#and he said bye to us like twice and how nice it was to meet us..
websitevisitor · 2 years
i have fucking pics with frack leero but theyre on my friends phone and shes asleep so i have to wait until she wakes up to see them 😭
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darthgloris · 1 year
2AM THOUGHTS #4: "This idiot is so down bad, your honour."
Anakin looked out at the campsite and huffed a tired breath. As his eyes flickered through the Clones and Jedi, he happened to catch sight of a familiar face, one he hadn't seen in two years.
He approached her curiously, gently touching her arm to get her attention.
"Y/N?" He asked as he took in her face again. It had to be her. "It can't be..."
"Who are you?" She asked, eyebrows furrowed as she wondered how he knew her name.
"It's me, Anakin!" He said, smiling.
"Ani?" She recalled, and the use of his nickname sent chills down his spine. Her face broke out into a grin as she recognized him and she jumped in joy. "Whoa!" Anakin laughed, joining into her childish outburst of emotion.
"How did you-"
"What are you-"
They giggled as he picked her up in his arms and twirled her around in pure bliss, not caring who saw.
She was back.
He had his Y/N back!
"Maker, I missed you so much!" She said, smiling ear-to-ear.
"I missed you, too! I mean, look at you!" He exclaimed, looking for the right choice of words. "You're grown-up now!"
She giggled, cupping his face in her hands and running her thumbs over his cheekbones. "And you... look how handsome you are now! I didn't think you could get any more beautiful but you look divine..."
He smiled at her in that way that she remembered, how his eyes would sparkle and his adorable dimples would show; that same smile that made her knees buckle still had the same effect on her.
"Me? Have you seen you? You're- you're stunning." He breathed and smiled like an idiot when she hugged him again.
"Master, Master Kenobi and I- oh." Ahsoka said, approaching the two friends.
"Master? You have a Padawan now?" She asked, smirking. "I never would have guessed it."
"Neither would I," he chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. "Ahsoka, this is Y/N, she's my best friend!"
"It's nice to meet you." The young girl smiled, offering her a nod.
"Oh, please, the pleasure is all mine." She grinned, nodding back. "Is he a good Master?"
"Yeah, he's okay." Ahsoka teased, and Anakin mocked offense by putting a hand on his chest.
"Uh, excuse me!" He said, but he couldn't keep a straight face, making Y/N laugh. He couldn't help but feel a sense of fullness when he heard her laughter leave her lips. Now it was just like when they were Padawans, when he used to make a stupid joke in an inappropriate moment and they'd hold back their snorts until they were forced to, only to burst out laughing the minute they were free until tears beaded up in their eyes.
"Um, why don't I show you around a bit?" Anakin offered.
"Maybe you can show her your tent..." she teased without thinking.
"Ahsoka!" He responded through gritted teeth, glaring daggers at her.
Y/N's cheeks tinted a soft pink, but she regained her composure to answer. "I'd love to, but I have a few things to do right now."
His expression fell slightly, like a puppy who was being denied a chance to go for a walk. "How about we catch up later this evening?"
He immediately smiled again, agreeing without thinking twice. "Of course, that would be perfection!"
He internally cringed at his choice of words. Nice going, you jackass.
Y/N just giggled at his goofiness, and hugged him again. "Great. I'll see you later, Ani." She said and left a soft, lingering kiss on his cheek.
"Bye, Ahsoka." She smiled at the Padawan, who waved back with a small smile as she looked at Anakin, who was watching her walk away while his fingertips grazed the spot her lips touched oh so gracefully.
"You are folding so damn hard for her and I am here for it." She chortled.
"What?! No! No, no!" He denied immediately. He didn't think his crush on her was so obvious. Was it?
"What's going on here?" Obi-Wan asked as he walked towards Master and Padawan.
"Y/N's back." Anakin hurried to speak before Ahsoka.
His response made Obi-Wan guffaw as well.
"This idiot is so down bad, your honour." She explained after his outburst.
"Oh, you have no idea, young one."
"Oh, shut up..." he groaned, but still looked at the direction she went in with a longing expression.
Obi-Wan and Ahsoka shared a knowing smile. She had never seen her Master, usually collected and suave, so head-over-heels for someone.
And she wasn't going to stop teasing him for the life of her.
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asapjens · 8 months
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You and Nayeon have been dating for two whole months, so you thought it was time to take her to the house you grew up in.
When you arrived at your parent's house, the first thing you did was show Nayeon your old room. You showed her your posters, the books you used to read, and your old CDs.
While you were discussing your vinyl collection, your mom called for you to help her with some things downstairs. You told Nayeon that you'd be right back and she was welcome to explore the rest of the house if she wanted to. You kissed her and exited the room.
Nayeon was looking at your One Direction poster when she heard a sound. She looked around the room and was surprised to see a little cotton ball on the edge of the bed.
The bunny hopped in Nayeon's direction and she couldn't help but try to hold it. The bunny found its way into Nayeon's arms and hugged her. Nayeon noticed a little ribbon on the white bunny's neck with an "N" engraved on it.
"Nayeon!" a little girl who looked just like you said, appeared in front of her and gazing at Nayeon's arms.
"I've told you not to leave my room!!" the mini you said.
Nayeon was confused. "Sorry?" she asked.
The little girl looked at her with wide eyes and her mouth in an "O" shape. Nayeon smiled awkwardly.
That's when you entered the room. "Hey baby, my mom wants to know what your favorite dessert is cause she's going to the grocery-"
“Oh hey Olivia, Mommy wants to know if you'd like to go with her," you told your sister while messing with her hair.
"Who is she?" Nayeon heard your sister whisper. You smiled and said, "She's my girlfriend, remember? I told you about her."
Your sister nodded and introduced herself, "Hi! I'm Yn's favorite sister, Olivia." The little girl went to hug Nayeon.
"You're my only sister," you said.
"Hello, I'm Yn's favorite girlfriend, Nayeon," she said, smiling at your sister. Olivia's eyes widened. "Wow! You and her share the same name!" Olivia said, pointing at the bunny that was still in Nayeon's arms.
"I guess we kinda look alike," Nayeon said, petting the bunny.
"Yes! Yn picked her name!" Olivia said, petting the bunny.
Nayeon looked at you with a smirk. "Hey! That's not entirely true. You asked for names and Nayeon just happened to pop into my brain!" you said trying to defend yourself.
Olivia just rolled her eyes and asked Nayeon if she wanted to see the bunny’s clothes.
"Olivia! Are you coming, sweetheart?" you heard your mom's voice. "Can Nayeon come?" "I think Nayeon and Yn want to be together, baby!"
"She means the animal, Mom," you said. "Oh yeah, alright, bring her," your mom said. "Yay!" exclaimed your sister.
Nayeon passed the bunny to your sister. "Bye!" she said, leaving the room happily. "Oh, nice meeting you, Nayeon! You're really pretty!" After that, your sister left to go downstairs.
You gave Nayeon an embarrassed look.
"So... Nayeon, huh?" Your girlfriend laughed.
"I'm sorry! I couldn't think of anything better and she's so impatient. I have no imagination when it comes to naming! I just say the name of someone I love! Like Olivia here, my parents made me choose my little sister's name. And do you know why I picked Olivia?"
Nayeon shook her head.
"She's named after my favorite One Direction song! You know, the song 'I live for you, I long for you, Olivia'?" You said, singing the last part.
Nayeon couldn't help but laugh and then kissed you.
When your brother told you he was going to visit you for a few weeks you couldn't help but ask him to bring his lovely dog.
He wasn't surprised at your request since you've always adored animals.
So when he finally arrived at your house you couldn't help but spoil the not-so-little labrador retriever. You couldn't wait until you introduced her to your cute girlfriend.
Jeongyeon planned a cozy evening with you at your place, she ought to surprise you. She bought all your favorite snacks and made a list of movies to watch at home.
She was arriving at your house when she heard a loud bang on the door. She pressed her ear on the door and heard the loud noise again.
She opened the door closely and when she did she felt a heavy weight on her arms. She gasped at the feeling then she heard a loud “Jeongyeon! Come here!” Jeongyeon was confused but relieved when the weight stopped.
“I'm sorry” a male voice called. Now Jeongyeon was even more confused.
“Mhm..” The girl said, then saw your brother closing the backyard door and she relaxed.
“Oh hey, Luke” The blonde greeted your brother. “Hey Jeongyeon sup,” he said hugging the girl.
“How have you been?” Said Jeongyeon, “How was your flight?”. “I've been great, thanks, the flight was good they even gave us those delicious gummies”
“The Red ones or the multicolor ones?” asked Jeongyeon. “Both!” exclaimed the boy with a big smile. “No way,” said a shocked Jeongyeon. “Way”
Your brother and Jeongyeon were talking about trivial things. “So where’s yn?” said the girl sitting on the kitchen counter. “Oh, she went to buy some toys for Jeong-“ your brother was interrupted by the door.
“Jeongyeon baby I’m home where are you sweet girl?, come here and give me a kiss” Jeongyeon blushed at your words and smiled at your baby tone.
When Jeongyeon got up and made her way to you, she felt a heavy force push her to the wall. Jeongyeon gasped at the feeling. Confused, Jeongyeon looked to her right and saw a blonde tail moving with force.
Then she saw how you pet the owner of the tail. And heard your adorable voice praising the big blonde labrador in front of you.
“Look at all the things I found for you!” you exclaimed in a high tone. When you finally looked up and saw your girlfriend with a surprised face in front of you. You smiled and went to kiss her.
“Baby!, you didn’t tell me you were coming. I wanted you to meet Jeongyeon on a special occasion.” You sounded a little disappointed. Jeongyeon smiled at you.
“Meeting who?” she asked, putting her arms around your waist. “Jeongyeon!,” The moment the name left your mouth it followed a loud bark from the cute dog.
“She’s Jeongyeon my brother’s labrador retriever” Jeongyeon heard the (dog) Jeongyeon making snorting sounds. “She’s excited,” said Luke.
“Dude we were talking for like an hour, why’d you never told me about her” said your girlfriend. Your brother just laughed “She would've killed me” Said Luke pointing at you.
“I wanted to be special since you guys share the same name. I know it's kinda silly” You said.
“It's cute,” Jeongyeon said, wrapping your lips around hers.
"Omg," Momo heard your voice and became worried at your tone. "Baby?" your girlfriend asked.
"What's wrong?" Momo asked, concerned. "Look at this!" you exclaimed, passing your phone to her. "My parents found this raccoon on their porch!" you said.
"Wow, are your parents okay?" the short-haired one asked. "Yeah, but my dad freaked out when he found him," you laughed.
"Wait," you said. Momo looked at you, sensing some seriousness in your voice. "He kinda looks like you!"
Momo gave you a sharp look. You burst into laughter at her reaction. "I swear! You guys look like twins." Momo rolled her eyes at you and threw herself on top of you.
You started to giggle when Momo began tickling you. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry. You're way cuter than that raccoon," you said through tears of laughter. Momo just tickled you harder.
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It was a chill date for you and Momo. You both walked around the city, holding hands, and Momo bought you anything you said was cute, you guys were just admiring the city lights.
That's when Momo found a pet store that was giving kittens up for adoption. Knowing your love for cats, Momo pointed in that direction. When you saw what your girlfriend was pointing at, you almost collapsed onto the floor.
Momo smiled at your reaction and started pulling you towards the kittens.
"They're so cute!" you said with hearts in your eyes. Momo melted at your reaction. "Hello! They have all been rescued from the streets and have been vaccinated. They're ready to go home with you!" said the girl behind the kittens.
"You heard that, baby? They're ready to go home with us!"
"They are really cute," said Momo, trying to pet the cats. Some of them were scared and backed away a little bit, but after a few minutes, the cats were all around Momo. "They're so cute I'm crying," she said.
You noticed a black little kitten in the back and called for her. You were surprised when she came right to you. "It's purring!" the girl behind them said. "He’s kinda shy. People have been here all afternoon and he never left the corner."
Your and Momo's hearts melted at the statement. "Can we have her?" you asked Momo with puppy eyes. Momo couldn't say no to you. So that's how you two ended up buying all the things for your new roommate: food, a bed, some toys, etc.
"Everything is ready. Congratulations! Do you two have a name yet?" the employee asked.
"Yes, Momo!" you said, petting the baby cat. "What?" Momo asked, confused.
"Baby, it's the perfect name!" you told your girlfriend. "Are you teasing me?" Momo raised her brow.
"What? No! Look at her, she has 'momo' all around her. I love you, I love this kitten, so why not?"
"He's actually a boy," the girl called out.
Momo gave you a sharp look. "Momo is a name for both sexes!" you exclaimed.
"Pleaseeeeeeee," you begged with big puppy eyes that you knew Momo couldn't resist.
"Alright, yeah, Momo it is!" She gave in.
"Yay!" you said, pulling your lips onto Momo's.
You and your girlfriend, Sana, were visiting your hometown to see your mom. Your mom had planned activities for Sana's visit, and she was really excited since it was her first time in your hometown. She admired everything with adoration and made cute comments about everything you guys visited or saw.
One of the activities planned was a trip to the zoo, and Sana couldn't have been more excited. You both took pictures with the animals and fed them, and Sana even bought giraffe headbands for you and your mother.
As you were about to leave the zoo, you spotted some funny-looking little animals and grabbed Sana's hand, pulling her towards them.
"Aren't they cute?" Sana said, looking at the little creatures. "Wait, Sana, look!" you said, pointing in a specific direction.
Sana turned and followed your gaze. "That white one looks like your friend!" you exclaimed. "That ferret?" Sana laughed at your comparison. "Yeah! He looks like the guy from your company, the one who drew us that one time, remember?" you said, giggling. "Hyunjin?" Sana asked, laughing along.
"Yeah!" you said, still giggling. “They do look alike!" Sana said, looking at the ferret. "Right," you laughed, kissing Sana's cheek.
You both spent some time looking at the hedgehogs, ferrets, and hamsters. That's when you saw some guinea pigs and turned to Sana. "Look! That one's named Sana," you told your girlfriend.
Sana looked at the rodent and laughed. "She looks like me!" Sana said, excited about the similarity.
"But don't worry sweetheart, you're even cuter," you told Sana. She laughed, and you both kissed.
"Baby, I'm home," Jihyo called as she entered the house. She took off her shoes and walked toward the kitchen to leave the takeout food she had bought before coming home.
"Honey?" she called for you again. "I'm in here!" Jihyo heard her girlfriend's voice from the living room. Jihyo walked to the living room, excited to see you since she had been working the whole day.
"Hey sweet girl, I've missed you so much," she said, going to hug you from behind and closing her eyes.
"Me too, baby. How was practice today?" You felt Jihyo's breath on your neck. "It was good, but I'm kinda tired babe," she said as she opened her eyes.
When her eyes were fully open, she gasped and quickly backed down, almost falling to the ground.
"Why is there an owl in our living room?" Jihyo said, sounding scared.
You laughed a little and then said, "You know how my brother is obsessed with Harry Potter, well, since his birthday is coming up, for some reason, my parents thought of buying him an owl, just like Harry's," you said, giving some food to the white owl.
"Wow, your parents are really thoughtful," Jihyo said, giggling. "What's his name?" she asked as she put her arms around your waist and hugged you from behind again.
"He is actually a she. And we're waiting for my brother to name her, but he's an 11-year-old Potterhead with a white owl, so I bet 5 bucks it'll be Hedwig," you told your girlfriend as she turned your face to kiss her.
"We'll see," Jihyo said, laughing.
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A few days passed, and your brother's birthday finally arrived. You and Jihyo, along with the owl, drove to your parents' house for the party.
You guys ate some Harry Potter-themed food, watched the kids break a big piñata, and took some cute pictures of each other—everything you do at an 11-year-old's party.
When the little kids got picked up by their parents, you guys entered the house. "Mom, Dad, can I open my presents now?" your brother asked loudly.
Your parents nodded, and the little one started jumping. "You can't really 'open' the present that Daddy and I got you," your mom told him. Your brother looked at them puzzled.
"And this isn't just a present, baby. You have to take care of her, just like a human being. She's not just some toy. We're giving you this because we think you're ready to have a pet," your mom said.
Your brother started jumping and hugging your mom when he heard the word 'pet.'
As your brother smothered your mother, your dad gave you a look that meant 'bring her now.' You got up and went to get the owl that you had been owlsitting the whole week.
When you entered the living room once more, now with the pet in the cage, your mother pointed at you, and your brother gave you a big gummy smile.
"An owl! Thank you, thank you! I've always wanted one, and she's just like Harry's! I can't believe this! Thank you so much, Yn, you're the best sister ever!" your brother said, hugging your legs.
Jihyo couldn't help but smile at you and your brother's interaction. She thought it was the cutest thing ever.
"So, how are you naming her?" your dad asked.
"Jihyo!" he said, excitedly.
Jihyo blushed at that, while everyone turned to him, confused.
"What?" your mom asked. "Since Yn gave me this awesome present, and since Yn loves Jihyo, and I love this owl!" your brother said, petting the white owl through her cage.
Everyone looked even more puzzled. "Actually, this gift is from Mom and Dad. My gift and Jihyo's present is the Minecraft card," you told him.
"I'm naming the card Jihyo too!"
Jihyo couldn't help but laugh at your brother. "But wouldn't you like to name her Hedwig, I mean, just like Harry's!" Jihyo tried to reason with your brother.
"No, Jihyo is way better," your brother said, unbothered.
"Well, Jihyo it is," you said, looking at your girlfriend. Jihyo laughed a little, feeling a bit embarrassed.
“Why don't we show Jihyo where she'll be staying” your dad told your brother. “Okay!” he said carrying the owl out of the living room.
You sat down with your girlfriend once again. Both of you made eye contact and burst into laughter. “It was kinda cute,” you said. And Jihyo just laughed even harder.
“You own me 5 bucks”
You and your girlfriend Mina were having dinner at your grandparent’s. You guys were having a great time since all your family loved and appreciated Mina and loved how special she made you feel.
Everyone was laughing at a joke your grandfather had said, Mina's hand was resting on your thigh. After you guys finished laughing, she asked you for directions to the bathroom. You offered to take Mina to the bathroom since it was a big house. Mina smiled and took your hand, allowing you to guide her.
You guys got up and entered the house, holding hands. When you guys arrived in the living room, you stopped when you saw a big fishbowl with big and small fish swimming around.
Mina followed your gaze and pointed at some multicolored fish that was eating.
“That one looks like you," you pointed at a big-eyed yellow-orange fish that was fighting for some food. Mina rolled her eyes at you.
"Really! You have the same eyes," you exclaimed, smirking.
"Yn! That's enough. Stop teasing Mina!" your mom said in Mina's defense. "Look, I'm telling you, she loves you more than me! When someone teases me, she just laughs along!" you whispered to Mina.
Mina just laughed and wrapped her arms around your shoulders, kissing your forehead.
"The bathroom is just down there," you pointed out.
"I'll be waiting here with the other Mina," you told her.
"The other Mina?" the original Mina looked at you confused. You smiled, pointing at the fish. Mina rolled her eyes, smiling.
After dinner, you guys offered to take your mother home. "Oh honey, do you remember my cat Meredith?" your mother asked as you were driving.
"Oh yeah, what's up with her?" you questioned, focusing on the road. "She gave birth! We gave away some of the kittens, but there are still some around the place!"
"Aw! I can't wait to see them," you said happily.
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"Mina, would you like some tea?" that's the first thing your mother said when you guys arrived at her house.
"Yes, thank you, Mrs. Yln," Mina said as you guys sat on the living room couch. Before you could sit down, your mother called for you to help her pour the tea. You sighed and walked towards the kitchen.
"Wait," you heard Mina's voice. You turned around and met Mina's lips. You laughed and softly pulled away. "I'll be right back," you winked at your girlfriend.
