#basically how everyone always bullies sora then tells him to suck it up
mega com spoilers kinda (early game shit), out of context rambling:
man i just loveee how /foreboding/ com's traverse town is. I would talk about foreshadowing but im mainly talking about the /feeling/ of that level. Sora getting angry at everyone talking down to him, then proceeding to just, not care all of a sudden. Aerith being her all-seeing self, knowing just a little too much, and giving sora a cryptic ass warning before it's revealed that the whole time, sora was talking to thin air.
It's. AGahahhsjka beating myself up bc i neeed to finish com so i can just play it all over again FUCK
It's such an UNSETTLING game. I wouldn't say it's constantly creepy, but a lotta the time. And i fuckin LIVEE for it. And traverse, being the first world, really fuckin sets the tone i think for the rest of the game. It's that damn aerith bit istg
basically CoM really fucks with ur head and traverse really pulled its fuckin weight imo lol
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yamithediaperdork · 3 years
Big Brother Loves you (Digimon)
Matt was riding cloud nine as he got ready for his date with Sora. no one was threatening the digi or real world, things with him and Sora were going great, and the sales of the new lone wolf's CD meant he had money to burn.
There were only two dark clouds in his sunny sky line was the fact TK had become more and more aggressive as of late, and belittling of Matt, because of the second problem: Matt had started bed wetting again.
It wouldn't of been so bad if TK didn't live with Matt, his share of the rent being paid by their parents and likewise for his food. and with school out all TK did was work out and lounge around the apartment while Matt had to mange the lone wolfs, keeping up gigs and doing band practice.
Since the accidents had started TK was always calling Matt 'little brother' or 'baby bro' or worse 'pissy pants' and after the fifth accident had gone out and gotten -4- packs of overnight diapers, using Matt's debit card.
when Matt had gone to say something about it TK had balled up a fist and brought it in like he was gonna punch Matt, making the older boy yelp and almost piss himself.
"That's what I thought. wear these to bed on your own Or I'll diaper you pissy pants. and If I diaper you, you're wearing the diapered till they're wet AND messy." TK had said and his evil smile left NO doubt in Matt's mind that he would follow though.
Still all that was behind him. He had booked a table at one of the finest restaurants in the city for him and Sora and then he'd gotten them a spot at the hottest club in town for drinks and dancing and finally reserved a hotel room for them.
It was going to be the perfect night and just thinking about Matt's head was up in the clouds, in a pair of black dress pants and a light green dress shirt that he didn't notice when TK came in, till his bully of a little brother spoke up.
"Oh my, your all dressed up for tonight! going out with the slut?" TK asked, smirking and leaning against the wall.
"D-Don't call Sora that, and yes, we're going out. Tonight's gonna be the night when we give yourself to each other. she's gonna be my first and I'm gonna be here." Matt said hotly.
"Awww, that's cute! you think she hasn't been ridding cock while waiting on you to build up the nerve to wreck her shit?" TK laughed. "Look baby bro, Let me spare you some time. That bitch has been putting out for any cock she could get her hands on, as long as it's 7 inches or more. Your little 4 inch wonder stands NO chance and let's be honest, your gonna blow your load in your pants before getting that far like you did during that slow dance at Joe's graduation party."
Matt was blushing super bad now, recalling the incident. Sora had been in a stunning gown, he'd been in a tux and halfway though the slow dance he'd creamed his pants so bad he'd stained her dress.
"T-That won't happen this time! Look, you're getting the house all to yourself tonight so just shut up and go plan a party alright?!" Matt huffed and Clenched a fist.
"Wait, your going out overnight? You sure Sora's gonna be ok with your 'little' problem?" TK said, noting Matt's fist and clearly not worried. "I doubt she's gonna wanna keep dating you after you piss on her in your sleep, and ditto when she see's you in your bed time diapies."
"Look asshole, just butt out of it and leave me alone or I'll-" Matt huffed, storming over and trying to get in TK's face, though due to a growth spurt TK was now the taller of them.
"You'll WHAT?" TK asked, and grabbed Matt by the collar with his left arm and hand and lifted him up off his feet and balled his hand into a fist and pulled his right arm back.
Without waiting for a answer Tk's threw the punch, though it stopped JUST in front of Matt's face the effect was instant and a hissing was heard as Matt's crotch dampened, then piss ran down his legs and puddled on the floor.
"That's what I thought bitch. I think your girlfriend deserves a night out with a real man." TK said and dropped Matt onto his ass, into the smelly puddle. "Get that mess cleaned up and then take a shower and meet me in my room. I'm gonna get you ready for the night."
