#barkin' up a storm (ic)
sncrlingskull · 4 years
@intelligentskull​ whispered:  "Riley~!" Cerise wraps her arm around the boy, giving him a gentle peck on the cheek before looking around to make sure nobody's near. "How's my f-favorite boy~?"
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        “C-Cer-!” He’s quick to deflect on impulse, but slowly calms down like a bristled meowth within the smaller woman’s embrace.  It was fine, it’s okay, no one’s around.  No one will see you if you let down those walls, he told himself.
        “‘m doing okay...you don’t gotta worry, nothin’ outta the ordinary.”
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chartedrights · 4 years
I think over winter break I’ll write a Barkins Hallmark movie fic. I’m not generally a fan of “there was only one bed” fics because I’m too busy drowning myself in mutual pining, and what this means is that I want Becky and Emma to agree to pretend to date when Emma comes back to Hatchetfield for Christmas. Becky wants to keep her boss from setting her up with anyone and Emma wants to keep Jane from trying to set her up with one of her clients, and even though they’ve barely spoken since Emma’s sister married Becky’s ex, they’re aligned in the desperate need to avoid blind dates in December.
Becky and Tom are fine with each other, and Jane welcomes her in with a smile and the White Woman at Holiday Parties Cheek Kiss so typical of older female relatives, but Emma is the one who feels awkward. Because the thing is, last time she was in Hatchetfield Becky was married, and Emma was dating some guy named Ivan who was two years older than her, and nothing is the way it was. Emma thinks she’s pretty, is the gist of it.
And at first they can both handle it. It’s so easy, so comfortable, because there’s no pressure! They know what this is, what it’s meant to be. They go shopping for their families together, meet Becky’s coworkers for a night at the ice skating rink, walk each other home sipping hot chocolate and talking about music, about the kids in Becky’s ward, about what a terrible year it’s going to be for lettuce because of the e. coli outbreak last month, and the month before, and- and Emma is having trouble with that boundary between fake and real dating. The last thing Emma heard was that Becky was straight, and she’s assumed that this whole fake dating thing was a last resort- after all, Emma is certain that she’s everyone’s last resort at this point. Until now she hadn’t come home for anything, and they’d all done fine without her.
And because I am a sucker for miscommunication drama that actually makes sense to me as someone who Never Knows Anything and Assumes Everything, I want there to be a suitably dramatic scene mid-fake dating charade where Emma finally can’t handle it anymore and tells Noted Bisexual Becky Barnes that she’s “not some fucking experiment to see whether or not you like girls,” before storming out and sitting on a park bench for six hours. Bonus points if Paul (her very amicable ex) finds her and they build snowmen in silence as the sky goes from white to grey to blue to black, and when they’re standing there under a street lamp, breath fogging the air, Emma just leans into Paul’s shoulder and says “I think I’m in love with her,” and he hugs her while making the average white man grimace.
Becky, meanwhile, has been standing in the kitchen sipping sprite cranberry and listening to the faint strains of Johnny Cash slipping in from Jane and Tom’s very nice sound system in the living room, thinking about how for the first time in a long time she feels like she has something to lose. Jane drifts into the kitchen, perfectly smooth hair and keen eyes fixed on Becky, and they have a very honest, very sympathetic conversation about what Becky wants, between interruptions like kids running through the kitchen and people dropping plates in the sink.
And idk I just watch a lot of hallmark movies bc they’re good for deconstruction and trope use, and because they’re nice to have on while you wrap presents or do crafts, and I think it would be nice to have a grounded, normal holiday romance about Becky Barnes kicking Emma’s self-esteem issues into the ground and Emma offering Becky the solidity and warmth she needs in return. I think it would be fun. So look out for that
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ineedaslurpee · 4 years
Are you a Slurpee purist or will Icee work too? I know each of them hit differently...
"all around slushie lover” put it on my gravestone haha. corner store stops to those blue raspberry one’s with lotsa lil shaved ice and the pup on the machine from the movie theaters, how can you go wrong? tho i’m seriously still tryna get my hands on the one’s with ice cream.  a pal and me were supposed to hunt em down a while ago but instead we hadda try to figure out who was gettin the random single chicken strip 7/11 sent us (it was their roommate, tho the dog was really barkin up a storm so it wasn’t unanimous) 
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kpoptionate · 6 years
skz ➾ boyfriend!hyunjin
stray kids masterlist // official masterlist
requested: anon + anon + anon
a/n: thank y’all for requesting <333 (anon #3 i’m writing this at midnight and i’m crying i love you) (also i’ll get the minho one up soon !!)
