tobiasdrake · 10 days
One of my favorite bits of Dragonball trivia is that Yajirobe canonically sounds exactly like Krillin (because Toriyama wanted to make sure Krillin's VA still had a steady job while he was dead). so in honor of that, what are your thoughts on Yajirobe?
I support the commander and general of Yajirobe's Special Forces.
...okay, that probably needs some explaining. A bit the anime liked to do for their filler was to have news cameras and reporters swarm the action to report on everything that's happening. This became very awkward later in the series when it was a plot point that nobody remembered Goku more than ten years after Piccolo's defeat.
One of these bits has reporters interviewing Yajirobe while the Saiyan battle was going on. Yajirobe claims that his elite team are out there engaging the Saiyans. So this became a running joke on another site I was on. Dragon Team? Z Warriors? Nah. Yajirobe's Special Forces.
But in seriousness, let's talk Yajirobe.
As noted, this is a character who only exists because, for a brief period, Krillin didn't. Toriyama killed off Krillin but didn't want his V.A. to go without work, so he purposely and explicitly notes in the manga that Yajirobe conveniently sounds just like Krillin.
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"Oh wow, you sound just like someone who would be played by Mayumi Tanaka in the anime adaptation of my adventures!" ~Goku
Yajirobe is pretty unique in Dragon Ball for being a weapon-based fighter. The only other character who relies on a sword is Trunks, and he loses his sword pretty early in the Android arc.
Due to his function as a surrogate character for Krillin, Yajirobe is pretty underdeveloped. He's a wandering ronin wildman Goku happens to run into who's tough enough to hang with 22nd Tenkaichi Budokai top contenders.
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Somewhere, Tenshinhan doesn't know why but he's incredibly offended right now.
Though when he does get a chance to attend the tournament, it doesn't go well. Then again, he's pit against God in the qualifiers so that's bad luck.
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Don't worry, Yajirobe. Yamcha feels your pain.
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God came to defeat Piccolo but he figures, as long as he's here, he might as well humiliate martial artists for lulz. This whole drunken boxing-esque "Whoopsy did I win?" shtick must be so demoralizing to lose to.
As a fighter, Yajirobe leans on his katana. This is what makes him so distinctive, compared to other martial artists. He does fight hand-to-hand when he isn't taking things seriously.
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But for Yajirobe, getting serious means going for his sword. He practices iaijutsu, a form of kenjutsu revolving around rapid drawing, striking, and sheathing of one's blade. 90's anime fans may recognize iaijutsu or its older name battojutsu as the basis for Kenshin Himura's style in the samurai anime Rurouni Kenshin.
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This kill was brought to you by iaijutsu, a popular art for anime swordsmanship because it's fucking cool. Vegeta would later fall victim to Yajirobe's iaijutsu as well.
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Imagine being the second-most powerful being the universe literally on the cusp of annihilating the last line of defense that this pitiful world has to offer, with the only truly dangerous opponent broken in your hand....
And then suddenly you lose everything to Krillin's stunt double. This is worse. This is definitely worse than having God Whoopsy Doodle Headbutt you in the balls. 100%, this is worse.
This was both the first and last time Yajirobe had any meaningful impact on a fight. I don't count killing Cymbal up there because Goku would have done it if he hadn't. That was an establishing moment to show off Yajirobe's abilities.
Rather, despite his abilities and standoffish demeanor, Yajirobe is primarily the party healer. It's super weird. Right from the start, his first contribution is a fish Goku swipes from him to get his strength back.
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Goku had no idea that this was stealing. He thought fish just... happen like that sometimes.
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Goku's bad at life.
But then everything changes for him, after. Uh. Piccolo kills Goku and then Goku... inexplicably springs back to life for no clear reason at all.
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Yeah, this beat-for-beat copy/paste of the Taopaipai fight has some jank to it. But that means Yajirobe's next order of business is to serve as a mode of transportation to bring Goku to healz.
