#trans 101
coochiequeens · 2 years
Trans community: “misgendering is literal violence” Also trans community: will violently attack from behind over an accidental use of the wrong pronouns
Content Notice: This article contains photos of bruising and physical injury. Reader discretion is appreciated.
A woman in Melbourne, Australia was hospitalized and left with horrific injuries following a brutal attack from a trans activist over what she speculates was retaliation for her gender critical views.
On September 24, 2022, Ruby* and her partner were attending the Punks Pub Crawl, an annual barhopping event for those in the punk rock scene which has been held in Melbourne since 1982. Ruby, a bass guitarist in a local band, had been attending the crawl since she was a teenager. Though she was excited to return to her tradition following the loosening of COVID-19 restrictions, Ruby’s evening turned into a nightmare.
“I had only just arrived with my partner sometime around 3 p.m. There were about 70 people or so attending the crawl. The whole group of us stopped at Carlton Gardens for a group photo,” Ruby recounts, explaining that immediately after the photo was taken she would have an incident that has since left her with a debilitating injury.
“I was walking away, talking to a friend when I noticed one male walking beside the group but in the opposite direction to the rest of us,” Ruby says. “As he passed me he shoulder-barged me hard, and I stopped to address him.”
Ruby describes her attacker as “male, but not obviously ‘trans.’” As she was with a group of individuals belonging to the punk rock community, she didn’t immediately believe he was attempting to present as the opposite sex, and simply thought he was donning classic punk attire. 
“He just looked like a metal head with lipstick on, and I had never seen him before in my life,” she says. According to a police report Ruby provided Reduxx, the individual is described as approximately 5’7, with long dark hair. He had been wearing a black shirt and black pants.
Startled by the body check, Ruby confronted the male.
“I said something very close to, ‘Is there a problem here? Do you and I need to have a conversation?’ He started denying and gaslighting. He claimed it was an accident and one of his friends backed him up. It was clearly no accident so I replied, ‘No, he just shoulder-barged me as hard as he could.’”
Ruby says the onlookers immediately seemed to take issue with the pronoun she had used for the man.
“I heard a few murmurs of ‘He?’ Like people were offended at my choice of pronoun,” she says. “I stood facing him for another [few seconds] waiting to see if he was going to kick off, but he seemed to have nothing to say so I turned and walked away.”
But just as she did, Ruby says she was suddenly attacked from behind, with the man pushing her onto the concrete with tremendous force.
“I was wearing a heavy studded leather jacket so I went down hard and fast. I put my left arm out to break the fall with anything other than my head and the impact reverberated all up my arm, shattering my shoulder and breaking my arm at the joint.”
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Ruby says other pub crawl goers told the man to back off, and she says that while she was in extreme pain, she didn’t immediately recognize the extent of the damage. A friend of hers who knew first-aid put her in a makeshift sling, and it quickly became obvious to Ruby that she needed to seek medical treatment. 
She first attempted to go to a public hospital, but was left in the emergency waiting room for agonizing hours without proper attention, so she left and later sought help at Austin Hospital, which is reputed for its trauma care. Ruby was sent for a CAT scan and X-Ray where she was diagnosed with a fractured shoulder.
Ruby provided Reduxx medical records from Austin Health showing she was admitted to the emergency short stay unit, and that she was initially slated for a surgical intervention by an orthopedic registrar. 
A second orthopedic surgeon Ruby saw while in hospital decided not to operate, feeling her outcomes would be better if she were simply closely monitored and sent for physiotherapy after the initial injury had healed. The surgeon left the possibility of operation open if anything were to come up with the injury in the future.
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In the chaos of her attempts to get medical treatment, Ruby had managed to track down the individual who had assaulted her through a band contact. She recognized her assailant had been friends with an individual who her band had performed with in the past, and skimmed his socials to find more information. She managed to identify the attacker, and, armed with the information, went to Melbourne Police and filed a report after being discharged from hospital.
Ruby supplied Reduxx with the statement she signed and witnessed with a Constable about her ordeal. In the statement, she names Sarah Cadzow, a male who identifies as a “woman,” as being her assailant. 
She speculates that their mutual band contact had alerted Cadzow to her views on gender ideology at the Punks Pub Crawl, and that he had body-checked her in retaliation. 
“It became clear that someone had been showing the attacker my Facebook posts. The attacker had never been on my Facebook friends list, as far as I know, but his friend was. My Facebook has been all about women’s rights and spaces for about 4 years now, since I found out about men in women’s prisons,” Ruby says. “We messaged the friend shortly afterwards and he helpfully agreed in writing as to what happened, but attempted to justify it because apparently [Cadzow] was ‘defending his community’ by attacking a middle aged woman from behind.”
In his youth, Cadzow had been associated with LGBTQ youth charity Minus18.
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Cadzow was listed as a development team member of the Trans 101 project, a “gender diversity crash course” aimed at youth supported by Minus18, YGender, and the Sydney Myer Fund. He also penned a biography for the Rainbow Story Project, praising Minus18 and boasting about the fact he transitioned when he was approximately 14 years old.
