#what needs to be dismantled is the false narrative that israel is doing this for ALL Jews bc when this point falls away
disco-cola · 8 months
Not me still getting unfollowed by „leftists“ for my posts on insta 🫠 like if after 3 months and all the info out there you still side with a state that’s been continually under a fascist government for decades (and even opposing israelis say the racism is systemic, its internalized in their entire society rather than in just a few „spoilt apples“) or think staying neutral does anything… hon you are no better than the oppressor. You support fascism. I shared several stories by jewish creators yesterday who debunked the „safe haven for jewish people“ myth that is more like an ad slogan israel put out into circulation about itself (additionally fueled through the controversial nation state law passed in 2018) rather than based on facts, on the contrary - due to the forced military service and ongoing clashes it’s actually a very dangerous place (and how can you REALLY be SAFE like that, nobody would be) - and think you are fighting antisemitism by unfollowing me while not even listening to those creators but continuing to throw every single jewish person into one pot with israel, which is a fucking clichee and generalization - isn’t that literally what antisemitism is? Assuming generalized things about one ethnicity/religion legitimately will go for every one of them, like „knowing one means knowing all“? 🤔 Rather supporting a nation state with those laws and ideologies than to start calling and working towards safety ANYWHERE? plus you’re blatantly disregarding all the work organizations like JVP or also singular individuals have done to fight that stigma like idk that seems more antisemitic to me than still defending a state that bombs a small strip of land consisting of mostly kids in the name of „jewish safety“ then arrests Jewish Israeli citizens when they dare to criticize the military and show empathy with Gaza (like how is this a „safe“ jewish person when they don’t even have the basic law of free speech and get arrested for showing sympathy with others ESPECIALLY about something like THAT) honestly I just don’t get it it makes me so so angry - then again these were oftentimes the kind of people who thought they showed solidarity during BLM when all they posted was a black square which was exactly what creators and black activists asked us all NOT to do bc it clogged the feed and killed the flow of information and news but yeah… some of those antifa people - at least here - were and are just scene kids who pay more attention to their outfits and hair colors and patches and maintaining a certain look than to actually sit tf down shut up and listen once. They only feel validated when they can feel like they are the „saviors“ and secretly wallow in that feeling and can pat themselves on the back for waving a rainbow flag that has the antifa logo on it in a local demonstration. They are so concerned with symbolics and outer representation that they forget to actually keep LEARNING instead of just repeating the same things over and over again and oversimplifying things by that, because sometimes there’s so much more behind matters which brings me to the starting point of this post.
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schooltrashers · 3 months
Debating a lying DemoKKKrat
So it has come to my attention that there's an idiot who is lying for the DemoKKKrats by the username of @fllcdhttb. So I shall dissect each argument with the truth, so read along and discover how I dismantle the argument of a brainwashed idiot.
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Oh I have a perfect understanding of the "Party Switch". It's a made-up lie/excuse that DemoKKKrats came up with because they can't erase their sins and past mistakes, despite repeating those mistakes well into the future with Biden's racist comments, the corruption of the entire Democrat Party, aligning with Communists, Antifa's violent and murderous actions, the woke-cults hatred, bigotry, and misogyny. You see the DemoKKKrats need to erase their own history because they don't want to own up to their own mistakes nor take responsibility for them. But you can't erase history or facts...
Democrats created the KKK (hence the term I use "DemoKKKrats").
Republicans freed the slaves.
Several KKK members didn't switch parties such as Robert Byrd and Harry S Truman. Harry S Truman sided with the Communist by the way. The KKK should just rename themselves to the Kommie Kucks Klan.
So it's impossible for an entire party to suddenly "switch", otherwise the Republican Party would be dead already. The fact of the matter is that the KKK's popularity died off, it's down to about 5000 or less members now. It used to be 6 million, what happened to those 6 million? Maybe they realized that what they were doing is wrong and that it was time to grow up.
By the way, the KKK has been flip-flopping and switching sides for years, despite the group getting smaller and smaller. Neither Democrats nor Republicans want anything to do with the KKK. Heck even Donald Trump has condemned the KKK repeatedly, but it gets ignored by CNN and MSNBC because it doesn't fit their narrative.
Truth is that the DemoKKKrats just wanted to erase their history. Meanwhile Republicans openly claim to be the Party of Lincoln(the Republican President responsible for freeing the slaves) to this very day. You also seem to ignore the fact that there are black Republicans such as Kim Klacik and Bryan Donalds. So to claim that Republicans is "racist" is ignorant.
Meanwhile you have Joe Biden being racist by claiming "if you don't vote for me, you ain't black" or "I don't want my kids to grow up in a racial jungle", while being friends with a KKK Grand Wizard(Robert Byrd). It would be like if Donald Trump suddenly became friends with David Duke, the media would be all over it claiming that Trump is a white supremacist, even if David Duke were to claim that he is no longer a KKK member.
Speaking of David Duke, he recently endorsed Palestine. How progressive of him, he may as well be a woke Leftist. He hates Jews, hence why he's against Israel.
Wow, just wow. I guess the Party "switched" again since David Duke now sides with Leftists with his support of Palestine, while Republicans support Israel. Your logic is flawed and so is the "Party Switch" theory.
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False. Everything I've said is true. Antifa is a terrorist group, it has members. Heck they even had a private conversation that got leaked online that confirms everything I've said...
To claim that Antifa is an "ideology/political movement, not a group" is like saying "the KKK is an ideology/political movement, not a group". Which is both wrong and ignorant. The difference between political totalitarian ideologies like Nazism and Communism VS Domestic Terrorist groups like the KKK and Antifa is that both the KKK and Antifa wear masks and commits acts of violence and terrorism. Nazism and Communism holds (or held) political power in countries like Ukraine, China and Germany.
The difference between you and me is that I condemn Antifa, the KKK, Nazis and Commies. You don't. You're what I call a totalitarian and a terrorist supporter, due to your support of Antifa(terrorists) and the DemoKKKrats(totalitarians).
Leftists do indeed celebrate Hitler's birthday(4/20). They make 4/20 posts all the time. Why 4:20? It has nothing to do with pot, everything to do with Hitler's birthday. What connection is their to pot and the number 4:20? Doesn't make sense. 4/20 is Hitler's birthday.
Adolf Hitler / Date of birth
Apr 20, 1889
^I copied and pasted that by the way with a quick Bing Search. By the way, Leftists are antisemitic with their hate of Israel and support of Palestine. David Duke(Nazi KKK White Supremacist) is antisemitic and supports Palestine. Even black supremacist Louis Farrakahn is antisemitic, supports Palestine, hates Israel and he praised Adolf Hitler...
Yikes...seems like you're on the wrong side of history. Also Nazism isn't right-wing, it's a socialist ideology. Nazi is short for National Socialism. Conservatives are against socialism and they point out that Nazism is socialism. Nazism and Communism is on the totalitarian side of the political spectrum, they even once joined forces forming a pact called "Communazism". Stalin(communist) shook hands with a Nazi(Joachim von Ribbentrop). They claimed Nazism and Communism ARE THE SAME!
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So to say that Leftists can't support Nazism, would be a lie. They already support fascist ideas and policies such as censorship and hatred of Jews(Israelis).
You claim Trump's racist, yet he's seen with Rosa Parks and Muhammad Ali. Not Robert Byrd or David Duke. LOL
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What a beautiful picture. The truth has defeated your lies.
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firstumcschenectady · 5 years
Two years ago, our niece got a new game for Christmas:  Harry Potter, Hogwarts Battle.  We usually spend New Years together, and it is a great 4 person game, so Kevin and I got to break into the game with our niece and her mother.  It is now fair to say that this is our favorite game, and the four us clocked A LOT of hours playing it.
Beyond the really fun Harry Potter connections, and the truly excellent game design, I think we all love it so much because it is a collaborative game.  The players are all working together towards a goal, so in the end either everyone wins or everyone loses.  Which also means that no one of us ends up as the winner while the rest of us have lost. Truthfully, I really like board games, and most of the ones I play have winners and losers, and I'm generally OK with that, but there is something really great about a collaborative game.  It is especially engaging because each choice we make impacts each other player, so we have to pay attention to what each person needs and what each person's strengths are, and how each person can make the best use of their strengths.