While you were gone, Mina started looking at her phone until she heard a ‘meow’ near her. She looked at the rest of the couch and found a little white kitten with big almond eyes. Mina melted at the little animal.
"Hi, baby," Mina said, pulling her hand towards the cat. The cat backed down a little, but with some encouragement, the kitty felt confident enough and got into Mina’s hand. Mina thought she was going to die from cuteness.
When you and your mom put down the teas on the table, you turned to Mina with something white in her hand. "Oh, so you've met Snowy," your mom said.
"You named her Snowy?" you said teasingly. "Well, I was waiting for you to name the rest of them!"
"I think she likes you, Mina," your mom said happily. And it was true, the kitty was all over Mina, and Mina was more than happy, smiling and petting the cat.
"We should name her Mina!" you said. Mina turned to you with wide eyes. "Well, she loves you, baby, and you two are the cutest things ever," you said, kissing Mina's head.
"Oh, I love it!" your mother said.
Mina smiled at you and caught your lips in a quick kiss.
You loved your job at the zoo. The way you cared for the animals and connected with them was truly admirable. However, there was one aspect of your job that always made you a bit apprehensive - the snakes.
You had an intense fear of snakes. Just the thought of them would send shivers down your spine. But you realized it was time to overcome the fear, so you decided to face your fear head-on. You came up with a unique idea - you would name one of the snakes after your girlfriend Dahyun.
Your co-worker thought it was a brilliant idea and agreed to let you take care of the snakes for a day. As you timidly approached the enclosure, you locked eyes with a beautiful python. With a deep breath, you mustered up the courage to hold the snake, reminding yourself that it now shared your girlfriend’s name.
Surprisingly, as you spent time with the snake named Dahyun, you started to feel a strange sense of comfort. You realized that your fear was slowly dissipating, replaced by a newfound connection with the reptiles you once dreaded.
Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. You continued to care for the snakes, especially the one named after your girlfriend. You learned about their unique characteristics, their gentle nature, and their importance in the ecosystem. With each passing day, your fear diminished further, replaced by a growing sense of admiration and respect for these creatures.
One sunny day, Dahyun decided to surprise her girlfriend at work. As Dahyun entered the zoo, butterflies fluttered in her stomach.
As she approached her girlfriend's station, Dahyun's eyes widened in awe. There her girlfriend stood, confidently handling the snakes, her smile radiant and her body language relaxed. Dahyun couldn't help but feel a surge of pride for her girlfriend.
When you finally noticed her presence, you walked over with a smile. "Surprised to see me here?" Dahyun said.
"But I'm even more surprised to see you so comfortable with the snakes now. How did you overcome your fear?" Dahyun asked
You chuckled and took Dahyun's hand. "It all started with you, my love. I named that snake after you to help me face my fears. Every time I handle the snakes, I think of you and how you make me feel safe and loved. It gave me the courage to embrace these little guys."
Dahyun's eyes welled up with tears of happiness. She never expected her simple existence to have such an impact. They shared a tender moment, surrounded by the snakes that had brought them closer together.
As Dahyun glanced at the snake named after her, she couldn't help but feel grateful for the reptile since it had transformed her girlfriend's fear into a symbol of love and bravery.
As you stood outside the studio's door, you impatiently waited for Chaeyoung to open it for you. Your hands were full, making it difficult to open the door by yourself.
But before coming here, something ‘unexpected’ happened. You had thought about buying some food for Chaeyoung since she had been really busy at the studio. However, as you were walking to Chaeyoung's favorite bakery, you noticed a box just outside the store. When you looked down, you saw a black puppy inside.
You couldn't leave the puppy there, so you picked him up and immediately took him to the vet. The vet assured you that he was fine and gave him some vaccines. He also mentioned that you could bring the puppy for adoption next week, but for now, the little dog needed a place to stay.
Finally, the door opened, and Chaeyong’s Co-worker let you in. You hid the puppy behind your back.
"Thank you," you smiled and went inside.
Chaeyoung spotted you from inside the studio. She took off her headphones and came out to greet you with a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
"What are you doing here?" she asked, a big smile on her face.
"I thought I would come to visit you. I got you... something special," you replied.
She nodded, a little confused. "Okay, close your eyes," you told her, feeling a bit nervous. With anticipation, you unveiled the puppy in front of her. Unexpectedly, the puppy licked your girlfriend's nose.
Chaeyoung opened her eyes in a hurry. "Who's this little guy?" she said, petting the dog.
"His name is Chaeyoung, and he has had all his vaccines. We could take him for adoption next week, but if you spend just a few minutes with him, you'll never want to let him go, and-"
Your girlfriend's laughter interrupted you. "Honey, you got me at his name," she smiled, kissing you.
"Oh, will you look at that!" you heard your mom's voice as you came downstairs. "What are you guys watching?" you said.
"Keira's rabbit just gave birth," your sister told you, excited.
"Who's Keira?" you asked, confused, trying to see the pictures of the bunnies on your mother's phone.
"My best friend!" your sister exclaimed angrily. "Sorry!" you apologized, sticking your tongue out at your sister.
"Look at the bunnies," your mother passed you the phone.
They were really cute, looking like cotton candy fluffy balls. You wanted to eat them. "This one looks like Yn's girlfriend!" you heard your sister's voice as she pointed at a cute brunette bunny. You examined the fluffy ball, and it was true; it looked just like Tzuyu.
"You're right," you chuckled at the thought. "Is Keira keeping all of them?" you turned to your sister.
"Her parents just let her keep two; the others are going to live at her grandma's," your sister told you as she took the phone out of your hands.
"Tell her to keep the Tzuyu one," you said, laughing.
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You were baking with Tzuyu, making some cakes. You loved baking, and Tzuyu loved watching you do things you love, and she got the privilege of licking the spoons!
As you put the cake in the oven and set the timer, you heard your phone ringing. "Sweetie, it's your mom," Tzuyu said, passing you your phone.
You murmured a "thank you, baby." "Hi mom, what's up?" While you were talking with your mom, Tzuyu started washing up the dishes and the things you guys used.
"Hey, so my mom wants me to pick up my sister from a play date. I'll be right back, or do you want to come?" you asked your girlfriend.
Tzuyu nodded at you with a big smile. It had been a long time since she saw your little sister.
You drove in the direction your mom sent you, and you guys arrived after 10 minutes. When you were about to knock on the door, you remembered that you forgot something in the car and told Tzuyu you'd be right back. Before leaving, you gave Tzuyu a quick kiss on the lips.
Before Tzuyu could knock on the door, it opened, and she saw two little girls - one was your sister, and she assumed the other was her friend. "Tzuyu!" your sister hugged her. "Hi!" Tzuyu exclaimed happily. "How have you been?" Tzuyu asked, petting your sister's hair.
"Great! I've missed you!" Before Tzuyu could answer, the other little girl interrupted, "Is her name Tzuyu, like my bunny?" the other girl said.
"Yes! I told you to name her after my sister's girlfriend, remember?" your sister told her friend.
Tzuyu blushed at the comment and laughed. "Your bunny's name is Tzuyu?"
When you arrived at the door once again, you were surprised as the door was opened. You entered your sister's best friend's house and gasped when you saw Tzuyu petting her bunny self. When Tzuyu saw you, she just smiled at you.
"You’re so cute," you murmured.
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cookingforsatoru · 1 year
beauty and the beat by justin bieber would look good in you're rindou drabbleess!!
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↪ featuring ; Rindou haitani x Fem!reader
↪ summary ; you were in a club where bonten would always go, but The Younger Haitani has his eyes on you.
↪ warnings ; cursing, slight nsfw, mentions of killing.
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"Good Evening, Gentlemen! Please take a seat, we reserved this just for you guys!"
the waiter led the 3 Guys into the VIP seats and gave them their usual orders.
sanzu, ran, and rindou would always just talk bout ladies they wanted to fuck. or bout them planning how to (get Koko's credit card) get Mikey's attention and beg him to stop giving them assignments due so early.
'' is manifesting real? I need to get someone killed by Thursday"
the pink-haired man said getting really curios about that question
"We need to try, boss isn't giving us extensions." the older haitani said
a few minutes later they noticed rindou, not listening to their conversation and looking at a girl, dancing in the midst of the crowds.
"Someone got my baby's attention, huh."
"must be a lucky girl"
the two exclaimed, then the song "beauty and a beat" started.
the younger haitani smiled, so wide. for the first fucking time!
"lemme see the girl, rin! she's makin' you smile like crazy"
"there. see her?"
"oooh fuck, she is one of a kind"
"she is. I saw her in the cafeteria downtown once, twice? she's kind, sweet, n' everything. really"
"then go talk to her." his brother said wiht a wide smile, first time seeing his brother go crazy about a girl.
really changes him, so much.
rindou agreed and stood up, since he also wanted to get the girl's attention.
"hey, i see you here often"
"oh, but i've been here once. just tonight, sir."
looks like his excuse failed, but the rindou haitani isn't giving up that easily.
"oh must have been someone else, but you look really pretty, iv'e been talking about you eyeing you. not in a creepy way."
"oh okay"
"want some drinks?"
3 hours have passed, ran and sanzu wants to go home already.
they saw rindou leaving the cr with the girl in his back.
"So, you two had fun, huh"
"shut up. he's my brother btw"
"oh hello!"
"I saw a hickey, rinnie"
"shut up before i kill both of you"
"Alright, alright. but we're going home, say bye-bye to your girlfriend, now"
"oh, bye rin! it was nice meeting you"
"Don't worry, I'll meet you again."
"she was so fine! her body, her face, even her personality is hot."
"you have fallen, dude"
"i can't believe i have"
"even her body was so fucking hot when she dances and everything-"
sanzu said, rindou just chuckled but. he didn't stop.
talking and talking and talking about that girl. he was so in love.
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Taglist: @omakeomuomuu @thisbicc @galactict3a @rgtgt @chuuberrysworld @penguinlovestowrite-blog @ddeadcalm @obeymesimp11 @ashwasherelol @oikawastudiescutie @staymoarmyzen @leilalago @winterv-black @bobateasilverpearll @jcrml @sapphire-gemm @layla0mitsuya @rindousfavoritewife @mrssano04 @kzuyii @dr4kenlvr @softbabyjunkj @tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gangn @magxnoriaia @mimeen @valhomass @akira-kurusu @beebeedibapbeediboop @bontensbabygirll @wintercher03 @fueledbysano @chuunami @wuvmads
just message me if you guys want to be tagged :DD or if you are disturbed by my random taggings, please message me also!
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amberlynnmurdock · 1 year
my friends and i did the group photo op with him and Vincent and it was quick but they both made it a point to make sure they greeted us :’) such a treasured moment.
the real juice for me was meeting Charlie at the autograph table. i wanted a pic with him but since i met him and got one in 2016, i thought having an actual convo with him would be more fulfilling this time around. and it sure was 😭💘
fanexpo was not organized at all. they oversold his tickets but Charlie was gracious enough to honor each one!! he is an ANGEL. i waited for 6 hours to get his autograph! and you wouldn’t even know if he was tired or annoyed, he was SO NICE to everyone and was smiling the whole time. he shook everyone’s hand and held eye contact. he was amazing.
so i wore a shirt i got from an Etsy shop called MustardYardPress. it has a pic of Matt on hearts and says “Matt’s Girl”. i was hesitant to wear it but decided it was fun and casual enough for the con. I’M SO GLAD I WORE IT! one of the staff at his booth said he’s going to love it and i was like really?! i didn’t want it to be weird. so finally it comes my turn. he smiles at me and asks how i am, says it’s nice to meet me and SHOOK MY HAND FJFJDHHDHD. there was a mom and daughter before me and idk why but he asked if i was in their photo op LOL. i said no i was in a different one, and he smiled and was like ohhh okay did you have a good time then?! i said yes !!! then he asked if i want this personalized (i got a daredevil season 3 print) and i said yes please he asked my name and then he saw my shirt. HE POINTED AT ME AND WAS LIKE THAT’S SUCH A GREAT SHIRT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT. YES HE SAID IT TWICE FOR EMPHASIS LOL. I said thank you I wasn’t sure if I was going to wear it! And I didn’t know what to say after that so I thanked him for still being here after all this and he was like ohhh no worries it’s totally fine and I complimented his bracelets and he goes “people have been giving me shit all day” LOL I said well that must be nice to get free shit and he laughed LMAO then he shook my hand again and I was like thank you so much and I wanted to make sure I got to say bye so I waved and said bye!! Be safe!!!! And he waved back saying bye as well 😭 IT WAS A SMALL BUT MEANINGFUL MOMENT TO HAVE !!!!!!!!! I love him so much he’s seriously one of a kind and I can’t wait to keep supporting him when Daredevil: Born Again comes out ❤️❤️❤️
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noforkingclue · 1 year
By Any Means Chapter 18 (Malcolm Bright x reader)
By Any Means tag list: @shadowluna25
Prodigal Son tag list: @queenoffandom08, @imwithyoutiltheendofthelinebucky, @stilestotherescue
Malcolm Bridge tag list: @v0id-sp1rit, @fansformentalydistroyedmen
Everything tag list: @greenrevolutionary, @byebyebreezywrites, @spngingerbread21, @layazul, @lov3vivian, @simonsbluee
You paused when you exited your apartment building as there was clearly someone waiting for you. She turned to look at you and raised her eyebrows at you.
“So you’re Malcolm’s…” she trailed off as she looked for the right word
“I’m not Malcolm’s anything,” you said as you approached, “and you seem to have me at a disadvantage.”
“Malcolm hasn’t mentioned me?”
“If I don’t know your name how can I know if he’s mentioned you or not?”
“Ainsley, I’m his sister.”
“Ah. He might’ve mentioned you once or twice.”
You stuck your hands in your pockets as you walked towards her.
“So what do I owe this honour?”
“Malcolm hasn’t been himself lately. What happened.”
“Well you don’t beat around the bush do you?”
“I don’t see the point.”
You sighed and ran a hand over your face.
“Come on,” you jerked your head to the side, “there’s a good coffee shop nearby. You can’t buy me an overpriced coffee and pastry.”
“Why should I buy?”
“Because you want answers. Nothing in this world is free.”
Once the two of you were safely tucked into a quiet corner of the shop, and you took a sip of you peppermint tea, you knew you couldn’t escape Ainsley’s questions.
“Malcolm asked me out,” you said, “I refused.”
Ainsley seemed surprised by your answer and you smiled at her shocked expression.
“Not what you were expecting?” you asked
“From what mother was saying I had expected that you two were already together.”
“Jessica talks about me?”
“Not all the time. You’re on first name terms with my mother?”
“We’ve run into each other once or twice.”
“I thought I might find you two here.”
You stiffened at the familiar sound of Malcolm’s voice. He was standing by your table and Ainsley looked amused at your equal discomfort. Malcolm glanced at the empty seat by you side and after a moment’s hesitation sat down next to his sister. An uncomfortable silence settled over you and you looked out of the window. Ainsley took a sip of her drink and looked between the two of you.
“I’m not interrupting anything,” Malcolm said, “It’s just-“
“I should get going anyway,” you said quickly, “I have a lecture.”
“Wait,” Malcolm said quickly, “what I said-“
“Bye Ainsley, it was nice to meet you. Maybe we can meet up again sometime soon.”
You didn’t have time to hear her reply as you practically bolted out of the café. Ainsley turned to her brother and smirked and said,
“You really fucked up.”
“What’s wrong?”
You glanced over as Richard sat down next to you. He raised his eyebrows at you and you turned your attention back to the lecturer.
“Nothing.” You said
“Bullshit. You used to sit up here when you had something on your mind.”
“Maybe I just fancied a change.”
“I know you too well,” muttered Richard, “you can tell me what’s wrong. I’m your… I was your friend.”
You turned to look at him, what Malcolm said coming to the surface again. Could he really be the murderer? Someone that you used to trust so dearly?
“Malcolm asked me out.”
“I thought you two were dating already.”
“Ha ha.”
“And what did you say?”
“We’re too different,” you whispered as you made a few more notes in your book, “it wouldn’t have worked.”
“And here I thought you were getting gout of this life.”
“I am. I want to.”
“So what’s the problem?”
“It’s just-“
“You’re afraid?”
“This isn’t exactly usual circumstances.”
“When is it with us? You seemed happy with him.”
“I do like him but we’re too different. In the long run it just wouldn’t work.”
“Do you genuinely believe that or are you just telling yourself that? Look, after all the shit we’ve been through we deserve something good.”
“Is this you telling me that I fucked up?”
“If you were in trouble, you’d tell me right? Even after everything we’ve been through.”
“Where has this come from?”
“Or if you’ve fucked up. You’d tell me so I could tell you.”
“What do you think?”
“Yeah, thought you wouldn’t.”
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heiayen · 2 years
a rose for you - albedo x gn!reader
tags: headcanons (longer ones!!), modern au, fluff!! you get transported into a dating sim. what can possibly go wrong. it's very silly and cute trust me
summary: after making the mistake of playing game during a thunderstorm, you get transported into your favorite christmas themed dating sim... oh well. chaos ensures.
a/n: is it too late of me to say happy holidays. anyways. @venexus hello!! i might not be your actual secret santa but i do have a gift for you! i tried very hard and oh no writing this much after another impromptu break was... fun. in more than one definition of it. but i hope you'll enjoy it! i am very bad at summaries. im sorry okie bye
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- Imagine this– Your friend gifts you a silly, short, christmas themed dating sim to play. It's cute and fun, they say. You won't regret it, they say. So you play it. You play as a simple primary school teacher overseeing a Christmas performance of their class, and later on, fall in love with one of the supporting teachers. You don't… expect much, no, and yet you totally fall in love with the game and its characters.
- You liked all the characters, but of course you have a favorite. The art teacher, Albedo Kreideprinz is the sweetest guy ever, with an even cuter younger sister, Klee. He is loved by all the students, younger or older and has amazing artistic talent. Your heart melted when you saw him teaching your students, how much they adored him and, you too, wanted to take part in his class, just to listen to his voice. Oh, how good life would be if you could meet someone like this in real life!
- …well. One day, as you were playing as usual, a thunderstorm broke out. You shrugged it off, you used your computer plenty of times while a thunderstorm was happening and it was all okay, so why would it be different now? You were happily playing until a massive lighting struck with a loud thunder and then everything went dark. You thought to yourself that maybe just electricity went off. And you were very sure of that until you opened your eyes and noticed that you are standing right in the middle of… the main character's from your favorite dating sim room?! 
- Oh dear. That was not in the plan. No. This isn't even real, it can't be. You blinked once, twice– still their room. Even their clothes on you. This is real. Very much real and according to the clock on the wall, if you don't go now, you will be late to school– to your job that you never worked at. Just how exactly you are supposed to survive this sudden turn of events?! 
- You arrived late, blame it on spending like five minutes figuring out the car and everything else. According to the game, you should first meet Albedo and start his route. After finishing it, you would start another route, and then another and another, and after finishing all of them, you would be given a free choice of routes and a chance to explore all the other dialogues, secrets and side characters. And you were right, because when you arrived at your class, panting and still in your jacket, you saw Albedo, surrounded by a bunch of second graders. Your students. None of them noticed you, being too busy with Albedo. You sighed and  walked closer. You cleared your throat to get their attention. 
- "Oh, good morning, (y/n)." 
- You had a moment of shock when Albedo said your actual name, until you realized that, yes, he will say your real name because this is the name you used for the game. You politely smiled at him and replied with a greeting of your own. His voice was even nicer here than in your headphones! And he just... was so nice to look at. Even better than on your screen.
- "I was wondering, would you mind if I took your students to help me with the stage decorations?" It would be good for their artistic development, a good way to start their school day, yes, yes, you almost memorized this dialogue already. The game gave you two choices– you could agree, just like that, or say no and deal with a bunch of whining… which would make you change your mind and agree for it anyway. 
