#basically he’d be one of those rare younger siblings that’d be like…
paimonial-rage · 2 years
Could I request something for Gorou? I have two prompts I'd love to see you write. You can pick which one you want to go with (or pick neither lol). And it can be a fic, headcanons, analysis... anything. Don't worry about what you think I'd like because I just want to see what you'd do with this.
1) Gorou trying to prevent his crush from seeing the Ms. Hina standee at the Yae Publishing House when they’re Ms. Hina’s biggest fan (This is literally a prompt in your rules LOL)
2) What do you think Gorou was like as a child?
- @mimi-cee-genshin
Okay I am so sorry for taking so long with this. I’m gonna be answering #2 here and saving #1 for later. When I first got this ask, I didn’t realize how actually intricate it is? And because I need to explain my thought process from start to finish, you’re gonna have to sit through roads of me rambling. I um… apologize ahead of time.
The interesting thing about Gorou is that, despite seeming like one of the older siblings of his family, it’s mentioned that he’s probably the fifth son instead. Not fifth child, but fifth son. This means that he’s either in the middle of near the youngest of his siblings. When I first realized that, I wondered how in the world he became so dutiful and responsible.
Upon more thought, though, I came to realize that Gorou actually exhibits traits found in older siblings and younger siblings. No doubt is he dutiful, responsible, and driven (older sibling traits). But he’s also naive, feels pressure to measure up, and can be quite reckless (younger sibling traits). So what does this mean?
This is going to be pure headcanon and speculation here, but I imagine Gorou as a young child was very cute. He probably was the youngest for a good amount of time, so I can find the adults in his life and his older siblings doting on and spoiling him a lot. But I think Gorou would hate it. I honestly think he had a great adult(s) to look up to, so he’d want to be just like them. He’d admire how they’d take the lead, treat others, and also how they’re respected in turn. So he’d do his best to act like them, not realizing that all he’d accomplish is looking more adorable in the long run.
I can see at some point him not being the youngest anymore? Like either getting younger siblings or perhaps his older siblings ended up having kids? So he’d become even more strict on trying to imitate the people he looks up to, probably taking himself a bit too seriously. He’d do his best to be a role model, although I can see him thinking it’ll be simple and then getting completely overwhelmed trying to control a bunch of toddlers. HAHA
So to give you a picture, as a young child (younger than 5 years old), I can imagine him constantly trailing after his older siblings. Whatever they do, he’ll attempt to imitate them perfectly (often trying to do things much above his age bracket, thus causing people around him to panic). I can see him getting depressed when people coo over him, but when older ones in the village call out after him like, “Oh wow, Gorou, you’re such an adult! So responsible!” I can see his ears perking up and his tail wagging happily as he marches proudly after his siblings.
When he starts acting like the older sibling to children younger than him, I can see him doing his best to be mature (just like his idols!), and then it absolutely backfiring. He’d probably spend a lot of his time running after them and keeping them out of trouble, mediating fights, etc. No doubt he’d probably need peptalks from the adults in his life because he’ll eventually end up thinking he’s not good enough after not succeeding as well as he’d like.
At least… that’s how I imagine he’d be as a child. Basically, this kid that is trying his best to be just like his role models because he admires them so much.
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mariinara · 4 years
HC where sam is your best friends brother?
I actually thought about making your best friend just Nathan? But, for the sake of routine and creativity, let's shake it up a bit and create another sibling– a middle Drake sister? 👀👀
-First of all, being best friends with a Drake means that you have to be wild and absolutely unhinged to keep up.
-Your best friend– who happens to be the middle sister of two impossible brothers – rarely ever experienced a dull moment.
-Since you were the same, you had no problem whatsoever with tagging along with her, wherever she might go.
-However, she was just as much of an adrenalin junkie as her two brothers, which means she very often traveled around and was usually up to her usual treasure-hunting, museum-looting, lost-city-plundering shenanigans with either her two brothers, just one of them, Sullivan, or Chloe Frazer.
-And as a woman who only had a couple of odd jobs with her, Nathan, Elena, and Sullivan for the sole purpose of being "the tech gal in the chair", you didn't tag along in most of those.
-In fact, you had a pretty stable job in a computer shop as an I.T. manager and technician.
-Sounds boring, but is quite lucrative at times.
-And, sure, you'd met Nathan. You thought he was an absolute sweetheart and a joy to be around. Sometimes, though, when he didn't listen to your advice that would prevent him from getting his neck wrung, he was positively infuriating.
-Sam, though..
-You'd heard of the infamous older brother. You saw some of his pictures with his younger sister and brother, too, but they were about sixteen-year-old photographs, taken way before he was thrown in Panama and got locked up for thirteen years..
-Sometimes, you heard your best friend talking to him on the phone, but it'd be very brief and happened once every blue moon.
-Her explanation behind the very superficial relationship was that Sam didn't really share such a strong bond with her. They almost always fought and never once did they go a day without flipping each other off at least a thousand times.
-It was because their sister was a bit more reasonable when it came to life or death. She might've been wild at parties and great at rock-climbing or swinging off a cliff, but when odds were against her, she knew when to turn back and call it quits.
-A trait that – obviously – Sam did not have.
-She loved him, though, and she would do anything for him and so would he. Anytime. No questions asked.
-In fact, whenever she asked him to send her something from Boston to New Orleans, he'd do it without hesitation and would even leave a small note saying how he'd missed her and would like to catch up soon.
-So you had a pretty basic idea of who Sam Drake was, but you hadn't actually had the privilege of seeing him in person.
-One day, however, your best friend called and invited you over to her place that evening because she was holding a huge family gathering.
-"Everyone's gonna be there!", she'd told you.
-You were always up for a good backyard barbecue party with people you haven't seen in years. You knew for a fact that when she said 'everyone', she literally meant everyone.
-Nate, Elena, Cassie, Chloe, Sullivan, Charlie, and Nadine were all going to attend and the only missing person was you– the life of the party and the most theatrical comedian in the bunch.
-So not only did your friend want you there, but everyone said that they'd come only if you did and you couldn't disappoint them.
-And there you were, standing at the head of the table in the large pergola of your friend's yard, a glass of wine in your hand as you entertained and told a story of something stupid that'd happened to you with a celebrity customer that almost cost you your career. The table shook as all your buddies roared in laughter, some struggling to breathe and others not bothering to try and sound respectable– snorting away to their hearts' content and slamming the table or sinking into their chairs.
-A huge grin played on your lips before you brought your glass up to take a sip of wine, waiting for your friends to calm down, and then, your best friend suddenly perked up, her eyes as wide as the growing smile on her face.
-"Is that..?"
-Your brows pull in confusion and you look in the direction that everyone was looking towards and you saw a tall, broad man, a duffel in one hand while the other remained in the pocket of his deep blue jeans.
-Your wine remained in your mouth a little and as he stepped closer, a sheepish smile on his face, you swallowed thickly, your eyes widening.
-"Sam!", his sister yelled, jumping from her chair to break a sprint towards him and collide against his chest, making him stumble back a little, a chuckle escaping him as he rubbed her back.
-Everyone rushed to him, giving hugs and serenading him with 'It's so good to see you's. He even picked up his twelve-year-old niece, spun her around, and attacked her cheek with kisses, telling her how much he's missed her and that he had a small gift for her in his bag that he brought back from his most recent travel.
-And then, your best friend and his sister dragged you from your frozen position, putting you in front of him.
