michelmims · 2 months
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gingernut1314 · 9 months
Truth or Dare?
Nami x GN!Reader
Summary: When you fall heavily injured, you resort to the familiar game of truth or dare to let Nami know how you feel about her.
Warnings: angst, some fluff, mentions of blood, anime spoilers (Whisky Peak Arc, Alabasta Arc; episodes 117 and 118)
Word Count: 2.6K
A/N: I've been going through a little bit of writer's block recently so sorry for being so inactive, but I've wanted to write this for a little while so here it is! This is my first time writing for Nami so I hope you all enjoy!
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“Truth or dare?” You breathed out in a voice just below a whisper. Nami pulled her blue eyes up from what she had been doing and locked onto yours. Blue eyes that had begun to water--that never filled with tears unless something was truly wrong. 
And that something wrong being the gaping gash dealt to your stomach by that spiky, spider woman that had been chasing you both through the streets of Alubarna. 
Nami shook her head full of orange hair, which you wished to run your fingers through its short length. The golden hair clip she had just bought must have fallen out while you two had been fighting for your lives. 
You watched her try to steal herself against the fear you had no doubt was waging within her and found you wished she would show you her fear--show you every emotion she was feeling in that moment so you could properly care for her.  
“No.” She said firmly.
“No?” You questioned with a chuckle that turned into a hissing wince when Nami pressed her hand tighter over your wound, trying desperately to slow the bleeding. “You can’t say no. That’s the rules.” Nami shook her head again more forcefully. 
“Well, I’m changing the rules. I’m not going to play this game when--” Her voice quivered, those vast eyes that always reminded you of a crystal blue lake shining in the sunlight nearly overflowing with tears. Tears for you.
You remember when you had first seen her lake-blue eyes. First took in their utter depths. 
You had been a Broquet Works agent based in Whiskey Peak--had been assigned to kill off the Straw Hats with the other agents stationed in that town. Had been ready and more than willing to help kill them off, but then you had seen those eyes--so bright and calculating--and knew instantly it would be a more difficult task than you had originally thought. 
You had been the first to greet the woman, besides the likes of Mr. 8. Had made an utter fool of yourself in doing so, but you hadn’t cared because she had laughed at your horrible and flirty jokes. Had outdrank you without so much as breaking a sweat and it enthralled you. 
She had won over your heart with just a few laughs and witty quips. Had won you over so much so that you had turned your back on your organization, despite knowing your death would be painful and bloody. You guarded over her and her passed-out crew after dark. Had protected her despite the horrendous wounds you had received from your fellow agents. 
After much convincing, you had been allowed to join the Straw Hats on their journey to Alabasta under the rouse of wishing to help protect the recently revealed princess from other-like Broquet Works members. Though, that was far from the truth. 
You and Nami had started this game of truth or dare when you had made it to Little Garden. You, Nami, and Usopp had been wandering around in the jungle when you had offered the familiar question her way. 
She had still been very distrustful of you then, but she had humored you. At some point during your voyage through the Grand Line, you think she stopped merely humoring you and began actually enjoying the game. Enjoyed it so much she had begun starting before you could get the chance. 
You played the game on nights neither of you could sleep. During boring and long days of endless sailing. You had played it when she fell sick and when you were injured yet again by some horrible king on a snowy island.
It was how you managed to grow closer to her. To learn of her haunting childhood and near enslavement to that horrid Fishman from the East Blue. It’s how she had learned your real name and your own haunting childhood. 
And you had fallen stupidly for her. Had probably fallen for her the moment you laid eyes on her. Anyone else in Whiskey Peak would have called you foolish for giving up everything you had worked for just to follow some woman who might never like you back, but you didn’t care. 
You would do it over and over again. Would get beaten down, stabbed, and shot at all over again because you couldn’t imagine your life without the strong-willed, fiery-tempered, and kind-hearted woman kneeling next to you.
“Come on, sunshine. Please?” You asked, pulling a playful smirk to your lips that Nami wouldn��t meet. 
“Fine. I dare you to shut up and not die.” Nami hissed, those pools of blue spilling over her cheeks despite her angered gruff at it. You chuckled, wiping away one of those hot trails from her slightly sunburnt cheeks.
