#bc fob top and panic had a tour together
tnystrk-exe · 2 years
Comfort bands throughout the years.
Middle school was MCR and Hollywood Undead. High School was cut between Avenged Sevenfold and Twenty One Pilots. Then for a good while it was Queen. Ghost kinda feels like a somewhat natural progression. If I actually paid attention to tours as a kid I would’ve found them sooner. Pity.
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Hey, here's some of my 2018 music stuff.
This isn't from Spotify, it's just stuff i really liked this year... that i can remember
Okay, one of my new favorite musicians is Young Gravy. He's very explicit and reminds me of Deadpool A LOT. One of his song's you might have heard is "Cheryl"(tik tok) but you might have Also heard "mr. Clean"(also from tik tok memes). Lot's of pump up songs and just feel good "it's time to get drunk and high and have a blast" songs along with stuff like "i got bitches!!"
Twenty one pilots. God, Trench is amazing and i wish i could have gone to the bandito tour. Amazing work on the ENTIRE ALBUM, but i really love "Simithereens", "legend", and "morph". Their other songs are still great, but trench was a big deal for me this year.
Newsies/musicals! Halfway through the year i watched newsies, and thats what got me into musicals! My top musicals are newsies, falsettos, deh, and bmc. Really amazing work and talent going into all of those projects and i love them very much. And, i met most of my AMAZING FRIENDS on here through those musicals!
Panic! At the disco!!!! My first concert!! I had a whole melt down seeing all the pride flags there! It was so amazing seeing all these people, and Brendon wore a pride flag!! I loved it and it was a highlight of my year!
Fob! MANIA was an amazing album, and i do understand the hate though. They sound nothing like their early albums, but people change, and i still love their sound! Patrick is still a cinnamon roll, and i love him very much! I'm currently trying to get butterfly patches for my denim jacket to be like Pete's jacket
Mcr... lets hope the smashing pumpkins theory is right!! Their music was a big part of me this year too. Though i don't listen to them as much any more, i would LOVE for them to get back together. If they dont, that fine too bc i love all of their solo works too. Gee is on a roll with doom patrol, Peni Parker, the new Umbrella academy show on Netflix, the new Doom Patrol show, and new music, so i get it if he's a little too busy.
Classic rock!! At the beginning of the year i really got into classic rock, and i still love it! I grew up listening to the Beatles, but i also love queen, the clash, Elvis, Michael Jackson/Jackson five, Elton john, David Bowie, etc. the new queen movie was amazing(especially the sound track) and i can't wait for the Elton John one too (fricken Tom Hardy, the guy who played Eddie Brock, is playing ELTON JOHN!! Wtf Tom ilysm)
Anyways, not very interesting, but maybe take a listen to this stuff?? Definitely listen to Young Gravy. Love his music. (My fave is knockout btw)
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f0blove · 7 years
Perfect (Patrick Stump)
Based Off a Request for a TOP & FOB imagine ( requested by the amazing @imke-vd who might hate me bc I told her I was working on this like a month ago.... sorry! Hope you like it!<3)
A/N: I’m pretty proud of this one ( it’s my longest one ever and features two of my favorite bands ) so I hope you like it!
Subject: Patrick Stump, featuring twenty one pilots and Fall Out Boy
You shift your eyes from left to right. Are you in the right place? You shake your head and walk down the hallway to the left. Obviously you're in the right place, there’s twenty one pilots posters covering the venue, and the security guard handed you a backstage pass and checked your name off of a list, but you still felt lost. Why is it so hard to find the stage? You rub your arms and look down the next hallways, debating which direction to go.
“Need help?” You jump at the voice that comes from behind you.
“Yeah,” you say gratefully, smiling at the security guard, “I’m trying to find the main stage?”
“Down that hallway and to the left” the security guard gestures, “You’re almost there”
You grin and thank him, hurrying in the direction he pointed. When you emerge from the hallway, you're right behind the stage and you spot a group of guys standing in a circle in the center of the stage. You grin as you spot who you’ve been searching for this whole time, and you can’t help but break into a run.