-"This is (y/n)!", she excitedly introduced you, "Remember? I told you all about her."
-Sam paused for a second and you did your best to look confident but something about him was so alluring and knee-buckling that it was so hard not to see flustered, especially that he gave you what seemed to be a ghost of a smirk.
-"M'yeah.", he replied, shaking your hand gently, "She wouldn't shut up about you." He pointed out, making his sister pout and gently nudge his arm.
-And, then, out of nowhere, your confident demeanor was back, "I must be greater than I thought, then.", you quickly quipped, having literally no clue where that came from.
-Sam raised an interested brow, "I'll bet." He replied, his voice dropping an octave and his eyes boring into yours.
-Maybe it was the wine, but you wanted nothing more but to jump him at that very moment.
-You two broke the staring game when Nathan cleared his throat and clapped his hands, rubbing them together, "So who's up for some barbecue, huh?"
-Everyone murmured in agreement and they quickly went back to their designated seats.
-You hadn't even noticed that your hand was still in Sam's until everyone was gone from around you and you quickly pulled it away, unable to make eye contact with the incredibly handsome man before you, just sticking to looking down at the small portion of wine left in your glass.
-"C'mon and sit next to me.", Sam suddenly said, making your eyes snap up at him in surprise, "I wanna get to know you better.", he clarified, sending you a sly smirk before brushing past you, making sure that his shoulder gently nudged yours.
-You looked at him as he confidently sauntered away, your mouth agape but an amused smile still present.
-"I warn you..", you whipped your head to see your best friend grinning at you, bemused by the whole scene that'd unfolded before her eyes. She walked towards you, "He'll break your heart.", she shook her head, taking a sip out of her beer.
-A snort left you and you shook your head, "He's.. not my type..", you mutter, downing the last drops of red wine afterwards as if to wash down the blatant lie that you'd just told.
-"Mm-hmm..", she gave you a sassy look and you rolled your eyes, gently kicking her along, telling her to shut up and get a move on.
-When you made it to the table, Sam looked up at you and smiled cordially, patting the chair next to him.
-You sat down next to him, and immediately, the chattering around the table began, and you were back to being your funny, confident self, captivating everyone with your brilliant story-telling and impeccable impressions that left everyone keeling over and laughing.
-Sam was a funny guy as well. He'd throw a few comments here and there that made your stories even funnier.
-You laughed together a few times and most of the time, his eyes were on you. He'd laugh and grin and nod along while sipping on his beer sometimes, but other than that, he was fully enamored with you.
-Not only were you attractive and witty, but also funny and really passionate, which was a dangerous mix that had Sam immediately sold.
-Everyone went to get their grilling on and were shoving their faces with hotdogs. Charlie and Nathan had an eating contest while Cassie filmed it with her camera, giggling all the while.
-So everyone was gathered in different areas, sometimes joining in on others' conversations or just sticking to their own, intimate ones.
-Your best friend was immersed in a conversation with Charlie, who'd won the hotdog eating contest and wasn't as whoozy as Nathan was. Charlie also happened to be her ex-boyfriend, but they were on great terms, even after they'd broken it off.
-And there you were with Sam, on the garden swing, keeping a good, friendly distance between each other, but somehow, the looks you shared suggested otherwise.
-You told him stories he needed to hear to have an idea about who you were as a person. You told him how you met Nate and his sister and he pretended not to know any of the information you spilt. He only listened to you intently because the way you pieced your stories was so interesting and your voice was captivating and so were your over-the-top hand gestures.
-He just loved listening to you.
-And the two of you didn't notice the hours go by, only absentmindedly bidding farewell to the friends who left.
-And soon, it was only the two of you, chatting away, laughing and sighing wistfully at memories.
-"You two are so indiscreet.", you and Sam look up at his sister, who had her hands in the pockets of her hoodie, a smirk on her face, "Everyone noticed."
-"Noticed?", Sam asked, raising a brow and narrowing his eyes.
-She scoffed, "Uh, yeah. You two lovebirds are so obvious."
-"A-ha. M'kay. Good talk.", Sam gave her a wry smile, further confirming his sister's suspicion.
-"He likes you but he's too pussy to admit it.", She told you, making you chuckle, the heat creeping up your neck again to make you look down in hopes of concealing your embarrassment.
-"Shut up or else.", Sam warned, leaning forward on the swing, as if he was preparing to pounce on his sister.
-But she ignored him and kept her eyes on you, "Remember what I told you..~", she taunted before stretching and looking at Sam, "You stayin' here?"
-Sam glared, "Do I have any other choice?" He asked in a "duh" tone.
-She yawned and nodded, scratching the back of her neck and stretching tiredly, "Okay, well..", a deep sigh left her as she moved her arms around to stretch her muscles, "I'm turnin' over."
-You cleared your throat and gently smacked your thighs before getting up, "I, uhh.. better get goin', too.", you sent Sam a warm smile, "It's gettin' kinda late."
-He looked up at you with his starry, puppy eyes before standing to tower over you, wiping his hands against the sides of his thighs, "Yeah, uhh..", he paused for a second, "Want me to walk you?"
-Yeah, you did. And you almost approved before you closed your mouth again and closed your eyes, breathing out a soft chuckle at your own ridiculousness, "No, I.. came over here in my car.", you told him and he nodded, his lips pursing to a thin smile.
-"Ugh, get it over with!", his sister complained, looking back and forth between the two of you, irked by the palpable tension in the air.
-Sam quickly sent her a death glare, "Do you mind?", he warned behind clenched teeth.
-She rolled her eyes and backtracked, "As if me leaving's gonna grow you any balls..", she mumbled, but Sam completely heard her and shook his head in dismay as you chuckled at their antics, watching her walk towards her front door and slip inside.
-When you looked back at Sam, his eyes were already on you and you smiled at him while he reciprocated it with a slightly awkward one, "Guess this is the part where I ask you out, huh..?", he spoke lowly, scratching his cheek and averting his gaze from yours for a second.
-You tilted your head, "Guess so..", you pushed your hand in your pocket and pulled out a pen, "Gimme your hand."
-Sam raised a brow but did so anyway and you grabbed his hand, turning it so you could see the back of it and scribbled down with the ink on his skin.
-"There." You let go and he looked at his hand, smiling when he found that you wrote your phone number, "Call me."
-He chuckled as he looked back up at you, "Will do."
-You paused for a second and, just to make up for the time you weren't going to be together in, you stood on your toes and pulled him in, planting a gently, chaste kiss on his cheek before pulling away, smiling at him warmly when you saw his fingers gently ghosting the area where your lips pressed against his skin.
-"See you 'round.", you winked at him and backed away, turning around to leave.
-Sam watched you, almost bewitched by the way you made him feel. His eyes followed you intently and took note of everything: the sway of your hips and your curves and legs and everything.
-But, suddenly, he called out for you when he remembered something, stopping you in your tracks. You looked back at him, raising a curious brow, "What'd she tell you about me earlier?"
-You paused for a few seconds, a smirk playing on your lips as you realized what he was referring to, "Nothing.", you waved him off, "Just don't break my heart!", you jut a finger at him, playfully warning him with a glare that caused him to chuckle.
-"No promises."
-But he'd be lying if he didn't admit that anyone who'd break your heart would be a complete and utter ungrateful idiot.
