#bc my friend works there and her friend/coworker was showing everyone her illustrations
websitevisitor · 2 years
i have fucking pics with frack leero but theyre on my friends phone and shes asleep so i have to wait until she wakes up to see them 😭
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smallblanketfort · 7 years
Tell me a story?
ive been trying to think of one for ages and i suck, so here are some things that happen when you work at a library:
one time someone came up to me and gave me a tomato? idk? also recently we found several opened cans of pineapple? they were full and just scattered around the children’s section?
jenny was helping someone and police appeared, tackled him to the ground, arrested him, and left, without a word
a little tiny boy asked me for chapter books about dinosaurs and when i gave him a stack, he literally fell to his knees and wailed “yeeeeeesss!!!!!”
the saddest part of working at a library is getting a tiny peak into someone’s life and mind. it breaks my heart when someone returns a stack of books about cancer or bpd. the worst was when there were about 7 books about “dealing with grief as a young widow”
there;s a pudgy boy with dark curly hair who ranted to me about adventure time, so i watched it to honor him and found my favorite show
a girl gave me a little illustrated book she had written about “destroying trolls” did you know they only eat boys with short hair
every tuesday during the summer we have a read to a dog event, and one therapy dog is enormous and black and i love him so much
once a youth services librarian brought her black poodle to work bc he was having anxiety and it was lovely
we had a wasp invasion once and so we were all stalking around the library with pans and raid, ready to kill the mofos in the children’s section
there’s this woman who always fights me on my age, that i can’t possibly be over 16. plot twist i;m 21 but she refuses to let it go
one time this man came up to me and asked what my major was. after i said “english” he went on a sermon about how i should go to school for ac repair bc then i’d actually have a job (even tho.. i have a job?)
there was this man named larry who i became good friends with. he helped me get a scholarship, but then he got cancer and moved to georgia and he refused to say goodbye i hope he’s okay :(
along those lines, i only see certain patrons when they’re in town for chemo. when i see them, i’m so happy they’re still alive, but so sad that they’re still in treatment. i worry when i haven’t seen one for awhile bc i don’t know if they’re in remission or… not
this man came up to me and asked if i could help him find a cd. he couldnt remember the lyrics, or the name, so he hummed to me
the librarian who brought her poodle had to move to louisiana or something, to the town where duck dynasty is? apparently to get a librarian job there, you dont even need a high school diploma. you need a masters here :/
people always go wide eyed and tell me how smart i am that i can answer their question, and i cant figure out if they know that google exists or not
my favorite event of the year is the lit and art magazine reading. we do it in a museum and an author/comic artist comes and lectures, and then we have a poetry slam, and it makes me so happy
last summer we found envelopes of photographs from the early 1900′s, of teenagers riding horses and hugging, and they’re the cutest!
sometimes i get to hang out with authors for a weekend. my favorites were a.s. king and andrew smith. we sat in the office and a restaurant and i got to just pick their brains. i love them. 
this woman once would not stop arguing that “graphic novels” should never be placed in children’s sections. she would not believe me that it was “graphic” as in “graphic design” rather than “graphic language”. her son was just standing there, so i made a stack of quality comics, glared at his mom, and set them in his hands. made sure he left with them. 
there’s this meme in the library world called the blue book. legend has it that someone came into a library once and said “i’m looking for a book. i dont remember what it was called, but it was blue, can you find it for me?”
a family periodically brings us cookies with little kid drawings it is v nice
sometimes people will pay for fines by mail. we’ve gotten envelopes from turkey and japan and such, filled with coins. but we love when they dont include a name or a library card number bc we dont know whose fines to clear.
during the summer, a montessori school brings their classes, and i always end up playing games with this group of little boys. i love them so much
recently i left the back door open bc it was warm and breezy out. this random man walked through the back door, up to my manager’s closed office door, and knocked. she opened it and he was like “i walked in through your back door lol” and when she told him to leave through the front, he did. he apparently didn’t come in for the library? it’s bc of him we cant have nice things smh
one morning my coworker went out to smoke and found a raccoon stuck in the dumpster. he spent literally 3 hours building a ladder for him and luring him out with cheetos
robyn found a cell phone once and set it on her desk so she could find who it belonged to. the ownder started texting the phone that he was going to bring his gun and kill the motherfucker that stole his phone. he was very sweet and apologetic when he realized he had left it at a public library
once we found a turtle in a garbage can and we adopted him. his name is yertle. sadly tho he got too big and a teacher who always came in adopted him to be a classroom pet i hope he’s having a good day
basically, i really adore where i work. i work with an incredible and badass group of women and men who really care about words, the world, and art. we preserve free speech and strive to create a safe place for everyone, and it gives me a lot of hope and inspiration. we laugh a lot. anyone who says that libraries are dying clearly are not using libraries. public libraries are thriving and essential. do not forget this.
ok i’ll leave it there. but i really love working in libraries. it’s always weird and wonderful.
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