#based on a doodle from a couple months ago that i decided to color
funsizedcrow · 1 year
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toku-fangirl-2015 · 2 years
My 2023 bullet journal setup!
New year, new notebook! 2023 will be my 5th year (!) doing a bullet journal. I'm using a B5 size journal from Archer & Olive, which is the same size and brand I used for my 2022 journal. I like having the extra space (the most popular size is A5, which is a little smaller).
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My cover page features Celeste from my favorite new-to-me thing of 2022, Animal Crossing New Horizons. She shows up on your island when there are shooting stars, and she'll tell you stories about the constellations and give you space-related DIY recipes. (More pics and details under the cut)
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Next in my new journal setup is a grid spacing sheet and a page for theme ideas, broken down into different categories. I used the theme ideas page last year when I was having trouble deciding what to do, so my list is a little bit shorter until I come up with more ideas to replace the ones I used in this past year.
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My final new-notebook-setup spread is what I call "scribble sheets." You could also put a brain dump page here. This is my place to try out different color schemes, test markers to see if they still work, or practice different doodles and font styles. Basically I'm giving myself permission to be messy here, because I like to keep the rest of my journal looking neat and pretty.
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I combined my 2023 cover page and future log, which is really only possible because I'm using a B5-size notebook. The months are kind of hard to see in the photo, but they're written in with white gel pen on top of the black headers. I used an exacto knife to trim away the washi tape that overlaps some of the boxes, to make it look like it's behind the box. I had to be careful to make sure I wasn't cutting through the paper too, but I really like the effect.
I kept the style pretty simple throughout this setup because I'm trying out a bunch of new spreads (I normally just do a future log at the beginning of the year and maybe one or two others). I wrote everything in a bubble font or a typewriter-style font, and added little star doodles and washi tape. I also kept the white lettering on black headers, which is much easier to read in person.
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My new spreads are all inspired by JashiiCorrin on YouTube. I'm excited to do the "Now and Again," which is basically one of those ask memes that make the rounds here. You fill it out at the beginning of the year, and then again at the end. For the year in pixels, I'm keeping track of how much sleep I get and also what hobbies I'm doing. I was in kind of a rut in 2022 so I want to get back to doing more creative things. I have different symbols to draw rather than coloring in the boxes with different colors, because I don't like having to keep track of all the different color pens to fill the trackers in. It looks pretty, but for me it's not worth the hassle.
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I've been doing a monthly cleaning log, but I like the idea of only having to write it out once for the whole year. Should save me some time with my monthly setups. My 23 things to do are also broken down into categories: chores, things at the top of my watchlist, craft projects that I have the materials for but haven't done yet, and a few miscellaneous things that I want to get done.
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Snapshots of the year is another one that I'm excited to try. In the first box, I penciled in a few ideas of things to write for each month. I've been doing daily highlights pretty much since I started my journal, so I think it will be fun to add some monthly highlights too. Media consumed is divided into books, movies, and TV shows.
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My final setup spread is one that I actually did a couple years ago at the end of the year, inspired by Plant Based Bride on YouTube. While I liked having a mini version of all my cover pages, doing it at the end of the year left me trying to remember exactly which supplies I used for each month. My plan for this year is to do the mini version along with my monthly setup, and then by the end of the year they'll all be filled in so I can look back at everything without having to recreate 12 themes all at once.
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Bonus pic of my favorite new idea, also from JashiiCorrin: a grid spacing ruler! It's like the grid spacing page at the beginning, but since it's a separate paper, you can use it to actually measure thirds or halves or whatever without having to count the individual boxes. I have the horizontal measurements written on the other side. It's already come in super handy.
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nibscribs · 6 years
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So uhhhh I drew a lot of RWBY this year... only two of these are non RWBY and tbh I could have just as easily put something RWBY for June Template
Retrospective under the cut bc it’s LONG 
RETROSPECTIVE January: First piece of the year! I still like this piece and I think it shows how much I improved from the original version of it. Also I just like looking at it bc it's soft content of my rare pair. I do think I made the rose look photorealistic which looks... bad esp with all the other more stylized flowers, and I got lazy with the bleeding hearts by just drawing one set and flipping them. Emerald's hair also could look better. February:  I made this around GNG week, which was a fun, good time, long before the server imploded on itself. I got really lazy with the backgrounds, obviously, but I do like the poses in this one, tho it helped that I based it off of screenshots from Young Justice. I also just really like how Merc looks in this one. March: March wasn't a very prolific month for art, I don't think I produced much besides this and one comic piece for GNG week. I'm not sure why exactly, I can't find any specific reason why I would be unproductive that month. I'm gonna just assume I was drained from work all the time and didn't have the energy to put out good art, and also I was getting into a slump bc all my art was starting to look same-y. This piece isn't very good, but I chose it because I did it without a reference, and at this point that was going out of my comfort zone. It's obviously not super dynamic, but at the very least you can tell I intended there to be motion to it. April: This also wasn't a very prolific month for art, not as bad as March, but for the same reasons. I was also really starting to feel burnout from