#bc sometimes teenage girls are just melodramatic
cookinguptales · 1 year
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I know this is from a glorified salt advertisement, but you know what, I did need this today.
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rottingraisins · 1 year
what’s your favourite scp article?? or a few, if you have such
HELLO PUT TOGETHER A FUCKING. NO PARTICULAR ORDER TOP 15 sorry theres just so many of them.
SCP-3515 “Unearth”
Did you also have that one really specific childhood fear of falling asleep and waking up buried alive?? Yeah??? Then this one is so fucking scary! Its usually the one I recommend to people just looking for a good standalone horror story. Also love the odd sort of sense of nostalgia permeating the piece.
SCP-1958 “Starmobile”
This one really gets to me and i dont know why, sometimes I’ll just sit on the train to uni and think about it. The stars are so fucking beautiful out here man…
SCP-2006 “Too Spooky”
Hehehe I love the ones where the actual gimmicks in the containment procedures and this ones my fav one 4ever its so silly
SCP-5733 “Return of the Suburb Slasher”
This one is kind of hammy and melodramatic down to the twist ending that doesnt make any sense but its supposed to be a hommage to like 80s popcorn slasher flicks and it fits that sort of tone wonderfully, not every scp needs to take itself seriously I think. Also love how crazy the experiment logs get they straight up just teach her magic
SCP-3999 “I Am At The Center Of Everything That Happens To Me”
TALLORAN my friend Talloran… This one hits a lot harder if you’ve read a few other SCPs and especially if youve gotten somewhat entrenched in the community so if you read this one fairly early on and didn’t feel like you really got it I implore you to give it a reread. Normie pick but probably my favorite piece among all these if I had to pick just one it is that good
SCP-4205 “In The Eyes Of The Beholder”
To be fair its been a while since I read this one but I remember it making me really emotional the first time around, scps that are about like tragic little stories happening to people exposed to them are always gonna hit me harder than the most clever out there of concepts tbh
SCP-5320 “The People's Church Of The Fish That Just Goes On Forever “
THIS ONES LIKE THAT A BIT ALSO though its not tragic and more silly but so profoundly human. raddagher in general is rlly good at like. Immersing you in the workplace culture of a setting as inherently bizarre as the foundation and im such a sucker for it
SCP-166 “Just a Teenage Gaea”
LISTEN. LISTEN I wasn’t gonna put any scps on here just bc I like the characters attached to it but meri BARELY appears in anything else than her file tbh and also its a good fucking rewrite I absolutely love all the implied lore about the goc and procedure clockwork blackchild havilah and how they leaned more into the estranged familial relationship between her and clef which was always the emotional core of the piece to me
SCP-0166 “I Was A Teenage Succubus”
The other really good 166 rewrite. Manages to very thoroughly deconstruct the original piece and everything that was wrong with it without being weird abt it and even gets a little meta! I love one (1) tuberculosisgirl yes you should GET to feel righteous anger at how the narrative has treated you!!
SCP-2721 ”Eli and Lyris”
...I used to have really bad internalized cringe @ myself and my dumb fandom shit when I was younger so theres something very very sweet to me about homestuckposting saving the world. Also love the implicit character development in Eli going on to become bones gaw. Whenever its in anything I’m like. Points at it
SCP-2508 “The Long Wait”
Listen I don’t know what’s really going on in this one either but the tone and concept of it never quite let me go
SCP-3001 “Red Reality”
Robert :(
SCP-2000 “Deus Ex Machina”
WHO KNEW A FUCKING THAUMIEL COULD HIDE ONE OF THE WIKIS MOST DEVASTATING COSMIC HORROR CONCEPTS HUH. In a lot of ways feels like a thematic predecessor to yesterday and resurrection as a whole which. I dont know if youve noticed but im not normal about that canon whatsoever. Also shoutout to clef for making a cameo as a decomposing mummy you go girl!!!
