pikahlua · 2 years
MHA Chapter 374 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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tagline 1 No.374 Butterfly Effect  堀越耕平 ナンバー374 バタフライ エフェクト  ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 374 BATAFURAI EFEKUTO   Horikoshi Kouhei No. 374 Butterfly Effect   Kouhei Horikoshi
tagline 2 声は届かず、そして目覚めた黒霧‼︎ヒーローVS敵の激闘は新たな局面へーー‼︎ こえはとどかず、そしてめざめたくろぎり‼︎ヒーローバーサスヴィランのげきとうはあらたなきょくめんへーー‼︎ koe wa todokazu, soshite mezameta Kurogiri!! HIIROO BAASASU VIRAN no gekitou wa aratana kyokumen e---!! His voice didn’t reach, and then the awakened Kurogiri!! The fierce battle of Heroes VS Villains enters a new phase---!!
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1 時は現在に戻りアメリカ・ワシントン州 ときはげんざいにもどりアメリカ・ワシントンしゅう toki wa genzai ni modori AMERIKA WASHINTON shuu Time returns to the present, USA - Washington State
2 日本で突如発生した巨大な積乱雲は現在も急速に発達しており にほんでとつじょはっせいしたきょだいなせきらんうんはげんざいもきゅうそくにはったつしており nihon de totsujo hassei shita kyodai na sekiran’un wa genzai mo kyuusoku ni hattatsu shite ori “A giant cumulonimbus cloud that suddenly appeared in Japan is still rapidly developing.”
3 今後ジェット気流に乗って北米にも影響を及ぼす可能性があります こんごジェットきりゅうにのってほくべいにもえいきょうをおよぼすかのうせいがあります kongo JETTO kiryuu ni notte hokubei ni mo eikyou wo oyobosu kanousei ga arimasu “From here on, there is a chance it could ride a jet stream and affect North America as well.”
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1 気象局によれば同時多発的局所温度上昇により発生した対流と南西からの熱帯低気圧が合流したことによって きしょうきょくによればどうじたはつてききょくしょおんどじょうしょうによりはっせいしたたいりゅうとなんせいからのねったいていきあつがごうりゅうしたことによって kishoukyoku ni yoreba douji tahatsuteki kyokusho ondo joushou ni yori hassei shita tairyuu to nansei kara no nettai teikiatsu ga gouryuu shita koto ni yotte “According to the weather bureau, due to the convergence of convection generated by multiple simultaneous local temperature rises with the tropical cyclone from the southwest,”
2 かつてない程の大規模な"火災積乱雲"が形成されたのではとの事です……………… かつてないほどのだいきぼな"かさいせきらんうん"がけいせいされたのではとのことです……………… katsute nai hodo no daikibo na “kasai sekiran’un” ga keisei sareta node wa to no koto desu.................. “it is said an unprecedented large-scale ‘pyrocumulonimbus cloud’ was formed..................”
3 ……ブラジルでの蝶の羽ばたきはテキサスでハリケーンを引き起こすか ……ブラジルでのちょうのはばたきはテキサスでハリケーンをひきおこすか ......BURAJIRU de no chou no habataki wa TEKISASU de HARIKEEN wo hikiokosu ka “......Will a flapping butterfly in Brazil cause a hurricane in Texas?”
4 光る赤子から始まった超人社会はカオスに呑まれる定めなのでしょうか ひかるあかごからはじまったちょうじんしゃかいはカオスにのまれるさだめなのでしょうか hikaru akago kara hajimatta choujin shakai wa KAOSU ni nomareru sadame na no deshou ka “Is the superhuman society that began with a shining baby destined to be swallowed in chaos?”
5 世界は一人の力で変えられます せかいはひとりのちからでかえられます sekai wa hitori no chikara de kaeraremasu “The world can be changed by the power of one person.”
6 メリル?急にどうした? メリル?きゅうにどうした? MERIRU? kyuu ni dou shita? “Meryl? What happened all of a sudden?”
7 私は政府が…世界がAFOに阿ろうとしている現状に断固として反対します! わたしはせいふが…せかいがオール・フォー・ワンにおもねろうとしているげんじょうにだんことしてはんたいします! watashi wa seifu ga...sekai ga OORU FOO WAN ni omonerou to shite iru genjou ni danko to shite hantai shimasu! “I strongly disagree with the status quo where our government...where the world is trying to pander to All For One!”
