#bc i have had strange men slide into my dms and try to flirt and i try to piss them off then they tell me i’m only a lesbian bc i haven’t
teabookgremlin · 1 year
a true tragedy is that sometimes when i see pictures of ella purnell where she looks especially good i am reminded of this conversation i had with a random man on instagram
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like dude i was being gay and now when i’m being gay about ella i’m reminded of this why do men have to ruin things
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Men are so weak dude
This year alone I've had two old acquaintances come back from the dead add me on fb message me and have a somewhat casual convo with flirting undertones and I'm nice so I'm just trying to be friendly but then I peep their profile and one has a what looks like long term gf and the other kinda tells me later he has a baby on the way. So I start asking about relationship details like how long have you guys been together bc I'm in a relationship too and want to talk about my guy and when it comes to baby mama talk then he stops responding like I brought up a subject that he was not interested in which is strange since y'all are preggo. And the other I'm like inserting in the convo hinting I have bf and convo slowly dies.
So that just leaves me wondering what were they hoping to gain from these convos like really bro just bc you heard I've done hoeish shit from our mutual friends doesnt mean you think you can try to slide into my dms like yes I did hoe out but I wont do it for you.
Also trust me I'm not flattered more like disgusted and sad for their gfs who prolly treat them like a king but they trying to reach for another cookie jar. And I would hate it if my bf was doing shit like that so I just really dont appreciate this behavior. Like yeah I know I sound like a square or whatever cuz we in hookup culture generation but it's how I feel.
It just makes me think these guys really think they have it like that like, you feel bored w being domesticated for a short time and wanna start talking to other women. Whatever happened to loyalty. Also gtfoh my face I'm not adding no more guys from the past I barely remember
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