“TY-JO!” The yell rips through the stage and Patrick jumps as it startles him, turning just in time to see a blur of dark hair running towards Tyler. For a moment he panics, wondering if this girl was a crazed fan or something, but then Tyler turns, grins and holds his arms out. In another second, the girl collides with Tyler and hugs him fiercely, laughing as she tucks her face into his neck and then he’s spinning her in a circle. It’s like a scene from a movie, but Patrick’s confused. Who’s this girl? Is he supposed to know her? Does Tyler have a girlfriend? As he looks around the group no one else seems confused at what’s happening. The girl finally steps out of Tyler’s arms, only to immediately hug Josh.
“Josh, I missed you” she groans as he hugs her tightly.
“I missed you too kid” he grins at her.
She grins cheekily and Patrick is mesmerized by her smile - it lights up the whole stage. She hugs Pete too, and suddenly Patrick wonders if he’s the only one who doesn't know this girl. But then she introduces herself to Joe and Andy. Then finally, she turns towards him, smile brightening as they make eye contact, and Patrick is almost speechless. This girl is one of the most beautiful women he’s ever seen, and he’s so distracted by her piercing eyes he almost misses her words.
“Hey,” she says happily extending a hand to him, “I’m (Y/N)”
“Patrick” he responds, shaking her hand.
“I know” she says , then blushing, “I mean , um, I’m a fan so I know, we haven't actually met yet” she rushes to explain herself.
You blush furiously as you rant, tripping over your words. It figures, you’ve been wanting to meet Patrick for a long time, and the minute you do you act like a crazed teenager fawning over him.
“It’s okay, I’m glad to hear you’re a fan. And it’s nice to meet you” He smiles back, and you let out a breath. You try to find something else to say, anything that will keep those gorgeous eyes of his looking into yours, but Tyler tugs on your arms.
“What took you so long? I thought you’d be here hours ago. You missed sound check!”
“I'm sorry, traffic was awful and it took ages to get out of the house” You explain, “but I'm here now!”
“Thank god, I thought you were gonna miss the whole show” Josh groans, nudging you in the shoulder.
“Nah I’d never miss the chance to see my boys play” you grin, hugging Josh’s side. “Plus I’d never turn down a Fall Out Boy concert either”
Pete throws a grin, high fiving you.
“Can I put my stuff in the bus now?” you ask , looking between Tyler and Josh.
“The bus?” Patrick asks from behind me.
“She’s joining us for the rest of the tour” Pete says, looking at Patrick confused.
“That’s alright, right?” Tyler asks.
Patrick looks back at him, equally confused, “Of course, Sorry, I mean that’s great, I just didn't know” he turns to you, “Seriously, that’s great, I’m glad you're coming it'll be a lot of fun.”
You actively try to stop from smiling as he smiles at you, nodding back at him.
“So…” you say, breaking up the silence that followed, “Buses?”
The guys all murmur agreements and Tyler and Josh start leading everyone to the bus. Both of them trying to talk to you at the same time. You link arms with Tyler, just happy to be back with your best friend again.
PATRICKS POV Patrick’s heart fell a little as he watched her link arms with Tyler, head leaning on his shoulder as they walked.
There was still time before they had to get ready for the show, so they all broke paths to go to their separate tour buses, and Patrick felt oddly disappointed when (Y/N), Tyler, and Josh disappeared into their tour bus, but he couldn't figure out why.
Four hours later, Patrick walks off the stage, applause and screaming from the crowd ringing in his ears, grinning widely.
“Good job man” Joe says, clapping him on the shoulder.
“Yeah you too” Patrick responds, high fiving Pete and Andy too.
Tyler and Josh appear from back stage. “Ready for the encore?” Tyler asks.
They all nod, and rush back on the stage, to give one long, dramatic encore, singing Saturday and Trees. The crowd explodes at the end, louder than they had been all night. The guys exit the stage for good this time, and (Y/N) is waiting in the wings, clapping for them.
“You guys were amazing!” she cheers, hugging Tyler and Josh first, “Ew okay, also really sweaty” she commented with a laugh.
“And you guys, oh my gosh, I swear you get better and better everytime I see you” she gushes, turning towards the guys of Fall Out Boy. Patrick’s heart flips in his chest as she hugs him tightly.
“You’ve seen us before?” Patrick asks, pulling away.
