#baxter: it’s (not) aliiiiive!
Surely it comes as no surprise anymore, but without boots? Angel pads along silently near effortless. Perfect for balancing on the back of a sofa and reaching down to steal from Baxter’s snacks. What a horrible little brother this is!
@a-hazbin-spider >:3c
Seeing as it had been a few months since he had spent quality time with his little brother because of work (and definitely not also dating Arackniss privately), he had decided to call him and invite his honorary brother over for some fun. The fish had been gone not five minutes to use the bathroom, thinking everything would be normal and his little brother would check his phone or something!
Instead, he came out to this, deciding to film the entire debacle on his Hellphone and stopped it before cackling out, “Mio fratello, you know all you had to do was ask for snacks! You know I have way too many and you’re free to eat them! It’s not like this is Mission Impossible for the Pentagon!”
The doctor then sat beside him and kissed his little brother’s cheek, sighing, “Oh, I miss this! Just you being you, Toni! I’m sorry I’ve been so caught up in work lately, but at least it’s looking smooth and light from here! Should leave plenty of time for me and my favorite little bro!”
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a-hazbin-spider · 2 years
❝You just kinda seem extra quiet today. ❞
(Hey, sorry it’s been forever! It’s my bad but thought this would be a good starter!)
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Peeking over his shoulder, the face matched the voice. Ah. That was Baxter. And… it was Baxter? That thought he was quiet? Yeesh. “Think so..? Oh. Well. I didn’t notice nothin’.” Angel says like a dipshit, before falling quiet again, knees pulled up to his chest. Yeah. Baxter is no idiot. Angel waves a hand to allow him to take a seat next to him.
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[sleepy], [serenade] or [caught] ??
@a-hazbin-spider >:3c
(Sleepy to make things interesting! Sorry if it’s not the longest!)
Baxter was a quite rational thought based man. He was so rational, in fact, that he rarely ever tried to break from his sleep schedule. It was something he took pride in, a clear constant in shitty times!
However, for whatever number of reasons, his body decided to be an asshole to him on one of the nights his brother was staying over, leading to a very grumpy groggy fish at the wee hours of night. The Sinner had thrown some food in the microwave to warm up before hearing some familiar footsteps join him!
“Hey Toni! I didn’t wake you, did I? I’m sorry!” He yawned, a bit out of it for now. “I accidentally woke up and decided to get some food in me! Hope I didn’t bother you too much! I hate it when I bother my favorite little brother, or disappoint him…. I just want ya to know I loooove you.”
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a-hazbin-spider · 2 years
Baxter doesn’t care about you. You’re just a pet to entertain him, not your brother.
Try and Break my muse, 15 words or less!
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“So what? I’m top notch entertainment, period. Plus, I make a great pet, and like- a brother’s disowned me b’fore. Nothin new, babe. But uh, I also dunno if he’s entertained by me snatchin him up by the legs if he ain’t takin’ a break, so. Yeh, that’s m’bit. Go fuck a rusty anchor.”
[ @madscientistdonotdisturb ment!]
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a-hazbin-spider · 1 year
Send ‘Regress’ for a child muse! || @madscientistdonotdisturb
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Everything was so strange around him, he can’t even remember what he was doing or where he’d been, but next he knew he was… far out of his usual stomping grounds. And in a lab. Er… that’s a bit out of his comfort zone. Was this field work? Ah! Shit! He hears footsteps! Using the panicking thoughts that allowed he chose to hide underneath a sink. Pipes were a tad uncomfortable but he was able to squeeze. Ah, man, what was he supposed to do? Think, Tony think!
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a-hazbin-spider · 3 years
“You know for someone, in your words, ‘so stupid I look for clothes in a soup shop’, you’re actually a natural at experimental science,” Baxter teased as he lightly punched Angel on the shoulder, continuing to keep an eye on the variety of pots.
“Although I’m glad you decided for us to work on some pranking shit while you recover for some light hearted fun, fratello! It was a pretty great idea since I’ve got no commissions or new theories or ideas to try out.”
As much as calling Angel his brother had started as a joke, they had really grown close to each other the past few months. The fact that Angel actually meant it when he called the angler brother (slightly) warmed his heart. Didn’t mean that the porn star wasn’t a little shit on the job when helping him out but Baxter always had a great time nowadays with his brother in arms.
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“Look, wise-guy, I ain’t exactly called ‘smart’ by no one. They’s say I’m about as stupid as I am pretty. An’ I am very pretty!” He fluttered his lashes with a light bubbly laughter. Angel then took another glance at their subject at hand, grinning and wincing at the little punch.
“Well, experimental science- it’s jus’ logic anyway. Er. Kinda. You just do shit and write it down. If it’s good, you write: hey this happened hell yeah. If it’s bad you write: what the fuck, don’t do that again, it melted through two beakers b’fore that neutralized.” He looked over at some notes and a few ideas for plotting with a shrug of arms that he wasn’t currently using.
