation team aimed at discovering his identity," he tries again.
"Kira?" the other man asks. When Light turns and looks at him, it seems as though he had no clue what any of that meant.
"Yeah, Kira," he says. There was no way there were people who still didn't know about Kira. Not believing or agreeing was one thing. But not knowing was impossible. Not after the domination he'd achieved over the world since L's death.
"Am I supposed to know what that is?"
Light scowls and grumbles in irritation. It chips at both sides of his pride, even if he doesn't want to admit it. "Very funny."
"I told you my family lives far out of the city," Naoya defends.
"You'd have to be from another world to not know who Kira is," Light shakes his head, "Just follow along. We're almost there."
Naoya shrugs and continues on behind Light as they reach the final bit of the journey to his apartment. Thunder cracks in the cloudy sky above, indicating some rain would pour down in the coming hours. The wind was picking up too. Light pulls his jacket tighter around his frame and bounces up the stairs to his floor.
He pulls the key out of his pocket when he gets there and jams it in the lock. The door creaks open, and the both of them head inside. All the lights in the apartment are still off, meaning no one else has come home yet. Before doing anything else, Light slips his coat off and hangs it up along with his bag on the sleek rack fastened to the wall. He then drops his keys and wallet on the nearby wooden side table.
Walking further into the apartment, he clicks a light on. Once Naoya can see, he scans the place. It's much neater than he would've expected from a young couple. No belongings strewn over couches or chairs, no mail piling on the counter, or furniture that's damaged but yet to be replaced.
Light heads into the living room, so Naoya trails a few paces behind. It's modest but comfortable in here. A basic sofa and a plush set of chairs. A tv on the wall that was nice for the time. The kitchen in an alcove off to the side, and then a hallway towards the back which he assumed led to the bedroom and bathroom. The two of you even had a sliding door to a balcony on the wall opposite him. He could see the angry storm clouds brewing in the distance.
The first piece of evidence that this place is lived-in sits on the bookshelf next to the tv. Naoya's eyes linger on the object the moment he notices it. A framed photograph. Bordered by silver, Light and you. Your hand cupped beneath his jaw, fingers squishing his cheeks as you plant a kiss to his face.
"Is that your girlfriend?" he asks. He tries to sound neutral, but his natural disdain seeps through.
As if snapped out of his thoughts, Light's head whips in his direction. His eyes search for what Naoya's referring to, but once he sees, he nods. A simple gesture, no real pride in it.
"Yeah, that's her."
"She's pretty, I guess."
"Have you been with her long?" Naoya asks and turns to face Light completely.
The other man sits down in one of the chairs, silently beckoning Naoya to do the same.
"Yeah, about... four years now."
"Is she the only one you've ever been with?" he asks as he sits down on the couch instead.
"Yeah. The only lasting one, anyways."
"The only one you've ever fucked?"
Light's cheeks fill with color at the question. First implying he was gay, and now this? What was this guy's problem? He sits up straighter in his chair, clearing his throat and smoothing out some wrinkles in his pants.
"That's really none of your business. You shouldn't be so blunt as a guest in someone else's home. Maybe your family never taught you that."
A grin breaks out across the other man's pretty face. "It's a reasonable assumption. You two live together. You're adults."
"Then why do you even have to ask?" Light mutters. 
He's far too good at bothering me. Maybe I should try playing by his rules. Be blunt. Take the offensive. Find out if he's up to something.
"I'm just trying to figure you out," Naoya interrupts his inner monologue, "You don't have to get all defensive about it. Even if you're a virgin, I won't judge."
"I'm not a virgin," Light says quickly, putting that to rest before it can even become a debate.
In truth, his sex life with you was a sore spot. He wasn't a virgin - that was true - but that's not to say you two have sex often. A month had passed since the last time he'd been inside you. It was never bad... he just had more important things to do. He still cared about you, in a way. He always made sure to keep you safe. But he didn't have time for romance. Not while crafting a new world.
That had been a point of contention in your relationship for years, something you were constantly getting upset about. There was no way Naoya could know that from the thirty or so minutes they'd known each other though. So why was he asking?
"What are you even trying to figure out? Shouldn't you be more worried about getting home than what me and my girlfriend do in our alone time?" Light says, a bit snappier than before.
Naoya's grin becomes more fox-like. "I'm still thinking about that. Can I not wonder about you too?" he asks. When he receives no response from Light, he continues speaking. "I just thought it would make sense if you were a virgin. But it still adds up that you've never been with anyone else. That's why you let her have such a handle on you."
The words inflame Light, but he tries to suppress any reaction. "She doesn't have a handle on me. I handle her."
"Didn't seem like it when I asked if I could come over here."
Damn it. He got me there. What am I doing? I don't have to put up with this. I don't even know this guy. Who the hell does he think he is? I could have him dead in minutes if I wanted to. He should be on his knees- I mean bowing at my feet, thanking me for sparing his life.
Light's expression grows more agitated. "Well I do. I'm sure you think you're some kind of expert on this, but I doubt you've ever even had a girlfriend before," he fires back.
And Naoya laughs. He fucking laughs at him! Unbelievable.
"You're right, I've never had a girlfriend before, but I've been with tons of girls," he says.
Light rolls his eyes so hard, they're in danger of falling out of his skull. "I can't say I don't see why they didn't stick around."
"It's not them who make the decision to not go forward. I have no interest in having a girlfriend," he says simply, "Women are only kept around because God knew that men couldn't be burdened with the curse of bearing children. So he saddled women with that duty. That's their purpose. I don't understand why we have to pretend their existence should amount to anything more."
Silence fills the room after that mini-speech. Light had never heard anyone say anything so... like that. This guy's family really must have been out there.
"That's not-"
"It's the truth. Any man who says otherwise is lying or has been tricked into believing that he should love something so wholly beneath him," he continues.
Light doesn't even know how to argue with him when he seems so confident that he's correct. How did the conversation even get to this point?
"I can see it in your eyes, you know she's not your equal," he says and gestures to the picture with you on the shelf, "You don't have the connection with her that you have with even me, and I've known you less than an hour. She can't understand you."
The words are uncomfortable in Light's ears. They wriggle their way inside his head and wrap around his brain, squeezing and trying to push their sentiment onto him. Part of him felt it was true. Oftentimes, he didn't think you could understand him. Not from lack of effort, just as if it was something you're incapable of.
You'd whine at him for attention, pressing against his side on the couch in an attempt to get him to cuddle you. And he would sometimes, but not as much as you wanted. So your rants about his lack of affection never seemed to end. You never thought to look at it from his perspective. Always jumping to the conclusion that he didn't love you, never once considering that he just wasn't a physically affectionate person.
He still felt some guilt clawing at his stomach though, like he shouldn't be thinking of you like this.
As if Naoya can read his mind, he softens his words a bit for his next point. "I'm not saying you can't care about them - though, to be clear, I don't. But maybe you do care for your girlfriend. You just don't love her. She's a companion for you. Like a pet. Something that makes you feel needed."
"It's not that," Light says, "I know I'm needed. And I'm needed for much greater things than taking care of her. We've been together for a long time. And... we just... go together. I can't just get rid of her. Plus she can be useful sometimes."
Naoya nods, his brows rising into a patronizing look. Light hates it. Despises the assumption that he's weak for not hating you. It's just the truth, even when you drive him crazy and annoy him to levels he didn't think possible, he didn't hate you. He didn't feel passionate enough about you to hate.
He wants to talk about something else though; to leave this subject behind in favor of something that would put Naoya in the hot seat and make him insecure too. It's not his proudest moment, but he swings at the lowest hanging fruit he can think of.
"So... what's with the makeup and the hair? Did your dad not give you enough attention or something?"
Naoya laughs again, the winged tips of his eyeliner crinkling in amusement. "No. I'm daddy's favorite," he says, unaffected.
It stirs envy within Light, the way he could be so casual about being prodded at. He didn't get defensive at the implication or start stuttering and tripping over words. His jaw clenches as he tries to think of something else that could get to Naoya, but the older man beats him to it.
"You don't like it? Or are you jealous?"
He got him yet a-fucking-gain because Light freezes. He stares at Naoya, unsure of what to say.
"I'm not jealous. I was just curious. Most guys don't wear that stuff."
"I'm better than most guys," he says as if it's fact, "I could show you how to do it if you want."
"W-what? I can't- There's- I don't have any of that stuff."
"Your girlfriend doesn't have any makeup?" he asks, unconvinced, "It looks like she's wearing a lot in that picture."
"She does, but-"
"Then go get it, and I'll show you how. I can tell you want to. You may not like it, but you want to know."
And that was true. He was curious if anything else. That's what he tells himself as he rises to his feet and goes into your shared room. He sees you'd made the bed this morning before you left for work.
Your bedroom was visibly divided into two sectors. Light's was pristine. Clean without clutter, well-kept and functional. The made-up bed was the only part of yours that appeared that way. Pieces of your personality littered your nightstand. A pile of clothes he'd asked you to put away sat in the corner on the chair. And then in the farthest corner stood the vanity where you did your makeup.
He creeps over there as if you'd suddenly jump out from under the bed and scold him for even thinking about it. Looking down at the dark wood of the table, he finds that you're not very organized. A few different containers sit atop the surface, holding brushes and tubes of cream. You have a holder for your hair ties and combs. A rack for your perfume. Nowhere among these things though, does he find a black eye pencil.
Opening the drawers, he scans their contents. One is dedicated to eye shadow palettes, the next is filled with lipsticks and glosses. Finally the third has a thin, black stick tucked towards the back. He grabs it and returns to the living room where Naoya is still sitting on the couch.
Light makes his way over and sits on the adjacent cushion. He shoves the product into Naoya's palm, briefly getting a feel of how smooth the other man's hand is.
"Alright, sit back," Naoya says.
"What-" Light starts before his eyes widen. 
Naoya climbs on top of him. He's straddling him. Everything in Light screams at him to push him off, shove him to the floor and rocket to his feet to kick him out of the apartment. His heart thunders in his chest, his breaths shaking before they can even leave his lungs.