“I was hoping to say a truth.” Nami shook her head once more, pulling away from your grasp. She looked away from you, turning to peek her head out of the large hole in the brick townhome you two had hidden away in. “Nami--sunshine--”
“Stop.” She hissed, whipping her burning gaze back onto you. “Stop it. You can’t break the dare until I say so, so shut up.” Another stray tear fell over her dirty, scratched-up cheeks.
“If you get to bend the rules today, I think I get to bend them too--just a little bit.” You said, trying to keep your tone light despite the darkness of your situation. Nami gave a frustrated little sound that came out sadder than you think she had wanted it to. 
“You’re not going to die.” She insisted, telling you like it was a fact. And maybe it would turn out to be fact, but at the rate you were losing blood and the knowledge that Chopper was probably miles away made it seem less likely to happen. You kept your playful smirk on your lips as you grabbed for her hand, holding it gently.   
“Ask me why I paid you all that berry to board your ship.” More tears streaked down her cheeks, her bottom lip sucking into her mouth to keep from letting any sort of sound escape her. She shook her head again and you chuckled, giving her hand a comforting squeeze. 
“I didn’t care about getting Vivi here safely. I didn’t care that I was turning my back on my work and that I was signing my own death warrant. I didn’t care because I was following you. I wanted to be by you.” 
“Stop.” Her voice came out watery. So small and weak. She was begging you. Begging you to just shut up like she had dared you to and get better. 
But you wanted her to know--needed her to know. 
“It's the only reason I started this stupid game in the first place. I wanted to know you better.” You said on a laugh that turned wincing as another wave of pain washed through you. Nami went to try and stop you from speaking again, but you beat her to it. “And I--I like you. I like your laugh and your eyes and your smile. I like watching you talk about your maps because you are just so passionate about them. Hell--I only pretend to hate reading to get on your nerves 'cause you look too cute all mad.” Nami huffed a small, saddened laugh.
“You shouldn’t have said that. I’m going to make you read all my books now.” You nodded, allowing her to keep hoping for the future after this. Allowed yourself, for just a second, to do the same. To think about you laying your head in her lap as she read you one of the many books in her collection.
“You’re--you’re really special to me.” You felt your own eyes begin to sting. Felt your throat tighten against the swell of emotion rocketing through you. “And I want you to know that. You--you’ve made me a better person…saved me from my darkness.” 
Nami moved herself closer to you, sniffing back her tears. You gladly allowed her presence into your atmosphere--allowed her to lay her forehead on yours. Closing your eyes, you took in her warmth and the smell of that overly expensive perfume you had bought her the other day in the marketplace. 
You brought your blood-covered hand up to caress her cheek, holding her closer. Holding her for a moment that might very well be the last. 
Fight it. You needed to fight it. Fight to stay alive--for her. 
The chilling sound of Miss. Doublefinger's voice calling for you both echoed through the deserted street you were on. Nami tensed against your hold, eyes snapping open in fear. 
You needed to protect her. 
You needed to keep her away from that woman…but you could hardly feel your legs, let alone move with the amount of pain you were in. But you would do it--you would crawl and let that spider trap you like some fly. Let her strike you down just to give Nami enough time to run and find the others.
“I’m going to get you out of here. Okay?” Nami said and you watched her push her sadness and fear down. Watched her pull that confidence and courage she held within herself, whether it be fake or true, up. 
Painc, rapid and tight, shot through your chest.
“What? No--”
“Truth or dare?” She asked, pulling her forehead from yours. You shook your head as she moved your hands to place them over your wound. 
Tears did fill your eyes then. Tears of fear for her. Because you knew Nami could handle herself, but even you had fallen prey to that spider’s sting. You had made peace with death a long time ago, but you had hardly made peace for her. Wanted death far, far away from her. 
“Nami--” You started, pulling out of her guiding movements to grab hold of her wrist, keeping her from leaving. “I’m supposed to protect you. I want to protect you. Whether I die--” 
“Truth or dare?” She insisted strictly, leaving you speechless.
“Truth.” She smiled through her sadness and fear. 
“How long do you think Usopp's weapon is going to hold against her?” You huffed, pulling yourself off the wall Nami had leaned you against, spying the blue, three-pieced metal staff strapped to her hip. 
“A minute--if it doesn’t break before you even get a chance to use it--which is why I’m going out there and not you.” You insisted just as strictly.
“Truth or dare?” Nami asked once more, dismissing your continued denial of her fighting that spider. 