Despite having provided Melbourne Police with two witness statements as well as the identity of her attacker, Ruby explains that it took months for Cadzow to finally be charged in a process that initially left her feeling abandoned.
“I can’t speak for police resources or procedures, but it was very concerning to me that it took so long to charge him. They seemed to be handling the assailant very delicately,” she says. “I wanted there to be some immediate disincentive for him to do this again – to me or anyone else – and the police didn’t seem to take that concern seriously at all.”
Ruby says she observed a definite “tone shift” when police learned her assailant was transgender.
“The delay in charging and the manner in which they went about it certainly felt to me like a reluctance to act. This was very serious violence and all I could think about during that waiting time was ‘Where are the consequences? What’s stopping him doing it again? What happens if he sees a woman in an Adult Human Female t-shirt?'”
On January 25, almost exactly four months after the incident, Cadzow was finally handed charges related to Ruby’s assault. He is currently scheduled for a hearing at the Melbourne Magistrates’ Court on April 14.
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While Ruby expresses some relief that Cadzow has now been charged and the legal component of her ordeal is moving after months of stagnation, she has been left with the lingering impact of her attack.
“I play bass guitar, and at first we weren’t sure if I was going to be able to play gigs anymore. Fortunately, it’s looking like I will be able to, just not too often and it hurts like a bastard to tune up,” she says, explaining that her impacted arm can no longer be lifted above the shoulder
“I will never swim again, [or] shoot hoops with my son, get things from high shelves, or hang washing. The doctor said: ‘your ability to lift that arm above your head ended when you hit the ground.'”
In relation to Cadzow’s upcoming hearing, Ruby says she hopes the consequences for Cadzow are serious enough to act as a deterrent. 
“I hope others who may have similar ideas realize that you simply can’t just go around attacking women with impunity.” 
But even then, Ruby explains that she has concerns about how the case will be handled by Australia’s criminal justice system, which has become notorious for its position on gender self-identification. 
“This was a clear-cut act of male violence but I have my doubts as to whether statistics or records will reflect that in the end,” she says.
“It’s getting very scary to be a woman speaking up about women’s rights these days. This kind of violence is going way, way too far and it has to stop before something even worse happens.”
* – Subject has been assigned a name to protect her privacy.
By Anna Slatz Anna is the Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief at Reduxx, with a journalistic focus on covering crime, child predators, and women's rights. She lives in Canada, enjoys Opera, and kvetches in her spare time.
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l4nterns · 2 years
CW: Discussions of transphobia, homophobia, depression, suicidality, Sexual Violence, Domestic Violence, transmisogyny, media representation of trans people, healthcare
In the UK climate of transphobic smear, sensationalism, and fear-mongering, here is a documentary I produced, filmed, edited and scored in partnership with Norwich based trans support group Evolve. Norfolk Trans Youth lends voice to REAL trans young people to talk about the REAL material struggles they face in the UK today, but also about the lives they create for themselves in the powerful catharsis of self-actualisation in defiance against the systemic oppressions they face.
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gracegrove · 2 years
Watched this video as part of my internship training, but it's so informative that I really wanted to share it.
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angstics · 1 year
gerard was tweeting about gender 2014-15 like he had to get an A+ in transgender 101
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foone · 1 year
Man, I don't usually think of my writing as being "wish fulfillment", but I just realized that while trying to fill out the back story to explain one reference, I just casually went "yeah the dominant religion in this setting has a priesthood of trans lesbians who think silence is sacred"
I'm just saying, I may be slightly deluding myself about how much I'm "not writing wish fulfillment"
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morninkim · 3 months
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that one movie sinbad did about the genie
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missmisandrytabletalk · 7 months
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God has been testing me real bad these days.
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coolcarabiner · 1 year
lesbians who are terfs will never make any sense to me crying about the supposed exclusivity of the “female experience” like my brother in christ she experienced an othered, lonely, confusing childhood where she was made to feel inadequate in her gender, sexuality, or both just the same as you and instead of letting this unify you against patriarchy you just enforce it on other people to maintain the sliver of “power” you think you have. how do u not see how dumb this is oh my god
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boreal-sea · 2 years
Anyone who tries to claim trans men are privileged on the basis of them being men is doing so because they think trans men access cis manhood.
We don't.
Trans women don't access cis womanhood either.
Trans people cannot access cis privilege.
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homoqueerjewhobbit · 3 months
When my sibling started low-dose testosterone, I got a slightly panicked call from my Good Liberal™ mom concerned that this would raise their aggression levels. I reassured her that even if that weren't a transphobic myth, the members of our family who produce their own testosterone have between all of us the cumulative aggression levels of three gummy worms and an early Sufjan Stevens single, so the effects of a little storebought T would be nothing to worry about.