- "It would be no problem! We can spend the next class on it too." This, however, was not in the game. You were meant to spend only one class with the kids and Albedo, but since you saw Albedo's class schedule (an easter egg, of course) you knew that his first classes were in…  three hours! Really, this man got up so early just to paint some decorations at school… 
- And so it was no surprise that he agreed and soon your students and Albedo were walking to his classroom, for paints, crayons, colorful papers and everything else. It was a pain, bringing it all later to the wooden stage where you would be making the decorations, but! You divided the kids and gave them all tasks to do, and with Albedo you started cutting out cartoon stars to decorate for the kids later. 
- You two sat in silence for a bit. In the game, your character was meant to start some small talk, feeling too awkward in total silence, but, oh, you weren't that good at it! And to that, the game offered you few choices and you somehow forgot them all! You had to think of something, you had to think… 
- "Your students are very talented," said Albedo suddenly, looking at the students. Some of them were dutifully doing their tasks, let it be coloring the trees or painting ornaments for the big christmas tree on the stage. Some of them were just playing around, having fun. "It's a pleasure to work with them."
- That was not in the game. No. You were supposed to start the small talk, not Albedo! You blinked in momentary confusion before smiling. 
- "They have a great teacher, after all." 
- You wanted to slap yourself. Really. Maybe quit your job and never come back here again. You were meant to make small talk, not instantly compliment the teacher. Luckily, Albedo let your compliment go with just a smile and a quiet 'thank you'.
- "Your students are very passionate about all the art projects I give them and they enjoy talking with me about art. I must say, your class might be my favorite to teach."
- You weren't even their actual homeroom teacher, yet you couldn't help but feel so proud of them. You looked around the groups and a smile appeared on your lips." "Yes, they enjoy your classes a lot. I remember once they just couldn't stop talking about you and…  your pretty paper roses you showed them." 
- You said with a chuckle. It also was an easter egg you discovered on your fourth gameplay. You never got to see the roses, but you assumed they were really pretty… 
- Albedo smiled shyly and you could swear on the stars that his cheeks got a little pink. You wanted to scream inside at how adorable he was. "I could make one now, I just need paper and a string." 
- You quickly gave him both things he asked for and soon he started making the paper rose. You put your half-cut star away and focused all your attention on his work. After a bit of time, the rose was finished and, wow, yes, it really was so pretty… 
- "They weren't joking when they said that it's beautiful…" Your words seemed to have a similar effect on him as previously, the smile and all…  
- "You can keep it if you want, (y/n)." 
- "I can?" It was a stupid question. You really wanted to slap yourself today. You laughed at yourself and gently took the rose, "Thank you, Albedo." 
- Maybe… maybe this whole thing with teleporting into your favorite dating sim wasn't that bad, with Albedo on your side. And a bunch of second graders under your care. And a car you didn't yet know how to exactly use. But you could get used to all that, if that meant spending more time with everyone's (and yours) art teacher. 
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writer-of-various · 2 years
Ghost/Rudy – Not Your Fault
Something I wrote for a request on ao3, decided to post it here since I'm pretty proud of it. Disclaimer!! I am not portraying Ghost as an abusive person, just a person who has been traumatized and received no help on any anger issues he is bound to have. I understand Ghost's childhood, and I understand that a childhood like that is bound to create problems for Ghost as he gets older. Please acknowledge that not everyone comes out of a traumatized situation nice and healthy, I don't think anyone should ever because it's going to take time, especially if you don't receive help. Okay, that's all. Hope you enjoy.
"Fockin' bastards..." Ghost growls under his breath, his patience gone and he feels fire flow through his veins, vision going red and the breaths he exhaled were heavy. He tried calming himself down as he neared his quarters, knowing Rudy would be there and the smaller male hated it when people yelled. Ghost takes a deep breath before walking into his room, unintentionally slamming the door open.
"Simon?" Rudy's soft voice barely has an effect on Ghost, who shuts the door and storms to the restroom, ignoring his lover. Rudy pokes his head from around a corner, making his way over to the restroom door and knocking lightly. "Ghost?"
"Leave me alone, Rudy." Ghost's voice is low, gravely and Rudy isn't naive to the underlying anger. Concern immediately picks at him and he knocks again, pressing his ear against the door to see if he heard anything.
"Simon, what's wrong? You sound upset, cariño." Rudy frowns when he hears a heavy sigh from the other side of the door, it opening and Rudy looks up at his lover. "Simon."
"Nothings wrong. Were you makin' something?" Ghost is quick to change the subject, noting the look on Rudy's face that said the conversation wasn't over but the sergeant major still gives him that loving smile and grabs his hand. Ghost gazes down at their intertwined hands, his larger than Rudy's but they fit like a puzzle. A small part of Ghost's mind tells him to squeeze Rudy's hand, see how fragile it is and how far he can break it. He shakes away the thought, letting Rudy guide him to the small kitchen area and sit him down. He goes to the counter and grabs a plate full of a delicious-looking and smelling meal: a side salad, potatoes with gravy, beans, and a sandwich with the bread toasted. Ghost's mind supplies the memory of their first date when Ghost took him out to this quiet, nice diner a few miles north of the base and ordered this meal. He loved it immediately and ever since then, Rudy made it for him twice a month.
"I used this sweet sauce Laswell bought for me, it adds a nice flavour to the beans. Hope you enjoy it, amor." Rudy presses a soft chaste kiss to Ghost's lips before walking back into the small kitchen. Ghost removes his mask and digs in, trying out the beans first and instantly loving them. His little housewife sure knows how to make just about anything, every dish delicious and fit for the person eating it. He calms down the slightest, his stressful day pushed to the back of his mind when there's a knock on the door. Rudy gives him that beautiful smile of his and goes to answer, opening the door a bit and talking to the person on the other side.
"He's busy at the moment...I'm sure you can wait..Sí, I'll tell him. Bye." Rudy shuts the door and rolls his eyes, going back to the kitchen and grabbing a cup. He sets it beside Ghost's plate and is about to walk away when Ghost reaches out and grabs his wrist, the grasp unintentionally tight and he doesn't notice how Rudy freezes up.
"Who was at the door?" It wasn't a question, it was an order that he expected to be answered and Rudy became nervous.
"Just some officer asking for you, I said you're busy–" "Did he report his name?" Ghost reaches out to grab his mask, close to putting it on and chasing whoever had knocked on his door.
"Major Peters–" "Dammit Rodolfo! Why didn't you tell me? I have been waiting for a meeting with that bastard all day, and now he's probably off base!"
Rudy flinches when Ghost stands up, easily towering over him and he winces when the grasp on his wrist impossibly tightens. "I didn't know, Simon, you didn't tell me."
Ghost glares down at him, too angry and stressed out to notice the fear he installed in his boyfriend. Rudy had a slightly similar childhood to Ghost, an alcoholic father who was abusive in many ways and Rudy was the youngest of three. The one left behind. Ghost was out of his control, the pent up anger and frustration exploded and the person he was taking it out on was the wrong person.
"Why don't ye use yer head, Rudy?! Turning around a Major, one knocking on my fuckin' door! Fuck!" Ghost turns away from Rudy and slams his fists down on the table, the poor piece of wood shaking as if it was struggling through an earthquake. Rudy feels tears well up in his eyes, stinging and hot but he keeps them at bay. Guilt eats at him and he is put down, angry at himself and he is scared that Ghost would be angry at him forever.
"G-ghost...lo siento," Rudy hesitates on whether or not he should lay a comforting hand on Ghost's back, choosing not to. "Ghost, por favor–"
"Shut up Rudy." Ghost growls out, trying to control himself, to calm himself. "Just get out."
Rudy lets a few tears fall, his heart hurting and he feels like he's made the biggest mistake in his whole life. "S-simon–"
"LEAVE!" Ghost roars and Rudy flinches, immediately rushing out the room and gently closing the door behind him. His tears are like a waterfall, vision blurred but he reluctantly pushes himself away from the door and hugs himself. He walks down the corridor, immediately making his way to the kitchen. Once there, he grabs dozens and dozens of ingredients and produce, pans clashing against one another as he looks for the ones he needs. The tears continued to fall freely as he began making different meals that would be able to feed a whole country, oblivious to the world around him as he sobs openly. He hated being weak in public, hated showing vulnerability to others, but the anger that swam around Ghost in a dark aura, the yells appointed at him and the victimized guilt he was experiencing– he couldn't care less anymore. He needed to bake, he needed to cook, he needed to leave his world for just a minute.
It takes two, agonizing hours before Ghost realizes his huge mistake, regaining control of himself and he feels like the biggest asshole in the world when he remembers his lover's face. Red and teary eyed, guilt written across those soft features and Ghost knows he acted like his father for that moment, aiming his anger at Rudy, who's done nothing but help, care, and love him for nine months. The sergeant major with a motherly personality, caring for everyone with that soft smile and warm chocolate brown eyes, his body smaller and shorter and less intimidating, getting many of the soldiers to admire him and feel at home with his motherly care.
"Bloody hell" Ghost whispers to himself, getting up from his spot on the floor and opening the door, wondering where Rudy could possibly be. He's about to make his way to Rudy's quarters when a loud and rough voice shouts at him.
"GHOST!" Shit. Honestly, Ghost would have been fine with Alejandro storming over and beating his ass to a bloody pulp for disrespecting his best friend, but Soap? Soap, who has practically become Rudy's brother figure and protector, almost always by Rudy's side and entertaining the shortest of the task force.
"Johnny–" Ghost internally grunts in pain as a fist punches upwards to his chin, his teeth clashing together and Ghost knows the Scot can pack a bloody punch.
"What t'e bloody hell did ye do to Rudy?! Poor thing is sobbin' his lit'le heart out and scared that you hate him!" Soap crosses his arms over his chest, breathing heavily as he calms himself down. "Ghost, what did you do."
"Look, I made a mistake but I need to apologize to Rudy. Where is he?" Ghost feels his blood run cold, his heart beating fast and he is experiencing feelings he's never felt before. Soap realizes this and sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"He's been in the cafet'ria making excessive 'mounts of food that can solve world hunger." Soap chuckles lightly at the end but his face goes back to being solemn. "Go apologize to Rudy, just be careful."
Ghost nods, "I'm always careful, Johnny."
Soap watches Ghost jog off to the cafeteria, a sly smirk tracing his lips. "No one is careful around Alejandro."
Ghost stares at the entrance door to the kitchen, unsure whether he should knock or just walk right in– which choice would be better to not get slapped at by Rudy (both are, Rudy can never hurt a fly). But at times, Ghost wishes the smaller man would hit him, knock sense into him.
He chooses to walk in, stopping at the sight of Rudy sobbing on the floor with Alejandro clearly panicking and angry, soothing words spoken in their native language. The colonel looks at when the door shuts behind Ghost and any calm front he had for Rudy was dissolved quickly. He stood and stormed over to Ghost, fists grabbing the front of his shirt and he's slammed back into the door, Alejandro's charming features contorted into the face of the rage– eyes narrowed and dark, lips thinned into an ugly snarl, and teeth barred like a wild animal ready to attack.
"¡Hijo de puta! ¡Te mataré lenta y dolorosamente por lastimar a mi Rudy, pendejo! ¡Estúpido idiota inglés!" Each word is a growl, a warning tone deep in Ale's throat, the threat real and Ghost feels the slightest bit fearful. Alejandro has always been Rudy's best friend, his protector, someone who would kill the armies in the whole world to ensure Rudy is safe. Alejandro Vargas is mad, and that's when you have to start running to the hills.
"A-ale, put him down." Rudy is standing, eyes hard and Alejandro immediately complies, but he does not back away from Ghost's personal space. "You came here to talk, no? Talk."
Ghost glances at Alejandro for a second before focusing his eyes on Rudy, heart pounding against his chest and he idly wonders if it'll actually come out.
"Rudy, I want to apologize for the way I acted. I made a huge mistake on treating you like that, on taking my anger out on you. I shouldn't have done that, and I understand if you can never forgive me. But please, darling, let me make it up to you." Ghost feels like the biggest bastard in the world as he takes a good look at his beloved. Rudy's face is red, tear tracks evident and eyes puffy from all the crying (tears were still falling). His arms were wrapped around himself, shielding him, guarding him from the pain and evil in the world.
"We talked about this, Simon. I have told you so many times to talk to me. You keep up the world on your shoulders for so long, give it to someone else for just a minute, amor. I'm here, and I'll always be here for you." Alejandro leaves reluctantly when Rudy nods at the door, leaving the two in silence. Ghost inches forward, watching for any reaction and his heart, something that used to be stone cold before he met Rudy, hurts when Rudy takes a sma step back. Rudy realizes it and frowns, averting his eyes.
"Lo siento." He mumbles and Ghost walks closer to pull the sergeant major into a tight embrace, leaning down and pressing a kiss on top of Rudy's head.
"Don't be sorry, Rudy. You did nothing wrong, I can see it in your eyes that you're blaming yourself for my actions. Those were mine and solely mine, you did nothing but be the best boyfriend I can ever ask for. I don't know what I'll do without you." Ghost lets Rudy pull away slightly, letting the shorter lean up and press a soft kiss to his lips. He hugs Rudy's small waist tighter, gently lifting Rudy up and the sergeant major wraps his legs around Ghost's waist. They pull away, Rudy smiling at him and leaning forward to kiss his cheek.
"I love you, Simon. Always. I'm yours, and you are mine." Ghost chuckles, setting Rudy on an empty part of a counter and gently caressing his lover's face.
"I love you too, Rudy. I will always love you even when I'm gone." They settle in silence, holding each other before Rudy lets Ghost help him off the counter to resume cooking.
"I haven't made dinner yet."
"Darling, you made enough food to feed all the people in the world."
"This would barely feed Soap."
"That's true."
When Rudy wakes up the next day, he frowns when he feels the empty space beside him. He gets out of the warm bed and walks to the small living area, eyes going wide when he sees Ghost holding a small grey and white kitten.
"Simon?" Rudy whispers, making his way over to the couch and sitting down. The kitten chirps out a small meow, leaving Ghost's lap to crawl on his, nuzzling its small head against his thighs. He smiles brightly, petting the little kitten and cooing over it.
"I said I'll make it up to you." Ghost says softly, and Rudy blushes, shyly smiling up at his lover.
"Thank you, Simon." Rudy leans over to peck his lover's stubbled cheek, his blush deepening when Ghost moves his head so their lips connect together. A large and warm hand trails up his thigh, fingers teasing his inner thigh and he breaks the kiss to look up at his boyfriend.
"I can also repay you in another way, darling." Ghost growls lowly and Rudy feels his whole body heat up. He pulls away and gestures to the kitten, who had fallen asleep on his lap.
"Not right now, cariño. The baby is sleeping." Rudy teases and Ghost huffs. He was not jealous of the kitten that he, himself, had got for Rudy....
Okay, maybe a little.
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Trip to a Coffee Shop; a Harvey & Scott Drabble Part Two: Father and Daughter
Unfortunately, Harvey kept his silent word that he’d return to Little Guy Café. Mike also returned. Before long, a week passed and Harvey learned a bit about Scott Lang in that short amount of time. Mike was still a bit of a mystery and Harvey did his best to share little of himself.
What he learned of Scott Lang was:
-The coffee shop was actually his house. The backroom was the size of a small motel room
-He lost a custody battle with his ex-wife and she moved to San Francisco with their daughter
-Little Guy Café’s only customers were Mike and Harvey
-Harvey didn’t know how Scott managed to pay rent
Scott could probably figure it out himself, but Harvey took it upon himself to go to the landlord and pay off this month's rent. Not that Harvey cared about Scott as a person. Just the coffee.
It was three in the afternoon when Harvey went to Little Guy Café. Literal seconds after he opened the door, a little girl bounced up to him and Harvey’s heart practically jumped from his chest.
He recognized her from the photos Scott had of Cassie, his little girl. How this ray of sunshine was Annoying Scott Lang’s daughter was beyond Harvey.
“Hello…” Harvey said, awkwardness evident in his tone.
“Hi! Are you here to see my daddy?” Her little voice filled Harvey with a disgusting warmth.
Cassie offered her small hand, gave Harvey a bright smile. Harvey was terrified he was going to break her. Nevertheless, he carefully, very carefully, held Cassie’s hand and then the little one pulled Harvey inside.
“Daddy, you finally have a customer!” Cassie chimed, sweetly.
Harvey snorted. Even Cassie could tell Little Guy Café wasn’t the most popular place in the city.
“Okay, I’ll be right out, Peanut!” Scott called from the backroom.
Harvey felt like running into traffic. His heart couldn’t handle these odd emotions, emotions he didn’t want to give names too. He also had to act fast before Scott came out. He didn’t want the ant to see him being soft with his daughter. Then it’d be bye-bye, reputation.
“Uh, come here, little one.” Harvey stopped in his tracks, leaned down and very carefully held onto Cassie’s waist. “Let’s get you off the floor, huh? Up!”
In one swift motion, Harvey lifted Cassie from the floor. Cassie laughed and, unfortunately for Harvey, he ended up cracking a smile. Then he quickly made his way to the counter and placed Cassie there, as if she was a delicate doll.
“Thank you,” Cassie said, never once dropping her smile or sweet tone. “You’re taller than daddy.”
“Yes, he is,” Scott said, coming out from the backroom. Harvey hadn’t seen Scott look so content. “I had the feeling my ‘customer’ was going to be you. I sent Mike home earlier.”
“He lifted me on the counter,” Cassie cheered, kicking her feet lightly.
“I see that, Peanut.” Scott plopped his hand on top of her head. “This is Harvey, one of my friends I told you about on the phone.”
Harvey furrowed his brows, repeated with disgust, “Friend?”
“Yes, Harvey. Friend,” Scott said, putting twice as much emphasis on it.
Cassie’s smile grew. “Oh! You’re not as stuck-up as daddy told me!”
“Stuck-up?” Harvey repeated again, glancing at Scott.
“Yeah, he also said-”
“Okay, Peanut! Why don’t you go get ready so we can go out for a bit?” Scott interrupted quickly, gently squeezing her shoulder. “We have a lot planned.”
Scott helped Cassie off the counter and shooed her off to the backroom. Before she disappeared, she waved to Harvey.
“Nice to meet you!”
“You too, little one,” Harvey said, waving.
Cassie disappeared into the backroom and Harvey looked back at Scott, completely unimpressed. Scott shrugged, sheepishly.
“You better not have used the word hardass. She’s a little girl.”
“I’d never swear in front of my daughter,” Scott scoffed, offended. He settled. “Listen, I only have her until eight tonight before her mother comes to take her home. So, if you don’t mind…”
“I understand. I’ll go spend the rest of the day with Mike. You have a good time with Cassie.”
Scott smiled, nodded once. Scott tried to hide it, but Harvey made a living out of reading people, and as such, he saw the melancholy in Scott’s eyes. He had dealt with custody battles before. They weren’t fun for anyone.
Harvey left Little Guy Café.
Harvey didn’t bother knocking on the door. When 8:30PM came around, he went back to Little Guy Café. He entered the backroom, silently closed the door behind him. Scott was sitting on the bed, back turned to Harvey. He was either looking at a photo in his hands or staring out the window.
“Spying on me, Harvey?” Scott’s voice was thick. Harvey didn’t want to see his eyes.
“Checking up on you,” Harvey corrected, trying to soften his voice.
“Well, don’t worry, Harvey. Not that you actually care. But this has been going on for years. I’m used to it.”
Scott may have said that, but Harvey wasn’t convinced. He had that shake in his voice most people had while crying, after crying or about to cry.
Harvey didn’t know what the right words to say were. He wasn’t used to this, wasn’t used to comforting someone. Attempting to comfort someone anyway. This wasn’t his area.
Harvey stepped closer, hesitantly reached out, then gently placed his hand on Scott’s shoulder. He gave a light squeeze.