a/n2.0: this got really long dammit lmao i’m so in love with him
woojin // bangchan // minho // changbin // hyunjin // jisung // felix // seungmin // jeongin
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h w a n g  h y u n j i n
this is my boyfriend right here mkay
but if he were yours
wOw do i wish i were you
he was at the park with his dog kkami one morning
and he was just chillin on the bench bc his dog is chill too
but then she (he ? idk someone inform me please) sprinted over to this girl on a nearby bench and started barkin at her (it’s you !)
hyunjin goes to collect his dog and apologizes and you tell him it’s fine, your dog does that too sometimes
and he doesn’t really know what to do so he just kinda apologizes again
you think he’s hella cute and adorable so you pat the bench beside you and motion for him to sit
he was lowkey hoping for you to do that bc he thinks you’re super cute
so y’all’s dogs run around and play while you and hyunjin talk and get to know each other
time flies by and the sun’s starting to set wow
kkami is asleep on your lap and to hyunjin that’s literally like the best thing ever
the prettiest boy/girl ever getting along with his dog, what else could a guy want am i right
he thinks you’re pretty cool and all so he gets your number as the two of you separate
y’all hang out a lotttt
definitely waits a few months to ask you out just to make sure
he eventually does when y’all have a picnic at the park late at night
he brought flowers and a necklace :’)
the first time he brings you over to the dorm to meet the guys they’re freaking out
like wow one of us actually managed to get a girlfriend
i mean everybody thought the first one would be hyunjin tho bc like
he’s hyunjin
he’s also kinda cliché but it’s so cute
your first official date as a couple he takes you to the amusement park
the rest of skz follows y’all but they make it so obvious
like dressed in all black and everything
he wins you a stuffed animal and gets you ice cream and goes on all the rides you wanna go on even if he's scared
when it's dark you he takes you on the ferris wheel
the guys def know what’s going on, cue them spaced out around the area with binoculars and walkie-talkies
when y’all get to the top
he takes his finger under your chin and makes you look at him
he gives a small smile with a little huff and
leans in
kisses you
when he pulls back he’s got that grin™ on his face
the guys on the ground are screaming and cheering and hyunjin gets superr shy but doesn’t let you know they’re there
y’all don’t argue a lot
he hates making you feel bad
boy has a little temper on him but he knows how to control it
until he gets jealous
he is one jealous boi™
around his members he might get jealous every once in a while but it’s not enough to bother him too much
with other people tho ?
watch out hun he’s coming for you
when he sees you talking to a friend and it’s going a little too far he’ll invite himself into the conversation
but the other person just doesn’t stop and you’re too naïve to notice they’re flirting with you
so he’ll pull the other party over to the side for a conversation with his hand tightly around their wrist
“look, i’m not trying to interrupt or anything but that’s exactly what i’m doing, keep that shit up or i swear to fucking god”
i’m not experienced with aggressive dialogue i’m sorry lmao
however, on the occassion you do argue he can get kinda out of hand
might accidentally yell something you’re self-conscious about in the heat of the moment
he’ll hate himself when you storm out crying
very stubborn, but not when it comes to you, no sir
he’ll give you two or three hours to rest and calm down
then he’ll show up at your door with flowers and snacks and little gifts to apologize
his eyes’ll be all red and puffy from crying
if you still close the door on him he’ll probably just burst into tears and not leave bc he just feels so bad and doesn’t want you to be mad and possibly leave him over something so trivial
always tries to make you smile
your laugh is literally like the best thing he’s ever heard
you guys goof around so much
he has so many pictures of you on his phone
he probably sets up a personal insta just so he can put up photos of the two of you together
they’re usually while you’re eating or sleeping (you asleep on his lap is his wallpaper)
or while y’all are on dates
expect lots of those btw
if he’s feeling like the aesthetic boyfriend he is he’ll take you on small ones like the dog / amusement park or ice cream or to a little outdoor café or bike rides through seoul and stuff like that
but he also loves fun ones like laser tag or go-karting
if you guys haven’t seen each other in a while though he’ll take you to something a little more fancy
he always makes sure you look good he always thinks you do tho
like if y’all are going out and you look kinda dumb
he refuses to leave until you fix yourself
he does it in a playful and loving way though
if he can’t find anything for you to wear he’ll buy you something to
he definitely takes you shopping a lot
mostly for clothes
likes you wearing leather jackets and a tshirt
especially his leather jacket
or his sweatshirts
any of his clothes really
you just look so cute and soft and cuddly and fhsjfhjkds you bust all his uwus
it makes him want to cuddle and squeeze you to death
especially if you’re just in your underwear and one of his white shirts to bed
waking up with him is the best bc he’s all up against you with his face nuzzled in your neck
whines when you try to get up and he’ll grab your hand and pout and you just can’t resist bc who can say no to a pouty hyunjin
