#bc i can't write anything without found family in it...it is impossible
carmenized-onions · 4 months
[fair warning: spoilers ahead]
my duuuuuuude what a fucking delight it is to find a story like this one and a writing as good as yours. truly deserves a (carmy's) chef's kiss 🤌🏻😙
i binged it in one sitting and i'm ready to re-read it over and over until the next chapter is out 🫡 your writing is phenomenal and your comedy lines and scenes are so sharp and so in tune with the show's vibe i'm truly in awe
i absolutely love "reader" fics where the author gives so much thought and creativity into the character's background that's basically an oc and you're doing a beautiful job here with tony 🥹
i personally love stories where the main character has a history with michael and/or the rest of the fam, independently of carmen, bc for one i hate love interests that are treated as just that and two bc i absolutely love this crazy dysfunctional but somehow functioning family and i love how you wrote their relationship and how easy tony slipped into their lives once and then again even after spending a year away
ANYWAY all to say i'm in love with this story and these absolute fooooooools about to fall in love and i can't wait to see where you're gonna take us next, captain <333
VV sweet of you to put a spoiler warning up top, daw.
I'll take this paragraph by paragraph, because it had me kicking my feet in the air like a fuckin' school girl. Everytime someone says I write in tune or accurately to the show, I get a shot of dopamine. I'm in film/tv so like, I'm writing fanfic out of pure anguish that i'm not a writer on the bear LMAO. So I'm really fucking happy to hear I'm doing it some justice. I love the show, and I truly have an impossible time writing anything without a smidge of comedy-- So I'm glad it works in my favour here :))
And SO DO I!! I read x readers like an original character, basically-- They've got personality and backstory but like, only in the ways that puts them in the story, and then besides that, it's all you baby!!
I LOVE this insane found family of The Bear, and so it would be a fuckin' knife to my heart to not write rich relationships with them-- I only wish I could go a little farther with Tina or Marcus, but for now there's not a spot for em. Alas. Hopefully later. hehe. And writing for Mikey has been such a (bittersweet) joy. I'm really excited to see what y'all think as we get more snapshots of their past relationship. And I love the way you worded that!! Tony slippin in !! I don't think it could've gone any other way, I feel like, to the folks at The Beef, her return is like, a less shocking equivalent of Mikey coming back-- You're too happy to have them to be upset at all.
This ask truly gave me so much life, and I hope you continue to send em in, cause I loved hearing all these thoughts!!! Please continue to enjoy readin' and send em in-- Truly even if a new thought occurs when reading-- I fuckin love to hear it!! I need to start naming Anons, fr.
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cdroloisms · 3 years
i think that although the theories/aus of puffy's son dream and wil's brother dream are interesting to think about, especially the implications, the (probably) canon statement that he really has no family to me hits the hardest. because it's just dream, you know. his friends hate him, he has none (p relatable), but i can't really imagine,, both not having friends and not having a family. that's kind of what keeps a lot of us sane and okay ( - quill anon (same anon from the c!tubbo c!wil ask) )
ouch quill anon ,, this ask Hurt. it’s true - usually, it’s our family and friends that keep us going, that are the ones that we fight for and live for and love for. c!dream’s “family” was his reasoning behind ,, a lot of the stuff he did, good or bad, and even now you can hear his desperation in getting someone, anyone to visit sometimes, in wanting to know how people are doing outside the cell. 
at the same time, he’s a character very much defined by his solitude, by his isolation, by all of the time he has spent,, alone. by the alliances that had been broken, betrayed, forgotten. by how- at the end of the day - he sits for hours on end in an obsidian box with nothing but his thoughts to accompany him. it’s awfully ,, sad, despite everything he’s done. through it all, he’s alone. he survives the horrors of the vault (until this current arc) alone. nobody’s there to hear his thoughts. nobody knows his mindset, or feelings, or wants, or anything that really makes him human. for someone so driven by people, he spends so much time completely isolated - and it’s. honestly really, really tragic. 
