#tucker is one of my favorite rvb characters to draw. tucker and simmons. I draw them so much
funsizedcrow · 1 year
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blackartistremix · 4 months
The Potential of Meta (ε)
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art by @ehhgg-art
So after watching Restoration, I wanted to talk about Tucker being Epsilon Meta or Meta (ε). First is the execution of the character. Tucker being an unwilling host, of the fragments and being forced to do to their bidding, was great. as well as him trying to resist and fight them off. But the fact that Tucker being made to be a fighter on the level of Carolina and Tex (bare in mind this is due to ai's but still) was great. And his undoing being the fact that the R&B are so unpredictable was perfect. However, I do find the choice of having Miles voice his Meta self, instead of Jason to be a bit weird. Meta Tucker for all intense purposes draws a similar vain to Felix. Miles voicing him while controlled contributes to this but the fact that the Meta talks at all, and he comes off as cocky, and menacing just matches Felix's vibe. Which leads to my biggest problem, the missed opportunity.
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art by hipstersoulgushers-art
Tucker didn't get to interact with the Reds and Blues enough, the biggest obstacle with fighting Meta(ε) was that it was Tucker, It made the Reds and Caboose not want to fight their friend or not have a good chance of beating him, combined with his ability to speak as the Meta(ε) he could have came at the Red's and Blue's, verbally and physically destroying them, and just when it looks like Meta(ε) was going to far Tucker steps in like he did with Caboose. That and he didn't get to interact with all of the Reds and Blues. I would've loved to see interact Meta(ε) interact with:
Freelancers: For Wash would've been a battle of the student versus the mentor, and it could've set up Doc dying to save Wash, leading to all the stuff that happen to Wash in Restoration. For Carolina it could've played a role with her being the one to track down Meta(ε) feeling responsible for what happened, it also could lead to Meta(ε) shit talking Carolina with Tucker's more unruly traits. Reds: We could've had Tucker attacking the Reds verbally. He could've came at Simmons, since he had the arc in Restoration, saying that Grif and Simmons were useless on Chrous or make some subtle jabs at there situation. Dismantling Lopez, hell maybe thinking he killed Donut only for him to comeback later contributing to the running gag.
Sister: This is the romantic in me but it would've been so interesting to see how Sister would've reacted to Meta(ε), Ik, the Shinso trilogy is no longer canon but still there's potential with this
Locus: This one is more a of a fan favorite what-if but it would've been cool to see Meta(ε) fight Locus since there has yet to be a sword fight in RvB and it would've been dope. Locus seeing the Meta in action but realizing how Meta(ε) acts like Felix.
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art by blueteamjax
I know Sigma plays the biggest role with Meta, but god damn, I wish we got to see Delta and Theta interact with them more, like a moment where there in Tucker's mind and Delta and Theta are talking to him, and Tucker sees how much Theta reminds him a little of Caboose, or starts acting like a dad to him similar to North. but also How the Ai's use Felix as a manipulation tactic. I said it before that Meta(ε) reminded me of Felix' so it would've been great for them to base there persona, off of them Felix wanted to be the ultimate weapon, an Tucker no being that draws interesting parellel's. This is all I really had cooking in my mind. But I kinda wish Restoration was a full season because oh man, if this was made during the Shinso Trilogy and Burnie and Miles wrote it we would've been eating good.
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rubykgrant · 3 months
I would very much like to see the experience of Tucker introducing Poppy to Reservoir Dogs. I live that kind of stuff. Before he passed, I introduced my dad to RWBY because we had already been RvB fans together for years, and during COVID I introduced my aunt and sister to RWBY and we all keep up with it. Needless to say, I love that kind of stuff, and it'd be neat to see Tucker experience that. Bonus if Junior is there too cuz 20 years from now I want my kids seeing RvB
(I'm sorry to hear about your dad, but glad to know you could share things together like that. My dad died several years ago, and many of the movies I enjoy I watched because he showed them to me, and as I got older, I would share new things with him. I still have my mom, and we enjoy either re-watching movies we've loved for years, or me showing her something new)
I wish I had the time/energy to draw out all the interactions I have in mind for Poppy and the others, but I do indeed have a lot planned! Poppy was meant to be the new Red Team member, and because Simmons so rarely gets to make any new friends, I thought it would be funny if in the beginning, Sarge is like- "Look boys, we got a new Red! She's a real firecracker!". Simmons' internal knee-jerk reaction is KILL-DIE-HATE-DEATH-MURDER-DESTROY (because that's HIS father-figure that he also tried to bury alive one time, back off!). Then Poppy has ONE conversation with him about the Ewoks Cartoon, and Simmons just goes- "Oh, sibling?". Yes, sibling! It also helps later when Gene shows back up; Poppy can tell them apart just fine- "They don't even sound the same. Simmons sounds like Simmons. Gene sounds like an obnoxious little dipshit".