i feel like crying imagining it :’)
likes cooking with you
even if it doesn’t turn out so great
y’all are always just messing around in the kitchen
likes finding recipes so when you fall asleep or something he can have something for you to eat when you wake up
always makes sure you eat too
oh you just woke up ? i’ll get breakfast
you haven’t eaten since lunch and it’s been four hours ? let’s get a snack
jUst finished pizza ? you need more hun
you need to make sure he eats and rests enough too though
bc he practices a lottt and often forgets to grab lunch so please please please bring him something to eat
he absolutely loves when you do that
it makes him feel loved and cared for and important
likes to be babied, but also likes babying you
love love love loves showing you off
like he’s constantly talking about you to everyone
cool with pda only if you are
if you are then that’s gREAT
he likes to drape his arm around your shoulder when you guys walk
especially around people
loves hugging you from behind and resting his chin on your head
cuddling 24/7
cooking ? he’s back hugging you and waiting for you to feed him
dancing ? he’s changing the song so y’all can slow dance
watching netflix ? he’s all up on you, legs tangled in yours with your head on his chest and his fingers in your hair
really good at kissing
like have you seen them lips boiiii
does it all the time
especially little pecks on your lips
doesn’t care if there’s people around, he’s your boyfriend he can do what he wants
he doesn’t go past that when people are present
but when they’re not
okay so
he might be legal in america however he’s not in korea so i’m gonna keep it appropriate for his age, lmk if there’s a problem please
okay so everything usually starts with cuddling
which’ll lead to him giving you little kisses on your forehead or cheek
which moves to your lips
and he’ll peck you some times before giving you a longer kiss
he’ll gradually move from your lips to your jaw to your neck to your collarbones
leaving marks all the way down
then back up again
he’ll teasingly drag his tongue up and across your lips before finally locking his with yours
pulling you onto his lap with a hand at your jaw around your ear
his other on your waist
when it comes to kissing he’s definitely not rough at all with it, very slow and passionate
lotsss of open-mouthed kisses with tongue
probably groans a lot
especially if you bite his bottom lip oh lord
he loves it
also bites and pulls yours while looking at you with dark, hooded eyes
somebody stop me please this is too much for my heart
runs his hands up and down your body
like he’ll start from your neck and slowly travel down to your waist and thighs before going right back up
will also slip his hands under your shirt when he comes back
loves it when you roam your hands around his body too
especially his chest and collarbone area
however he also loves your body pressed all the way up against his to where y’all can feel each others heartbeats
probably won’t go farther than pushing your hips down against him
bc even tho he’s a confident boy he respects you and doesn’t want to do anything you don’t
even if he did i’m not writing past that dammit
so he’ll end it off by dragging his hands up to cup your face
and he’ll slow down the kissing until it gets to soft little pecks again
then he’ll kiss you all over your face and lay down facing each other with your legs tangled
smiling with red and swollen lips
facing each other with your legs tangled and your arms around his torso, his draped across your waist
bc he just loves looking at you
he’ll kiss you again bc he just can’t help himself
he loves the feeling of your lips on his
then he’ll pull away and settle his face in your neck and fall asleep
wow i’m in love :’)
overall someone who just loves you so so so so much and loves to take care of you
but you need to take care of him as well bc he’s busy and forgetful
you’re truthfully the best thing that’s ever happened to him, nothing makes him happier than being able to see and touch you
it’s not possible to love him more than he loves you
okay i’m soft
i’ll stop now goodbye
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ashleybenlove · 7 years
Sick Day / The Truth Hurts
Sick Day
This episode is excellent AF. Esp for only being 11 minutes!
Kim and Ron open the episode by being at the breakfast table in her house and doing homework. Kim is writing with her left hand in this scene. I believe we see her writing with both hands in the series iirc, so yeah, her being able to write with both hands is fitting with Miss I Can Do Anything.
Kim ducks when her brother sneezes. But she still gives them a tissue.
She does not wanna catch their cold but guess what. SHE DOES.
And Wade literally shows her HOW.
Also Kim uses a humidifier. 
“I don’t even wanna know how you got that.” Wade literally has cameras somehow in her house. 
Scientists ask Kim to be extra security. For today. She’s sick af and still agrees.
Kim dresses behind a privacy screen thingy and Ron (and Rufus) cover their eyes. I’m frankly of the opinion that supertight friends like Kim and Ron have seen each other naked by now but yeah, of course he’d give her privacy to change. He’s a good dude.
Guard time!
Shego finds Kim and Ron’s backpacks and helmets with the KP logo on them. 
Kim’s sneezing up a storm so Drakken and Shego just walk right in and steal the fucking thing. 
But Kim catches them in the nick of time.
Ron can’t understand sick Kim.
Drakken wants to use the Ray X on Kim. He figures its very bad what it’ll do to her. (SPOILER: It cures the common cold!)