“Oh yeah” (Y/N) says, “I’ve been a fan for ages I’ve actually seen you guys like four times” she blushes, looking away.
“That’s awesome” Patrick says grinning, and you lock eyes.
“I don’t know about you guys, but I am starving” Joe interjects, “Anyone up for food?” “Can we do pizza?” Pete asks.
“No how about taco bell” Tyler chimes in.
“Ty, we are not going to Taco Bell, ever” (Y/N) groans, putting a hand on her hip.
“I agree” Patrick throws in.
Tyler looks at them, offended, “Wow I really feel like I’m getting ganged up on here but whatever”
(Y/N) laughs leaning forward and putting an arm on his shoulder. “There’s an old fashioned diner just a few blocks from here. They have pizza and mexican food and a little bit of everything else. How does that sound?”
Everyone agrees, deciding to head back to the buses to shower and get ready first.
An hour later, the large group of you walk down the street, having decided on just walking to the diner since it's so close
It’s cold and a little windy outside, so everyone’s hunched against the cold. Patrick walks behind Tyler and (Y/N). He watches with annoyance as (Y/N) moves against his side, and Tyler throws an arm around her, rubbing her shoulder to warm her up. Patrick can’t explain it but he feels insanely jealous. He’s known this girl for less than twelve hours and yet for some reason he can't stop the flare of jealousy that piques in his chest every time Tyler and (Y/N) do something cute. He can't help but feel like it should be him, but that's crazy… right?
“Dude, are you okay?” Pete asks.
“What? Yeah I'm fine why?” Patrick responds, taking his eyes away from the back of (Y/N)’s head.
“I dunno you just look… kinda pissed I guess.”
“Nah i'm good, just hungry” Patrick says, avoiding Pete’s eyes.
“Alright if you say so. But good news, I think we’re here” The people in front of them stop, opening the door and piling into the cozy little diner. The seven of them cram into a booth, everyone jostling and being a little bit too loud, scrambling for menus and talking about the show. Patrick catches eyes with (Y/N) who sits across the table. She makes a gesture that says “Wow can you believe these guys?” and Patrick laughs in response, shrugging. As she smiles back, that flare in Patrick’s chest gets a little warmer, and little kinder, and maybe a little more hopeful.
After an hour of eating and talking, the group heads back to the buses, Patrick and Pete to one, Andy and Joe to a second, And Josh, Tyler, and (Y/N) to the third. Patrick stands outside the door to their bus, waving to everyone as they disappear.
Pete grins as he spots Patrick’s eyes trained on (Y/N) as she climbs into the bus.
“She’s cute, isnt she” Pete says, moving around him to climb up the bus.
“Beautiful” Patrick corrects, before blushing and clearing his throat and following ete inside. “I mean, uh, Tyler’s a lucky guy”
Pete looks at him in confusion, before letting out a chuckle “Nah man you got it all wrong, They're not together”
“They're not?” Patrick repeats, heart flipping in his chest.
“Nope. They’re just friends. Been friends since they were babies, I think. Nope, as far as I know she’s single”
“Interesting” Patrick says, pretending to act somewhat uninterested.
“You should go for it, Trick” Pete comments.
“What? No I…”
“You’ve been staring at her all night. And she’s been staring right back”
“No she hasn't” Patrick denies, rolling his eyes.
“Dude,” Pete says, putting hands on Patrick's shoulders and squeezing, “She’s beautiful and smart and funny, I think you two could be cute together. Go for it”
“I'll think about it” Patrick says, and Pete grins, walking away to go to bed.
Late that night Patrick drifts off to sleep, hoping that Pete was right.
“That was awesome!” You cheer as the guys come running off the stage.
“Yeah but you always say that” Tyler says with a smile, rolling his eyes.
“Well you guys are always awesome” you tease, poking him in the shoulder.
“I just can’t wait to shower” Josh complains, running a towel across his forehead.
“Oh friend we’re all excited for that” Joe says.
Josh makes a fake hurt face and flips him off. The group moves away from the stage, splitting up to shower and agreeing to meet back in Tyler and Josh’s bus. Being the only one not showering, you pull out your laptop and settle in on the couch, waiting for everyone to be done.