The game is hard, and we lose sometimes.  Really, we lose about half of the games we play, and we sometimes give up a game before playing just because the starting conditions are too difficult.  But the collaboration makes it interesting enough that even losing isn't THAT bad.  (Most of the time.)
I find it interesting that the collaborative game is so much fun.  When I was growing up our church had a copy “The Ungame” which was mean to be a fun game that was collaborative rather than competitive, and while I fully support the creators and their intentions it was the least fun game imaginable.  Yet, there is so much already in our capitalistic society that is inherently about winners and losers, and zero sum games, and competing against each other – and I'm really, really glad that there are now super fun games that don't buy into that model.
Collaborative games seem more like the model of working for the common good.  Maybe it is just because I was born and raised in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, but the moment when I finally actually noticed the word “commonwealth” and thought about what it meant was eye-opening for me.  I think of the common good and commonwealths as other ways of speaking about the kindom.  
Over the past 3+ years we've talked about Intersectional Justice and Intersectionality a lot, but just in case the ideas are still fuzzy for you, here is MFSA's definition of its “intersectional organizing principal.”
All experiences of marginalization and injustice are interconnected because the struggle for justice is tied to concepts of power and privilege.  Intersectional organizing recognizes that injustice works on multiple and simultaneous levels. Because experiences of injustice do not happen in a vacuum, it is imperative to: develop the most effective strategies to create space for understanding privilege; organize in an intersectional framework led by marginalized communities; and build effective systems of resistance and cooperation to take action for justice. Practical intersectional organizing always focuses on collaboration and relationship building.
To bring that a little bit more into reality, intersectionality means acknowledging that working on ONE issue and making as small as possible so you can make some gains really doesn't help that much. For example, it is said that 101 years ago women gained the right to vote in NY state, that misses that it only applied to white women. That came from a choice to empower white women at the expense of women of color and was NOT intersectional organizing.  There have been a LOT of times organizing has worked this way, most of the time it has worked this way, and it has done a lot of harm.
During an anti-white supremacy training, I was taught to think holistically about power.  That is, we all know what traits are most associated with power in our society: white, male, rich, straight, English speaking, cisgender, citizen, with a full range of ableness, educated, tall... etc, right?  In each case, there is an opposite to the description that is disempowered.  I'm expecting you are following thus far.  Well, because the people who have the traits connected to power control the resources, they use most of them!  And then, it turns out, the people who are DISCONNECTED from power end up fighting to get access to the scraps of resources that the powerful are willing to share.  There are two REALLY bad parts of this – first of all, to get access to those resources usually means playing by the rules of the ones who have power, and secondly, those without power are usually set up to fight AGAINST EACH OTHER for access to those scraps.  
That is, when white women decided to try to get the vote for themselves, and not seek voting rights for all women, they made a decision to play by the rules of how power already worked, and to distance themselves from people of color to try to get what they wanted and needed.  And, this happens time and time again.
Intersectionality is about seeing the wholeness of the power dynamics, and the complicated realities of people – who all have power in some ways and lack power in others – and holding the whole together while working for good.  It is really, really hard.
It is probably also why I teared up when reading Isaiah this week.  The passage quotes God as saying, “It is too light a thing that you should be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob and to restore the survivors of Israel; I will give you as a light to the nations, that my salvation may reach to the end of the earth."  The way I heard that was, don't just work for the benefit of a few, even if they are the ones you identify with – work for the well being of ALL.  And all, in all places, including enemy nations!!
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is best known for his transformational work on racial justice, work that make our country noticeably better. Yet, at the end of his life, he had broadened his work, and was organizing around poverty.  As several of the past year's Intersectional Justice Book Club books have pointed out, the powers that exist in the United States have VERY INTENTIONALLY used race to divide people, in large part so that impoverished white people and impoverished people of color wouldn't start working together against their common oppressor.  Dr. King's Poor People's Campaign was designed to bring people together for their common good, and truly for every's good.   As King once said, “In your struggle for justice, let your oppressor know that you are not attempting to defeat or humiliate him, or even to pay him back for injustices that he has heaped upon you. Let him know that you are merely seeking justice for him as well as yourself.”  Because, truly, oppressing anyone harms both the oppressed AND inherently, the oppressor.
Today, other's have picked up Dr. King's mantle, and there is an active Poor People's Campaign underway.  While their “Fundamental Principals” are expansive – there are 12 – they are a coherent whole and I couldn't edit them down.  I want you hear, and be filled with hope, and maybe even be motivated to work with this campaign, so here they are:
We are rooted in a moral analysis based on our deepest religious and constitutional values that demand justice for all. Moral revival is necessary to save the heart and soul of our democracy.
We are committed to lifting up and deepening the leadership of those most affected by systemic racism, poverty, the war economy, and ecological devastation and to building unity across lines of division.
We believe in the dismantling of unjust criminalization systems that exploit poor communities and communities of color and the transformation of the “War Economy” into a “Peace Economy” that values all humanity.
We believe that equal protection under the law is non-negotiable.
We believe that people should not live in or die from poverty in the richest nation ever to exist. Blaming the poor and claiming that the United States does not have an abundance of resources to overcome poverty are false narratives used to perpetuate economic exploitation, exclusion, and deep inequality.
We recognize the centrality of systemic racism in maintaining economic oppression must be named, detailed and exposed empirically, morally and spiritually. Poverty and economic inequality cannot be understood apart from a society built on white supremacy.
We aim to shift the distorted moral narrative often promoted by religious extremists in the nation from issues like prayer in school, abortion, and gun rights to one that is concerned with how our society treats the poor, those on the margins, the least of these, women, LGBTQIA folks, workers, immigrants, the disabled and the sick; equality and representation under the law; and the desire for peace, love and harmony within and among nations.
We will build up the power of people and state-based movements to serve as a vehicle for a powerful moral movement in the country and to transform the political, economic and moral structures of our society.
We recognize the need to organize at the state and local level—many of the most regressive policies are being passed at the state level, and these policies will have long and lasting effect, past even executive orders. The movement is not from above but below.
We will do our work in a non-partisan way—no elected officials or candidates get the stage or serve on the State Organizing Committee of the Campaign. This is not about left and right, Democrat or Republican but about right and wrong.
We uphold the need to do a season of sustained moral direct action as a way to break through the tweets and shift the moral narrative. We are demonstrating the power of people coming together across issues and geography and putting our bodies on the line to the issues that are affecting us all.
The Campaign and all its Participants and Endorsers embrace nonviolence. Violent tactics or actions will not be tolerated.
This campaign is DEEPLY good news.  I encourage you to look them up, their demands are even better (but ever longer) and well worth the read. There are a lot of opportunities to volunteer with and support the Poor People's Campaign, and I'd be happy to connect to to those who are organizing – as would your Intersectional Justice chairs.  
Working towards justice for all is really, really hard work.  It can even be overwhelming, but as Isaiah says, God is out for the well-being of the whole world.  Before you get overwhelmed though, let me remind you that God has a LOT of partners in this work and no ONE of us is called to do all the work.  In fact, we're called to trust each other and each other's work, and to carefully discern what our work is to do. Love exists, its power can spread, justice is possible, and good people are at work.  We are meant to be a light to ALL the nations, and with God at our backs, we can and we will.  And it is possible because of collaboration.  Thanks be to God.  Amen
Rev. Sara E. Baron First United Methodist Church of Schenectady 603 State St. Schenectady, NY 12305 Pronouns: she/her/hers http://fumcschenectady.org/ 
January 19, 2019
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newsnigeria · 5 years
Check out New Post published on Ọmọ Oòduà
New Post has been published on http://ooduarere.com/news-from-nigeria/world-news/sovereignists-countries-unite/
Sovereignists of all countries – unite!