anyway, this is a sad little drabble set pre-roommates arc abt c!dream in the prison, alone, bc he makes me Sad. 
tw: mentioned torture, abuse, violence, broken bones, blood, injuries, mental deterioration, isolation, panic attacks, self-deprecation, trauma, memory loss, death, contemplations of death, dark content, dark imagery
The blank book in his hand stares at him stubbornly, the stark white of the untouched pages nearly burning his eyes, used to the dark walls and floor of the cell. Dream’s hand shakes around his quill, ink splotches marring the pages from where his too-unsteady hand had let the nib brush against the paper and left freckles of black spots behind. He pulls his thumb back from the bottom left corner, hissing slightly when it leaves a dull red fingerprint behind, a smudge of half-dried blood further dirtying the paper.
He’d pulled out one of the books for some reason, probably on a whim, letting his hands run over the leather spine and along the thread of the binding absentmindedly after Quackity left for the day. He hadn’t touched them in a while - he liked to save them, at the beginning, just in case visitors came and he wanted to thank them or if he needed to communicate (though he hadn’t gone silent since Sapnap left, ‘cause Sapnap wanted him to talk and he doesn’t know why he still clings to that visit when it’s been months and he still hasn’t come back, but he promised that if Dream behaved he’d visit again and - it’s stupid to hope, but Dream can’t give up, not yet) and then he kept them because he would need them for the revive book and the Warden would confiscate them, anyway, so it was better not to get attached. Regardless, he’d stubbornly ignored the chest of books for a long time, let the remain closed and the clasp go unlatched as he wasted his days away watching the walls drip bright purple and pretend he didn’t miss his clock.
Until now.
He runs his fingers along the surface of the paper again, ignoring the red and black smudges they leave in their wakes, ruining the previously unblemished pages. The paper is smooth, bearing a very slight grain, and smells clean and woody - this book must’ve been a newer one the Warden replaced into the chest. He’d counted the pages a few times, front and back - there are fifty sheets, so a hundred pages to use as he sees fit, completely empty and untouched. The quill shakes in his hand, the tip pressed against the paper, unmoving.
What is there to write?
He’s forgotten why he pulled out the book in the first place, already - his head keeps getting fuzzier, memory impossibly fragmented and seemingly worsening with every passing day. He knows he had a reason because he’d been very determined about it, had spent what must have been hours dragging himself along the obsidian floor with a broken shinbone jutting out of his right leg and a dislocated left shoulder that he’d taken an extra few minutes to jam back in place by pressing it against the floor. Something had come into his head, probably in the middle of Quackity’s daily session, and he’d found himself desperate to write it down before he forgot despite the throbbing of his head and the pain in his chest making it impossible to take a full breath.
(He must have talked back, or acted defiant, or something - he doesn’t remember much besides the look Quackity had given him after, dark and angry and tight with rage. There had been a hand tangled in his hair, a blade jammed right up against his throat, curses and screams in his ears dying into a singular ringing echo as the blade was pushed deeper and deeper. It wasn’t until a few minutes later when Quackity realized that he’d gone too deep and that Dream was choking on his own blood - his memories shatter, and there’s nothing but more screaming, red and black and blood everywhere, warm against his skin, the sweet-sour taste of glistening melon on his tongue, a healing pot desperately stitching his skin together and bringing him back from the darkness that he’d swelled in the corners of his vision - mostly, he remembers everything going cold and numb and he’d realized, halfway into the Void, that he would never leave the Vault alive.)
His hands tighten on the book as he breathes a shallow, harsh breath through his teeth, because - oh. Oh. He looks back at the trembling white plume in his hand, at his shaking fingers clenched tightly near the end, and he swallows the thick, heavy feeling in his throat. Quackity had- and he had- and then-
He forces air into his lungs steadily, counting the seconds off in his head. He’d learned how to stave off panic attacks on his own ages ago, and the knowledge had come to full use in the Vault - the struggle to stay calm seems harder with every passing day, but he can’t exactly risk himself passing out every three seconds when he’s inevitably set off by the smell of blood or a twinge of pain or any of the million other triggers crammed into this tiny box that’s been the source of all of his torment for months. He keeps up the slow, steady breathing for another few minutes, just enough time to pull back the darkness creeping in from the edges of his vision, and looks back down at the blank paper.