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And then he moved in. Now he just. Lives there. Obnoxious college roommate to the God of Martial Arts, running errands in the world below. Karin's personal gofer.
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Hey, God wants to see us all for fight practice and also your weird island house is dumb and obnoxious.
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Here are your Senzu; Bean Daddy out.
The best thing about Yajirobe is the total lack of fucks he gives about whatever this is. Any time he's onscreen, you can feel his resentment over having to earn his rent by continuing to be a character in this manga.
(And the second best thing is that somehow, Wildman With Sword is the party healer.)
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itsmarjudgelove · 4 months
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Shojitsuken Rikataichi-ryu Katchu Battojutsu
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mcl-mia · 10 months
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//anyways. here's my designs for zeus and hiro's dads from a retainer's duty. have some dilfs. and some head canons because why the fuck not.
if i had to give them first names i think it would be like. thor brundle and seiji tachibana. idk. i'm open to suggestions. but for now that's what i'm going to call them
thor lost his leg in an assassination attempt a few years before zeus was born. seiji was in hinomoto, taking care of his parents' estate (they recently passed away), so he was completely absent. it would have been perfectly planned if not for the fact that thor is a fearsome wizard in his own right. seiji has never forgiven himself for not being there to protect his liege. thor insists it wasn't his fault.
thor has several prosthetics because he's obnoxiously rich, but the lily one is his favorite. he likes matching his leg to the rest of his outfit. many of his pants also have been tailored to accommodate his amputation.
seiji is very straight laced, thor is not. seiji is also very gullible when it comes to thor, and thor is great at distracting him. thor has been like this since they were kids.
seiji is still way more connected to hinomoto than his children are, as he was born there. he's still learning about queensblade's culture, but still keeps many hinomotan traditions alive in his family. thor and seiji both are fluent in hinomotan.
have the energy of a married couple and should absolutely be fucking on the dl but seiji is too much of an oblivious tight ass so it would never happen. thor loves his wife, but he loved seiji first so any time thor makes a joke about them being together he always has to no homo it out of respect for his wife. his wife is totally cool with it though, she knows. seiji does love thor in the same way, but represses it. he's a little bit too, uh, traditional. and also loves his wife. it's very tragic. :( but the sexual tension is THROUGH THE ROOF!!!
seiji is also skilled in battojutsu and was hiro's primary teacher.
thor's specialty is light magic, in contrast to his son.
zeus gets a lot of his fashion taste from his father. THOR OWNED THE LOOK FIRST.
thor and his wife are like, the most supportive parents in the world. genuinely great and very charismatic. seiji is a lot more strict than his wife, so hiro has always been a little bit of a momma's boy. kureha is a daddy's girl ofc. zeus, lulu, and belle are all very close to their mom and dad.
seiji rarely swears in english, but will cuss up a storm in hinomotan. thor almost never swears, especially in public.
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shummashum · 2 months
Hiro Tachibana Ch2 [6~9]
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Well they hurried to the city, and…
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eh wyvern well Zeus must have done something again it's way too obvious
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and a sudden battle without any explanation
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well I found out that Cae is in the tank role so that's it
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the cause is predictable though . . .
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I knew it this guy got fucked in vulcanux incident and yet
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[You~point] uh… okay I'm not intersted, I'm not a dragon freak,,, now that I think about it, I think this is Al's fault how can he keep arguing like that, knowing that this nocturnal idiot is just a hopeless dragon freak when an adult and a child fight, the adult is said to be at fault, right? this is Al's fault
aah the conversation is so dizzy it gives me headache
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oh my rip for Cae
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oh… parrying parrying show me how show me how let me watch the combat scene
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you shouldn't wonder why he repeatedly put the sword in the sheath and take it out -- that's the alpha and omega of battojutsu
by the way our Wyvern would've been taking a nap peacefully but some idiot summoned it and now its body has been cut in half can't this be covered by insurance sob sob
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heh it kinda feels like isekai fantasy dammit I should have expected that when he had a Japanese name and was wielding a katana yareyare ww this is called battojutsu ww eeh sugoi!! uaagh
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oh… feels like watching Earthlings throwing away space debris into space,,, illegal dumping of waste on a cosmic level… fascinating what do beings from other dimensions think when they see that
Anyway, the case was concluded and everyone left words of praise and admiration for Hiro.