[This analysis was written for the Unz Review]
We all know that the Neocons are by far the largest and most influential group of sponsors of US wars of aggression. They are the ones who lobbied the hardest for the invasion of Iraq, and they are the ones which for decades have tried every possible dirty trick to lure the US into acts of aggression against Iran. In fact, in terms of international law, the Neocons could be seen as a gang of international war criminals. Why? Because, as I have already pointed out several times, according to the fundamental positions of the Nuremberg Tribunal, the worst crime possible is not genocide or any other crime against humanity. The worst possible crime is the crime of *aggression* because, according to the experts who set up the Nuremberg Tribunal, the crime of aggression “contains” all the other crimes (by the way, the International Criminal Court takes the same position). In the words of the chief American prosecutor at Nuremberg, Robert H. Jackson, “to initiate a war of aggression, therefore, is not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole.” By that definition, every single US President would be a war criminal (at least as far as I know; if you can think of a US President who did not commit the crime of aggression – including against Native Americans! – please let me know). As for the Neocons, they could be fairly characterized as a “criminal conspiracy to commit the crime of aggression.” In a sane world, that would make them international pariahs on par with the al-Qaeda crazies (who, whether they realize it or not, were federated by the US Neocons and are still their hired guns not so much against the West but mostly against all the other (non-Takfiri) forms of Islam, primarily Hezbollah and Iran). In fact, while most are still afraid to say so publicly, I believe that there is a growing realization amongst political analysts that the Neocons are a dangerous international gang of warmongering thugs.
What is, however, less known is that inside the US, the Neocons and their allies have been a prime force to dismantle the Bill of Rights, especially the First and Second Amendments.
Today, I want to give a simple yet telling example of how this kind of stuff is quietly happening with very little opposition. And for that example, I will use the US state in which I am currently living, Florida.
Check out this stunning sequence of events:
On April 11th the FL House unanimously (114-0) passed a House Bill 741 which would define anti-Semitism as:
“A certain perception of the Jewish people, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jewish people.”
“Rhetorical and physical manifestations of anti-Semitism directed toward a person, his or her property, or toward Jewish community institutions or religious facilities.”
The bill also provides many examples of “anti-Semitism,” including:
Calling for, aiding, or justifying the killing or harming of Jews, often in the name of a radical ideology or an extremist view of religion.
Accusing Jews as a people or the State of Israel of inventing or exaggerating the Holocaust.
Accusing Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel, or the alleged priorities of Jews worldwide, than to the interest of their own nations.
The bill also provides that examples of anti-Semitism related to Israel include:
Applying a double standard to Israel by requiring behavior of Israel that is not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation, or focusing peace or human rights investigations only on Israel.
Delegitimizing Israel by denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination and denying Israel the right to exist.
On April 29th Governor DeSantis and the Florida Cabinet met in Jerusalem (not a joke!) to proclaim their support for “the Jewish state” (sic) and declare that DeSantis will be the most pro-Israel governor in “America” (sic). The fact that holding that meeting abroad is a violation of Florida law did not bother anybody (except The Florida First Amendment Foundation which filed a lawsuitagainst this outrage). Neither did the fact that Israel is the last openly and officially racist state on our planet. Sadly, Florida is hardly an exception, two dozen other states (including Texas) have passed similar laws.
The tiny little fig-leaf covering the real anti-civil-rights nature of such laws is the cop-out that such laws do not technically violate the First Amendment since they “only” apply to schools (FL) or that they do not ban free speech as such, but “only” allow for disinvestment from corporations and individuals who dare to profess the “wrong” point of view about Israel (TX).
This is, of course, utter nonsense.
Since the Neocons cannot openly come out and declare “let’s abolish the First Amendment”, they use what I would call a “legislative death by a thousand cuts” meaning that rather than openly repealing the First Amendment, they simply neuter it by imposing innumerable small limitations, regulations, interpretations, restrictions, etc. etc. etc (by the way, that is how the US elites are currently also trying to dismantle the Second Amendment).
As somebody who studied in the USA and obtained two diplomas here (1986-1991), I can attest that before 9/11 US schools and campuses were a wonderful Petri dish for all sorts of opinions and ideas, including very controversial ones. The freedom of speech on US colleges was total, and it was understood and expected that all opinions and ideas were to compete on their intrinsic merits and not carefully parsed for any sign of crimethink. This has now totally changed: with a few exceptions, most US schools (including many colleges!) have now become ideologically monolithic, and the only possible opinion is total hatred for Trump and unconditional support for the Clinton gang.
The most toxic aspect of these freedom-crushing laws is that they are deliberately directed at the young because the ruling plutocracy fully appreciates the fact that young people are far easier to mold ideologically, to indoctrinate. Add to this that the bulk of the US “educational” system (along with the US corporate media) is designed to actually stupidify students and make them compliant (the exact opposite of what “education” is supposed to achieve) since all that is required from 90+% of the US population are just the basic skill-sets needed to serve their overlords and ruling elites (the remaining top 10% of schools are mostly reserved for the children of the ruling US nomenklatura such as doctors, lawyers, engineers, etc.).
There is another aspect of this slo-mo deconstruction of civil rights in the USA which I think is extremely important to point out: I believe that the absolutely outrageous nature of such laws is not only a side-effect of the infinite arrogance of the Neocons but also a deliberate mind-manipulation technique. By being so “in your face” with their ideological arrogance, the Neocons are forcing everybody observing the laws into one of two camps: first, those who meekly accept whatever the Neocons want, and those who dare to resist. The first group then becomes an accomplice, a bystander, who by silence acquiesces, while the second group becomes a target to be silenced, by whatever means necessary. The similarities in other circumstances are apparent: 9/11, MH-17, Skripal, fictional gas attacks in Syria, etc. The rulers of the Empire demand that everybody endorse a narrative which is self-evidently false thereby creating a very accurate tool to measure the degree of political subservience of every person asked whether the official version is true or not.
In this context, it is quite amazing to see that very few people dare to openly question why and how a foreign power acquired such total control over a supposed superpower. There are, of course, many courageous individuals who dare to question all this (the names of Cynthia McKinney, Ron Unz, Philip Giraldi, Paul Craig Roberts, Catherine Austin-Fitts, Bonnie Faulkner and many others come to mind), but their courageous voices are drowned by an CAT5 hurricane of pro-Zionist propaganda. And, of course, when all else fails, the vapid and nonsensical accusation of “anti-Semitism” is used to discredit anybody whose arguments cannot be simply dismissed. Finally, the US deep-state has been very successful in its covert support for all kinds of genuinely racist movements, personalities and media outlets as a means to discredit (by supposed association) anybody critical of Israel or of Zionism. The exact same technique was used to discredit the 9/11 Truth movement which has been negatively affected on a grass-roots level by all sorts of plain stupid theories (nukes, Russian missiles, directed energy weapons, etc.) which helped to “dissolve” the serious and rigorously scientific studies of what really happened on 9/11.
One of the most devastating consequences of this Zio-compatible political orthodoxy in the USA has been that no US politician has successfully challenged the total control of the Zionist Occupation Government (ZOG – a much-discredited term, yet a totally accurate one, in my opinion). Cynthia McKinney tried, and we all know what happened to her. Even more chilling is the fact that even people like Ron Paul, Dennis Kucinich, Ralph Nader or Tulsi Gabbard clearly decided to stay away from this issue, lest they be demonized and removed from any position of power like Cynthia McKinney was.
This is all entirely deliberate. Just check the language used by HB 741 which clearly and repetitively conflates any rejection or condemnation of Zionism (which is an ideology) with the hatred of Jews (as a religion, ethnicity or race; FWIW, I personally think of Jews as a tribe, not a race or ethnicity). This conflation is the cornerstone of Zionist power in the West, and this is why any discussion of it is considered as an impeachable evidence of racist crimethink).
Still, those who, like myself, live in the USA are comparatively better off than any European dissidents since in most EU countries (and in Russia, by the way) there are already plenty of laws banning specific forms of free speech including even the so-called “Holocaust denial” and the (vaguely worded) ban on “hate speech”: there is no First Amendment in Europe and the ban on some forms of free speech has always been present in Europe (the French philosopher Alain Soral is now risking a year in jail for various “thought-crimes”. I will write about his plight in the near future).