8 CM行けCM‼︎ああ シーエムいけシーエム‼︎ああ SHII EMU ike SHII EMU!! aa “CM, go to CM!! Aah” (Note: I assume “CM” means “commercial.”)
small text ダメだもー終わった ダメだもーおわった DAME da moo owatta “No good, it’s already over.”
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1 日本 神野区 (轟、荼毘確保) にほん カミノく (とどろき、だびかくほ) nihon KAMINO-ku (Todoroki, Dabi kakuho) Japan, Kamino Ward (Todoroki and the secured Dabi)
2 なんだこの火力は‼︎ なんだこのかりょくは‼︎ nan da kono karyoku wa!! “What’s with this fire power!!”
3 轟くん 君も灼ける今再戦は無理だ!"燐"で限界の筈だ! とどろきくん きみもやけるいまさいせんはむりだ!"りん"でげんかいのはずだ! Todoroki-kun kimi mo yakeru ima saisen wa muri da! “rin” de genkai no hazu da! “Todoroki-kun, now that you’ll burn too, a rematch is impossible! This is surely the limit of Phosphor!”
4 全員限界だよ!皆限界を超えて頑張ってる! ぜんいんげんかいだよ!みんなげんかいをこえてがんばってる! zen’in genkai da yo! minna genkai wo koete ganbatteru! “This is the limit for all of us! Everyone is surpassing their limits and trying their best!”
5 でも…あいつだけが! demo...aitsu dake ga! “But...only this guy!”
6 まだ… mada... “He’s still...”
7 動いてるんだ! うごいてるんだ! ugoiterunda! “moving!”
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1 俺だって親父の血が流れてる筈なのに……! おれだっておやじのちがながれてるはずなのに……! ore datte oyaji no chi ga nagareteru hazu na no ni......! “Even though I, too, have father’s blood flowing through me......!”
2 燈矢兄だけが動いてるんだ とうやにいだけがうごいてるんだ Touya-nii dake ga ugoiterunda “Only Touya-nii is moving.” (Note: “Nii” is a suffix meaning “older brother.”)
3 エンデヴァーは群訝か… お父さんはぐんがか… otousan (kanji: ENDEVAA) wa gunga ka... Father (read as: Endeavor) is at Gunga, huh...
4 遠すぎる…分断ってやっぱクソだわ… とおすぎる…ワープってやっぱクソだわ… too sugiru...WAAPU (kanji: bundan) tte yappa KUSO da wa... Too far away...the warp (read as: division) really was shitty...
5 このまま焦凍と継戦して…土産を持って出向くには… このまましょうととけいせんして…みやげをもってでむくには… kono mama Shouto to keisen shite...miyage wo motte demuku ni wa... To continue fighting with Shouto as things are...I’ll be coming back with souvenirs...
6 身体が からだが karada ga [My] body
7 保たねえや もたねえや motanee ya won’t last.
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1 飛んで親父の下に行く気だ! とんでおやじのもとにいくきだ! tonde oyaji no moto ni iku ki da! “I intend to fly and go to where my old man is!”
2 気力でどうこうできる範疇を超えてる! (?)でどうこうできるはんちゅうをこえてる! (?) (kanji: kiryoku) de dou kou dekiru hanchuu wo koeteru! That’s beyond the scope of what he can do with willpower! (Note: The furigana reading of the kanji for “willpower” is illegible.)
3 おかしい!体質が合ってないんじゃなんかったか⁉︎ おかしい!たいしつがあってないんじゃなんかったか⁉︎ okashii! taishitsu ga attenainja nankatta ka!? How strange! Wasn’t it that he doesn’t have the constitution [for that]!?
4 何でまだ原型を保っていられる‼︎ なんでまだげんけいをたもっていられる‼︎ nande mada genkei wo tamotte irareru!! Why is he still able to endure that prototype!! (Note: I think she means: “Why can he endure that move (Phosphor) he only just learned?”)
5 待て‼︎まだ俺は動けるぞ‼︎ まて‼︎まだおれはうごけるぞ‼︎ mate!! mada ore wa ugokeru zo!! “Wait!! I can still move!!”