I wanted to have a few different interactions with Poppy and everybody else, to show how they would get along, and how they would argue (because that's just the fun with all these goobers! they love each other, and they WILL bicker constantly). Tucker becoming Poppy's first friend in the group (besides Sarge) wasn't planned, but then it was accidentally cute? She first meets him when he arrives to do some special training as a favor to Sarge, but he immediately trips and falls down a hill. Poppy is the only one around, so when she helps him up, he doesn't say right away WHY he's there (a bit embarrassed). She introduces herself with her first name, and he does the same- Lavernius. It eventually comes out that yes, he was here to help with the same "Freelancer Training" that Wash put him through, and Poppy is nice enough not to tell everybody he ate dirt 10 minutes ago. They then proceed to get along, because a couple of the others training under Sarge try to give Poppy a hard time, and Tucker gives her some fun suggestions as come-backs (Mr Quick-Witted, Mr Sarcastic). She tells him- "You're funny!", and it takes a sec for Tucker to process that- "I... I am?". Most people just groan and complain about his jokes, but they are vibing!
When Poppy officially becomes part of the group, Tucker gets to catch her up on everything (who has what annoying habit, etc), and at last, somebody new to show Reservoir Dogs to! This is like having a new friend you get to show all your favorite stuff to! Tucker truly has incredible depth as a character, he's smart and clever, he carries so much responsibility, and he CARES a LOT about other people. When he jokes about being important, it is usually just false bravado... but then he actually IS important, VERY IMPORTANT. Which is why he struggles with not feeling good enough, falling back on his own annoying habits. Tucker realizes Poppy has issues with feeling comfortable just being HERSELF, and losing the group of Reds and Blues who used to be her friends (Flag Zealots who ran out of ammo, and started harmlessly pulling pranks on each other, mostly fighting over who got to keep Poppy on their team). They both just make each other feel welcomed in a very simple and easy way.
In the larger part of my story-line, it takes a while, but they DO find Junior again. Poppy has heard so much about him from Tucker, she's more than happy to really get to know him. Poppy is very good at making Junior feel accepted right away (the kind of person who can chill with kids, talk about stuff sort of on the same level, but is also very comforting and supportive, a balance of a cool friend who will still be responsible).
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RvB16 Episode 1 Review: The Shisno
(Old Blog Repost)
Season 15, to put it lightly, has had mixed reception. Some liked it, some didn’t. Some like parts of it, others like different parts. Regardless of where you stand, I think we can all agree that it wasn’t a perfect season. Personally I enjoyed it, but I was also a newcomer to RvB so… you know, I’m biased. Regardless, Joe did well enough to be given the reigns once again and it looks like he has some MASSIVE plans.
So finally, here we are with the sixteenth season. With only one episode, it’s still too early to determine if this season will be an improvement or a disappointment. But the first episode is supposed to draw us in. Did it succeed in doing so? Lets find out.
The introduction is… weird. We saw the medieval scene on Twitter.. well the first few seconds anyways. It being a medieval version of the famous ‘ever wonder hwy we’re here’ scene can’t be for no reason. I guess it MAY be a hint at the time travel aspect coming up, but for now it’s just baffling. What is even mroe baffling is the vortex and the voice following it. We now know that the voice belongs to a being named Muggins as he speaks of things being provoked by humble actions and briefly going over the end of S15. Some kind of prophecy has been triggered due to the time drill thing and even with it gone, it still fulfilled it’s purpose. Which leads us to…
Fighting over food! So first, Joe wasn’t kidding about this whole thing beginning as a quest for pizza. I need to rewatch that tease later to see what other hints are in it. But regardless, with the Blues and Reds defeated and Dylan offering to talk to the cops since they’re still wanted (and I imagine this leads to her and Jax’s final scene in S15), our guys have earned some R&R. It was honestly a nice welcome back to see them just bickering over something as ridiculous as where to go out to eat. It fits them so well and feels like a very nice welcome back after all the insanity last season. Things are slowly tingeing back to normal… at first.
