#bc i do believe this reboot was in the works in 2020 but they went quiet for awhile
pennyserenade · 9 months
i saw that there’s going to be a new x-files series developed by ryan coogler and BOOKED IT to your blog!!! what do you think??! how do you feel??!!
first off: i love you omg??? i love that show so much--more than words can adequately express, as i'm sure you're aware--and im honored you want to hear my thoughts about this news.
at first i said that i wasn't going to say anything because admittedly not all my thoughts are great, and i don't want to shit on it before it even gets the chance to prove its worth. i'm not at all opposed to diversity being added into the x-files, or the show being developed by a person of color. in fact that's one of the things i'm most excited for regarding this. the entire time i watched the original show i noticed the startling lack of diversity in the cast, the plot, and the writers room. the original show does suffer at times from being written namely by white men and i think the x-files reboot probably will do better in terms of those things. at least i certainly hope
what i'm hesitant about is the fact that i don't see the x-files working in the modern day. when they did the revival back in 2018 (? i don't remember the exact year because i wasn't there yet, but i think it was around that time) it was obvious that they were all scrambling to make the plots work in the contemporary age. so much of the conflict in the x files is wrapped around the fact that fox mulder cannot prove that the government is doing all of these heinous shit, and that the paranormal and extraterrestrial stuff is real. he never could collect any tangible evidence that couldn't be ruined and he never could garner enough public support even if he did have it to build up to anything reputable before it was. they were always able to discredit him. now he could do that. we live in an age where everyone has a cell phone and an opinion and we can all get things to people faster than the speed of lightening.
but also there's the fact that every one has a cell phone and an opinion. it might not work, not because the characters can get evidence quickly and then, bam, the conflict is all gone, but also because conspiracies aren't what they used to be. we live in paranoid and tired age. our computers track us, companies own our data, and we see more ads in one year than someone in the 1960s saw in their entire lives. since 2020 i've heard the united states government twice confirm the existence of aliens and ufos. and then you've got shit like qanon and the campaigns of constant misinformation and no one is exactly sure what is real and what isn't. put fox mulder from the 90s on twitter or reddit for a week and you've got a terrible mess on your hands. in the revival scully literally tells him, "mulder the internet isn't good for you." much of the same can be said about the entire x-files in general. it simply doesn't have that magic that it did in the 90s when you translate it for the modern day.
my last complaint is the fact that i love mulder and scully so much, and the idea of anyone but these two characters doing the government work they did feels sacrilegious. i don't want other people playing fox mulder and dana scully, and i don't want other people playing remixed versions of fox mulder and dana scully. if they're going to start new i sure hope they start from scratch because these are two characters who are so beloved and cared about. i think it's almost disrespectful to tread on the paths they already walked.
having said all that i do think this reboot isn't without its hope. a lot of what i complained about can be solved with a simply putting this reboot in a different time period. i'd love to see what the an x files-like government sector would like in the '60s, '70s, or '80s. there's a lot to be said about the government in those time periods. it was all rife with reasonable conspiracy and i think they could very well do with making diverse storylines and all of that. i want this to succeed more than anyone. i'm just scared about it lol
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actualkomodo · 5 years
Get to Know Me
Rules: Always post the rules. Tag 11 new people you’d like to know better.
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1. Dogs or Cats?
Dogs for sure. I grew up with dogs and never really knew any cats so I don’t know how to read cats at all--but I do still enjoy their company.
2. YouTube celebrities or normal celebrities?
Neither but normal celebrities.
3. If you could live anywhere where would that be?
I’m pretty happy where I am (BC, Canada), to be honest. The downside is it’s expensive and I got lucky enough to be able to stay. I used to think maybe I could move to Montreal but I actually went there and it felt a lot like Vancouver but French.
4. Disney or DreamWorks?  
I never differentiated between the two. When I watched a lot of movies, I used to think Disney, DreamWorks, and Pixar were the same company so that’s really muddled my perception of them and their work. I’m leaning DW though.
5. Favourite childhood TV show?
Uhh it was probably... DBZ. I watched a lot of stuff but DBZ was the only series I watched from beginning to end multiple times and religiously every Friday evening. I also loved Reboot and Beasties/Beast Wars.
6. The movie you’re looking forward to most in 2020
I don’t even know what came out in the last five years let alone what’s out next year. I rarely watch movies. Let me look...