6 俺を殺すんだろ おれをころすんだろ ore wo korosundaro “Aren’t you gonna kill me?”
7 そっちこそ中途半端じゃねえかよ‼︎ そっちこそちゅうとはんぱじゃねえかよ‼︎ socchi koso chuuto hanpa ja nee ka yo!! “Aren’t you also being half-hearted!!”
8 ファザコン! FAZAKON! “Father Complex!”
9 話しかけるなと言っておいてなんだが朗報だ はなしかけるなといっておいてなんだがろうほうだ hanashi kakeruna to itte oite nan da ga rouhou da “I told you not to talk to me, but there’s good news.”
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1 旅費は無料で済むらしい りょひはタダですむらしい ryohi wa TADA (kanji: muryou) de sumu rashii “It seems the travel expenses are completed for free.”
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1 雄英校舎「緑谷VS死柄木」 ゆうえいこうしゃ「みどりやバーサスAFO」 yuuei kousha 「Midoriya BAASASU AFO (kanji: Shigaraki)」 The UA building, Midoriya VS All For One (read as: Shigaraki)
2 風が強くなってきた水の調整がブレるかもしんない…! かぜがつよくなってきたみずのちょうせいがブレるかもしんない…! kaze ga tsuyoku natte kita mizu no chousei ga BUREru kamoshinnai...! “The wind is getting stronger, so the water adjustment may be shaky...!”
3 物間大丈夫か⁉︎ ものまだいじょうぶか⁉︎ Monoma daijoubu ka!? “Monoma, you okay!?”
4 この戦い絶対 教科書に載るでしょう!!? このたたかいぜったい きょうかしょにのるでしょう!!? kono tatakai zettai kyoukasho ni noru deshou!!? “This battle will definitely be put in the textbooks, right!!?”
5 僕のおかげで勝ったって文科省に書かせますよ‼︎ ぼくのおかげでかったってもんかしょうにかかせますよ‼︎ boku no okage de katta tte monkashou ni kakasemasu yo!! “I will make the Ministry of Education write that we won thanks to me!!”
6 まだ中でエッジショットが まだなかでエッジショットが mada naka de EJJISHOTTO ga “Edgeshot, who is still inside”
7 ルミリオンがジーニストが RUMIRION ga JIINISUTO ga “and Lemillion and Jeanist”
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1 緑谷が頑張ってるんだ みどりやががんばってるんだ Midoriya ga ganbatterunda “and Midoriya are all trying their best.”
2 たかが瞬き一つこらえるだけで たかがまばたきひとつこらえるだけで taka ga mabataki hitotsu koraeru dake de “To just hold back one blink of the eye”
3 弱音吐くワケないでしょう‼︎ よわねはくワケないでしょう‼︎ yowane haku WAKE nai deshou!! “is no reason to whine!!”
4 青春時代の経験が せいしゅんじだいのけいけんが seishun jidai no keiken ga “Experiences from adolescence”
5 人の一生を決定づける ひとのいっしょうをけっていづける hito no isshou wo ketteidzukeru “determine a person’s whole life.”
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1 僕は何より ぼくはなにより boku wa nani yori “I, more than anything,”
2 人の感情を信頼している ひとのかんじょうをしんらいしている hito no kanjou wo shinrai shite iru “trust in people’s emotions.”
3 暗い人生を歩んだ彼が抱く友への想い… くらいじんせいをあゆんだかれがいだくともへのおもい… kurai jinsei wo ayunda kare ga idaku tomo e no omoi... “Feelings for a friend harbored by one* who walked a dark life...” (*Note: I used “one” to make it sound good in English, but in Japanese the word used here is the pronoun “he.”)
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1 群訝山荘跡 (エンデヴァーVS AFO) ぐんがさんそうあと (エンデヴァーバーサスオール・フォー・ワン) gunga sansou ato (ENDEVAA BASAASU OORU FOO WAN) Gunga Mountain Villa Ruins (Endeavor VS All For One)
2 情報を持たぬ黒霧が即行動できるよう"志村の手"にはマイクロデバイスを埋めてある じょうほうをもたぬくろぎりがそくこうどうできるよう"しむらのて"にはマイクロデバイスをうめてある jouhou wo motanu Kurogiri ga soku koudou dekiru you “Shimura no te” ni wa MAIKURO DEBAISU wo umete aru “So that Kurogiri, who has no information, could immediately act, I embedded a micro-device in Shimura’s hand.”