To his surprise, Scott didn’t flinch or try to brush Harvey off him. Harvey had to remind himself that Scott Lang wasn’t that kind of person. He wore his heart on his sleeve, though he may have kept some things secret. Scott was a good man, a much better man than Harvey could ever be.
Silence, not an uncomfortable silence, stretched on. Harvey didn’t let go of Scott and Scott didn’t move from his spot. Then after a moment, Harvey took the initiative.
“Let’s go get some drinks, okay?”
Scott sighed, “Yeah…”
He finally stood, placed the photo of himself and Cassie on his nightstand. Harvey kept his hand on Scott's shoulder and led him outside.
0 notes
ketso · 2 years
Episode 34
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It is only 2pm and I’m already bushed. I’ve been in meetings all morning and I’ve been reviewing contracts since 12pm. I haven’t even eaten, and I don’t feel hungry. I spoke to Ntuthuko once or twice today just to check in. He’s still at my place and I’m actually enjoying having him around. We fight from time to time, but I fall more and more in love with him each day. This may sound arrogant, but I think he really loves me too. He has his weird ways of reaffirming his love for me and I appreciate him.
He told me that he will be with Senzi today. Senzi landed this morning from being away for the past week. So, I know he will be home later. But what I like about him is that he’s always available. When I call him, I can reach him. He carries a power bank with him in case his phone battery dies. I genuinely appreciate him.
He’s very different, I must say.
I’ve been with douche bags… severe douche bags. I’d not even be able to contact them for over a week and I had to be okay with that. So Ntuthuko tells me that I have a right to hold him accountable for whatever his responsibilities are to me, and I must never be scared to hold him accountable. Ipantsula lami madoda!
I get a call from reception.
“Hello?” Me.
“Hi Miss Khumalo. There are some people here for you.”
“Yeah. They said they specifically want Tamia. You are the only Tamia in the company.”
“What do they want?” I ask.
“Sisi, angazi. They are just not nice.”
“Okay, I’m coming.”
We hang up.
I get up from my desk and make my way to reception. I sit on the third floor. So, I use a lift to head to ground floor, the reception.
“You are Ntuthuko’s girlfriend?!” Some woman barks at me. Hai bo!
“Askies?!” Me.
Does Ntuthuko have other women I’m sharing him with?
“You are Tamia Khumalo? And you are Ntuthuko Maphumulo’s girlfriend?” Another woman.
“Yes. Who are you?”
“The four of us are the mothers of his children!” A third one says and shoves what seems to be a one-year-old into my arms.
“This is a place of work for me. What you are doing is intimidation and unnecessary. I can have you arrested for this. I’m a lawyer.” I say.
“Arrested?! So that’s why Ntuthuko treats us like this now. You think you are clever!”
“Sis Pru, call security and the police, please.” I ask the receptionist.
“You are the one who convinced Ntuthuko that we are gold diggers and that we just want his money! You are the one who convinced Ntuthuko that we shouldn’t get money that he can more than afford to give us to support his kids. You pay school fees now. You pay school transport now. You buy groceries for them and when we want money for clothes, we put in requests and support why we need the money. So now, we are leaving these kids with you and Ntuthuko. You must now see for yourself how much it takes to raise these kids. All you get to be is pretty and give him sex while we do all the work of raising his kids! Now, you’ll feel it for yourself.” One of the women say.
“You will clothe them, feed them and do whatever it is you have to do to raise them. Sikhathele thina!” One of them.
“You are not even his type! Look at us and look at you. Awufani nix nathi wena!” Another one.
UNtuthuko wacamela these people, vele? Men and the standards of their erections! Rha!
“Bantwana, umama wenu lo. She takes your dad and all of you. You will be in her life athanda noma angathandi. Niziphatheni kahle. Bye.”
These women leave and I have four kids looking at me… confused as I am. One of them is in my arms. Heh!
I’m not even driving the big car today. I came here with my Porsche, and it will not fit all of these kids. I don’t even have a car seat in that car. Yoh!
“Hi guys”, I greet the kids.
“Hello.” The three standing in front of me greet me.
“My name is Tamia. What are your names?”
“I’m Thulisa”, the eldest girl says.
“I’m Nkosana”, the eldest boy says.
“I’m Bonga”, the younger boy says.
“This is Sihle”, Thulisa tells me that the one I’m holding is Sihle.
“Awesome. So, I’m going to leave you guys here with Sis’Pru very quickly. I’m going to get my bags upstairs, get us an Uber then we can leave. Is that okay?” Me.
They nod their heads.
Sis’Pru smiles at me then nods her head.
“What’s a Uber?” Bonga asks me.
“A taxi”, I say.
“But a fancy one. We will be the only passengers.” Thulisa.
It’s still public transport, but hey.
“We going to be in a combi without other people?” Bonga.
“It’s not a combi. It’s a fancy car.” Thulisa.
“Don’t you have a car? My mom says you and my dad have a lot of fancy cars”. Nkosana.
I look at Sis’Pru.
“Come with me. I’ll get you something to drink while we wait for Mam’Tamia.” Sis’Pru rescues me, taking Sihle from my arms.
“Ngiyabonga Sis’Pru, truly.” Me.
I make my way to the elevator. I dial Ntuthuko.
“Shambula”, he answers his phone.
“Your baby-mamas were here at my workplace, causing a scene.”
“Yes! And they left all the kids here with me. No bags. No lists of possible allergies. No medical records. Nothing.”
“I don’t understand what you are telling me. How did they even find you or know who you are?” He’s very angry now. Imagine how I feel?
“Ntuthuko, your baby-mamas said if I’m going to be with you, I don’t just get to have sex with you, I must take the kids too. And since we’ve decided to control their spending and requests for money from you, we must live with the kids and see how unreasonable we are being.” I explain.
“I’m going to kill them.” He says.
“Babe, don’t give them the satisfaction. Don’t even phone them. It’s fine. We can handle this. I just feel attacked because of how they did all of that in front of everyone at reception. But I’m cool. I’m going to knock off now and take them to the mall. I need to get a car seat for Sihle. I need to buy them clothes and pyjamas because their mothers left nothing! Then we will get some food. We will have to take an Uber. Can you come to my workplace and take the Porsche? It’s not exactly child friendly. I’ll leave the keys with Sis’Pru. Bring your ID. They’ll want your identification before they give you the keys.”
“Baby, you don’t have to do all of this.”
“Ntuthuko, do you understand what I mean when I tell you that I love you?” Me.
“I do. But this is a lot.”
“Baby, the first thing you told me about yourself when we first met is that you have four kids. If that wasn’t something that I’m prepared to deal with, I would have broken things off right there and then. But I didn’t. Because I love you - all of you. Your kids are my responsibility too. Their mothers don’t get to win. They are doing this to break us up and they won’t get what they want because I love your kids. And I’m here for you and for them.”
“Tamia -
“Please, sthandwa sami. Don’t phone them. Let them be. Come pick up the Porsche from the office. We will keep each other updated as the day goes by. I’ll take them to Mall of Africa. It’s the closest mall to the office.”
“Yes babe?”
“Ngiyakuthanda. And ngizokushada.” He tells me.
“You going to make me cry. And that’s not the image I’m going for at the office.”
He laughs.
“I love you, okay… and we are fine. The six of us are going to be okay.” I say.
“Bye baby.”
I hang up.
I pack my bag and spend about half an hour explaining to my boss what’s going on. I tell him I’ll be working from home until I’ve figured out everything. If it gets too steep, I’ll take leave. He tells me that I can take leave, but asks that I be available because we have critical business coming our way. I agree. Now, I head out.
We took an Uber van to Mall of Africa. They actually enjoyed it so much. I also learned, through their conversations, that they all met each other for the first time today. They get along good, so I guess that’s a good thing.
Now, we are at the mall. Sihle is in the car seat attached to the trolley I’m pushing. She’s been on my lap since we left the office. Bonga is in the bigger compartment of the trolley. I’ve learned that he’s four years old. Nkosana, the eleven-year-old, is next to me, and Thulisa, the twelve year old, is on my other side. I put my laptop bag and handbag inside the trolley with Bonga. He promised to be the security for them. The other two promised to be his assistants. Ja neh. They are funny kids. They are not showing me flames like I thought they would. Their mothers are something else. I have my cellphone in my pocket because Ntuthuko has already phoned us twice checking in on us. He also got my car from the office. He said he’d leave it at home then meet up with us here with the bigger car.
Our first stop is Woolworths. I make them choose their own pyjamas, then I pick cute ones for Sihle. I assist Bonga with his choice. Then I tell them we need to get clothes. Only Thulisa is excited. The boys come around eventually. They choose, but I vet the choices. I’m learning that they don’t make sensible choices when picking clothes. They pick what seems nice to them, and they don’t realise that they need matching pants or matching tops. They get shoes and underwear as well. We take over an hour just fitting the clothes. But we finish eventually. I take some bedding for them as well - kid friendly bedding. My house is not exactly set up for kids.
I pay for everything and the plastics are all in the trolley with my bags and Bonga.
From here, we go to a Mr Price kids where I purchase a car seat, a stroller, a cot and a playpen for Sihle. Bonga sees those motor electrical cars and asks for one. I buy him the Jeep version that he likes. The older two get iPads. I think I’ve won them over.
Ntuthuko finds us. He attacks me with a kiss first and a deeply sincere hug.
“You good?” I ask him.
“You are the best decision I’ve ever made”, he says to me.
We kiss again.
Now he greets the kids.
They are excited to see him. They tell him about the clothes we bought, their new toys and gadgets. Ntuthuko mouths a thank you at me. I smile at him.
“We can go eat somewhere nice. We are tired.” I say.
“McDonald’s”, Bonga says.
“That’s boring. Let’s go to Spur”, Nkosana says.
“Yes, Spur.” Thulisa.
These two team up a lot.
I can see Bonga getting upset.
“Sizoya endlini sipheke ke”, Ntuthuko.
“Okay. Okay. We will go to Spur.” Bonga submits.
Ntuthuko pushes this now heavy trolley to the car. Sihle has now come out of the car seat and is in my arms again. I think she’s small and unfamiliar with whatever is happening here. So, I’m her safe place and she’s sticking to me until she gets comfortable again.
We leave Mall of Africa after Sihle’s car seat has been set up and she’s now in it. We realise that my car GLC Coupe is still small. They fit at the back, but not comfortably. Ntuthuko says it’s better than the taxis that they are used to. Imagine!
We get to Spur and they are excited again. But we have to force them to pick a meal first before going to play. Now they are gone. I’m feet are killing me. I’m only realising now that I’m still in heels and a suit. Sihle is in a feeding chair between Ntuthuko and I.
“I want to marry you”, he says as we wait for our drinks and food.
“I want to marry you too”, I say.
“I’m serious. I want to marry you.”
Now I giggle.
“Uzobona wena.” He says.
“How’s Senzi?” I change the subject.
“He’s fine. We went to see Keith. Ay, him and Bassie are really in a bad place.”
“Even with the kid back?”
He nods his head.
“Eish. I thought I’d go see them today, kodwa…”
“They understand. I told them what’s happening. They were actually worried about you.”
“Why though?”
“Tamia, this is not a normal situation.”
“I guess. But I’m fine. I’m just worried about you. Wena uzofuna ukwenzani? Are you keeping the kids permanently? What?! Maybe put something final and legal in place to seal the stability for the kids.” I say.
“You think so?” He asks me.
“Yes. Ntuthuko, they left their kids with someone that they do not know… that they’ve never even met before. They didn’t even know what I look like. What if I wasn’t the only Tamia at the office? And someone else came by, took them and… yoh!”
“Baby, calm down.”
“What kind of mothers are they?!” I say.
“Not one like you.” He says.
I look at him.
“But thank you for everything. You are a hit with them.” He says.
I smile at him.
Our drinks arrive. I’m having wine. Dry and red! I need the whole bottle, but I’ll be a lady and just have a glass for now. Ntuthuko is having beer. I’m sure he’d also like a whole six pack.
I place an order for delivery with Dischem for all the toiletry items that I will need. I’ll pick it up when we drive home.
The food arrives and I go call the kids back to eat. The table is definitely filled with conversation - mostly with me. They seem slightly scared of their father. I wonder what their mothers told them about their father.
By the time the bill comes, it’s 6pm. Ntuthuko pays the bill then we head home. We are all actually tired.
We get home - after picking up my order at Dischem - and when we enter the house, the kids instantly love it. Each person has their own plastic bags. Ntuthuko decides to put up Sihle’s playpen in the TV room. I head upstairs and show them where they’ll be sleeping. I divide the rooms into boys’ room and girls’ room. My place is only four bedrooms. The last bedroom is a guest bedroom and that’s where my mom sleeps when she is visiting.
“So, I get my own room?” Thulisa.
“You’ll share with your sister. But she will probably sleep with your dad and me sometimes”, I say.
“So only two people in one room?” Nkosana.
I nod my head. I’m very confused about these questions.
“At home, only gogo and my mom sleep in the bedroom. The rest of us sleep on the floor in the TV room”, Thulisa.
Okay, now I understand.
“We sleep in the kitchen – me and my five cousins. Then the big people sleep in the TV room. My uncle sleeps in the bedroom with his girlfriends and makes noise the whole night.” Nkosana.
I look at Ntuthuko. He can see that I’m beyond shocked. He isn’t as moved. He is just busy with the playpen.
“Bonga, where do you sleep at home?” Nkosana.
Bonga just shrugs his shoulders. Then he says, “if I make mommy angry, I sleep outside.”
Again, Ntuthuko – UNMOVED!
“Well, you have bedrooms here. You don’t have to worry about sleeping on floors or outside ever again. One day, daddy and I will buy a bigger house and you’ll each have your own bedrooms.” I say.
“A bigger house than this one? But this one is a mansion! It even has a upstairs,” Thulisa.
Obviously, I need to get English tutors here. From “a uber” to “a upstairs”. We don’t speak like this. Please!
“What’s a mansion?” Bonga.
“A big house. Like the one that the president of America lives in.” Nkosana.
That time, my place is just a duplex.
I run them a bubble bath. I let the girls bath in the main bedroom, and the boys must bath in the second bathroom. The third restroom is just a toilet, a basin and a shower. Where the boys are bathing, it’s a toilet, a basin and a bathtub. Our main bedroom’s insuite bathroom has everything.
I help Sihle bath. She doesn’t cry or anything. It’s pretty easy actually. Thulisa sorts herself out. When I’m done with Sihle, lotioning her and dressing her up, I give her to Thulisa for them to make it back downstairs for her to play in her playpen. I then help Bonga. He tried to bath himself, but shame… he can’t clean himself completely. I notice that both he and Nkosana are not circumcised. I can’t exactly ask them about it, but I’ll raise it with their father to address it accordingly. I’m just worried about the infections that they may get. I also lotion him and dress him up into pyjamas. He and Nkosana head downstairs too.
I’m happy that Nkosana and Thulisa washed the baths. Now, I quickly shower then also get comfortable. I’ve literally become a mother in one day.
Ntuthuko comes into the bedroom. He’s about to get started on the cot.
“Please marry me, Tamia.” This again?!
“Ntuthuko, I’ve been saying that I’ll marry you. I want to marry you too.”
“I feel like you are not taking me seriously.”
“I am. I promise.” I say.
We kiss a bit.
“Baby…” me.
He looks at me.
“The boys are not circumcised”, I say.
He’s also caught off-guard.
“I’m just worried, you know.” I say.
“Did you ask them why it’s not done?” He asks me.
“Ha! Yoh!” Me.
He laughs.
“Chat to them. They are cool kids.” I say.
“I feel like I don’t know them.”
“They are as scared of you as you are scared of them. Just talk to them. Get to know them. I just met them today.” I say.
He nods his head.
“I’m going to sort out their linen. Come downstairs when you are done neh”. Me.
He kisses me again.
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I’m serious about Tamia. She’s my forever. The minute I saw her with my kids, she put me at ease from my deepest fear - her not loving my children. But she loves them. And they adore her. She doesn’t relate to their struggles because she grew up ‘isi-cheese’. I mean, she got them tutors or teachers or whatever to home-school them because she said they need to catch up on the IEB curriculum before she puts them in a school this side. Lol! Isi-cheese bakithi. Her mother didn’t sound too impressed, but she helped Tamia register the kids for home-schooling and find these people that will run the program with them. We tried to put Sihle in creche for a day assessment. She screamed her lungs out the minute we tried to leave. Tamia said we will get a nanny when she goes back to work, then we will try again with the creche next year. Like I said, isi-cheese. Every time my kids talk about their experiences, Tamia looks like she wants to cry. Imagine how she will be when I start telling her about how I grew up… how my uncle and his wife abused the shit out of me. How I sometimes went a week without eating because they were punishing me for something I didn’t even know that I was doing wrong. How they ran me over with a car after beating me up because I forgot to feed the prostitutes they’d traffic? I was on my way to being taken to social services when my dad and Mam’Nosi found me. It was bad. So, my kids kind of have it better than what I did, that’s why their stories don’t give me a heart attack the way that they do to Tamia.
I know she was exhausted last week after she had to become an impromptu mother in heels and a suit, but I had to thank her in bed after putting the kids to bed. And you know what, after all of that, she still served me and I’m a happily satisfied man. Within a week, my kids are being home-schooled, and they’ve established a pattern nje of being kids, adapting to the new environment and just doing their part to make the family work. I have a real one. I really do. Tamia is truly like no other woman I’ve ever met in my life.
I had to phone my father and let him know what was going on. He arrived last night with my mom and Akwande. They are staying at Senzi’s and Wandi’s house. I understand though. I’m staying in Tamia’s house and she’s my girlfriend. Senzi and Wandi are married. It is more respectable that they stay there.
I’m on my way to their place now to meet with my dad and mah. I have to use the Porsche because Tamia needs the bigger car with the kids. Their mothers have been trying to phone me all week and all morning. I’m ignoring them. They didn’t have the decency to phone me and tell me that they are bringing the kids. Now that all my kids are with me, I have no reason to speak to them. The only reason I ever picked up their calls is because they had my kids. Now that the woman that I love is the one who has all of my children, I only pick up her calls.
I arrive at Senzi’s house. I make my way in. Wandi meets me at the door. We hug then she directs me to where everyone is sitting. MaNdlovu is here with them - not MaTango today. Wandi has a dress on and a doek. She really loves my brother. She respects my family. She introduced me to the love of my life. She’s a real one.
She serves me juice.
She tells us that she is preparing lunch. My mom comes in with biscuits for our juices. I also notice two teapots and some teacups as well as sugar. She was worth every cent that my brother paid lobola for her with.
“Ntuthuko, we are here to resolve your matters. You’ve told me what’s going on. Please bring your mother and your grandmother up to speed so that we can advise as we see fit. The idea is to make a decision here, then we can go to Tamia and have a conversation with her at her place. We would’ve asked you to come with her, but we needed to talk to you first, and we also understand that her hands are full with the kids.” My dad says.
It’s just him, my mom and my grandmother. Senzi is somewhere in the house and Wandi is in the kitchen. I don’t know why Senzi isn’t in this meeting. He’s my brother. My dad says it’s because he’s younger than me. But so what? I was part of his things when he was completing his cultural marriage to Wandi and other cultural obligations.
“Ngiyezwa, baba. Bengicela nokuthi uSenzi abekhona. I know he is my younger brother. But I trust him. And I trust him to walk this road with me as an elder and an advisor.” I say.
My dad smiles at me then nods his head.
“Love, please fetch Senzi for us”, my dad says to my mom.
She nods her head then steps out.
After a few minutes, she returns with Senzi. He briefly greets me with a handshake then sits next to MaNdlovu.
“Senzangakhona, umfowenu asked that you be part of this conversation as an elder and an adviser.” My dad.
Senzi nods his head.
“Ntuthuko will now bring uMaNdlovu nomama wenu up to speed with why this meeting is being called. I’m sure that you are already briefed.” My dad.
