#basically saying I don't have to conform or suffer for someone else's narrative
gxlden-angels · 1 year
Sometimes working through religious trauma is a heartfelt hour talking about reclaiming your bodily autonomy after being sexualized and shamed from a young age with your religious trauma coach and other times it's this text message from your therapist then a caption suggestion to "show my tumblr friends":
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#for context my therapist is jewish#and he likes to point how Jesus was too but JC's whole story is only really told from a christian perspective#basically saying I don't have to conform or suffer for someone else's narrative#and y'all already know 'gayboy' is my favorite thing to call Jesus 'gayboy' Christ#so naturally he combined the two#But I had a great conversation about childhood neglect with my religious trauma coach today#And how overcontrolled my body was as a whole#from my hair to my health#everything was a sign of my sin somehow#even when I first got acne I had an intense fear that people would think I was having sex or dirty somehow#because my family constantly pointed out my acne#and my church at the time's girls' group taught us girls that had oral sex had acne around their lips#My medical needs were neglected#my autism was ignored or punished#etc etc#and this conversation was right after the texts from my therapist#I mean literally mins before#my car broke down so uh that's fun#and I had to switch from an in person to virtual appointment with my therapist for tomorrow#and he was like 'uh no this actually a punishment from The Lord. jk lol yeah I'll send you the telehealth link now'#and I was like 'I called Jesus 'gayboy' too many times and now I'm in Hell (my schools' shuttle system 🤢)'#[he graduated from the school i'm currently in undergrad for so hes seen the decline in our shuttle system's quality.#Ive been left for using a walker and told 'glad Im not as bad as you yet' when in a wheelchair]#and that lead to this message as well as the caption he wanted in quotes under it and ^ for tumblr#he calls yall 'my little tumblr friends'#hes so Offline I love this man#I told him tumblr will love it so yall better not make me a liar /j#this was so much information I hope y'all enjoy my lil journal entry for the day <333#ex christian#religious trauma
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Illena character analysis
The unrighteousness of the Hierarchy took Illena's fragile state of mind and twisted her into a monster. And while we can understand her cruel actions and such she should still be held accountae as she is deserving of the consequences. Narratively, She is not a sympathetic character but instead a pitiful character due to how she is presented in the story
But to provide some background, the high rankers dictating the lives of people beneath them reinforced the idea that power is everything to the mid tiers and that if you have it you're better than anyone who is weaker than you and are allowed to do what you want to them basically, that's part of the why the mid tiers bully the low rankers so much, because that sort of thing is justifiable in their world due to the hierachy.
But they aren't just doing it because they believe that they deserve it, it's deeper than that. The mid tiers want to be respected and or atleast acknowledged/taken seriously for the strength that they possess, just like the high tiers. And with that being said, there are things that the mid tiers cannot do in society because they're simply not strong enough, and because of they're forced to conform to what the high rankers tell them. The mid tiers quite literally hate that they have to listen to the high rankers because they will suffer the consequences and get beat up if they dont. Point is, they're just picking on the lower tiers to feel good about themselves and vent their frustrations in a system where power is everything. Illena is no exception
But she practically sees a former god tier acting all high and mighty/condescending when they've literally been rendered powerless, and notice that they are now attempting to take the moral high ground since that they're the one being discriminated against after losing everything. High tiers wanted mid tiers to know their place but cannot accept their own if they're not in a position of power, that is what Illena learns here.
think about it, all of a sudden they neglect the entire structure of the system and consider beating up low tiers as an injustice when they did not care about what happened to them at all when they were on top of the food chain where she perpetuated the same caste system because it was once beneficial for her. And that seriously pisses off Illena because to her this must mean that Sera still thinks that she's better than them even without any abilities because she decides to fight back/retaliate, perceiving the mid tiers as week (protecting other low tiers in the process and more importantly acting as if she still owns them by telling them what to do and getting into their business, as Illena has said)
And Illena doesnt just kidnap Sera to get back at her specifically, but all of the high tiers in a sense, their arrogance entitlement, etc etc only using Seraphina as an outlet for all of their pent up frustration and hurt. She didn't even see them as an individual, but just another high tier, as we see when Illena addresses Sera using words such as "you guys" "her kind" "them".
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Illena basically just wanted to hammer in notion that the high tiers were nothing without their powers to get rid of that same high tier like mindset ingrained in Sera's head to establish her place in the hierarchy as the most worthless and incompetent student in Wellston. All she wanted was for Seraphina to learn her place and act her rank accordingly. Because as a cripple she's worthless, and she should act/be treated as such. For in this society power is everything, and high tiers were the ones who ebstablised this with their Hierachy. Seeing Seraphina acting like she was better than them was unacceptable after everything the high tiers perpetuated
Which we can see here
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In this instance, Illena wanted Sera to admit that they were better than her and that she was beneath them
And so, when she refuses. Illena gets pissed off because of her stubbornness, this is when the others step up and tell her that what she's doing is excessive.
