#and ofc they get to be even sillier later when there are friends!!!
equalseleventhirds · 1 year
thinkin abt the mp100 onsen ova again and reigen believing immediately that mob was pranking him. thinking abt mob doin little pranks on reigen over the years. little pranks like hiding his favorite pen or leaving silly sticky notes around or floating all of his belongings on the ceiling. and reigen ofc is like 'well this is normal and healthy behavior for a child right and at least he's not destroying anything with his psychic powers' and plus like, between clients reigen gets bored, so he humors all the pranks and puts on a little acting show of being so very pranked, yeah u got him good mob (now put things back, we've got work to do)
and mob is. well he's not great at showing emotions, really. but he's also still a kid, and he learns about pranks from watching other kids at school and watching tv and stuff. and the ones he does he thinks are funny, even if he only shows it with that very slight smile he gets sometimes. and he receives some positive reinforcement here from reigen, and then he goes home and tells ritsu 'do you know what i did today, i put shishou's stapler in jello, i had to use my powers to make the jello set tho' and he gets a little positive reinforcement there also. and things aren't fixed, he's still suppressing stuff and scared of his own power, but he gets those little moments.
idk i am just thinking abt mob and reigen during the first few years, when they hadn't added all these people to their lives yet and also weren't super successful at spirits and such yet, but they did silly childish things to pass the time, and then got ramen after.
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itsybitsyparker · 4 years
So, 4 years ago today I was bored at my grandfathers house and decided to cure my boredom I’d make a new RP blog.
I had NO idea that 4 years later I’d still be on him. And I had no idea that I’d make some of my very best friends.
So thank you. Thank you so so much for sticking with me. 
@osbcrned- MOOSE you have been with me since nearly the beginning. Thank you for continuing to be my friend. I love all the threads we do so much. I love YOU so much. <3
@mutualiism- Morgan you are perhaps my best internet friend, I know that if I ever have a problem I can turn to you. I love talking to you, I love plotting with you, Ashton and Isaac are dumbasses but I love them too. Thank you for just being awesome.
@boywhelmed- Honestly? I didn’t expect you to follow me back, and I certainly didn’t expect to find a fantastic friend when you did. But here you are, being a fantastic friend. And there Dick is, being a fantastic BOYfriend to Peter. Thank you for everything you do, especially sending me wacky AU’s in the middle of the night. Ily.
@missgwendolyne- okay but like you’re one of the reasons I managed to get through my study abroad. Just thank you for sending me cute and sometimes painful things about Peter and Gwen, thank you for your lovely messages and support and all the wonderful threads we have for this beautiful ship. 
@finestprize- Oh look, it’s the other reason I managed to get through my study abroad. Thank you for listening to my stressed out ramblings and supporting me through really tough times. Thank you for all your beautiful threads for both Peter and Zach. Thank you for being a strong, amazing, wonderful person that I am so happy to know.
@riffrcffed- I love you. Thank you for being my cheerleader as I went and asked out that girl. I love that we’re able to be silly together and laugh at our even sillier boys. Just thank you.
THANK YOU ALL. I couldn’t tag everyone ofc, but all of you mean so much to me.
Happy New Years.
-Love Em.
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kh3finalmix · 2 years
roxas and riku!
this will go under a cut bc it will end up being long!
My favorite thing about them
i would probably have to say how he's developed as a character, yknow i love sora half to death but they dont give him that much development. its cool to see riku changing and dealing with things, especially shown through his old keyblade breaking and then his new one being called braveheart!! also the whole part in kh3 where he protects sora against all the shadows even tho he knew he wouldn't make it.... bye
My least favorite thing about them
i feel like most of my dislikes about kh characters are more writing choices but idk his (and everyones tbh) personality felt so weird in kh3, i dont know what it was. i also don't like that his new character model basically made his eyes the same as everyone else's, at least the turquoise was interesting
My favorite canon relationship
hmm i think his relationship with aqua is really interesting!! and sora ofc but i think in ddd it was especially interesting
My favorite non-canon relationship
it IS canon but i really wanted more riku and terra interaction in kh3.... they do a little but i wanted More. i honestly think there were just too many people in kh3. and this sounds petty but i want his relationship with kairi to not seem so weird....
The sexuality I headcanon for them
What I’d do if I could spend the day with them
honestly i'd probably let him decide bc thats riku my friend riku :) but in all honesty i'd love to just to a hangout night or something, with games and snacks and all that
Random fact about them I like
not sure if this counts as a 'random fact' but his keyblade is a security key and NOT a car key, which is a stance i stand firm on
My favorite thing about them
his will to just.... keep on living. not to be sappy but ive found it pretty motivational actually, to see how much he wants to be alive just to see and experience everyday things with his best friends :)
My least favorite thing about them
his almost total lack of reaction when he meets ven.... they just kinda look at each other and um well i think they could have been sillier about it, but i guess they got all the silliness done when lea meets ven
My favorite canon relationship
i mean xion and axel ofc!!! also roxas' relationship with sora really gets me tbh
My favorite non-canon relationship
i actually want ven and roxas to be good friends, i hope that we get to see them interact more later!
The sexuality I headcanon for them
What I’d do if I could spend the day with them
ask him to teach me how to skateboard, or do some type of arts and crafts with him and xion bc i think its something theyd be into
Random fact about them I like
i dont know if this is actually true but. i saw this post that was like, "what if roxas could only skateboard bc of ven, and can no longer skateboard once ven's heart is returned" and well, i thought it was funny so i've accepted it
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