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whoa I'm moved you actually liked this bunch of idiots deep down your heart it's touching,,,
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drawnaghht · 1 year
lord kogane doesn't know how to carry a blade
lol i never noticed it before but Lord Kogane apparently carries Usagi's sword the wrong way? like in ep 2 where the keisatsu are taking Usagi away to the station
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Like earlier in the "funny photoshoot" sequence, he is carrying it the right way ("hanging" pose for the sword and scabbard, the blade pointed up, so it's possible to turn it over, unsheathe it and slash it in the same movement) but then when they're taking Usagi away, its the wrong way again ("up" but blade edge pointed down)
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and again later when Usagi is arrested together with the others a second time.
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which just leads me to believe he does not actually know how to properly hold and carry a sword - which honestly just makes sense cuz well, corrupt politician + self-centered prick so why would this character bother to learn the art of the sword x3
The tech in Neo Edo allows for swords and other kinds of weapons to be carried differently with specialized magnets, which I suspect are some kind of super-industrial grade derived from the alien tech they adapted after Miyamoto Usagi's time when the fake shogun was defeated. You can also see character designer Irineo Maramba's note on the magnets here, showing the idea behind the magnet tech. So I wonder also if he just put it on the wrong side + wrong way bc 1) he doesn't care 2) he doesn't know 3) for some reason, he just thinks this is whatever? like he feels comfortable enough with his keisatsu entourage, that he is not threatened by the existence of 1 criminal element. lol it's funny to think abt for how much of a bad ruler/politician he seems, he also does not really care about history unless it's about himself directly.
and here's how Usagi carries it, for comparison, at the end of the ep:
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Even if samurai didn't really last into the Neo Edo future (something Gen mentions in ep 1), I can only guess that the show creators wanted to make sure the sword is handled properly despite the fantastical setting. so it's interesting to see this kind of detail in the show. Although it's also a possibility that because Kogane wasn't using the sword, he simply attached it to the right side, to make it harder to draw. All samurai were trained to handle the sword with their right hand and the only time they would wear it on the right side was when talking to another samurai, to show non-hostility. So maybe that was the case intead? lol in any case, to my un-trained eyes (been to one kendo demo), it looked incorrect for a moment.
interesting sources to read on this!:
Samurai Fashion Guide: Blade-up or Blade-down?
Tenshinryu Hyouho Battojutsu - art of drawing the sword
Proper way to wear a samurai sword
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imagepiner · 2 years
Parts of a katana
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These patterns often resemble wood grain, known are masame and itame hada. With old Japanese Nihonto this is a good indicator of which school an authentic Japanese sword comes from. Often this is called damascus but this is actually not correct, this was a way of forging which comes from the middle east and is called Damascus in Syria.īy the way the folding pattern or hada comes to the surface you can see which forging method a blacksmith has applied. This is due to the folding of the steel, this often happens between 8 and 12 times. As soon as there is a chip or tear in the cut that passes the hamon, the sword is worthless.īecause some katanas are folded you get to see a clear pattern of layers. The sheath is also not damaged in the way. As soon as the samurai sword is on a stand, it is with the cut up so that it cannot be damaged in the sheath or saya. Other names for the Ha are also Hasaki or Yaiba. This is the name for the hard cutting edge of the sword. This part of the blade is the least sensitive of breaking or crumbling in contact, as opposed to the Ha or cut. In some Japanese swordmanship ryu the mune is used to block. This runs from the Mune-machi to the tip or kissaki of the blade. This is the back of the blade and you can see it as the back. That is also the reason why the iaitos used in iaido, Shindo Munen-ryu, Kenjutsu, Battojutsu and Muso Shinden-ryu, The main reason for a bo-hi is a lighter and faster sword which is easier to handle. A bo-hi does not cause the sword to lose much strength. The term blood groove is because there are theories that once you put it into someone, a sword can draw a vacuum, which means you can pull your sword just a little slower again. This ensures that the sword is lighter and therefore more agile. A medium-high shinogi is the most versatile and is suitable for light and heavy purposes.