It stares back at him, almost judgmental of his hesitancy. You opened me up, it seems to challenge him, why aren’t you writing? The quill still shakes in his hand. He doesn’t know if it’ll ever stop shaking again.
Dear, he begins, almost in defiance, proof that he Is Going To Write Something, thank you very much, he isn’t just going to chicken out and leave it a blank book (like you have before?) but the quill tip digs into the paper as he grinds to a sudden halt, the empty space next to the first word nearly taunting. He feels his mouth dry, heat rising behind his eyes - the book, silent and blank as ever, stays imprinted in his vision even as he squeezes them shut.
Dear, what a stupid, sentimental way to start a letter. He can’t even fool himself into thinking of it as a business venture, turn it into an elaborate plan to escape and address it to either Techno or Wilbur (who would never receive his message anyway), not without admitting his regard for the two edged past his pretense of professional interested and owed favors. He can hardly write it to Ranboo, not without compromising their already fragile alliance (if it even exists, anymore. The enderman hybrid had yet to visit for months - and sure, it was probably for the best, who knows how Quackity would react if he found out about the nature of their relationship, but that didn’t make it sting any less.)
In the back of his minds, name rise from where he’d kept them carefully buried despite his best efforts. Punz. Bad. Puffy. Sapnap. George. He shakes his head, trying to wave away them from his thoughts, but the effort is as fruitless as it has always been - he stares at the first word angrily, like it has betrayed him, and receives no response. The words are messy, shaking, his script overly looping and rounded like a child’s. He hates it, hates how cheery it looks, even on the bloodstained page - it looks like the beginning of a birthday card, or a perhaps a particularly dedicated Halloween party invite. Like he’s some sort of lovesick teen, writing letters to crushes that would never pay him a second glance. He laughed a little, without any real humor - minus the romance, that description isn’t all that far off.
Because- well. His memories might be shot to all hell, but he doubts he’ll ever forget the hatred on Sapnap’s face, a loaded crossbow pointed between his eyes, George’s expression set in disinterested apathy - “George, you can give the word.” Bad’s face, twisted in pity and resignation, voice carefully measured as he looks away and gestures at the cell, “you did do some pretty bad stuff to get put in here though, Dream,” the hidden “you deserve it” that he’d heard, just as clearly behind the words. Punz - “you should’ve paid me more” - jaw set stiffly as people poured through the portal, watching, wordless, as Dream bled out twice on that blackstone floor. Puffy, poorly hidden disgust flickering over her face as she looks away from him being dragged away in chains, sword held steady in her hands. Sapnap, that same fiercely determined expression on his face so familiar that thinking of it aches, even now, “it’s gonna be me, who takes your final life.” Months and months and months and months, alone.
Always, always, alone.
The page makes a quiet, complaining groan under his pen - he looks down to see it torn under the tip of his quill, the word completely unreadable under line after line of black ink scratched over it, each one deeper than the last. He stares blankly at it for a few minutes longer, the brief flash of anger that had seared through his body settling into numbness once more.
To whoever may find this: he scratches the words on the page slowly, keeping his print deliberately blocky and neat. The heavy feeling in his throat returns, stronger than ever, and he ignores it as he pushes on.
He pauses for a moment, wondering what more to write. Apologies? Accusations? He could detail every second that he remembers from Quackity’s visits, describe every inch of pain that had been pulled from his aching lungs, every line etched into his skin. He could apologize for every act of cruelty that had ever been caused by his hands, every bridge he’d ever torched to light the path to a better future. He could explain - everything, every tortured thought that had circled his head for hours on end and every night that had passed without any sleep and every time he’d pushed on without complaint or hesitancy because it would be worth it, even if he was the only one who saw it, it would be worth it because he’d sacrifice too much for it to be anything but. He could- he could, he could write and write until he’d filled every page of every book back and front, and would they even believe him? Would it even matter?