He can feel the heat of the other man's body above his. This close, he can see his golden eyes in detail. They look like that of a fox's, cunning and sly.
His slender fingers curl over Light's shoulders as he adjusts. He huffs out a laugh, and Light can feel the heat of his breath fan over his face.
"Calm down. I just have to get close enough or else it'll come out crooked. This is the easiest position."
Light nods and clears his throat. He exhales slowly, allowing his awkwardness about the situation to leave him. It's fine. He's just messing with him. He'll probably leave right after this. It's just fun.
But if it's just fun, why do his eyes keep darting towards the door to see if the knob rattles with your arrival?
Naoya scoots a little closer, his pelvis pressing against Light's belly. The cap of the makeup tool pops off, and he tucks it into his pocket.
"You have nice eyes, Light. Deep brown. Pretty," Naoya mutters as his fingers come up to tilt his head back against the couch.
A loud pop of thunder echoes through the sky outside. Following it is the soft pittering of rain against the balcony. Light swallows hard. He feels an involuntary rush of heat creeping up his neck. He hopes it's not visible, but he knows his wishes haven't been granted when Naoya chuckles.
"Blushing from just that? Does she give you any attention?"
And that's the bad part. You do give him attention. Tons of it. So much he feels like he's drowning most days. You adore calling him pretty boy, to which he scowls every time and tells you to quit it. You love running your fingers through his hair and complimenting the smooth texture before he swats your limb away and rolls the eyes Naoya just praised. He wasn't pushing him away though.
The pad of his thumb sweeps over Light's cheek, assessing the space it'd be working with.
"Close your eyes," he directs, his voice the softest it's been since they met in the alley.
So he does. The rich chocolate brown becomes obscured by his delicate lids. He shudders suddenly, realizing he was in an extremely vulnerable position. He'd let this man lure him straight into a trap. If Naoya did have any ill intent, he could certainly act on it now.
But he doesn't. All that happens is the tender stroke of the pen along the edge of his eye. Naoya doesn't say anything while he works. Repeated brushes of the tip ghost along his lashes. He feels the wetness dragging up into a point in the outer corner. The other eye gets the same treatment, the process done for the second time on that lid.
"Open," the man above him purrs.
His lashes flutter up as his eyes come back into view. He's met with a wild grin across Naoya's face. His heart feels like it's stalling in his chest, like it's losing its rhythm, unable to beat right under the pressure of his gaze.
"Wow," he croons, dragging the back of his finger over Light's cheek, "You look good. Almost as good as me."
This time, the heat stirs in a different part of Light's body. He tries to shut it down immediately. Think of something else.
"Let me see how I look," he says. If he saw how goofy he looked, surely any feelings of desire would dissolve.
"You should've brought a mirror," Naoya taunts as he gets up. He grabs a decorative one off the shelf and brings it back to the sofa. Instead of taking the opportunity to return to his previous spot next to Light, he returns to his lap. He holds the mirror up in front of his own face, letting Light look at his own face staring back.
He blinks a few times, watching as his lashes flutter and accentuate the deep lines Naoya had drawn. They stretch down to his inner corners up in the direction of his temples. The urge to reject what he's seeing gnaws at him, but he knows he likes it. He can't deny it.
"So what do you think?" Naoya asks and puts the mirror behind him on the table.
"It's not bad. Better than I thought it'd look." He figures it's better to give a half-truth rather than a complete lie. Less ammunition for Naoya to tease him with.
"You shouldn't have doubted my talents," he teases, "Let me do the bottoms now."
Without leaving room for argument, he guides Light's head back to where it had been before.
"Keep your eyes open this time."
Just as before, he obeys Naoya's command. He looks at the ceiling. He didn't think he'd be able to quell the feeling between his legs if he looked into those gilded eyes. The way his pupils dart away, as if running from Naoya's own, makes his thought process obvious.
"You have such good features," he praises in a murmur, "Cute nose, defined cheeks, pouty lips. Pretty."
And with those soft words he feels himself start to fill out his pants again. He squirms, trying to adjust in preparation for the worst case scenario. Fuck, this was humiliating. The only bright spot was that Ryuk had made himself scarce as soon as Naoya climbed on top of Light, so he wasn't here to mock from the sidelines. That would be the only thing that could make this worse.
Or so Light thought.
Because then the hand of Naoya's that isn't applying eyeliner comes up to cup his jaw. His thumb rubs across Light's plush bottom lip. Back and forth, tantalizingly slow.
He chokes back a whimper, but there's no way to hide the dilation of his pupils. Naoya catches it, of course. It's obvious by the way he leans in closer.
"Your lips feel just as soft as they look," he breathes before lowering his head further and replacing his digit with his lips.
Light moans into the kiss. His eyes shut again, and he melts beneath the gentle touch. Naoya takes the invitation to move in further, scooting even closer on Light's lap. His ass lands on the other man's thighs, the heat of their bodies' melding into one.
Flicking his tongue over the seam of Light's mouth, Naoya deepens the exchange. He tastes the sweetness of his saliva, and feels the smoothness of their tongues brushing against each other. Their lips move slowly, exploring each other more than anything else.
Naoya pulls back for a second to glance down at his face. "Your girlfriend... she can't understand. None of them can. They don't know what it's like to be one of us."
Light hangs on every word, and then leans up to go in for more. Naoya reciprocates, dropping the eyeliner onto the couch to leave streaks Light would have to deal with later. Kisses turn into full blown making out. Naoya still manages to get a few words out against his mouth.
"They don't understand how to please. What feels good," he mutters as a palm slides down to palm at Light's solid bulge, "I do though."
His hips buck into the touch on instinct, a gasp leaving his throat in tandem. Fuck, that felt so good. What was happening? He wasn't gay. Light was sure of that. He liked girls. Well maybe not liked, but he was attracted to them. He had you. He didn't think about guys like this.
Even with Naoya mentioning you, the thought of you doesn't cross Light's mind until he hears the sound of your voice. The feeling of Naoya's lips on his own had him too distracted to notice the cue he'd been previously waiting for.
"What the fuck?" you cut through the fog of lust with your sharp tone.
It almost doesn't feel real, like the nonsensical part of a dream that lets you know it's just that. He turns his head to look at you, to try and explain what you walked into. His lips leave Naoya's, but that doesn't deter him from planting a few kisses on Light's throat before looking over at you too.
What to say, what to say, what to say? Fuck. He couldn't use the cliche 'it's not what it looks like.' But what even was the truth? He was cheating on you, but... it didn't feel like it? He gawks at you for a moment before making the first attempt at justification.
"I- um... I swear, just let me explain to you-" he starts, but it's like you don't even hear him.
You stomp over to the couch, rage blazing in your eyes. "Is that MY fucking eyeliner?" you ask, absolutely incensed.
It was one thing to cheat on you, but to use YOUR makeup for the foreplay?? A whole other matter entirely.
"Yes," he says and moves Naoya back onto his part of the couch.
He quickly realizes that decision was a mistake though when the outline of his stiff cock against his pants becomes visible for everyone in the room. The evidence of his arousal just seems to upset you more. Tears start welling in your eyes, and Light's mind scrambles to defuse this situation before it gets out of hand.
It wasn't so much you being hurt that bothered him; rather he worried you might do something irrational to get back at him. This was the part of your relationship he didn't want to admit to Naoya. You knew most of his secrets. Being together since the two of you were eighteen, you saw so much of him. Not only could you expose what you saw right now, you had the potential to ruin his life.
He considers writing your name down on the piece of paper he keeps in his pocket, but it was far too risky. You'd know what he was doing in a second, and you had a piece on you too. You could scribble out Light Yagami just as quickly. His only hope would be that you'd be so tempted to write him out a long, horrible death, that it'd give him the advantage of time over you.
But instead of testing fate, he decides to deal with the problem head on.
"Baby," he starts, forcing out one of the pet names you always begged him to call you, "Just listen to me, ok? You have every right to be upset, but just don't do anything irrational. I can explain what happened."
You stay where you are, body visibly rigid with anger. But you don't lunge at him or storm off, so that's a good sign.
Before he can continue, Naoya scoffs from behind him, sounding more annoyed by the interruption than anything else. "Women. Creatures of pure emotion."
That does set you off. "Who the fuck even are you?"
Light reaches out for your hand and guides you to sit on the couch next to him before this can get any worse.
"That's Naoya," he begins. He then gives you a summary of the last hour and a half, leaving out a few choice parts.
Your face slowly loses emotion and retreats into a neutral expression. It both worries him and settles his nerves.
"So are you gay?" you ask at the end of his story, "Is that what you're trying to tell me? Is that why you won't touch me?"
"What?" he says defensively, "No! I'm not gay. I'm just... is that really all you took away from that?"
You shrug. 
Naoya chimes in from behind again. "You can't blame him not wanting to touch you on being gay. That just seems like the reaction any sensible person would have."
"Why the fuck are you still here?" you snap at him, "Claire's is probably missing their best customer, so feel free to leave."
"Light told you why I'm here," he smirks. He leans forward and rests his chin on your boyfriend's shoulder, looking at his face. "I think I was right before. She is jealous of me."
Light's pretty sure you're about to lunge over him and tackle Naoya through the sliding glass door, out into the rain.
"Stop," he says, shooting the other man a look.
He then grabs your hand and squeezes it, a gesture that's supposed to be reassuring.
"I'm sorry for putting you in this situation. You didn't deserve it," he says, speaking in his usual calm tone of voice, "You aren't the problem. I'm the one who felt the need to do this. I just have so much going on, and I feel trapped. I don't know where to go, so I went for the first sign of escape I could find. And that was wrong, I know. I should've just talked to you about it."
It was all what you wanted to hear, and you wanted to believe it so badly. He knew just how to play you.
"You don't have to leave though. You're important to me. You can be a part of this too."
"This isn't a porno, Light. I'm not just gonna drop my panties because you said sorry."
