#bc Zionism doesn’t start and stop with just the „right to exist“ which everyone should have but it relies on SUPREMACY and THATS the proble
disco-cola · 8 months
Not me still getting unfollowed by „leftists“ for my posts on insta 🫠 like if after 3 months and all the info out there you still side with a state that’s been continually under a fascist government for decades (and even opposing israelis say the racism is systemic, its internalized in their entire society rather than in just a few „spoilt apples“) or think staying neutral does anything… hon you are no better than the oppressor. You support fascism. I shared several stories by jewish creators yesterday who debunked the „safe haven for jewish people“ myth that is more like an ad slogan israel put out into circulation about itself (additionally fueled through the controversial nation state law passed in 2018) rather than based on facts, on the contrary - due to the forced military service and ongoing clashes it’s actually a very dangerous place (and how can you REALLY be SAFE like that, nobody would be) - and think you are fighting antisemitism by unfollowing me while not even listening to those creators but continuing to throw every single jewish person into one pot with israel, which is a fucking clichee and generalization - isn’t that literally what antisemitism is? Assuming generalized things about one ethnicity/religion legitimately will go for every one of them, like „knowing one means knowing all“? 🤔 Rather supporting a nation state with those laws and ideologies than to start calling and working towards safety ANYWHERE? plus you’re blatantly disregarding all the work organizations like JVP or also singular individuals have done to fight that stigma like idk that seems more antisemitic to me than still defending a state that bombs a small strip of land consisting of mostly kids in the name of „jewish safety“ then arrests Jewish Israeli citizens when they dare to criticize the military and show empathy with Gaza (like how is this a „safe“ jewish person when they don’t even have the basic law of free speech and get arrested for showing sympathy with others ESPECIALLY about something like THAT) honestly I just don’t get it it makes me so so angry - then again these were oftentimes the kind of people who thought they showed solidarity during BLM when all they posted was a black square which was exactly what creators and black activists asked us all NOT to do bc it clogged the feed and killed the flow of information and news but yeah… some of those antifa people - at least here - were and are just scene kids who pay more attention to their outfits and hair colors and patches and maintaining a certain look than to actually sit tf down shut up and listen once. They only feel validated when they can feel like they are the „saviors“ and secretly wallow in that feeling and can pat themselves on the back for waving a rainbow flag that has the antifa logo on it in a local demonstration. They are so concerned with symbolics and outer representation that they forget to actually keep LEARNING instead of just repeating the same things over and over again and oversimplifying things by that, because sometimes there’s so much more behind matters which brings me to the starting point of this post.
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