Simmons notices that Donut is missing, so Grif sends Caboose to go find him. Honestly the fact that SOMEONE realized that Donut wasn’t there is a sign of improvement since it’s always kind of been a running joke that no one. Sure, sending Caboose probably wasn’t THE best idea, but it’s a sign of improvement! Then we get the… body horror scene… dear God that looked painful. It was still funny due to how oblivious to it Caboose was, but still… MAN. It wouldn’t have been as bad if it weren’t for Donut’s screams of pain. Man, Dan Godwin nailed it… and I imagine that had to HURT so kudos! So yeah… Donut vanishes to I assume the same place the time drill went since they use the same sound effect. I guess Donut will then ascent not Godhood since he is beyond the plain of space and time now. We’ll see~
So Cabosoe comes back empty handed and at first everyone considers going to find him… except Grif. He wants to get the Hell off the island before the cops get there. We’ll talk more about this in a little while but man do I have thoughts! So the Reds and Blues all agree on pizza with Sister tagging along. Carolina and the lieutenants meanwhile head for Chorus, Carolina to go check on Wash and the lieutenants to get back to what Jensen calls ‘interesting things’. So I assume that we’ll get some kind of B Story involving Chorus hijinks. Maybe if we’re lucky, a certain green mercenary will show up… I can dream!
This is where things get interesting as we then see two tiny balls of light. Muggins, who we already heard, and a female-voice done named Huggins. He is apparently a rookie as Muggins sends her to keep watch over the Reds and Blues and to both not lose them and to not be spotted. He meanwhile shoots across space and we get a REALLY cool intro sequence showing all the cast and the main crew members… though they forgot Geoff’s name for some reason (the Youtube version has it, so I assume it’s an error). Oops. They also don’t have Becca listed, though Sister isn’t technically a main character so I guess that’s why. Maybe in the future. But it’s really cool and the alien-esque soundtracks sounds so perfect.
Muggins arrives at what we can assume is the villains lair. IDK if this is an original set piece designed by RT Animation or if it’s an actual Halo map. Either way, it looks awesome. Dark, with a lot of red and black, but epic in scale. A proper villain lair. We get a glimpse of a green-armored soldier with a British accent golfing… weird. Anyways, Muggins reports to their leader who we only see partially. They have black armor and while they only say one word, it’s a… pretty damn intimidating voice. Muggins informs the leader that the ‘pizza quest’ has begun and therefore triggered the last part of the prophecy, ending the episode.
While the episode is only nine minutes long, BOY HOWDY did it leave PLENTY to talk about. I guess we’ll start with Donut though. I have no idea what the Fuck just happened. It’s clear that the blast from the drill caused… whatever the Hell happened and we can assume form the earlier narration, that this was meant to happen. So this is definitely going to be important. Going off the promo material, where Donut’s in a kind of meditative pose, it seems like he’s going to become a God-like figure. My guess is that he now exists outside the realm of space and time, which is where I believe the drill now is. What will this do to Donut? I have no idea, but this is definitely going it be a lingering plot thread. And hey, Donut deserves the focus.
Something I also liked is how the Reds and Blues DID notice that he was missing. Look, they do not have a good track record of remembering either Donut or Doc. So the fact that Simmons relied it is a massive improvement. And I do like how after Caboose said that he was gone, Sarge and Tucker DID want to loo for him and not leave him behind. Grif convinces them not to, but still it is a HUGE sign of improvement compared to normal. And while they DID ultimately leave, I think it’s good that they at least recognized that Donut was gone and considered looking for him. It’s a good sign that they are growing.
Next lets talk about Carolina and Wash. So it looks like, at least for now, they won’t be in on the main plot. I assume that they’ll be given a B Plot revolving around Chorus, considering Jensen’s line about the going-ons there, but it’s too soon to tell. But yeah Carolina and Wash will likely be on the sidelines at least for now. Honestly… I an good with this! I love them both, don’t get me wrong. But lets face it, both have had a LOT of focus and attention ever since their respective introductions. Freelancer has been running the series for a long time now, and for good reason. But I really want to see the Reds and Blues on their own for once. S15 showed that, when they get their act together, they can operate and be formidable on their own with minimal Freelancer help. I want to see them have to deal with a massive situation without just having Wash or Carolina deal with it for them. I did like that Tucker plans to get Wash his own pizza though, just showing how much he cares for his teammate. You’ve grown up Tucker!
The biggest thing I want to talk about before we get to the villains though is Grif. Because his lines here are… interesting. It is clear that he wants to avoid any adventure, insanity, and dramatics as much as possible. When Jensen starts talking about Chorus, he says he wants to avoid the subject before trying to take it back. Then there’s the entire pizza quest thing. He doesn’t want to call it a quest. He doesn’t want to look for Donut because it would mean staying around and having to talk to cops. He calls out the others on how everything always has to be treated like a major production. He outright tells Sister that they’re not getting into anything crazy when she is clearly enthused about the idea. Now this could just be because he’s ‘hangry’ and also doesn’t want to chance getting arrested, but… IDK. To me, adding in the ‘new science’ line, it all paints a very clear picture: Grif wants things to go back to normal, just like he did last season… and it makes sense.