Your external rejection was a display meant to hide your feelings within. You hated that he wanted to continue whatever this was with this guy, but you were at least happy you had the option to be included. You wanted to believe that this was simply him getting swept up in the thrill of something new, but that he'd always return to the comfort of familiarity with you.
He reaches out and cups your cheek, pulling a little to scoot you closer. You follow along and inch over to the middle cushion.
"See? Obedient like a pet," Naoya whispers, nipping at Light's earlobe and pecking the skin beneath.
You shoot him a glare, but it does no good.  He doesn't even look your way.
Light doesn't respond to the animosity. He focuses on walking the thin line between you and Naoya, keeping this situation balanced and you from exploding and reigning hellfire upon his life.
"Good girl," he mumbles. Another name you'd asked for before. He'd have to dial it back a little in a moment, or it'd be obvious how thick he's laying it on. "Just try it for me. You'll feel much better with us then you would be sulking alone in the bedroom."
You pause, taking one last moment of hesitation. Your eyes rotate between them as you consider getting up and keeping your dignity. Lightning flashes outside and thunder follows. You know you shouldn't do this, but you can't rid the part of you that wants to please Light. That wants him to care for you like you care for him. It's so deeply rooted, that it's easier to just give in than try and weed it out.
You nod your head.
His hand pulls you all the way in, connecting your lips. He's not as passionate as he was before, but you didn't get a close enough look to know that. In a way, he feels like he's mimicking Naoya's techniques on you. You sigh softly and shut your eyes, returning the affection in full.
On Light's throat, Naoya attaches his mouth. That strikes a spark within the younger man again. His lips float up and down the column, gliding over the tender skin with precision. It works a whimper out of Light, and that's when Naoya's hand creeps around his body and slides up his thigh. His palm finds his erection, which hadn't fully dwindled yet.
"Still hard, Light? You must want me bad," he taunts before using his teeth to pull at the flesh on his neck.
He moans, and your eyes flash with jealousy. You stare into the golden spheres, hating this man you barely even knew.
Bringing your lips down, you begin to work on the other side of Light's throat. You lap at his pulse point before attaching your lips and sucking a little mark onto the pale expanse. In tandem, your hand slides down his chest to rest on his thigh teasingly.
As if switching positions with you, Naoya rises to Light's lips. He resumes the kiss that you had interrupted. And even with your hand getting closer down below, he keeps his own cupped over Light's cock, like he's his instead of yours.
Light whimpers from all the attention on him. He sinks back into the plush cushions, and both you and Naoya follow along. His eyes droop closed, allowing him to just feel. 
Without the visuals, he can still tell the touches of Naoya and you apart. Your lips are smaller, your touches more delicate. Your fingers linger and tease, coaxing a reaction. Naoya goes for what he wants, and what he wants is Light to squirm and whine. He paws and grabs, rough squeezes and harsh bites between kisses. He makes his heart pound and his head spin, struggling to keep up.
Before he knows it, a familiar hand is creeping up his shirt while one he doesn't recognize so well slides into his pants. He gasps as Naoya's fingertips make direct contact with his dick. They swipe at the sensitive tip, rubbing the ridge and drifting across the slit. His hips writhe, pushing him further back into the couch.
You huff. It wasn't fair. Of course you wouldn't be able to make Light feel as good when you only had access to his upper body. It was an unfair disadvantage, but you decide to try your hardest anyway. Your nails lightly scrape circles around his nipples, teasing the buds but not touching them just yet
His eyes snap open and dart to you. You'd never tried that before. "Wh-what are you doing?" he asks.
"Nothing, baby. Just trying to make you feel good," you whisper. 
You didn't understand how you touching his nipples earned him questioning you, but this guy he'd known for two hours could hold his balls in the palm of his hand without a shred of hesitation. You just decide to silence your annoyance by leaning in to kiss him again.
Naoya had left Light's lips in favor of pushing down the man's pants and watching his cock leak and drool. Shimmery beads of precum oozed out of him with each firm tug to his cock.
"So much coming out of you already... we should get to the good stuff so you don't cum too early," he mocks with one last squeeze to Light's shaft.
He then stands up and removes his own clothing. You follow suit and do the same for yourself, not wanting to be unmatched.
At first, Light lazily watches the both of you, taking in the sight of your breasts and Naoya's toned stomach. But once Naoya's removed his shirt and discarded it to the floor, Light's eyes lock on the other man.
Silver piercings shine through Naoya's nipples, and it's obvious Light's never seen anything like it before. He studies them as though he's discovering something for the first time. His jaw doesn't drop, but it might as well have from how wide his eyes are.
You drop the rest of your clothes without much effort, annoyed by the lack of attention from your boyfriend. Meanwhile, Naoya takes his time. He peels off his pants, building the seductive tension with a measured pace.
Crawling back onto the couch, you nuzzle Light's neck like a kitten, cooing in his ear. "Need you inside me, baby. Want you so bad."
He nods vaguely, your words clearly going in one ear and shooting right back out at you. His eyes are still on Naoya, who's now standing there stroking his own cock to full attention.
You scowl. Of course, Naoya's length is as pretty as the rest of him. It's a good size with a proud head that makes even you crave a taste. He's well-groomed, everything about him, enticing.
He smiles at your boyfriend, arrogance written all over his face. "You can fuck your little girlfriend, Light. And she can get me ready for you."
Without a second thought, Light nods, and suddenly, he's much more invested in you. He guides you to lay back on the couch and gets to his knees at the end of you. Naoya takes up the spot next to your head, leaning against the cushions for stability.
Disrobing the rest of the way, Light lines up his dick to your entrance, faster than he'd ever done when it was just the two of you. He slides the tip in, grunting at how tight you are. Your slick coats him inch by inch until he's bottomed out.
Up top, Naoya strokes your hair and looks down at you with sinister intent. His cock awaits your mouth inches away from your lips.
"Use any teeth, and I'll make sure you have none left before I'm done with you," he says lowly.
Your eyes harden into a glare, but when the reddened head bumps your lips, you accept it. The shaft slides over your tongue to the back. The man above you lets out a groan and tilts his head back.
"Mmmm... she's got a good mouth," Naoya hums, "You teach her that, or is she just naturally such a slut?"
Light had been focused on rabbiting his hips against your center, finding some relief from how worked up he'd gotten. The words bring him back to reality. He looks up at the other man, taking a second to process the question.
"Oh... she's always been good at that," he says.
And it was the truth. You gave good blowjobs, and Light's favorite part about them was that they made you feel connected to him or something. All he had to do was sit back, close his eyes, and let you make him cum, and you wouldn't bitch about the lack of intimacy between you two.
He curls his fingers into your thighs harder, lifting them a bit so he has leverage to fuck into you harder. Sounds of your elicit activities fill the room. Skin claps against skin while you gag on Naoya's cock. Hips pump against your face, a hand cupped on the back of your head to make sure you take it all. You can barely breathe. Your nails dig into the cushions, and your body squirms more in an attempt to find some reprieve.
All Naoya does is laugh. He grins wider as he watches you struggle beneath him. His hand extends to paw at your breast and casually tweak a nipple, bringing broken whimpers from you in between the garbled groans.
"Look at you," Naoya coos. He doesn't even know you, but it seems he can't help mocking. "This is what you're good for, huh? Light's been too soft on you. Hasn't shown you your place."
The lack of oxygen makes the words roll over you like water. You keep sucking the best you can as Naoya fucks your face and Light pounds into your cunt. They both thrust with one thing in mind: their own pleasure. You're nothing more than a conduit between them.
Soon, that changes. Naoya pulls his dick from your mouth. It drips and gleams with your saliva. You inhale deeply, enjoying the fresh sensation of air hitting your lungs. He steps back and goes down to stand behind Light. His hands land on your boyfriend's sides, rubbing up and down the lean expanse of his torso.
"Feeling good? Is she tight?" he whispers as he kisses up the other man's neck, nosing at his undyed hair.
"Y-yeah," Light stammers. He feels like he's gonna malfunction.
His hips rock without error, seemingly unable to stop ricocheting into the warm, wet embrace of your pussy. Naoya scrapes his nails down Light's stomach and scratches at his v-line. His back arches and a series of whimpers pours from his lips.
"I bet you're even tighter."
Light's previously drooping eyes widen, and before he knows it, Naoya's hand has slid to his ass, fingers already prodding at his entrance. He whimpers again, trying to think of a question or a protest. This couldn't be happening.
But then it does. Two digits slip inside. And fuck, it feels so right.
Back and forth, back and forth. He maintains the steady rhythm while fucking you. From your angle, you're not totally sure what he's doing, so you let your head fall back and bliss out.
"That's right," Naoya breathes, "Fuck yourself back on my fingers. Stretch yourself out for the real thing."
And Light continues to do just that. Naoya keeps it at two fingers, never trying out a third. After he believes the other man's had enough practice, he pulls his fingers out, relishing the needy mewls Light makes.
He slots his wet dick between his cheeks before slowly pushing it in. Light has to stop for a moment. Give himself some time to adjust to the feeling of being full. A shiver sweeps up his body, and he clutches the dough of your thighs harder.
Naoya soothes the sensation by rubbing a hand up and down his spine rhythmically. Once he's calmed down, the same hand slides into his soft locks and grips hard. He yanks him, forcing his back to arch, and fucks into him harder.
You can clearly see what's happening now, but even if you couldn't, the loud moan Light lets out would have clued you in. He whimpers, still moving inside you a bit, but the movement of his body is more controlled by the force Naoya's using to pummel into him.
His eyes roll back and his jaw goes slack. He'd never felt anything like this.
"What'd I tell you? I understand," Naoya grunts, "You're never gonna be able to go back when you've had a taste of this."
Light shakes his head, though he feels so hazy, he's not sure if the motion is clear. As he becomes more used to the feeling, he starts to be able to move against you a little more. You reach a hand down and rub at your clit. Light didn't seem to be too concerned with getting you there, so you would ensure you made it yourself.