3 伊口くんは成った! いぐちくんはなった! Iguchi-kun wa natta! “Iguchi-kun has succeeded!”
4 お父さん…!!! おとうさん…!!! otousan...!!! “Father...!!!”
5 そして soshite “And”
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1 ホォォオオオオオクス…! HOOOOOOOOKUSU...! “Haaaaaaaawks...!”
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1 哀れな男の死は あわれなおとこのしは aware na otoko no shi wa “The death of a pitiful man”
2 一人の少女の胸に"敵意"を生んだ ひとりのしょうじょのむねに"てきい"をうんだ hitori no shoujo no mune ni “tekii” wo unda “gave birth to animosity in the heart of one young woman.”
3 全てを巻き込み怨恨を晴らしたい男は すべてをまきこみえんこんをはらしたいおとこは subete wo makikomi enkon wo harashitai otoko wa “A man who wants to swallow up everything and dispel [his] resentment”
4 そして少女に傾国の一手を与えた そしてしょうじょにけいこくのいってをあたえた soshite shoujo ni keikoku no itte wo ataeta “and then gave to the young woman the one method to destroy a country.”
5 さァ見ようじゃないか鷹見くん さァみようじゃないかたかみくん saA miyou ja nai ka Takami-kun “So now, shall we see, Takami kun?”
6 君があの時彼を最優先に処分していなければどうなっていたのか きみがあのときかれをさいゆうせんにしょぶんしていなければどうなっていたのか kimi ga ano toki kare wo saiyuusen ni shobun shite inakereba dou natte ita no ka “If you hadn’t disposed of him as your top priority back then, what would have happened?”
tagline 邂逅、再びー かいこう、ふたたびー kaikou, futatabi-- Chance encounter, once again--
7 ーーーそいつを殺せ‼︎今すぐ‼︎ ーーーそいつをころせ‼︎いますぐ‼︎ ---soitsu wo korose!! ima sugu!! “---Kill that guy!! Right now!!”
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powerful-niya · 11 months
want to send some good vibes because the nh fandom is a blessing: who are the mutuals that make you smile when they appear in your phone?
🩷Omgg! Hello Anon! Since I've been using Tumblr, I think this is the first anonymous request I've ever received! 🩷
🩷Wow! 😭 Thank you! You're so lovely.
🩷So you wanna know the mutuals that make me smile? Oh boy, I have a lot!
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-Tumblr/Discord Mutuals who (are):
♡Brightens My Day
♡Total Inspirations
♡Talented Human Beings
♡I Love to Death
( . .)
( づ♡
💗 - @sessakag @wickermayne @brwnsugcr @raseng0ne @iamdslr / @saradesuchiha @osakigitsune @opttagoyeo @inayasurya @dayseternal-blog @diyas-diaries-98 @happyocelot @kawaii-hinahime @chloelapomme @asriah @tjtheanimelover @solar3lunar @suculentanopotinho •browniefic - (I miss her so much! 😭)
Tumblr Mutuals -
- individuals that I've had brief conversations with, conversations that have meant the world to me! 🩷
- or users with whom I'm not particularly acquainted, but the sight of their passion, enthusiasm, and hard work in the Naruhina fandom still brings a smile to my face!
˚∧_∧  + —̳͟͞͞💗
( •‿• )つ —̳͟͞͞ 💗 —̳͟͞͞💗 +
(つ  < —̳͟͞͞💗
|  _つ + —̳͟͞͞💗 —̳͟͞͞💗 ˚
🩷 - @nightowl27-writer @vegebulsoup @shamylicious-blog @ellaroundpanda @your-internetfriend @inayasurya @ohhipstaplease @shelly-14 @hyorinbaek @jengmart @lavdiiaa @lablee-artsy @char-lotteral @bornonthebreakofdawn @bunny-hoodlum @magmawrites @truebkgirl @arunikas @secrettastemakerland @atetoneee @dayeongi @wondyoz • Senny!
-Wattpad Mutuals!