Conclusion: in so many ways, Russians and Americans have the same problem!
Once we make the decision to call things by their proper names, it becomes evident what the problem is, of the USA: the USA is not a genuinely free or sovereign country, but an “occupied territory” ruled by a transnational gang of thugs whose ideology is as racist, messianic and as hateful as it gets (Zionism); I would, therefore, suggest that a perfect US “liberation slogan” might be “restore full sovereignty to the people”. Russia, I believe, has the same problem, albeit to a lesser degree (the most significant difference is that there are still many patriots in Russia who are willing to speak up against this state of affairs, but without falling into the trap of endorsing racist views). Fundamentally, I think that it would be fair to say that both Russia and the USA are struggling to free themselves from the yoke of a trans-national gang of thugs whose goal is world domination, literally (if you are naïve enough to believe that Zionism is “just” the advocacy of a Jewish homeland and a relocation of any threatened Jews to “Eretz Yisrael” you are totally mistaken, see why here).
Furthermore, both Russia and the USA also suffer from the internal oppression of a ruling class, which is corrupt to the core and profoundly contemptuous of everybody else. And while these people are not united under one leader or organization, and while they don’t have to have secret coordinating meetings, they have such a commonality of interests that they will always and instinctively act in concert. I know that this is not a cool thing to say in 2019, but for all his other mistakes, Karl Marx was quite correct in his realization that class struggles are what defines the structure of most societies and that class consciousness often determines how those in power act.
So, whatever we choose to call them (Neocons, Zionists, Atlantic Integrationists, 5th columnists, etc.), these labels are all situational, and we all know who we are dealing with here and how these people operate. And to those who would (inevitably) accuse us of some kind of crypto-racism we would simply reply with the words of a very famous Jew, Saint Paul, who said: “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Eph. 6:12). Besides, blaming Jews for Zionism is about as logical as blaming Russians for Bolshevism, Germans for National Socialism or blaming US Americans for imperialism: this is both counter-factual and profoundly immoral. But, not to worry, the Pope has already declared that Christians have to ask for pardon for “19 centuries of Christian anti-Judaism”! I suppose that soon the Latins will declare Saint Paul an “optional saint” (like they did with Saint Nicholas). In fact, judging by the Pope’s obsession with denouncing anti-Semitism, we can safely assume that soon such notorious “anti-Semites” like Saint Paul, Saint Cyprian of Carthage, Saint Gregory of Nyssa, Saint Ephrem the Syrian, Saint Ambrose of Milan, Saint Justin Martyr and many others will soon be made “optional”. At the end of the day, I fully expect these folks to make Christ Himself “optional,” again for His anti-Semitism (especially in the Gospels of Saint Matthew and Saint John which will surely be “corrected” in the near future).
Russians and US Americans live in very different societies with very different histories. Yet I believe that rather than futilely hoping that Russia will one day become a backer of the (deep-state sponsored and therefore truly racist) Alt-Right, it would be far more realistic and productive to hope that all the people of Russia and the USA, irrespective of their race, ethnicity or religion, join forces to struggle to recover their sovereignty over their country. It does not matter what ideology the trans-national plutocracy happens to advocate as long as the rest of us realize that true sovereignty is the counter-poison which will restore our freedoms and stop wars of aggression (which only the ruling elites benefit from). Today the Neocons are enemy #1 for the US. The Russian 5th columnists are the enemy #1 for Russia. Showing how they work towards the same goals is, I believe, one of the first things which those who resist these thugs must achieve. Paraphrasing Marx, I would suggest this slogan: “sovereignists of all countries – unite!”.
The Saker
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politicalfilth-blog · 6 years
Russian Hack Possible For 2020 Election?
In this video, we give you the latest breaking news on the upcoming election and the possibility of a red hack by Russia and China for the 2020 Elections, Info all coming from DNI chief Dan Coats.
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An amazing human beings in yet another review of the top trending mainstream media news article that I will publicly defecate on with truth.
A different. Truth is subjective but but I was just on Reddit and this is the number one article it’s it’s number three and all that of course A lot of people are talking about n again. Just looking at the title just by the time I know there’s going to be a lot of disinformation propaganda or just blatant lies in this article that will need to be broken down because of the mainstream media says it’s usually.
Depending on.
What special interest they’re serving and then we’re going to go over all of this of course in the video as well as writing a very special.
Twitter message to Ken dilanian at the end of this airing out some of our grievances with this piece okay this piece is by NBC News was getting paid by Volkswagen that company has definitely does not have a controversial past and the blood diamonds as well as in other articles look at this is all ads all of them.
Another ads that is paying for this National Security article against the title of your State’s us Intel agencies.
Russia and China plotting to interfere in 2020 election.
Very clickbait title that I don’t believe has any Merit in it now let’s get into the article by Chief Dan costs also noted that us intelligence agencies believe North Korea is unlikely to give up its nuclear weapons holy cow that ticket Swift turn here does a two different things we’re talking about here Ken can you stay on topic Ken do you wanna Dilly Dilly I’m not know whenever you call your name actually this is.
Okay because we actually have a name we have someone that we could paint the story to end the d&i of course is Director of National Intelligence is also in the news in 2018 saying that we are at a critical point of cyberattacks I would have surprised another hyperbolic statement before why of course using these hyperbolic statements to promote fear to promote propaganda to push for a bigger conflict with what looks like China Russia and specifically North Korea.
This guy also personally sparred with Donald Trump before and he has worked as a lobbyist for copper Industries a Texas corporation that manufactures Electrical Products worldwide now I’m bringing up a lot of this stuff because it’s important to understand the background about which this article is totally based on and I do applaud can for actually naming a source here and putting them on the record now did Ken regurgitate what this guy just told them without questioning it which most journalists do or did he actually do some journalism and some fact-checking here holding Authority accountable for what their sake did he actually do some journalism let’s find out the article reads us intelligence agencies assess that Russia and China will seek to interfere in the 2020 presidential election Having learned lessons from Russia’s operation in 2016 according to the annual public survey of national. Security threat.
Tuesday the article makes a very generalized assertion that there was some kind of Russian operation in 2016 and when you click on the link you just find out about an order that Donald Trump signed that pretty much does not prove that but sets up a protocol if that does happen again what Ken did here is very dishonest because again he’s saying the lessons we learn from the Russian operation linking of course 2.
Proving that at all because guess what people there hasn’t been any Russian collusion proved now the bigger context that does need to be understood here is that there is National Security.
State security hacking efforts made by China made by Russia made by the United States made also by Israel made by many countries that hack each other on many different levels China specifically does.
Two corporations for business purposes and Felix of the claim here that this is to supposedly.
Affect our election somehow that argument again is extremely laughable especially made by the United States that has been interfering in elections and democratically-elected government for decades now it’s what the CIA in the United States government does especially in Latin and South America especially with what the Trump Administration and intelligence Community is trying to do now in Venezuela. That argument I’m not opening up where them for it or against it I. I talked about it a lot of my YouTube channel just watch the separate video before you jump to of course I’ll conclusion which this article does a great job.
Already from the very beginning generalized bigger disinformation and larger context is missing here but Russia China I do not have States is real all hack each other all the time this is the larger context that needs to be understood here and yes russia-china do hacked United States in the United States does hack them it’s an aspect of our national security that exist today and when it comes to this digital space we have to also understand about a lot of hacks could be faked like RI recently saw admitted by Democratic operatives to make it look like Republican senator candidate Roy Moore was linked to Russia in some way of false flag operation which is common and a probability that is worth at least just looking into and if writing a story about it to the general public worth I think at least mention it.
We don’t see any of that here and I’m moving on with the story the story reads quote we assess that foreign actors will view the 2020 us elections as an opportunity to advance their interest Dan coats the Director of National Intelligence told the Senate intelligence committee at the worldwide threats hearing what the readers going to be alluding to is of course Russia with that which the mainstream media has been obsessing about supposedly advancing their interest in the 2016 presidential elections by as the mainstream media wants you to think pushing for Donald Trump to be president of the United States that I would question that narrative not only because I haven’t seen any legitimate proof showing that but also because if the Russians did that.