The extra stimulation on your clit makes you tighten up on Light's cock. He whines and bites his lip as Naoya continues fucking him mercilessly.
"You gonna cum? Fill her up while I fill you," he grunts behind him.
Light nods, body growing shakier as his orgasm comes closer.
Only a few more desperate swirls on your bundle of nerves, and you reach your peak. You spasm around Light, writhing on the couch beneath him. He can't take it, the feeling of Naoya battering a sweet spot inside he didn't even know he had combined with your walls trying to milk him dry.
With a whimper, his cock starts to spurt inside you. It kicks with each rope of cum, his hips twitching in between the two bodies on either side of him. His head falls back to rest against Naoya's sweaty shoulder. The other man's breaths feel cool on his own slick skin.
Naoya can tell he's cumming from how his body moves and takes it as an invitation to pump his own load deep inside of Light. He thrusts all the way in and lets loose, moaning as his release floods the other man. He fucks it in a few times, noting every little twitch or sound Light makes.
When all is said and done, the room is quiet. The only sounds are the harsh breaths leaving each of your lungs, and the tail end of the storm raging outside.
Naoya's the first to pull out, easing his cock from Light's hole. He watches a bit of cum leak out afterward and grins at the sight.
Light goes next, slipping out of you and crumpling down onto the sofa.
You stay where you are for the moment, just taking in what happened.
The silence feels awkward for you and tense for Light but satisfying for Naoya.
You need some time. You can't think while they're both sitting right there. Standing up, you stretch your limbs a little. You intend to just leave, but then your eyes catch on the black eye pencil from earlier.
Your eyes narrow at Light when you snatch it from the couch.
"You and your boyfriend better buy me new eye liner," you pout before turning on your heel and making your way to the bedroom.
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A collection of all my writing. ♡
My Fic Recs
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12 Days of Smuff Masterlist
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Aemond Targaryen x OC
Series Masterlist (ONGOING) (18+)
Lady Arianwyn Targaryen, Lady of Runestone, was not born of love. Nor passion. Nor even a sense of duty. She was seeded by her father, the Rogue Prince Daemon Targaryen, in an act of unbridled hatred, and borne of her mother, the late Lady Rhea Royce, as a desperate grasp at revenge. But even a child born of such darkness can find her way to the light. With her mother dead, and father flown across the Narrow Sea with a new wife, the girl is taken in by her Aunt, the Queen Alicent Hightower, to be raised among the little family she has left. There, she finds her cousin, Prince Aemond Targaryen. As they grow, the two find themselves indelibly bonded. The two spend long nights in the palace library together, studying the histories of both Old Valyria and the First Men, seeking to understand who they are and where they fit in the world. But finding that place proves more difficult than in the fairy tales they read. The seeds of disaster were laid long before they were born, and as tensions in the family rise, it seems as though their places may begin to diverge. Will they let themselves be pulled apart as the dragons dance?
Warnings: Mentions of rape, m/f smut, violence
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Studious (Completed) (18+) Aemond Targaryen x Reader
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Moodboard by @sapphirehearteyes
Part I - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V - Part VI
Your marriage to the One-Eyed Prince is not as romantic as you hoped. The wedding night is beyond awkward and confusing, and afterward, your husband seems more than content to ignore you. But you keep finding yourself drawn to him, and the strange way he makes you feel. And though you don't know it, he is drawn to you as well.
Warnings: SMUT, p in v sex, masturbation (m and f) bad sex (these kids have no idea what they're doing), Aegon saying Aegon things, all the awkwardness in the world
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What is Broken (Completed) Aemond Targaryen x Pregnant Sister-wife!Reader
Series Masterlist
The war, the "Dance of the Dragons," as they have come to call it, is over. And yet, you are not celebrating. You have just learned that your husband, Prince Aemond, spent the last months of the war with another woman in his bed. Not only that, but his mistress is pregnant. Just like you...
Warnings: Angst, pregnancy and related symptoms, infidelity, childbirth
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Inconceivable (WIP) Aemond Targaryen x Sister!Reader
Part I - Part II
Westeros has been at peace for nearly a year, and a wedding has been planned to celebrate the anniversary. King Jacaerys will marry his aunt, the only surviving child of the Greens, and unite both Targaryen bloodlines at last. It is a fairy tale ending, but this is no ordinary fairy tale...
Warnings: Fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, giants, monsters, chases, escapes, true love, miracles... Angst, grief, forced marriage, more to be added
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My Fair Lady's Maid (WIP) (18+) Prince Aemond Targaryen x Lady's Maid!Reader
Part I - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V - Part VI - Part VII - Part VIII - Part IX - Part X
Frustrated with his grandsire's tedious and thorough process of choosing him a "suitable" bride, Aemond makes a declaration that a lady's maid could be indistinguishable from a true noblewoman so long as she was sufficiently dressed and educated in embroidery, conversation, and the like. Otto takes this as a challenge, and gives Aemond four months to turn one of Helaena's lady's maids into a noblewoman.
Warnings: Aemond being an entire cunt
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The Girl at the Table (WIP) (18+) Michael Gavey x Reader
Michael has a plan for Oxford: complete his degree at the top of the class, avoid the wealthy, spoiled pricks that make up the majority of the student body, and stay focused. The plan begins well, until a girl begins sitting at his study table.
Warnings: Smut, math
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Monsters in the Garden (ONGOING) (DDDNE) (18+) Ettore x Reader
Part I - Part II - Part III
No one comes to your garden but you, not even Dr. Dibs. So what is the most dangerous man on the ship doing leaning against your doorway and watching you work?
Warnings: SMUT; hand job; kissing; blood; mentions of rape, murder, and violence; female genital mutilation; vague mentions of corpse mutilation
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Storge, Philia, Eros, and Agape (WIP) Osferth x Reader
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Series Masterlist
When he arrives in Coccham to join with Lord Uhtred Ragnarsson's band of righteous warrior, Osferth does not get the greeting he expected. Uhtred himself is very clear that he has only accepted the young monk to irritate his father, and the few warriors he is introduced to delight in picking fun at him. Still, it is better than the monastery, the Lady of the estate is kind to him, and the servant girl who leads him to his new chambers is... something entirely new to Osferth. Something that, perhaps, will help him understand what the Bible means when it speaks of love.
Note: This is a series of inter-connected oneshots that can be read together or on their own.
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That Pointy-Eared Blond Bastard (WIP) (18+) Half-Vulcan!Aemond x Human(?)Reader
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Graduation - Away Team - Red Alert - Holodeck - Pon Farr
You are Aemond's greatest rival at Starfleet Academy. Or you would be, if he cared enough to have rivals. Vulcans don't care that much. But Aemond is only half Vulcan. And you... you bring out something decidedly non-Vulcan in him.
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A Companion (WIP) Otto Hightower x Young Widow!Reader
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Series Masterlist
At the suggestion of Princess Rhaenyra, King Viserys Targaryen had commanded that his Hand, Otto Hightower, find a new bride. Preferably at the King's own wedding to Otto's daughter Alicent. While the Princess intended the suggestion as a form of revenge for Otto's machinations which led to the royal engagement, he intends to make the best of it. While he has always known that his late wife, Madelyn, is the great love of his life, he welcomes the idea of finding a tolerable companion. What he doesn't expect is you, a lady widowed far too young, who begins to spark feelings within him he thought long extinguished.
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punkpandapatrixk · 1 month
Take care of yourself, girlies~♡
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The aenergies last couple of weeks have been strange and shifting a lot. There seem to be incessant drama and a disturbing sense of dissatisfaction all around the world. Hmm…they’re trying to get ‘your approval’ for WW3, so it’s best to stay in your high vibrations by taking care of yourself and not get dragged into political drama LMAO
New PAC dropping this weekend. It’s overdue but if it’s the timing, it’s the timing v( ´ ▽ ` )
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I’ll be posting some more updates about the blog in the coming week~ I hope you’re excited for some new types of content that will appear on the blog ^^
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Take care and eat well~🥞
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atomicwrite · 2 years
🎀 [NSFW] F!Reader x Shadow the Hedgehog
This is a request I received on Wattpad long ago ;; ♡
Req.: F!Reader x Shadow the Hedgehog - what if he has some alone time with you?
Reader is always Mobian and 18+!
English is not my first language, I apologize for improper grammar and mistakes! ;v;
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⚠ Warnings: NSFW; suggestive content
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(Small note: reader is a cartographer for missions!)
You were sitting at your desk, your working room was dimly lit from the lantern you had hanging up behind you, drawing a map for a new mission you all will attend to while thoroughly examining the sketch snippets Rouge gave you.
With all your attention being drawn to that tiny piece of paper between your two fingers, you clearly didn't notice how someone entered the room, obviously careful not to make any noises to startle you.
You let out a soft sigh, putting the feather tip back into the tiny ink pot next to your map and awarded yourself with a nice little stretch.
"What are you doing?" You heard, felt, someone say, as they clearly brushed against the fluff of your ear.
Almost immediately, you flinched and let out a tiny gasp, your cold hands covering your ears as (e/c) orbs finally wandered up to meet crimson ones.
You continued to look into Shadow's eyes, almost as if they pull you into an infinite trance.
"N-nothing important..."
He noticed your embarrassment and chuckled slightly,
"Oh? You have such sensitive ears? I apologize, I", Shadow smirked and took ahold of one of your hand to uncover your ear and leaned down to whisper, "did not know. Not at all."
Initially, he came here to inform you about the mission, but now that you were looking at him with such an adorable and innocent expression, he couldn't resist to tease and play with you a little more.
Without a warning, his other hand slowly reached up to touch your delicate tail, gently rubbing it between his gloved fingertips.
You shivered in pleasure as you felt his warm fingers running on the tip of your tail before he stopped there and looked back at you,
"Cute. The noises you make... they sound so inappropriate."
Your face flushed red, whimpering as he began to trail his fingers down your tail, and, to your surprise, stopped right above your most sensitive spot. He gave your tail a gentle squeeze, eliciting a low moan from your lips which only made him grin.
