#bc 1 i already got this far 2 i don't know what else i would wanna do and 3 i couldn't live with the feeling of failure
you know it's exam season because i'm questioning all my life choices
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factcheckingmclennon · 2 months
cynthia's take on john & paul: fact or fiction?
"John never looked at anyone the way he looked at Paul."
-cynthia lennon
this quote gets passed around a lot. a Lot a lot. it's in compilations, it's on twitter, it's in youtube comments...
did cynthia really say john never looked at anyone like he looked at paul?
from everything i can find?
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this one comes in from an anon! and a few people talking about this quote when i brought up the idea of making this blog/brought up the amount of unsourced things in this fandom
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well, anon, i found the origin of the quote- at least this iteration of it. i came to a bit of a dead end that i'm not sure is a dead end, but i'll share what i found!
disclaimer: these all come from tumblr posts around 2014. this is old enough that i'm willing to link & name the users involved but if you know them or are them & would like any urls/names taken down, let me know! for now, it's staying up for the sake of answering the question "where it originated from"
so the original post that this all seems to circulate from comes from a tumblr post on january of 2014 (source)
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the rest of the post is mostly speculation from the op about john being bisexual with some other quotes in there (some real, some i'm unsure on as i've never deep dived on them)
a few months later, they were asked about the source of the quote bc people were evidently already coming up blank
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buffysommers-blog: That quote you site from Cynthia Lennon, "John never looked at anyone the way he looked at Paul." Where is that quote from? I've seen that quote repeated often but I've never once seen a source for the quote (was it from one of Cyn's books? an interview? with which publication) so I'm not yet convinced she actually said that. theforgottenmadcap: Hi, if I remember rightly I read it on here, I think it may be from an interview with her, as I've got both John and A Twist of Lennon and don't remember it from either of those.
however, this is where i ran into a road block. given that the op thinks it might be from an interview, i spent a good few hours listening to rare cynthia lennon interviews that haven't been transcribed on double speed. nothing there (although there were some pretty interesting quotes in them- including her calling them twins lol). and this exact wording isn't found in any of her interviews that Have been transcribed, as far as i can tell.
so there's a few options here. 1) this is completely made up & this answer was just a handwavey copout (not the answer i'd like to believe & not one i think is most likely honestly bc generally i don't think people have bad intentions) 2) they did indeed see it somewhere else on tumblr & that blog is the true origin of this quote for whatever reasons. i just can't find anything older or 3) it is in fact from a cynthia interview, just not worded exactly like this since it seems theforgottenmadcap wasn't directly copy-pasting and was just quoting a quote they saw around from memory.
if anyone winds up finding anything older or a cynthia interview with some similar statement, do let me know! or something older with similar wording.
but for now, putting this on the "fake" shelf
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royal-they · 8 months
okay so personal headcanon on why mike cut his hair, i personally think it's his way of handling - or not handling - his grief over eddie munson.
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we know already that eddie inspired mike and dustin a lot to embrace their nerdier side. it also is clear that he got mike interested in alt culture quite a bit. which i think is really sweet honestly.
i also personally like the headcanon that many people had when volume one first came out that mike had a bit of a crush on eddie. bc it's honestly not that out there lmao.
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hes completely infatuated. like everyone else in hellfire was laughing and agreeing with eddie and mikes just like smiling like an idiot the whole time. not a word is getting into his head. (similarly to the van scene)
basically, my headcanon is this. okay so mikes look in season four is him being inspired by eddie. okay, but what if mike had a tiny crush on eddie? what if this is not a, youre cool i want to look like you but a hey youre cool and i want you. which i feel like as a queer person - whos also trans - doesn't feel that out there at all.
mikes also VERY repressed, even taking his possible queerness out of the picture. never once is his trauma really brought up outside of maybe like season two? maybe? kind of?? like this kids seen supernatural monsters, tons of people dying, and being possessed and yeah he isn't able to talk about it bc of the government but like he also never talks about it with the other characters who already know about everything? lots of characters don't but i feel like mike especially doesn't talk about it. he just immediately starts trying to be el's boyfriend. or what he thinks el's boyfriend would be i guess is a better way to put it. bc as far as el's concerned i think he's doing a shit job.
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so seeing dustin and mike react so differently is kinda not surprising at all. dustin really holds on to the memory of eddie, almost obsessively. like he's still walking around in his hellfire shirt that is literally ripped. dustin also literally saw eddie die so there's also that. (i kind of want to see lucas dustin and mike fight about this in season five ngl)
it's been said that there's going to be some sort of large time jump and it's not really clear yet how far that time jump is? so maybe mike just moved on faster, but honestly i find that really fucking hard to believe seeing how he handled el and wills "deaths."
so anyway, my point is. mike with short hair back to a style similar to his season 1/2 style? not very surprising. when you have trauma you tend to stay very fixated on the event. dustin saw eddie die, so he's stuck on that, even in how he dresses.
mike is worried about everyone leaving him constantly so someone that he looked up to dying who seemed invincible is going to fuck him up. he really hates growing up which is brought up a lot. so him kind of going back to a time before everything went to shit, when he was a lot younger isn't to crazy. they're both coping differently.
edit: mike also maybe realized, hmm this isn't making me feel more confident but i still like the way eddie looked like a lot- wait nope time to repress this. hahaha so straight i have a girlfriend yes very straight of me did you know i am straight
anyway. this isn't the most coherent theory/head canon but it's what i've been thinking about for the past week.
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indigochromatic · 5 months
Another One Of Those Advice-for-New-Systems Posts
Saw one of these going around recently and got inspired. I wouldn't call this advice list the "evil edition", more like the... "do no harm but take no shit" edition X'D
Be on each other's team first, before anything else. Everything gets easier when you're facing it together.
Trying to avoid being (or looking) cringe is a fool's errand. If you would have to bend yourselves into a conciliatory pretzel in order to make a person like you or a social circle accept you, those people are not worth your time.
When you inevitably get hit with episodes of anxious system-doubt, (it's a pretty universal experience, I promise), take a second to pause. What's the longest span of time you've had so far without any "system stuff" (comments in co-con, switches, notes left for you, etc) happening? Say it's a week. Take that time span, double it, and then tell yourself that you are not allowed to seriously, actually start doubting until that long from now (e.g. 2 weeks). "But I'm so sure I'm definitely just faking it!" okay, hey, alright--if that's true, it'll still be true in 2 weeks. You can wait to find out, it's okay.
Be kind to everything in your head anyways, even in the middle of a doubt episode, because that's equally important for singlets to do and not just limited to systems. "Just part of me talking to myself" is as worthy of respect and kindness as an autonomous system member.
Also, keep notes somewhere of Hilariously Plural stuff that happens to you. It'll be good reassurance, but even more importantly, it'll be really funny to look back on later.
Labels are tools to help you communicate your experiences, not boxes you have to sort yourselves into.
The magic question isn't about labels or validity or trauma. It's "What do we need? What do each of us need, individually? What support would help us?"
Don't get too caught up in online system communities. Especially 1) endless tilting-at-windmills debates, and 2) advice channels and feeling obligated to give advice and emotional support to everyone who looks like they might want it. (Note: it's not bad to give advice, but it can be very easy to make a habit of overextending yourselves to care for others instead of yourselves--quite often because your own problems are hard and scary, bc otherwise you would have solved them already, and other peoples' issues can feel a lot more tractable and easier to address.)
Do find people and communities where you feel safe to be yourselves, and where people get to know you for your interests and perspectives and senses of humor, not only for your demographic labels.
It's okay to not know everything or figure everything out right away. There will be changes, there will be surprises, and that's good and normal and part of being alive.
Have fun on purpose. Lean into having fun with being a system, even if fun moments are rare and fleeting at first. Make in-jokes, encourage each other's angsty poetry habits, leave each other notes (even if you share memories), end up with massive crushes on each other, daydream together, hold each other when one (or more) of you is sad. Find things about each other you're grateful for, that you admire and want to learn from, that you enjoy.