Kind of backfired on them especially geopolitically because Donald Trump has been more aggressive than than Barack Obama his predecessor especially when it comes to geopolitical matters in Syria actively bombing.
The Syrian government actually come painting to do totally different but what has campaign in Syria actually even causing the deaths of many Russian mercenaries and putting Russia in a very difficult spot Donald Trump has also sold lethal weapons and given them to the Ukrainian forces which was a move that Barack Obama would never dare to do and now Donald Trump is talking about military options on the table for Venezuela as Russia just sent their security forces to of course Safeguard Maduro the president of Venezuela with Donald Trump and even John Bolton with a notepad himself still going forward and even writing that notepad up they’re sending 5000 US troops to the region geopolitical if you look at the bigger picture Donald Trump has been more aggressive than his predecessor when it comes to the bigger geopolitical matters that the United States has been at Major odds with Russia. Do Puerto Rico Russia didn’t do well if they even allegedly helped Donald Trump get into office which is our narrative the mainstream media pushes that according to me and my own personal opinion Falls flat on its face and makes no sense moving forward with the article and another notable statement coats noted that us intelligence agencies believe North Korea is unlikely to give up its nuclear weapon because it’s leader ultimate leave use nuclear weapons as critical to regime survival that view stands in stark contrast to comments from President Donald Trump who in June declared that North Korea was no longer on ugler threat citing his talks with leader Kim Jong on now it is true North Korea does have about 20 nuclear warheads that it looks at this posing which the United States is actually offering technology to even dispose of that specific weapon but it’s important to understand here that North Korea didn’t make very. Progress at dismantling their key missile facilities and with this statement issued by the government it also needs to be stated here which can you forgot about Ken and you forgot to ask for this is well where is the actual evidence proving this and let’s be honest here it’s very hard to believe our government especially in the DNA that lied to us and said that there wasn’t even an NSA surveillance program which whistleblowers have to come out and prove that yeah.
Actually was one and that power was being abused because that power wasn’t being questioned like like you got here it’s not being questioned moving forward the article says coats also reputed Trump statement that Isis has been defeated he said that the group was nearing military defeat in Iraq but has returned to its guerrilla warfare route continues to plot attacks and still commands thousands of fighters in Iraq and Syria from the evidence that I saw yes that’s true but also from the evidence I saw if it wasn’t for intelligence agencies and the horrible Wars the United States has been involved in there wouldn’t also be Isis what you got I think it’s important context your you may not it may not be relevant to you but I personally think it is since United States most likely has a receipt on a lot of the funding ammunition and weapons / infrastructure that this terrorist group has on political interference the written assessment added that intelligence analysts expect. American adversaries to quote refine their capabilities and add a new tactics as they learn from each other’s experience suggesting the threat landscape could look very different in 2020 and future elections political interference using social media and cyber-attacks was scarcely mentioned in the threat assessment before last year but it was listed second behind cyber attacks in Tuesday’s array of the challenges facing US National Security policymakers assessment here is that in Russia allegedly used social media to supposedly interfere in the elections which The Washington Post says that there was actually a crap another paywalled I’m not paying.
How even the Washington Post said that they’re still little evidence that Russia’s 2016 social media efforts did much of course some mainstream Media news article say it’s undeniable that this happened and it could have happened it could have been a false flag and anything is possible here and I could be wrong but from this estimate that I saw I definitely didn’t help swing elections and promoted such things as black lives matter which According to some was supposed to Spur racial tensions and the United States to kind of divide and conquer the people but honestly if that’s the argument that they’re making the people you need to lock up is the mainstream media cuz they’ve been doing that and race-baiting and hate clicking range clicking people for a very long time now and credulous Lee and if that’s a crime they should be sent away for it and that’s why I don’t believe that argument continuing on quote Russia’s social media efforts will continue to focus on aggravating social and racial.. Undermining trust in authorities and criticizing perceived anti-russia politician says the written threat assessment Moscow Maine employee additional influence to kids such as spreading disinformation conducting hack and leak operations or manipulating data in a more targeted fashion to influence us policy actions and elections some of this could actually be true but without a doubt I definitely do not buy that this is specifically for aggravating social and racial tension since again the mainstream media does a great job at that China and Iran may also seek to influence American politics the assessment said and China and Russia are working together as never before in recent history that again is very true and some contacts thank you Kent finally we get some contacts to your NGO politically Russia and China have been working together specifically against the u.s. petrodollar continuing on China and Russia are more aligned than at any. Point since the mid-1950s and the relationship is likely to strengthen in the coming years as some of their interest and threat perceptions converge particularly regarding perceived us unilateralism oh goodness I can’t say that and Western promotion of democratic values and human rights the assessment said you look at us interventions they’re not really promoting democratic values as much as they are pushing allowed in multinational corporations to profit off the suffering of people especially surrounding bigger national resources issues.
Predominantly is about either natural resources or the preservation of the u.s. petrodollar that’s pretty much it for the audience and the viewers in the readers of your article, which really happening here and put some questions to this report that honestly deserves some screwing here continuing on the worldwide threat hearing is generally the one during the year that all heads of major US intelligence agencies testify in public about the threats facing the nation FBI director Christopher Wray may be asked about the acting attorney general’s cup comment Monday that the Mueller investigation is wrapping up and he may be pressed about how much of Mueller’s findings will be made public again going back to Russia here can you know exactly what you’re doing with the psychological propaganda and disinformation that you’re pushing let’s find your Twitter K where is this guy let’s go find them can.
Oh goodness you feel Dazed and Confused already here we go I’m going to follow you so you could DM me now.
Come on.
A candle.
Just read your article and. Have you always been this obedient lap dog of the establishment who gets a little treat and loses his ability to question.
Apostrophe eyes emoji.
That’s my take on it again if you guys think I’m wrong let me know why in the comments section below and I could be wrong and it’s okay to be wrong but only because of the discussion that were able to have actually able to learn from each other which I appreciate it very much so yeah this is why I love the reason I love you guys thank you again so much watching stay tuned for a lot more here on youtube.com we are change.
The post Russian Hack Possible For 2020 Election? appeared first on We Are Change.
from We Are Change https://wearechange.org/russian-hack-possible-for-2020-election/
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sdegliarchangeli · 7 years
Reinforcing and Perpetuating Our (Epi)Genetic Colonial Inheritance
I suddenly found myself once again contemplating something that has crossed my mind ever so often over the past few months: corporal punishment amongst Afro-Caribbean peoples and other peoples of African descent, within the context of post-colonial culture.  I spend quite a bit of my time deliberately trying to stay in tune with, and connected to, my thoughts, feelings and actions.  I am constantly trying to undo so much of the false and traumatic programming with which I have been bombarded since birth.  Needless to say, it is a task that often seems unending. I know someone who loves to hear others say how "obedient" or "good" — among other adjectives — his children are; he enjoys it to the point of practically singing his own praises on the marvellous job he believes he has done with them.  I have met the majority of his children, and I can say that they are definitely obedient and "good", at least in the way that our society ascribes meaning to those words when it comes to children and youth.  He will proudly proclaim that he is a Christian and wholly believes in biblical scripture, which includes Proverbs 13:24: "He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes."  This is the word of the Lord, as is often said after a passage from the holy book is read aloud; but is it, really? When we reflect on the ways in which both Christianity and violence were horrifically used against enslaved Africans, how do we reconcile this reality and the adherence to such words in the rearing of our children, or in a scholastic environment?  How do we, in good conscience, personally administer, or allow the administration of such violence on the bodies of our beloved children by complete strangers?  When did it become perfectly all right to ignore our own historical abuses, but even worse, inflict that same abuse on our children?  Do religion, misguided cultural and social norms and mores, or some absurd and warped nationalist identity, justify such cruelty? A lot of people say, "Well, my mother — or grandmother — used to beat me when I gave trouble, and look at me!  I turned out just fine!"  What I inevitably often wonder is: How do you know that you are just fine?  Do you mean to tell me that all of that violence inflicted upon your person during your formative years, in service to some notion of "obedience" or "goodness", did not traumatise you in any way, or leave psychological scars of which you may not even be aware, or which may have resulted in a lesser version of you? Consider this for a moment: whenever someone has been through a crucible, survived some horrendous abuse or trauma on just one occasion, they are forever changed, sometimes in ways that not even they or their loved ones can fully comprehend.  Now consider how repeated trauma and abuse during a person's formative years and over a period of time could then affect a person.  With each trauma, a piece of the person is eroded or buried.  So, are many of us, who are products of these particular cultures walking around as fragmented versions of ourselves, and not even realising it? Here is another gem, that another friend of mine recently posted as a conversation piece: Deuteronomy 21:18-21: 
"18 If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and [that], when they have chastened him, will not hearken unto them:
19 Then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the elders of his city, and unto the gate of his place;
20 And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son [is] stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; [he is] a glutton, and a drunkard.