Tags: @missdictatorme , @the-drakeboys , @the-winchesterboys , @samdrakeftw , @easy-and-steady @s4mdrake , @writer-jamie , @hrgnm , @purplezebra68 , @elledrake , @misslongcep
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yjsangjun-blog · 5 years
                       𝖎𝖓𝖙𝖗𝖔𝖉𝖚𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖌 — 𝖇𝖆𝖊𝖐 ‘𝖘𝖆𝖒’ 𝖘𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖏𝖚𝖓.
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hi hello. i’m cait, i’m 25, i go by she/her pronouns and i live in cst! i am a hot mess who loves causing her characters pain & angst…. i also love ruining their lives on a daily basis.
this is my babe sangjun who’s a lil bit messy ( much like most of my characters ) and you can find basic stats / bullet point bio / basic personality info / basic plot ideas & stuff like that for him under the cut! if you want more in depth info message me bc honestly this intro post is … oof !!! it’s also kinda long so lemme apologize for that as well !!!
but i am super excited to be here and i can’t wait to plot with ya’ll & love your babies !!!! if you’d like to plot, please feel free to IM me on here, ask for my discord or like this post & i’ll come to you !!!
tw: mentions of alcohol / alcoholism, drugs / drug abuse, bullying & violence.
                                         BASIC INFO ( PT 1. )
FACECLAIM: min yoongi + suga + rapper. CHARACTER NAME: baek 'sam' sangjun. PRONOUNS: he/him. GENDER: cismale. AGE/BIRTHDAY: twenty-six. + june eleventh. ZODIAC SIGN: gemini. ROOM: haean + 2e.
                                           OTHER INFO
POSITIVE TRAITS: determined, hard-working, charismatic & adventurous. NEGATIVE TRAITS: hedonistic, short-tempered, impulsive & blunt. OCCUPATION: bouncer at club arena / underground fighter. ( future ceo ) SONG THAT DESCRIBES THEM: i'm not sorry - dean. HOW LONG HAVE THEY LIVED AT THE YUJAEN?: six years. FOUR MUSE AESTHETICS: leather jackets, bruised knuckles, blurry evenings, late night snack runs.
                                      BASIC INFO ( PT 2. )
full name: baek sangjun. nickname(s): sam, san, jun. hometown: seoul, south korea current location: yongsa, south korea. ethnicity: korean. nationality: korean. gender: cismale. pronouns: he/him/his. orientation: pansexual. occupation: bouncer / underground fighter. language(s) spoken: korean, english, japanese, spanish, french, chinese.
                                PHYSICAL APPEARANCE.
face claim: min yoongi. ( suga ) of bts. hair color: frequently changes, currently platinum blonde. eye color: brown with a small hazel ring. height: 5'10". weight: 169. build: athletic. tattoos: he’s got a few stick-n-poke tattoos scattered across his body, though most aren’t visible when he’s wearing clothing. piercings: these, double helix in left ear & tongue.
physical ailments: alcoholism, allergies, drug abuse, lactose intolerance. neurological conditions: back pain / muscle spasms, carpal tunnel. allergies: shellfish, pollen, mold. sleeping habits: all over the place, usually tosses & turns for a while before falling asleep. rarely gets more than 4-5 hours of sleep a night. eating habits: horrible, relies on fast-food & take-out most of the time. loves 'comfort foods’. exercise habits: goes to the gym at least three times a week, less if he’s been in back-to-back fights. body temperature: hotnatured. addictions: alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, gambling, sex. drug use: frequent. alcohol use: frequent.
                                       PERSONALITY. ( PT 1. )
label: the cataclysmic. positive traits: determined, hard-working, charismatic & adventurous. negative traits: hedonistic, short-tempered, impulsive & blunt. fears: heights, flying, confined spaces, drowning, commitment. hobbies: arcade games, astronomy, billiards, board games, boxing, card games, comic books, cooking, motorcycles, poker, reading, video games, weight training, yoga. habits / quirks: believes in demonic possession, believes in ghosts & spirits, believes in karma, carries a 'lucky’ item with him everywhere, fights for animal rights, fights for gender equality, fights for human rights, fights for the legalization of cannabis, fights for marriage equality, meditates, always has change in his pockets, owns an outrageous amount of shoes, counts stairs, experiences episodes of depression, boxes, collects packs of playing cards, doodles on everything, gardens, loves board games, paints, plays with fire, plays poker, plays video games, randomly wanders around when bored, sings well.
season: fall. color(s): army green, black, red, gray. music: all genres, doesn’t care for country. movies: action, comedy, horror, suspense. sport(s): hockey, basketball, baseball. beverage(s): whiskey, soda. food: comfort foods. animal: dogs.
father: baek jaejin, sixty, ceo. mother: baek chansook, fifty-four, ceo. sibling(s): younger sibling, nineteen. children: n/a. pet(s): a siamese cat named ramen ( back at home with his parents ), a bengal cat named shiva ( back at home with his parents ) & a seven month old austrailan sheppard puppy named indy ( lives with his sibling. ) family’s financial status: upper class.
mbti: entp-a. ( the debater ) enneagram: type 8. ( the challenger ) temperament: choleric. hogwarts house: slytherin. moral alignment: chaotic neutral. primary vice: wrath. primary virtue: diligence. element: fire.
born in seoul, south korea.
parents were very well known ceos, both running very successful corporations.
and of course, they wanted sangjun to follow in their footsteps.
parents were pretty strict and didn’t really allow him to do well.. anything.
however, they did buy him whatever he wanted and spoiled him in that way.
and due to both of those things combined, he started to rebel at a really young age. ( i’m talking like 10 )
so he’d sneak out, graffiti people’s houses and break things and the likes.
never got caught for it, though, knowing that if he did his parents would have kicked him out and probably disowned him for his behavior.
but one of the reasons he never got caught being a rebel was the fact he was bringing straight a’s in school, was always the very top of his class and from his parent’s perspective? he was a model child.
however, he hated that, hated having to live under his parent’s shadows and be this cookie-cutter version of himself they wanted him so desperately to be.
but he played it off, juggling the 'angel’ side of him with the rebellious tendencies that continued to grow worse and worse with each passing year.
god, high school was so different, though. he’d rebel more and more every single day, pushing the limits of getting caught.
however, word got out pretty quickly about just how wealthy his family was and kids started to bully sangjun for it, causing his anger to get the better of him until he lashed out so bad it landed one of those bullies in the hospital for copious amounts of injuries.
of course, his parents were pissed. grounded him for a solid month and in that time, he learned each and every way he could sneak out of his house at night, wandering the streets of seoul at all hours.
one of those nights he happened to run into a group of people who also went to his school, but instead of them bullying him for whatever reason, they commended him on standing up for himself like he had & told him there was a way to let out the pent up aggression that ended up sending a kid to the hospital.
his curiosity was lit up that night, eager to figure out what the hell they were talking about and a few days later, he was introduced to a scene that’d become far more intoxicating that anything he’d ever experienced before.
underground fighting. no rules, no shadows he had to live under, tons of money for each win under his belt? it was the life he never knew he wanted, but the second he got a taste of it, he wanted more.
so those late night strolls turned into him sneaking out of the house only to meet up with his new group of friends, all of which were clad in full black outfits .. traveling to some random person’s basement ( or abandoned buildings of numerous kinds ) only for sangjun to be able to release every single bit of pent up aggression he carried out on some stranger who’d never remember his name.
his parents? they were just as clueless as before, though, sam continuing to excel in school as well as his fights so much so that he found the perfect balance.. learned how to hide the scrapes and bruises from his mother & father all while continuing to be the top of his class.
not to mention he was juggling all of that and his acting career all at once, trying to hide certain things from his parents and the rest of the world because he knew it’d ruin his reputation.
however, due to the amount of stress that sat upon sam’s shoulders on a daily basis, he let himself slip up on his 21st birthday, parents stumbling into his apartment only to catch him drunk & high with a bunch of strangers surrounding him.
it was a moment he’d been scared of his whole life, worried his parents would just disown him right then and there...
but in all honesty? it was the most freeing night of sam’s life.
he didn’t have to pretend to be someone he wasn’t anymore, didn’t have to pretend to be a pure and innocent little thing who never did anything wrong. didn’t have to live up to the high expectations he’d set for himself so many years ago and god, he was hooked.
his parents not disowning him and continuing to pay for everything he wanted only fueling him to continue the downward spiral, living his life to the fullest, doing whatever the hell he wanted to... whenever the hell he wanted to.
