askcarlyle · 5 years
A most joyous holiday season to everyone; your making the journey with us these past couple of years is a gift that we are thankful for every day. 
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askbarnum · 6 years
After seven hours on the train, the walk to the hotel in the crisp evening air was a pleasant excuse to stretch their legs. The hotel wasn’t far but they walked slowly, allowing their hands to intertwine fondly in the dim light. Check-in wasn’t for another half hour and it was a pleasant temperature so when they passed a lake sparkling under the early evening stars, Barnum tugged the younger man over to gaze out at the scenery. The silence of the night only broken by the gentle chugging of trains in the distance and the water lapping against the shore.
He sits down, prompting the younger man to follow suit, leaning back to admire the view for a few more minutes. A small chuckle breaks the silence and he turns to press a small kiss to the man’s neck before turning back to the sky.
“That constellation right there.”
He traced a shape gently with one finger. “That one is called Delphinus. When the Greek god Poseidon confessed his undying love for Amphirite, she was unsure and instead ran to hide in the mountains. Poseidon, sent a dolphin, Delphinus, as a gift to her. She rode back to him on Delphinus’s back and they got married. Poseidon placed Delphinus in the sky to live for all eternity for helping him win back his true love.”
He smirks softly, letting out a light amused snort.
“We should head to the hotel.”
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jacksonoflucifer · 5 years
Jack felt something, something powerful. It was as if he was attracted to it. He stopped what he was doing and teleported towards it. Where did he go and why was he so attracted to it. Suddenly he seen his dad, broken down mess in the middle of the forest. He walks towards him a frown on his face. “Father, are you okay?” He asked softly.
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i-amarobot · 5 years
Someone at work saw all the scars on my hands and realised it was sh because her daughter does it any even though I was calm talking to her and she was very nice and put her hand over mine and gave me a hug i could not stop shaking while we were talking
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katexrenner-a-blog · 7 years
when your walking dead oc starts to become more of a preacher oc
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askcarlyle · 6 years
[A contribution (in conjunction with @askbarnum) to FanFicFeb on @theothersidediscord for Prompts #6-8 & 27, “Are you sure?”, “Crossover/AU”, “Ice” and “Hunger”. Edited from the live version, which is continuing on server in a following installment.]
I’m telling you, it’s a shortcut. We will get to the Gala faster this way, it’s just a little bumpier that’s all. I let you drive, at least let me give the directions. No point us being late just because the light is getting low.
Nearly falls out of his seat in the small Spider phaeton as the horses pull them over a log as they precariously travel through the forest, now miles off the road. Grabs his hat to keep it on his head and steadies himself back to his seat with the other hand.
As long as we keep heading North we’ll come out on the other side of the forest right onto the back road leading out to the Chadwicks’ estate. Shouldn’t take more than a couple hours rather than the initial six. Watch out for that boulder over there. What’s with that look? Hey! Eyes on the road….lack of road.
directs focus back forwards but continues frowning in disbelief
Are you sure? I think we've passed that pond before. There isn't even a path here, PT. The wheels aren't meant for this.
as if on cue, the carriage bounces violently over another indentation in the forest floor. A dark shape runs across their path, causing the horses to rear back and in turn sending the vehicle veering sideways
Gets knocked violently to one side, crashing into Phillip and throwing his arms protectively around him by instinct as the carriage crashes into the ground, two wheels cracking and skidding across the ground like skimmed stones on a lake, one disappearing into the undergrowth and the other breaking against a large tree trunk.
After the movement stops, takes a breath he didn't realise he was holding and carefully releases the other man from his grip, looking him up and down for injury
Are you okay? Are you hurt? Can you move?
Starts carefully pulling himself up, then becoming distracted when a distressed sound cries from the horses. Looking over just in time to see the two spooked white mares break free of their harnesses and gallop off into the woods. He scrambles up and out of the carriage as fast as he can and chases one for a few feet before realising it's hopeless. Watching them vanish with a breathless distressed stare.
rubs forehead and clambers out of carriage gingerly, surveying the splintered remains in dismay
We just purchased this 2 weeks ago.
turns to see Barnum traipsing back through a stand of ferns after unsuccessfully chasing a horse
...and those would have been our alternate mode of transport out of here.
unhooks the one unscathed lantern from the side of the carriage and holds it up to get bearings
I don't suppose we know where "here" is, do we?