Ī groove that runs the length is called the Bo-Hi or blood groove. The higher the shinogi, the more suitable it is for hard targets and vice versa. The shinigo and shinog-ji are interdependent and influence the extent to which a sword is suitable for the hardness of the targets. This line has a strong influence on the appearance and character of the sword. The shinogi is the dividing line between the oblique portion that transforms the blade into the flat portion or shinogi-ji of the blade. This is the backline or ridge of the blade that runs from the yokote line to the nakago or tang. The curvature of the kissaki is called the fukura. You have the o-kissaki (large), chu-kissaki (medium) and ko-klssaki (small) lengths which therefore indicate whether the point is large or small. The size of the kissaki varies per period. This is a clear geometric line that separates the fan-shaped part of the tip from the blade. This can look different and is often separated from the rest of the blade with a yokote line. The point or point area on a Japanese sword is called the kissaki. On this picture you can clearly find all parts of the samurai sword. The blade itself is often complex and has various functions. Every detail has been clearly thought through and often lags behind what you would initially expect. The samurai sword is an efficient deadly weapon but also a work of art in itself. The katana has tsuba to protect the hands and with a long handle or handle that you could hold with two hands.ĭuring the kamakura period, the katana or samurai sword became well known, and this was closely related to the way the samurai warriors waged war. These blades had an elegant curve and had a sharp edge on one side. The blades of the samurai swords from feudal Japan are known all over the world.
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seventhdecrees · 2 years
How is Dango doing ? I heard his sword practice is going well!
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ “ Oh, Dango is doing extremely well! He even befriended Taroumaru and got the cutest outfit. So far he learned basic battojutsu and knows how to dodge my attacks. ”
“ Dango, come show off what Taroumaru got you. ”
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“ Woof! ”
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airsoftaction · 20 days
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marcedrickirby · 7 months
Battojutsu Gyakuto | 逆刀
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karikarichann · 9 months
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Este episódio foi o MELHOR. Começou com a pérola do Jin-e dizendo para a Kaoru: "Porque você está me olhando desse jeito? Não te sequestrado para te comer" Kaoru diz sem graça: "eu sei, você quer lutar com o Kenshin" e Jin-e responde que quer despertar a fúria do battousai. Que horror, Jin-e. Não me lembro dessa frase no anime original dos anos 90 🙄
Jin-e acordou o que estava dormindo no Kenshin, o olhar de raiva do Hitoriki Battousai. Kenshin fica tão bonito com o olhar de assassino... deus que me livre, mas quem me dera 😏 (foto 3)
Foi nos dado neste episódio o que faltava no anime, uma luta com técnicas reais de espada. O hiten mitsurugi não existe, contudo as técnicas usadas foram usadas reais tiradas do: battojutsu, iaido, e kendo. Além de terem sido muito bem aplicadas, parabéns.
O clímax do episódio foi quando Jin-e usou o Shin no ippō na Kaoru paralisando as funções pulmonares dela e Kenshin decidindo assim matar o Jin-e usando a técnica battou. Sim, a suprema e linda Técnica BATTOU. Até chorei de tão lindo a pose da técnica (foto 1)
Como o esperado Jin-e desviou e Kenshin quebrou o braço dele com a bainha da espada. Truque de mestre, meu bom 😌 Kaoru se libertou do Shin no ippō antes de Kenshin matar Jin-e com sua espada. (foto 5) Kenshin todo preocupado foi segurar Kaoru antes que ela caísse no chão, assim voltando ser o Kenshin de antes. Que romântico, ele 😻 (foto 10) Importante, frisar que o olhar de Kenshin voltou ao normal, sem a aparência de retalhador e até disse: "oro". Que fofo o Kenshin. Jin-e apulhalou a espada contra siesmo como no anime original.