                                      PERSONALITY. ( PT 2. )
hides behind a wall of sarcasm, cockiness, anger and lust.
doesn’t really care to get to know people and had a tendency to push people away before they get too close to him. ( though it’s all a ruse. )
wears glasses to read and mess w computers, but hates them a lot and probably won’t wear them if people are around.
has two different wardrobes, one for when he’s around his parents. that consists of suits & dressy attire. and then one for when he isn’t that consists of ripped jeans, t-shirts, sweats & everything in between.
is …. stubborn as hell and refuses to ask for help with anything.
his motorcycle is literally his baby ??? like he ?? has a problem ??
fluent in a lot of languages, picked them up so that he didn’t need translators at his parents meetings and the likes.
lowkey worried that people will figure out that he’s actually v scared & stressed on the inside because that’ll cause him to start having to deal with his feelings, and he doesn’t wanna do that.
is the biggest flirt you will ever meet?? like if he’s speaking to you… its usually flirty as hell unless it has to do w business ( both his parents & his fights ) or he’s just known you for centuries ?
will try to get everyone to go to bars n parties with him because that’s his life in a nutshell ??
drinks..heavily..  like every night?? it’s a problem tbh.
nerd on the inside though like owns so many comic books, loves to play video games, read books, plays piano.. loves to sketch, paint & the likes.
he cares… god he cares so much about people and the world but he pretends to hate everything because it’s easier than letting people in.
full of horrible and cheesy pick up lines and jokes and frequently texts people said pick up lines and jokes.
owns a book that is full of nothing but blank pages and keeps it on his coffee table because he ‘relates’ to it.
is a highkey hoe but he tries to keep it on the dl ( he fails… miserably. )
super into fitness as it’s a way to keep him away from drinking every evening. ( that doesn’t work for him tho, oof.. )
also has bruised knuckles 24/7 & some other injuries he gets from his fights, plays it off like he’s just clumsy.
anger issues af. needs to get them in check.
actually super kind and caring once you’re able to see get past his wall?? which is really hard tbh but if you’re able to? he’s so loyal and caring it’s unreal.
has a bad habit of smoking whenever he’s stressed out, which is usually all of the time so he smokes…. more than he should ( though he won’t admit to being stressed out,,,,, ever in his life. )
highkey into cuddling and all the cute shit like that but would literally never tell a soul because then they’d see that he isn’t the ‘hardass’ he pretends to be on a daily basis.
is a burnt cupcake who has 'decent’ intentions but has extremely horrible execution skills.
                                                 PLOT IDEAS.
bad influence. ( on your muse. )
best friends.
childhood friend.
current hook up(s).
drinking buddies.
drunken hook up.
enemies that used to be friends.
exes who ended on bad terms.
friendly competition.
friends that used to be enemies.
friends with benefits.
good influence. ( on sangjun. )
hate sex.
one night stand(s). ( past & present. )
partner in crime.
party buddies.
past hook up(s).
ride or die.
social media friends.
trouble makers.
unlikely friends.
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jumpstarted [jeremy h. x reader]
Can you do a headcanon or fic where Jeremy is absolutely smitten (bonus points if you get that reference) with reader but y’know he can’t do shit but also Michael being a supportive af buddy (“that’s progress!!”) and all in all he’s just pining from afar because WOW he’s in love (but is he though like let’s be real) and just absolutely head over heels
u: dodie reference
me: jukebox the ghost song title
also i might write a second part to this with actual shippy stuff if y’all are interested ksdfhsd
warnings: none
          When his dad came into his room a month before the school year ended and told him that if he wanted to get a car, he’d have to get a job, Jeremy couldn’t say that he’d been surprised. Sure, Jeremy could drive - his dad basically dragged him out of his room to get both his permit and his license, always saying he wanted him to have it ‘just for emergencies’ - and he was actually sort of happy to do so, taking a little bit of pleasure in such an independent, mundane thing, but he’d never really... thought about actually having a car. He’d been used to getting rides from Michael whenever they wanted to go somewhere, or just waiting for the bus for rides to and from school. Then again, he was going to be a senior - and after that, there was college and having a car for college sounded great in his opinion. So he strode away from his father the next time they were grocery shopping, finding a job kiosk set up toward the front of the store, and applied. Two weeks later, by some stroke of luck, he received a call confirming an interview date - and then, next thing he knew, he was a full-time cashier for that upcoming summer, going through training and meant to start the day after school ended. With every customer nagging him to use expired coupons, to people swearing that the price that popped up on the screen was wrong (and rarely it was, but Jeremy had learned to admit when he was wrong when he was wrong - something he learned was rare for those customers), he’d gotten used to one thought: a few more months and then he’ll be back at school and not working, all of this is for a car, he’ll be fine.
          And then you showed up, and Jeremy became anything but fine.
          You were new to Metuchen - and, honestly, New Jersey. For the longest time, your parents had been teetering on the edge of divorce (more-so because you had younger siblings, and you understood why) or staying together for a little longer. After what felt like a week of them going from civilized conversation to arguing over the smallest things, they settled on getting a divorce. Your two sisters stayed with your mother, not wanting to move away from your hometown and all their friends. You, on the other hand, went with your dad after he finally went for that job he’d been hounded by for a while - nothing against your mother, but the smallest part of you had always wanted something more and a new location and a new school was something you’d been looking for. Fuck the stress that’d come from it - that was for later and you could deal with it later. You were more preoccupied with getting used to living in a new state and dealing with all the changes. The fact that you didn’t pump your own gas, the ‘Wawa’s (which you soon discovered had fucking kickass subs/hoagies/whatever people wanted to call them), the... weird fact that tomatoes were fucking everywhere - you felt out of place. 
          One week you ducked into a grocery store while aimlessly driving around, trying to get used to the new location and finding where your school was - which you were glad to find wasn’t too far from your home - with the intent of getting a soda and some chocolate and maybe just wander for a bit to pass the time. Eventually, after awkwardness started to settle into your bones, you grabbed a drink and a Kit-Kat and found a emptying register with the man ahead of you taking his receipt and bags from the cashier. You set down your items, the lanky cashier turning to greet you before pausing, sort of awkwardly staring for a minute. You fought back a smile at the splotchy blush that crept onto his face, as he fumbled with your bottle of soda.
          He finally spoke, voice cracking, “find everything you were looking for?”