I'll buy you a new one, calm down.
Lets out a deep breath and wanders slowly back over to Phillip
We keep going North. We'll make it eventually by foot. You got comfortable shoes on?
Rummages in his pocket for his compass. Then rummages in the other pocket. then, looking distressed, takes his jacket off and shakes it to make sure the compass hasn't fallen into the lining
Must have fallen out while I was chasing them...
Wanders back in the dim light, squinting at the ground to try to find the compass. Deciding quickly that in the thick undergrowth it was a near impossible find.
Alright let's just....go that way.
Points in the direction one of the horses escaped
squints in the direction of broken branches and trampled ferns, holding up lantern. looks upward to gauge by the stars but finds the trees cover too much of the sky
I suppose that's roughly the direction we were headed?
hands the lantern to Barnum and reaches into carriage to pull out a thick blanket before motioning for them to continue onwards
Takes the lantern gratefully and leads them onwards. Trying to keep to as straight a line as possible
They walk for hours, the light filtering through the trees fading to nothing and leaving their path lit by nothing but lamplight. He only slows to a stop when the oil in the lamp begins to run low. Feet aching and stomach growling from hunger, he rests the lamp down on an old tree stump and turns to Phillip, barely making out the shape of the other man in the darkness.
I'm not going to lie to you, I think we're lost. Don't think we are going to have much luck finding just about anything without any light either. Have you ever read that book, Robinson Crusoe? I read it to the girls once. I think we need to find shelter and wait it out until morning.
huddles next to Barnum, throwing half of the blanket over his shoulders
It's getting cold. If we stop moving it'll be worse. Didn't we pass some boulders a bit back? Maybe we could make some sort of structure using those as a wall?
starts testing some of the smaller saplings, looking for one that might be suitable to serve as a frame
Back in school, we had botany expeditions every term. We would go into forested areas like this and our instructor, Mr. Bartholomew, would also teach us a bit about survival craft.
pauses, looking off in the distance with a faint smile
He was a very knowledgeable and capable man. We'd call him Bear in the privacy of our dorms. Both because of his prowess in the woods and because he just seemed...
coughs and snaps off a sapling at the base
This should do!
Cups his hands in front of his mouth, blowing on them to warm them from the icy air. Giving Phil a appreciative glance for the half blanket
You've been camping before? That's useful. You know how to make a fire? I've made ones with old scraps of paper and trash before but never out in the wilderness like this. Not sure what kinds of wood burns best, or how you locate dry wood. It's only recently been raining.
Starts back in the direction of the boulders the recently passed, squinting in the dim light.
Some kind of shelter, then a fire.
Puts a hand against his stomach as they walk, feeling it grumble
Then food. Figure that out when we come to it. So...
Grins and nudges Phillip with his elbow
You want to tell me more about your school boy crush there?
shrugs and sets the sapling against the boulder as they reach it, mounding soil and rocks around the base to anchor it
It wasn't a crush. We just appreciated how rugged and competent...
grabs several large fern fronds and works them around the wood to provide some shelter from the rain
...and inspiring and a robust and... Hey, maybe you can look for rocks for a fire pit?
Inspiring and robust, huh?
Chuckles to himself as he places the lantern down again, reluctantly removing himself from the warmth of the blanket before wandering around the dimly lit area in search of rocks and stones.
I can't believe we are going to miss the Gala. First time we've been invited to anything in the upper class community since...at least since Jenny, I'm pretty sure.
Finishes making a rough circular mound of rocks, then moves on to finding wood, straying out a little beyond the light as he fishes his pen knife from his jacket pocket. Using it to saw off small branches of a nearby sheltered tree.
You know, this gives me an excellent idea for an act. Picture this; I tie eight of Deng Yan's sharpest knives to my fists, then two of the stage performers throw chairs and tables at me from around the ring and I cut them to pieces before they have the chance to hit me. The audience would love it, the sheer danger involved. Especially with their beloved ringmaster.