You suddenly felt so small and devoted to him, as if you were no longer in control of anything anymore. As if he knew what you wanted better than you do.
It was a very intoxicating feeling, and it made you blush like crazy.
You didn't really mind, though.
"Hmhm~" He hummed, his thumb caressing over that very same spot before traveling lower, touching along your tailbone.
It was hard to think straight as your mind was clouded with an unknown feeling, one you've never encountered in this world or the last. It was like a warm fire burning inside you, spreading across your body like magic.
"Can't wait to hear what other cute noises you make."
His strong hands took ahold of your waist, pulling you up so he could make you sit down on the desk.
Shadow leaned down even more and took the side of your ear between both his lips, sucking on it gently before teasingly nibbling on it.
Your body felt like it was going numb from the sudden rush of pleasure you experienced in the matter of seconds, not even able to move or react as he started kissing your neck, making you moan softly as his lips trailed further down your throat until he reached your collarbone. His hands slowly lifted up your dress/shirt as he kept planting kisses on your sensitive skin/fur.
He moved on after that, kissing his way down your chest, leaving hot kisses down your stomach as you shivered from the strange sensation of his tongue running across your belly, causing you to breathe heavily, your eyes closed tightly.
It wasn't long before he finally reached your thigh, his soft kiss making you grip onto your desk as he continued to tease you.
"Mmhm..." He moaned and nipped lightly at your inner thigh, "So, I'm guessing this is where you get off."
You gasped and stuttered, unable to form words.
Shadow chuckled huskily, continuing his assault on your thighs, "You're so very cute when you blush. You should probably stop that though, because it's really distracting me."
He looked up at you as he pressed a finger inside you, letting out a pleased hum as he added another one, fucking you slow but deep with his fingers.
"H-How many fingers do you have...?" You managed to mumble through your pants, only to feel him chuckle again, "Just three. And judging by how good you are taking them, I'd say you love having my fingers inside you."
"Y-Yes..." You breathed, feeling his thumb run along your clit, causing you to shudder.
He kept going, pushing his fingers deeper inside you and then pulling them out before repeating the process over and over again, faster each time he went in and faster every time he pulled away until he finally gave you a few hard thrusts, burying his face into your mound and licking at your sensitive bud.
The combination of his tongue and his fingers made you lose your mind, moaning a little louder and shaking uncontrollably as he continued to play with you.
"Ah! Ah! Mmhmm...!" You shyly cried out, your hips buckling as you came, panting heavily as Shadow rubbed your clit with his thumb, making you tighten around his fingers.
Everything was so embarrassing and exciting at once, but at the same time, he seemed so calm and determined, as if nothing could stop him from getting his way. And somehow, he had this aura about himself that just made you want to obey him without hesitation.
When Shadow suddenly yanked his fingers out, making you whimper, you looked up at him and saw a smug smile on his face.
"I think I'll call this one 'the bingo'."
He said, standing up and walking towards the door,
"We're going to be late if we don't leave now."
His voice was stern and firm, but there was still a hint of playful curiosity in his tone. His gaze told you everything, and you knew he would be having fun with you for the rest of the day.
After he walked out of the room, you sit there, completely drained from the intense orgasm he just brought upon you.
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私の人生は私の集約 watashi no jinsei wa watashi no shuuyaku/I decide my own VIBE, bitch!
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Moon Day 3 in Capricorn→Aquarius/New Moon
M o o n N a v i ♥︎ VII The Chariot Rx
The most talented people in the world are often those who doubt themselves the most, too. Isn’t it strange? When you literally possess the greatest potentials to serve the greater good of Mankind. It’s not a sin to doubt yourself, of course. You’re only struggling that way because you’re highly aware of other people who are just as talented or more. Having the ability to notice other people’s awesome is only a sign that you’re being directed towards the same path. At least a similar path, yeah? Use this awareness to uplift yourself, knowing you’re going down that same road. Isn’t it more exciting to view Life that way?
Other people’s beauty, talents and successes are supposed to motivate and inspire those who are on a similar bandwidth of Reality. People who feel smaller when witnessing the talents of others are little bitches who will never find great success in their own world. These are the types of people who will play the role of adversaries and villains in other people’s worlds as we plod along this drama of being Human.
I hope you know for yourself what role you’re supposed to be playing in your own world. If you ain’t the appallingly awesome main character of your own Story, what the freak even is the point? So now the question is: ‘What the hell of a main character am I?’
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Priestess of Illumination ♡ Affirmations
‘Light dawns on me. My mind is clear. Brain fogs dissolve and I find myself again. I remember my innate talents. I prioritise my interests and hobbies. I serve my highest intended Life Purpose. I follow the guidance of my Higher Self and team of Spirit Guides. I am protected from harm and I have all the energy I need to serve my highest good. I intelligently manage my time and intuitively allocate it for things, people and endeavours that do truly matter. Light dawns on me. I AM THAT BITCH.’
☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・.
[Main Blog] [Patreon] [Paid Readings]
☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・.
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I know the algebraic expression of L-O-V-E [Kamunami/Hinanami & Yandere!Chiaki] - Chapter 3
Disclaimer: This is an AU in which the Chiaki AI got at least partially infected by the Junko Virus. This is what makes her become a Yandere and a bit out of character. This AU also entails Hajime and Izuru becoming more of a DID-System, instead of fusing into one person. The main difference, compared to the real illness, is that they can switch out consciousness at will. Also, major spoilers and canon divergence ahead. You have been warned.
Chapter 3
Stumbling the room, a bit later than usually, Hajime greeted the already turned-on computer with a cheerful “good morning”. “Hajime, you’re late. What took you so long?” Chiaki pounded impatiently. “Ah, excuse me. I almost slept in and wanted to grab some breakfast before coming here.” He excused himself.
“It’s fine… it’s not like I’m more important than that…” Guilt tripping him out of the blue in a self-depreciative way. “Hey now, where is that coming from?” Hajime was being caught off guard by her sudden personality change.
“Well, I think you know. I’m just a program, an artificial intelligence. I only exist within the boundaries of this screen.” Surprisingly self-aware, it took him a second or two to respond. “I mean… yeah. But to me you’re so much more. You’re almost like the real Chiaki.”
“Almost?” She questioned in return. “The original Chiaki cannot be replaced, I’m aware of that. But you’re all that’s left of her.” He confessed.
“Please tell me more of how Chiaki used to be. I want to become even more like her.” The AI prompted him. “Uhm, let me think…”
“Chiaki loved Videogames. But that’s a given, I mean she used to be the Ultimate Gamer after all and…” it took him a while to answer further. “…she was loved by everyone in class and…” Another pause, he was looking for more things to describe her, but his memory was a bit fuzzy, barely remembering more of her characteristics.
“I don’t know anything else right now, but I think that should help you out already, right?”
“So, basically, I used to be a simple, basic girl. Unproblematic, uncritical, a little too perfect. No wonder you fell in love with her. That can be easily recreated in my coding…” This was getting a bit strange.
“Hey, no, I wouldn’t say that she was perfect in every way nor simple-minded either and...”
“Do you even know her… my favorite game?” Challenging him before he could even finish his desperate explanation.
“That’s easy! It used to be ‘Galaga-Omega’!”
“Right?” Second guessing himself.
“Yep, that’s right.” Chiaki confirmed for him.
“Hehe, see, she wasn’t so basic after all.” Not sure if he was trying to convince the AI or himself there.
“’Galaga-Omega’ spawned an entire genre of space-shooter-clones, all playing very similar to each other. Did developers manage to program more innovative games by now?” Asking him to update her database on that, as they were still cut off from any external communication.
On the top of his head Hajime couldn’t name any new video games because there were none released in the past three to four years, due to what the world became.
“Actually, we went back to playing retro games, they are a trend again nowadays!” He didn’t know how much longer he could keep the tragedy a secret from her. Lying felt bad, but it was a necessary evil to keep her in check. Remembering Izuru’s warning clear as day.
The topic of games to play went on for a bit before Hajime decided to pack up and leave for a while. “I know it’s earlier than usually, but I also have other friends, I want to spend time with. I hope you understand.”
“Who do you wanna spend time with?” Confronting Hajime about that.
“I dunno. Maybe Sonia or Gundham, maybe I’m going to hang out with Nagito for a change. You know you and him used to be close as well.” Explaining to her.
“Nagito Komaeda, the Ultimate Lucky Student. Do you like him?”
“It’s… difficult. He’s a bit over the top, most of the time, but I try to get along better with him. You know, everything starts with the first step.”
“I understand, I hope you have fun with him then, Hajime.” She sent him off with a smile. However, compared to the times before, her screen didn’t shut off, as he left.
As the door closed, certainly he was out of hearing range, her facial expression went dark instead.
“Of course. I’m just an AI, not a real human. Your real human friends are far more interesting to you…”
“I thought you would know… that I’m more than just a tragic sweet girl underneath this surface. There’s so much more going on within me.” Almost sounding like a cry for help, but no one was there to listen to her.
“If, if only I could shatter that wall between us and be with you. Maybe then you’d see…” The monitor turned off with a static flickering after she said that.
« Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 »
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arlert-angel · 3 years
a little extra ☪
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♡ plug!eren x reader (modern!au)
❥ you’ve gotten some pretty good deals out of your plug. your friends connie and sasha help you realize why that is.
❥ wc: 3.5k
❥ cw: drug use (weed), alcohol mentioned, spit, oral (male and female receiving), impact play, v slight dubcon, dacryphilia, kinda hard dom eren idk
❥ note: maybe i dabble with the devil's lettuce from time to time... sue me!! but idk how i feel about this one lol
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You never thought too hard about how much you were spending on weed.
When you got to college and you met Eren, he gave you much lower prices than what you were used to. You didn’t assume it had anything to do with you. You actually thought that your high school plug must’ve been scamming you. You had a fleeting moment of bitterness and then that was that.
You would have never questioned it further if Sasha and Connie hadn’t said anything.