21 And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die: so shalt thou put evil away from among you; and all Israel shall hear, and fear."
I believe that one speaks for itself.  However, some will hasten to say that the Old Testament is passeth away, and we are saved by grace and the New Testament is the new and current covenant, etc.  Okay.  Then, if the New Testament is what adherents of Christianity ought to believe and utilise, why do people still quote from the Old Testament in their efforts to justify all sorts of cruel and inhumane practices.  Would a true, modern theocracy in the Caribbean, for example, permit, or even force, persons to allow others to murder their children without impunity?  Would we gladly swallow and enforce such barbarism without so much as a murmur?  Would our potential murmurs be proscribed and treated as "Hate Speech" or "Blasphemy" or "High Treason"?  I don't know.  Or, would such a system of government rely solely on the New Testament for its laws?  Then again, Exodus is from the Old Testament, so would the "Ten Commandments" no longer be applicable?
I'll be the first to say that I am no theologian, but there are so many proven contradictions, mistranslations — both from a linguistic and socio-cultural perspective — that it is, admittedly, rather hard to keep track.
Here's another delightful contradiction, of which I think many people are just blissfully unaware, or which they just deliberately ignore: The people of Israel, of that time, were described in the Bible as basically being dark of skin.  So... how do we reconcile the information provided in the Bible with most contemporary depictions of The Christ?  Moreover, do the descriptions of his great trials and tribulations provide further historical evidence of humanity's profound hatred for Black bodies?  I mean, if they could do Jesus like that, then damn!  What hope could the rest of us have?  Did those who sought to enslave our African ancestors accept that Jesus was, indeed, Black; and so used that narrative to support what they were doing to the Africans?  I will readily admit that Black people at some points in history also did own slaves, as did Jews, and Arabs, and the list goes on into perpetuity.  I will also readily acknowledge that Black people during the Transatlantic Trade in Enslaved Africans, often participated in the capture and trade of their own people, because someone will want to bring up those facts, but they do not negate the rest.  Last, here's a question that might ruffle some feathers: why would God send his son, which was basically himself physically manifested on the Earthly plane, in the form of a Black male, only to be tortured and abused in such a manner?  Why that form in particular, and what might that tell us about God Him/Her/Itself?
Tangent aside, I want to bring the focus back to my original concern, which is the infliction of violence upon our children.  When I taught at a K-6 Preparatory School last year, some of the children who had been labelled problematic, ended up being some of my favourite children.  Why is that?  Perhaps, because I saw it as a welcome challenge to try to reach those that other teachers had already designated as unreachable; or perhaps, because I was once also labelled a "problem child", despite much evidence to the contrary, I could see in them what many were unable, or simply unwilling, to see in me.  This is not to say that there aren't children with real mental health issues, who often require specialised assistance with their specific psychological or behavioural challenges; but this is not the case for all children.
In a matter of weeks, I had managed to earn the trust and respect of those very same "problem children", without having to utilise corporal punishment.  Of course, it was not always an easy road, but in the end it was worth it, because I had managed to reach them without the use of physical or psychological abuse.  I was very proud of what I had accomplished with them in the short time that I was privileged to be their teacher.  The love and support of the students was well worth the effort, and I would like to believe that I managed to leave with them some tools that might help them to participate in the dismantling of certain parts of a system that does not, and should not, work for us.
A most essential component in dealing with those labelled as problematic, in my experience, is to identify the root of the behaviour, particularly within the context of how the young person identifies or views him/herself — do forgive the binary description.  If one can do that, and address the young person with a real willingness to listen, and with empathy and compassion, I have found that one can truly provide the sort of assistance, and where necessary, discipline, that the young person may need.  If we cannot divorce our egos from those situations, we might as well deploy the belt or whatever else is on hand, but use it on ourselves, instead; for we would have failed in our duty to aid a young person in need, and by extension, in the development of a kinder, more empathetic and overall emotionally intelligent human race.
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clubofinfo · 7 years
Expert: Previously I argued that the phony war on “islamic terrorism”, the incessant attacks on and indictment of Islam as a violent religion, and the claim to bring so-called “democracy” to a region ruled by “dictators” are ploys for U.S. wars in the Middle East. Real motives instead, I further argued, are driving these wars with the objective to destabilize, remake, or destroy Arab societies, partition all states that are not in line with the U.S. and Israeli policies, and, in short, dismantle the Arab world. Two agendas converge to implement this effort. The first has for a focus the aims of U.S. hyper-imperialism. Besides submitting the Arab nations to U.S. plans and military control, the quest for uncontested global hegemony is the core of this agenda. While such a quest is intrinsic to the making of the colonialist nature of the American state, the part related to the Arab world is a particular detail within the overall agenda. Explanation: The Arab regions in the Middle East and North Africa enjoy unrivaled geostrategic assets palatable to U.S. imperialism. However, targeting the Arab nations for war, destruction, and partition because of resources or geographic positions makes no sense in modern times unless a wider, deeper agenda is playing out in the U.S. calculation. This raises a series of questions. What are the forces directing the Arab agenda of the United States? Are these forces responsible for the persistent hostility toward the Arabs and the active destruction of selective states? Did such a plan start with Kissinger-controlled U.S. foreign policy during Nixon’s presidency or does it go further back in time? Were Sadat’s recognition of Israel, Israel’s invasion of Lebanon, Iraq’s American-induced invasion of Iran and Kuwait, and U.S. war on Iraq in 1991 the preparatory stages for that plan? A vital question: Do such forces persuade or coerce the United States to oppose all equitable proposals to solve the Palestinian Question? And to close, who is keeping the interventionist agenda going? Who are the proponents of the Fascist Military Pacification Model the United States wants to impose on the Arab nations? The second agenda belongs to Israel. Considering its complex logistics and interwoven interests with the global aims of the United States, this agenda is partly carried out by Israel and partly by the United States but with European and Arab vassals following orders. Israel’s agenda operates on nine levels each of which comes with own scope, parameters, and application tools: General Level: To expand the scope of Zionist narratives on Palestine, so-called right of Jews to return to it, fake historical rights, and so on. Films, TV, false archeology, fake research books, internet, propagandists, and all type of media—even cookbooks—are the avenues for such efforts. American Level: To preserve the duopoly system as is for easy management; keep the White House and Congress under tight Zionist control; keep the display of power as in AIPAC annual pageantries in order to demonstrate system’s obedience and Zionist control; conceive and implement U.S. foreign policy through American Jewish Zionists who occupy key posts in the American system. America’s European Vassals Level: To keep European states under the U.S. umbrella for a stronger Israeli control. Russian/Chinese Level: With over one million ethnic Russian Jews living in Israel, Israel has an advantage in Russia through organized Zionist lobbyists and oligarchs. The scope is to keep Russia out of the Middle East—it failed in Syria—and away from the Arabs. As for China, Israel provides American-designed military technology to increase influence thus preempting potential Chinese support for Arab causes. International Level: The U.S. belligerent posturing toward North Korea is not its own. It is Israeli by all standards and terminologies. Explanation: N. Korea provided military technology to Iran and Pakistan. That is anathema to Israel. If N. Korea were to stop cooperating with countries deemed adversaries to Israel, the U.S. saber rattling would cease instantly. The other scope is to keep flaunting any U.N. resolution critical of Israel using the U.S. hegemon as a buffer. America’s Arab vassals: The United States has practically ended, on behalf of Israel, the Arab system of nations through wars and interventions. Israel is now poised to submit