The first one to come into the bus is Patrick, and you can’t help but smile when you realize it’s him.
“You clean up nicely” you say with a smile.
He blushes slightly, letting out a laugh “ Thanks”
“Come sit, no one else is ready yet” you pat the couch next to you.
He nods and come to sit next to you, and you smile at him when his knee brushes his.
“What do you think everyone wants to do tonight?” Patrick asks you
“Probably go out to a bar or something” You say with a little distaste.
“What a shocker” Patrick says with faux surprise. You giggle at his response, looking over when Tyler emerges from the back of the bus, freshly showered.
“Josh is almost ready, doing his hair I think” He comments, dropping on the floor and resting his back against your knees.
“That boy and his hair” you comment with a laugh, “but no one besides Patrick is even here yet so it’s fine”
As soon as the words leave your lips, the door opens and Andy, Joe, and Pete come in.
“I guess I spoke too soon” you add.
Josh comes out of the back as well, grinning at the sight of everyone.
“Alright, who's ready to do this?” Pete exclaims.
“Do what exactly?” Patrick asks him.
“We’re going to that club downtown” Joe adds.
“Do we have to?” You and Patrick say at the same time. You look at each other in surprise, laughing when everyone else groans.
“Since when did you become such a drag” Tyler complains, rising from the floor.
“I am not a drag, I just don’t always want to go out” You say defensively,
“No the two of you are boring” Josh says, gesturing between you and Patrick. “You never want to come out!”
“That’s definitely not true” Patrick looks to you, “We were just out like two nights ago”
“Exactly” you confirm.
“You really don’t want to come?” Tyler asks doubtfully.
“I really don't” you say, a little guiltily.
“Patrick? You sure you don’t want to join?” Joe asks Patrick seriously.
“Nah I'm good” he replies, “Plus, someone’s gotta keep the lady company” he adds with a grin at you.
“I feel bad just leaving you guys here” Tyler says, frowning and looking at you
“Seriously, you guys go” you say, rising from the couch and nudging Tyler and Josh towards the door. “I’ll be fine, Patrick will be fine, and we’ll go out next time, I promise”
With one more doubtful look, the guys hug you and leave.
“I thought they'd never leave” You joke, turning back to Patrick.
He laughs, shaking his head. “I don’t know how they go out every night and aren’t always exhausted”
“It’s a mystery” you say, sitting on the couch again and facing him, “At least it’s just the two of us now”
Patrick looks at you in surprise, “Uh, I mean as opposed to me being alone. I'm glad you stayed” you expand, blushing a little.
“Me too” Patrick says with a small smile, “What do you wanna do?”
“I don’t know” you say thoughtfully, “Just hang out?”
“Works for me, there's actually some stuff I wanted to get done anyway” Patrick says.
“Cool you go ahead and do that and then maybe we can watch a movie or something”
He nods and leaves to get his laptop, returning in a few minutes. You run in the back, grabbing your little speaker and your laptop, before returning to the front.
You sit on the floor, turning your phone. “What do you wanna listen to?” you ask.
“Whatever you want, I’m open to anything”
“I'll just hit shuffle” you decide. You do, and the first song that pours through the speakers is one from Soul Punk. “Well this is awkward” you say with a laugh, switching to the next song.
“You have Soul Punk on your phone?” Patrick asks in surprise.
“Of course,” you reply, “I told you I was a fan”
“I know I just figured you meant of Fall Out Boy” “I am a fan of Fall Out Boy, but also of you. A huge fan in fact. I actually saw one of your solo shows” you confess in a rush.
“No way” Patrick says setting his laptop aside. “I can’t believe that” he laughs.
“I did, and it was fantastic. You have a lot of talent Patrick”
Patrick blushes, “Thanks” he says to you, looking back
You chew on your lip, trying to decide if you should say what you really want to or not.
“Patrick? Can I just say something?” you asks, looking up at him a little embarrassed.
“Yeah, what is it?” he asks, looking down at you in concern.
“I just…” you trail off, unsure of how to tell him, “I just think you're really brave”
His eyebrows draw together in confusion, “Brave? Why?”