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markantonys · 2 months
Oh well now that you’ve told me we get more Elayne content as the series goes on I’m definitely still excited to read the later books!
Gawyn! I’ve seen so very little of him so far but from what I have he seems like a sweetheart. I love a good sibling relationship and how he and Elayne team up against Galad is great to see, keeping an eye on that one… Very frustrating for Egwene to be fawning over the wrong brother though smh
Haha poor Mat! I’m definitely warming to him more, I’m nearly finished TDR and he’s just put a flower in his hair while sneaking into the palace 😭 Which speaking of new locations and characters, that will be SO exciting to see. I know book fans have been complaining about the changes to the show but it makes sense for them to have saved Caemlyn for s3, there’s just so much going on!
Yeah, I’m looking forward to being on the other side! I think this is preferable bc honestly, based on my taste, I think the show is on the whole making changes for the better (the women getting more spotlight from the off, actually making queer coded relationships canon lol) so having the show to look forward to after reading the books is so much fun.
*the books are obviously the source material and fantastic please don’t shoot me book fans
first of all, congratulations on having the most correct and relatable takes on everything in the series so far djdkjf right down to anxiously adding "please don't shoot me book fans" after daring to express that you think the show is good and perhaps even better. keep us updated as you go along, i love hearing your thoughts! as always, to my reader followers, please do not mention any book spoilers past TDR in replies/reblogs on this post. we must keep this anon pure! anon, i will be tagging this post as book spoilers for the sake of show-onlys since we're discussing some s3 stuff, but rest assured i haven't included any spoilers past where you are (bar vague stuff like "X character has a big storyline in Y portion of the series").
gawyn is MY BOY. he's like a son to me, and you can't imagine the sheer serotonin boost i got when he was unexpectedly namedropped in s2 just when i was starting to worry he might be cut or merged with galad (neither of which would make sense to do, but other readers kept predicting that baselessly and i couldn't help worrying). he's definitely a slow-burner character with his biggest storylines occurring late in the series (another thing to look forward to in the later books!), but both brothers become more prominent in the book 4-6 era, so i will be interested to see what you think of that since they're definitely Just Kinda There giving us nothing in the first 3 books haha
and this is exactly why the show was wise to hold off on caemlyn, gawyn, galad, morgase, and elaida until s3! while i would've loved to see them earlier and while the EOTW caemlyn sequence is dear to my heart, in the medium of TV where the need to build sets and hire actors constrains what you can include when, it makes way more sense to hold off on introducing major locations & characters until such time as they are truly needed in the story, which for the Caemlyn Crew is season 3 since they don't get up to very much in the first few books. going to all that casting & set-building trouble for a single scene in season 1 or casting gawyn & galad just to bop around not doing much at the white tower in season 2 wouldn't have been practical. not to mention that there's been so much else going on, like you say! better to save this crew until we have enough space in a season to spend proper time with them.
and i love the show's approach of introducing elayne first and getting her into our hearts, then introducing the rest of her family in the next season when we're primed to be interested in meeting them, having already spent a whole season with her and having come to love her, and having heard intriguing little tidbits about her family and upbringing. caemlyn is my favorite location in the books and the trakands are my favorite family, so i can't wait to see them next season!!!! i'm so curious to see what kind of aesthetic they'll go for with caemlyn, and noble andoran fashion too. and given what a great damodred family backstory they crafted out of almost nothing in the books, i suspect we'll be in for a treat with some meatier family dynamics among the trakands (who do already have great dynamics in the books, but i bet there's more that can be done!)
mat putting a flower in his hair!! 😭😭 he's a baby! man that reminds me of the green man in EOTW and when he only gave flower crowns to the girls and not the boys, that made me so mad djkjfjg whenever i see anyone be sad that the green man didn't make the show, i'm like "nah FUCK that guy, he didn't give the boys flower crowns!"
and i am COMPLETELY on the same page as you with still preferring the show even after having read the books because the changes it makes are in line with my personal taste and improve aspects of the books i didn't like. the aes sedai are one of the most unique elements of the series, and i love how much focus the show has given to them early on! i love that egwene and nynaeve get to be ta'veren too! i love that moiraine and siuan are in a canonical present-day relationship instead of relegated to "being gay is just a phase in college"! i love alanna's polycule! i love that the male characters are allowed to be sensitive and vulnerable and to openly express emotions and affection! i love that the friendships and romances and enmities are all deeper and more emotional across the board! i love that the show focuses on the emotional impacts of the plot on the characters! and the show also really excels at picking out a smaller number of supporting characters and beefing them up (like liandrin and alanna) instead of including a fuckton of supporting characters, none of whom are very distinct or well-developed. the show always chooses to whole-ass one thing rather than half-ass two things, and that's another thing i love! the ability to distill these very long-winded books down into a more streamlined version of the story while keeping its core intact was crucial for an adaptation to work well, and rafe & co are so good at that.
anyway, i know that some readers like to tout the narrative that reading the books will make you like the show less because you'll see how much better and more detailed the books are, but that could not have been less true for me. it just made me love and appreciate the show even more, and look forward to seeing how my least favorite book stuff might be improved and how my favorite book stuff might be changed or given a fresh spin or made even better! and i'm glad to hear i'm not the only show-to-book person who feels that way <3
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zahri-melitor · 1 month
November Solicits:
Justice League Unlimited: look. I am unlikely to read this. But I'm glad to see they've got the satellite back.
Batman: I'm here for this (please let Eddie be having a good turn for a while, we are due for one)
Action Comics: between Waid and Tamaki I'm probably dropping back in to read this (and given Tamaki is doing a full set of Kara backups...is this the launch pad for a new Supergirl?)
Already planned to drop in on the new Catwoman and Nightwing runs and what's here sounds fine.
Birds of Prey: Very interested to see how Thompson keeps balancing this because she clearly wants to play with ALL THE TOYS.
Batgirl: I am excited, the premise sounds good. "Clutch your pearls" though...are we seeing the return of the bracelet????
Green Arrow: I know nothing about Chris Condon. I just hope he can pace a story better than Williamson (and realistically releases several of the characters back into the wild to focus a bit more tightly). Looking at his previous works it looks like he does horror? Which, hmmm, that would certainly be a tone pivot for GA as a book.
Flash: Irey's back getting attention, after Jai just had the whole last storyline!
Batman & Robin: PKJ definitely also looks to be pivoting this title and I'm not upset.
Black Lightning: oh I am definitely interested in this one, especially as it looks like they're finally going to actually do some work with the Pierce family again rather than just sort of handwaving that they're kinda sorta back where they were as of preboot.
JSA: ...goddammit I may actually be picking this up given the cast. Will at least test it.
Black Canary: yes of course I am reading it. I am trotting my ass down to my LCS and buying it and making considered decisions about what covers I want. It's a Dinah book, if I want DC to put out material that's actually about Dinah as a character not about Dinah-Ollie's-Girlfriend I have to support that. And as I said, it's already looking like it'll shape up to be middle of the road as far as BC solos go, so I don't know why everyone wants to cry so much; I'm getting a Dinah book and the premise doesn't include, so far as I can tell, "Musician" or "Let's Send Sin To A Monastery" (as she's actively being used in BOP) or "White Slavery In The Middle East Is Bad, Folks". It's got Dinah and Shiva in it. I just want to see my girls fight.
The Question: All Along the Watchtower: like everyone else I am currently staring at the "ad hoc support team" line and dreaming of the possibilities, 99% of which are so shatteringly unlikely.
Shazam: this remains looking so fun, the most reliably entertaining book being published by DC right now.
My Adventures with Superman: now I have only watched Season 1 so far and haven't made it through Season 2...but hah! Team 7! I called it! It made sense given the line up of opponents appearing!
Silent Knight: who let Goliath into this.
Jenny Sparks: want to talk about the ACTUAL Tom King title where I have no optimism and even the premise is awful? This is it.