all Arab regimes—not the peoples—to its military power and political will. Regional Level: To maintain Israeli superiority by means of American military supplies, as well as its own. However, the United States is now doing the major job by smashing the Arab states–one by one. The partition of Sudan and the pending partition of Iraq, Libya, Syria, and Yemen are examples. Palestinian Level: To implement the plan to settle the Palestinian Question on Israeli terms. This is how it works. Give the Palestinian a semblance of economic independence within the occupation regime; swallow what remains of historic Palestine; suffocate Gaza to death to stop the resistance; declare a “state” called “Palestine” in Gaza comprising lands taken from Egypt. Israeli Level: To intensify the Zionization, fascistization, chauvinism, and racism of the Israeli Jewish society. This is important for the continuation of the Zionist project to create a “greater Israel”. Further, the Zionist project was not about creating a “homeland” for the Jews of Europe. It is about Zionist expansions and empire. According to this scheme, turning the racist ideology of and the colonialist core of Zionism into a permanent way of thinking could guarantee the continuation of Israel as a peculiar racist state. Discussion What we want to see now is what did American Jewish Zionists do to rise to such an unprecedented power in the United States? There is a flipside to the coin. Was such a rise autonomous or dependent on factors rooted in the American system? In other words, who allowed Jewish Zionists to dominate the United States? To answer, we need a starting point. Jewish Zionist propaganda would like the uninformed to believe that the United States was already in pre-Zionist sympathies at least since President John Adams.1 An example of such propaganda outlets is the Zionist website Jewish Virtual Library. This so-called library made a compendium of U.S. presidents who, it claims, supported the idea of “restoring the lands of Israel” to its “people”.2 First, U.S. presidents prior to Theodore Roosevelt might have made favorable expressions to certain Jewish individuals. However, I view such expressions as apolitical, superficial, and ceremonial. Moreover, they had no bearing into the future—this was yet to unfold depending on world events. Nor did they set the path for Franklyn D. Roosevelt and his successor Harry Truman to prepare for the installation of a Zionist entity in Palestine. It seems that the “Library” wants to convey the idea that rational political processes brought the United States to side with Zionism and later with Israel. Now, recalling that such “sympathies” might have been made in response to solicitations by Jewish personalities, they were not the political convictions of the American system. However, they became so after Woodrow Wilson publically endorsed the British Mandate for Palestine. Second, because the American system depends on ideological continuity, it is expected that Roosevelt’s anti-Arab racism and Zionist outlook would pass to his successors. Such passage would also confirm that new patterns of domestic power were emerging. Explanation: in U.S. political settings, the presidents of the imperialist state invariably adopt and further expand on the foreign policies of their predecessors. The pretense that what those presidents expressed had amounted to recognition of “Jewish claims” on Palestine is baseless. Needless to argue, the fate of Palestine, then under Ottoman rule until the end of WWI, was not a subject for U.S. presidents to decide. Colonialism, however, was the only historical force able to divide conquered nations according to self-interest or consequent to political machinations. Yet, those expressions revealed something interesting— the cultural ignorance of U.S. presidents. Fixated on biblical stories, they interchanged the religious affiliation of Europeans of Jewish faith with the ancient Hebrews. With this, a historical falsehood had been established. Later, this would become the rationalized basis to install a settler state in Palestine. When American Jewish Zionists twisted the arms of FDR and Harry Truman to make them agree to their demands, and when both presidents gave up under pressure, it became evident that a Jewish Zionist force was born. Under this premise, I view Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, and Franklyn D. Roosevelt as the primary facilitators of U.S. Zionism and its ascending power. Harry Truman is another story. Although, the Zionist state was born under his watch, he was not that essential in the gestation of Zionism toward power. It is true, however, that Truman, a war criminal and opportunist who sold out to Zionists to garner their vote, was a catalyst in turning American Jewish Zionists into the masters of the United States. Explanation: the installation of Israel gave momentum to the emergent power of Zionists. Still, during the transition from European Jewish invasion of Palestine to the installation of Israel, Truman did nothing but to continue with the moral cowardice and treachery of Franklyn D. Roosevelt toward the Arabs. To back the views I just presented, I will discuss in this part Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson; in the upcoming Part 5, I will discuss Franklyn D. Roosevelt. Theodore Roosevelt Since ever New York Jewish Zionists supported his campaign for governor of New York, and later for president, Roosevelt, a racist and an avowed colonialist in the American tradition, set the stage for a long-lasting confrontational U.S. policy toward the Arabs. With that policy came the gradual elevation of American Jewish Zionists to the claimed status of “king makers” of American politics—especially in the making of foreign policy. Here I want to stress one aspect, which is how the hate of the Arabs became synonymous with the Jewish Zionist power. It works like this: If an American individual wants to run for office, he must declare or pledge in advance his support of Israel against all its “enemies”—the Arabs. On the other hand, opposing Israel (or Zionism) on any ground could mean losing elections and careers. How did Theodore Roosevelt set the stage for a durable anti-Arab policy of the United States? Let us reprise a quotation that appeared in Part 2. In a private meeting held in 1907, Roosevelt confided: It is impossible to expect moral, intellectual, and material well-being where Mohammedanism is supreme. The Egyptians, for example, were a people of Moslem fellahin who have never in all time exercised any self-government whatever. Britain’s Lord Cromer, Roosevelt added, is one of the greatest modern colonial administrators, and he has handled Egypt just according to Egypt’s needs, military occupation, foreign tutelage, and Christian patience.3 [Sic], [Italics added] Roosevelt’s opinion on regions dominated by Mohammedanism—his word for Islam—was in tune with his bigoted ideology. Anyone, of course, is entitled to his opinion. But when an American president expresses racist remarks debasing peoples and their religion, the implication is enormous. Simply, it means that said president, his administration, and subsequent administrations would most likely take the same path. This is how political states stay in business. Eventually, a nurtured prejudice could evolve into state policy— the systematic destruction of the Original Peoples of the United States and the ideology of the Third Reich are examples. Consequently, it is not farfetched to say that Roosevelt’s prejudice had come a long way. Today, it has become the official philosophy of the United States. A few decades after Roosevelt, John Kennedy, then a senator from New York, proved the assessment I just made. In search of the so-called Jewish vote, he had to go through the rituals of praise (allegiance) to Zionism and to exempt it from the disasters in the Middle East. In addressing a gathering at B’nai Zion Anniversary, he virtually licked the Zionist rear end without shame, pride, or, at least, a little cultivated historical and cultural knowledge. With his speech (1958), Kennedy proved beyond any doubt that 11 years after the installation of Israel (1947), the power of American Jewish Zionist had become a strong fixture in U.S. politics. He said: This myth – with which you are all too familiar – is the assertion that it is Zionism which has been the unsettling and fevered infection in the Middle East, the belief that without Israel there would somehow be a natural harmony throughout the Middle East and the Arab world. Quite apart from the values and hopes which the State of Israel enshrines – and the past injuries which it redeems – it twists reality to suggest that it is the democratic tendency of Israel which has injected discord and dissention into the Near East. Even by the coldest calculations, the removal of Israel would not alter the basic crisis in the area. For, if there is any lesson which the melancholy events of the last two years and more taught us, it is that, though Arab states are generally united in opposition to Israel, their political unities do not rise above this negative position. The basic rivalries within the Arab world, the quarrels over boundaries, the tensions involved in lifting their economies from stagnation, the cross-pressures of nationalist – all of these factors would still be there even if there were no Israel.4 Comment I could write a full dissertation on Kennedy’s speech and the excerpt I just cited . . . What Kennedy said is a classic example of political succumbence. It also shows how