You pull your knees to your chest, looking up at him. “I watched an interview once where the interviewer asked you and Pete about Folie a Deux”
“Yeah…” Patrick asks, still looking confused.
“And you told this story about how you guys toured for the album, and one night when you announced you were gonna play some of the newer songs, the entire crowd just flipped you off” Patrick grimaces. “And you said that’s all you can ever think about when you think of that album”
“Yeah, that is true” Patrick's says, a little bitterly, but confusion still lingers in his eyes.
“And then during hiatus I read the article you wrote” you continue explaining, “About how fans would tell you they like you better when you were fat, or would come to your solo shows and tell you sucked without Fall Out Boy or that you should have never gone solo”
“(Y/N) why are you bringing all of this up?” he asks, and you see pain tracing his eyes.
“I just wanted to tell you that I think it’s really empowering and brave that you’re still out here playing music after all of that awful stuff you went through. I think you’re kind of amazing Patrick” You finish your little speech, looking away as a blush colors your cheeks.
“Wow” Patrick says in aw e, “You really think that?”
“Always have” you say nodding, “Sorry I didn't mean to make it awkward I just wanted you to know”
“No, um, thank you for telling me” he says, smiling down at you, “That means a lot and it actually makes me feel a little better. But music’s my passion and my life, I couldn't give it up if I tried”
“I know” you says smiling up at him, “And that’s pretty amazing too”
You grin up at him, turning back around and resting your back against the couch, opening your laptop. For a while the two of you just sit there in comfortable silence, working on various things. After about an hour though, your legs are growing numb from sitting on them and you’ve run out of stuff to do. You turn to see what Patrick’s up to, only to find him entirely absorbed in whatever he’s doing. His headphones are on, but only one ear is covered. You smile, thinking that he left one ear covered just in case you said something to him.
“What are you looking at?” Patrick says suddenly.
“Nothing” you shrug with a smile, “Just you”
Patrick blushes slightly, looking away from you.
“I’m bored” you declare, poking him in the knee.
“Sounds like your problem” Patrick responds playfully.
“Nooo come on Patrick” you say, standing up, “Come dance with me”
“Yeah you know…” you say, spinning in a circle, “Dance”
Ha laughs at you and you grin back, reaching down to your phone to skip through until a fast paced song comes on, and you turn it up. You pull Patrick (reluctantly) to his feet, and start dancing. He just looks at you for a while, laughing at your goofy dance moves, but then he laughs and joins in. Just like that, the two of you are having your own private dance party.
You’re dying of laughter watching Patrick attempt the wave when the song fades out, and the song “Perfect” By Ed Sheeran comes on, considerably slower and more romantic than the song you had picked before.
“Now this is more my style” Patrick says with a smile. “Know how to waltz?”
“No” you say, raising your eyebrows. “Do you?”
“Of course, every proper gentleman does.” He bows deeply, smiling up at you with shining eyes. “May I have this dance?”
You giggle and accept his hand, “But I don't know how” “I'll teach you” Patrick says simply, lightly placing an arm on your waist. “ Step on my toes”
You balk at the sentence, “I’ll crush your feet”
“Oh please, I can handle it I promise” he says, raising his eyebrows.
You sigh, smiling him “Well if you insist”
By the time the two of you are dancing in a relatively smooth manner, the second verse is coming to an end, and Patrick starts softly singing.
“ Darling, just hold my hand, Be my girl, I'll be your man, I see my future in your eyes” you pull back from him a little bit, looking at him in shock at the emotion filtering his voice. He smiles at you, pulls you a little closer to him, and continues singing the next chorus.
“Baby, I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms. Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song. When I saw you in that dress, looking so beautiful. I don't deserve this, darling, you look perfect tonight” He stares into your eyes with the last line, and your heart beats so fast you’re worried he can hear it. You lean your head against his shoulder, drinking in this new closeness you hadn't felt with anyone in a long time.  After the instrumental, he sings the very last chorus, and you pull back to watch him as he sings to you. “ Baby, I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms, Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song. I have faith in what I see. Now I know I have met an angel in person, And she looks perfect.I don't deserve this, You look perfect tonight”
The words fade out as you stare into each other's eyes, still wrapped up in the moment even though the song has switched to something else. He lifts his hand, gently caressing your cheek as he tucks a strand of hair behind your ear. His eyes flit down to your lips for barely a second, and then the two of you are leaning towards each other, slowly, still wrapped in each other's arms. You feel like your chest is about to explode from how fast your heart is beating and then - BAM! The door to the bus is ripped open so hard it bangs against the outside of it, and you and Patrick jump apart as though you had been shocked. Tyler, Josh, Joe, Pete and Andy file in, Tyler and Josh alone being loud enough that you can tell they’ve maybe had a little too much fun.