We hear Akwande and Wandi briefly chatting.
I begin…
“Bant’abadala, I’ve recently met umuntu engithandana naye. We haven’t been with each other for too long, kodwa I can comfortably say that I’m ready to make her my wife.”
“Hawu! When you say you haven’t been together for long, how long are we talking here?” MaNdlovu asks me.
“About three months.” I answer her.
“And you already want to marry her? Udlisiwe yini?”
I look at my dad. He shakes his head indicating that I shouldn’t respond to that question.
“Since this woman has come into my life, she has definitely encouraged me to plan towards eventually taking my children and living with them. As we all know, I have four children with four different mothers. For a long time, I’ve barely had a relationship with them and have been sending a lot of money to their mothers in the hope of them looking after the kids. When Tamia came into my life and realised the kind of relationship that I have with my children and with their mothers, she helped me to set up the foundation for getting them back eventually. That included me not directly giving these mothers money as and when they ask for it above and beyond the monthly maintenance money that I give them. For example, now I pay school fees directly to the schools. And I’ve learned that the mothers have been lying about the school fees. They’d add on their own money on top of the fees. I now pay for their transport to get to school directly. I buy them the clothes then take it to the kids instead of giving the money to the parents. And I buy lunchbox groceries for the kids.”
“Tamia told you to do that?” MaNdlovu.
“Yebo gogo.”
“Does Tamia have children?”
“Cha gogo.”
“So, someone who doesn’t have children, told you how to father your children with the mothers of those children? And in the event of a fallout should they not agree with another woman controlling the father of their children, what will happen? Is there a plan to manage this impact on the children?” MaNdlovu.
“Gogo! la bantu badla imali yami for themselves. My only responsibility is the children, not their mothers or the other children that surround them in the houses they are growing up in!” I say.
“Weh!” She yells and claps once.
“These mothers then took the kids and dumped them on Tamia at work”, I say.
“Bam’layile. Uyaphapha loTamia wakho! Who does she think she is?!” What’s wrong with this old woman?
“Who does she think she is?! She is the woman who bought clothes and essentials for my kids without me even asking her because the mothers you are siding with left their kids with a woman they don’t even know and didn’t even leave so much as a toothbrush! That woman is housing my kids, created a home for them and is being a mother to each of them without my permission. She actually cares about their well-being and she is going to be my wife.” I’m very annoyed now.
My dad and Senzi notice.
My mom clears her throat then says, “I think what Tamia has done is beautiful. So, what would you like to do moving forward?”
“Thank you, mah. I feel bad that we are all in her house. I’m also humbled by how she’s just taken the role of their mother and ran with it. It would be great if we could fast-track the urgency around paying her lobola. That way, I can buy a house, live with her then legally fight for my children to live with us.” I say.
“Legally?! Angizwa kahle.” MaNdlovu.
“Is Tamia on board with this?” Mom asks me.
“Yeah. We’ve spoken about it. She’s prepared to live with the kids and I full time. She also finds it disruptive for the kids to be moved around all the time when their mothers feel like acting up. Plus, their environments where their mothers stay are not ideal. It explains why they’ve been extorting me all this time as if I raped them.” I say.
“So, you’ve discussed this with everyone but the mothers of the kids? And I’m still waiting for you to explain what you mean by fighting them legally.” MaNdlovu.
“It means I’m going to a court of law and apply for full custody of all of my children. The law will give me full custody. Tamia and I will be their primary caregivers. Futhi Tamia is a lawyer. She will help me.” I say.
“Heh! Shaka! Are you listening to this?! Uyohlukanisa izingane nomama wazo ngenxa yentombi nje?! Ngizwa kahle?!” MaNdlovu.
“Ngicabanga ukuthi ugogo mhlambe uyithatha kabi le ndaba. UTamia is just encouraging ubhuti ukuthi angabi ubaba that throws money at children and call it being a parent. She’s encouraging him to play a critical role in their development as children and as people. Ubhuthi has rights to his kids - rights that omama bezingane zakhe have not been giving him. To them, ubhuti must just send money as and when they request it without asking any questions. Ubhuti is not compelled to looking after anyone that’s not his child and he is well within his rights to make a decision about his money without affecting his kids. Ubhuti is in a position to look after the kids better than what the mothers are doing, and he wants to do that. He won’t deny the mothers access to the kids completely, kodwa he wants stability for them. Tamia helps him provide that stability. And in as much as ubhuti has to co-parent with women he is not married to, it has to be respectful and considerate of the woman that’s currently in his life”, Senzi explains. He’s so calm and diplomatic.
“Why don’t you marry these girls, Ntuthuko? Isithembu is not a bad idea in this situation.” MaNdlovu.
“No thank you.” Me.
“Because of Tamia?” MaNdlovu.
“And what if it’s because of her, gogo? What is your problem vele when it comes to Tamia? I love her. Why is that wrong to you?” Me.
“Kokuqala, don’t talk to me like that. Ngizokusakaza ngempama uhlanye mfana. Secondly, what family is going to give you their successful daughter who has no kids, when you bring four kids and not as much success as she does to the marriage? Did you ever think about that? And thirdly, I’m thinking about the kids here. You and Tamia have no right to separate them from their mothers. Yes, their mothers have made some mistakes. Kodwa ukubathathela izingane pho? Isn’t that a bit extreme?” MaNdlovu.
“It wasn’t extreme when they were taking more money from me than what SARS was taking. It wasn’t extreme when they dumped their very children on Tamia with no phone call, no plan, nothing! What kind of mothers do that?!” Me.
“Speaking of the family issue…. Did you do some background checks on her people?” My dad.
“No. Not yet.” Me.
“Well, I did. She’s Mave’s daughter.” My dad.
“Mave?” Me.
“Mave Khumalo. He’s a business tycoon from Mpumalanga. He dabbles in helping the church out from time to time, but he holds no serious role in the business. He helps us clean the money through charity work, fundraisings and beauty pageants across townships and villages in Mpumalanga and Limpopo. Tamia is his only daughter. He won’t be kind. But we can work him”, my dad says.
I nod my head.
“Have you and Tamia decided where you’ll live? Here or the kingdom?” My mom.
“She has work this side.” I say.
“We have law firms in the kingdom too”, my dad.
“I’ll talk to her.” Me.
“What’s the plan with the kids?” MaNdlovu.
“Tamia got them tutors and registered them for home-schooling for the rest of the year. It will give us enough time to decide on schools for next year. But they are not going back to their mothers.” I say.
“Ja! Ukuhamba ukubona!” MaNdlovu.
I wonder what her issue is with Tamia. She doesn’t even know her.
We had lunch at Wandi’s and Senzi’s house. My parents and MaNdlovu are all sleeping here again today. But for now, we are headed to my baby’s place. I phoned her and told her we are on our way because my parents want to speak to her. I warned her that crazy MaNdlovu is with us and she didn’t take her meds all week. She said she’d be ready when we arrive.
We arrive at her place. We park our two cars that we came in and we head inside. My kids are still in their classes with their tutors or teachers or whatever these white people call themselves. Thulisa is learning in Tamia’s study. Nkosana is learning in the open dining area. Bonga is learning in the patio. Sihle is getting around in her baby walker.
My dad picks her up from the walker and greets her. She starts crying. She only likes Tamia this child.
“Sanibonani”, Tamia greets us. She looks… yerrr! She’s in a blue body-hugging dress. It’s a long dress - maxi dress. It has short sleeves. It’s nice. Then she has a doek on. But her weave is peaking underneath. Thank God it’s black and not blonde. I know MaNdlovu would have made her feel shitty about it.
“It’s nice to finally meet you, Tamia.” My mom.
Wandi hugs her. My dad shakes her hand. MaNdlovu just sits down, taking her house in. Tamia’s house is very nice. Not even MaNdlovu can hate. Akwande hugs her as well.
“We would like to talk to you if you don’t mind, please.” My dad.
Tamia nods her head.
Wandi and Akwande disappear. Tamia sits next to me. MaNdlovu wants to say something, but I give her eyes. So does my dad.
“UNtuthuko tells us that things between the two of you have become serious… serious to the point where you are happy to look after our children and become his wife.” My dad.
Tamia looks at me in shock.
“You were serious about getting married now?” She whispers to me, laughing.
I can’t help but laugh too. My dad smiles at us.
“I was.” I say.
She looks at my dad and says, “Yebo baba. I love Ntuthuko and I do want to spend the rest of my life with him… him and everything that he comes with.” She says.
I just want to kiss her.
“Well, we will be ready to pay lobola next weekend. We will send our letter tomorrow.” My dad.
She smiles.
“And we just want to say thank you for looking after our children. We really appreciate you.” My dad.
Tamia nods her head.
The kids come sprinting into the TV room where we are sitting.
“Mama, it’s break time. Can we have our lunch?” Nkosana says with the other two behind him.
“Yes, you may, but first say hi to abant’ abadala.” Tamia.
“Hello”. Nkosana.
“Hello.” Thulisa.
“Hi.” Bonga.
My dad gets emotional. Eish.
“Sanibonani. Ngingumkhulu wenu.” My dad.
The kids look at Tamia for further instructions, not even me - their biological parent.
“Don’t you want to give your mkhulu and your gogo a big hug? Go say hi.” Tamia says to them.
They hesitate a bit, looking at Tamia for reassurance. Then they go. My dad hugs them very emotionally. My mom too. MaNdlovu is not happy AT ALL.
“Nibahle njani”, mom tells them.
“Thank you.” They say.
“Niziphatheni kahle. Siyanithanda.” My dad.
They nod their heads. They go back to Tamia.
“Can we…?” Thuli.
“Okay. Your lunch bags are where they stay in the kitchen, and each lunch bag has all your lunch neh.” Tamia.
“Thank you, mama.” They says. The part that gets all of us is how they kiss her when they say thank you, then they sprint off.
My mom is sold. I instantly see it.
My dad has BEEN sold!
MaNdlovu… I don’t know.
I just hold Tamia’s hand.
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twisted-fanboy · 2 years
Coraline Au Chapter 2.
|Hello everyone who sees this. Here is the second part of my Coraline au. If you haven't already read the first chapter please go back and read it. Here is the master list of the series. Please enjoy and I hope have a great day or night.
Gender Neutral Reader.
Chapter Intro: After moving into a new house strange things happen to you. You met two strange boys with one of them clearly hiding something. You go to meet the neighbors and have another encounter with the two strange boys.
Warnings: This series will contain dark themes, spoilers of the movie Coraline if you haven't seen it, mentions of death, arguments, and anxiety.|
Your Perspective:
After getting ready you left your home. You knew that your adoptive father was apparently aquatinted with the other two tenants. Now was the time to decide which neighbor to meet first. You had some cookies that you made for your good bye party with your Octavinelle trio left. You figured it wouldn't hurt to make a good first impression. Plus it means you can get rid of a few of the cookies. Floyd and Jade insisted on making an abundance of them. You put a few on two paper plates and wrapped them.
You looked up the stairs and down the stairs. You pulled out your phone and pulled up Floyd's contact. 'Hey Floyd can you help me make a choice?' You quickly texted. You knew he'd give you a quick reply without a second thought if he wasn't in one of his moods. Plus he may not charge you for the question like the other two. 'Shrimpy! What do you need?' You could tell he was happy you messaged him and not the other two. You figured you'll be getting a message from a jealous Jade and Azul later. Even if you had just got off the phone with them.
You looked at the text it was a bit of a relief and a concern from how quickly he replied. 'Up or down?' You responded. 'Ooooooh you should go up then maybe you will slightly taller!' You put your phone away and tarted heading up the stairs of the pink palace. You did give Floyd a quick thank you for the help. You reached the door and knocked. You were waiting for an answer but didn't get a response. You left and started making your way down the stairs. When you got down you felt something watching you. You quickly turn around and see a man with a grin. The man was wearing quite a bit of purple. His make up was interesting as well,
"Well it seems my friends favorite imp has returned to us. What are you doing back here (Y/N)?' The man greeted with a lot of energy. You felt a chill shoot up your spine. How did this man know your name? Did your father tell him? A bunch of questions raced through your mind. "What do you mean returned to us?" Was the only question that didn't die at your lips. "Hmm perhaps my friends were mistaken if you don't know. My apologies when your father came by he said your name which was the same name as my friends little imp from a long time ago. I am Sam but you can call me Mr. S. I own a shop in town. Feel free to stop by any time Little Imp." He said with a wave and a smile. You gave him the cookies and excused yourself.
That interaction left you with an unsettling feeling. Were you here before? Is this a place you can't remember? You quickly shook your head trying to get rid of your unease. You made your way to go meet the other neighbor. You knocked on the door and heard some dogs barking. Then there was this man with white and black hair. He also seemed to be wearing a fur coat. "Nice to see you again little pup. My name is Divus Crewel if you don't remember me. Would you like to come in for a cup of tea?" Mr. Crewel asked. You didn't feel like staying long. From what you knew him and your father had worked together in a few different schools. You met him once or twice after the adoption but your memories of him were very limited.
"Thank you for the offer Mr. Crewel but I must refuse today. I plan on doing some unpacking. We both know how avoidant my father is with hard work. I have some cookies for you if you'd like them." You said. You were relieved to see someone slightly familiar. He had accepted the cookies. You did have to admit that he had a bit of a concerned energy around him when he saw you. "Since we live by each other now please feel free to come by if you need anything. I can give your father a stern lecture if he neglects your needs at all." Crewel gave a kind smile. So you shrugged off the idea of him being concerned. You handed off the cookies and said your farewells.
For some reason this place was giving you strange feelings. You went back into your home and started unpacking. You managed to get your room and the kitchen sorted out. It took a couple of hours but it was somewhat done. This would take a few days to get it completely unpacked. You heard some sounds outside the front door. "Dire Crowley what the hell do you think you're doing back here with them? I asked you to take care of that pup assuming you'd never come back here. You said where I lived was tackey and you hated it." The voice was very muffled. You made your way to the door to hear the conversation better. When you got closer you saw Mr. Crewel with your father.
They were definitely talking about you. Something was going on and the information was being kept from you. frankly that pissed you off. "They will be fine plus some of their doctors said they might be able to regain their memories if we came back to where they happened." You heard your father say. "You went to crack doctors. The best thing after their parents ran off was to give them a life where they wouldn't have to worry about the past." Crewel snapped. Your eyes widened. This was were your parents abandoned you. Mr. S was right you were here before. You got away from the house and snuck out the back door. You went into the forest.
Unbeknown to you in your panicked state there was a set of eyes watching you with delight. You made your way through the array of trees. You pulled out your phone with a tightness in your chest. What have those two been hiding. You quickly called Jade hoping he is still up considering the time difference between your towns. Though it was mid day for you it was already night for your friends as they are a few hours ahead of you. "Hello?" Was heard in a tired voice. "I didn't wake you up did I?" You asked worried. Though you needed to talk to someone you would've felt terrible for waking him. You should've just called Azul that man is always up scheming something. "If you did would I get a favor?" Jade asked.
Jamil's Perspective:
Jamil had a bad feeling and didn't get an ounce of sleep. He wasn't sure that hand wouldn't get the so he was holding it. He checked the doll because his instincts were going crazy. He felt his heart drop when he found it had disappeared. He might go check the Pink Palace and then make up a lie about it if (Y/N) had it. He promised he'd protect them after all they both were in that world together. He went back to save them from the Beldam. He made his way out to head towards the that house. He was gripping the key in a tight grip. He wanted no chance in that thing getting it.
As he was walking he heard a voice. His distrustful nature made him listen he heard their voice. He got closer to hear better. "Jade I don't know what to do. I just found out that I lived here before. I don't remember any of it and I am scared. I am tired of being lied too. I just want to be back there with you three." Jamil heard he was tears on their face. He frowned. He hated seeing them like that when they were younger. Jamil was so lost in thought he didn't notice Grim sneak by his legs. Of course alerting them. He stiffened and hid behind a tree praying they didn't see him.
"Whose there?" He heard your voice. He kept quiet. "Jade I'll call you tomorrow." Jamil heard foot steps coming closer to him. He was panicking internally. "Grim is giving me your location so just come out." (Y/N) demanded. Jamil gave a glare to the cat as he came out from behind the tree. They gave him a sad look and he just wanted to comfort them. "How much of that did you hear?" They asked wiping their eyes. "Just that last part." He answered avoiding their eyes. When he looked at them again he could see their eyes light up with an idea. "Jamil how long have you lived here? Maybe you can help me sort some things out." Their voice was soft even though they had just been crying. He cursed himself in his head for allowing himself to have a once childish crush on them.
"My whole life. Why does that matter to anything?" He answered. There might be trouble if he hesitated. He mostly didn't wish to see them crying again. "Did we ever meet?" They asked moving closer. Jamil opened his mouth about to lie when they stepped closer. Something must've caught their attention. He stepped back as they got closer. He didn't put enough distance before they grabbed his wrist with the bracelet they gave him. Which happened to be the hand with the key in it. In the moment he dropped it because of their touch. "What are you doing?" He question pulling his writs away. He noticed how they had grown up. Why did they still have to have a pretty face. Them forgetting him did hurt him terribly bad but he'd never admit it.
"Where did you get that bracelet?" They asked closing the distance between them. Jamil was soon unable to back up anymore as his back was pressed against a tree. He couldn't tell them they made it. Regaining their memory could hurt them. "It's something my parents got for me, the store went out of business years ago." He lied. He was avoiding their eyes a bit. They seemed to frown while looking at their own wrist. He wanted to hit himself for having a soft spot for them. "Well did you ever meet me? Kalim said your dad own the Pink Palace. According to a conversation I wasn't supposed to hear I once lived their." They said leaning closer to him.
Jamil came up with a quick idea. Perhaps if he was cruel enough they would leave an be safe again. He used his bangs to hide his face to make it harder for them to see his expression. He was going to but couldn't bring himself to it. "I never met a (Y/N) (L/N)." He said before realizing his little slip up. Their eyes widened. "Only Mr. Crewel knew my last name before I was adopted. Please don't lie to me again Jamil. I just want to know." They begged. Jamil looked away and pulled his hood over his face. "We did meet as kids. I found you annoying and useless. I recognized you the second I saw you. I easily memorize face of everyone I meet." He muttered. Lying was easy for him towards some people but you always made him feel bad about it. it was just like lying to his siblings.
Your Perspective:
You felt sadden that the one person who might have answers to the missing memories you lost disliked you. "Well I am sure I have grown a lot so how about we try being friends again?" You said with a smile holding out your hand for. You couldn't see a lot of his face because of his hair and hood. Something about his tone didn't sit right with you. You wanted to know what he was hiding. You felt upset by Jamil's response. "We can't I dislike you too much honestly I wish you'd leave this town and never return." He paused for a second something of his tone was filled with sadness. He moved and got off the tree turned around around. "I thought if I never saw you again it would be too soon." You thought the sadness was a mistake as his tone was extremely cold. You felt hurt by this. Was he just a horrible person or did you truly that bad when you were a child? You went quiet as he walked away. You had no idea how he broke down on his knees when he was alone. Not that he'd ever admit it.
You looked at the ground as fresh tears began forming. That was right before seeing a key with a button on the end. You kneeled down and picked it up. You started heading home with it in your hand you snuck back into your home and to your room. Crowley didn't seem to notice your disappearance. "(Y/N)?" You jumped when you heard Jade's voice. Your eyes went wide when you realized that you didn't hang up earlier. You started crying more. "I'm sorry to have kept you up Jade I'll talk to you later." You said quickly hanging up. Jade's tone was serious and he called you by your name so you must've messed up big time. Immediately your phone started ringing again. You didn't pick up and turned your phone off. You just wanted to curl up on your bed but you saw that doll on there. Your father must've moved it there. He didn't seem to care that you weren't in there. "Why can't I make friends normally? I clearly did something messed up to Jamil. What if I bullied him and have no recollection of it? Why can't I remember what I did that was so wrong?" You asked yourself not noticing the pair of button eyes watching you
You wiped your eyes. There was no need to be a cry baby. You went and to wash your face. Eventually you heard Crowley's voice. "(Y/N), dinner time! I ordered take out." He said. "I am not hungry right now. I am just going to take a shower and go to bed." You called back. "Ok but tomorrow we are going to have to have a conversation." He called out. You felt dread in you stomach hearing his words. You did exactly what you told your father you would. In the middle of the night you woke up to some glowing lights. Something compelled you to follow it. After you did it lead you to that blocked off door you saw earlier. You wondered if the key you found earlier was for it. You used thought why not give it a try and opened it up.