          Your smile crept through, and you answer him with a nod. Your attention flickers down to his name tag, JEREMIAH proudly stated in little black letters. “Yeah,” you said, fingers fumbling with your wallet, “you, uh, from here?” The moment the words left your mouth, you started to curse them.
          He didn’t seem affected by it at all. “Yeah! I’m, uh, a senior-” He started, “are you... new...?”
          “Yeah,” you stretched out the word, rocking back and forth on your heels. “I just moved here with my dad.” You paused, just sorta studying his face. “Is it obvious?”
          He read off your total at long last, and he fumbled with the five you handed him as he went to make change. “... A little.”
          Figures. You probably stuck out like a sore thumb. “Great. I’m, uh - one too. A senior- I mean-” You stumbled over your words, “I’m-”
          As if on cue, a couple with a full shopping cart pulled got behind you, already starting to unload everything. You snatched up your snack and your soda, thanked him for what basically was doing his job, and ran off without another word - only throwing a smile over your shoulder as you stole a quick glance to him. He barely had time to register it before he kicked himself into gear, focusing on ringing up the next customer, going through the motions, the conversation. When he finally got off work that afternoon, he vaguely was able to mention that he met “a cutie who likes kit-kats” who he made a fool of himself in front of, and barely a second later, Michael had texted back - saying a “nice” before asking if he was still coming over or what.
          Jeremy lingered outside of the store, earphones in and distracting him from the world around him. He saw plenty of people daily, plenty of cute people who smiled at him warmly and made him freeze up momentarily. But they came and went quickly. You... You had lingered around, talked to him - even if you were as awkward as he was at points. You were new, so you had an excuse. Jeremy didn’t. But he listened to his music, the beginning of Jumpstarted beginning to play right as he watched Michael’s PT Cruiser pull into the parking lot and eventually up to the front of the store.
          “So. Tell me about the, uh, Kit-Kat cutie.”
          A week later, you were in the store again: this time buying actual groceries. You skimmed the registers until you find Jeremiah again, and you were happy to find that he wasn’t busy as you pushed your cart into the aisle. He hadn’t noticed you, completely focused on finishing up with the person in front of you. You turned, snagging another Kit-Kat as you set it right after the barrier you placed. The cashier’s hand graced over an item right next to the barrier, and his eyes met yours, and you only shot him a smile as you started to unload your card. That was the exact moment that Jeremy’s thoughts scrambled for a second, as he tried to scan in a bag of tomatoes before realizing he had to punch shit in as well. The fact that you were cute was one thing. The fact that Jeremy was way too fucking hormonal to be around anyone in a tank top was another. His eyes skimmed your shoulders for a bare second as he turned back to the customer in front of you, rattling off the total as he watched the man swipe his card. He hadn’t expected you to actually come back - or, well, come back to his line specifically. Maybe you hadn’t - maybe he was assuming shit, like maybe his line had been shorter or something.
          He ripped off the receipt as it printed, handing it to the man as he bid him to have a nice day before turning to you. “Hey!” He’d greeted, jamming the little barrier back into place as he picked up the Kit-Kat, scanning it. “You, uh, want this left out?”
          “Sure,” you’d hummed, “I’m [y/n], by the way.”
          “Jeremy.” He said, and he caught your glimpse at his name-tag. “Sorry - they just- they put my full name on my name-tag for some reason and- I’m Jeremy.”
          You chuckled at that as you pushed your cart past you once having emptied it. “So, Just Jeremy,” you teased, feeling extremely teen-movie-esque in doing so, “you said you were a senior.”
          “Am,” he corrected, “yeah, uh, I’m at Middleborough. Y’know, uh, go tigers or something- I, uh, don’t do sports so-”
          “Yeah, it’s tigers, Jeremy - do you seriously not know?” You asked. He nearly took offense to the question until he saw your smile, which quickly washed away any fear that you held distaste for him now.
          He scanned a loaf of bread, “I mean - sports aren’t really my thing. They’re, uh, more Jake’s thing - and, now Michael, I guess-” He paused, “wait. Wait, you don’t know them - shit, sorry,” he said, before lowering his voice. “Shit, I’m not supposed to swear-”
          “You’re doing great with that, Jeremiah.” You smiled, “but I won’t tell. Promise,” you winked at him as you started searching for your wallet. 
          He fumbled with a can at the motion. Fuck fuck fuck fuck- “Thanks!” He froze internally, his thoughts completely scrambled aside from FUCK as he went through the motions of scanning and sliding things down to be bagged the moment he was done. You giggled at the motion, as you looked back to him, his cheeks burning as he stuttered, reading off the final price.
          You glanced over to him as you inserted your card, waiting for options to pop up. “You okay, Jeremy?” You punched in your code, stealing another glimpse at him. He managed to nod. You pulled the card out after a moment, “you should introduce me to your friends sometime.” You paused, “since... It might be nice to have some friends before I start at Middleborough.”
          Jeremy wasn’t sure whether to panic at that news or revel in it. On one hand, you were cute and you seemed to enjoy talking to him (but maybe you were always nice to people who were working - and fuck, he hoped so, since you seemed like a nice person) and didn’t really care that he was a big awkward dork. On the other hand... you were really cute and he was a big awkward dork and that became way more apparent when he was at school or with his friends. What if you weren’t into dorks? Like, at all? What if you were someone who liked sports or something? He didn’t get sports.
          He was getting carried away - or, maybe he wasn’t, because you just said he should introduce you to his friends. He scrambled to find a scrap of paper anywhere to scribble his name and number down on, before he offered it up to you. “Yeah - uh, just text me when you’re free and I’ll, uh, ask them and I’ll introduce you to them-” He stumbled through conversation, and you smiled at him as you took the paper. Just Jeremiah, his number written neatly underneath (a rare occurrence when it came to Jeremy, since his writing was almost always quick scribbles that used to drive his teachers mad).
          When Michael picked him up again, he knew from the look on Jeremy’s face that you, the “Kit-Kat Cutie,” had returned again. He barely had a chance to say a word before Jeremy started rambling about you, saying something about giving you his number since you wanted to meet him and Jake and the rest of his friends - and then he froze up almost immediately after. You wanted to meet his friends. Fuck, you wanted to meet his friends and if Rich found out, he’d never hear the end of it. Sure, Rich might not say shit in front of you (at least, not when you were paying attention), but he’d never hear the end of anything if Rich met you. Michael only let out a laugh and drove him home before going up to replay Apocalypse of the Damned for the first time in months.
          This hadn’t been Jeremy’s idea. Brooke had been taking about having a pool party for weeks, and at the mere thought of introducing you, she had told him to invite you asap. So after a few hours of waiting to text you back, he finally brought up the idea to you - and, to his surprise, you were extremely open to the idea. So now he sat in the shade, still dressed in a t-shirt and swim trunks as he watched you converse with Christine happily, and basically take to the whole idea of being social way easier than he ever had. He liked the little sparkle in your eye as your attention bounced from Christine to Jake to Jenna, and then to Michael, who - upon hearing that yes, Jeremy was fine where he was, and yes, he’d join them soon, he’s waiting Brooke to get back with the sunscreen for his pale ass - jumped into the conversation as well. Jeremy was glad that you were getting along, since you were new and now you’d have some familiar faces when school started back up. The smallest pit of jealousy started to swell within him, as he watched how touchy you were with everyone - and maybe it was because he thought you were really fucking cute and maybe he wouldn’t mind if you were touchy with him.