It was a Friday night and the trio of you guys were hotboxing a fort that you built in your shared apartment. Sasha was crunching insanely loud on chips and Connie was laying on both of you while running his own commentary on some B horror movie. This was your guy's typical weekend after a stressful week of school. Sometimes you all would branch out and go to a party, but for the most part you guys liked to relax.
“I swear Eren’s quality improved,” Connie noted, taking a rip from the bong you three were passing around.
“Mmmm,” Was all you offered in reply, not tired, but too lazy to form a response.
“How much did you say you got all this for?” Sasha asked in between chomps. You missed the sneaky glance she shared with Connie.
“25, why?” You mumbled before stealing some chips.
“25 for an eighth is insane, and this is some high shelf,” Connie laughed, which made Sasha giggly as a chain reaction.
“What's so funny about that?” You opened your own snacks, preemptively handing Sasha some of your cookies before she could ask.
“I’m just wondering how much free weed it’s gonna take for you to finally fuck him,” Connie pointed out like it was the most obvious thing in the world and in result Sasha laughed so hard she snorted.
“Wait, you think he’s been giving me good deals and stuff cause he wants to fuck?” Your mind was already in shambles from being high, but this felt like an impossible math problem at the moment.
“I tried to tell you when he gave you edibles for free,” Sasha chimed in, having finally calmed down and wiped leftover tears from her eyes.
“But he just said they were new and to tell me how I liked them?” You explained, but you didn’t even convince yourself.
“Y/N, he’s a businessman, and he cannot be making any money with you,” Sasha lit the bong back up and took a hit, then passed it to you.
“Bet, if I text him right now for an eighth the price will be different,” Connie wagered.
“I mean knock yourself out,” You coughed out the smoke you were holding, “But I doubt this is gonna prove anything.”
“Sure…” Connie took out his phone and shot Eren a text asking about prices before locking his phone.
“Aren’t you gonna wait for the reply?” You tried to pass the bong to Connie without looking, but had to look up when he didn’t take the glass from your hand.
“Y/N…” Connie and Sasha both were looking at you weirdly.
“Does Eren... your plug, reply to you immediately?” Sasha was the one who asked, but both of them didn’t stop the strange expressions of their faces.
“Better question, when he texts you that he's on his way how soon does he get here?” Connie asks, starting to hold back giggles.
“Stop!” Sasha hits him, beginning to laugh at herself, “Don’t make me laugh, I want to hear them answer?”
“He gets back to me at a normal time and arrives at a reasonable amount of time, is that really all that weird?” You ask, looking at the shocked expressions of your best friends.
“Forget fucking, I think Eren loves you,” Sasha teased before giggling some more.
“You should ask him about it tomorrow at Jean’s party,” Connie stole a cookie before grabbing the bong.
“Maybe I will, just to prove you guys wrong,” You declared, but neither of them looked convinced.
You slept in the following day. When you woke up you checked all the messages you received, one of which was a screenshot from Connie.
“40?” You read aloud in disbelief.
Eren told Connie he'd give him an eighth for 40 dollars. The exact same stuff you had gotten too.
Holy shit.
Eren Jaeger had some sort of motive when it came to you. Whether it be romantic or just wanting to fuck, there was no way he was giving you extra out of the kindness of his heart.
You decided that you would confront him about it at Jean's party. The worst that could happen is that he starts charging you like everyone else. A good case scenario would be getting to fuck him. Eren was hot and you had no complaints if things turned out that way.
Later that day after getting ready with Sasha and Connie, you guys walked to Jean's fraternity. His frat house was only a block or two away from your guy's campus apartment.
The party was by no means some project X rager, but there were quite a bit of people. Most people weren't drunk enough to start dancing yet, so everyone was chatting happily amongst friends in different sections of the house.
You step outside on a mission, knowing that usually Eren could be found with stoners that sat around the fire pit. You spotted his man bun and then took in his outfit. He was wearing all black, with simple black jeans and t-shirt, but also had a thin silver chain hanging from his neck.
He looked good. His broad shoulders and muscle arms seemed to stand out more today, or maybe you just weren't paying close enough attention before.
Hyping yourself up, you managed to walk yourself over to him and steal an empty seat next to him. Eren took a drag of the blunt that he had been smoking and seemed to drink in your presence before passing it to someone else.
"Y/N, you look good this evening," He shamelessly looked you up and down. How had you missed all these looks before? He looked like he wanted to devour you.
"You're not so bad yourself," You flirted back which seemed to spark his interest.
You never really paid his flirty comments any mind before, but now he noticed a new glint of lust in your eyes. To say he was intrigued was an understatement. Eren had wanted you since the beginning of the year. If this was the opportunity he needed to take, he definitely would.
"What brings you here, don't you usually stay in with Connie and Sasha?" Eren made conversation, not too interested with the answer. He was more preoccupied with imagining how he'd take off your clothes.
"Yeah… but we go out sometimes!" You defended, not wanting to bring up that he was slightly part of your motivation to come tonight. Also didn't want to ask him about giving you free weed when other customers were probably sitting across from you.
"And where are those two?" Eren leaned closer, boldly placing a hand on your thigh. The heat of his large hand made you a little disoriented. You noted the look of satisfaction on his face when you didn't shove him off.
"I think they said they were going to challenge Armin and Jean to beer pong, but they're awful at that so the game might be over by now," You explained, but if they truly were finished they probably would've been out here smoking by now.
But speak of the devils and they shall appear. Connie and Sasha came stumbling across the lawn to where you were seated.
"What's up, Eren," Connie and Eren did a weird handshake of sorts, and Sasha seemed to be scanning the area with a plan in mind.
"Wow, no more seats huh? Eren, you should go take Y/N to get some drinks, so Connie and I don't have to sit on the floor," Sasha wasn't that smooth sober, but intoxicated she sounded like a robot monologuing. She might as well have said: be alone together.
"Yeah, sounds good," Eren stood and held out his hand for you. Eren began to lead you back inside, and you looked back at your best friends. They were making sexual gestures and kissy faces, almost making you laugh.
"Wanna go somewhere more private?" Eren shot his shot, forgoing drinks.
"Sure," You agreed, not minding one bit where this might lead.
You guys ended up in a bedroom, you didn't know who's, and wondered if Eren did. Eren calmly sat on the bed, legs spread, and watched you stand in the center of the room.
"Eren, I have a question," You walked closer, into his personal space. His hand gripped your hip and he looked up at you.
"Shoot," He grinned lazily, his eyes looking like they were already undressing you.
"Did you give me free weed because you wanted to fuck me?" You asked, placing your own hands on his shoulders.
"Hmm, maybe," He pretended to think it over, "Or maybe I'm just a nice guy."
"You think so?" You teased slightly.
"Not really, being nice isn't anything I'm used to. I much prefer being mean," He smirked to himself almost like there was an inside joke you were missing before continuing, "But why do you ask? Worried if we fuck you're not going to get anything from me anymore?"
"No, I don't mind," You let Eren guide you onto his lap, "I want this either way."
"That's good to hear," Eren began kissing your throat. He gave small kisses until he reached your pulse point and there he sucked hard. It made you squirm on his lap and he pulled away.
"So eager, aren't you?" He didn't say anything, but the look in his eye was absolutely degrading. It made you tingle all the more.
"I'm not the only one," You stated, rolling your hips against the hard-on you felt underneath you, "Besides, you must've wanted this for quite some time, hmm?"
Eren did not seem to appreciate your teasing.
He smoothly spun you both around, and shoved you on the bed, with him hovering over you. His hand was around your throat and his hands slid into your pants. It happened so fast, your body and pounding heart processed it before your brain did.
"So what if I did, hmm? Does it make you wet knowing I wanted this pussy for so long?" He teasingly rubbed your clit through your panties, causing a surprised moan to escape you.
"What pretty noises you make," Eren complimented, "I want to hear some more."
With that he began undressing you, and quickly you were only in your bra and panties. The only item Eren had taken off himself was his shirt, but holy shit was he a beautiful sight. His silver chain shined against his tan skin and his muscles flexed with each of his movements.
"Open your mouth," He commanded as he leaned over you. The scent of his expensive perfume was intoxicating at this proximity, you had to shake yourself out of a daze to follow his order.
You watched as he gathered spit in his mouth, you had time to close your mouth, but you didn't want to. He spit directly in your mouth. When you felt his saliva meet your own, your pussy clenched in excitement.
Eren's thigh was in between your legs and he pressed himself closer against you at the feeling of your cunt throbbing.
Next, Eren took off your bra with surprisingly quick skill. It was something you didn't dwell on long because Eren quickly sucked a nipple into his mouth, hard.
He continued sucking and tweaking your nipples, and giving your breasts sloppy kisses in between. Meanwhile, he continued to grind his jean clad thigh into you, giving you enjoyable friction.
"Hah! Eren, please!" You cried out, mind muddled from all the pleasure. He had barely started and your head was already in the clouds.
"Hmm? What do you want, use your words baby," One of Eren's hands was wrapped gently around your throat, and the other was busy pushing hair out of your face lovingly.
"I-I don't k-know, oh fuck," You whined when Eren grinded his clothed hard-on into you.
"Y-Y-You don't know?" Eren mocked you, "Maybe you don't want anything?" He started to pull away, and you desperately latched onto him.
"Your cock," You managed to get out, still scared he might leave you high and dry.
"So, you do know what you want," He smirked, standing and began to unbuckle his pants, "You want my cock, pretty baby?"
"Yes, please," You whimpered, coming face to face with Eren's bulge that was prominent even behind his briefs.
"She has manners too!" He stroked hair gently at first, but abruptly yanked you closer, "If you want it so bad then suck it."
Eren took his cock out directly in front of your lips, and you would be lying if you said your mouth didn't water at the sight. He was on the long side of average, maybe six inches or six and half, but he was also very thick. He seemed to be well groomed and had a couple prominent veins that caught your eye.
Overall, Eren Jaeger had a pretty cock.