Once the door was open you saw a colorful tunnel. You started crawling through it. Your curiosity always got the best of you. At the end of the tunnel you were surprised to see the same living room perhaps it was just a small loop? Then you see your adoptive father. "Dad what are you doing up so late?" You asked rubbing your eyes. "Well you went to bed without food so of course I am making you food." He answered. He turned around and you immediately screamed. Rather than seeing your adoptive father's golden eyes you saw two black buttons. "You're not my father!" you screamed quickly looking for something to defend yourself with. "I am you other father. Everyone has one. Not everyone gets to meet them though. This is my second time being able to meet my dear (Y/N). I'm like your father only better. Now come on and eat up. After Jamil wants to take you on a walk." He answered. You sat down skeptical. "Jamil hates me though." You said confused. "The Jamil I am talking about adores you. He's the other Jamil." The other Crowley said. He set a plate of your favorite food in front of you. There was a expectation of him saying how generous he was but it never came.
You weren't too sure about the food and were about to refuse it before your stomach growled. You hesitantly took a bite before quickly eating the rest after. It was so good. Then you headed outside to see Jamil with the same button eyes that the other Crowley had. Perhaps this was just a great dream. You pinched yourself and it hurt. You were absolutely awake. "Hey (Y/N). Do you remember me? If not that's ok. We can always make new memories." He said. "I can tell you about all the things we used to do. Like how you loved dancing with me in the moon light. We could also go and do what we used to go watch Mr. Crewel perform a drama monologue or have Mr. S give us our fortunes." He ha a friendly feeling around him. You subconsciously smile something about this was very familiar. "Let's just dance for a bit." You answered and a memory came back to you as you danced. The only differences was that Jamil didn't have button eyes and Kalim was also with you both. Perhaps you just remembered incorrectly. The normal Jamil did say he disliked you earlier after all.
You enjoyed it before exhaustion hit you very hard. You gave a yawn. "You should get some rest and come back tomorrow. I hope we can get your memories back." The other Jamil said with a smile. You went to your room and saw the picture of your Octavinelle trio animated. They all had the same black button eyes. You started talking to them excitedly. You held the picture as you fell asleep. That morning you woke up feeling refreshed. You were in your normal room. You sat up and stretched. You gave a yawn before grabbing your phone. You turned it back on and paled. You saw several missed calls and messages from Jade. He was pissed and you were going to have to deal with it. You opened the phone and started going through the messages. One of the last ones made you pale more. You realized he was beyond pissed you ignored him while he was trying to see what was going on. '(Y/N) If you don't answer me I will be coming there this weekend.' The time was at 3 am. You were so fucked. You quickly dialed his number. He answered far too quickly for comfort. You heard him excuse himself away for a moment.
"Oya now you reach out. Several hours later. First you wake me up and then when I hear you cry you hang up on me. Don't you think that's a bit rude (Y/N). I feel as though robbing me of a full nights sleep as well means you owe me. Wouldn't you agree? That is a very cruel thing to do after all. I ensure you if it ever happens again I won't give you a warning and will just be there with a few hours." Jade's tone send a chill down your spine. To anyone that didn't know him would've thought he was just a bit sad. Though you knew better. That was a warning for making him worry. "I do owe you. Please forgive me Jade. I panicked when I realized you heard the conversation. I was already dealing with a lot." You mumbled hoping he'd forgive you. "Promise me you'll never do it to me again and I'll consider it." He answered. You were aware of the smile he might be giving. "I won't do it again I promise Jade. Thanks for even answering. Oh and you don't need to show up here." You quickly said.
"Oya so you don't want to see me. How cruel can you be?" As Jade spoke you could hear his fake pout. "Knock off the act." You said. You at least had a smile now. Your conversation was cut short by Floyd calling his brother. You gave a sigh of relief when he hung up. You were glad Jade always had a soft spot for you. Anyone else and you were sure they'd be six feet under. You sent Jade another message. 'Thanks for always being there for me Jade.' There wasn't a reply and you didn't need one. Now you had to go talk with your father.
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close friends | t. holland
pairing: tom holland x fem!reader word count: 3.1k warnings: some language, some angst if u squint. otherwise it's just fluff and tom being tom. didn't proofread this. a/n: so tumblr decided to be a little bitch and deleted this t w i c e. so i had to write this t h r e e times. this came up in my head after i got like three notifications that tom posted something on his ig story, and then it turned out he deleted them. as always, english isn't my first language so i'm sorry if this gets confusing bye. also, i was listening to cardigan by taylor swift as i wrote this.
my masterlist
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so we all know tom sucks at instagram. that's a surprise to literally no one. no matter how many times you tried to teach him he still doesn't get it, and it was only a matter of time before he finally posted something he shouldn't have.
it was just one of those days, you missed him like hell. he was away filming the third spiderman, and you had to stay behind because of work.
naturally, you relied on face time and texts to survive and fill the void he left behind. you loved talking to him, listening as he rambled on and on about his adventures on set. a love-struck look on your face as you tried your hardest to stay awake despite the urge to close your eyes.
eventually, sleep took over you, and you drifted off with the sound of his voice lulling you to sleep. he stopped talking abruptly when he didn't hear your soft chuckling in reply to the story he was telling.
instead, he saw your sleeping figure, long steady breaths moving your chest up and down. and he cursed himself for making you stay up so late for him. he took one last look at you, taking a screenshot of your sleeping form.
he quickly hung up the video call and opened instagram instead, uploading the screenshot to his story,
'missing my favorite girl, thank you so much for everything you do for me. x @yourusername'
the next morning you woke up to the sound of your phone buzzing. at first, thought someone had died as one notification after another filled your screen. most of them came from instagram, so you opened that app first.
thousands upon thousands of mentions, tags and new followers. you frowned, and suddenly a text from your friend popped up at the top of your screen.
'omg just saw his story. so happy for u both'
who's story? what was going on?
you refreshed your timeline, and tom's icon appeared, a colorful circle around it. an odd feeling sank in your stomach. you tapped his icon and suddenly your screen was full of... you.
a picture of you, sleeping. tom's smiling form in a small rectangle on the bottom right corner.
oh god. you read the words he wrote, over and over again. your heart pounding in your chest, and a sudden wave of fear ran through your body. but then you read his words once more, and all you could feel was love. pure, unconditional affection.
sure, your families and closest friends knew about you, but you hadn't talked about making your relationship public yet, but there was nothing you could do now.
you sighed, leaning back on your pillows. a small chuckle left your throat.
you grabbed your phone once again, quickly facetiming tom. you knew he had an early call today, and you hoped you could catch him while he was still in his hotel.
it ran once, twice, and then you saw him, hair all over the place, bare chest. hands rubbing sleep off of his face.
"mornin', darling." he said, his raspy morning voice making you smile.
"hi, baby. did i wake you?" you asked, sitting up and crossing your legs.
"yeah but it's fine, princess. i did keep you up last night so it's only fair."
"i'm sorry about falling asleep on you, that was a really nice picture you took last night," you lifted one eyebrow, and watched as he smiled at you sheepishly.
"i thought you looked really pretty, you always look pretty," he said, grabbing the water bottle on his nightstand and taking a swing.
"thanks, i hope the whole world thinks so, too," you declared. leaning your chin on your fist, watching him expectantly.
he did not react like you had expected him to.
his breath hitched as he sipped his water, and suddenly all you could see was the cream-colored ceiling, as you heard him spitting out and coughing.
"tom! oh, my god! are you okay?" you asked, getting on your knees and holding your phone up to your face, "tommy?" you repeated when he finally stopped coughing, you could now hear his heavy breaths.
at last, you saw his curls appear from the bottom of the screen.
"wh-what did you just say?" his voice was rough, his chest heaving.
"are you okay?" you asked again.
"ye-yeah i'm fine. babe, what did you mean by 'the whole world'? did something happen?" he asked, frowning. you echoed his expression, watching him for a second.
“you posted a picture to your story,” you repeated, and he nodded.
“yeah, i posted it to my close friends, i-” he stopped mid-sentence, eyes growing comically wide. “oh shit, did i-” he caught himself off as he threw the phone to one side, you heard him fumbling around for his laptop and you snorted. “shit, baby, don’t tell me i posted it… fuck!” you couldn’t keep it in any longer, you broke out laughing.
“of course this is how the world finds out about us!” you continued giggling until your stomach hurt.
“fuck, princess i’m so sorry, i didn’t mean to, i swear i- why are you laughing!?”
“tommy, tommy! it’s okay, baby, don’t worry. i’m not mad,” you stopped once you noticed his pouting. “it’s fine, my love, i don’t mind. sure it’s unexpected, and a little sudden but i wouldn’t have it any other way. i knew what i was getting into when we started dating,” you told him honestly, wishing you were there to give him a hug and kiss him all over.
“darling, i’m really, really sorry. i swear i thought i tapped the green button like you told me to” he continued his sulking, nervous eyes glancing back and forth from his laptop screen to you.
“i know, baby, i know this is not your forte, and i really appreciate the sweet gesture, honestly. i love you so much,” you told him as you bit your lip. folding your legs to your chest, wrapping one around them.
“god, i love you. i swear i’ll make it up to you,” he ran his hand through his hair, giving you a quick peek of his bare chest.
“i’ll hold you to it,” you chuckled, you glanced to the clock on your nightstand, sighing when you saw the time. “i’ve gotta go,” you said as you stood up and stretched. a wicked idea ran through you head. “i’ve got like five meetings today, so i’ll probably be busy most of the day. just in case i don’t reply or something,” you made up you lie quickly. grabbing your laptop and opening a new tab.
“oh, okay. i’ll be on set until like 1 am, so we’ll talk tomorrow?” he asked, eyes bright. you nodded, biting your lip.
“definitely. i love you,” you blew him a kiss. he smiled, and you felt your heart swelling.
“i love you, too. good luck today!” he said as you reluctantly hung up the call.
you immediately got to work, calling your assistant and telling her you were taking a few personal weeks, and to email you in case of emergencies. next, you texted harry, asking him to call you once tom was busy on set.
you waited for the page to load, and once you had bought your one-way ticket to atlanta you hurriedly threw some pre-planned outfits into two suitcases, just in case. your phone rang and harry’s face popped up on your screen. you quickly answered the call, and let him know of your out-of-the-blue plan. he agreed to meet you at the airport and drive you to set. and because of your recent and sudden rise to fame, he suggested you wear all black and a cap. you followed his advice, throwing on some sunglasses as well, as you had seen tom do many times before.
once you reached the airport and checked-in, you bought some coffee and breakfast, as well as some food for the flight. you opened instagram, seeing all the messages and comments. you had seen how the fans reacted when their favorite celebrities announced a relationship, and you knew to expect the meanest comments, and even death threats. for your own sake and peace of mind, you allowed yourself to scroll until you read three of those, and closed the app.
once the plane took off, you tried to catch some sleep, preparing for the inevitable jet lag, but your mind kept buzzing from one scenario to another. so you took out your book and tried to read some chapters, putting in your earbuds, music playing quietly.
when you finally, finally landed, you stretched your legs and grabbed your bags, putting on the cap and sunglasses again, you spotted a familiar head of wild curls. you quickly approached harry.
“what happened to all black and a cap to go unnoticed?” you asked as he took one of your bags in his hands.
“think about it, two kids wearing black, a cap and sunglasses? people would think we’re up to no good.” he gave you a tight hug, you’d missed him almost as much as you’d missed tom.
he caught you up on everything he and tom had been doing these past months, you shifted in your seat in excitement, the sleep that was slowly taking over you on the plane had now disappeared from your body.
in what was probably a 15 -but to you felt like five- minute drive, you got to the hotel to leave your bags and take a quick shower. harry left you alone in tom’s room, making his way to his own room next door. he said he’d order something for you to eat whilst you got ready to see tom.
you took the quickest shower ever known to humankind, and when you walked out of the bathroom after using tom’s shampoo and conditioner, -you’d missed his smell all over you. the few forgotten hoodies and shirts that were once drenched in the smell of his soap and cologne, were now very faint.- you wrapped a bathrobe around your body, rummaging through tom’s clothes until you found one of his shirts.
you pulled it close to your face, sighing at the familiar scent you’d missed so much. you got dressed quickly, grabbing your now fully-charged phone and the key to tom’s room that harry had left on a coffee table. you knocked on harry’s door and he let you in.
“i just texted tom, he says they’ve got like three hours left.” you sat next to him on the couch, the table in front of you filled with food waiting to be devoured.
“my poor baby, they overwork him,” you pouted, reaching for one of the plates.
“it was his idea, said he’ll do anything that helps finish filming sooner.” you stopped chewing your food.
“wait, really?” you asked in disbelief, you knew tom loved his job, and you found it odd that he wanted to cut his time on set short.
“yeah, it’s been rough for him. not having you around, i mean, after he spent months with you. he’s been pretty distracted lately. messing up lines, he’s been waking up late and missing early calls...” your heart sank at the words. you ate the rest of your food with a knot in your stomach, cursing yourself for not getting there sooner. soon enough, you were back in the car, your leg bouncing up and down. you fell asleep on your way to set, waking up when harry parked the car and nudged your shoulder.
you stepped out carefully, your head turning back every few steps you took, in fear that tom might catch you. once you reached the stage where tom was filming, you flashed the visitor badge harry had given you to the guard and he let you both in. you walked in as you leaned down, your forehead against harry’s back, shielding you from the curious stares. harry told you to hide behind a giant box where they kept some lights whilst he spoke to the director.
although the box was big and tall enough to cover you completely, you crouched down, straining your ears for nearing footsteps. you heard two sets of feet approaching, your heartbeat racing.
you were met with your accomplice, a friendly-looking man behind him. you stood up as they approached you.
“this the girl?” the man asked, and harry nodded, “nice to meetcha, i’m jon.” you shook his hand, “okay, so we’ve cleared tom’s schedule for one week, we’ll need him back fully recharged and ready to work like it’s his first day on set, you’re welcome to stay as long as you like, if it means he’ll work better if you’re here you can stay until we're done. i really don’t mind, i just need my guy back.” you blinked at his words, nodding slowly. “we’ve got a couple hours left tonight, i’m all up for some cheesy reunion, but it’ll have to be when we’re finished, i can barely keep him focused as it is.”
with that he left, and harry led you to tom’s trailer, where you caught some sleep while you waited. like that morning, you woke up to your phone buzzing. you reached for it, sleep leaving your body as you read the text.
‘just finished filming for the night, i’m exhausted. miss u, love you. x.’
all rational thoughts left your head, you opened the door to tom’s trailer and sprinted out of there until you reached the set. your eyes finally, finally met his figure, and tears filled your eyes.
your legs moved on their own accord, you mumbled apologies as you crashed into people, but you didn’t care. tom had his back to you, and even though he wasn’t wearing the spiderman costume, you’d recognize that ass anywhere.
“tom!” you called out, stopping a few feet away from him. you saw him whipping his head around, eyes scanning the sea of people. you made your way up to him, “tommy!” you repeated, and he finally turned around.
his mouth wide opened in disbelief, arms twitching, feet running towards you as you did the same. you crashed into each other, your legs wrapping around him, arms around his neck, fingers curling on his soft hair. his hands running all over your back, your hair. pulling you as close as humanly possible.
whispers of ‘i love you’, ‘god, i missed you’, ‘never leave me again’, and ‘i promise’ were exchanged. you tightened your hold on his hair, pulling back to look at him.
“hi,” you whispered, your nose brushing his.
“hey,” he replied, burying his face on your neck again, pressing small kisses anywhere he could reach. his hands settled on the back of your thighs as he spun you two. you giggled, sniffling as a few tears escaped your eyes.
you could not care less about the people around you, all you could think about was the boy wrapped all over you, your favorite boy. tom led you back to his trailer, where you finally untangled yourself from him. he settled you down and you immediately wrapped your arms around his waist, pulling him close to you again.
you had been starved of his touch for so long, there was no way you were letting him go anytime soon.
after many kisses, touches, tears, promises and more kisses, you left for the hotel. harry had already left, getting a ride from another cast member to leave you two alone. at that moment you swore you’d make him godfather of your firstborn child.
as you waited for tom to step out of the shower -you would’ve joined him, but three showers in a day seemed kind of excessive-, you laid down on the bed, throwing the covers over your body, tom's scent engulfing you. you breathed in happily. you tapped on your phone, replying to some work emails when you received a text from harry.
‘i believe the ball is in your court. you’re welcome.’
next, you received a picture of you and tom. harry must’ve taken the picture when you and tom were too lost in each other to even notice anyone around you. in the picture, your legs are around tom, bodies pressed closed together, your noses touching as you stare lovingly into each other’s eyes. it was a beautiful picture. and the black and white filter harry had applied to it made it seem like one of those old pictures of wives reuniting with their spouses after the war.
you smiled, heart swelling with emotion as you contemplated your options. you hummed quietly, tapping the instagram logo and waiting for the app to load.
you quickly uploaded the picture harry sent you tagging both him and tom and adding a quick caption before you shut down your phone. you were drifting off to sleep when you felt familiar arms around you.
you leaned into tom’s touch, your back resting against his chest, legs tangling with his as he interlocked his fingers with your own.
“thank you so much for being here, my love. i love you,” tom whispered into your ear, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
“i’ll be here whenever you need me. i’ll always come back to you.” you turned around, facing him. you kissed the corner of his lips, and he cupped your cheek, his lips meeting yours in a slow kiss, filled with emotion. your fingers played with his fingers as you moved to straddle his waist. “i love you,” you broke the kiss reluctantly. as much as you both wanted to make love that night, you’d made it your top priority that tom took his time off to rest as much as he could, and that included that first night.
you gave him one last kiss, going back to your previous position. the familiar and comfortable weight of his arms around you, the feeling of his lips on your neck, his chest rising and falling against your back, you couldn’t ask for anything better.
the peaceful environment you had created suddenly burst like a bubble as tom’s phone pinged over and over again. you heard him grunting, arms reluctantly leaving you.
tom chuckled, putting his phone on do-not-disturb and throwing it somewhere on the bed.
“you’re perfect for me, my favorite girl.” you smiled, leaning into his touch as he kissed you all over. sleep quickly taking over both of you.
tom swore his heart stopped when he’d seen the picture you posted. you’d never looked more beautiful than when you were staring up at him, your bottom lip between your teeth. the words you wrote as a caption were the last thing on his brain as he finally succumbed to sleep.
‘i said, “i bet you can’t keep this a secret for five months.” he said, “darling, i won’t make it past three.” @ tomholland2013 it’s been 10 months, who won?’
edit: i just saw henry cavill's ig post and omg what is my life. pls respect celebrities' privacy and relationships.
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This is the amazing day I met DeForest Kelley on the set of Star Trek V: The Final Frontier.
My boss was friends with a woman who worked on a few of the Star Trek movies. He introduced us and told her of my love for DeForest and she invited me to the set when De was filming.
I could not take photos as it was a closed set, but it didn’t matter as everything I saw was burned into my soul.