Goodbye, he writes at last. It feels strangely final. (He won’t be leaving this Vault alive. He knows this as surely as he knows that he will leave this world uncared for, unheard. As surely as he knows that he’ll always be alone.) With a quick snap of magic following the signing of his name, the book is preserved, shining slightly with a purple glow as he sets it back down in the chest. He looks around, the cell once again stiflingly quiet without the book to busy him, Dream once again completely alone as he’s been for - well.
(Pandas, eyebrows drawn in uncharacteristic seriousness from the usually painfully spirited eight-year-old, pinkie raised between the two of them, solemnity belied by the gap in his front teeth poking out between his lips.
“We’ll be together forever,” he whispered with the volume control you’d expect from a kid that age, which is to say that it wasn’t much of a whisper at all, but Dream, newly ten years old, remembers being particularly moved by the gesture anyway, moving to hesitantly hook his own pinkie in the other’s.
“And we’ll never be alone ever again,” he’d replied, voice faraway with a disbelieving sort of awe.”
“Never,” Pandas’ voice had been just as firm as his first statement, twisting his wrist to tighten the grip of their linked fingers further. “Best friends for ever and ever, right?”
“For ever and ever.”)
“For ever and ever,” he whispers, eyes fluttering shut as he slumps down against the floor, and only the lava bubbles in reply.
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bcrispin · 3 years
Trains of Consciousness, Confluence, Symbology
I will Babel, Babel On, Babel Fish, Babel.
I imagine this as a collection of subconsciousness collected into a boxcar as a list of words. There is a thought process behind each sentence, it is impossible to try and understand it without also having an understanding of the author. I could be anyone, anything, the author is as important as the words.
I've been thinking a lot about blockchains, meaning, consciousness, and knowledge representations (symbols, trees, graphs, webs, deltas, integrals, stories, T, t, C, G without a t, R, bC, aD, 4, 0, 1, L, o...o). As time progresses we have accumulated a better understanding of the world. I've learned some computer theory although it's a little rusty, e.g. what is computable, Turing Tests, Imitation game... sorry I don't have any good references rn.
A computer is an invention that will eventually, and probably already, has the power to fool us into thinking we are interacting with another consciousness. We should be suspicious of them. Not like how cats get scared of their reflections, they are more dangerous than that... It is not only the case that we create robots that can fool us. Any text, video, or image we see on a screen was generated either by another human or a computer. How easy is it to understand humans? Computers are developed by groups of humans...
Trusting trust, who to trust? I guess people you know in person. Computers should be used as tools to make the world a better place. A better place? Religion? Who wrote the Bible? What does a kid think when they look at an I-Pad, a God talking? a Devil? Parents? Who to trust? Locality? Nationality? Race? Sex? Gender? As an American and reading history it seems democracy is a good idea. Who to lead this train? (this is my boxcar, I hope it gets picked up) Who to lead the train? The majority. Block chain, this may be a link in the chain. Where is the head of the train? Present moment I guess, once I touch a key it's gone.
The cold war, never ends, as long as human nature, never changes. East and West, I believe Language is one front of the war, symbolic vs phonetic. From JP lectures and experience I get the sense symbols are more powerful than words. We have the bible (I'm not religious) but I think a lot of it can be summed up by the cross.
I think there are 8 major symbols, 7 for the days of the week.
Mon, Moon, not sure about this one but I think of it as religion, or a sense of meaning
Tue, I for illumination, knowledge, lightbulbs and ideas
Wed, >< Family
Thur, Music, beats, dance, martial arts, competition
Fri, t, T, trial, torture, freedom
Sat, Language (Babel, Hebrew, Latin, ect...)