The Nice House by the Sea: omgwtfbbq omg omg omg Max's group is encountering Walter's group omg omg omg god I am so hyped for this title you do not understand
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bonetrousled · 1 year
please please please please gawd tell me more about ur pap being the knight theory OR if u would so pls direct me to where u talked abt it before. u have truly GRIPPED me w this
OH GOD I HAVE SO SO MUCH OK. so i DO have the papyrus powerpoint HERE which has a section on that a little more in-depth and i will say i am not the first to come up w this idea but personally it's the only option that makes Complete sense w no holes to me. this is all going off the concept that papyrus is likely younger here bc sans asks kris to hang out w him. my ramblings under a cut bc im about to go fucking CRAZY
the knight, by people that have seen him already, is always referred to w he/it pronouns. papyrus and sans are the only characters that fit the he/it bill (both of them are referred to with it/its in the lost soul fight, nobody else is referred to this way)
there is NO way that kris OR susie could have made the dark worlds in chapter 1 and chapter 2. the dark world had to have been opened AFTER noelle and berdly got to the library (since their books and stuff are open) but BEFORE kris and susie arrived, crossing all of them off potential dark world opener lists. also up until this point kris didn't even Know how to open a dark world
there's the closet in the library that states that "a very large person could easily fit inside". papyrus could have potentially been hiding in there and waiting for others to come to open the fountain. additionally in ut he says that there's no skeletons in his closet- except him sometimes
but then the question of motive comes up. Why would he do that?
so far from what we've seen in deltarune, papyrus is an asocial shut-in. given that the main core of other characters hasn't really been altered, we can also assume what he wants MOST is to feel important and be liked, like in undertale. combining these two aspects leads us to someone who can't bring himself to socialize with others in the real world, but DESPERATELY wants to feel necessary and admired.
the whole deal w the dark world is wish fulfillment, at least as i see it. susie gets a cool outfit with spikes and makes friends, she has her own room with her own style, etc. berdly gets a cool, nerdy sci-fi outfit and is put in charge, and even gets to have a heroic moment towards the end of chapter 2. noelle gets to tell her true feelings to a mother figure and gets to spend time with susie. so if you get what you want most in the dark world, it would make COMPLETE sense for papyrus to not only be spending time in them, but opening more fountains to spend as much time in them as possible.
plus, what have we seen the first two chapters thus far? EVERYONE important and in-charge LOVES the knight. all they do is talk abt him and how awesome he is. double tying in this aspect of wish fulfillment to the weird, perfect nature of hometown- people who didn't really get a chance at life are still alive, everyone is happy, that sort of thing. papyrus is the ONLY main character out of all of undertale that NEVER gets what he wants. every other character gets some sort of completion to their arc, some sort of resolution and closure, they meet their goals, they achieve something. by the end of true pacifist, papyrus doesn't get ANYTHING. his friend count is still stagnant, he never proves himself, or gets any sort of important role (he only becomes the ambassador if you DON'T want to). putting two and two together here, it would make perfect sense for papyrus to finally get his moment- by his own hands.
plus, and this is just a little obvious here, but if you become what you want the most in the dark world, and papyrus wanted to be in the guard- what would you call a member of a royal guard? a knight.
alongside the weird, vague hints that papyrus must have had SOMETHING happen to him in his past and that he wasn't always a great guy (very adamant about how people can change, the "I'M A PRETTY BRUTAL KIND OF GUY" line, the way he admits to you in aborted no mercy that he was going to blast you to smithereens) and we NEVER get resolution/explanation for that (or any of the other weird shit he says [see powerpoint]) i feel like there's just too much setup here for any other option to make sense to me. papyrus is also just very obviously toby's favorite character from ut, he's the only one he ever commissioned art for just to have and he clearly really enjoys writing him and doing stuff w him. anyway ummm im insane :) *grins*
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fantasticalleigh · 4 months
Hey, I love your work, esp your Dramione stuff! I noticed the tags on some of your posts and I was wondering: are you planning on turning Sweet Sacrifice into original fiction? I would be interested in seeing more genre romance in the mainstream
Aw, thank you! I've had the intent of adapting Sweet Sacrifice away from Harry Potter lore and into its own original work for a while now. (I talk about it some on my writing blog here and here.)
I sort of started on this already by working on an AU comic loosely based on Sweet Sacrifice since last year. It covers some of the same ground but the plot has been reduced down to mainly just being about Caius and Isolde (formerly Draco and Hermione) because if I cover anything else from the actual fic plot this comic would be like a hundred pages long. I'm working on chapter 2 of the comic right now and it's at 13 pages currently and about to get very NSFW, but I don't know if I plan to make a chapter 3 to the comic because it's really intensive work, but we'll see. This is mostly for fun but it's also helped me consider how the story might go now that I've stripped the HP elements from it and am trying my hand at world building and developing these characters further into something of my own and not relying on someone else's lore.
(I'll post more of chapter 1 of the comic but I don't think I'll post it here. So far what I've shared of it has been mainly on WordPress and DeviantArt but the full pdf is up on my Patreon.)
As for writing, I would really love to give Sweet Sacrifice a do over and make it a proper horror novel starting at a point before D + H/Caius and Isolde meet. I really want to flesh out the doomed village better and really delve into life before/during the werewolf's haunting before we get into the whole mated life thing.
I like the idea of doing it on my own and just compiling it into an ebook and "publishing" it on my own site. If I did it any other way I'd probably have to change specific/significant aspects of it to keep it from getting flagged or rejected or something, considering the themes running throughout the fic. I don't want to buckle on it remaining horror/dark romance (and the romance is questionable, at that). I don't see my type of work ever hitting mainstream (and I don't think I'd want it to either, to be honest). I don't like the idea of having to really water down the things I write to appeal to a larger audience when I already have you and many others as an audience (who already know what you're in for)!
I'm sort of taking a break from writing it right now because I've been feeling burnt out at how long the chapters have gotten and I still need to figure out the rest of the plot but the intent is absolutely there so I'll get to it soon, I hope.
TLDR: Yes, absolutely this is something I want/plan to do! I've got this story shredded between my teeth and I'll rearrange these letters to tell it in as many ways as I can, and make it my own.
(This was a really long answer to your question I'm sorry T-T ) but thanks for asking!
bonus: i don't think i've posted these here yet but bottom left is a WIP shot of the SS ch. 2 cover and image on the right is a pre-background/text flats layout of one of the final pages from chapter 1. Putting this bit under a read more bc of the sensitive material.
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ooh youd never watched mh before? like not the og series either? i also really like the new show!
Never! Think might have heard about the toys once, a few years back? A bit isolated out here heheh, and the internet speed is... well
okay so far i've only seen what's free on youtube and The Monstering and that's enough to tell me something Very Important about this show. Well. A few Very Important Things
when was a kid (one million years ago) i was Obsessed with the idea of Halloween Town and loved imagining all these stories about my version of it
(accessed via a well, for some reason)
imagined being a pumpkin headed scarecrow (legit my first self insert OC, before I know those terms) and hanging out with MY ghoul friends (werewolf, vampire, skeleton, ghost, the usual)
drew fanart for it and daydreamed about it all year long...
my neighbor, the kid i played most with bc neither of us had anyone else, liked playing animal uprising in barbie town and wasn't so keen on the spooks, so my desire for a funky creepy friend group VESTERED. like worms. or maybe maggots
There've been other shows or movies that TRY to do this, but they either go too dark for me, or the spook stuff is so surface level it's like halloween decorations
soft core body horror via Frankie! Oh hey Cleo has bugs crawling under her wrappings! The teens are eating EYES and BRAINS and sloppy joes made from TOES?
The students are ACTUAL spooks! Draculaura can turn into a bat! She's got NO reflection! Frankie keeps falling apart- Literally! Ghost students!
Creative use of the spook! Here's an eyeball to record your class project on!
it's VIBES
the vibes are EVERYWHERE
2.) This show feels safe. Comfortable. Cozy.