In late December 1988, I drove through the gates of Paramount Studios and parked right by the Star Trek Production trailer (Trailer 12). My head spun as I walked inside and was surrounded by the hustle and bustle of the making of a Star Trek movie. While sitting in my friend’s office, a voice on the walkie-talkie said that Bill and De were in their dressing rooms. My head exploded.
My friend walked me to the stage that was the Enterprise bridge and I got to sit in Captain Kirk’s chair (my feet didn’t touch the ground—literally and figuratively). I saw Director’s chairs with the names William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy and DeForest Kelley embroidered on the backs. I would have loved to sit in De’s chair, but all I could do was touch the arm as we walked by.
The Stage Manager told us that Bill was on the New York street set, so we left the stage and walked to an outside set with a high stage. When we arrived, Bill was being strapped into a harness (which fit around his torso, waist and crotch and which would allow him to be lifted into the air). His legs were bare and very white (he was wearing gym shorts). He was making jokes and talking in a very high pitched voice as they tightened the straps around his nether region.
I forgot all about Bill when I heard a voice on a walkie-talkie say that De was stepping out of his trailer and would arrive in a moment. My heart started pounding and I started feeling very warm (it was 49 degrees outside— which by the way, is considered freezing for Southern California). I turned around and saw DeForest Kelley ambling towards me. He was wearing dark blue jeans, a dark green sweatshirt, a light blue jean jacket with a fleece collar, black cowboy boots and a multicolored scarf around his neck.
Tears welled up in my eyes. De said hello to a few people, hugged my friend and she then walked him over to me. She told him my name and said where I worked. De shook my hand for a very long time (eventually just holding my hand rather than shaking it) and called me a spy because I worked at different studio than Paramount. He commented on how cold it was and lifted his sweatshirt up to his chin to show us a fleece-lined shirt that a fan from Seattle made him. He was very charming and chatty; I said a few sentences but was mostly mute (just call me Gem).
After a few minutes, he said it was great to meet me, shook my hand again and went to talk to Bill (who was now wearing sweatpants with yellow stripes and a blue uniform tunic that was unlike their usual uniforms). They talked for a while, laughed a lot and then hugged goodbye. Bill (being the Director) had to leave to watch a previously filmed scene— he was driven away. Suddenly all the commotion on the set just stopped and much of the crew left, however De stayed.
He came over to talk to us again (OMG!!) and said “It’s always hurry up and wait.” I responded “That’s showbiz.” He laughed (thank God) and said “That’s right, you know it!” I found my voice this time when he asked about my job. We talked for at least 10 minutes— discussing the cold weather again, his being a little sad that production on the film was almost done (You’re sad De? Let me hug and console you.) and what we were respectively doing for New Year’s Eve. For De, it was was “Absolutely nothing except kiss my wife before midnight since we don’t stay up that late.”
A man holding a humungous binder came over and said he needed De. De said “Bye now” and left (sob!!). Of course I kept my eyes glued on him. After he conversed with the binder guy, he talked to some crew members, but when they left, he stood alone for about 5 minutes, during which he smoked two cigarettes (he had a very nice lighter). He looked around and found a random Director’s chair and plunked down in it (he first pounded the chair with his fist, to make sure it was sturdy-- it was an old looking chair).
Bill was gone for over an hour (lucky me). I was free to wander around the set, but I mostly stayed close and kept an eye on De; he talked to the crew, left once (potty break?), read a magazine and smoked-- sad to say he constantly smoked. He once looked over at me and gave me a big smile.
When Bill returned, they were ready to film the scene when Kirk falls from Yosemite’s El Capitan and McCoy berates him. There was a publicity photographer taking pictures of everything, including this scene (which happened to be printed in a magazine and is my first picture posted here).
The Assistant Director called for De, who stood up and unbuttoned his jacket. A woman appeared and De closed his eyes as she touched up his make-up and combed his hair (I wanted to comb his soft hair). Two big burly men then lifted De (by his outstretched arms and butt) onto the elevated stage; they lifted him so high and hard, he literally flew into the air before landing on the stage on one foot-- he caught his balance and then turned back to them laughing with his eyes wide. They both laughed nervously and said “Sorry De.”  He told them they were very strong.
On the stage was the bottom part of El Capitan made out of fiberglass. At the time, not knowing anything about the story, it just looked like a huge rock surrounded by dirt, boulders and trees. There were screens surrounding the stage that looked like blue sky with clouds.
They connected wires to Bill’s body harness. He was lifted just off the ground and then quickly hung upside down where he swung around loosely. De came over and bent down with his face very close to the upside down Bill and they spoke quietly between themselves; De then stepped back and Bill called “Action!” Kirk said “Hi Bones, mind if we drop in for dinner?” and laughed like he was a little drunk. De took a step forward, bent down and McCoy started yelling at the slightly twirling Kirk. Kirk patted McCoy’s ears and squeezed his cheeks, laughing and making little noises. They quickly filmed the scene twice. The first time went fine, but the second time, they both began laughing and De said to the upside down Bill, “Kiss me.” They quickly kissed on the lips (I know, I know!!) and the entire crew cracked up. Bill called “Cut!” and someone else yelled “Lunch—45 minutes.” De said goodbye to the crew, got into a car, lit a cigarette and was driven away.
I had to get back to work. I walked (floated actually) to my car and drove out of the studio gate, ecstatic that one of my wildest dreams had come true.
A month later, my friend gave me my very own Final Frontier cast & crew jacket (similar to the one McCoy wore in the campfire scene), a photo of the cast & crew (Leonard’s and De’s smiles are absolutely adorable), some Star Trek notecards and a cast publicity photo.
Sorry this is so long. It’s taken from a note I typed up when I got back the the office that day. I didn’t want to forget a thing.
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gucciwins · 3 years
The First Kiss
Harry and Y/N go on their first date...will they finally become something more?
Word count: 4814
A/N: I know how much you all love breakout room and the follow up it's your birthday. I love writing them and it's been a while but do know they are doing well. this is nothing but sweet fluff. I do mention the vaccine and wearing masks which I hope you all are doing. it's important to stay safe and truly wish nothing but the best for you all. I love you xxx
please reblog and let me know your thoughts
“Are you feeling good? I sent over a goodie basket.”
Harry giggled, loving how concerned you were. “I’m doing good, baby.” He sees you tuck your head into your sweater smiling, when he notices it’s the one he sent you in a goodie basket after you got your second shot of the vaccine.
It’s spring break, and Harry can finally say he is officially vaccinated after letting the mandated two weeks pass. It’s perfect timing, honestly, as he has been itching to finally see you in person again.
Your university let you know that they would begin to have vaccine dates open to students through an email that you quickly forwarded to Harry. You had to register to get a date for your first vaccine, and slots were filling up fast. You shot Harry multiple texts telling him what day you got and time, but you went without an answer for an hour which is weird, seeing as Harry never liked to leave you waiting more than five minutes.
By the time he got back to you, he had to wait two weeks, unlike you, who would be getting in only three days. You asked why he didn’t answer, and he said he was in class. You frowned because even then, he always answered. He then confessed he lost his phone in his apartment and didn’t have time to search for it.
You laughed about it, but he was disappointed because he wanted to see you. To give you a hug. To hold your hand.
After spending his birthday together, you both decided against meeting in person for safety even though you both wanted to, more than anything. You postponed your date to the future. Instead, you completed the group assignment through zoom meetings that led to facetime calls. After submitting the project and learning that you aced the assignment, well, you both caved in.
Harry gushed on how he always got B’s on the professor’s assignments, and to celebrate, he sent you a dozen cupcakes from the bakery that you never stop raving about located only three blocks from where you live. Then proceeded to call him over to celebrate and who was he to say no. Harry was shocked at how rich and full of flavor they were because he wasn’t aware it was vegan. Yet, it tasted better than anything he ever had. Harry realized why it was your favorite, promising to take you there in person to have your pick of favorites and not only red velvet and carrot cake because they were safe choices.
You couldn’t say you’ve been on a proper date with Harry, but you’d like to count all the zoom calls and facetime calls as dates not that you let Harry know it would only inflate his ego. You’d start a call to ask a question on assignments, and it would lead to sharing stories back and forth of what their favorite book was to where they would visit if they could go that very second. You loved how insightful he was, also liked how he used pastel highlighters to mark his annotations. Harry was a fan of how you always had a pencil in your hair or behind your ear. How you always had a snack on hand because you didn’t want to listen to professors without something to eat or you’d lose focus.
You were glad you’d be able to get together safely but also taking all the needed precautions. Safety is hot, as Harry liked to say all the time when you sent him photos of you wearing your masks.
“Yeah, like the basket?”
Harry grins, but it’s not as bright due to the lacking pixels of your laptop. He holds it up, having placed it in his lap. “I did love the bath bombs.”
You smile back at him, “Going to change your life. Self-care is important, bub. Even in the smallest ways as a bath.”
Harry nods, “I know, baby. The reason I remember to take deep breaths each morning, no longer eager to reach for my phone.”
“Proud of you.”
“And I of you, baby.”
Harry shines his dimples at you when you turn your head away at the sweet name he started calling you a few weeks ago. You adored it, honestly, but it always left you feeling flustered.
“H, please.”
“Baby, I like seeing you flustered.”
“You’re a menace.”
He shrugs, still giggling.
“How are Mitch and Sarah?”
“Wonderful, sickly in love as always. Spend their time at Sarah’s like composing together.”
“That’s sweet.” You lean in, smiling at him, “you know we should all hang out together. I get to meet Mitch properly and see Sarah again, and you’ll get to meet Amy.” You grow excited at the thought.
“Not before I get to see you.”
“H, we got to coordinate a day that works for all of us. No need to get jealous.”
“Not jealous.”
“Sure,” you reply sarcastically.
“Got to learn to share me with Amy. I cook her lunch and dinner; otherwise, she’d be nothing but a walking cadaver.”
“I want you to make me lunch and dinner,” he pouts.
“I can now that you’ve vaxxed.”
“That I am, so you are.”
“Yes,” you’re waiting for him to go on.
“Will you go on a date with me? Think we waited long enough, and if my feelings weren’t obvious enough, I like you and really want to take you out.” he rambles on.
You interrupt him knowing fully well he could go on for days, “I’d love to, Harry.”
“Yeah, baby?”
“Yes, Harry.”
“Great. Friday then.”
“I’m free.”
“I know, know your schedule by heart.”
“Creep,” you gasp at the news.
“Shush, like you don’t have my classes added to your planner.” Your turn to pout.
“I like knowing your schedule, and they overlap.”
“I do too. Look forward to your messages every day between classes.”
“So Friday? What are you planning?”
“A picnic.”
You jump up in excitement, causing your laptop to fall back on your bed before you dive to save it. Harry yelling dramatically in the background as if you just dropped him.
“H, be quiet. You’re fine.”
“Dropped me, darling.”
He mutters something in return, but you can’t hear him.
“So I’ll prepare lunch because you’ve told me once or twice that you’re hopeless in the kitchen.” Harry doesn’t even try to fight you because it’s true. “You’ll take care of drinks and desserts.”
“Seems like you’re planning the date,” he teases.
“I like picnics.”
“Well, I like you, so I’ll let you take over.”
Your smile turns soft, reaching your hand out as if you could reach in and caress him. “I like you, too. I can’t wait to give you a hug.”
“Counting down the hours.”
“Alright, you have class in ten, and you always struggle to log in.”
“Making me hang up. Not fair.” Harry frowns, debating skipping class for you.
“Don’t think about it, Styles.”
“Fine. Take care, baby.”
“Bye, H.”
A date.
You have a date with Harry.
Finally, it happened.
You were nervous.
Why were you nervous? It was just Harry.
Harry, who wanted to date you from your first meeting, who emailed you asking you out, and who has not stopped talking to you since February. Constantly reminding you of his feelings for you. You hope he knew you felt the same, in texts and sending him little gifts even as small as writing him a letter.
You got up early today to prepare lunch. You decided on sandwiches, a non-messy meal, and Harry always said he wanted to try the bakery bread you use and not the basic store-bought. It was a bit pricey but not as much anymore because you had become a regular, meaning the sweet owner began giving you a discount, especially when finding out you're a student. Still, you always remember to leave a good tip. The turkey sandwiches were finished with cheese, lettuce, and tomatoes. Looked so good that Amy had one as you were making them. You made three and packed them up in your glass reusable containers.
Staring at the sandwiches, it felt like too little food when Harry had told you many times how much he enjoys eating, so you cleaned up and got to make a second meal. You decided on vegetable rice paper rolls. A favorite and easy meal to make that you enjoyed eating. It was packed with lettuce, avocado, cabbage, bell peppers, cucumbers, noodles, and fresh herbs. This was a meal your dad made you all the time as a child with the special slightly spicy peanut sauce that you could drizzle on top.
Harry was going to enjoy this, so you hoped. He promised to make strawberry lemonade. Assured you that it would not be store-bought, and you believed him. During one of your late conversations, he shared how his sister would make him some when she returned from uni. Reminds him of home, he would say.
After packing everything away in the fridge to keep it cool it was time to get ready. You stood in front of your closet for a good five minutes before you began to swipe through the hangers. You knew you wanted to wear a dress; it was warm weather and would only get hotter as the day went on.
You searched your entire closet, there were three options once you had decided on, but you called Amy in to make the final decison for you. She decided on the one sitting in the middle of your bed, which was exactly what you were thinking.
The dress was a white button-front high slit that fit you nicely. You hadn't used it in quite some time, seeing as when you left your apartment, it would be in leggings, sweats, and the first sweater you could slip on.
You couldn't stop looking in the mirror, loving how it flowed around you when you twirled. For accessories, you slipped on a gold ring that had a little heart on it and another that was a gift shaped like a small snake as it was going to scale down your finger. A simple heart locket gifted to you by your grandparents hung right above your cleavage. You decided to leave your hair natural, liking how it air-dried after the shower you had that morning.
There was no makeup on your face, just your favorite rosebud salve lip balm that left your lips soft. Amy insisted you put some on, but you stood firm in your decision, knowing you'd be wearing a mask and didn't want anything smudging.
You looked down at the time on your phone and knew it was time to head down, Harry said twelve, and you didn't want to make him come up to your apartment only to walk down the three levels again. You grabbed the picnic basket that was sitting in the back of yours and Amy's shared doorway closet and made sure to place everything neatly, leaving room for Harry's drink and stashing a bunch of napkins in for any accidents. Basket prepared, you slipped your sunglasses in your hair, placing your lavender tote bag with tiny embroidered daisies on your shoulder that contained sunscreen, your wallet, extra face masks, and a book Harry had told he had wanted to read.
Before opening your door, you put on the white mask that you embroidered sunflowers on. It was one of your favorites, and glad it complimented your look well. You walked down the stairs slowly, not wanting to drop the basket.
You walk out the front door and find Harry getting out of the yellow mask on his face. As you get closer, you can see it's the one you made him. It has bees on it, and embroidered on the left side is 'my honey.' Harry had turned quite pink when he opened the gift he got in the mail over facetime with her. You happily screenshot his reaction, happy to have it to look back on.
As soon as you reach him, it's as if all the nerves you had disappeared. Calm washes over you as he comes to stand in front of you. You can't see the smile he has, but the crinkles by his eyes prove he's just as happy to see you.
"Hi, Harry," you say, your eyes taking him all in.
Harry doesn't hide, he's checking you out, and you're thankful for the mask at the moment, able to hide how bashful you're feeling. "Hello, baby. You look gorgeous. I'm a lucky man."
"Yeah," you swayed side to side, "gave me a reason to dress up."
"Always beautiful, but I'm so glad to see more than just your shoulders." He laughs, and you join him.
"Look pretty, H. I had not seen this cardigan." You reach out, running a finger down over the pastel yellow cardigan that looks to be well-loved. He paired it with a plain white shirt that fits him loosely with Gucci denim trousers that he told you he found a few years ago when he was thrift shopping in London with his mother.
"No, brought it out just for you. Wanted it to match my favorite mask." Although he couldn't see it, you hoped your eyes were doing their job expressing your joy. "Let's put this basket in the trunk. Got a blanket and a few pillows as well as the lemonade."
"And the dessert?"
He chuckles, "and the dessert."
You place everything in the trunk, taking a step back for Harry to close it. He walks you over to your door, opening it for you, you offer a soft thank you, but before you get in, you turn to look at him.
"What is it, baby?"
You stare down at your ribbon-tied wedges before looking up into his piercing green eyes. "Can I have a hug? I just--I'm really happy to see you."
Harry falters for a second before answering, "of course, come here." He's quick to bring you in for a hug, and it feels like home. It's comfortable, and you can't believe you haven't hugged him since February, a good two months ago, when it has honestly felt like a lifetime. "I would have earlier, but when you came out, you truly shocked me with how amazing you looked."
You just hug him tighter, enjoying feeling his strong arms around you. He looks at you smiling. "That was nice." You nod because it was, and if he'd let you, you'd stay in his arms all day.
"Well, shall we go?"
"We shall."
And with that, you were off to your first date with Harry, which would hopefully lead to more.
The drive to the park was short; you unloaded everything from the car once you got there. Harry offers to carry the basket, letting you lead to picking the spot. You walked ahead, glad he brought you to a park you recognized; it's one you liked to walk around during finals week when you were drowning in essays and exams. This was a nice break. On the other side of the park is a lake where you can rent pedal boats, but you were sure they hadn't opened up for business just yet, wanting more of the population to be vaccinated.
You led him to a secluded area laughing when he joked if you were leading him to his murder. Once you reached the clearing, one large tree with lots of shade and a few rose bushes surrounded it.
"It's beautiful here." Harry awed in amazement.
"Yeah, I found it my first year when I was trying to destress; I don't think many people know about it because it's not on the maps."
"Lucky us."
Harry grabs one end of the blanket, helping you spread it on the grass. You set your tote bag on one corner as well as setting down the pillows. As you make your way to sit down, Harry gently grabs your elbow, causing you to turn and look at him; he's holding a bouquet of tulips.
You felt your eyes well up with tears, not used to such a kind gesture; it's been a long time since you've been on a date with someone you really care about, "You got me tulips, H."
You reach forward and cradle them in your arms. "Course I did; I think you deserve all the beautiful things life has to offer."
You set the flowers on top of the basket before straightening up and pulling Harry into a hug. Your arms around his neck, his resting tightly around your waist, "including you," you whisper in his ear, causing him to squeeze you a bit tighter. Harry pulls back, leaving a gentle kiss on your forehead.
"Let's eat, baby. Know you made something delicious for us to enjoy."
Harry set the food out, and you are sure to hand him the wet wipes to clean your hand before you could begin wanting to be clean and not wanting to venture out to find a restroom. He eyed the sandwiches first, then the veggie rice paper rolls.
"Couldn't decide?"
"Wasn't sure what you'd like. So I gave you two options."
"Too sweet angel." Harry leans in to kiss her cheek.
"Think we ought to take off the mask now." You giggle, sad you didn't get to feel his lips on your cheek.
"Yeah, so comfortable it doesn't really bother me wearing them. I am hungry."
You place your mask in your bag, and Harry puts his mask in his pocket. He opens up both containers and digs into the veggie rolls first. He hums after the first bite, chewing happily. "Delicious," he mutters between chews.
"Can add this peanut sauce to give it more flavor, just a tad bit spicy." He watches you as you pick up and spoon drizzle a bit on top, taking a bite. Harry follows your steps taking another bite, and his eyes go wide at the added flavor.
"Shocked, I've lived all my life without this food."
You laugh, "well, now you don't have to."
He chews happily at your response.
Lunch is filled with little conversation, both praising each other for a well-planned meal. The strawberry lemonade complimenting the food perfectly. He brought a raspberry lemon loaf cake for dessert, and you happily admit you ate two pieces. It tasted so heavily, making Harry promise you to buy more in the future for you. He agreed, stating he'd do anything to make you happy.
"It's nice going out with someone, enjoying the sweet fresh air." Harry comments.