“Nami--” She fixed you with a strict look that had you huffing in frustration.
“Pick dare.” You furrowed your brow in confusion at her. “Come on, pick. She’s getting closer.” You huffed. And huffed again before giving in to her request.
“I…” She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, something like nerves filling her eyes. “I dare you to kiss me.” Your mouth fell open to speak--to keep fighting to keep her from leaving your side--but Nami gave you that confident smile of hers as she brushed her blood-covered fingers over your cheek. A touch you unconsciously lend into. “Are we still bending rules?” You huffed a laugh that fell just as quick. 
She leaned in, her deep, blue eyes searching your own. Eyes that, though still held that fear in them, were calm. Ready--sure and steady. Eyes you had fallen in love with over and over again. 
You pulled her closer by the wrist you still held, your other hand cupping her cheek to guide her lips against yours. Lips you had wished to kiss ever since she had first laughed at your bad joke. Lips that were sweet, yet just a little chapped from the desert sand that had been thrown at you like a weapon earlier that day. 
It was a kiss you pressed all your love into. A kiss you used to try and communicate every last little adoration you held to her. A kiss you prayed would keep her from leaving you--to keep her from facing death. 
Nami pulled away all too soon, her soft breaths brushing over your cheeks as she rested her forehead against yours. She kept her eyes screwed shut, fresh tears having sprung to life beneath her bare eyelids. 
“Plea--please don’t go. I’m okay. I’ll keep you safe.” You tried, but Nami shook her head, her eyes opening once more. She removed your hand from her cheek and replaced it over your wound, making it sting in the process. 
“You’re not okay and if you face her again, she’ll kill you. Just--stay here. I’m going to find help.” 
Click, click, click went Miss. Doublefinger's heels as she passed by the row of townhouses you two were hidden in. You both held your breathes as the clicking grew more faint with each passing second. Seconds you spent taking in her face--such a beautiful face you hadn’t looked at nearly as much as you should have.
“Don’t--” Nami cut you off with one last kiss. A kiss that was meant as a bitter-sweet promise. A promise of her return to you--though a return to you how and in what shape was unknown. A big unknown that pulled at your heart and had you holding her wrist tighter.
“I dare you to stay put--no more bending the rules,” She said, giving you her best confident smile and wink as she grabbed for the strange weapon Usopp had built her, called the Clima-tact.
“Nami--” But she pulled from your fingers as she snuck away out of the townhome, leaving you utterly alone with the dark and dust. 
The sound of buildings crashing, people screaming, and the wind howling only made your fear grow and grow with each passing minute. Had you gritting your teeth against your pain and dragging yourself from the spot Nami had left you in. 
That had been a very bad decision on your part because as soon as you made it to the exit, your vision began dotting with black. Black that filled your eyes and left you in a blinding sea of pitch-black pain. 
Your vision returned, though rather foggy, with the feel of gentle fingers caressing your cheeks. Orange hair and lake-blue eyes shined down at you like some angel--gods she was a sight to see, even covered in dirt as she was.
“I said no more bending the rules.” Nami huffed, eyes watching you narrowly before looking behind herself to call for Zoro, who she must have found while you were passed out. 
“You’re hurt.” You said, running a shaky finger over her shoulder, having spotted the fresh blood on her sunkissed skin. Her blue eyes found yours again, though softener than they had been. More--fearfilled.  
“She was--strong. Scary. But you were wrong.” You furrowed your brows up at her as Zoro’s tall shadow fell over you both, blocking the sun from your blurry eyes.
“Wrong? That she was a bitch? No.” Nami rolled her eyes, an amused huff of air leaving her. 
“No. The Clima-tact lasted longer than a minute. It took her down.” She said, pointing towards a smoking townhouse that had a strange, Miss. Doublefinger-sized hole in its side. 
“Truth or dare?” You breathed, looking back up to Nami who was already watching you. 
“Dare.” She smirked, a laugh spilling from your chest as you grabbed her neck in a gentle hold, pulling her down to claim her lips against yours. She kissed you back eagerly. A kiss that fulfilled the silent promise she had given you earlier.
You heard Zoro gruff something about not having time for this, which only spur Nami to pull away, pissed.
“You’re carrying both of us now.” She hissed up at the swordsmen who groaned in his own annoyance.