Meet Frankie. They use they/them pronouns
Clawdeeeeeen and the school...
the students go from AHH A HUMAN!! to sneaking around trying to eves drop on Clawdeen and the headmistress and now they don't look scared they look curious, they're interested in this human talking about her love of monster stories and how she doesn't fit in with humans and just wants to stay here with them- it's sweet. It's so sweet.
Even before she turn out to be part werewolf, the feeling is, the students like her. They'd be happy to have her stay. There's a connection here even WITHOUT being a monster
like Draculaura and Frankie and Duce want to help Clawdeen figure out what kind of monster she might be SO SHE CAN STAY. the framing is, turning out to be a monster would be the EXCUSE for her to be here, with friends. The ones she already has, now
my heart
dont touch me
3.) the... the expectations of what a body should look like.... break them and be joyful
Clawdeen the werewolf girl is worried for a sec that she doesn't have ENOUGH armpit hair
for fun we get to see it growing THROUGH her SHIRT!
also i dont know why but it feels like this is one of the first times i've seen weregirls with leg and arm hair that has actual, noticeable, fur tufts. not just smooth with a fur coloring. this has Texture. these girls are HAIRY
and again it's just another thing, it's normal at monster high
hey i love it
Iris is on the fear squad
the monster who is fat and has one giant eyeball is on monster high's version of the cheerleading squad!
metal leg? Clear and obvious scar stiches all over their body? yep! zero self image issues this monster is just out there grooving!
hey this merdude has a tail with no legs he uses a wheelchair no biggie
i have EXTREME dysphoria and no money to do anything about it
i want to go to monster high, too
it looks safe
last and most important of all....
character voices. CHARACTER VOICES.
a lowbar, you might think, and yet i've spent good money on media written for adults that DOES NOT HAVE THIS
i've watched maybe, four five eps? and already i can HEAAR the characters in my head! i can feel the TONE of the show! i can imagine my own little adventures for them bc it's easy to feel what they'd say or do!
you know what i hate? things that arn't set up! things that are forgotten!
eleven minutes and so far not ONCE has something happened that wasn't set up before hand
Oh everyone's out of the camera ghoul yay- wait. I don't see cleo in the pile. did they forget to animate her?
She's still in the camera monster's pocket dimension!
as set up by her having trouble even buying coffee bc her id doesn't look like her, as set up by her new photo also getting ruined accidentally by Frankie, as set up by her getting caught by the monster when she came back to demand another photo!
the way the three bell chime "ding, ding, DOOOM" are used when Clawdeen is exchanging thumbs up with the wolf pack only to cut on the DOOOM to her going into the woods for the pack meeting against her instincts
nervous ding nervous ding BIG DOOOOOM OF THIS IS A BAD IDEA
brain candy
that's brain candy for me
i feel like a zombie media student
"gOoOoOd eDiTtInG....!" i moan, shambling towards the next episode with arms out stretched
there's so much of this tbh its always there
ok i have to stop this rant this is getting ridiculous
---- VOice acting! I'm sensitive to stiff acting and these ppl are haivng FUN i can FEEEEEEL it. Cleo and Spectra stand out for me. And Lagoona especially. i love Lagoona
---- DESIGN AND COLORS aye it's pretty! my eyes are having fun!
---- MUSIC AND SOUND DESIGN they are on point and make everything ten times better
----- WORLD BUILDING i don't need to explore it but it feels like there's a world and a history of monsters out there and that sells the whole school
----- THE FEELS so far Draculaura in the Food Fight ep hits the hardest. Girl giving a presentation against witch craft, while secretly practicing witch craft, to convince herself it's bad... needing confidence to cast spells correctly, only she loses hers... all of the wanting to be a witch, it makes her feel like her, and then- the realization that that MAKES her a witch. She already IS one. She wants to tell her dad but, just, can't. And her friends support her.... oh, that hit good
And also, of course, Frankie the nonbinary monster!
who isn't a split of guy and girl, or a multiple personality deal. They're just. Nonbinary. They don't need a reason or an explanation.
sure you could say, it's cause they're made up of parts from other people, but the show doesn't say that. Frankie calls those parts their "past" selves/lives. this is their life though and they are their own self. silly, sweet, emotional, curious Frankie Stein. who goes by they/them
as someone with zero gender, who can't introduce my self as they/them, that feels so good
this SHOW feels so good
cleo/frankie is really cute, very adorable, but i think im just bitten for the whole show now. i don't care what happens in particular just let me frolic gleefully in the childhood i wish id had :)
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cetra · 1 year
Friend!!! I’d love to hear about your Tav and who your main companions are/who you romanced! 🩶🩶🩶
OUGHGH thank u very much for the ask...... I'm still kinda embarrassed to talk about him but here he is. His name is Malachy, Mal for short. he's a half-elf Rogue (Arcane Trickster). I went with Dark Urge as his origin, so his story is still shrouded in mystery at this point in the game but he's quite submissive to the Urge.
I would classify him as MAYBE Neutral Evil based on his non-Urge actions in the game so far but this is subject to change, and the needle has moved closer to Lawful at a few points in the game, depending on the person involved and the stakes at hand.
honestly.... he's a pretty terrible person with a disgusting attitude and I would probably hate him if he were real. He will kill without hesitation anyone who wrongs him and anyone he thinks as deserving. if he spares someone or rescues a soul, it's usually because he thinks it will benefit him later
I can't say much else on him bc i've just barely started Act 2, but he's been one of the most enjoyable characters i've played as in my time of RPGs. i really love roleplaying characters who are terrible people and Mal has been one of nastiest yet. he's so awful and he honestly scares me sometimes! I also kinda think he should die but at the same time i care about him..... DELICIOUS THANK YOU!!!! 🧡
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I'm gonna put everything else under a cut..... 😭😭 i'm so sorry......
The main companions atm are Gale, Lae'zel and Astarion. Lae'zel admires him and has almost max approval with him (I just finished Act 1). Gale likes him but they've argued a few times already in the game, yet he still maintains good approval with him somehow. better approval than Astarion actually, who approves of nearly all of Mal's heinous deeds in-game but gives a lot of disapproval when Mal is mean to him, which is almost always! So despite sharing a hankering for violence and a lust for blood i don't think Astarion likes him much, which makes him the smartest person in this party
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romance is kinda weird. He hooked up with Minthara after the raid, but Minthara's romance in this game is notoriously broken and i think it's going to stay broken on this save file since the "fixes" have been inconsistent for most players. So i sadly decided that would be a one-time thing for him 😭 but towards the end of Act 1 after some story developments featuring Lae'zel i realized that those two were unimaginably compatible together and so I think they're endgame. The gratitude she shows towards him, how much she respects him, how similar they are in a lot of capacities..... just really touches my soul and it feels like love to me, or at least the closest thing to love I can imagine these two characters feeling. So they slept together, at the VERY end of Act 1, and i'm waiting to see what direction that goes in. But i have a really good feeling about it honesty.....
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there's also the question of Gale. Gale clashes with Mal a LOT in the game and there was even a scene between them where he quite literally damned him? but then later on after that we got a scene where Gale was clearly interested in him so it turns out Gale also has a crush on him i guess?? Don't really know if it's a bug but i'm kinda happy it developed that way bc honestly it's such a juicy concept HJDFBHKJBGK 😭😭 Mal's a Heterosexual Man though so he doesnt return the feelings and now Gale is stuck with a big fat unrequited crush on Mal that i never anticipated or intended to happen. Gale is my absolute favorite character in the game though so I've never wanted an OC to kill themselves so bad until i had Mal cut off that insanely really romantic moment with Gale DFJHBDKHJG I HATE HIM SO MUCH MAN........ MOST EVIL THING HE'S DONE IN THE GAME SO FAR!! GALE SHOULD KILL HIM.