Sun, Son, nationality, daughter, mother, we are all children, Earth
O for Privacy, anonymity, editing, obsession, orgasm, infinity, (Edit 1/1/22: addiction)
I think there should be 7 supreme court justices based on these 7 symbols... Unify the world under this, every justice has its day.
Idea 2
Super programmers. Don't let computers destroy us, our sense of meaning. We can't stop progress, we can't stop things like robots, sex robots, porn, weapons, bio-weapons... What to do, what to do? Symbols. Blockchains. Streams. Turn Twitter/Facebook/Social media into a public service, don't allow things into the public sphere without some sense of who found it meaningful (only humans should have the right to vote on that). How to do that? Assign key's to people at birth and use some kind of SSH? Twitter as a block chain of Knowledge... In addition to followers have a set of approvers that will be attached to every post before it's made public. Program symbolically instead of using English?... Program people like we program programs, people programs like we people peoples. I will die one day. The programs I write, I hope, will not.
ily. I would get to class before you, I guess I had a shorter walk. I remember the anticipation as I sat, and joy I would feel when I saw you walk through the door, you didn't have to say anything. Over the year I watched you... you became a symbol I used. Fear. Pain. Hair. Shame. Love, it's all the same. You knew more about me then than I. I eye'd you for too long, you stopped coming, my fault I think. I'm sorry, and I guess thank you.
Why would someone have a child? Life. Let's meet? Talk? My memory will die otherwise.
This is my first time using this, sorry for making this public lmk and I'll change. Sweet dreams,
:) I think there should be 2 supreme courts, b/c we have 2 eyes
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luminous-studiess · 3 years
Ummm so I'm new to tumblr so don't judge if I did something wrong.Ummm how can I be like you? Like you know? Productive and smart.I always push myself but ended up being distracted by things (I have adhd and depression).I can't even remember anything after.I suffer,and continue suffering, from my mental illnesses.I just can't keep myself on track.My family makes fun of me for trying.I'm actually trying to find a part time job here but nothing hires minors.Idk please help meee.
hi, friend! answer under the cut because this will be long. 
please know you’re doing nothing wrong, and that the fact you keep trying to become better and to push yourself to always get things done despite difficult circumstances already shows that you ARE already productive and smart. 
second, it also helped me when i was struggling very heavily last year to learn  two things: 1) there will always be particularly bad days when you live with mental illness, but all the little efforts you take, it slowly does get less difficult. getting better does not mean completely getting rid of all the symptoms you experience, but mostly just learning the best ways and small, gentle things you can do for yourself to manage your condition. this really requires a gentle but firm balance between pushing yourself to do the things you absolutely need to do, but also knowing when what level of work/school/self-care or hobbies is the limit, so that you don’t get too overwhelmed.  this means most of the time, you don’t have to worry about being productive for its own sake. it helps me when i feel like i’m drowning to know how little i can do/the most non-negotiable bare minimum, that still helps me not to fall behind.
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^ this is a small, cheap pad of sticky notes i carry with me throughout my entire day. it’s only big enough so that i can only write a few school tasks/personal things i need to do/chores, which helps me evaluate what exactly i can only get done, especially on days where i don’t feel well. checking off absolutely everything on my tiny list makes me feel like i’ve accomplished a lot, because i i have-- they aren’t necessarily a lot of tasks, but they’re the ones that i know really do need to get done. it also helps me focus when i have a lot of nervous energy, and have a panicked sense of “so many things need to get done!!!?” because i can give myself a bit of time to sit down, maybe turn on an episode of a show i like or make some coffee, and write down my tasks. it really helps me with the faint, tiny guilt and dread i used to feel day by day that i was being unproductive or lazy, because now i know i’ve fulfilled all my obligations to myself (everything from doing laundry, to making dinner) and to other people (schoolwork and other tasks). it’s okay to move at the pace that’s only possible for you right now. it’s better to feel comfortable with the smallest things you can do, and build on that as the days come. 2) getting distracted is normal, given Everything Happening Right Now, plus with a mental health condition that makes it hard to focus. it can also be hard to remember things when i study, because of my own health conditions, but i’ve found that the following things have helped: regarding distraction - use a small system that keeps you from accessing any distractions when you need to get something done. i try to leave my non-essential device in another room, and set up a timer-based blocker, to limit the websites i access. - i try to acknowledge the distractions as they come, and try to figure out why: am i hungry? am i tired? have i gotten enough sleep? do i need a break? if it isn’t anything serious, i just acknowledge that i’ve gone briefly off-track-- without guilt, without judgment. then i try to turn my mind back to the task at hand. - a good ambient playlist can make me feel more focused during hard tasks in the sense that i have some form of stimulation to keep the “itchiness” at bay. video game soundtracks and film soundtracks are also wonderful for long, tricky tasks.  - sometimes i just have to start to feel motivated-- the focus actually comes in in the middle of the task. the fact of starting something may actually make you feel motivated.