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Tag List: @thesleepiestbearcub , @fanaticsnail
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mangokabuto · 7 months
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Some dance + real-world-equivalent-ethnicity headcannons :)
Some more little bits i be thinking abt for those who want more dance content: (under the cut)
Usopp with his salsa fundamentals and luffy with his vague memories of samba end up, at some point, coming up with their own much more chaotic combo of the two. They r spinning around so fast its insane. Luffy is about to launch them into the sun. They're having a great time.
Sanji being absolutely miffed when the only other ppl on the crew who know how to couple's dance with him are Usopp and Luffy. He gets over it ofc, being able to actually dance with another person quickly overwhelms the "I wanted to tango with a beautiful lady" grief
Sanji being able to help Usopp re-learn salsa and them bonding over their moms abt it 🥲Luffy is a lost cause tho he's not learning shit /j
BaroqueWorks Robin and Bon Clay bonding over ballet Q_Q
Brook inventing the most INSANE new dips/twirls/transitions because he no longer has muscles or skin or whatever in the way
Also I firmly believe Usopp listens & dances to anything made by Spice, Mr. Killa, and Yung Bredda, but he refuses to let the crew know this. He's not embarrassed or anything he's just fairly sure Sanji would have a heart attack and die if he heard the lyrics
Sanji listens & dances to Rodrigo y Gabriela he's in love with their story
Zoro is one of those freaks who has no desire to listen to music at all but he won't turn it off if it's on, yk?
As made obvious above I think Usopp and Sanji are the 1st and 2nd most versatile dancers, but neither of them dance more Often than Franky
If i had to rank them based on how often/readily they will dance its....in the order I placed the pictures, with chopper between brook and nami. Luffy is only so low cause he'd usually rather be eating, and brook cause he'd rather be playing, and zoro cause he'd rather be drinking/napping
Robin will readily dance with you if you ask her but she's not going to initiate
If you love dance like i do and want to see some specific choreographers/dances i had in mind while drawing these, that will be the rest of this bullet list!
Sanji is doing Derek Hough's little solo bit from his pasodoble choreo on dancing with the stars. look it up it is so peak
Dancing with the star (chopper <3)
In my head Usopp is perfectly capable of dancing any choreography by Latrice Kabamba (west african steps), Tricia Miranda (dancehall), or Yeifren Mata (mostly male solo salsa)
For Franky I think some old way choreos by Nastya Batrachenko or Dashaun Wesley (he mostly does fem now but he has good old way stuff) r good
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octopodeez · 4 months
One Piece OC Bio: Mara
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Full Name: Mara
Aliases: Mara the Moocher (a play on the banger of all time, Minnie the Moocher), Snail Queen Mara (courtesy of @probably-not-a-cannibal )
Age: 26 pre-timeskip/28 post-timeskip
Devil Fruit: Kyui-Kyui no Mi/Itch-Itch Fruit
Provides the useless ability to make people itchy when touched. Fr her weakness is literally someone scratching themselves. Or calamine lotion. It takes a few years for her to figure out she can give people hives/send them into anaphylactic shock.
Hometown: Loguetown
Appearance: Pre-timeskip Mara has waist-length brown hair. She typically wears high-waisted shorts and crop tops with combat boots. Post-timeskip she looks the same except she grave robs now also wears Ace’s hat, necklace, belt, and knife.
Pre-timeskip bounty: 100,000 berries
Post-timeskip bounty: 360,000,000 berries
Likes: Den Den Mushi. She treats them like pets rather than objects and has a bad habit of stealing hoarding them. A few even like her enough to tap into private Marine/World Government lines and enemy pirate lines so she can eavesdrop when possible. Oh, also she’s a whore.
Dislikes: The World Government and Marines. Any sort of physical labor, responsibilities, work, or chores. Her goal is to breeze through life by mooching off of people—like a leech with a great personality.
Goals: Mara’s dream is to find a dream. She’s encountered so many people who are driven by a singular goal or passion in life, and she hopes to one day find that thing she believes in so strongly she’d lay her life down for it. Eventually she discovers it’s the desire to kill every Marine or Government Official she sees, to the point that she becomes Very Problematic (see bio for the tea).
Bio: Born in Loguetown, Mara meets Shanks at Roger’s execution when he sees some townspeople picking on her for crying over his death. She’s too young to understand who he is or why he’s hated—all she knows is that it makes her sad to see so many people happy that a man has been killed all alone on a platform. Seeing that someone is mourning Roger inspires a small spark of hope in Shanks, and they form a bond similar to the one he shares with Luffy.