Dumps an armful of twigs and branches into the centre of the rock mound, wandering out to collect more but getting distracted by a bush covered in little red berries. Pausing to pluck a few and push them in his mouth, grimacing at the taste
Ugh, bitter.
finishes with the shelter and walks over to inspect firepit, just happening to glance over and see Barnum with the berries
rushes over to brush them out of Barnum's hand with a look of horror
Don't you know those are poisonous?! You don't need knives to experience sheer danger out here. You can't just go around putting things in your mouth indiscriminately like that.
shakes head and stalks back to the shelter
There will be other galas, I'm sure. If we make it out of here alive.
plucks some dried leaves from a crevice in the boulder and carefully lights one from the lamp, then using it to start a small pile of wood shavings smoldering
Galas are rarely worth the fuss. I can count the number of decent ones I've been to on one hand. Admittedly, the Duke of Albany did throw a particularly memorable party...
Grumbles and spits the chewed up berries into his hand, dumping them in the bushes.
Thought they were just unripe blackcurrants. Relax, I only had a couple, I have a stomach of steel anyway.
Moves over to warm his hands over the gently smouldering firewood, watching in delight as it grows. Then sits down close to it, admiring the rather impressive little shelter
You made all that with twigs and rocks? Not bad. It looks almost waterproof. Wouldn't want to test that though.
Squints at the tree tops, looking for gaps in which he can see the sky. Silently praying for a dry night
Sorry. Admittedly I did get us into this mess. You were right, just this once. We should have stayed on the road.
Tugs the blanket back over his shoulders and holds one edge open to entice Phillip over
Duke, right? Another school friend of yours? You certainly were social. 
tends to campfire for a bit longer, adding larger twigs to the steadily flickering pile as they dry out
The Duke of Albany. Very charming with an unexpected scholarly side that made for excellent conversation. Always ready with a comeback at the tip of his tongue.
gives the fire one last branch and scoots under blanket with Barnum, giving him a small nudge
Reminds me of you, actually. You rather look similar as well, now that I think of it. Any relation?
Barks out a chuckle at the suggestion
Albany, huh? I have to say I don't think I have any family roots in England. At least not for a few generations back. I do have an uncle from Australia, I think he might have married an English woman but I don't know the details on that one. Haven't seen him since he visited when I was a boy, strange man. Removed his shirt a lot and spoke non stop about horses and cattle. I should think your Duke situation is merely a coincidence.
Throws an arm around Phillips shoulder to pull him closer for warmth
Charming, hm? Well at least you resisted the urge to run off to England. You'd have been bored with a Duke. You'll never find someone else as creative and exciting as me.
ducks head to hide a grin as Barnum's comment spurs a memory
You're the absolute opposite of boring, true, but he was actually quite creative in his own right. An inventor of odd devices, even. Sound familiar?
grabs another stick and draws a rough diagram in the dirt with several levers, a grandfather clock and a pair of tongs placed next to a fireplace
In the early hours at this particular party, he became so enamored of the idea of creating a machine for automatically browning slices of bread that he built it right in front of us. It worked perfectly, too, though it was rather unwieldy.
sets down stick and huddles back under Barnum's arm
Hmm. Toast sounds really good right about now.
Watches the diagram in amusement
That's actually rather good. I hope he made plans to develop that into something one could use in the day to day home.
Puts a hand on his stomach as it rumbles again
It does. Hot and buttery. With thick helpings of jam.
Leans his head against Phillip's head
Tell me, are you bothered by the sight of blood?
turns sharply to eye Barnum with equal parts dread and concern
That's not ever a question one likes to hear. Did you accidentally stab yourself with that knife again?
Cocks an eyebrow at him disapprovingly
I told you before, that wasn't an accident it was a failed experiment. There is a difference, I knew the risks. No, It is just that desperate times call for desperate measures and I don't feel like spending the night hungry. I am going to get us some food, just a warning that it is not going to be the five star meal you're used to at home.
grimaces as the point is understood
Ah. Erm...
stomach grumbles loudly
I suppose we can pretend it's chicken, right?
Gives him a reassuring pat on the shoulder as he stands up, wrapping the entirety of the blanket around his partner
Sure, whatever makes you comfortable.
Pulls his pen knife out of his jacket and loosens the buttons on his shirt, taking the fading lantern and stalking off into the trees.