“(Y/N)! Babe! We missed you!” Josh belts out.
“Well if it isnt my best friend!” Tyler announces, coming up to you and throwing an arm around your shoulder. You giggle at their antics, throwing a nervous look at Patrick. He glances back, meets your eyes and shrug, grinning at you. Your heart soars.
“So you guys had fun?” you ask the group, all but shoving Tyler towards the couch, where he happily plops down.
“So much fun” Josh declares.
“But you should've been there. We don’t hang out enough” Tyler says, getting serious. Your heart squeezes at his words.
“I know Ty, I’m sorry” you say, squeezing his hand. “I'll go out next time” “You too Patty!” Pete announces suddenly.
“Yeah, definitely” Patrick says.
“I feel kind of sick” Joe says, suddenly looking very ill.
“We should get him back to his bus” Andy says with a sigh, looking weary and bored, as though he was used to this.
Joe, Andy, and Pete move towards the door.
“Wait, Trick are you coming?” Pete asks from the door.
“Yeah, yeah, in just a second.” he calls back, looking back to you.
You look at him with a smile. “You should go with them,” you says, crossing over to him and quietly squeezing his hand, talking quietly so Josh and Tyler can’t hear you. “I have to take care of those guys anyway. But i’ll see you tomorrow, okay?” you smiles up at him.
He smiles back and squeezes your hand in return, leaning forward and pressing a kiss to your cheek. “Goodnight (Y/N)”
“Goodnight Patrick” you say, watching him collect his stuff and moves towards the door, watching until he leaves the bus and disappears into the night.
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY (Y/N)” the shout jars you from your sleep and you jump awake to see Tyler and Josh staring down at you.
“Five more minutes” you groan, rolling over towards the wall.
“Nope, sorry birthday girl” Tyler reaches in your bunk, grabbing you and pulling you out. You screech as Josh grabs you from him, swinging you over his shoulder.
“Josh, put me down!” you say, gripping his back so you don't fall down.
“Josh dont put her down” Tyler instructs, “Today’s your birthday and we have a full agenda, so there's no time to waste on sleep”
Josh plops you down at the little table, and Tyler slides a bowl of cereal in front of you. “Just so you know, I was going to make you pancakes but I do not have access to either pancake batter or a stove”
You laugh, taking a bite. “Thank you, this is perfect. But you guys really don’t have to make such a big fuss over my birthday, it’s no big deal.”
“Of course it is” Tyer huffs, checking his watch. “ Now, you have forty minutes to eat and get ready, and then we’re heading into town to go shopping.”
“Shopping?” you ask.
“You need something to wear to your party”
“My party!?” You exclaim.
“Oh yeah, by the way, we’re throwing you a party tonight”
“Oh my gosh” you say with a laugh. “You guys really are going all out aren't you” “It’s because we love you, “ Tyler says cheekily, “But seriously, I was instructed very clearly by my mom that if I was throwing you a party I also needed to provide you the opportunity to get a new outfit”
“Your mother is a wise woman” you say, pointing your spoon at Tyler.
“Plus, I thought you might want to get something extra special, since Patrick will be there”
Your heart jumped at his name, but you shrugged, “Why would that matter?”
“Oh please, you’re practically in love with him” Josh claims, bumping into your shoulder.
You roll your eyes, “ I am not”
“Listen, we’ve all been waltzing around watching the two of you make puppy dog eyes at each other for days,” Tyler says, looking at you knowingly, “we’re merely observing.”
“Okay, okay fine you caught me. I may like him just  a little” you admit, blushing despite yourself.