          “Fucking hell, Jeremy, stop staring at them just ask them out already.” Rich said, clasping him on the shoulder as he stepped out of Brooke’s house. He jumped at the sudden contact, before whipping around to face Rich.
          “Rich!” Jeremy had said, voice cracking so awkwardly that he was internally cursing it, “I’m not- they don’t - we’re- we’re just friends. We just met-”
          Rich smirked, pushing the sunglasses that Jeremy knew he stole from Brooke up onto the top of his head, “c’mon, dude. It’s obvious.” He took a step away from Jeremy, still facing him, “do it before I do it for you.” He shot him a quick wink, flicking the sunglasses back down as he joined the small crowd that’d been growing around you.
          You’d been sitting at the edge of the pool, legs dipped into the cold water while Jake had been at the side, head resting on his arms as he looked up at you, happy as could be. Christine was at your side, going on and on about something - theatre or art or the past few weeks in New York with her family, Jeremy couldn’t tell which - as you laughed along with her. Theatre, Jeremy had settled on. Christine had plenty of stories - enough that Jenna could jump in on since she’d heard them all before. They all had, really - but Christine was one of those people where no matter how many times you could hear something, she always made it new and interesting in some shape or form. Chloe had been lying on a float, completely in her own world (or, so Jeremy thought, when she’d throw out her own comments from time to time, proving that she had definitely been listening). Sometimes the topic turned back to you, asking where you were from, why you moved to Metuchen, what was your hometown like-
          “Found it!” Brooke called out as she finally exited her house, holding out the bottle. “I was scared we were out.” She watched as Jeremy took the bottle, before finally adding on, “I mean, it’s not like I wouldn’t have gotten to get some more for you, Jeremy!” She smiled, “sorry for taking so long.”
          “It’s fine- sorry I forgot to bring any, I just-” 
          “Enjoying the view?” Brooke hummed, looking back to him as she nodded in your direction. Fuck, was Jeremy that obvious?
          “I- uh-” Jeremy stuttered out, “thank you-”
          “Jeremy.” She stopped, looking back at him, “it’s fine? [y/n] seems nice.” She lowered her voice slightly, as if you could have heard her over the crowd around you, “besides - it’s cute how into them you are.”
          “I’m not-” He paused, before running a hand through his hair, “is it really that obvious?”
          “Yep!” Brooke chirped, smiling as she turned back to the pool, making some comment that he can just leave the sunscreen on the table as she stripped off the sheer cover-up she’d had on and jumped into the deep end of her pool.
          He wanted to object in some way. To say that maybe he just thought you were a friend, and that you could use some more friends at Middleborough, to say that he was just looking out for you or something. But then his gaze fell back to you, laughing at some joke that maybe Jenna or Rich had told, nose crinkled and this little glimmer in your eyes just stirring something in his chest - and everything he’d been thinking was thrown out the window completely. Maybe he did like you. Sure, the two of you really hadn’t talked that much outside of your more-frequent visits to the grocery store (always a Kit-Kat and now bottles of water rather than soda) or your dumb late night texts that were almost always really stupid memes you’d found. And sure, it had taken maybe two weeks for you to finally meet his friends, so that was two more weeks of contact - so maybe it wasn’t like you were complete strangers.
          But fuck it. He thought you were cute, and he was absolutely smitten with you. And maybe he could deal with that - after all, he did it (for the most part) with Christine. This time he didn’t have to worry about shitty pills intending to take over the world. He could just... be Jeremy Heere, seventeen-year-old dork who has trouble actually talking to cute people because fuck, cute people are... really, really fucking cute. He was fine with being that guy who just pines over his crush for a bit. He was allowed to do that.
          He was honestly glad to be completely smitten with you. Nothing could ever change that.
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kensingtcns-blog · 7 years
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( CHARLIE HUNNAM, MALE, HE/HIM ) —— [ BENJAMIN KENSINGTON ] is a [ THIRTY-FIVE ] year old that has been part of the [ HEATHENS ] for [ FIVE ] years. They have been working as a [ GUARD ]. The people in Boulder say that [ HE ] is [ CUNNING ] but also [ RECKLESS ]. Lets see what this wasteland has in store for them.
*uberhaxornova voice* alright helLO ( watch, no one else knows who that is ) its me, ur new resident trash queen & angst n pain lover, caitlyn. i’m 23 and i live in cst so like ?? yeah hi hello how are ya’ll ?? this is my baby benjamin that’s actually ?? a hot ass mess lmao ?? under this is a basic af bullet point bio, personality traits n stats & the three headcanons!! i’m so ridiculously excited to be here as well so that made my rambling worse ?? just like it is right now jfc okay i’ll stop. anywHO i’ve got a basic af list of wanted connections for him right HERE & i'll be working on making an actual bio for him over the next few days!! if you wanna plot w this hot ass mess, just like this or hop into my IMs bc i cannot wait to plot with all ya’ll!!
( TW: mentions of death, cancer, alcohol & weapons. )
was born and raised in denver, which means he’s always had a love for colorado.
ben’s the oldest of two siblings, his sister being ten years younger than him.
raised by two v loving parents who gave the pair everything they could have every wanted.
however, his mother did from breast cancer when he was 12 and that heavily impacted his father.
causing the older male to teach ben that having feelings wasn’t a good thing and that ben should bottle up everything because he wouldn’t get hurt that way.
something that ben took to heart and kept with him all throughout school.
speaking of, ben did really well in school, graduated at the top of his class and decided he wanted to go into the medical field.
so he did, went to medical school and started learning how to become a surgeon & to his surprise, he was really frickin good at it.
& along the way, he happened to fall head over heels for another student who was there to be a registered nurse. something his father frowned upon due to what’d happened to ben’s mother, but it was something his father quickly began to accept because he saw just how good the two were for each other.
ben ended up proposing to her about a year after they started dating & she said yes so they had a small courthouse wedding surrounded by loved ones... and a few months later they found out that she was pregnant.
this drove ben to be even more dedicated to his job because he wanted to be able to raise his son like his parents had raised him.
nine months later, along came his son and ben’s world quickly started revolving around that baby.
but all of that came to a screeching halt the second the virus hit.
benjamin knew that they had to get out of a populated city, so he packed his wife, his son, his father and his sister up and they were gone by sunlight.
however, his father and sister ended up getting separated from them and he didn’t know where they could have gone, even though he searched for days to find them.
things were okay for the first few month or so, they’d taken enough food to last from their home and the store but with an infant, keeping those supplies in stock wasn’t the easiest thin in the world and soon enough, ben found himself having to go out and search for formula and things like that.
those trips usually went pretty smooth, making sure his wife and son were safe before leaving them for a few hours. however, the one time he happened to be gone longer than a few hours was the one time they weren’t safe at all.
he came back to find both of them gone, something that hit him in the chest so hard that he sat in that buildings for nearly two days just waiting and hoping they’d just moved to somewhere more safe.
but all the hoping and waiting wouldn’t make up for the fact that they’d been taken from him.
this caused him to start being reckless, to go down this dangerous path that he figured would get him killed.
but not only did he do that, he started to have to figure out how to survive on his own. he didn’t have anyone, which meant he’d have to figure out how to shoot a gun, how to hold a knife, how to protect and fend for himself.
so he did, finding guns and ammo that’d been left behind by people, practicing by lining up the numerous alcohol bottles he’d killed off days before and firing into them.
sure enough, he seemed to be a natural with that and with knives.. or a natural for violence in general. he liked the feeling, and it wasn’t something he was going to deny anymore.