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concerto-roblox · 4 months
remember when andrew garfield presented michaela jaé rodriguez with her glaad award and he said "i wish i was half the woman that she is" and then got down on one knee to give her the award because it's been over two years and i haven't stopped thinking about it
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rainbowsforbeginners · 2 months
Rainbow 101: 001
Today’s topic, as voted by you: What is LGBTQIA+?
Hello, class!
Welcome to Rainbow 101!
To start us off, today I’ll explain the acronym LGBTQIA+:
It stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, Intersex, and A-spec - And the little “plus” at the end stands for any other queer labels that don’t fit neatly into the main acronym!
You may also see it shortened to LGBTQ+, LGBT+, LGBT, as well as a few others - But, they all refer to the same community!
Now, as this is a beginner-friendly lecture, I’ll also give a brief explanation of the main “flagship” identities - Though I highly encourage you do your own research of any terms you find interesting, as I will likely not be able to cover all nuance here!
Also, if anyone has any comments, questions, corrections, or kudos, please put them in the ask box after class!
Alright, let’s get started:
Someone who is a lesbian is a women who is attracted to other women - Non-binary people can also use this label if they wish! The term Lesbian is also related to the terms WLW and Sapphic - Though I recommend finding sources who are more well-versed in those labels to understand the nuances/differences!
The “proper” definition of gay is similar to lesbian, being a man who is attracted to other men - And non-binary folk can use this one, too! - However, you will also find many people use “gay” as a broad blanket term similar to “queer,” so context is useful here! Gay is also sometimes called MLM (men-loving-men, not multi-level-marketing :) )
Someone who is bisexual/biromantic is attracted to multiple genders - Commonly interpreted as simply “likes both men and women.” But, as with many of these labels, there can be nuance that is different for every person; Such as having attraction for multiple, but preferring one over another. You’ll often see Bisexual/Biromantic shortened to Bi!
Someone who is transgender doesn’t fully identify with the gender they were assigned at birth. For example, someone who was born as a girl named Jane and later transitions to a man named John. (Something to note here: While many transgender people do fully identify with the “opposite” gender, and undergo various visual/biological transformations (ha!), there are many who don’t do either! Some people only change their pronouns, and some may not change anything!) Non-binary people are also under this umbrella term - though not everyone identifies with the label! You’ll often see Transgender shortened to Trans!
From what I’ve seen, “Queer” is a pretty broad label, often used as a collective term for all LGBTQIA+ people - But, I’ve also seen some people use it as a catch-all personal miscellaneous label, when they don’t care to explain or define the details! “Questioning” is pretty simple - It just means the person is figuring out some aspect of their identity, but hasn’t quite gotten there yet!
This one I don’t know as much about as I could, but my understanding is that an intersex person falls between or outside of the biological sex binary - And it can be as drastically obvious as physical organ differences, or more often, as subtle as having unusual chromosomes!
A-spec, or the A-spectrum, is a wide category for those who experience little, no, and/or specifically-parametrized attraction! Aromantic (or Aro, little-to-no romantic attraction) and Asexual (or Ace, little-to-no sexual attraction) are the more popular, “flagship” labels, but the A spectrum also includes Aplatonic, Agender, Afamilial, Asensual, and probably a few others I don’t know of! To oversimplify for the sake of comedy, the A-spec is for those of us who look at everyone else and go, “No thanks!” with varying degrees of intensity.
Plus (+):
And the + is for everyone else who might not fit within the above!
…And there you have it - That was a lot, and I’m glad you stuck around to the end!
I want to note here that many of these labels have more sub-labels nested under them, and/or have more nuance than we covered today - So, if any of you have questions or clarifications, or have a correction to make, please feel free to drop a note in my ask box!
Also, any ideas for future topics to cover would be much appreciated!
Batteries and Bars,
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xmimikyuusx · 4 months
"women/afabs/trans mascs never have to deal with oppression related to their hair/what clothes they wear/how masculine they present" has either gotta be a really really bad psyop of a t/rf trying to make more trans separatism, or someone who is so deeply out of touch with reality it's frightening. I'm sorry but if you won't speak to a trans man about his experience at least start by talking to any person of color instead of making up false dichotomies in your own head. It might benefit you to listen to a women of color about her experience with hair and clothes and being perceived as masculine before you talk.
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dressuprat · 10 months
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Hi TMA fandom
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theanxiousghostartist · 5 months
Through the Corridors | theanxiousghostartist | Micheal/Statement/Corridors | Day 3 prompts for @tma-retro-week
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She didn't even hesitate
I drew this based off of Micheal Distortion's statement. Basically, while he is telling his statement to Jon, we see his memories in his eye of Micheal Shelley exploring the Distortion's corridors.
(OG version is white silhouette, alt ia dark silhouette)
🖌 IBIS Paint X (phone + finger)
⌛️ 1hr 11 min
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lezbi0nic · 1 year
"The patriarchy hurts men too!"
"Heterosexism hurts straight ppl too!"
"Transphobia hurts cis ppl too!"
Okay, yeah. No shit. But maybe it should be enough that the primary targets of such oppressive violence are suffering. No need to wait until it has an impact on the oppressor.
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