As they get older, Mara expresses an interest in becoming a pirate. Like Luffy, Shanks bullies tf out of her for it which doesn’t upset her until one day Shanks passes through town missing his hat and his arm. Unlike Luffy, though, he takes her with to the Grandline. Naturally she assumes this means she’s part of the crew, but nah he dumps her at Whiskey Peak.
Realizing she has no real skills of her own, she ends up joining Baroqueworks, doing her best to blend in as just another low-level agent, allowing her to utilize their resources without actually doing any sort of work…but even freeloaders have morals, and once she discovers the actual purpose of BW, she dips and hitches a ride with the first crew that will take her.
And that’s how she lives her life, hooking up with randos for funsies and hopping from crew to crew then dipping as soon as they realize she’s just there for the food and shelter. Eventually she runs into a hot rookie named Ace who somehow hasn’t lost his virginity yet so she takes care of that (creating the greasy whore we know and love ❤️). Is he down bad? Absolutely. Do they hook up every time they run into each other? Of course. Does he try to get her to stay past morning? Absolutely not, that would involve proper communication and who has time for that!
Mara briefly ends up traveling with the Strawhats during Alabasta, but leaves with Ace because he fucks Sanji and it’s the final straw for her to admit that fuck, she simps for Ace just as much as he does for her. Things are good for a while until his obsession with killing Blackbeard gets too out of control so he leaves her with Whitebeard’s crew, promising to come back when he carries out his mission. Whitebeard doesn’t let her get away with being lazy and puts her ass to work. She trains with some of the others, learns that her Devil Fruit isn’t as lame as she thought,,,,but she still gets her ass handed to her at marineford. And she still watched Ace die in his brother’s arms on the other side of the battlefield.
Post timeskip, it’s on SIGHT any time she sees a marine, even if they’re minding their own. Eventually she runs into Shanks, has a toxic on again/off again relationship with him, and has to eventually learn for herself that maaaaaybe being driven by revenge isn’t super healthy. And maaaaaybe she needs to revaluate her life and her place in the world. (Except I like to mostly think about her in a world where Ace lives rather than the more ~canon~ timeline so that’s as far as we got baybeee).
Shout out to all 1 person who read this far. Thank you for learning about my little trainwreck. She has a compulsion to be liked by everyone so hmu if if you want to talk about our OC’s becoming buds ✨
Also big sup to the folks I commissioned to draw her!!!!!!!!!!
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sylvva · 5 months
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@waxgentleman said :
♦️ Could be for Mr 3 or Buggy :D
meme // always accepting
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✧ 𓏬 Continuing off of Daphne's cross guild verse, there is a district way she presents herself there. It could be very easy to just hunt bounties and not truly be a member of the guild, yet that isn't the path she goes for. She acts very friendly, and she kind of it a friendly person, although she doesn't view the guild the same way she viewed the whitebeard pirates. She picks and chooses who she is close to, and even then there is an air of a wall.
She hangs around Mr. Three for two main reasons. He seems extremely competent at his job and holds a lot of inside knowledge. The second reason is she actually enjoys being around him. Daphne is mostly making fun of him but it isn't intirely mean-spirited, more like banter. He has his quicks but she does not look down on him. Afterall, while she doesn't know much about Baroquework, being number three in a huge organization counts for something in her mind.
When it comes to Buggy, she keeps her distance when she can. Daphne is by no means avoiding him, but he is just weird. She can't tell if he is a joke, a coward, or secretly a mastermind. However, all three of those options are not something she wants to meddle with. The woman is currently under the impression that Crocodile and Mihawk are using him as a scapegoat to drive the media's attention from the guild's full activities.