💕 - gottachidori • Demonofthefridge18 • tessdrawss • otakufanfic1000 • mrsmcclean17 • Queen-Ramen • ChairoMusume • LillyNazmam • _Stuny_ • BatKitty1316 • Kurama-Ki • abby_heart1114 • Keileaf7 • queenchass123 • shamayawilliams9 • peachyuzumaki • HUNTER_Naruto • jaundice_heart • GabySantha • CelestialDragon999 • Masked_Mortal • theKingHades • demigod_fanatic • wild_fox27 • naruhinabae22 • -batafurai • rarepluto • blossom2050 • Asilhalawadi • Nikay1241_ • A_Denji_simp • TheeHotGrl • Mystic_Writer97
DeBestBaka - (I miss her! 😭)
And... That's where I will stop, lol. 🤭
There are undoubtedly countless more, and every single one of them makes me smile when I read their messages or see their comments in my inbox. I've been using Wattpad for a very long time, and during that time, I've met a lot of wonderful people who have made my life so much brighter. ✨✨
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🩷Anon, the Naruhina fanbase is indeed a blessing; it has allowed us all to connect with beautiful people from all walks of life who have a common interest.
🩷🩷Through the years, writing, reading, and simply having fun, we have created many memories together.
🩷🩷🩷It's been great spending time with all of you, and I can't wait to see what the future brings for us and how much closer we all will become.
Thanks for the amazing ask, Anon! Love ya, Anon! 🩷
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sukaridragon · 1 year
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⚔️ 2020 - ArtFight Attacks
💀This is old art! I'm just uploading all my artwork to have a full gallery on Tumblr💀
Second year in ArtFight! >:)
I participate in ArtFight every year! Here's a link to my profile if you'd like to do a trade with me! ✨Link✨
🌸 Art © SukariDragon 🌸
🎍 Characters © Batafurai, Transknights, & Vikaya 🎍
Please DO NOT repost or reupload without crediting me! Thank you!
✨ Follow my other social medias here ✨
💕 Support me on Patreon or Ko-Fi! 💕
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batafurai-jany · 1 year
Hola.. ^^ Tal vez no me recuerden por qué hace 3 años deje este blog cuando tenía 15 , y si.. Hoy en día tengo 17 casi a los 18 la verdad decido hacer este mensaje para decir que dejare el blog de batafurai para siempre (pero no tumblr) tome esta decisión para poder comenzar de cero con un estilo que me represente más y sepa que ese "oc" o mi avatar sea lo que me represente como persona y valores, y poder hacer dibujos en las cuales pueda decir "si,yo lo hice" mayor parte de los fan arts tomo posiciones de otros fan arts (no todos) pero igual no me siento orgullosa por eso...y me engaño a mi misma, es por esto que tome esta decisión tal vez utilizó este blog pero como dije todo empezara de cero la verdad me gusta dibujar y tampoco quiero dejar de hacerlo pero esta vez lo haré a mi ritmo sin apresurarme a publicar otro blog para no "desaparecer" y para los que se preguntan qué paso de mi, estoy bien, solo que muy ocupada por la prepa más si uno ya va saliendo para entrar a la Universidad y quiero concentrarme en eso, en mi carrera y también darme tiempo a mi antes de volver a publicar dibujos por otra parte mi cuenta de Instagram seguiré ahí (aunque sólo publique un dibujo qwq) eso es todo uwu ah! Y sigo siendo fan de undertale ya que fue una de las principales razones por la cual comencé a dibujar en digital y le tengo amor al juego nos vemos en unos años cuando este lista para volver! Hasta pronto!! :D
edith: antes de ser funada voy a borrar las que no me gustaron para nada (ya saben por que razón si leyeron lo primero) solo dejare los que me gustaron y fue sincera conmigo
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my-anime-list · 6 months
Free! -Take Your Marks-
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Free!: Take Your Marks takes place during the summer after Free!: Eternal Summer but before Free!: Dive to the Future. It follows the four stories of the recently graduated seniors before they embark on their futures. Destined Choice, or Unmei no Choice!, has Haruka Nanase and Makoto Tachibana searching for Haruka's new apartment in Tokyo. The second story, Cooling Down at the Secret Hot Spring, or Hitou no Cooling Down!, sees Aiichiro Nitori picking out a graduation gift for Rin Matsuoka and Sousuke Yamazaki, while Momotaro Mikoshiba wins tickets to the Anago Hot Springs. Hoping for a trip together, Aiichiro and Momotaro invite Rin and Sousuke. In United Butterfly, or Kessoku no Batafurai!, Rei Ryugazaki, Nagisa Hazuki, and Gou Matsuoka make a recruitment video to attract new club members for the next school year. Departing Eternal Blue, or Tabidachi no Etanaru Buru!, looks into the Iwatobi and Samezuka swim teams' plans for Rin's surprise going-away party, as he prepares to leave for Australia soon.