SCP-3309 “Where We Go When We Fade, Fade Away “
Leans really heavily on its meta twist but its really a very clever idea to be fair and the emotional writing hits just hard enough to make this another one i like. Sit and think about sometimes
SCP-3002 “Attempt To Assasinate Thought”
Kind of long and all over the place but it somewhat needs to be to keep you from figuring out whats really going on until the end. YES OK this gets bonus points for the author having revealed on reddit that this is an au version of iris/scp-105 on her posthumous final revenge campaign against the foundation which adds another layer of emotional depth to it that it probably wouldnt have made it on here without but its my list. I can do what I want
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mercuryislove · 3 years
I am VERY excited about this week’s funny question friday since I missed it last week 😖 I’m gonna go with 7 for Yixing, 33 for Anwei, and 39 for Ciaran!
happy funny question friday to you, orion! i hope i do not disappoint you with these answers lol
7. Which of their relationships have impacted them most positively?
I assume this means relationships of all kinds and not just like. romantic relationships lol
Uhh without sounding like a lunatic and saying his horse Songbird (who he's had for twelve years when we first meet him lol), I would say probably his neighbor Mari. She's kind of like. the parental figure he never had lol She's a near and dear friend who met him when he had absolutely nobody else and was in a particularly uhhh self-destructive point in his life.
The only reason they even started talking was because she came downstairs to hang some laundry and he was completely shitfaced passed out face down in a pile of his own like. barf-covered towels and she thought he was DEAD bc he didn't move once the entire time she was out there. and when she finally got the nerve to check on him, he woke up and immediately started SOBBING like white girl wasted bawling and she was like "oh fuck this dude has Problems" and proceeded to keep an eye out for him because she didn't know if he was just fucking crazy or if he might be in some kind of financial or legal trouble or something. Turns out he just liked to get too turnt too often and when he sobered up a couple days later he apologized by making dinner for her and they've been friends ever since lmao!! They keep each other company like curmudgeonly old people and they sit on the porch and trade gossip over dinner and drinks every few nights. And he goes and buys her groceries on occasion or does her laundry for her if she isn't feeling well, and she gives him life advice and tries to help keep his head on straight. She also teases him for being such a slut lmao
33. Do they own any objects of significant personal importance?
Anwei doesn't consider herself a very sentimental person but she keeps a few things that remind her of old times. Like she still has her ID from uhh 900 years ago and the corners have broken off because it's so brittle and the photo and text is so faded through time that it's virtually unreadable but she refuses to ever get rid of it because it reminds her of. not exactly simpler times but maybe... times when she didn't have to be so responsible I guess?? She takes godhood very seriously (unlike some of the other people she knows lol) and sometimes finds herself wishing for the old days when life was simple and she was just some woman with an infinite amount of student debt and a cellphone with too many phone charms on it. She also has a collection of old polaroids of her with Ciaran and their mom on a trip they took when they were still teenagers, and they’ve basically faded to the point that they hardly count as photos anymore, but she holds onto them because she can still make out the outline of her mom’s features, and she knows that as long as she has that that she’ll never really forget what things used to be like and who her mother was. Really she's only sentimental about her mom because the three of them were all super close :c
She also keeps tiny trinkets from people that were once very near to her, so she has random things from old friendships and relationships (including things from Sihla, who even after like 300 years she has complicated lesbian feelings for lol)
39. Tell us about one of the times they got injured.
Ciaran gets hurt a lot in stupid ways because he knows he can't die and therefore has no sense of self preservation lol though back when he was still human (lol) and in his early 20s he broke his ankle and in true melodramatic fashion thought his career as a dancer was over but it was a teeny weeny stress fracture and he was totally fine in like two months anyway.
But a specific instance of him getting a serious injury that is exceptionally memorable is probably like. the very first time he died when he took a 1500 foot fall into a canyon that formed when the world kind of um ended and he woke up shortly after with a piece of rebar sticking out of his eye and also like half a dozen other places in his body and had to sit there alone in the rubble and piles of dead bodies and pull them out himself. Obviously he was physically fine after it all but it was traumatizing for a whole host of reasons, one of which being that like. he didn't know at that point that uhh he couldn't die, so he definitely had some moments in falling through the air where he was like "I survived the end of the world and maybe made a pact with a dying god only to die in a stupid way like this???? how fucking embarrassing"
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