Algo novo, foi os flashbacks do Bakumatsu, o que nos possibilitou ver o retalhador em ação quando ele conheceu o Jin-e (foto 2). Como sempre com seu lado cômico, no final com um clima mais descontraído Kenshin devolve o lenço de Kaoru, mas cheio de sangue e ela brava sai correndo atrás dele.
#rurounikenshin #samuraix #kurogasa #jine #kaoru #sanosuke #sanosukesagara #battousai #hitenmitsurugi #battojutsu #kendo #iaido #sword #swordfight #bakumatsu #anime #90sanime #animereview #animeaesthetic #animegirl #aesthetic #kawaii #cute #otaku #kenshin #kenshinhimura #shounen
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sokeanshu · 1 year
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iseilio-blog · 2 years
眠 狂 四 郎
眠 狂 四 郎 Nemuri Kyoshiro
新潮社 1991年 九月 二十五日
一瞬而逝的姿影,誓仇來到 枕橋。
金八 小跑的渡過了 言問橋。
投問的 戀之夜路
是緣吧 彈開了暖簾
暖簾:五木ひろし(歌詞中譯) - YouTube
金八 趁著擦身經過,快速的滑了一下臀部。
「是嗎、這裡嗎、二樓嗎。. . . . . 雪醬,妳、二樓被我們先生佔了,
「什麼男人 . . . . .」
「嘿嘿-,不要騙。這麼漂亮,什麼松吉、竹太的 情人啊。真可憐
「談到松和竹,和 雪醬 一起那一晚真辛苦。媽的,今年一直下雪。」
今天早上 江戶 成了銀色世界,金八 在來的路上滑倒兩次。
打開 障子門,眠狂四郎 腳放在 矮桌炕 裡 仰臥著。
こたつ天国の幕開けです Dog and Cat with Kotatsu - YouTube
狂四郎 閉著眼說道。
「三千石的 旗本大身(地方政治角頭)在澡堂哼著謠曲入浴時被
「. . . . . 」
「澡堂裡圍著浴巾的 女中 已經在裡面。因為是童女,不能讓她看到
「. . . . . 」
狂四郎 一直閉著眼睛,是不是有在聽並不清楚,一動也不動。
狂四郎 坐了起來,將矮桌炕上的酒倒進碗裡,一口喝了下去。
「就昨夜的事。下著雪,時刻剛好是丑時 -。大人與小妾合戰,
從去年就一直說要幹掉他。敵手有 天狗術,因此來拜託先生。」
不好消息外泄,所以不找 奉行所(警察局),用人去到 水野越前守
的 宅第,衛士頭目的 武部仙十郎 喚來 金八,下令去把 狂四郎 帶
大番頭、三千石的布衣 內藏助信親 是去年退番歸府,最近進入了
小普請 的人物。於大阪府的時候,大概犯了什麼錯被降級成 役寄台。
性格豪爽,不太向 閤老 低頭,濟助窮困,善飲,也好點女色。是
八萬旗 中的頭人。內藏助 府邸從去年底開始有了奇怪的事情。像是
下手的入依判斷當然是府邸裡面的人,而 內藏助 似乎無動於衷。
終於,如同預料,內藏助 被殺了。 怪的是 內藏助 雖然背部有刺傷,卻尋不著兇器。
的 眠狂四郎 出現,也不合掌致意。
狂四郎 在老女的案內之下出了佛堂,去到澡堂。
只要是 旗本 的府邸,都造了不少澡堂,白天也顯得昏暗。如果從明窗
狂四郎 回到書院與佣人對坐。
狂四郎 微微笑著問到,佣入顯得有點狼狽。
懷疑 . . . . .,」
冷冷的看著佣人避開的眼神 狂四郎 說道。
佣人似乎鬆了一口氣,回看著 狂四郎。
「. . . . . 」
「妳是成了雪人的 つや 的妹妹嗎?」
「是 -」
「我什麼都不知道 . . . . . 」
「是 -」
女孩看到的是 內藏助 在水槽中浮起來又沉下去。女孩去了之後,
事而感到狼狽吧。請帶我去夫人的寢室。」 一面看著白色美麗的庭院景色,一面拾步長廊,忽然停住了腳步,
- 原來如此!