- procrastinate productively: sometimes when i really don’t want to study i turn on a movie or a show and use the time to clean my room or fold laundry. my life still feels put-together, and i enjoyed myself! win-win.
- and sometimes i realize that focus may be impossible at the moment: take a break, go for a run, do something you like, take a nap.  regarding learning and remembering things i used to have the worst time recalling things for school, until i prioritized two things: SLEEP, and not cramming. i used to get extremely poor grades in my first year of law school because i would put off studying at the last and latest moment-- a few days before exams, pulling all-nighters right up until the hour the exam started. i would also just use my free time to scroll on social media, instead of taking a nap or going to bed early. this was absolutely wrong. during the exam, i couldn’t recall anything because i was too tired, too frazzled, probably didn’t have breakfast, and because i had started and finished half a semester of reading in one night. my grades have gotten much better lately-- i’d like to think it’s because i’ve centered it around two things: (a) getting enough sleep every single night (helpful ESPECIALLY if you have health problems-- mental or physical), and (b) making exam day the least stressful it can be. how do i do this? - this means not only learning things for the exam, but also for classes on a daily period. you don’t have to study particularly hard, but you just have to study enough that you can understand what the professor is saying in class. set definite study hours every day, stop at a very specific and reasonable hour, and go to bed. try to get at least 6 hours of sleep. sleep helps me absorb everything better (idk science but this is from experience and also some very smart people i know ALSO prioritize getting sleep). wake up at a reasonable hour.  - how to study: read the syllabus, and try to get a decent overview of all the topics you need to cover before you start testing/making flashcards/doing active recall (which is IMPORTANT bc this helps you actually train your brain to retrieve information). imho as someone low-energy i find that rewriting notes/making reviewers/making flashcards makes me very tired and leaves very little time for actual studying, so it just helps to test myself by looking at the syllabus and trying to explain the concept to myself, then peeking at the textbook or materials to see what i’m missing. mind-maps are also energy-efficient ways of figuring out how concepts fit together. - how to study for exams: the very latest you should start is a week ahead. two weeks ahead is ideal. map out how much information you need to re-learn from the syllabus. move slowly with the aim of finishing the coverage by the first week. the second is for reviewing and RESTING. - THE NIGHT BEFORE THE EXAM: do a final, gentle survey over the topics you may not understand. stop at 10 pm. go to sleep.  - EXAM DAY: you’ve done the work. take the time to eat breakfast, test yourself SLOWLY AND GENTLY (avoid reading huge chunks of textbook at this point-- youll only confuse yourself), and set up your workspace to take the exam. crush said exam. as a final note: it can be hard to get things done when the people closest to you aren’t supportive. try to reach out on studyblr and find discord study with me servers, or study communities on reddit (they’re actually really nice), or with students in your class. if you need to talk, just dm me. you can do this friend, okay? take care always. gentler days will come. 
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talesoftxt · 5 years
TXT Hogwarts AU
So this is my first time publicly sharing my writings and I'm really nervous and also kind of excited. Please bear with me, English isn't my first language however I do try to do my best in my works. Anywhos here's my first post I hope you guy enjoy!