Some may say ‘wait, shouldn’t he be over this after last season?’. No. No he should not. Last season had Grif regret quitting because he didn’t like being alone and in the end, he DOES care about the others. And yes, he did willingly get into the thick of things when he joined back up. But here’s the thing, he did so because the others were in trouble and they needed him. But now that trouble is over.  Now there is a chance for him to FINALLY go back to a level of normalcy with the others again. It’s why he’s trying so hard to avoid talking about serious matters or refusing Sister and Caboose’s replies about ‘adventures’ and ‘quests’. He never got over wanting to be done with that. We never had any kind of scene where he comes to terms with the insanity that is his life, only of him having regret abandoning the others. So it makes sense that this is still a thing with him like it was last year. The only difference is this time, instead of quitting, it seems like he’s going to try to actively attempt to keep them out of any insanity. Will this go anywhere? We’ll have to see. But since the promo art just has him facepalming, I think this may be his character arc for the season. And since Grif is my favorite character and I loved his development last season, I am all for it!
That leads us to our ‘villains’. And I say that lightly because while they ARE clearly the antagonists, I… can’t really tell if they’ve evil. Going off Mugigns’ narration and report to the leader, it sounds like they are trying to prevent some kind of horrible catastrophe that the Reds and Blues unknowingly started. As for WHAT they are… well they aren’t human, at least not fully. It’s way too soon and we still know way too little. But I am going to assume that they are aliens and some kind of high cosmic order. One that makes the head of it essentially a God. Heck the names Huggins and Muggins seem to be based off Huginn and Muginn, ravens who act as the eyes and ears to Odin in Norse mythology. Going off that… yeah, we’re going full Thor here apparently.
The leader we can assume is the equivalent of Odin, the king God in Norse mythology. IDK if we’ll get a Thor and Loki equivalent…. unless the green guy is meant to be one or the other. But yeah, this means that this guy is scary news. It’s too soon to say who he may be, though I saw one person speculate that it may be Donut. And with the time travel stuff, it IS possible. But again, too soon to say. Though if not I guess that Donut becoming a God will be the key to beating this guy. Either way, the goal is unclear other than that a prophecy has been provoked. Whether they’re going to try to stop it form coming to pass, or make sure it comes to pass is unclear. We also don’t know what the prophecy is other than that the time drill’s activation was the first sign and the pizza quest was the point of no return.
So here is my current theory. As I said, I don’t think that the ‘villains’ are actual villains. Or at least they aren’t evil psychos like Felix or a well-intentioned extremist gone mad like Temple. I think that this ‘prophecy’ is going to make them see the Reds and Blues as the villains. So they are going to attempt to wipe them out in order to prevent the prophecy from being fulfilled. It makes them the antagonists by default. How that will cause time travel to factor in unless an attempt to kill them goes horribly wrong IDK. Still, that’s my current stance. Will it get cleared up? Probably and it’ll lead to the true villain showing up. Bu it’s still WAAAAY too soon to say, but going off Muggins’ worry it doesn’t feel like he and Huggins at least aren’t antagonistic. But we’ll see as things unfold.
All of this of course leaves a LOT of questions. What is the prophecy exactly? What is the catastrophe? How does time travel equate into it? How does the medieval scene fit into it? Is this based on any of the alien stuff we’ve had in the past? Is it something completely different? How does Donut’s current situation equate into this? What kind of aliens/interdimensional beings are these guys? Who is the golfing guy? Who is that four armed guy that we saw in the trailer? Is he with these guys? Or is he a different antagonist? Is he an antagonist at all? How do the Reds and Blues end up caught up in it? Are we going to learn the definition of shisno? There’s a lot of questions man! And that’s okay, it’s the first episode, we’re supposed to be asking questions. Gotta give Joe this, he left us with plenty to think about.
So the way that things currently stand is the Reds and Blues are going for pizza (and I assume that the ship crashes since we see them in a forest area in the trailer), Carolina is heading for Chorus, and the villains are beginning their own plans. What’s going to happen next? I honestly have no clue. I assume that we’ll be following the Reds and Blues still next episode and maybe they’ll discover Huggins, but I honestly don’t know. Way to keep us hanging Joe.