With the mess cleaned up and Matt in the shower, TK listened to the soft sobs of shame and smiled even as he picked up his cell phone and starting to make a text message.
He'd gotten Sora's number from Matt's phone awhile back, and they had chatted off and on with TK asking her not to tell Matt he was messaging her, claiming Matt was the jealous type. So it was child's play to not only write a message explaining the full details of what kind of a loser Matt was, but to send her a few pictures of Matt in all his diaper bitch glory.
TK: Hey Sora, heard bout you and Matt's special night and I think there are some things you need to know about him.
Sora: Oh hey TK.
Like what?
TK: Well you already know he's a quick shot lol
Did he tell you how small he is?
Sora: LOL everyone knows about the quick shot thing.
Wait why do you know his cock size?
just how close are you two!?
TK: Well I know how 'big' he is because of his other other problem. He's a bed wetter and wears diapers to bed
Sora: LOL
Nice try TK
If your jealous just say so.
TK: Hey I'm not just blowing smoke. I got pictures and a video of him humping his huggies.
Sora: Surrre you do.
TK smirked and select a few of his favorite Matt pictures. one with him in just a diaper, on his back, hugging a teddy bear and sucking on his thumb in his sleep.
Anther with him holding a clearly soaked diaper away from him, holding it with just his index finger and thumb and holding his nose, in just a old white t-shirt.
and his favorite and most damning, Matt blushing and eyes closed, holding out a diaper and making it look like he was asking whoever took the picture (AKA him) to diaper him.
Sora: OMG O.O
TK: Still think I'm lying? XD
Sora: What the fuckkkk.. This looks less like bed wetting and more like he's a big fucking baby!!!!!
TK: XD well to be fair he loved being teased and treated like a little guy, so sometimes I wonder if he's still bed wetting.
or just using it as a excuse for huggies.
Sora: Wait, you said there was a video?
Let me see!!!
TK: heh, ok. it's about 5 min. long. perfect timing because piddle pants just got out of the shower after wetting himself LOL.
With the video sent to Sora, TK set his phone down and tugged out the extra pack of diapers he kept under his bed in case Matt ever tried to get out of wearing by saying he had used up all the ones in his room.
unlike Matt's normal bedtime diaper though, these were three times thicker and instead of being a basic white they had a nursery print on them.
there was a knock on his door and then it opened, and TK smirked, with the pack of 'little wussies, the baby diaper for big boys' sitting out on his bed and watching Matt's eyes go big and wide as he say what he would be wearing.
"T-TK no! please!" Matt mewed, his towel dropped to the floor and on his knees, hands together and begging. "I can't wear a diaper THAT thick out! Sora will notice fore sure! I'll be a good boy and wear one of the other diapers!"
TK thought about it for a second, but with Sora already told he figured it was too late for that fun.
"Relax Matt, I swear, Your not going out tonight in one of these diapers.Or in any diapers for that matter." TK said, coming over and tugging his so called big brother to his feet, a look of relief washing over Matt's face then replaced with confusion.
"Then.. why did you ha-" he started to ask, but TK cut him off.
"Because your not going out tonight. you're going to stay home and be tucked in bed save and sound like the little guy you are. I'M going to go out on your date with Sora and fuck her rotten..all on your dime." TK said and smirked.
"I..what!? Sora would NEVER agree to that! you can't do this!" Matt fumed and stomped a food.
"that's where your wrong. I might of texted her and gave her the impression your a closet diaper baby and she's more then a little shock. Right now she's watching a video of you humping your diapers while lisping about how much you love them." TK chuckled.
"But..but..You MADE me do that, you said if I didn't you were gonna kick my ass and lock me out for the night!!" Mat whined.
"Well -YOU- know that. and -I- know that. But who do you think Sora's gonna believe? the stud or the bed wetting loser?" TK asked smirking then giving Matt a look."Now, Your going in one of these diapers and your gonna pose for a picture to send to Sora one way or anther. we can do this the easy way where you let me do what I want, or the hard way where I spank your butt red and diaper you and take a picture anyways. Since I'm gonna get laid tonight I'm feeling generous and I'll let you pick: good boy or bad boy?"
Matt balled up his fists, looking ready to fright, starting to take a fighting stance.. then just dropped it and slumped forward, head hanging down.
"...I'll be a good boy." Matt said in a defeated voice, even as tears started to slide down his cheeks.
"Smart choice Mattie."