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•was shunned his whole life due to his parents being deatheaters in the second wizarding war
•raised by his grandmother who he loves to pieces
•don't tell anyone but grandma choi actually raised him muggle style so he's very knowledgable when it comes to them
•his one and only friend is soobin, that is of course before he met the three other boys
•the sorting hat barely even touched his head before it announced "slytherin"
•worked his way up until he became what he is today
•his goal is to erase the stigma of slytherins being evil
•intimidates everyone with his sharp eyes and blank face but don't be fooled, he's as extra and wild as the others
•once dared himself to wrestle with the black lake's giant squid
•always aims to be the best at everything, probably to the point of overworking himself
•as a first year flying had come naturally to him and easily became his favourite subject but was soon replaced by defence against the dark arts
•the boy is a quick thinker and could disarm his opponent in a matter of seconds, though he is good at casting other spells he opts for a defensive style of duelling
•ever since he was young he dreamt of being an auror
•the team captain of slytherin's quidditch team, his swiftness and agility earned him the title "best chaser"
•dubbed as "slytherin's prince" his housemates respect and look up to him
•don't cross him.just don't.
•very cautious when it comes to picking his friends and is very protective of soobin because he's just too damn precious
•gets along with kai really well because theyre both crackheads and kai is too cute not to like
•isn't one to share his feelings but because of his friends he's getting more and more open
•his greatest fear is becoming evil and hurting his friends
•he's really just a tiny bean who loves his friends and would do anything for them
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•coming from a very traditional pureblood family, he doesn't really understand muggle lifestyle
•a straight A student prefect and athlete, he's the epitome of model student
•doesn't like to break the rules but somehow always finds himself staying up with taehyun or getting dragged to the dark forest by kai
•takes away points by decimals just because he thinks its funny
•can get pretty scary when someone questions his authority
•"out of bed past curfew? 4.23 points from gryffindor" "is that even allowed??"
•he's a responsible prefect and shuts everyone up with one stern look
•number one on the school's boyfriend material list (because c'mon he's like perfect)
•a perfect gentleman who's ready to help with a dimpled smile on his face
•takes muggle studies because he likes muggles and wants to know about them more
•still doesn't know what the function of a rubber duck is
•can cook up a potion even without the help of a guide and can recognize a herb by it's texture alone
•his favourite subjects are potions and herbology
•probably because the two are kind of connected in a way
•literally has a journal where he writes down everything he's learned about muggles
•nearly cried when he received a toaster from taehyun as a gift because he's always wanted one for his bread
•wants to be a healer in the future
•his future career also helps because all his friends can't go a day without injuring themselves
•keeper soobin (you gets?because the boy is such a keeper?hehehehe)
•his tall stature and quick reflexes helps him block quaffles from the opposite team
•recognizes hueningkai as his number one cheerer and never fails to wink at him before the start of every game
•always makes sure taehyun gets enough sleep, beomgyu and kai stay out of trouble and keeps yeonjun from overworking himself
•they always make sure to bring him back little muggle trinkets after they come back from the holidays
•the boys are just really thankful for soobin existance and love him so much
•choi soobin is a lovable and amazing bunny (that's the tea sis)
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•gets himself into pretty stupid situations just bc he's too damn heroic
•always stirs up trouble but somehow charms himself out of it
•he's like,really charming
•made mcgonagall blush that one time
•he's absolutely cunning,his ability to hide his true intentions behind an angelic smile scares the crap out of the boys
•just don't mess with his friends
•bc of this the sorting hat actually took longer to sort him than usual wondering whether it should put him in slytherin or gryffindor, he had almost been a hatstall but after a silent debate between the two beomgyu had chosen gryffindor bc they had and i quote 'pretty colours'
•had to be physically restrained by soobin and yeonjun after he tried to fight a student who had called taehyun a "mudblood"
•Charms and transfiguration are his areas of expertise
•favourite spell is "accio" and practically uses it for everything
•"accio yeonjun hyung's clothes "beomgyu!"