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Admittedly i do really like the idea of Mal, Lae'zel and Gale being in a really weird and twisted situationship where they often can't stand being around one another as a result of their strong personalities and insane moral compasses but are also kinda obsessed with each other and have a lot of unsaid feelings between the three of them. AND MAYBE THEY ALL KISS OR SOMETHING this is all totally in my head and relies exclusively on just. My imagination going wild as i perceive them in the game. they're the worsties ever and uhhh I hate them?/ I actually love them that just seemed like a funny thing to say.......
I uh didn't mean for this to go on so long especially since i mentioned being kinda embarrassed about it but I guess i didn't realize how much I had been keeping this in..... i hadn't really shared anything about him yet before on here, so THANK U FOR GIVING ME THE OPPORTUNITY!!!! now I'm gonna go hide in shame bc of how much i said okay BYEEEEE 🧡
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mrsbsmooth · 1 year
I need some piece of advice and I don’t know who to go to so here I am😭 I got a friend who has a crush on a guy for a long time and this guy started texting my best friend. I would feel too bad to not tell my friend anything bc she’s like head over heels so I told her and now I feel bad bc my best friend told me not to say anything to the friend and I feel like a bad friend to my best friend. What should I do I feel so terribly guilty
Okay wait, I'm getting confused with friend/best friend so I'm gonna make it LITG.
Your friend (Hope) likes the guy (Noah). Noah started texting your best friend (Priya). You told Hope that Noah was texting Priya, but Priya asked you not to say anything to Hope.
My questions:
1. Did you tell Hope before or after Priya had asked you not to say anything?
This matters. If you told her before Priya asked you not to say anything, I think that's a lot better than if it was after.
2. What was your motivation for telling Hope?
I'm not sure I understand your motivation for telling her. Was it to manage her expectations? To make it so she didn't make a fool of herself by flirting with Noah? I'm not sure what good comes of her knowing that the guy she likes is talking to someone else. Honestly, if I was Hope, it would just make me feel really weird around Priya, because she's talking to the guy I like.
3. What kind of texts is Noah sending Priya?
Are they talking or are they 'talking'? Does Noah like her?
Obviously I need more details, but right now I guess I need more info. I hate to pile on you when you're feeling guilty, because I know it's the last thing you need and the damage is already done, but next time something like this happens, I'd just recommend to mind your business. It's all well and good to say 'she has a right to know' etc, but as far as I can tell, nobody benefits from Hope knowing that Noah's texting Priya. It hurts Hope's feelings, it makes things awkward for Noah, and it puts Priya in a really uncomfortable situation where she now can't get to know a guy she might like because her friend's upset and knows they're talking. Priya has a right to privacy, and so does Noah. If Noah and Hope weren't actively dating, I don't think she has the right to know about who he's talking to etc, no matter how much she likes him.
Sorry, beloved anon, I know it's not what you want to hear, but I think you need to come clean and apologise to both of your friends.
I wish I could tell you you've done nothing wrong or that you shouldn't feel guilty. It's a really tough situation to be in, because there's every possibility that if you hadn't said anything, and Hope found out later that you knew Priya and Noah were talking and you didn't tell her, she'd be really hurt. But you really have to decide where your position is in the relationship. By going behind Priya's back and telling Hope, you're telling Priya that you value your friendship with Hope more than you value her trust and privacy. You're also affirming to Hope that she has some kind of claim over Noah just because she likes him, and that she deserves or needs to know every detail about what he's doing and who he's talking to. That's not fair to Noah, and it's also not fair to Hope. She needs to understand that she does not have this right.
Priya needs to hear that you told Hope with the very best of intentions, thinking it would perhaps let her down gently to hear from a friend that Noah was talking to her instead of Hope. Apologise, and say you shouldn't have breached her privacy and trust, and you don't want to interfere in whatever is happening between them, and assure her it won't happen again. She may not trust you with details about what's going on between her and Noah for a while, and that's understandable.
Hope needs to hear that you shouldn't have assumed she wanted to hear about who Noah was talking to. Tell her you shouldn't have given details about anything that's going on between Priya & Noah, and that you used your position as Priya's best friend in a way that hurt both of them. Say you're sorry for making things awkward between her and Priya, and that you'll butt out of anything going on between her and Noah.
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i got three questions on my mind !!
1. so *does* gojo trust rinko completely then?? i cant imagine he does given geto was literally his one and only best friend who went a different path. so how does he feel about rinko in that sense? and also vice versa with rinko bc she’s got some trauma too
2. do the zenins know that rinko spends time with megumi bc i bet that would piss them off
3. given rinko is a grade 1 and shes going to get hard missions that could end up being too much, does she ever get a mission that ends badly (someone dies or smth to that effect) / how would she react in a situation like that?
MORE HEAVY HITTERS. I love it. Thank you so much sweet anon 💕
I'm loving this!! ❤️❤️
Okay, these will eventually all be addressed in the story, so I'm going to try to keep it spoiler free while also answering your questions!! Answers are below the cut!
1.) Does Gojo trust her completely? And vice versa?
Short answer: Eventually he's going to trust her completely. And it's gonna scare the shit outta him. (this is going to be a HUGE piece of their story in the future so I can't reveal too much more)
He already trusts her more than he's trusted a lot of other people because she has a key to his place. She's proven herself a few times already that she's worthy of it and he hasn't even realized how much he actually trusts her yet.
She trusts him very deeply already. The fact that he has respected every single one of her boundaries and let her handle the Zenin's on her own, even when he clearly doesn't want to, has shown her she can trust him. In fact, he already, even just where we are so far in their story, knows more about her than anyone else she knows, with maybe Shoko as an exception. Him learning about Naoya stabbing her was big, because only Shoko knew about that before.👀
(Some of you may have clocked that Shoko knew who her family was before anyone else, how free she was talking about it when it was just the two of them. THAT is a lil easter egg for you.) Because Hime knows there's something, but she doesn't know the extent. Only knows the Zenin's don't like her.
2.) Does the Zenin clan know how much time she spends with Megumi?
Short answer: Not to the extent that she does. But they actually don't care as much as she thinks they would.
They know she spends time with him when he's with Gojo, but they don't realize how much, and she wants to keep it that way to keep them from being able to exploit the relationship. They sure as hell don't know she took him on a fun trip for his birthday.
But they don't care as much as she's afraid they will. Primarily because she isn't any worse than Megumi spending so much time with Gojo and they know they can't exactly stop it. Because Gojo has laid claim to Megumi in a way, they know that touching him means Gojo has free reign to go apeshit on them. And he's made it clear that he will. So as long as Megumi isn't causing them any real trouble, they kinda don't give a fuck.
3.) Does she get jobs that are too much/how does she handle losing someone on a job?
Short answer: Shibuya.
She'll be present during the Shibuya Incident. And she'll also be holding down Kyoto when Geto is releasing his death parade in 2017. Gojo is going to ask her personally to take care of Kyoto for him so that he doesn't need to worry about it.
In this next part, actually, we're going to learn that Rinko has been offered a teaching position at Kyoto Tech. And she'll have some current and former students who fall during the battle against Geto's lil "family"
For those of you who have read the manga, you know what happens in Shibuya and she's going to take it incredibly hard. It's going to break her for a bit. She's going to blame herself for quite a few things that are going to be out of her control. And she's going to feel like fate is cheating her out of her happiness on purpose at one point.
We're going to see her blossom at Shibuya in ways that are heartbreaking and empowering and I'm both not ready for you guys to see it and so excited for you to read about it. She's going to take a lot of the pain she's been holding for her entire life and it's going to fuel her.
I'll give a lil taste of something that happens at Shibuya:
“The only mistake is that you were ever born!” she snarled, launching herself at him now. “You spiteful piece of shit! I’ll kill you-!” Nanami caught her by her waist, yanking her away. “Kurisaki,” he said, his glasses slipping when she fought to get away from him. “Kurisaki-” “Let me kill him, Kento,” she snarled, all the emotions she’d been forcing to stay bottled for the past few hours fueling her rage now. “He’s no good to us anyway.” "Rinko!” Nanami snapped, his eyes now flashing at her. “Get a hold of yourself. We can’t afford to fight among ourselves.” “He isn’t one of ours,” she snarled, elbowing him harshly, pulling a grunt of pain from her friend. “Let me go.”