& he didn’t deny it one bit. if he met people, he’d resort to violence and threats faster then he could blink an eye because he didn’t trust them, didn’t trust anyone but himself with the feelings he now kept bottled up.
fast forward to about five years later, ben runs into a group that calls themselves the heathens and they instantly catch his interest.
offering him food, water, anything that was needed and gave him purpose.. something he hadn’t had in years. not since he lost his wife and son.
he took the offer almost instantly and has been a guard for them ever since.
hides behind a wall of sarcasm, cockiness, anger and lust.
doesn’t really care to get to know people and had a tendency to push people away before they get too close to him.
is …. stubborn as hell and refuses to ask for help with anything.
has a motorcycle and it’s his baby..
a hot mess
fluent in a lot of languages, picked them up so that he didn’t need translators at meetings with patients.
lowkey worried that people will figure out that he’s not the complete asshole role that he plays on a daily basis and is actually a very hurt person bc if people started realizing that, he’d have to start feeling again and tbh, he don’t wanna do that.
is the biggest flirt you will ever meet??
will try to either get u to drink w him or take ur alcohol.. there's a v thin line between the two options tbh.
super, super intelligent but keeps that on the dl ?
he cares… god he cares so much about people and the world but he pretends to hate everything because it’s easier than letting people in.
is a highkey hoe but he also keeps it on the dl
super into keeping fit as it’s a way to keep his mind from wandering onto subjects such as his wife and son. so he’ll like ?? find random shit to use as a homemade gym ??
still wears his wedding ring but wears it on his middle finger so that know one knows the real story behind it.
also keeps a photo of his wife at baby boy in his leather jacket.
actually super loyal and caring once you’re able to see get past his wall??which is really hard to do due to his job but if u do it he’ll cherish u.
has a bad habit of smoking so he looks for packs of cigs like ?? everywhere he goes.
is actually super open to teaching other people how to fight / use weapons because it's fun for him but acts like it'll kill him to do so.
is a burnt cupcake who has really good intentions but has horrible execution skills.
Benjamin was raised solely by his father, who taught him that most emotions were bad things to feel or to talk about. Meaning that he usually hides all other emotions other than anger and lust. Which means that most people see him as an asshole, something that Benjamin is actually fully okay with because in his mind, having people view him in that light is far easier than having to address and/or deal with his feelings. But that doesn’t mean that Benjamin is unable to feel any other emotions other than anger or lust, but he does keep a wall up around him that not a lot of people can break down. If you can break past that wall, though, you’ll find that Ben is far from the ‘asshole’ character he likes to play.
( TW: mentions of death ) Before the virus broke out, Benjamin was actually going to medical school, hoping to be one of the best surgeons in Colorado, maybe even the United States. However, the virus took his wife and son from him and it caused him to break, causing him to give up on the little bit of hope he had left and away from the 'helper’ path he’d be heading down. Instead he found himself becoming extremely reckless, loving everything about violence and danger. He started doing things that his old self would have hated and not caring about the fact that it was risky, that he could easily get hurt or lose his own life in the process. But in all honesty? He doesn’t care about his own well-being, letting the grief that still sits deep in his soul cause him to drift towards dangerous things.
( TW: mentions of weapons. ) Due to him being on his own for a few years before he found The Heathens, Benjamin had to learn how to survive in the toughest ways possible. Meaning that whenever he ran into other survivors, he rarely trusted any of them and if it came to it, he’d resort to violence to get what he needed to survive, food, weapons, whatever it was. Not to mention the fact that he had to teach himself how to use knives, guns and anything else that could have been considered a weapon, how to hunt for the food needed to survive and how to deal with the infected anytime he happened to stumble upon them. After a few years of that, though, he started figuring out that maybe the life of survival and violence was something that he was rather good at, and something he really enjoyed as well. Which was the beginning of him turning from the 'helper’ he wanted to be before the virus hit to someone who’s actually rather selfish.
full name: benjamin rhys kensington.
nickname(s): ben, benji (used by his wife mostly).
age: thirty-five.
date of birth: october 31st.
zodiac sign: scorpio.
place of birth: denver, colorado.
gender: cis-male.
sexual orientation: bisexual.
religion: n/a.
occupation: guard for the heathens.
language(s) spoken: english, french, spanish, welsh, russian, korean, japanese, italian, romanian, greek, gaelic and bulgarian.
accent: american.
face claim: charlie hunnam.
hair color: blonde.
eye color: blue.
height: 6′ 1″.
weight: 225 lbs.
build: athletic.
label: the cataclysmic.
positive traits: cunning, adventurous, intelligent, charming, loyal & brave.
negative traits: reckless, hedonistic, cocky, impulsive, flirtatious & closed off.
father: gideon james kensington. ( undetermined. )
mother: marie ann williams-kensington. ( deceased. )
siblings: a younger sister ( undetermined. )
myers-briggs: estp-a
enneagram: type 8 ( the challenger. )
moral alignment: lawful evil. ( the dominator. )
temperament: choleric.
hogwarts house: slytherin.
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lou-bonfightme · 7 years
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Toulouse Henri Bonfamille - Character Sheet
if you get sleep or if you get none / the cock's gonna call in the morning, baby / check the cupboard for your daddy's gun / red sun rises like an early warning / the lord's gonna come for your first born son / his hair's on fire and his heart is burning / so go to the river where the water runs / wash him deep where the tides are turning...
Archetype — The Caregiver Birthday — May 10, 1995 Zodiac Sign — Taurus MBTI — ENTJ Enneagram — 3, the Achiever Temperament — Choleric  Hogwarts House — Slytherdor Moral Alignment — True Neutral Primary Vice — Pride Primary Virtue — Diligence Element — Earth
Mother — Adelaide Bonfamille (nee LaBlanc) (Portia de Rossi FC) Father — Hector Bonfamille (Tony Goldwyn) Mother’s Occupation — socialite Father’s Occupation — politician Family Finances — wealthy Birth Order — oldest child Brothers — Berlioz Bonfamille (Matt Hitt FC, 20, Birthday: June 20, 1997) Sisters — Marie Bonfamille (Olivia Holt FC, 17, Birthday: April 22, 2000) Other Close Family — Maternal Aunt: Duchess LaBlanc Best Friend — Hades Other Friends — Sophie, Daisy Enemies — Roger, Perdita, literally so many people tbh Pets — A cat that is not his. Also his plants.   Home Life During Childhood — emotionally manipulative/abusive; argumentative with father; parental disagreements; was put in charge of younger siblings Town or City Name(s) — Paris, France Details of Town(s) or City(s) — loved the river and parks, only place he had refuge What Did His or Her Bedroom Look Like — rather plain, big windows, bright, painted a cream color, not a lot of toys but an easel and paints in one corner, a large desk with art supplies. Any Sports or Clubs — nope, he focused solely on his art. Favorite Toy or Game — didn’t really play a lot of games, but he liked building legos with his siblings, or reading to them. Schooling — did excellently in school Favorite Subject — science (especially biology), though he has a fondness for literature as well. Popular or Loner — loner, but girls liked him alot; he had the broody bad boy thing going on, which annoyed him immensely. Important Experiences or Events — moving to Swynlake Health Problems — undiagnosed manic depressive; some minor PTSD and agoraphobia Culture — french, and proud of it. Religion and beliefs — raised catholic, attending church mainly to keep up appearances, he finds parts of religion very beautiful, but also calls bullshit on most of it; he’s too logical and scientific to really find any sort of comfort in it; respects those who are religious though; has a predisposed inclination to dislike muslims based on rhetoric and a lack of proper understanding about the religion.