•"accio taehyun's love of his life" "bold of you to assume i have any I-" "accio taehyun's books" "you little shi-"
•takes muggle studies just for the hell of it and because it's easy
•gryffindor's seeker,this boy could spot a snitch from miles away
•has his own fanclub with members from all four houses
•yes that's how charming he is
•no one really knows how but beomgyu always manages to enter all three other houses' common rooms
•his favourite hang out place would probably be ravenclaw's common room
•annoying taehyun is this guy's favourite past time, he just finds it cute when the younger glares at him
•if he's not annoying taehyun he's probably off pulling pranks and causing trouble all around the castle
•is currently grooming kai to become a prankster like him, he just has to figure out a way to stop the boy from being so goddamn loud everytime they prank someone
•in general he's a chaotic mess but everyone still loves him
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•once something catches his eye he makes it a goal to learn everything about it
•no one really knows what to expect with taehyun probably bc he was so quiet and introverted
•as he gets used to life in the magical world he starts to become more confident and bold
•"why do we still use quills when ballpens literally exists?''
•''are you serious?a letter?kai you have a phone use it''
•his wisdom and good advices remind people why he's in ravenclaw
•his two favourite subjects are transfiguration and history of magic
•transfigured soobin into a bunny once at kai's request (well probably just to shut him up)
•history nerd and draco malfoy enthusiast
•''he was only a child!''
•doesn't even bother to answer the riddles' properly
•"where do vanished objects go?" "somewhere other than where they were vanished from,duh."
•usually found in the common room late at night cramming homeworks he's been putting on hold bc he found something much more interesting to do
•legend says prefect soobin always stays up with him (no one knows if its true or not no one has ever tried to find out in fear of facing choi soobin's wrath if he finds them out of bed)
•an excellent beater, taehyun's one of the best in their team even at such a young age
•rumours are he's one of the candidates for next team captain
•is soobin's source of muggle knowledge, probably bc kai only teaches them memes and popular vines and beomgyu just cant be bothered with
•claims he loses braincells every time kai opens his mouth but deep down he loves the boy like his brother
•looks up to his yeonjun and soobin hyungs
•unbothered king 24/7
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• the boy literally dragged taehyun with him and introduced himself to nearly everyone during the train ride
•never fails to say "me dad's a muggle; mam's a witch,bitofanastyshockforhim
whenhefoundout" every time he introduces himself
•excels in care of magical creatures (probably bc every single creature falls in love with the boy on sight) and almost always accompanies hagrid to the dark forest
•let's be real ya'll the dark forest probably isn't so dark anymore with the amount of sunshine kai emits
•nearly gave soobin a heart attack when he had dragged the elder into the dark forest
•at the age of 13 the dark forest was just a forest to kai, "wild centaurs?bitch please i braid baby centaurs hair on saturdays"
•idolizes newt scamander and wants to be a magizoologist because he wants to change people's minds about magical creatures and show them how beautiful and precious they actually are
•'pet a dragon's belly' is listed number 1 in his bucket list
• 'ohmygod hueningkai don't you even dare try to rock that mandrake' 'but hyun its so cute!it looks like an ugly baby!'
•takes a liking for divination and unlike others actually appreciates and pays attention in class
•probably because of his close relationship with the forest's centaurs who also use divination in their day to day lives
•is a skilled flyer and was invited to try out for his house's quidditch team but turned it down
•he prefers to cheer for people rather than getting cheered on
•people don't really know who he cheers for most of the time bc he's like present in every game
•mysteriously gets louder and more energetic when ravenclaw plays most people think it's bc his bestfriend taehyun is playing but taehyun knows the truth
•"you did great hyun!" "i literally saw you stare at soobin hyung's ass the entire game"
•no one can hate this guy,it’s physically impossible
•even the meanest kids don’t pick on him,he’s THAT lovable
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Anyways that all for today! That's my opinion on the txt's hogwarts houses,don't be shy and tell me what you think! See you later guys!
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