“So, we’re going around town to a few places, wherever you want, and we’re all gonna get fancy new outfits. Then, we’re going to lunch at this cool little barbecue place that some fans recommended, we’re stopping at a nearby park, and then we’re coming back to get ready and dance the night away’ Tyler explains.
“Sounds perfect” you say with a grin. “Thanks guys” you reach across the table, squeezing Tyler’s hands.
“Anything for you” Tyler says, “but only for today because I hate shopping”
You let out a laugh, “Sounds like a deal”
The two of you finish getting ready, and head into town. Josh stayed behind, meaning you had the whole day for just you and Tyler. You two spent the day shopping, eating, and sightseeing. Being with Tyler was crazy fun - it had been ages since just the two of you hung out and you had missed him a lot. After hours of goofing off and annoying each other, you decided to return. When the two of you returned, it was like a ghost town. No one was around, even Josh wasn’t in the bus. You asked Tyler about it, but he simply told you not to worry about it and to “hurry up and get ready already”. The two of you blasted music through the bus, him dancing around and annoying you, distracting you from getting ready. Finally, you emerged from the back of the bus ready. For your new party outfit, which Tyler bought for you as part of your birthday gift, you had gotten black ripped jeans, black booties with a cute little heel, and a dark red lace shirt. Your hair was curled in large loose waves and you had re done your eyeliner three times just to make sure your makeup looked perfect. You usually didn't get too excited over your birthday, but tonight your stomach was filled with butterflies
“Ready for your party?” Tyler asks, gallantly offering his arm.
“Yeah but, where are we going?” You asks, looking around the parking lot he was guiding you through.
“You’ll see”
After a few minutes, you reach a pair of doors.
“Here we are” Tyler says with a grin, “You ready?”
You nod, unsure of what to expect behind the somewhat rickety looking doors. Tyler grins at you one more time, makes a drum roll sound with his tongue, and opens the door.
“SURPRISE!” the loud shout rings through the building as confetti falls over the door and covers (Y/N) and Tyler. Patricks grins and claps, laughing at (Y/N)’s shocked and happy face when she takes in the crowd. The guys had gotten together and invited a ton of people to give her a huge party, and Patrick heard that many of her close friends had even made it.
“Oh my gosh!” (Y/N) says, grinning at the people that approach her. Patrick and Pete hang back to wait their turn, watching everyone else come through.
Gerard walks up to (Y/N) with a hug and a kiss on the cheek, a few girls that must be good friends of (Y/N) tackle her in a group hug. Finally, Patrick watched as Brendon approaches her. (Y/N) grins and shouts his name, hugging him tightly and Brendon spins her in a circle and kisses her cheek, causing Patrick to shove down a wave of jealousy.
“Seriously was I the last person on earth to meet her?” Patrick asks in exasperation.
“Sorry bro. If I’d known you woulda liked her so much I would have introduced you earlier” Pete answers with a chuckle.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about” Patrick says. Pete just looks at him, raising an eyebrow.
“Alright, okay, nevermind” Patrick waves his hands, “Yes, I like her”
“Trust me, we noticed” Joe laughs.
Patrick rolls his eyes and waves them off, finally seeing a lull in the crowd and walking over to (Y/N).
“Hey” Patrick says, stuffing his hands in his pockets after hugging her lightly, “Happy Birthday (Y/N), you look stunning”
(Y/N) smiles as a blush pours over her cheeks. “Thank you Patrick. I can’t believe you guys did all this”
“It was mostly Tyler’s idea, he thought you’d want to be surrounded by all your friends”
Her responding grin lightens Patrick's heart, “This is amazing” she says, shaking her head, “I feel bad making you guys go through all this trouble. I mean inviting everyone, decorating,pl-”
“Hey” Patrick says, reaching forward and grabbing her hand, stopping her mid word, “We all wanted to do this for you. Just repay us by having fun okay?”
“Okay” she says with a shy grin. Patrick squeezes her hand, and nods towards the dance floor, “What do you say we show these people our dance moves?”
(Y/N) giggles and nods, and Patrick leads them to the dance floor. The next several hours are filled with music and lights and cake, and it isnt until almost two in the morning that the party evan begins to die down. This is when Patrick decides its time. He searches across the room, finally spotting (Y/N) near the gift table, talking animatedly to Brendon.