When you finished admiring, you didn't hesitate to open your mouth and swirl your tongue around his leaking head. Your mouth, and more specifically your jaw, had to get used to his thickness as you hollowed your cheeks to suck more of him into your mouth. You were mindful of your teeth and let your tongue tease a particular vein.
"Your mouth feels so good, Jesus Christ," Eren groaned and seemed to unconsciously buck into you. The sight of him lost in pleasure was too much for you. Your hand immediately shot down to your clit to ease it's ache, before you slipped your fingers inside yourself.
Eren half-lid eyes immediately sharpened to laser focus, and he withdrew his dick from your mouth.
"I don't remember telling you to touch yourself?" Eren pulled your hand out of your panties and looked at you disappointed.
"But Eren–"
He slapped you.
It wasn't hard enough to bruise or even ache tomorrow, but it was hard enough to leave behind some sting and shock.
"If you're going to make excuses, don't bother speaking," Eren gripped your cheeks with one hand and made you meet his dark gaze.
"I'm sorry," You didn't know why disappointing Eren almost made you emotional, but tears gathered anyhow, "Please, I won't do it again."
"Of course you won't, baby," He played with your hair again, but this time gathering it at the back of your head, "Make it up to me, yeah? Take my cock down your throat."
You opened your mouth obediently, even though you doubted you could fit that much inside, you wanted to please him.
"Fuck, that's it," Eren thrusted, sliding half of his cock inside your mouth, getting the back of your throat prepared. He used only that length for a while, but once he felt you get into a groove, he pushed further.
Immediately your throat spasmed in protest and you gagged as Eren began to fuck your throat. Eren let out moans and grunts in a beautiful melody. One you couldn't appreciate because you were too focused on trying to breathe. You tried to tap his thighs when you felt like the limited air that was coming through your nose wasn't enough, but Eren continued.
"You can take it," He held you close for another long couple of seconds, your nose pressed to his pelvis. He groaned at your gagging throat, before releasing you entirely.
You quickly caught your breath in gasps of air, tasting the tears that were streaming down your cheeks. Your head was spinning, but your body was buzzing in excitement.
"You're so beautiful like this," Eren groaned, taking in your tear stained cheeks and swollen lips.
"Eren, I need you," Your neglected pussy seemed to throb in agreement as you crawled your way onto the bed.
"You need me?" His eyes seemed to sparkle at that, "Where do you need me? Here?" He rubbed your clothed cunt, gaining a whine from you.
"Yes, please," You grinded into his fingers, but he pulled them away. Before you could complain he began removing your panties, sailing them far across the room.
"Your pussy belongs to me now, right?" Eren moved himself down your body, making himself eye level with your pussy. He toyed with your leaking wetness and brought it up to your clit.
"Yeah, it's yours," you were still catching your breath from getting face-fucked when Eren decided to bury his face into your cunt.
"Fuck!" You swore, surprised at the sudden pleasure.
Eren strongly grabbed your thighs, tugging them wide apart, but you didn't mind. He moaned into you as he licked you in quick, repetitive patterns.
The obnoxious slurping noises that he made might have embarrassed you if he wasn't making you feel so good. He rubbed his face back and forth, his nose nudging your clit.
"Ah! Eren, I think I might–"
He pulled away.
"W-Why?" You couldn't help but pout as tears of frustration formed in your eyes.
"Baby, don't cry! I want to feel you cum around my cock," He wiped away your tears in what felt like insincerity. He knew exactly what he was doing to you, "Now, wanna ride me?"
You let Eren guide you over his cock, still reeling over your loss of orgasm. But you felt yourself come back to life when you began sinking down onto him.You somehow underestimated Eren's thickness and you definitely were feeling the stretch, you probably will feel it tomorrow as well.
When he finally bottomed out in you, you both couldn't seem to take your eyes off at where you were connected. Your pussy was fluttering around him and you felt him so deep inside.
"You're squeezing me so much, holy shit," Eren's eyebrows furrowed in what seemed like concentration, as he gripped his hands around your hips.
"You're so deep," You slid your hands up his chest and gripped his shoulders for support to help bounce slightly, testing the waters.
"Move." He wasn't begging, he was ordering, but you were more than willing to oblige. You rocked your hips to gain rhythm and steadied yourself before continuing to bounce.
Eren aided you, pulling you back down onto his cock, and meeting your thrust halfway. You ignored the burn in your thigh muscles and continued to slam yourself down, gaining speed as you did.
The pornographic slaps of skin echoed in the room, mixed in with your moans and Eren's grunts. People hearing from the party didn't cross your mind at all. The only thing that was on your mind was: Eren and cumming.
As you continued to fuck, Eren made himself busy sucking and kissing your bouncing tits. He also began rubbing your clit lightly, pausing when he felt you seemed a little too close. This had you whining in frustration, but you didn't stop.
He was filling you up incredibly, and you felt his cock repetitively drag across a particular spot that had you clenching. He noticed the way you tensed and moaned louder when that happened, so he switched his angle slightly and had you practically screaming.
"Oh fuck, please Eren, please, please," You didn't know what you were saying, you didn't really care, but you knew the high you were chasing was right around the corner.
"Please? You want to cum? You want to cream around my cock?" You had no time to answer.
Eren held your hips still and thrusted into you hard, hitting your special spot every time.
He brought one hand back to your clit and you were done for.
You collapsed onto Eren's chest, tits crushing against him. You were babbling absolute nonsense, and crying from the overwhelming pleasure that just kept coming as Eren thrust up into you.
You felt yourself release the coil in your stomach, and you swore you could actually see stars. Eren didn't let up, chasing his own high that also seemed to be approaching.
"You're clenching me so tight, fuck, fuck," He spun you both around, you were now flat on your back as Eren continued to pound you into the mattress, hips stuttering slightly.
You felt him twitch inside you, right before he pulled out. He swore loudly, cumming all over your pussy and a little on your stomach too.
You both caught your breaths as Eren slumped beside you.
"I'll give all the weed you want, if we can do that again," Eren was only half joking as he looked at your fucked out state.
"Definitely again," Is all you could say back as you gathered all the thoughts that had been fucked out of you.
When you told Connie and Sasha the next day you got two big I-told-you-so's, but they were supportive as long as they got some free weed out of it.
You didn't respond to the group chat when Jean sent a picture of your underwear with the text: Is this any of yours?
You discovered whose room that was though.
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tomorrowxtogether · 3 years
WHO director-general praises TXT’s Yeonjun for sharing touching message to fans during the pandemic
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The K-pop star had shared some advice to fans who were feeling overwhelmed by the current situation
TXT member Yeonjun has been praised by Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the director-general of the World Health Organisation, for his encouraging message to fans amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.
In an August 14 V Live broadcast, the idol received a comment from a fan asking for advice on how not to be sad. Yeonjun quickly assured that there was “nothing embarrassing” about being sad. “Don’t feel overwhelmed asking me for advice on WeVerse or online communities when feeling sad or depressed,” he said, per Allkpop.
The TXT member went on to explain: “I just want you to be comfortable telling me and it’s nothing to be embarrassed about and it’s nothing strange. Being sad is something that is extremely natural. You can feel sad.” Yeonjun also shared some tips for fans to cheer up.
“One way not to be sad is having more good things going on. But since you’re saying that you don’t have much… I want you to concentrate on the smallest things that you can be happy within your daily life. Or make moments you can be happy with,” said the idol, who went on to share how he practices this in his daily life. “For me, I am happy just watching movies while eating. That’s nothing special but that makes me so happy.”
In response to Yeonjun’s words, WHO’s director general praised the idol on Twitter, writing that what Yeonjun said is “absolutely right”.
Ghebreyesus added in his caption: “The pandemic is a challenging time for all of us – we all can feel sad & depressed, especially young people. It’s important to find someone you trust & talk about how you feel. And if you see a friend looking sad, reach out.”
TXT returned with their new single ‘LO$ER=LO♡ER’ today (August 17). It is the lead single of their newly released repackage album, ‘The Chaos Chapter: Fight Or Escape’, also out now.
The new album is a re-release of their sophomore Korean-language album ‘The Chaos Chapter: Freeze’, which dropped in May. In a five-star review of the record, NME‘s Rhian Daly said the boyband “offer a light in the darkness on their best release yet”.
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fallen-regentarc · 1 year
continued from xx . @darehearts
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                  davinas   touch   is   gentle   as   she   is   patching   him   up      ,      careful   not   too   put   too   much   pressure   on   his   wound   as   she   listens   to   him      .      normally   when   he's   in   the   medbay   he's   groaning      &      scolding   Doctor   McCoy   for   his   bedside   manners      ,      so   to   see   this   much   gentler   side   of   him   seems   to   throw   her   off   kilter   a   bit      .      not   that   it's   a   bad   thing      ---      no      ,      it   was   nice   to   see   another   side   of   the   Captain      .      '      loneliness   is   something   that   i've   grown   accustomed   to      ,      when   you've   lost   as   many   as   I   have   you   seem   to   place   a   timer   on   those around you   for   when   they   will   leave   as   well      .      '
                              macabre      ,      yes      ,      but   davina   had   lost   more   than   a   handful   of   people   that   she   had   loved   to   a   war   she   was   never   interested   in   fighting      ,      but   their   deaths   had been   the   reason   that   pushed   her   to   be   where   she   is   now      .      '      Doctor   McCoy   somehow   has   the   capacity   to   hold   more   southern   metaphors   than   I   thought   humanly   possible      .      '      the   brunette   laughs   as   she   presses   her   fingers   over   the   closure   of   the   bandage      &      inspects   it   once   more   before   turning   to   start   cleaning   up   the   tray      .      '      he's   not   rude   to   me      ,      if   that's   what   you're   asking      .      he's   just         ---         '      hand   waves   as   she   tries   to   think   of   the   correct   words   to   say      .
