batboystilesstilinski: x
Stiles and Lydia were laying on his bed, watching a movie on his laptop. They were spooning and his hand was on her stomach, but he wanted to put his hand under her shirt. He just needed her permission. “He-Hey Lydia is it okay if I can put my hand under your shirt? Just to feel your stomach.” He asked as he buried his face into her shoulder to hide his blush.
She actually found their position comforting, the warmth of his body keeping her temperature high enough to not feel cold at all. Her eyes are focused on the screen, when he releases a question that makes her breath hitch. It doesn't help at all that he buried his face on her shoulder, and suddenly the room feels a tad bit hot. "--- y-yeah, I guess."
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bansheewiththebat · 11 years
Stiles had gently knocked on his daughter's door. "Claudia, sweetie? It's daddy. Can I come in?" He asked as he rested his arm against the door and doorframe.
Claudia heard her dad call out to her as she opened it as she held onto her home IV pole as she smiled weakly, moving back to her bed she held onto the pole to help her move back to her bed. “Hey dad.” She sat down on her bed, getting back into her bed. “What’s up?” 
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therightfulalpha · 11 years
Not Alone || Derek & Stiles
[text: Wolf] Nothing is wrong in particular. [text: Wolf] I just don’t want to be home alone.
Stiles sent the text and he pocketed his phone and wallet while grabbing his keys. He left a note for his dad and headed out to the loft. He still couldn’t get over the fact that Allison had died. He still blamed himself. He pulled up to park and then headed up to the loft. Stiles still had trouble sleeping so he had bags under his eyes. He opened the metal door and saw Derek there. “Hey.”
Derek knew better than to bother replying to the texts once he saw that Stiles admitted to not wanting to be alone. He knew better than most that the teen would already be headed out of the house and on his way over here by the time he got a message out, and he wasn't about to text him when he knew he was driving, not trusting Stiles not to try and see what was said even if it was illegal and could end up horrible for him and others. 
Instead, he cast a quick glance around the loft, seeing if there was anything he needed to take care of before he'd have to deal with having someone over. It wasn't that he was nervous or that he had anything to hide. It was more so something for him to do while he waited. Patience, after all, wasn't his strong suit. But there wasn't anything for him to do, and so he huffed and waited, listening as the jeep pulled up to the building.
Once Stiles entered his loft, he cocked a brow, picking up on the various scents but not mentioning it. "What's up?" he finally asked, being his usual self---straightforward and to the point.
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thatfirehairedshifter · 11 years
Waking up Married||batboystilesstilinski
'Ugh. I am SICK of all the supernatural crap going on in town!" Kassandra cried as she went into her apartment. She quickly grabbed the antiseptic, some tissues, and band-aids. Wincing, she cleaned up her various cuts and scrapes. Pulling out her phone, she texted her childhood friend.
TEXT: Oi, Stilinski. We should go on a road trip.
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therightfulalpha · 11 years
[text] Hey Derek if your not busy can I come over?
Derek wasn't surprised at all when he heard Stiles' text tone alert go off. It seemed like that kid was always texting him, usually with random information that didn't seem useful in any way except for in his own world. He frowned the moment he saw the text, though, and shot a reply off.
[Text: Stiles] What's wrong?
[Text: Stiles] Sure
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Your character has passed away, and my character is having trouble coping, so they keep calling your muse’s old cellphone. Send me ◘ for the last voicemail my character left.
    “Stiles— look, I know they keep saying you’re gone and I should get over it but I- I can’t. I can hear them louder now, clearer. The other Banshees, I mean. Listen, they keep talking about you and I know— I just know you’re not—” There was a pause and a muffled croak that sounded almost as if she were choking back tears. “You’re just not, okay? You can’t be. We have to bring you back there’s gotta be a way there’s—” Another pause, the muffled choking turning into gentle sobs and heavy breaths. “I love you, Stiles. I didn’t get the chance to tell you, but I do. And I’m going to do whatever I have to and you’re gonna be okay…you’re gonna come back I promise.” 
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beta-isaac-lahey-blog · 11 years
A little side note about the Stisaac Bodyguard AU
I had Isaac be adopted because honestly, guys, could Isaac's father really be the president?
Because he's a son of a bitch.
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bansheewiththebat · 11 years
Dear dad,
Dear dad,
The world is full of wonder, and intrigue, but it is also full of disease and death. Now, I know how you think about me with frontotemperal dementia, that it is your fault, it’s just a gene dad, I love you all the same and you should never blame yourself for a disease within my mind. It could have happened anyway. Daddy, you are my light, my knight in shining armor and I love you to heavens above. I’m not going to live through this. We both know that. So I want you to look after mom, I don’t want you to blame yourself, and I don’t want mom to blame herself either. Just, be my parents, love me, mourn me, grieve me, and move on. Remember me daddy, I will be looking down on you once I pass, the bite wouldn’t work, so there is no bother trying, I love you dad.
             Forever yours,
                                 Claudia xx
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rorysmuses-blog · 11 years
batboystilesstilinski replied to your post “batboystilesstilinski replied to your post “*kisses* You’ve caught the...”
"Yep. And don't tell Scott about this either. Or Lydia. Or Allison."
"Dude, relax. I'm not gonna broadcast it on CBS." 
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pxtersparkers · 11 years
" I understand Mr. Harris had his own way of doing things. and while I respect his teaching methods, I don't approve of harassing students openly. That aside, you are failing this class. If you need help, I'm here everyday after school for assistance and you can also do an extra credit assignment to boost up your mark before the midterm "
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Send me ☎ and Allison will leave you a drunk voice mail. 
 ”Stiles Stiles bo Biles banana fana fo Files fe fi fo Filess STILES. Question. What do you think of Kira? I’m not a fan to be honest. i’m not a fan of her pretty hair, or her cute little face, or how she knows everything. Mostly not a fan that Scott obvs likes her. I want Scott to like me. DON’T TELL HIM I SAID THAT. Speaking of liking. I think Lydia might like you. DON’T TELL HER I SAID THAT.”
There’s a long pause. Allison is contemplating how to play match maker for all of them.
"Anyways, i just wanted to say hi. It’s been fun, let’s do this again soon byeeeee."
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