Patrick approaches, trying not to interrupt them.
“Hey Trick” (Y/N) says with a warm smile when she spots him over Brendon's shoulder.
“Ah good,” Brendon says, turning to see him, “Keep the birthday girl company Patrick, I’m gonna go grab a drink” Patrick nods and laughs as Brendon kisses (Y/N) loudly on the cheek and struts away.
“I didn’t know you guys were so close” Patrick says.
“We’re not, really, we’ve just hung out a few times since him and Josh are close,” (Y/N) explains, “He’s just really friendly”
Patrick laughs “Yeah yeah he is”
“Having fun? Sorry I haven’t been back to the dance floor for a while, figured I should just make the rounds” she says guiltily.
“Oh that’s fine I was actually, well, I wanted to give you your birthday present.” Patrick explains nervously.
“Oh Patrick you didn’t have to get me anything” she says, looking surprised.
“No it’s okay, I really wanted to get you this, but we have to go outside to get it”
“I could use some fresh air anyway” she says brightly, smiling and taking Patrick’s hand when he offers it. Patrick slips back to the doors they had come in, turning the corner until they reached the back of the building, and a ladder that led to the roof.
“We have to go up” Patrick says with a smile when (Y/N) looks confused.
“Are we even allowed to?” she asks, concerned.
“I think so, I’ve been up here already. But either way…” he trails off with a shrug and a smile, starting to climb.
“Wait Patrick…”
“Yeah?” he pauses his climb, looking down.
“You’re not going to murder me are you?” (Y/N) asks jokingly.
“No,” Patrick says with a laugh, “But if I was I wouldn't tell you anyway”
“Well that’s reassuring” (Y/N) says with a laugh, following Patrick up the ladder anyway.
When you reach the top of the ladder, Patrick grabs your hand and steadies you as you step onto the roof. When you look around, you can't help but gasp. On the roof is a large picnic blanket, spread out along with a little picnic basket and a small speaker, playing quiet music in the background, and some candles spot the area, basking the whole scene in warm, glowing light.
“Patrick this is beautiful” you gasp, turning to face him. When you do, he’s smiling at you and holding a single rose, and a wrapped gift. Your eyes widen and you smile at him, “Oh my gosh” you say, covering your face with your hands - you couldn't believe he had done all of this for you.
“Happy Birthday (Y/N), this is for you” he says, handing the box to you. You take it, trying to hide your shaking hands as you slowly untie the ribbon and tear the paper off. When you open the rectangular box, a sparkling pendant in the shape of the infinity symbol hangs off a silver chain.
“Patrick it’s gorgeous” you say in awe, meeting his eyes again.
“You told me last week that the infinity symbol held a lot of meaning to you so I thought you might like this”
“Like it?” you repeat, “Patrick it’s wonderful. Put it on?”
Patrick nods and takes the box from you, carefully slipping it out of it’s holdings. You turn your back to him, holding up your hair. He softly slips the necklace around your neck and clasps it, every brush of his fingers sending shivers down your spine. When it’s done, he drops his hands, ever so slightly caressing your shoulders. You turn to face him, dropping your hair around your shoulders, standing only inches from his face
“How does it look?” you ask, reaching up to touch the small pendent with your fingertips.
“Breathtaking. Just like you” Patrick responds, looking deeply inside your eyes.
This time, neither one of you hesitates, and you lean forward, lips meeting in the kiss you both has been waiting for. Patrick kisses you softly, one hand slowly slipping into your hair and the other resting on your waist. The two of you kiss until you have to pull away to catch your breath, but you remain woven together, neither one willing to let the other go.
“Patrick,” you whisper, biting your lip.
“Yeah?” he asks softly.
“I think I love you” you confess as your forehead rests against his.
“(Y/N)?” he says.
“Yeah?” you ask, momentarily afraid of rejection.
“I think I love you too”
Tag List:  @imke-vd @imsocutekl @deltablue202 @theghostofpatrickssideburns @thepatricktreestump @memyselfandwifi @jigglypuff1999  @goldenlifevsgutter1996 @emoxxtrash @everybodywantsapete @the-doctor010
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