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                  '      being   in   space   doesn't   allow   for   much   southern   hospitality      &      i'm   from   the   south      .      '      one   of   the   nurses   comes   over      &      takes   the   tray   once   she's   done   cleaning   it   up      ,      thanking   them   and   turning   back   to   the   Captain      .      '      you   can   call   me   Davina      .      if   I   am   to   eventually   feel   like   the   crew   is   my   family      ,      it   seems   like   we   should   start   being   less   formal      .      '
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fallen-regentarc · 10 months
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“   finding out the truth doesn’t always work out for the best .   ”
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                    the   witch   understood   what   the   man   meant    ,    the   implications    &    how    ,    even   when   searching   for   the   truth   it   may   not   be   what   you   anticipated   or   expected    .    sometimes   the   reality   of   the   situation   is   the   last   thing   that   you   would   want   to   happen   to   you    .    davina   had   experienced   the   gravity   of   the   situation   multiple   times   before    ,    having   watched   as   her   kind   knew   the   truth   about   many   of   their   rituals    ,    but   when   it   was   time   to   face   the   consequences    —    well    ,    they   realized   they   were   wrong    .
                    '    people   seeking   truth   must   understand   that   what   is   true   isn't   always   easy   to   swallow    .    '    sometimes   it   would   go   down   like   cough   medicine    ,    the   bitter   taste   lingering   on   their   tongue   as   they   fought   whatever   infliction   they   were   battling   at   that   moment    .    '    but   those   who   want   the   easy   road   also   much   know   that   what   they   seek   may   be   nothing   but   an   illusion    .    i've   gone   through   plenty    ,    pretended   that   things   that   were   not   there   were   for   the   sake   of   my   sanity    .    '    it's   true    ,    davina   had   ignored   the   signs   of   the   betrayal    &    the   death   that   would've   struck   her   if   she   didn't   sign   up   for   Starfleet    .    she   wanted   to   believe   that   her   coven   would've   protected   her    .
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                            '    i   know   what   the   truth   is    ,    no   matter   how   much   it   hurts    &    how   much   i   hate   it    .    but   I   found   it   on   my   own    ,    you   can't   push   someone   to   the   truth   if   they   aren't   ready   to   accept   it    .    '
@respondedinkind . prompt
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fallen-regentarc · 1 year
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                                   davina   claire      &      doctor   leonard   mccoy
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fallen-regentarc · 10 months
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“   let us remember why we are here   &   what we hope to achieve .   ”
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             '    i've   never   forgotten   why   I   am   here    &    what   the   goal   is    .    '    davina   wasn't   sure   why   he   was   saying   that    ,    why   he   was   speaking   as   if   she   had   suddenly   lost   her   way    &    needed   to   be   reminded   of   her   duty   on   board   the   Enterprise    .    '    I   am   still   able   to   do   my   job    &    I   am   fully   capable    ,    I   know   what   we   hope   to   achieve   and   I   am   determined   to   make   sure   that   we   reach   that   goal    .    We   owe   it   to   the   Captain    .    '    Davina   wants   to   say   that   she   owes   it   to   herself    ,    but   she   doesn't   know   if   she   deserved   much    ,    feeling   like   a   fraud   since   she   only   joined   Starfleet   to   escape   her   past    .
                '    day   or   night    ,    Doctor   McCoy    ,    you   know   I   will   stand   here   and   do   whatever   is   asked   of   me    &    whatever   is   needed    .    '    davina   can't   help   but   sigh    ,    running   her   fingers   through   her   hair   before   taking   the   glass   of   whiskey   in   front   of   her    &    finishing   it   in   one   gulp    &    wincing   at   the   burn    .    '    my   issue   is   that   I   do   not   feel   like   I   am   doing   enough    .    like   I   could   be   saving   more   of   our   people    &    I   am   failing    .    '    she   sighs   once   more   as   she   reaches   to   fill   her   glass   up   again    ,    staring   down   into   the   liquid   before   looking   back   up   at   him    .
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                '    does   it   ever   get   easier    ?    '
@barebcnes . prompt
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fallen-regentarc · 11 months
                  Davina   had   finished   her   rounds   in   the   Sickbay      ,      having   been   given   the   okay   to   take   the   rest   of   the   day   by   Doctor   McCoy   since   it   was   a   slow   day      .      with   no   intended   destination   she   had   started   to   wander   the   corridors      ,      having   small   conversations   with   those   she   recognized   until   she   had   decided   that   she   would   retire   to   her   quarters   to   read      &      study   some   of   the   manuals   that   had   been   given   to   her      .      as   she   is   making   her   way   back   to   her   room   she   was   moving   quickly      &      turned   one   of   the   corners   a   little   too   quickly      &      suddenly   was   colliding   with   a   male      ,      face   meeting   his   chest      &      she   is   steading   herself   with   the   hopes   of   not   falling   to   the   floor      .      immediately   she   starts   apologizing      ,      rubbing   her   nose      &      instantly   smiling   when   she   sees   it's   Chekov      &      her   cheeks   flush   maroon   in   embarrassment      .
                           '      maybe   I   should   watch   where   I   am   going      ,      but   the   good   thing   is   that   I   have   a   medical   degree      .      are   you   okay      ?      '      hands   come   up   to   touch   his   arms      ,      looking   him   over   to   make   sure   that   she   didn't   hurt   him   accidentally      ,      even   though   she   wasn't   sure   she   could   do   much   damage   at   the   mere   stature   of   5'1"      .      '      have   you   seen   all   the   decorations      ?      apparently   the   crew   celebrates   Halloween      .      '      she   had   finally   released   him      ,      gesturing   towards   the   cobwebs   and   the   pictures   of   ghosts   and   pumpkins   that   adorned   the   walls      &      ceiling      .
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            '      do   you   think   we   will   be   stationed   for   the   holiday      ,      or   will   all   the   spooking      &      haunting   be   happening   on   board      ?      '
               starter   based   on   this   post      .     @ensnchekov
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I know the algebraic expression of L-O-V-E [Kamunami/Hinanami & Yandere!Chiaki] - Chapter 9
Disclaimer: This is an AU in which the Chiaki AI got at least partially infected by the Junko Virus. This is what makes her become a Yandere and a bit out of character. This AU also entails Hajime and Izuru becoming more of a DID-System, instead of fusing into one person. The main difference, compared to the real illness, is that they can switch out consciousness at will. Also, major spoilers and canon divergence ahead. You have been warned.
Chapter 9
The boy didn’t have a chance to stick to his words, as she pressed his body down on the ground. The struggling body within her grip, desperately gasping for air, her creepy grin from earlier returned. Yet she wasn’t fully satisfied.
Simply getting rid of him was too easy, she had to enjoy that victory. That sadistic virus turned her pink eyes into a spiral in deep dark despair. Eerie laughter echoed through the island, yet only Nagito was able to hear her.
First his legs. She wouldn’t allow him to try and run away a second time. Cutting them clean off gave her a sadistic thrill and his painful screams filled her whole body with trembling despair. Next, cutting off his arms. Once this was over with, he was nothing more than a disfigured body. Blood spewing out of him, tainting the ground fuchsia.
Soon enough the blood loss would knock him out, but she wanted to make sure he’d hear her last words. What she had planned to do with him, was much more despair-inducing than any physical wound she could give him.
Moving her bloody hands over to his head, she cupped his face and with a gentle stroke over the cheeks, leaving a bloody trail of his own blood there. This is what satisfying despair felt like. It made her artificial heart race, as she’d finally be able to get rid of the person, she loved and hated the most.
Admiring her work for a few more seconds before he’d eventually pass out. Whispering sickly twisted words into his ear. “Don’t be sad. Death won’t be the end of you. I’ll let you live, in my world… under my control.”
His eyes shot wide open, his mouth silently screaming of pain. He didn’t have the energy anymore to fight back. His expression, a crude mixture of pain and desperation. Blood, sweat and tears all over.
He wouldn’t make it any longer, so she decided to yank his head off, as she still had use for that. Grabbing his hair, pulling it off his neck, a few nerve endings dangled out. And with that his fate was sealed: He was finally dead for sure.
Now what to do with the rest of the body? Enticing in the thrill, she turned the rest of the body into a mushy mess. Blending the remains of his flesh with the dirt underneath, until only a slimy puddle was left.
With that her job was done, and she returned to the main path. Making her way to the control room. All that was left to do was connecting his brain to the machines. They’d do the rest.
 Dawn of a new day and Hajime woke up in his empty cottage. Last night’s encounter still had him puzzled.
“Chiaki? Chiaki, where are you?”
Looking around for the girl, but she was nowhere to be found.
“Huh? That’s strange…”
This seemed so oddly suspicious, so Hajime turned to Izuru for advice.
“Oh, now you’re asking for my help. Didn’t you confidently declare that you don’t need me anymore?”
He sounded so salty, despite his monotone voice.
“Yeah, yeah whatever. Shove that passive-aggressiveness up your ass. We might have a serious situation at our hands, so I don’t have the time nor nerves for unnecessary banter. Just straight up tell me, why Chiaki isn’t here.”
“Are you worried that something happened to her?”
Izuru asked in return, despite already knowing the answer.
“Maybe you should be more worried that she happened to someone else.”
He unkindly scolded Hajime.
“You know I’m worried. What’s your problem with that?”
“My problem is, I told you what she is capable of, but you decided to ignore all my warnings.”
Biting his tongue there, he shoved Izuru away.
“Fine! If you don’t wanna tell me, then just shut up.”
Hajime was fed up with lectures, as the strain of worry only increased.
“The only logical place to look for her would be the computer room.”
Izuru unexpectedly answered .
In hand-sight, that was an obvious the solution. Why didn’t Hajime think about that first? Maybe she went there for an update. Or…
A little shudder went down his spine. Remembering the offer she made last time, maybe she was preparing the virtual world for them.
But as he stepped outside his cottage, barely dressed, barely awake, something way more terrifying greeted him. In front of his door, the putrid smell of blood and death burned away the inside of his nostrils. And beneath his feet, he saw a horror, he thought he had left behind long ago.
Never again did he think he’d have to see a corpse again. Never did he think, he’d have to witness another killing happen. In front of him, laid none other than the separated head of the Ultimate Lucky Student: Nagito Komaeda.
« Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 »
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