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Here Krolik implies that they should let Sera go, and this isn't what he tjinks but everyone else present too, as seen as other mid tiers stand by his side. But I am not saying that they felt remorse for Sera necessarily, but felt that torturing her was unnecessary and that if they kept her hostage/continued abusing her they would be severely punished once they're eventually caught, and that just isn't worth it to them as they know that beating her up will ultimately change nothing in the long run, anyway. They just wanted to get back at her for what she did... But not like this
Basically, they want Illena to accept that they don't need confirmation to know that they're better than her, it's a given seeing as Sera's a cripple, having no value/worth. She should just give up...
But she's refuses.....out of pride, insecurity. Needing reassurance, a sense of superiority above someone that was better than them for so long as she is offended by their hypocrisy and double standards
..Anyways when Arlo catches them and calls them disgusting, Illena calls him out for valuing a cripple above the rest of them when they were stronger than her, as following the structure of his hierarchy he shouldn't even care. Usually he would just ignore them anyway. And while it is debateble on whether or not Arlo would do anything if it was someone he didnt know the fact that Illena genuinely believed that he wouldn't step in only reinforces how bad the system really is where no one expects a high tiers to help someone beneath them when they're in trouble. She also said that the high tiers dictate the lives of the people beneath them because they were born gifted and get specials privilege because of it, just because they are stronger than everyone else. And Illena is frustrated that they have to listen to the high tiers, because they're punished if they don't comply, to her it's unfair. The high tiers did whatever they wanted with the mid tiers because they were above them, so the mid tiers should be able to do whatever they want with Sera as she is beneath *them*.
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But Arlo just ignores her, and this reinforces her belief that the royals dont care about the feelings/opinions of anyone beneath them since it doesn't matter what lower tiers think because the high tankers will always be stronger, meaing they dont have to listen to shit(The lions do not concern themselves with the opinions of the sheep). And that pisses her off. In that moment, she disregards his rank. Pushing past her fear and trying to sucker punch that bitch. As the only way to get your point across in this world is through violence….but the realization that she can't do shit begins to sink in once she receives reflective damage from his barrier, serving as a reminder that no matter what they really can't do anything, because they're not strong enough. Turns out her little stunt was nothing but a meaningless attempt to change the status quo, this hits Illena hard. And she just accepts that she will probably be expelled
And with all of that said Illena might've been a hypocrital bitch but she still had a valid point.And if anything her being a hypocrite only reinforced how bad the system is at hand as well. Simply put, Illena represents the struggles of being a mid tier and sheds light on their mentality and what they deem jusifiable as a result of their system. She also provides insight on the damaging us vs them mentality and actually had a point in her rant to the high tiers. She had actual depth to her actions other than just being an asshole and had something of importance to say
I like her as a character study. I think her motivations are pretty realistic in context of the world she lives in. She's an product of her environment that shaped her into becoming this bully who resents the higher ups because of their privellege.
And that my friend, is why I like Illena as a character from a narrative standpoint
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sometimesrosy · 5 years
I just found out that there would be no Spacekru flashbacks in season 6 and I'm quite bummed. Not that I like BE (I don't) but it would have been cool to understand how they went from Bellamy trying to kill her to "we found each other in a cage". It's hard to get invested in a ship with little to no development, even more so when you already ship BC. I don't know if it's a deliberate choice and we're not supposed to care about BE or they had to cut those scenes for budget reasons but it sucks.
We found that out months ago. The no spacekru flashbacks. So this doesn’t count as a spoiler.
It doesn’t bother me at all. Why you guys think we’re supposed to be invested in a relationship that the narrative has spent no time on is beyond me.
I have heard so many people say JR FAILED to get us invested in B/E, as if that was some sort of ERROR or accident, when he commits ALL this screen time to Bellarke and the Bellarke reunion and the Blake siblings, and their falling out, and then y’all are like, but he wants us to be invested in B/E so he failed to do that.
And I’m just like.
Where does he want us to be invested? In that intro to B/E contrasted with 30 minutes of Clarke suffering alone and LONGING for Bellamy to come back, and then 1 minute of b/e and Echo immediately questioning if they were going to last on the ground?
Or was it their love scene, which was, honestly, HALF a love scene, with a direct fade to CLARKE, again feeling alone and wanting to leave. And THEN we see her grief and sadness at seeing them together before E leaves and they team up again to save Madi and everyone?