Sora couldn't believe what she was seeing as she watched the video over and over, waiting on TK to come back. Her so called stud in a diaper and humping his bed, moaning and coo'ing how much he 'wuv'ed his diapies' till he cried out and clearly creamed himself.
Sora was torn as she watched the video. On one hand she was upset that Matt had hidden this from her, She'd of never picked him over Tai if she had known he was a goo goo gaga diaper dork.
But on the other he WAS kinda cute in a pathetic sort of way and he WAS making decent coin.
"I suppose I could just blackmail to pay me to keep his dirty little secret." Sora mused out loud.
that DID leave her without a man though, Making her frown a little till she recalled just how in shape TK was and he was pretty good looking.
"then again small dicks might run in the family." she mused.
her phone buzzed and when she looked at the messages she was treated to a picture of Matt in just a babyish and thick diaper, tear stained cheek and holding up a sign that read 'plz dump me and go out with TK, He's hung.'
And to prove the point neck to Matt's tear stained face was a thick and long cock, ready to rub on the loser's cheek.
"..Well that settles that."
Still something like this shouldn't be done over a text, she was a proper lady after all and called TK's number instead.
As the phone rang TK smirked, tugging his pants back up and looking over at Matt.
"I wonder who that could be~" he snickered and answered. "Hello? Oh hey Sora... yeah that was my cock.... Uh-huh I thought as much. Sure you can still come over. I'll be getting a shower in and getting dressed for the night after I get the baby fed and put to bed." TK said, glancing over at a clock showing it was only 5:45 pm. "Hmm? Oh yeah, he's right here. Of course you can talk to him!"
Tk pulled the phone away from his ear and smirked at the sniffling Matt and held it out.
"It's for you diaper boy, Your 'girlfriend' wants to talk."
Matt whined and reached out, shaking as he took the cell phone and slowly put it to his ear.
"H-Hi Sora..L-Look I ca-" he started, but was cut off.
"There's nothing to explain Matt. I know everything. while I'll admit your a cute little pamper packer,I'm more into men who can get their rocks off without having to be pampered. So consider this your noticed that we're done, over, No more. I'll still come by and tease you but I'm going to be dating TK from now on." Sora said, a sharp edge to her voice and Matt felt the tears starting up again.
"But..but.." he whimpered.
"No butt's diaper boy. Now I will be nice and keep your love of huggies to myself and save your music career from flopping but my silence isn't for free. you're going to be spoiling me like the princess I am. Understood?" She asked.
"..I..Yes Sora." Matt whimpered and sobbed. "C-Can we at least still be friends?"
"heh, Awww~ How cute..and I'm gonna say not really. I'll put up with you when i've over there to be with TK but that's about it. I'm not gonna go out of my way to talk to you or be nice but I will make a effort not to make you cry, mostly because I hate the sound of bawling babies. Maybe if your a good boy and super spoil me I'll watch you hump a stuffie or whatever it is diaper losers like you do. Anyways, that's all I had to say to you, put your BIG brother back on the phone."
Matt was sobbing too hard at this point to say anything and rubbing his eyes with one hand, he held out the phone with the other.
TK took it back and ruffled Matt's hair.
"Thanks buddy. why don't you go and make yourself a bowl of cereal for your supper while the adults talk." TK said and Matt could hear Sora laughing.
Too defeated to argue, Matt nodded and started to stand up.
"what do you think your doing Mattie? In this house babies CRAWL." TK said.
Matt just whimpered and nodded, and on all fours crawled out of the room.
Tummy full of milk and cheerio's, Matt was put in a light green t-shirt that read 'diaper bitch' on the front in black text and was given a cock sharped pacifier with a green mouth guard to suck on, the dick being only 3 inches thankfully.
"There, you can picture it's yours and your getting a blow job as you got night night." TK snickered as he tucked Matt into his bed.
there was still sunlight coming into the room, even with his curtains closed.
"now I expect you to have that paci in your mouth and for that same diaper to still be on when I get back tomorrow morning, and I signed my name on the back of that diaper. I'll know if you removed it or changed it." TK warned.
Matt mewed and suckled on his paci and nodded he understood.
"I'll be taking your wallet of course and spoiling Sora, but if your a good little boy I might get you some baby toys. Have a good sleep loser, and dream about the pounding your EX girlfriend is gonna get." TK said and kissed Matt's forehead and headed for the door.
Pausing in the door frame he paused and looked over his shoulder.
"Oh and one last thing..remember big brother loves you~"
the end
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