Shego’s powers cause the sprinkles to go the fuck off. The Kim-Shego fight happens during this. Also, in this fight, Shego ends up straddling Kim and holding her arms down. This is an actual thing that happened. This exists. And then KIM SNEEZES ON HER.
They still steal Ray X.
“Where is it where’s the dragon?” Ron asks coming onto the scene late and obviously thinking that Kim said dragon rather than Drakken. Also, Ron, the dragon is living on Berk in the Norwegian Sea with his best friend Hiccup Haddock. OH DID YOU THINK I WASN’T GONNA SAY SOMETHING LIKE THIS. 
Drakken quotes a The Pointer Sisters song. 
Shego got Kim’s cold. 
Drakken decides to work with Killigan temporarily. 
Anne is very upset with Kim for going out while sick. SHE HAD TO HELP PEOPLE, ANNE.
Ron and Rufus go alone to Drakken’s lair to get back Ray X.
Ron literally walks by Shego, tells her she looks green... greener, and then she blows her nose in his direction. literally. Shego does nothing.
Kim and Ron are now sick together and its super cute.
Drakken’s now sick. Killigan brings in a temp. Hank Perkins. He’ll come back in S4. Cupcakes will be involved. 
Kim and Ron are camped out in the living room, Ron in an armchair, Kim on the couch, watching a soap opera together. AH, SOAP OPERAS. Those are STILL barely around. Interestingly enough, Kirsten Storms, who plays Bonnie, was on two different ones while KP was airing. Also the soap opera is basically what happened in Mind Games.
Ray X is gone.
The twins are well again. Killigan is sick. Drakken and Killigan are also watching the soap opera. 
The twins and Rufus go to the lair.
Ron calls Rufus “buddy.” Ron and Kim notice the twins and Rufus are missing.
Shego makes a wicked fluid retention crack at Kim’s expense.
Kim tells Shego “gesundheit” when she sneezes. Nice.
Drakken watches the fight from bed.
Shego gets stuck in a rug.
Ray X gets broken.
When Ron finds out that the Ray X was designed to cure the common cold he says the perfect thing: “I hate irony” and that ends the episode! Perf.
The Truth Hurts
Mr. Dr. P is having the entire board of directors over for dinner. And he talks shit about them to the entire family.
“I’m about as nervous as a porcupine in a balloon factory.” THAT’S PROBABLY PRETTY NERVOUS.
Kim’s like talk to the tweebs not me. About being on best behavior.
Kim is gonna be on the cover of a cheerleading magazine. Cool.
Kim has to squeeze in a quick rescue.
Dr. Wanda Wong is played by Amy Hill, who has 161 acting credits on IMDB. She is an American of Japanese and Finnish descent. 
Ice fortress. So, Elsa’s ice castle? KP predicted Frozen!
“We’ll build a frozen fortress, she’ll never find us there.” Shego I love your sass so much. Drakken tells her to ICE THE SASS. 
I like that Ron helps Dr. Wong up and is like “Don’t worry we’re the good guys.” Noice.
Figure skating references in trash talk from Shego. Kim’s like bring it. Kim and Shego fight on ice skates.
Kim and Ron get hit with the truth ray.
Kim causes Drakken and Shego to fall into icy water.
Kim gives her interview and she spills secrets about some rando boy she likes but she also isn’t sure if she likes him bc she likes him or because he asked out Bonnie first.
Kim sort of blows her cover chance. Whoops.
Kim’s brain inhibitors shut the fuck down. She can’t lie. On a different show and a higher rating, she’d probably get into more trouble. Because I’d imagine something like that would cause addiction and fuck with self control in general.
Ron tells the truth about some book and Barkin’s cool with it because he fucking hates that book too.
Ron admits he hasn’t kissed a girl. WELL, YOU WILL. NEXT SEASON. (Well, the girl kissed you. But I guess it counts)
Kim heads home and is about to tell her parents about the thing when the big shot bosses arrive.
Kim admits that she hates when James calls her Kimmy cub.
EW, ONE OF THE BOSSES touches her chin/cheek and says that she’s the prettiest thing. He’s a grown ass man and she’s a teenaged girl. This comes off… not okay. And Kim’s response: “I have split ends and am trying to cover up a mountain sized zit on my cheek that you just touched.” I’d imagine that these issues are caused by stress.
Kim and the tweebs have a tug o war with a pillow. It’s amazing.
Kim keeps opening her mouth and telling these truths oh my gods.
It pisses off the three male bosses BUT Dr. Wong shows up just in the nick of time.
Kim gets a hug from Dr. Wong. Aww.
And like all the bosses totally are like WE’RE NOT GONNA ARGUE WITH WONG. So Dr. P’s job is okay. Promotion!
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