Physical Appearance:
Face Claim —  Freddy Carter Complexion — pale and freckly! Hair Colour — Russet Eye Colour — Green Height — 6′0 Build — slight and tall Tattoos — none and never will Piercings — none Common Hairstyle — perfectly styled 90% of the time, if you catch him without his hair styled he really likes you. Clothing Style — the Most fashionable, very flamboyant, lots of colour Mannerisms — tucks his hands behind his back when he’s nervous or being respectful, if he’s embarrassed his ears turn red Usual Expression —
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Overall (do they get sick easily)? — not since he’s become a werewolf, but he never really got sick Physical Ailments — none Neurological Conditions — bipolar II Allergies —  none Grooming Habits — grooms better than some of my girls lmao. takes very good care of himself--when he’s not in a depressive state, then he has more trouble, but if he’s going out he’ll still go through the motions. Sleeping Habits — terrible sleeper. has really bad insomnia. is up late a lot, sleeps in late a lot. wakes up a lot throughout the night. tosses and turns. has trouble falling asleep. Eating Habits — super picky eater. when depressive/manic sometimes doesn’t eat that much Exercise Habits —  lmao what exercise Emotional Stability — off his meds? like a 2/10, on his meds he’s closer to a 6/10 probably.  Body Temperature — normal Sociability �� very charming, knows what to say to get people to like him. that doesn’t always mean he says those things lol Addictions — none really?  Drug Use — smokes pot, doesn’t do other drugs thank god that’d be so bad Alcohol Use — drinks more than he should
Your Character’s Character:
Bad Habits — what habits are not bad habits? Thinking he is right about everything, pointing out people’s flaws, getting in fights, generally believing he knows better than everyone else, not feeling out his emotions, withdrawing when things get tough, not speaking to anyone about things that suck in his life, taking on all challenges alone, i could go on... Good Habits — he’s a good brother, he takes care of his siblings, he takes care of himself, for the most part; he’s an excellent studier; he’s very loyal once you win his loyalty Best Characteristic — his unfaltering loyalty Worst Characteristic — his lack of ability to properly communicate his emotions Worst Memory — all the times he had to hide in the closet, or his father sent him to bed with no dinner and kept him there for hours Best Memory — his siblings being born Proud of — his siblings, his art (sometimes) Embarrassed by — not much, honestly. When people catch him having a proper emotion Driving Style — doesn’t drive but he’d be a total soccer mom Strong Points — his loyalty. It’s unwavering and uncompromising Temperament — volatile Attitude — melancholic. Weakness — not being emotionally vulnerable. Seriously, it would solve so many of his issues Fears — not being good enough, being unlovable, worried that he will always be horribly bitter Phobias — pfft nothING (jk he’s lowkey afraid of storms) Secrets — lmao so many where to start? Mostly that he actually does crave affection Regrets — lol everything; probably the biggest is being so hard on ber during their teen years Feels Vulnerable When — he’s having emotion Pet Peeves — god where do i start? People who dont say what’s on their mind Motivation — protecting his siblings is his main motivation Short Term Goals and Hopes — he doens’t really have any im realizing this rn Long Term Goals and Hopes — also does not have many here Sexuality — grey asexual, biromantic (he could be either rly) Exercise Routine  — pfft exercise is for the weak Day or Night Person — night owl Introvert or Extrovert —  introverted extrovert lou really does thrive in a crowd but needs a lot of recharge time after Optimist or Pessimist — pessimist highkey
Likes and Styles:
Music — Classics. Classical. Stuff with not a lot of lyrics. Though, he’s also fond of the Opera. He really likes Faust and Don Giovanni. Also, he secretly likes a couple of musicals--Les Miserables and Cats are probably his favourites, though he very rarely indulges in them. Books — Candide by Voltaire is his favourite novel, he’s read it several times. He is a fan of the gothic period, he enjoys books like The Phantom of the Opera. Is not a huge Victor Hugo fan because he finds him a bit wordy, but he does like Hunchback of Notre Dame. He prefers concise language in his novels, but also likes beautiful imagery. He’s an avid reader. Magazines — He reads National Geographic and TBH probably gets a copy of Vogue, as well as a few museum magazines, just to keep up with the art scene. Foods — Lou is not a very big sweets person, he prefers richer foods. His favorite is frozen grapes--red or green, that doesn’t really matter. He’s almost always snacking on grapes. Drinks — Lou loves champagne. He also is an avid drinker of water. Animals — Lou loves birds, they’re his favorite. He’s also a fan of reptiles. And he has a particular interest in dinosaurs. Sports — Lol. Social Issues — Lou takes a bit of a middle road on these issues. There are things that he is rather passionate about--such as LGBTQIA rights (this is a recent development), but he also has some rather...unethical opinions about things like immigration that he usually keeps to himself because he knows that they are contentious subject. Favorite Saying — “Chacun voit midi à sa porte” Translation: Everyone sees noon on his doorstep. Basically, everyone views the world the way that they view it. Color — Ah, he cannot choose--but he does gravitate to warmer, earth colors in his paintings, oranges and reds and browns. Clothing — Lou is extremely fashionable and he always is dressed impeccably. He loves color and very rarely wears dull ones. Jewelry — Not a huge fan of jewlery, I’m sure he has a nice watch though, that his father gave him. Games — Chess. Puzzles. Things that challenge the mind. Websites — Eh, he’s got a tumblr blog, and he’s #instafamous so. TV Shows — Lou doesn’t watch television enough to have favorite shows but he detests reality shows and probably watches them with his brother to make fun of people. Movies — Lou doesn’t watch movies often, but he loves good cinematography. Also, documentaries. Especially nature and historical ones. (Also loves Legally Blonde on the lowkey.) Greatest Want — To be needed. Greatest Need — To learn to embrace his emotions.
Where and How Does Your Character Live Now:
Home — lives at his mother’s home in Swynlake Household furnishings — very modern, aligned with the latest Parisian fashion. Favorite Possession — his art studio, does that count?? Most Cherished Possession — the drawer of arts and crafts that lou kept from his siblings when they were little. Neighborhood — the woods, very posh Town or City Name — Swynlake Details of Town or City — small magic friendly Married Before — to Anita Dearly, long story. Significant Other Before — none. Children — none. Relationship with Family — close with his siblings, though closer with Marie than Berlioz, a bit of a momma’s boy, and has a cordial relationship with his father, is very close with his life-long nanny, Nounou. Car — none. Career — will probably be an artist; should be a surgeon. Dream Career — surgeon he just doesn’t know it yet Dream Life — a successful magical animal treatment center, where he can also practice his art on the side; very little chance of having a family but deep down would love a wife/husband and children, maybe he’ll adopt. (he does not know any of this.) Love Life — a hot mess; tries not to develop feelings for people. Talents or Skills — painting, obviously Intelligence Level — he’s very intelligent and observant Finances — wealthy af
Your Character’s Life Before Your Story:
Past Careers — he’s been a student. Past Lovers — many; mostly one night stands, very few repeats Biggest Mistakes — being so hard on ber in secondary; marrying anita. Biggest Achievements — uhmmmmm his art has hung in several galleries
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