thisisnotsocialwork · 10 years
because sometimes your awkward is not cute. 
source: http://www.basicrights.org/resources/trans-justice-resources/common-missteps-of-trans-allies/
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basicrightsoregon · 12 years
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Reblog if you're celebrating National Coming Out Day! 
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thisisnotsocialwork · 10 years
source: http://www.basicrights.org/category/resources/trans-justice-resources/
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timmcmenaminor · 10 years
By James Owens: Co-Founder Freedom Oregon; Log Cabin Republicans of Oregon; Leadership Committee member, Young Conservatives for the Freedom to Marry. I ran for a legislative seat here in Oregon and lost. But during the endorsement process I gained an interesting insight into politics: In the eyes of most LGBT groups, regardless of whether you're an avid supporter of LGBT rights, an "R" by your name is a scarlet letter. Although I am a registered Republican, I have been on the front line of the fight for equality. So when I learned that Basic Rights Oregon (BRO) Equality PAC would not be endorsing my campaign, I was shocked. Then I saw the endorsements . It became clear to me that BRO was not interested in pro-equality candidates at all. Every -- and I mean every -- single endorsement was for a Democrat. BRO Equality PAC should be ashamed of themselves. Pretending to be pro-equality when in fact they are not is egregious. It is incredibly offensive to me, as a member of the LGBT community, and it should be offensive to every pro-equality human being. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/james-owens/shame-on-you-basic-rights-oregon_b_5276989.html
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basicrightsoregon · 12 years
When Julie met Leslie
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©She Saw Things: photography by Jen Downer
Leslie and Julie met at the first of a series of margarita parties. Initially, there was no love connection. Admittedly, Julie had just had sinus surgery, so she was high on painkillers and sporting a sweet set of black eyes.
But by the second margarita party, Julie was recovered and feeling well enough to micromanage Leslie’s onion-chopping methods in the kitchen. In fact, she was feeling up to an adventure of sorts: Evangelist Billy Graham was coming to Portland. Julie’s curiosity was piqued. Why not check out a revival, thought Julie. I’m open to being moved.
The only other curious person at the party was Leslie.
So a couple of days later, the two checked out Billy Graham. Afterwards, they hit the RSDow Neurological Sciences Institute where Leslie introduced Julie to her research study on vibrating tendons (seriously—not as sexy as you’d think but twice as intriguing), and then headed to Starbucks’ district office where Julie trained baristas, and she taught Leslie how to make a great shot of espresso. They wrapped up the night by strolling around Portland, visiting their favorite works of public art.
A pretty perfect first date for a non-date, don’t you think? Julie and Leslie thought so too. Twenty years later, they’re still together.
“We just discovered each other that evening,” says Julie. “We both have a mutual sense of curiosity and amazement about everything.” Of course, relationships are hard work, says Julie, but also a privilege. She then asked a question that we all could learn from.
“What if our religion was each other, and our practice was our life? It’s about being committed and also being pushed to be your best self. We are consciously asking ourselves: what is the relationship that we need to be having with each other to have the most fabulous next twenty years?”
That, friends, is called love. 
Help Basic Rights Oregon #ignitelove! Buy your tickets now for our annual gala, IGNITE! 
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basicrightsoregon · 12 years
Dustin Tipton-Johnson shared this beautiful video he made for his then-boyfriend—now husband—Colt for their first anniversary. Two weeks ago, they made it official. 
Says Dustin, "Colt and I knew things were serious from the very beginning. I knew i wanted to ask him to marry me only after a few weeks of getting to know each other—and after 6 months, I popped the question. 15 months after the proposal, we were ‘married’ surrounded by the amazing love and support from over 200 of our closest friends and family. We couldn’t be happier.
We do hope that one day our marriage will be legal and recognized at the State and Federal level. We greatly applaud the efforts that BRO is putting forth to make our hope into a reality. Hopefully it conveys the message that you are trying to promote; Love EXISTS between people, no matter who they are.
Thank you for all that you do, BRO. Keep fighting our fight."
Help us #ignitelove—join us October 12 and help us keep fighting the fight. Get tickets for our Ignite gala here! 
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basicrightsoregon · 12 years
Want to get chills? Watch this video released at last year's Ignite! event—just a few Oregonians talking about what they want, all set to the music of Storm Large. Who incidentally is hosting this year's Ignite. 
But mostly, this video serves as a reminder that love is greater than fear. It's why we're all here. 
Ready to #ignitelove—and see Storm Large? Pick up tickets to the October 12 event here. 
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basicrightsoregon · 12 years
A Love Letter to Kristin
Kristin, I love you. I love our shared passion for cycling, community, friends and family. You inspire me to be better and to give back—and I know that together we can conquer any challenge.
Love, Sam
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Sam and Kristin just celebrated their 13th anniversary last weekend. 
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basicrightsoregon · 12 years
It's about love. It's about acceptance. It's about equality. The Edwards family understands why it's important to create a state where everyone can feel accepted for who they are—because they live it every day. Oregon, are you ready? 
Join us October 12 as we #ignitelove in the state of Oregon. Get the scoop here. 
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