坐在 內藏助夫人 的枕頭邊,狂四郎 忽然說了一句奇怪的話。
「算便宜些,二百兩 -」
「不用了。是要拿不正的銀子。. . . . . 放在那裡呢?」
「拜領了。. . . . . 私房錢可真不少。看起來這麼有錢,欲望又高了
狂四郎 看著那嫌惡又憎恨的眼眸,笑了一下,
狂四郎 笑了一下,
這一來下手人是誰就清楚了;能夠使 投劍術 的就只有 松田五平。
「無袖難揮灑;是這麼說的吧,松田五平! 」
間不容髮,從黑影拋出了一支 手裡劍。 狂四郎 拔出了 無想正宗 揮了下來,
的 貫心流劍法,你還粗疏得很。」
Kanshin-ryu Iai-jutsu - 43rd Japanese Kobudo Demonstration (2020) - YouTube
Tenshinryu Hyouho Battojutsu① - YouTube
眠狂四郎 貼著地,松田五平 在中段稍高
松田五平 踏雪,進兩步
這個同時,圓月殺法 的 無想正宗 開始慢慢移行
當刀尖劃出半圓時,松田五平 蹭雪,五體跳躍
如同流星劃過一道白光,掉落 狂四郎 顏面
松田五平 剛下了身的肢態,靜止閉目,望著 狂四郎,一動不動 無想正宗 從肩割到胸止住
眠狂四郎 一下子拔起,松田五平 失去性命的個體 緩緩傾斜
🔴遺作⚡️市川雷蔵版⚡眠狂四郎(カット編集)ご紹介🔴 - YouTube
眠 狂 四 郎 - YouTube
內藏助 的 頭七,高輪普提寺的方丈討論著應該如何處置 內藏助夫人。
眠狂四郎  倚柱,始終保持沉默。
終於 狂四郎 不造作的開了口,
「良人的最終,就是妻子的最終。這是夫妻之道。」狂四郎 說完,
背部與良人 內藏助 一樣被刺殺,水槽染滿了鮮紅的血。
隔日 金八 踩著融雪的街道來到 言問的茶屋。
Japan sumo wrestler hotpot, fried meat cake, dounts seafood rice, Tokyo walk tour - YouTube
「. . . . . 先生,請告訴我,沒有刀傷,卻在浴槽中被殺。這是什麼
膝蓋移行到 狂四郎 的旁邊。
狂四郎 閉著眼
「厲害!他用冰柱替代了 手裡劍。刺殺之後,冰柱在熱水裡就溶化
掉了。」 狂四郎 起了身,
( 決鬥之外 粗譯 )
Sugino Sensei 10th Dan Master of Katori Shinto Ryu - YouTube
Liszt in Love - YouTube
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itsmarjudgelove · 2 years
Battojutsu Takayuki Kanayama
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yolkydolky · 3 years
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Hitokiri Battousai! Thanks to Kenshin I love samurai ❤
Prints available here: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/779352629/red-hair-samurai?ref=shop_home_active_13
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gojikidd · 2 years
I realized I had not posted anything from my wedding, but, despite all the joy from that day, it’s with a heavy heart I share this moment. My Sensei for almost two decades greeting me on the side before the ceremony to give his congratulations and what would be his final lessons to me.
Elder Sensei, my dad put it best: no other man has had as much impact on or invested as much into molding and shaping me into the man I am today. I miss you. Rest In Peace.
Domo arigato gozaimashita
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httpsunflowersleep · 5 years
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I feel like crap every single day
Manga: Rurouni Kenshin
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