#bcs jamie and bex were together immediately before rupert and bex got together i think?
theory incoming! i think rebecca's going to tell bex about rupert cheating, bex is going to leave him, and rebecca will then support her through the divorce, and in doing so become closer with diane. they'll become an unconvential lil family 🥺🥺
diane is the only child on the show it would make sense for rebecca to become the mother of i think, and this season has a particular focus on unconventional families (when i say unconventional i mean not a nuclear family btw)- there's ted saying "I love our family, no matter what it looks like" and there's also higgins' joke about the boy and his father which illicits a few responses of different unconventional families (gay, sperm donor). as well as this in the latest episode we see bex beginning to stand up to rupert- in fact specifically mirroring rebecca's jab in 2x10 of "it's naptime" "for you or the baby" with her own joke of "it's way past your bedtime". also by rebecca telling bex about rupert cheating it would be a nice parallel to the discovery that rebecca's relationship with rupert started with them cheating on rupert's then-wife. AND it could be that rupert gets way more fucked over by the press this time because he now has a child and because he has a younger wife- unfortunately the press would find rupert cheating on bex far more scandalous than him cheating on rebecca.
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