“Place sure is fancy, fratello. Lookit the shit you c’n do here. You can smoke screen like two fuckin’ square meters in seconds makin’ those beads.” Angel- Angel please don’t juggle a vial around like that-
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a-hazbin-spider · 3 years
Hey Angel, you doing okay today? Seems kinda like you’re not feeling the greatest from everything….
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“Aw, Bax… hey, ‘m sorry ain’t tryina worry ya. Snf, uh. Here, c’m in. Careful, spilled a few beads aroun’ the vanity.”
He steps back from where he’d opened his door ajar to allow a space to enter from. At least the room wasn’t a total mess.
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a-hazbin-spider · 3 years
Shitfaced Spider Answers
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“Fratelloooo~ hey! Hey, wait, I y’know I love you right? I- you’re so sweet, an’ you’s- I think ya deserve th’world y’know? Here! Lemme- hic! Lemme make you a drink! You deserve a special somethin! I c’n even do s’m tricks! Sit, sit!”
Angek spills a little of a drink on hand, all but falling onto the anglerfish in a clumsy hug in his buzzed state.
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a-hazbin-spider · 3 years
Why do you hang out with that child of a fish doctor, much less call him your big brother? Isn’t he physically younger than you?
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“Yer askin’ me? He started callin me his lil brother first. And uh… I’m not sure? I know I kicked it pretty young… you’ll have to ask him!
What? Are you jea~lous~? Usually people ask why someone hangs out with the whore. But I get it! I’m pretty great, used to bein’ fought for a spot. What? Do I need ya permission to hang out with him?”
( @madscientistdonotdisturb mentioned!)
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a-hazbin-spider · 2 years
@madscientistdonotdisturb liked for a starter!
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Not that Angel expects visits really- but Baxter couldn’t have picked a more coincidental time. Angel is all but holding clothes to his body looking for- well, anything that can help him. And- the fish! He’s almost convinced Jeezy boy or Buddha- some saint or another did him a solid.
“Bax- Baxter!” He cringes at that voice, it- it barely sounds like him. Never the less he tries beckoning him over. “I don’t care if ya did it or what, but, please! I need help!”
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a-hazbin-spider · 3 years
Continuing from here! @madscientistdonotdisturb
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“If you’s bored enough, I got some real stupid ass ways to fire that sonofabitch! Heh! But Fat Nuggets is really grateful to have such a sweet uncle to be considering them in all them plans!” Angel’s grin is rather excitable and he certainly doesn’t have any qualms with settling inside the car. He sort of wondered where they’d all go. So many rings, so many districts, he was more than ready to see this stuff.
“Y’know? I’m kinda excited t’go to a restaurant and like actually be able to order somethin! Nuggs is totally gonna be spoiled with me on this! I’ve been down here fa so long and ain’t seen most a this shit? I can’t wait!”
Speaking of said pig, that mention of spoiling and splendor received some very happy wiggles and snorts! Of course the little dear was more than excited, in this neat car, the friendly faces, being out and about, and spending more time with dad!
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a-hazbin-spider · 3 years
💋 if you don’t mind? On the cheek of course!
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“Alright then! C’mere, you deserve a lil bit a’ the sappy shit every now n’ then.”
Angel didn’t mind at all. And he had asked pretty nicely at that, no reason to deny a request like that! It might leave a little pink smudge though. Oops!
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a-hazbin-spider · 3 years
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“Looks like science! That side table lamp sure is good at putting stuff into beakers!”
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a-hazbin-spider · 3 years
Relationship Chemistry!
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“Our lil Calculator result says 37%! But heh- ain’t you tha real chemistry guy?
Not bad! Though, I could do a lil t’know ya better, if ya feel me?”
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a-hazbin-spider · 2 years
“Happy late birthday Toni!” Baxter smiles as he handles his brother a small cake and a present. “I would’ve given it yesterday but something came up. But just wanted you to know I love you bro!”
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“Ain’t you a sweetheart? You didn’t gotta get me shit, honest! C’mere!”
Angel leans in to give the fish a light hug, squishing his cheek against his. Yeah, it was to be a little bit silly, but he gathered enough clues to see how much Baxter responded to it.
“Hey, love ya too, y’know.”
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a-hazbin-spider · 2 years
👁️  for Vulnerable Meme! (Sorry my replies have been taking forever, I’m working on it!)
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Angel looked like a fucking mess, and he knew it. So logically it’d be fine- expected even that he could fix up his appearance in the bathroom.
He takes his compact and starts fixing himself up, a bored sigh exiting as he pats his face with the included increments. But, it turned to a silenced gasp as he’d thought he’d sensed a familiar waft of smoke. He stared up and could swear in was like… almost like he could feel a hand over one of his arms. He swiveled around to push it away.
“No! I don’t want to- don’t fUCKING TOUCH ME!”
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