the RWBY fandom, specifically wasps and conflict within the GNG server. This was also when the Art vs the Artist meme was popular, and I realized I didn't want to do that meme because my art was too similar and boring, which also brought me down a peg. Though I put out a few good chibis in April, I chose my Mercury redesign bc I was really proud of it. I could never get the Emerald redesign to mesh quite right, but I can say I'm really proud of how Mercury's came out. May: May had me bounce out of my art slump and in full force trying to expand my skills! Specifically exploring painting. Although May was about as prolific as April, what I did create I put a lot into. It was difficult to pick between this and my app of Edison, because I'm really proud of both, but in the end I went with this commission of Mercury because I pushed myself to try and use an interesting perspective for the piece instead of my usual stand still and face the camera pose. Because I pushed myself out of my comfort zone, this was one of the best things I made all year, and may be my favorite piece of the year. June: TIME TO STRESS OUT ABOUT CONNECTICON! So if you follow me on twitter, you might have noticed I made a lot of posts at the beginning of the year low key throwing shade at myself for drawing my oc's instead of more "important" art. Well, that important art that I was procrastinating was con merch, and con was the second week of July, so I really had to get my ass in gear to finish merch on time (spoiler, I didn't finish a lot of it on time). This piece and July's piece are both posters I made for Connecticon, and while I like July's much better, that doesn't mean I find this piece bad. I really should have known that no one at con would realize it was a goonies reference tho -_-; I also lost a lot of love for this piece after season 6 of Voltron, which I watched while I was about 60% of the way through this piece, so I had to force myself to finish it. July: I love this piece!!!! Don't get me wrong, I know it has flaws, but look at it! The lines are so crisp, the colors look good, Roman and Merc's expressions are mwuah chefs kiss, and I just love all of them!!! ... except for Neo. I really didn't do her justice in this piece, her hair is too fluffy, her head is way to oversized to the point that she looks like a bobblehead, and her eyes are too close together. Really if you take out Neo's head that whole problem goes away. I also love all the tiny details I put in this one, from emerald's chaps to roman's rose to Neo's lace parasol. You can tell I was way more passionate about this piece than I was about the Voltron piece.  August:  pretty sure this is when I quit my job cashiering, and thank god bc customers suck. If I was going off of sheer popularity, Chibi Pyrrha would have taken this slot no contest, and while I love chibi Pyrrha, I don't think it was the best of the month. I chose this little princess and the pauper au doodle because I tried a year ago to draw these two dancing, and it looked like dog shit. It was flat and ugly. But this has motion to it, and even looking at it now makes me feel warm and happy inside. It's just a good cute drawing of my otp. September: My piece for the RWBY tarot project! I have a lot of mixed emotions about this one. on the one hand, I love how mercury looks, his expression, the lighting, the visceral gore from his legs (ESPECIALLY THE VISCERAL GORE ON HIS LEGS) and the hands of the undead, all look stunning and I don't think I could be more happy with how they turned out. And then we get to the background. The caduceus isn't the worst thing ever, but it's severely lacking in quality compared to the rendering on mercury in front of it, and a lot of it is clearly pixellated from me trying to stretch and squash it just right. And the fire is a hot (no pun intended) mess. It's flat, incoherent, and doesn't lead the eye anywhere. It's a shame too because I wanted to do more with it, but I a) didn't have enough time or patience to figure out what I needed to do to fix it and b) didn't want to go outside of my comfort level, so I gave up and decided to be satisfied with what I had. October: October was another good month for art, I made a turnaround sheet for Moss, painted a full body (and slightly lewd) Rudy, and made a decent attempt at inktober. Ok, so I got like 2 days in, but I improved a lot on inking from last year! Fun fact! this piece was originally going to be fan art of Lindsay Jones, but after I did some thumbnails to figure out a pose, I thought it would suit White Diamond better, and I could also sell it as merch. I love this piece. I think I captured the sinister mood well, and conveyed the story I wanted to without any dialogue (at least the notes on Tumblr make me assume I did a decent job, lotta people really wigged out lol) I really worked hard to get the lighting right on this one, and I think it shows. My absolutely favorite thing about this piece funnily enough, is Amethyst. I think I just did a great job drawing her and I'm proud of myself ok. Stevens bubble and my trouble figuring out how to get WD's leg just right are the only things that I dislike about this piece, but I might go back and fix those. November: IM SO PROUD OF THIS COMMISSION!!!!!! I worked so god damn hard on this chef's kiss poifect,  and it really shows. I started using a new brush at this point, the Ojing series on Clip Studio Paint, which I recommend and have been using a lot since. I've also been using this shading technique since drawing this. I love how it sort of fades out but it's still really crisp. I also love all the little details that give this piece character, like her shoes and the stripes on her jacket. This piece really takes a lot of the stuff I learned over the year and combines it into one piece, and I could not be prouder of it. I have absolutely no problems with this one, though I do find the weapon a bit plain, but it's what the client described. December: AND NOW IT'S CHRISTMAS!!!!! I had been working on this piece since August, going back to it every now and then and getting frustrated. I'm really glad I came back to it and finally finished it, since I love this pair and I put a lot of effort into it back in August. However, I'm also really glad I completely overhauled a lot of it, specifically the flowers. Though I'm not 100% happy with the mums in this one, they look a thousand times better than the mums I had originally sketched back in August, and were part of the reason I had such a hard time finishing this for months. I also thought it would be nice to end the year on the same note it started; with a flower couple. I've definitely learned a lot since January, and I hope to continue growing in 2019! 2019 GOALS!
Work on backgrounds for the love of god
Draw more stuff that isn't RWBY
Make more speed paints and post more to youtube in general
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