indoctrinations, political posturing, and the expected benefits from sycophancy seep from a political epoch to another. For instance, in his lengthy speech, he never uttered the words Palestine or Palestinians. And when he talked about the Palestinians kicked out of their lands by Jewish Zionist terrorists, he called them “Arab refugees”. (See pictures of Palestinians kicked out by Zionists in 1948). Beyond that, it confirms that the imperialist state had blindly embraced the Zionist narratives. And to close, it demonstrates a culture of obedience to Zionism, and acute prejudice against the Arabs. Above all, Kennedy’s speech highlighted the ascending power of American Jewish Zionism in the United States. There is more. Kennedy externalized the standard political making of an American politician seeking office. When candidates confront the issue of Israel and the Arabs before Jewish Zionist gatherings, they invariably become arrogantly offensive toward the Arabs, but exceedingly flattering toward Zionism. (I added Italics to every sentence of the excerpt where a counter-argument can be made to demolish Kennedy’s assertions. I stop here, however, to avoid derailing this article.) Let us go back to Roosevelt. When he made his racist feelings known, he appeared to have implied that only when Christianity is supreme, intellectual and well-being are guaranteed. In saying so, he gave Jewish Zionists the ideological weapons to fight Arab and Palestinian nationalisms. To be noted, Roosevelt’s praise for Lord Cromer is revealing. In casting his praise with words such as, “the greatest modern colonial administrators”, he left no doubt that the guiding light of the United States is an ideology that glorifies colonialism and slavery while turning colonialist administrators into symbols of virtue and rectitude. Aside from supremacist beliefs, Roosevelt’s use of the concept “Christian patience” lacks originality. He plagiarized Rudyard Kipling’s concept of “White’s man burden”. This observation is important: it shows how ideological contagion works. Knowing this little bit about Roosevelt’s sentiments, it should not be surprising, therefore, when he stated it is “entirely proper to start a Zionist state around Jerusalem.”5 The question one may ask, what were Roosevelt’s rationales and historic justification for a Zionist state “around Jerusalem”? Why is it “entirely proper to start a Zionist state”? What makes it proper: his ideology or bigotry? Why did he ignore the Palestinians who lived in, around, and beyond Jerusalem? Woodrow Wilson From studying how U.S. presidents interacted with Zionism and Israel, we may be able to draw some conclusions. For instance, from Theodore Roosevelt to Herbert Hoover, the trend was to mix theology, mythology, and colonialism. From FDR to George H. W. Bush the tunes changed to include the primacy of imperialism and the usefulness of Israel to America’s global agenda. From Bill Clinton to Donald Trump, theology and mythology resurfaced but this time the fuel is anti-Muslim Christian Zionism, anti-Arab Neocon Jewish Zionism, and the new plans to partition the Arab states. It is known that the beginning of any process is a tone-setter for the next enterprise.  Under this light, Wilson’s way of thinking about a Zionist state acquires special importance. It rested on four grounds: theological dogmas, Manifest Destiney beliefs, colonialist mindset, and on his conviction of the virtues of European colonialist states. When he (under suspicious circumstances),6 selected the Jewish Zionist Louis Dembitz Brandeis to be his informal advisor on foreign policy, he set the precedence for the rise of many Jewish Zionist advisors and chiefs of staff to presidents and vice presidents.7 But when he appointed him to the Supreme Court, he initiated the process of the Zionist penetration into the American state. To evaluate how Brandeis was working on the mind of Wilson, I am going to quote Jerry Klinger. Klinger is a Jewish Zionist propagandist and a founder of the Jewish American Society for Historic Preservation. In his article Judge Brandeis, President Wilson and Reverend William E. Blackstone changed Jewish history Klinger details the intellectual and ideological interactions Between Wilson and Brandeis: Brandeis knew and understood Wilson. He understood what influences Wilson would respond to. He understood the soul of President Wilson. Brandeis was a master politician and courtroom manipulator of opinion and direction. Wilson needed to be appealed to on the basis of faith but not by faith alone would the President act. Wilson needed to be sure of his political base of popular support for his actions. He needed to be sure it was the right thing for America. He weighed his actions carefully and not impulsively. [Emphasis added] He continues further down: Wilson further understood through Brandeis that there were delicate negotiations going on in Britain for a declaration of intentions regarding Jewish interests once Britain had wrested control of Palestine from the Turks. [Emphasis added] Most important for Brandeis was that Wilson understood he had significant grassroots American political and faith based support for the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. The Blackstone Memorial was an American document and not a British document. It was important for Wilson and Brandeis to show that they were not the followers of the British. American foreign policy was not shaped and directed by the British but by American interests. [Emphasis added] Comment Well, now that we know how Wilson had gotten his political education on the claims of Zionism, let us move forward. Brandeis is a master manipulator. Klinger’s statement that Brandeis convinced Wilson that “supporting the British plan for Palestine means that American foreign policy was not shaped and directed by the British but by American interests” was a winning tactic. It gave self‑importance to a United States. I view that tactic as an early indication of how American Jewish Zionists intended to manipulate the United States. Did Wilson comply with the coaching imparted to him by Brandeis? Certainly, in his book, The Elected and the Chosen: Why American Presidents Have Supported Jews and Israel, page 179, Denis Brian, an Irish Christian Zionist provides an adequate answer: Like many previous presidents, Wilson compared the Jews of the old testament with the colonists and the early history of America. He then goes on to quote Wilson directly: Recalling the previous experiences of the colonists in applying the Mosaic Code to the order of their internal life, it is not to be wondered at that the various passages in the Bible that serve to undermine royal authority, stripping the Crown of its cloak of divinity, held up before the pioneer Americans the Hebrew Commonwealth as a model government. In the spirit and essence of our Constitution, the influence of the Hebrew Commonwealth was paramount in that it was not only the highest authority for the principle, “that rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God,” but also because it was in itself a divine precedent for a pure democracy, as distinguished from monarchy, aristocracy or any other form of government. To think that I, the son of the manse, should be able to help restore the Holy Land to its people. Comment Despite academic credentials and a university post, Wilson manifested clear intellectual confusion. First, he mingled between diverse categories of thought. Second, his mix-up was so severe that he bundled theology (divinity, etc.) with mythology as in his “various passages in the Bible”. And, if that were not sufficient, he added to the mixture a dose of political gibberish as in the dictions “pure democracy”, “monarchy”, etc. Then he resorted to colonialism as in his phrase “to help restore”…etc. Not only that, but his approach to important U.S. policy directions that structurally overlooked the existence of the Palestinians—the future victims of his planned “restoration” smacks of ignorance, dishonesty, callousness, and ethical perfidy.  I wonder how Wilson would have responded to a question such as this: Mr. President, did you ever think to restore the Original Peoples of the United States to the lands you and your predecessors have stolen by fire, forced relocations, and extermination? Next, I will discuss Franklyn D. Roosevelt and other issues.   • First published in American Herald Tribune Read Part One here; Part Two here; Part Three here Next: Part 5: Part 6: Interview with Francis Boyle Part 7: Interview with James Petras Part 8: Interview with Kim Petersen * The Austrian Nathan Birnbaum coined the term Zionism in 1890. I view any prior similar ideology as pre-Zionist. * Jewish Virtual Library, S. Presidents & Israel: Quotes About Jewish Homeland & Israel * Douglas Little, American Orientalism: The United States and the Middle East since 1945, University of North Carolina Press, 2008, p. 16. * JFK Presidential Library and Museum, Remarks of Senator John F. Kennedy at the B’nai Zion, February 9, 1958. * Quoted in Benjamin Glatt, Today in History: Teddy Roosevelt and the Jews, The Jerusalem Post, 2016. * Alleged Wilson’s adultery was seized to blackmail him. I’m no fan of hoaxes and allegations. However, unbiased research is needed to ascertain validity. The following link provides some background on this issue: The Making of Woodrow Wilson— An American Nero? * Examples include Henry Kissinger, Samuel Berger, Irving Lewis Libby, David Axelrod, Rahm Emanuel, etc. http://clubof.info/
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