Final Thoughts
This is how you do a premiere! The episode leaves a LOT of questions, but plenty of laughs in classic RvB fashion as well. It uses it’s time effectively and while it was only nine minutes long, it sure didn’t feel that short. The scenes all serve as a nice welcome back, opens up new possibilities, and sets up things for our heroes nicely. Sure the medieval scene is kind of out of place, but normally in animation a scene like that is there for a reason, so we’ll see later. But the machinima and original animation were solid, the acting was good as always, the humor and banter were on point, and we have plenty of mystery to look forward to down the road. It also sets up potential character development for Donut and Grif, which is very much appreciated. It was very well done and I am absolutely craving for more! Great episode!
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creatrixanimi · 7 years
Get to Know Meme
I was tagged by @a-taller-tale !!
What’s your favourite song(s) to sing/hum?
hmm there are a lot. I like Lilium. It's from a shitty anime but it sounds really pretty so oh well XD. I also sing a lot of lotr stuff like may it be, etc. A regular song I sing a lot is probably take it Easy by the Eagles.
What’s your favourite flower/tree/plant?
My favorite flower is the marigold! I just love the color and they are hearty little plants.
Favourite colours?
For a long time my favorite color was actually like... the exact shade of aqua Tucker wore in the halo 3 version of rvb. Now it's probably a warm yellow? or a muted orange/red.
What do you always doodle?
Im always doodling rvb characters. Especially Grif and Kai. Simmons and Carolina are close second annd thirsd tho. I also just like doodling anatomy practice and hairstyles tho.
How do you take your coffee/tea?
I drink plain tea with nothing in it. My favorites are aromatic black teas with floral undertones.
Favourite candle scent?
I like tree scents and also linen.
Sunrise or sunset?
The sunrise is prettier but im rarely awake to see it XD.
What perfume do you wear?
I dont really wear perfume. When I do its just my sisters? 
What’s your go-to dance move when you’re alone?
I don't dance a lot but I do sometimes spin around. I also like to do stretches but those aren't really dancing
Favourite quote?
hmmm... I don't really have any favorite quote in particular... I do like this one line from stairway to heaven by Led Zeppelin tho:
“Yes, there are two paths you can go by But in the long run There's still time to change the road you're on”
It just always made me feel less stressed out about my future.
Favourite self care routine(s)?
drink tea and have a piece of chocolate a day. Also, I always try to sleep a decent amount if I can and i try to draw what i want on the weekends.
Fuzzy socks or house slippers?
i guess socks? Ive never owned slippers and i usually just go barefoot 
What colour are your eyes?
What’s your favourite eye colour on others?
idk... I guess I like gray eyes? I think they are cool.
Favourite season? Why?
Fall because it's starting to get cold and also October has Halloween and my birthday. I do also love winter tho. I love the rain.
Cheek, neck, or nose kisses?
cheek because they can be platonic. 
What does your happy place look like?
I'm laying in bed and it's gray and rainy out. I don't have anything to do so I can just listen to the rain.
Favourite breed of dog?
I don't really have a favorite (they are all so cute!) but my dog is a newfie so I guess Newfoundlands?
Do you ever want to be married? If so, what colours would you pick for your wedding theme?
Probably not. I'm pretty happy by myself (im aro ace) but it would be fun to live with a good friend some day. 
Cursive or print?
my handwriting kinda just looks like shitty cursive so somewhere in between?
Favourite weather?
I love rain storms. They are so relaxing.
uhhh I guess I tag @riathedreamer @mercuryblacksleg ... but you guys don't have to do it XD I just tagged you for the sake of tagging someone.
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yamsgarden · 7 years
So...How about that RvB se15ep6. You know the one with [spoiler alert] GrifquittingoneverybodyandtearingtheheartsofgrimmonsshipperbutmoreimportantlyjustcompletelydestroyinghisbestfriendwhenhedirectlyandsavagelyquitonhispartnerforlifeRichardSimmonsbecauseIcannotdealwiththisanymoreImeanhedoesdeserveabreakandheshouldhavetherighttonotbeapartofrescuingChurchagainbutmygodGrifdidithavetobethatharshhowamIsupposedhandlethissuddenandterriblerevelationofnomoreGrifandnoGrimmons? BTW your artwork is amazing.
OMG sorry for the late reply my schedule is a mess DX but wooOAH that ONE YEAH AHH [SPOILER ALERT]… I think?! Am I too late and it’s already over?! Read at your own risk then!!
Anyway, hmm I think he will come back eventually, I have a feeling it’ll be at the end of the season but I also have a feeling he might die? That’d be sad if they kill a main character but they did it with Tex ;3; I have no idea what Joe plans to do, so far the writing is simply fantastic
and OMG thank you so much >///
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