Oh was our supposed investment in B/E supposed to happen when they separated and he barely mentioned her again more than as family and a dependable spy??? 
I suppose our investment was supposed to come when Bellamy poisoned his sister after she mocked him for loving both Clarke and Echo? Even though he didn’t mention saving Echo, only saving Clarke when he did it.
Is our investment supposed to come when Echo confronts Clarke about not caring for Bellamy, Clarke says she always cared, and then the back from the dead L tells her not to sacrifice her true love the way she did, and Clarke immediately gives up her antagonism, and basically GIVES Bellamy to Echo telling her to go save him. Something I just noticed? Lxa might very well have betrayed Clarke because Bellamy WAS in the mountain, and he DID do what he promised and PROVED himself to be a hero and worthy of her care and trust, and was IMPLIED to be part of the reason why Clarke rejected lxa in her overtures. AKA, Lxa might have taken her enemy’s offer because she was freaking jealous of Bellamy, while Clarke, relinquishes her hold on Bellamy because she loves him more than she believe she deserves his love. She’d rather have him alive and victorious in the arms of someone else. Oh but you know, that Clarke and Echo’s moment about Bellamy opens up much wider and reflects upon all sorts of narrative points really means that ITS ABOUT B/E and that’s who they want us to care about.
Maybe our investment was supposed to come when they reunited, awkwardly in the rover with octavia? Or with the hug that was pretty close to how he hugged Harper? So romantic! So touching! What a connection— not. 
Oh our investment should be when the three of them finally interact, and Clarke looks at him with heart eyes for saving Eligius, and he looks guiltily at Echo as if he’s done something wrong. That’s definitely a sign that B/E is endgame. When just existing with his soulmate makes him feel like he’s cheating although he’s done NOTHING wrong. 
There is actually NO EVIDENCE that the writers want us to be invested in B/E. I think you’re making that up. I think you’re listening to antis, who don’t care what happens in the story, because all they care about is that Bellarke is blocked and their ship is alive. They never seem to notice if it is being built up as strong and endgame in the narrative, if they make the characters better, or what/who the narrative is about.
If you are taking evidence from people who think the hero is NOT Clarke and/or Bellamy, then you are taking evidence from people who are misreading the canon. CAN you imagine a story from Echo or Lxa’s pov? You sure can. Is that the story being told on screen? It sure isn’t.
They are telling the story of Clarke, of Bellamy and of BELLARKE. Also of the Blake siblings. And there is not one b/e scene that is not ALSO telling the story of Bellarke or the Blake siblings. OR is completely a spacekru scene and depicts them as family. ALL romantic scenes between B/E are Blake or Bellarke related.
HOWEVER. Not all Blake or Bellarke scenes have a thing to do with B/E. In fact, almost none of the Bellarke scenes have to do with B/E and about idk 10% of the Blake scenes have to do with B/E. 
What part of that tells you that JR wants us to be invested in B/E? 
WHY do you think they’re just failing to get you invested, instead of setting B/E up as a conflict for the MAIN relationships of Bellarke and the Blakes? I mean. She is LITERALLY the character that is in the way of both of Bellamy’s most meaningful relationships?
I don’t understand why you think it’s NOT a deliberate choice when it’s actually in the damn dialogue as well as the narrative and cinematography and editing. How many people do you think are ACCIDENTALLY focusing on Clarke and Octavia INSTEAD of B/E? 
Here’s what I think is the problem. Fandom tells us that shippers understand the story better than the professionals writing the story and the writers are “doing it wrong,” because it doesn’t conform to our theories, headcanons and fanon. Fandom has convinced us that fandom’s hot takes are more true than canon. Canon tells you Bellarke is the center of the story. But shippers tell you B/E is. 
Dude. The shippers are wrong. 
This story is ABOUT Bellarke, not B/E. We saw 30 minutes of Clarke alone and NO minutes of B/E development because the story is about Clarke being separated from everyone ESPECIALLY Bellamy. And the season was about reuniting Bellarke, not being invested in b/e.
They HAD time. If thy wanted to invest us in B/E they had 30 minutes of a dead girl’s story to erase. If it was about how much Bellamy had grown to love Echo instead of how Clarke was lonely and lost and talking to Bellamy every day, WE WOULD HAVE SEEN B/E. We did not. 
Sorry if I’m ranting. I’ve heard this from the beginning of s5. “If he wants us to be invested in  B/E and Echo he failed.” Somehow people translate this into “He wants us to love B/E and he failed, he’s a bad writer,” instead of the other possibility in that statement. “He DIDN’T want us to be invested in B/E and Echo and he succeeded.” 
Like, y’all would rather believe that the people who wrote this story/characters you love are completely incompetent rather than them telling a different story than your first impression led you to believe. 
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