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studionorma · 2 years
Our.Shining.Days.2017.WEB-DLRip-AVC.RU.CN.[Batafurai team].mkv from Studio Norma on Vimeo.
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batafuraijany · 3 years
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Primer fanart! :D
Personaje: Koyoharu Gotouge
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majoyosei · 4 years
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My cheerful kunoichi, Mizu Batafurai, girlfriend of Neji Hyuuga, from 'Naruto (Naruto Shippuden)' and mother of their twins, Mizuko and Oneji ☯️
She was my first OC in Naruto fandom 🍥
Since I haven't drawn her in a while, I decided to design her in this cute Picrew game too 💚
So here it is, the water butterfly 🦋
I hope you like it!! 🌻
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lunar-moonlight · 6 years
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Batafurai is mad at Ferari and Saiko(and maybe his minions)
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skulblakasaphira · 4 years
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They are not +18 or porn drawings, thanks !
First drawing : Drawing/Design by https://www.deviantart.com/natseiadopts
Second drawing : Drawing/Design by https://www.deviantart.com/larchedemorce
Thirst drawing : Drawing/Design by https://www.deviantart.com/ven-adopt
Batafurai/Ellie/Tornado Storm by me.
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elgallinero · 5 years
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#papillon #mariposas🦋 #farfalla🦋 #butterfly #batafurai (at Papillon Bistro & Bar) https://www.instagram.com/p/B37cUH7hyS0/?igshid=1kogpczfx2obc
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jongjongblog-blog · 7 years
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My favorite character 
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batafurai-chou · 3 years
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batafurai-jany · 2 years
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vi esto y no lo podia creer......AAAAAAH!! de verdad yo nose que decir pero gracias nuvex!! me da algo de pena que vieras mi arte mediocre >︿<
esto es para usted señorita nuvex espero y le guste :,3
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@dauxtale by @nuvex
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moshi-roulette · 4 years
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Kamakiri Batafurai
Gender: Non-binary
Family: Unknown mother and Unknown brother
Birthday: Feb 25
Likes:Bugs!, candy and nature
Info:Kamakiri is an energetic child. They’re always sitting outside somewhere surround by plants. They’re always carrying their lucky net no matter where they are. They hate being indoors. They love to give and receive candy to people. They also like to tell random facts about random insects and show them, much to people’s dismay.
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lalatheartistss · 4 years
Yara Batafurai
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“Ah! I’m sorry! I’ve don’t think I met you. What’s you’re name?”
Technical Info
Japanese やらばたふらい
Romaji Yara Fluture
Biograhical Info
Gender Female
Age 16
Birthday November 17
Starsign Scorpio
Height 161 cm
Homeland Golden Afternoon
Professional Status
Dorm Heartslabyul
School Year First Year
Class 1-A (no.20(?))
Occupation Student
Club Gardening Club
Best Subject Flying
Fun Facts
Dominant Hand Right
Favorite Food Cinnamon Bun
Least Favorite Food Steak
Dislikes Puzzles
Hobby Decorating
Talents Despite her size she can actually carry people bigger then her.
Yara is a little curious butterfly. She will easily go to things that look interesting to her. Sometimes this could get her into much trouble depending what she wanders into. Yara will always ask question that pops into her head no matter how insulting it would be. Of course, she will say sorry afterwards depending how rude she was. Despite her curiosity, she is a positive and bubbly girl.
Her birthday is National Homade Bread Day
Yara was based on the Bread n Butterflies from Alice in Wonderland
None at the moment. (if you want your on to know yara please dm me!)
“I hope we can meet again soon!”
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