Perhaps The King’s Man, as I really liked Kingsman. Maybe Venom 2, because... I liked the first movie. Will I see them? Probably not.
7. Favorite book you read in 2019?
I haven’t read any books through this year, I don’t think. I believe I went to the library a grand total of once, whereas I used to go every week. I did borrow three books last week, so maybe one of these will count?
How to Knit by Leslie Ann Bestor
Japanese Paper Flowers by Hiromi Yamazaki
Chinese Mythology A to Z by Jeremy Roberts
8. Marvel or DC?
Literally the only character I think of for DC is Green Lantern and I didn’t even watch those movies. So, Marvel.
9. If you choose Marvel favorite member of the X-Men? If you choose DC favourite Justice League member?
THIS GAME IS HARD. Nightcrawler was my favourite when I watched the animated series that aired Saturday mornings--not sure which one that was. I used to like Cyclops in the first few movies because I liked James Marsden’s style. I really liked Quicksilver’s intro in X-men. Uhm... Deadpool? :D
10. Night or Day?
Night, though I prefer light and chirping birds.
11. Favourite Pokemon?  
I have agonised over this for years. I used to love Charmander but I've drifted away and don’t have a favourite anymore. I kinda want to say Mawile.
12. Top 5 bands:
My first instinct is to say Celldweller, Blue Stahli, Linkin Park, Florence + the Machine, and Yuki Kajiura (assuming “bands” also means “artists”). I think that still holds true-ish but nowadays I just listen to whatever I find that I enjoy, so it’s a lot of liking one song each from various artists.
13. Top 10 books.
I haven’t read much lately and don’t generally have favourites so these are mostly books I loved when I was a lot younger. In no particular order and probably missing some, ones I read multiple times:
Switchers series by Kate Thompson
White Fox Chronicles by Gary Paulsen
Animorphs and Everworld series by K. A. Applegate
Dragonback series by Timothy Zahn
Dragonriders of Pern by Anne McCaffrey
Redwall series by Brian Jacques
Space Wolf saga by William King
Gaunt’s Ghosts series by Dan Abnett
Mercy Thompson series by Patricia Briggs
The Dragon Takes a Wife by Walter Dean Myers (art by Fiona French)
14. Top 4 movies
Same as with any “top”/favourite things... I have no idea. How about some movies I liked and would recommend?
Legend of LuoXiaoHei (Legend of Hei is what you’ll probably find it under) - I recently watched the series (unfinished?) and the movie and they were both great but the movie takes the cake. If you have time to watch either, go for the movie. It has a Ghibli vibe, ATLA action and animation, and Chinese themes.
Into the Spiderverse
Summer Wars
I’m sure there are plenty I’ll kick myself for forgetting but here are four.
15. America or Europe?
I’ve never been to Europe but I think I’ll say Europe.
16. Tumblr or Twitter?
I’m between both about equally and infrequently. Fdsfjlskjfldksg Tumblr?
17. Pro-choice or Pro-life?
18. Favorite YouTuber?
None; I don’t follow people on YT. Props to people who upload entire themed series of music though.
19. Favorite author ?
Hard to say since, again, I haven’t read anyone in a while. W. B. Yeats. Charles de Lint.
20. Tea or Coffee?
Tea. I’ve never had coffee. I tried to eat a coffee bean though because I thought it was chocolate. Does that count?
21. OTP?
Uh. CloudxTifa, ZackxAerith, and EstinienxYsayle? :D? Wait, CuinnxAzena and Cuinn/Dalai LFKAJKLF (them ships with @pearlescent-scales​​)
22. Do you play an instrument/sing ?
Used to! I started on a recorder and xylophone (FORCED TO), moved to flute of my own volition, tried out trumpet and trombone, picked up a little acoustic guitar (I suck though, don’t ask me anything about guitars), and finished up my band career with a baritone. The only instrument I still have is my flute but I don’t live in a place that I can really practise. I left my guitar with my dad but I could pick it up again if I really wanted to.
Thank you for the tag, @niomemizune​! I did it!!
TAGGING (and don’t feel you need to do it): @pearlescent-scales @refulgents @grumpy-limsan-customs-cat @elegant-etienne @ahumblewoodcarver @daintycure @eggplant-xaela @cockiestmageeorzea @thaneratelesia @ayeun​ @untaintedtea HHHH I think that’s 11!
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