You hum in agreement, "I adore my alone time, but with the right company, it can feel just as perfect."
Harry's cheek turns rosy pink quickly, not at all trying to hide from you. You love that he loves to show how much you affect him.
"It feels normal like we've done this hundred of times already.”
You chuckle, nudging his shoulder. "It's cause we have. Just never called any of them dates."
"So you agree, we've been dating since February," he teases.
"Yeah, I think we can say that."
"When was our first zoom call?"
"Hmm...after class a week after your birthday. Think we worked for an hour and talked about nothing for another."
You look over at Harry loving how the sun reflects off his skin; it makes him look like a gift from the Gods. Harry feels your gaze on him, flashing you a big grin, his dimples on display just for you, because of you.
"We will call February eighth our anniversary," he declares.
You laugh, not a silent one but a full-out belly gripping laugh; you can feel the tears welling up in your eyes. Harry sits there confused, not sure where the joke was.
"You alright, baby?" He asks, just a bit concerned.
"That is what you were thinking so hard about; you couldn't figure out a week from your birthday quickly. Took you a good few minutes." You shake your head, trying to catch your breath, tiny giggles still escaping you.
"Oi, no need to be rude."
"Sorry, honey."
"Never claimed to be smart."
"The pretty ones never are," you tease.
"Alright, that's it. I've had enough."
Before you can stop him, he's on top of you, his fingers tickling you from your sides to your thighs. He knows your body getting all your secret spots that make you squirm away from. You almost succeeded in getting one of his hands over your head, but he surprises you by straddling you. You've stopped laughing, but Harry keeps going.
His curls are falling over his head, his eyes shining bright, a new lightness to them. At that moment, you realize how lucky you are, and before you know it, you reach your free hand up and place it on the back of his neck, bringing him down to your lips catching him by surprise.
Harry stays frozen for a second before sinking into the kiss, responding softly, wanting to explore you as he'd been thinking about this moment for months. You love the feel of his lips against yours; you'd happily give up breathing, never wanting to part. Harry tries to pull away, but you chase his mouth, not ready to stop kissing. He smiles against your lips, humming when he places a hand on your cheek, adding more pressure; you're not sure who lets out a moan letting it out into the universe wishing for more, hoping for forever.
You don't get butterflies or fireworks. Instead, you feel the ease of calmness wash over you like when you arrive home after a long day. That's what kissing Harry is like coming home.
You pull back, laying your head on the pillow Harry was wise to bring; you don't try to contain your smile as Harry stares down at you in a look of awe. You run your thumb over his bottom lip-loving how swollen they look thanks to you. His eyes never leave yours; you gasp as he places a kiss on your thumb before taking it in his mouth, sucking it gently; a moan escapes you, surprised at how hot the teasing is getting you.
"You're filthy, honey."
Harry smirks, "just for you, baby."
"Only our first date, H. We aren't going to move fast."
"A makeout isn't too fast for you," he teases.
"Felt just right." You smile, loving the feeling of his weight on top of you as he has not moved from his position, still straddling you.
"I agree."
"Sorry, I didn't ask if I could kiss you. Consent is sexy."
Harry's smile is soft, his eyes flicker to your lips, then back to your eyes, "You hereby have permission to kiss me whenever you please, my love."
"You know all the right things to say to make me puny for you."
"Good to know. Got to keep a mental list."
"What's on there so far?"
Harry smirks, leaning down his mouth right over your mouth; you remember the taste of lemon you felt when you kissed him, and well, you don't try to stop yourself when you attach your lips against his. There's no sweeter feeling, you've decided.
He pulls back, keeping the kiss short, "Know you can't be close to me without giving me a kiss. Know your heart is racing like it might beat out of your chest, and I know you're dying to ask me to be your boyfriend."
"Guess you are smart," you whisper.
He chuckles, nudging his nose against yours, humming as he places a kiss on the top of your nose.
"You know, I was right."
"Yeah, about what, H?" You reach your hand up to run your hand through his curls, brushing them back, giggling as they fall forward again.
"That your laugh sounds better in person. Know it's cheesy but truly music to my ears."
"You nutter!"
"Oi, picking up my slang, are you?"
"Got to, especially when you called that Evan kid a wanker for dismissing my response." You snicker, remembering the moment a few classes ago when you spoke up to give your opinion only for Evan trying to mansplain how women in politics were growing already especially having a female-run as a candidate a few years back. You would have cussed him out, but Harry did it for you. He packed up all your points with his own references. Safe to say, Evan has not spoken up since then.
"Cause he is one. You're the smartest person in the class, and that tosser should not even be in this class. Clearly, hasn't learned one bit since January."
"Settle down, honey. All in the past." You pat his chest a few times, getting his focus back on you. "Got that book you've wanted to read, want to give it a read now?"
"Course, baby. Happy you had it in your collection." He's gotten back into reading now that he seemed to have more time on his hands, and they had been bouncing recommendations off of each other. You had told him to stay off Book Tok because it was the same ten books being promoted by every page. His sister told him to read The Silent Patient, but he couldn't rationalize spending fifteen dollars, and he couldn't find the free pdf. He asked you and told him Amy bought it for you as a gift for feeding her.
"Let me get it out of my bag; you can lay in my lap easier to listen to."
Harry's eyes go wide; you're going to read him. He did not expect that, but he had to make sure. "Going to read to me, darling?"
"If you don't mind." you tuck your hand into your tote bag again, "brought my kindle in case you didn't want to. Won't be sad if you don't want to."
"No, I want you to. Yeah, more than anything. Got the prettiest voice." Harry pecks your lips, pulling back giddy because that's the first time he's kissed you, and well, he has to do it again. Your lips move in sync, the kisses feeling smoother but just as passionate. You break the kiss, playfully push him away, hands-off, letting you adjust yourself before he sets one of the smaller pillows in your lap and lays his head. Your hand is quick to find a place in his hair, thankful you've mastered the one hand reading and page-flipping due to always having a book in your hand growing up.
After reading for a bit, Harry lifts his head from your lap, taking the time to admire you. You kept reading, letting him take you in from this new angle. You stopped brushing his hair instead, allowing yourself to get immersed in the book once again. You giggled, thinking back at Harry's reaction to the opening line of chapter one.
You had just flipped to a new page, ready to start chapter seven, when you saw how fidgety Harry had gotten. He clearly had something on his mind, so you wanted to give him his space; you had only read five words when he spoke, interrupting you.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" Harry blurts, shifting to sit in front of you.
You don't smile, but you know he can see the gleam in your eyes at his words, "Hmmm...will you give me a cute nickname?"
Harry doesn't know what you're doing but goes along with it. "Already do, so yes."
"Will you let me make you more masks?"
"Will you knit me a sweater?"
"I'll knit you hundreds."
You nod, "then yes, I'll be your girlfriend."
"Yeah, you want me to be your boyfriend," Harry teases.
"Dork," you shove his shoulder, causing him to fall back. He gasps in shock.
You laugh, and it's music to his ears; his dramatic response is swallowed as he takes you in. Harry isn't sure where he'd be without you. He takes in the happiness displayed on your face and knows if you could look in a mirror, he'd look just as happy if not more. You are a light in his life.
These last few months have changed everything about him. Harry hadn't really understood what it meant when people said that your partner should also be your best friend. He thought it was cheesy and something to give false hope to others, but with you, he knew it was true.
Starting off as friends built a strong foundation for you both to grow together, and he is forever thankful you took a chance on him.
Harry called it fate, but you well, you think it was all thanks to the zoom gods who set you up in a random break out room not once but twice.
thank you for reading :) I adore you xx
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acciofanfics · 3 years
Sundays|Sirius Black|
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Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader
Warnings: none!
A/N: I hope this is okay! It was such a cute idea and I hope I did it justice. -S
It wasn’t surprising that everything was a bit of an adjustment, a learning curve if you will. Sirius lost two of his closest friends. Harry lost his parents. Even in the midst of grieving Sirius hadn’t once thought about not stepping up and fulfilling his role as Harry’s godfather, not only because he loved the child but he knew the alternative was Lily’s sister and from everything he heard about them from James and Lily they were bloody dreadful. There was no way in hell that Sirius would ever do that to him willingly.
It did get better though, it truthfully did. While he still missed Harry’s parents everyday of his life, he and Harry were getting on fine. And Sirius wasn’t nearly as bad at being responsible as he thought he would be… for the most part.
It was a tradition of sorts to take Harry for ice cream on Sundays. Sometimes that meant for breakfast, depending on the day, but honestly did it really matter what time you consumed the dessert if desserts were going to be consumed anyways? He never understood why the timing seemed to matter. Plus the little store he liked to frequent served muffins and such, ideal breakfast food.
Sirius was never one to care about other people’s opinions so it didn’t bother him in the slightest when he got questioning looks from the servers dishing up different flavors of frozen delicacies at nine in the morning. He simply sat his 3 year old companion down at a little table and laughed along with him as he ice cream landed on everything in the general vicinity.
“Whoa, you two sure know how to start the morning right.” A friendly giggle drew Sirius’ attention from Harry, and was instead met with the sight of a woman smiling down at the child. A sensible coffee and muffin in hand, “Is it good?”
Harry nodded promptly, seemingly shy at the attention, but it wasn’t long at all before he was scooping a messy spoonful of semi-melted cream up and offering it to the stranger, “Wanna bite?”
“Oh! I couldn’t, that’s for you! Thank you very much though.” She chuckled at the way Harry nodded and shoveled it into his own mouth instead. She turned to Sirius, “He’s very polite and so adorable.”
It would be a lie to say that Harry hadn’t garnered attention before (most of it was from women). Still, Sirius never payed it much mind even though Remus had teased him once that he was surprised Sirius wasn’t using Harry to pull in potential prospects. But… there was something about her smile that made Sirius want to entertain the conversation, “Very. You should feel special, it’s not often he offers to share with me.”
She laughed at that, and Sirius quite enjoyed the sound. He might’ve been a little jealous that her attention was right back on Harry, but to be honest Harry was the cuter one of the two, how could he possibly blame her? After a few minutes of their conversation, the young woman turned back to him, “I’m sorry for interrupting your breakfast. I’ll let you two get back to it.”
“Oh! No interruption at all. In fact I’m sure he had more fun talking with someone new, instead of just me all the time.” As soon as the words left his mouth Sirius felt a little scummy, wondering how desperate he must’ve seemed trying to throw in the fact it was just him.
“Well, I quite enjoyed talking with you as well. Im here everyday around this time if you want some company. Unfortunately, I have to run today. It was very nice meeting you, Bye-Bye. Bye-Bye.” She said she was in a hurry but Sirius noticed she took the time to wave goodbye twice to Harry and lit up with he returned the simple hand gesture. Of course after that she was off… and he didn’t even have a chance to catch her name.
He didn’t take Harry back the next day, because he didn’t want to see to desperate. However, it was the day after and it took some convincing but he did manage to get the toddler to be satisfied with a Banana and a blueberry muffin instead of their usual when they frequented the joint. Sirius was pleased to see that his plan worked when he heard a familiar voice, “I see you decided on a much more conventional breakfast choice today.”
They “ran into” each other a lot more often after that. Sirius now knew her name, she knew both of theirs and she offered the sincerest of condolences when she put two and two together. Remus told him to just ask her out for the love of god, and Sirius really contemplated it. Though, he was a little nervous… completely out of character, sure. To be fair, he hadn’t been on a proper date since Lily and James, and if he was being honest he hadn’t quite clicked with someone so well before that really. He’d hate for Harry to lose the social interactions because he somehow managed to screw up the dynamic.
He was more than shocked when he blurted it out without speaking one morning, “I was thinking about taking Harry to the cinema, I think he’d enjoy a muggle movie. You should come too if you’re free… and perhaps dinner after?”
“Yeah, that sounds fun. There’s one thing though…” (Y/N)’s normally sure sounding voice wavered slightly, “After dinner… perhaps we could go for a drink… the two of us?”
“That sounds lovely.”
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osakunt · 3 years
Could you do a fluff with a hint of angst Iwaizumi oneshot where he’s dating a 3rd year from Karasuno who’s the girl’s soccer captain and she’s close with the volleyball team so when Karasuno beats Seijoh, she comforts Iwaizumi and tells him she loves him despite Daichi having a crush on her?
➟ 𝗜𝘄𝗮𝗶𝘇𝘂𝗺𝗶 𝘅 𝗙𝗲𝗺𝗮𝗹𝗲 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿
➟ 𝗢𝗳𝗰 𝗶 𝗰𝗮𝗻. 𝗻𝗴𝗹 𝗶 𝘁𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗲𝗱 𝘂𝗽 𝗮 𝗯𝗶𝘁 𝘄𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗲 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗮𝘀𝗸 𝗹𝗺𝗮𝗼 𝗜 𝗯𝗹𝗮𝗺𝗲 𝗶𝘁 𝗼𝗻 𝗺𝘆 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗼𝗱. 𝗲𝗻𝗷𝗼𝘆, 𝗯𝗮𝗯𝗲𝘀 ♡
➟ 𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: 𝘁𝘆𝗽𝗼𝘀 𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲
“(Y/N)!!!!!” Tanaka’s voice alerts the team that you had arrived to the gym. Suga runs your way jumping in you excited to see you after a week of you not showing up to the gym due to soccer practice and games taking up time after school.
Laughing along with him you wrestle him off you and Daichi approaches you and gives you a hand to help you up from the floor. “How’s your practice ? Heard that the you girls won three games last week. Talk about starting the season with a kick” his dad jokes make you cringe but laugh at his effort to going the extra mile with being nice.
“You doing anything on Tuesday ? We play Seijoh and-” As soon as you hear the school name you interrupt Daichi telling him all about your plan for that day. “ I heard !n I was actually going to go. I let the girls have the day off of practice so I’ll be able to go. I can cheer for you guys and all.” You say not me ruining your boyfriend and giving Daichi hope that you reciprocated his feelings for you.
“You’re just going because your boyfriend plays for Seijoh !! Don’t even try to be slick, ya hear !” Tanaka points at you and shouts like a bad mad making you blush. “Shut it baldy !!! I’ll always support you guys ni matter what”
“Did I hear that right ? Your….boyfriend plays for Seijoh ?” Daichi’s voice cracks a little at the word boyfriend but he finishes up with words trying to play off the hurt. “Oh yea, you guys know ‘im” you smile really hard waiting for one of the boys to say Hajime’s name.
“Is it that bastard Oikawa ?” Kageyama scowls
“The tall one with eyes who looks like he’s smoked for days” Nishinoya shouts out talking about Matsukawa.
“Hanamaki ?” Asashi whispers not too sure of his answer
“NOOOO IT’S IWAIZUMU” Hinata jumps up and down trying to get the rest of the guys attention
“He’s right. It’s the ace.” Suga backs up the younger boys answer. Daichi getting affirmation of who it was he deflated a little but smiles continuing to pretend like everything was alright. Looking at your watch you see the time and remember you had to meet up with Hajime. “Fuck- guys I’ll see y’all later, I have to go. I’ll be at the game Tuesday though. I have a good feeling you guys will win.” You wave at the team with a smile speed walking to the exit.
Getting to where you were to meet up with Hajime he receives you with a hug and kiss to your forehead. “Hey,doll. How was practice ?” “Good thanks, yours ?” “Shitty-kawa had the nerve to start bitching about something’s but it was good too”
You both walk towards your home. Practice let out late for you and Hajime didn’t want you walking home alone so he made for to walk you even if you said you’d walk with Hinata who lived close to where you lived. “What did I tell you ? That the boys volleyball team would be let out even more late than you. I can’t take the chances ,love” He reaches for your hand squeezing it lightly.
Once getting yo your house, Iwa hugs and kisses you plus greets your mom who opened the door for you. “Thanks for walking her home,hon” your mother hugs your boyfriend happy to know that you were in good hands with him. “ ah don’t worry about it. Coupon have her walking all alone at the hour.” He hugs back content with his actions. ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂
Tuesday Afternoon
The crowd for Seijoh was loud. There was no doubt that they wanted them to win. In the other side was the crowd supporting Karauno, which was much smaller and where you were seated with one of your defenses on the team. “You think they can take this W ?” “Yea they’ve worked hard and have practiced twice as much. Not only that but they have Daichi leading them. They’ll be fine” you respond glancing at her with full seriousness.
“If you say so capt’n” the short haired girl sighs hoping your instincts were right.
The game starts and things start to get interesting. When the game you saw Karasuno ready to take the set your voice is was the other heard. “Oh shit - Oh shit…OH SHIITTTT” you get up from your seat and cheer watching the ball kiss the courts floor. You were happy to see that the boys you were good friends with won but also felt a sting with seeing Iwa and the others cry silently while they thank the people who came out to support.
Your heart squeezes seeing this and you just had to reach out and get to your boyfriend before anything. You could only imagine the hurt he felt after a loss of a game and how devastated he is at the moment.
“I’ll be back” you grab your belongings and let the smaller girl beside you know. “Wait where ya goin’ !!! I thought we were going to get buns after this ?!” “We are !! Give me a few minutes and I’ll meet you at the gym exit!” You yell half way gone. “Capt’n my ass. (Y/n) you just wanna see your Iwaizumi.” She grumbles really wanting that meat bun.
Making your own way to the outside of the locker room where the Karasuno boys were - you smile at them congratulating them with hugs and high- fives happy to know that their hard work paid off. “You guys did amazing here out there. And Daichi *chefs kiss* beautiful” you butter yo the captain making him blush. “Thank you for coming out (y/n) it means a lot to all of us” Asahi bends over in front of you making Yh shake your head “please no no no. It’s not a problem at all. I’m happy to come out and support you all when I can” you finish up congratulating them and say your byes then make your way to where Iwaizumi would probably be.
Getting told by Mattsun that Iwaizumi was still in the locker room you tell him if he could give you boyfriend a message. “Tell him I’ll be at the front. I’ll be waiting for him there wih another teammate of mine, thanks” “of course I will. How can I say no to such a cute face” Mattsun bends to your height and begins to pinch your cheeks teasingly without realizing that Iwa was making his way out the locker room.
“Ahem - mind telling me why you’re touching her cheeks ?”
“Cause Iwa, they’re soft~ oh wait yours are too” Matsukawa reaches for Iwaizumi’s cheeks but he dodges them quickly.
“Ah you’re no fun. I’ll see you tomorrow, till next time my dear (y/n) ~” the male continues to tease and sing song as he takes his leave.
Walking to where you teammate was you could feel the sad aura radiating off Iwa. Stopping to turn to him you express your arms which he gladly accepts and pulls you close to him, burying his face into your black club jacket. “You probably think I’m a loser now” he grumbles letting out a sigh.
“No, you big baby. I think you did everything you had and deserves kisses” you jut your lips up waiting for him to pull back and meet your lips with his. “You’re just sayin’ that cause you’re my girlfriend” his grin around your waist tightens. “Hajime,baby - My cute ace and cry baby. I’m saying this because you really did do everything in your power to win. You and the team. Things just didn’t go as planned wnd that’s okay”
Pulling back from the embrace he smiles and leans in to kiss your lips content with knowing that even if he lost, you’d be there to help him stay standing or even help him stand up. “I love you, Messi” with a short laugh at his joke you pull him in to you once again “I love you too”
As you two had your moment the Karasuno boys came out walking to get in the bus. The corner of his eye is what got Daichi’s attention. Seeing you hugged up with someone other than him made him sigh deeply hurt that you had been taken. “Cheer up captain. I know you like her but please don’t let this kill your spirit” Tanaka smacks Daichi’s back pushing him forward. “I should’ve ask her out sooner” Daichi whispers for only Tanaka to hear but the the other chaotic players heard - Suga and Nishinoya come in hugging Daichi trying to cheer him up with Tanaka.
Though you weren’t with him, he’d always cheer for your happiness, no matter what. Daichi was just that person to wish the best to anyone who was grand to him.
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