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geekpopnews · 3 months
One Piece - Netflix revela os integrantes da Baroque Works
A Netflix revelou os novos membros do elenco de One Piece: A Série, conheça os primeiros integrantes da Baroque Works. #OnePiece #liveaction #Netflix #BaroqueWorks
Hoje (25) a Netflix revelou os novos membros do elenco de One Piece: A Série, os integrantes da famosa Baroque Works. A Baroque Works era um sindicato criminoso criado por Crocodile para desestabilizar e conquistar o Reino de Alabasta e adquirir a super arma antiga Pluton. Para isso, realizou atos de espionagem, sabotagem e assassinato, manipulando Alabasta para uma guerra civil. O sindicato…
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animemeetsculture · 7 months
Vivi's Untold Courage: Saving Alabasta #shorts #OnePiece #anime
Vivi’s Untold Courage: Saving Alabasta #shorts #OnePiece #anime #Vivi #Alabasta #Courage #Princess #BaroqueWorks #CivilWar #Kingdom #Bravery #Grace #AnimeFans #MissWednesday #OnePieceCharacters from Anime Meets Culture https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_NpYn_MO_k
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justdrawtheworld · 3 years
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ESTÁ LISTO! FINALMENTE ESTÁ LISTO! COMPLETO! La pintura de Bon-chan finalmente está lista, amo como quedó, 100% satisfecho con mi resultado. ———————- “Uno puede perderse en el camino del hombre, o en el camino de la mujer, pero nunca puedes perderte en el camino de ser humano, OKAMA WAY!” -Bon Clay. ———————- Pintura en acrílico “Bon Chan” ———————- Personaje: Bon Clay / Mr.2 / Bon-chan. Manga/Anime: One Piece. ———————- Materiales: Acrilico y pinceles planos (10 y 1/2). Lapiz tiralineas 0.1 , 0.3 y 0.7 Lapiz pincel suave negro. ———————— Tags: #onepiece #bonclay #bonchan #mr2 #baroqueworks #manga #anime #okama #okamaway #acrilico #pintura #acrilicas #acrilic #pinturaacrilica #art #artist #arte #artoftheday #artofinstagram #artistsoninstagram #fanart #commission #comision #mywork #mareteart https://www.instagram.com/p/CTqUV29JcdF/?utm_medium=tumblr
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l-pop-tatsucom · 4 years
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Haven’t been active in here since a long time ago 😰🥺💦 Here’s a side by side of a fav drawing I did of Miss Father’s Day years back 😆👍🏻🌟💥🔫🐸💚💖💚💖✨ I love her so much along with Mr.7 🥺👐🏻💚💖💚💖✨🐸x🔫✨
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ask-miss0 · 5 years
Hello again!! These questions are for Daz :) Before you joined Lady Crocodile, you were a bounty hunter/assassin, right? Were swords always your primary weapon, or did that aspect of your style only arise once you ate your fruit?
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michelmims · 1 year
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[ 4/6 six fanart, part 2 ]
Shares are appreciated 💖
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deyvidson4rt · 5 years
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Nerfetari Vivi and Koza. 🔥Get prints, accessories and more in my teepublic curioos Links in my perfil.🔥 . . #cobra #alabasta #onepiece #nefertaricobra #theysayitsyourbirthday #king #rebelarmy #bigheart #koza #vivi #strawhatpirates #baroqueworks https://www.instagram.com/p/B6IwwqKHgGb/?igshid=tzug1a68mat7
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jethropaler · 6 years
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Miss All Sunday 💜 - #nicorobin #missallsunday #onepiece #strawhatpirates #fanart #illustration #digitalart #anime #baroqueworks #alabasta #devilchild https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu-VoC9FIf0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1fuf59v35vum2
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pirateprincessvivi · 3 years
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A.K.A. Miss Wednesday 😉 #comeaboardandbringalongallyourhopesandmemes #funnymemes #onepiece #vivimemes #onepieceedit #onepieceedits #onepiecefunny #onepiecememe #onepiecememes #animeme #baroqueworks #onepiecefangirl #anime #animememes #animememesdaily #vivimeme #opmemes #opmeme #princessvivi #animemes #animefan #pirateprincessvivi #onepiecevivi #onepiecemarathon misswednesday #reversemountain #vivinefertari #alabasta #igaram (at Alabasta) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQVmCbxhSFO/?utm_medium=tumblr
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d-inchiostro · 7 years
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Sir Crocodile . . . . . #ink #inked #sketch #dippingpen #onepiece #crocodile #shichibukai #bananadile #baroqueworks
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o-haw-clan · 4 years
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All Sunday III, 2020 . . #photography #toyphotography #toystagram #toygraphyid #actionfiguresasart #missallsunday #nicorobin #baroqueworks #ohawclan #acemarken https://www.instagram.com/p/CG19DXmAKik/?igshid=1ko97hvo4f1kt
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