#bcos u kno there were days without exorcisms especially at the start
equalseleventhirds · 1 year
thinkin abt the mp100 onsen ova again and reigen believing immediately that mob was pranking him. thinking abt mob doin little pranks on reigen over the years. little pranks like hiding his favorite pen or leaving silly sticky notes around or floating all of his belongings on the ceiling. and reigen ofc is like 'well this is normal and healthy behavior for a child right and at least he's not destroying anything with his psychic powers' and plus like, between clients reigen gets bored, so he humors all the pranks and puts on a little acting show of being so very pranked, yeah u got him good mob (now put things back, we've got work to do)
and mob is. well he's not great at showing emotions, really. but he's also still a kid, and he learns about pranks from watching other kids at school and watching tv and stuff. and the ones he does he thinks are funny, even if he only shows it with that very slight smile he gets sometimes. and he receives some positive reinforcement here from reigen, and then he goes home and tells ritsu 'do you know what i did today, i put shishou's stapler in jello, i had to use my powers to make the jello set tho' and he gets a little positive reinforcement there also. and things aren't fixed, he's still suppressing stuff and scared of his own power, but he gets those little moments.
idk i am just thinking abt mob and reigen during the first few years, when they hadn't added all these people to their lives yet and also weren't super successful at spirits and such yet, but they did silly childish things to pass the time, and then got ramen after.
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