Couple guesses who she's talking about? I'll give you a hint: it isn't Naoya.
As for regular jobs, she mostly gets solo jobs or she has Nanami, Gojo, or occasionally Hime with her. So they handle them relatively well.
Thank you again for your questions!! I'm loving them 😊😊
Read Another Level on AO3 :)
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laststandx3 · 1 year
this episode of daryl dixon i decided i would leave common sense at the door and take a double dose of suspension of disbelief, and let me tell you, it helped a lot. now i don't have to ask questions like: where the food comes from? how comes the bad guys have clean and ironed clothes, electricity, running water but the good guys don't have beans for soup? why every french person knows the exact convert rate from kilometers to miles? why there's no useful electronic like a a working radio? how comes they still have bullets? if the zombies are so easy to kill, why nobody cleaned up the street? why norman reeds looks like he never touched a fish in his life and doesn't want to start now? why french people start singing the anthem in the middle of a speech? or when they see a man about to fight a zombie? why do the bad guys have a zombie/gladiator arena instead of idk being generic evil in any other way? why do they imply that the people lining up to enter the show were there against their will if they are all cheering now?
anyway, now we can go back to focus only on the plot and the characters. good news: in the series titled daryl dixon, the 5th episode out of 6 is finally about daryl dixon. we find out how he get to france (sort of), it didn't had much relevance on the plot so i don't see why they kept if for dramatic value. but on daryl side at least something happened. on Isabelle side, writers weren't sure what to do with her, so we see her plotting how to kill Quinn, (she calls it off bc he quotes some catholic text about redemption, but this isn't brought up again, so it's more likely that it was just for that scene) she then thinks about killing herself but ish..also it's breakfast time, we don't to those things in front of a fresh salad. So at last she decides she will manipulate Quinn: it wasn't an hard task bc he's been simping for the past decade. Imo Isabelle lost her agency around ep 3 when the writers put her in idle. i hope the next episode she'll do something active. so far she's just been brought places. Laurant (little jesus) is the worst. but he's a kid- No. he deserved a face slap from paris to cannes. he cut the rope to the boat they were using to get to safety, bc he has abandonment issues? daryl calls him little shit and forgives him right away. you'll have to walk at least 100km in a place full of zombies, without food, without shelter, your other friend that was helping you just died in the worst way ever written and you cut our chance at safety? i'm leaving your ass! they in fact get captured by the bad guys like a minute after loosing the boat. anyway via plot convenience they all find themselves at the bad guys lair and daryl is to fight a boosted up zombie. will he survive? stay tuned! (episode ends here)
Now about the Quinn subplot, his new girlfriend is jealous of a woman that is there against her will (kinda) and she sells him out to Genet (boss of the bad guys). How does this work exactly? 1) if quinn wasn't useful, genet would've put someone else in his place already. 2)technically it was Anna who let laurent go, so she's the traitor 3)genet and quinn aren't part of the same organization, there can't be betrayal. they are 2 separate parties that at times cooperate. i'm not saying genet can't accuse him of treason but? don't give me bullshit reasons for locking up quinn. she (as french) could've just wanted to get rid of the birtish/american tourist. voilà, tout le monde deteste les touristes, est normal. but hey, my bad i got lost in logic again. my god this show gives us just the vibes of a story. there's no story here. the characters don't have an arc, they're the same people from ep 1, no change, no learning, nothing. things happen to them and they don't have reactions. And you know they're badly written bc the dialogue is obvious and empty and flat. and so absent. there's so much silence in this story that isn't highlighting actions, it's just silence bc nobody could find a way to fill it. I don't come from the walking dead, i have no idea what's up with daryl dixon and after 5 episodes (around 4hours and half) of a story about him I still don't know. What is this story about? faith? tyranny? how easy it is to fall for idols in a difficult moment? even the choice of setting the story in France, was it for aesthetic? were the writers trying to make parallels with french history and dictators? The annoying part is that even the few elements they throw around in could've been used: there's a military party, there's this kid that everyone is claiming is the new messiah, there's a nightclub in paris surrounded by death. those elements can fit in a bigger narrative. about looking for comfort for example. when the world ends where do you find the will to live? do you follow the path of order in hope to fix the chaos around you? do you look for a meaning, hoping it will all make sense and there's some god above looking down at you? do you see the zombie apocalypse as a punishment from above and now you follow only the righteous path? or you say fuck all of this! life has no meaning i'll go to the only nightclub left in the world? is this about avoiding pain or is it about living life to the fullest as much as you can with the limited resources you have?
there are endless possibility for a zombie story. a story about survival is never just a story about survival but about the things we do to survive. those are the stories people get attached to, bc they touch a part of us that we all have and can't explore. (bc hopefuly we won't find ourselves in extremely tragic situations)
they just needed to give genet a real need for order. not just army guys going around in their jeep killing pigeon lovers. give quinn a less aesthetic nightclub, make him sell drugs. this way he has a lot of people needing him and he has power and he's not just some generic bad dude with a night and a silly hat. give Isabelle a real sense of faith. living with nuns doesn't automatically convert you. give laurant actual lines or superpowers, everybody believes he's jesus bc he's off-putting?? he's just a weird kid. he did nothing. nobody knows how or why he's special. he didn't do any miracles. let him cure people. give us audience a reason to believe he's special, not the "he comforted a widow who lost he husband yesterday and was too heartbroken until laurent gave her a hug" bitch her husband died, what you want her to do? how was she supposed to feel? it wasn't even a week.
and into all of this give daryl dixon a journey, not just finding a working radio to go back to america. what meaning did he find in 11 series of the walking dead? does he believe in god? what does he do in front of a miracle? does he think religion sucks and it's all a lie, then he must agree with the new militia, everything illogical must be destroyed bc people will do terrible things for false idols. but then what if it's a child? and what if this whole problem doesn't touch him? can he keep going on the way of the lone wolf or does he intervene? there's no trouble in being alone but what does he do in face of injustice? what if you get killed for stepping up? how do you fight?
there's a lot of plot points that could've given daryl dixon and the other characters depth but unfortunately this series isn't about it :(
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hi its the anon who brought up the anni thing back at it. sorry for doing this again, i'll stop if you want me too.
anyway i think that its most likely gonna be a saki banner, since emu will likely be getting an event pretty soon after that. like 3-4ish months after i think. wouldn't be surprised if emu got another january event tbh.
i don't know who the fes will be though. anniversarys like giving miku fes cards so i wouldn't really be surprised if it happens again. my only issue is i can't figure out who else would get the card? are they gonna start doubling up characters and give a new fes card to someone who's already gotten one. it would be pretty interesting but see how their fragments have changed but i doubt it. are they going to do what they did first anni and do a miku/oc fes. like a miku/tsukasa fes for example. thats my current theory actually, it'd be a good way to introduce mixed festivals with saki/whoever possibly gets mixed in. i don't really know.
anon no please keep talking to me about event speculation i have 8+ months worth of events predicted rn you're giving me fuel
i think saki banner is a possibility as well. she's currently one of three characters who doesn't have a limited banner (the others being rui who could get wxs' lim banner or a mixed lim banner, and ena who's unfortunately out of luck until next rotation), and she's also due for another mixed unit event (her last one was hinamatsuri all the way back in 2021). there's a chance she could be a limited card on the next event, but if she isn't it's gonna reach a point where she's very far behind so they might do what they did with An last year and give her two lims very close together to catch her up. so for now she's my #1 pick for anniversary but we'll see how things go especially since the season 2 launch might fuck with the events idk.
