#bc majority of the time azula uses her head more than her raw skill in battle n she has a LOT of skill. so it makes those things redundant
lazyveran · 5 months
i think the thing that makes azula so impressive beyond just her raw skill and power at firebending is that the majority of the time she ensures she's never alone when fighting others. like sure, she'll duel when she needs to and whip ass at it, but more often than not she's strategically placed allies around her. mai and ty lee, the dai li, backup soliders and fire benders - she never refuses assistance on egotistical terms. and she really has every right to, i mean her fire is blue, that puts her in a league that no one else touches. yet that ego doesn't translate to her battle tactics
azula operates with personal arrogance, and tactical humility. i think thats one of the reasons she's such a terrifying opponent
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