If I am not back within the hour, I insist that my funeral be the biggest event of the year and am trusting you to see that nothing can top it.
watches Barnum make his way further into the woods with growing doubt
Maybe we could roast some tree roots or something...?
Returns a good half an hour later, casually strolling back and putting the now extinguished lantern on a rock before moving over to Phillip, a rather large dead rat hanging by it's tail from one hand and his top hat under the other arm, he kneels down and unpacks a nest full of eggs from it.
You don't grow up how I did and not learn a few things. Think you can find a flat piece of slate or something we can use for cooking? You can do the eggs and I'll do this guy.
Holds up the rat almost proudly
It's not a lot but I don't know just how much walking we are going to need to do tomorrow, so keeping our energy up seems like a good idea.
hides queasy look with great effort
It's a most admirable specimen. I've never seen such plump vermin before.
hurries off to fetch a suitable rock from the pile at the foot of the boulder and makes sure to avert eyes as he starts preparing the eggs
Impressive foraging skills, indeed. I'm not going to ask how you chased that thing down in the dark like that. Perhaps that's the real reason Ellie's so good at catching them back home.
Put the rock into the fire, just at the edge there. Wait for it to get too hot to touch, then you can start cooking.
Turns his back on Phillip to hide the gore in his own preparing, casually taking the skin from the beast and removing the bones with his small knife
Lot harder to catch than city rats. Not much chasing involved though, it's more sitting and waiting. Knowing where to find things.
Picks up a sharp stick to impale his work onto, gesturing for Phillip to look away as he moves it over the fire
Would have been easier in the light. Less intimidating too, I saw a boulder that looked remarkably like a bear and it frightened the living daylights out of me. The mind likes to play tricks in the dark.
Sighs as he sits back, shuffling tiredly while not taking his eyes off of the rat
I hope someone remembered to feed Ellie. She will be missing us, she howls when I leave her for too long. She is still only a pup.
a couple hours later, with the remains of dinner cleared away, settles back under the shelter
You know, it actually was rather like chicken. To think, I was about to suggest digging up worms.
I've eaten those and trust me, you don't want to go there if you can help it. Glad you were satisfied though.
Half crawls around the fire to slump next to Phillip in the shelter, tugging part of the blanket over his lap as he sits facing the entrance with an exhausted look
You should get some rest, it's been a long day. I'll keep watch.
shakes head vehemently
Don't be ridiculous. You're just as exhausted, if not more so. C'mere.
tugs Barnum over until his upper half is lying on lap, wrapping blanket closer around him
Dawn's not so long from now. The fire will last until then.
starts humming a low soft melody and stroking Barnum's hair sleepily
Hums tiredly, murmuring a half-hearted argument but giving up once feeling the comforting warmth of the other
Mmm. Could be bears though, or wolves. We might get disemboweled in our sleep. Not to mention that rat's friends might come back for revenge and eat our eyes out. Rat bites are not something you want, they get infected and you spend three weeks with a fever as well as a sore foot.
Rubs his eye with his palm, then lays into Phillip and closes them
Guess I'm a light sleeper anyway.
Sighs and subconsciously plays with the hem of Phillip's jacket under the blanket
S'cold out. Gonna be icy in the morning. Stay close, don't need you getting hypothermia.
pats the lightly snoring lump on his lap with a contented mumble
Can't freeze. S'impossible when I've got my very own star right here.
yawns and snuggles in close, eyes drifting shut within seconds
Act I fade to black
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askcarlyle · 6 years
Did things ever get resolved with those blackmailing bandits? And has Barnum read the rest of your super secret diaries?
Dear Anonymous,
Oddly enough, the bandits never bothered to follow up with their demands or instructions. Whether this is because they were anticipating some sort of ambush when they next made contact or just decided we weren't worth the bother, I'm not entirely sure. We have decided on a plan of action, however, and are confident that there will be no more troubles on that front. 
And yes, I get the feeling PT has read most of them, based on the many references he delights in dropping at random moments in sometimes inappropriate places. How this came to be, I still haven't figured out, since I thought I had kept them fairly well hidden. The man is indefatigably nosy at times. 
Best wishes,
Phillip Carlyle
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