the current rotation is actually set to end in january (assuming two events per month) so january emu could work if they swap her and tsukasa on the normal wxs rotation and make her the last event. i get the feeling wxs will shuffle their event order this rotation because they've done nene->rui->emu->tsukasa twice in a row now. alternatively, something i've been considering for a while now is Emu being the next wxs event (probably in summer). it's a bit close to amidst a dream but then again shiho got a february and august banner last year which is about the same gap. mainly the reason i've considered this is because of shuffling the event order and also bc they're very clearly holding back something with rui (read:
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) and prsk has a habit of pushing important plots back (like the Nagi lore), but ultimately i feel it could go either way between rui and emu does any of this make sense i'm so sorry for writing a massive paragraph about literally one sentence you said
i agree i wouldn't be surprised by fes 3 miku but then there's the question of who to pair her with. kaito and meiko don't have fes but you'd think they'd get paired together, right? so maybe they'll be the anniversary fes this year but also it's an important anniversary so miku seems more likely. i doubt they'll give any of the human characters Fes 2s before some even have their fes 1s, so I'm ruling that out as well. my only other thought is Saki being a fes card instead of being the event card. mainly because they kinda fucked shit up by putting ichika with miku so now saki has no one to pair with unless they give ichika a fes 2 at the same time saki gets fes 1, which offsets the balance. also i think mixed fes banners is a really cool idea but i feel they would only start doing that once everyone has their fes 1 card.
anon i'm so sorry for writing a response this long
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hii love!! modern!daemon nonnie's back! first of all, i'm so glad i make you happy, you have no clue. and your love letter was the first thing i read when I'd woken up so you've made my day) your answers always make me grinning from ear to ear. secondly, you make me soso comfortable to write to. i'm always nervous about sending asks, about making mistakes and not knowing the words i should know. but you make me comfortable to not only send asks, but also write and speak in english more) (there were times when i was double-checking every word even though i knew it since the second grade??) about parallelism. i love all the types of it? like the similar scenes in the beginning and in the ending, similar phrases. you probably wrote it unknowingly but things like 'far too used to him/this' in the first paragraph are called parallelism in literature. like in the language level. it may be really small but i loved it. i'm so glad to know you think i've got big brain thank uuu. you can also have my tears on your desk and my sleep schedule probably bc... hsjdjdh yes. i can't read these masterpieces in the daylight. don't worry, though, it's a holiday week and i have an opportunity to go to bed... later? in the early morning?... idk. YES more aemma make our queen alive TT i understand that viserys is the more mature one here but the fact that they're so heartbroken about the (+-) same thing?? in their own manner but yes. hope your older brother would get what he deserves) i know you make the reader you. but ok. because of how amazing your writings are, i'd pretend i'm blind to the lines about daemon towering over the reader. my 5 cm difference with matt smith can deal with it, i guess. (not like i'm complaining. you and everyone else have all the rights to write about whatever and whoever you want to. just my insecurities hitting too hard again. sorry if anything) okok i KNOW she didn't deny like deny-deny him but she still said no to his proposal. i was really amazed. yeah they still got married so how could she deny him. and yes it feels so much that they were married TT wow stop no but they're already married again... i know this isn't about how immortality works but how does she remember... like 2000 years... yeah magic but... i could never. what about this taming thing! i already knew it's not the most healthy thing in the reality. and then i've seen a few posts saying 'taming' is a sexist thing and it's not the woman's responsibility to tame a man. but cmon?? 1) we're talking about fictional reality, 2) we're talking about time that is similar to medieval centuries when this image was strong?? 3) it's fiction cmon. ofc i'm not gonna 'tame' like save a 'depressed' man who's just problematic? but all this thing in fiction where he's tamed by her because she's just she and it's the power of love makes me feel special. i want this feral prick to be good if i so much as even look at him ok?? yesyes i requested both 'it takes two' and the second part. not like i'm the real masochist but i love when things make me feel feelings. and what feeling is more strong than the pain?? tears what? right, taste good. THANK YOU sm for calling my brain big TT i don't really remember what he said when the reader died but him being that same desperate husband, even if he doesn't know he is, strikes. thank you for CPR!! (dying peacefully) if you don't mind, i'd write another ask for your second answer. sorry if it's a lot. i love your answers so i love answering them)
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here's another love letter <3
i saw this after i had my dinner so im making it my mission to reply RIGHT NOW BECAUSE IM HYPED AND YOU MAKE ME WANNA WRITE 1000 modern aus.
im so glad i can make you happy as well my love. 🫶🫶🫶 im honored that that's the first thing you wake up to <3 T_T im honored to have made your day T_T <3 i'm so happy you like my answers T_T <3 SCREAMING CRYING THROWING UP your asks make me grin from ear to ear all the same lovie
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I'm so happy that you feel comfortable writing to me. i hope all my nonnies and readers feel this way cos T_T lol idk how my sarcastic humor comes off but i promise even if in times i say im annoyed im really not AHHAHHAHA annoyance is a sign of affection to me LOL.
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again its totally fine if you make mistakes T_T plssssssssss it happens to the best of us and we're both speaking in a second language native english speakers WISH they spoke english as good as us 😫🙄 im honored that i come off as a safe person/space for you <3 T_T i want nothing more than that tbh im so honored. please do continue to write and speak english to your heart's content i will be here to listen!!!!!!!! also same i double check words even though i know them HAHAH YOU LIKE ME FR it doesnt hurt to look, double checking is fine, rather than being so confident then wrong BONK 🤠
IT SO FUNNY YOURE TEACHING ME ABOUT PARALLELISM T_T HAHAHHAHHUHUHUHUH I FEEL LIKE A KID SUDDENLY )))):< i know what parallelism is!!! 😡😡😡😡😭😭😭😭 HAHAHAHHA i was just a bit confused cos i wasn't expecting you to like that. i thought i wrote it unknowingly but now that im typing this out, i remember deliberately typing it like that for effect. though ok to be fair i wasn't like 'oh this will be parallelism' HAHAHHA ANYWAY THANK YOU FOR THE LESSON AHHAHAHHHIHIHIHIH i can interally hear my teacher in grade 9 sighing at me IM SORRY SIR NELSON I LOVE YOU. i'm glad even something as small as that brought you joy T_T i give you a kiss
i'm so glad to know you think i've got big brain thank uuu. you can also have my tears on your desk and my sleep schedule probably bc... hsjdjdh yes.
i can't read these masterpieces in the daylight. don't worry, though, it's a holiday week and i have an opportunity to go to bed... later? in the early morning?... idk.
i quite literally dont gIVE A FUCK IF YOU ARE ON HOLIDAY. IMMA BE SO MAD IF YOU DONT SLEEP RIGHT I WILL FLY INTO YOUR BEDROOM AND MAKE YOU GO TO SLEEP i WILL RIOT IF YOU DO NOT SLEEP WELL I WILL RIOT I WILL RIOT i would threaten never to reply to you again if you dont sleep right but i would cry if i do that since i love you so much. and of course you could always lie to me, but i like to think by being kind and caring is an absolutely effective way to get people to say the truth and take care of themselves. my heart will break if you dont sleep right. remember that. forever.
yes and viserys is techinically more mature more or less AHHAH but also yes, the brothers care for each other in their own way and express their hurt in their own manner as well.
T_T my older brother didnt do anything HAHAHHAHAH it's just that he's my older brother therefor auto spite HAHAHHAH i could care less about what he thinks of me (because i do tiny tiny tiny bit care lol)
i know you make the reader you. but ok. because of how amazing your writings are, i'd pretend i'm blind to the lines about daemon towering over the reader. my 5 cm difference with matt smith can deal with it, i guess.
(not like i'm complaining. you and everyone else have all the rights to write about whatever and whoever you want to. just my insecurities hitting too hard again. sorry if anything)
nOOO YOURE TOTALLY VALID I LOVE BIG GIRLS I LOVE BIG BOYS I LOVE BIG BABIES I LOVE I LOVE T_T im gonna tell you im from the philippines and im 5'7 or smth IDK I GET MEASURED AND IT CHANGES EVERYTIME AND I THINK PEOPLE ARE LYING ABOUT THEIR HEIGHT but anyway the point is that im like really tall here, but all my siblings are taller than me and now im the shortest and T_T ive accepted it ANYWAY THAT WASNT THE POINT point is i used to be super insecure about my height but now i embrace it and take up space because im hot and smart and really really hot and people can choke if they hate me ew imagine being a hater. DONT BE INSECURE (omg wow insecurity cured HAHAHAHA) it took me like... 21 years to get to where i am (im 21) so each day just be kinder to yourself. i like to tell myself affirmations, mostly ones linked in the bible because I believe God's perception will never change even if my own perception of myself does ever second. there is a truth in affirming things and verbally speaking it out and smiling in the mirror, i think even scientific evidence, so try it out!!! it's a process though, so dont compare yourself to me or anyone just take it slowly!!! life is not a race.
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okok i KNOW she didn't deny like deny-deny him but she still said no to his proposal. i was really amazed. yeah they still got married so how could she deny him. and yes it feels so much that they were married TT wow stop no but they're already married again...
HAHHHAAHHAH deny-deny HAHAHHHH we're really on the same wavelength HAHAHA. ur so right she did deny his proposal thus she denied him. duh. periodt. HAHAH. it's so amusing and endearing to me that you find these things amazing. i squish. i kiss. i love. she could not really deny him. she was just preventing chaos from happening because dude why should they suffer when they finally got the chance to love each other. i think the day they get married for real for real with the whole televised wedding shebang would be the conclusion of this whole modern au world lol
i know this isn't about how immortality works but how does she remember... like 2000 years... yeah magic but... i could never.
HAHAHAHAHAH NO BUT YOURE SO RIGHT i sometimes forget what i did a few seconds ago T_T i dont think she remembers it all. there is a reason why people forget, its literally unhealthy to remember everything. it will overload your brain fr fr. but i think like most people, we have a knack for remembering things we find important, memorable, or traumatizing. i would also like to think because she never aged out of her prime, her memory doesnt get wonky, also there is the magic aspect that could keep her vigorous so lololol. tbh i could never either T_T i dont think i would want to live that long tbh T_T
what about this taming thing! i already knew it's not the most healthy thing in the reality. and then i've seen a few posts saying 'taming' is a sexist thing and it's not the woman's responsibility to tame a man.
ahhhh this is want you meant about taming. like making a wild man tame. i see i see. yeah this isnt very healthy. i dont think we can truly change people. a higher power has to do that, we are merely influencing them. i can understand the appeal of taming a man, and sure i'll agree its hot AHHAH no cause like Daemon the killer is soft for you T_T COME ON THAT HOT HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH i think it's derived from our innate desire to be special. i can also understand the dislike, and as a feminist irl, i would never date/deal with a man that needs to be fixed. girl wtf, get some therapy i am not your mom.
but cmon?? 1) we're talking about fictional reality, 2) we're talking about time that is similar to medieval centuries when this image was strong?? 3) it's fiction cmon.
YES ITS ONLY HOT IN FICTION! this is why fiction is so important, we can live in peace, living our traumatizing and problematic dreams without ever having to deal with it in the real word (at least beyond to scope of your imagination). omg this reminds me of that lesson i had in a class called Literature in Popular Culture and we discussed the importance of fiction. T_T i loved that class. And yes, hotd is set in a era where this ideology was the only thing that existed really so HAHAH idk if my inner feminist will allow me to close my eyes to daemons selfish prick tendencies when hes living and breathing in our year of the lord 2023 we'll see we'll see
ofc i'm not gonna 'tame' like save a 'depressed' man who's just problematic? but all this thing in fiction where he's tamed by her because she's just she and it's the power of love makes me feel special.
i want this feral prick to be good if i so much as even look at him ok??
us sharing a one brain cell for real 🫶🫶🫶
yesyes i requested both 'it takes two' and the second part. not like i'm the real masochist but i love when things make me feel feelings. and what feeling is more strong than the pain?? tears what? right, taste good.
HAHAHHHHAAH good to know that was you. and i know youre not a real masochist AHAHHA cos ur like me fr. you and i both like it when things are so intense that we just cry T_T I LOVE CRYING OVER FICS AND I LOVE IT WHEN PEOPLE SAY THEY CRIED BECAUSE OF ME T_T I THINK DESERVE
THANK YOU sm for calling my brain big TT
i don't really remember what he said when the reader died but him being that same desperate husband, even if he doesn't know he is, strikes. thank you for CPR!! (dying peacefully)
T_T IM LUV U IM SO GLAD YOU THINK SO LOVIE!! TRULY SO BIG BRAIN FOR CATCHING THAT i actually dont know if i could administer cpr properly so [dies peacefully with you]
if you don't mind, i'd write another ask for your second answer. sorry if it's a lot. i love your answers so i love answering them)
you can send me 10000000000000000000 one million zillion billion bazillion trillion messages and i would reply to all of them thought per thought as you deserve i love hearing from my readers and from you especially <3
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kwangyanese · 8 months
i feel like its easier for me to follow/like boygroups now bc i dont really get emotionally invested. i actually think i wont ever get that invested into a group again after aespa. and not to ramble but i feel like a hypocrite because i told myself i was gonna leave kpop but i guess i surrounded myself with it online so badly in the past 3 years i'd probably have to either 1) redo all my accounts and unfollow all my moots 2) try to get obsessed with something else and make the algorythm "renew" itself. truth i'd lose many moots that i like if i did the 1st and i'm already doing the 2nd but i feel frustrated for how slow it is plus i end up watching kpop videos to chill anyway. and when i 'judge' (not that i go around annoying them about it) my kpop moots for still posting about idols that either haven't spoken up or are doing deals w pro-israel brands it's like throwing stones from a glass house LOL i mean at least i'm not posting about #those idols but i still haven't left kpop as a whole which imo would be ideal lol. well, again, what i'm into rn is just tvxq and riize and as much as i can go awww <3 i don't feel nothing beyond that. sorry to objectify idols but i'd drop them in a instant i just can't truly connect with men in general.... and to be even more honest i still have feelings for ningning that i'm trying to get rid of.... it's actually quite sad how far a parasocial relationship will ruin you.... like sure i like shotaro he is quite actually such a sweet guy that so far hasnt had a single moment where i went "oh he is a man after all" and i like jaejoong/changmin/yunho but i missed so much of their fandom lore so i don't know them that well lmfao it makes me feel distant. and i dont feel the need to get closer to neither of them. oh that reminds me that the only (parasocial) closeness i felt to a man was jonghyun and then atsushi and they are literally dead rn (rip)... like fr i know ur not supposed to put ppl on a pedestal, nobodys perfect etc but i do feel the least i can do as a person is expect someone i like to do the bare minimum and theres only do much i can ignore (like ningning being obsessed with malnourishing herself and bleaching her skin into oblivion to look whiter hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) but i think what's really making me feel liek the Odd One Out is that every other my is just going about their business as usual and aespa enthusiasts don't care fr theyre just there for the pretty girls. it was only me and this one moot that i saw be disgusted with the whole thing and dropping them and like........... seeing other mys not do anything at all just makes me think like even if it was another situation would they not care also? like what would it take for these ppl to be like Woah hey this is not right. or am i thinking too much? maybe it's not that serious? if anything perhaps this was the last straw for me bc aespa was already literally ruining my day either for always lying or for sm being a terrible company to their ggs, and me being excited about aespa coming to brazil literally got me into a scam and i ended up losing over $1k (thats on me though but still. if i hadnt become a fan that wouldnt have happened), and the general stress a parasocial relationship brings (stressed out bc ningning doesnt know i exist and that i loved her so much). i feel stupid and i know it's stupid for writing these kind of these cos there's literally more important things going on. i'm nothing but a drop of water in the sea and sharing my thoughts is like screaming into a void it means nothing at all. anyway good morning.
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