ofthemandalore · 4 years
@bcyondrcpair​ liked the starter call
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“Those are hefty words for someone who has a bounty on their head as well.” Mando said, blaster pointed at the woman. The child made a nervous cooing noise in the satchel he carried him in, but there was no time to try to comfort him now.
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traitoriisms · 4 years
@bcyondrcpair​ liked the starter call
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“Did you...did you really just deck that guy in the face?” Finn asked, brows raised in surprise as he looked from the guy she had just thoroughly knocked out and then back to her, “I mean...I guess he deserved it. How’s your hand?”
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acerbusfilus · 3 years
@bcyondrcpair​ liked for a starter
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“Y’know what I say? I say fuck that guy. I mean I get he’s your dad, but he seems like a bit of a dick.” The smuggler speaks his mind without much thought or care in the world. “There’s better things out in the galaxy to see for you to sit here and let some old fart tell you what to do. I’m leaving bay in the next 24 hours, so my offer to come with will stand until then. It’s up to you.”
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hopexncarnate · 4 years
@bcyondrcpair​ said: [panic]
your muse grabs mine’s arm or gets behind them in a moment of danger. | [MEME]
Luke had followed the Force blindly into danger many times before. These adventures of his always had an air of mystery with them, as he often had no idea what to expect when he did find what he was looking for. His venture to this outer rim planet was no exception.
It was always exciting to see new planets, places he hadn’t had any reason to go to before. The vast universe held so much life he couldn’t possibly see it all in one lifetime. For this and many other reasons he was grateful that the Force was guiding him. So that even now the Empire had fallen and his friends had gone their own way, he still has a clear path of his own to follow. He doesn’t mind that said path is often shrouded by the mysterious directions the Force pushes him towards.
He doesn’t get much time to observe the scenery however, as only about half an hour walking from where he landed his ship he spots what must be why the Force led him here. A young woman, clearly outnumbered in the amount of enemies she’s facing, though seemingly exhausted, still impressively holding off against her attackers. Without any hesitation, Luke pulls his lightsaber from where it rests against his hip.
When he closes in on the fight, he attempts to make eye contact with the woman. Reassure her through his facial expression and the Force that he is on her side, here to help. She grabs his arm, he motions for her to get behind him.
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It only takes Luke effortlessly deflecting their bullets and cutting through a few of them for their enemies to realise that together with the Jedi, despite their advantage in numbers they are no match to the pair. The ones they haven’t defeated fleeing not long after.
There is a moment of silence, only the gentle breeze and the sound of his lightsaber fill the air as he waits for confirmation that danger has passed. Once certain that it has, he sheaths his weapon and turns towards the newfound ally.
“ Are you alright ? “
He asks, his breathing still heavy.
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scxndrel · 4 years
@bcyondrcpair said: “You look very handsome… the perfect bait.“ (i imagine for a younger Han lol) [ also let me know if this isn't ok lol] 
The smuggler blinks in confusion. Smooth smile giving way to a deep frown as he processes her words. She’d come to him, he’d assumed she’d come for a flirt, have him buy her a drink. Amaze her with his stories. Ever met a pilot who’s done the Kessel run in less than 12 parsecs? He could’ve invited her back to his ship for a tour and some nice Corellian wine he’d been saving for special occasions, who knows?
What he hadn’t expected was for her to pull out a weapon and point it at him. Just his luck.
“ . . . What ? No , no . I’m not , actually . I mean , yeah , I’m handsome . No doubt about that. But I make horrible bait . “ He shakes his head, and yet despite his arguing, he does raise his hands. “ Let me tell you , the first one’s willing to run into danger for me is a 7 foot something wookiee with a talent for ripping limbs off . “ He warns, a soft shrug accompanying his words.
“ Since we’re both obviously on the same page about this . I'm just gonna walk back to my ship and you can find yourself some better bait for whatever it is you gotta do , sounds great ? I agree . “ 
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preempire-a · 4 years
@bcyondrcpair​​ sent: “Looking for something?” // hope it's ok to send something! ► FROM LATE NIGHT WANDERINGS
In all his time spent travelling and working, the Mandalorian’s come to learn that familiarity isn’t often a good thing. At least, not for people like him. As he turns his head, he knows the woman had been in the cantina with him, but can’t for the life of him figure out why she’s left it at the same time he did.
More pressingly, however, he’s not sure why he feels like he’s seen her before.
The Darksabre weighs heavy on his hip, but in this darkness it looks more like a trinket, most like. The Mandalorian’s whole body turns when he faces her, but his stance is relaxed instead of on guard-- they don’t have to fight, and he’d much rather prefer it if they didn’t.
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“Yes,” is his answer. He’s looking for something, but that itch of familiarity keeps him from speaking up. Why does it seem like he knows her?
“I heard Imperial ships make dockings in this port town.”
The Mandalorian’s fingers curl into loose fists at his side.
“But nobody wants to tell me when, or if this is true.”
His head tilts. “Can you?”
Because if not, then her presence is worthless to him, especially as her face triggers some sort of faraway memory he can’t seem to brush his mind against. It’s one of the most frustrating feelings in the world.
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xaeternumx · 4 years
@bcyondrcpair​ continues from [ x ]
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“THEY say that you are not so different from me, Jedi.” Darth Crix looks at the panting woman. All the bodies of slain minions. They had meant nothing to him, so he is not angry. Perhaps, this was part of the plan.
“HOW many lives do you think you just took to get to me? A couple hundred? And for what? To try to kill me as well? You’ll find that impossible and the lives you’ve taken? Wasted.”
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kylo-wrecked · 3 years
@bcyondrcpair​ :// { from this ask }
Kylo Ren couldn't help but smile. Though he tried to conceal it, he was almost grinning. His face--damp with sweat and traces of mud, often concealed by a somber expression that made him seem beyond his years--was young. One might forget he was a Knight if it weren't for the helmet he clutched in the crook of his elbow like a painted skull.  
"You don't have to say it," he replied. "It radiates off you in waves."
Ren felt tired in his bones. He was moving slowly, he knew. The armor did not help. He felt he was being drawn further away from his flock by this stranger, Mari. Dark-haired with bold brown eyes, too well-dressed to be believed. She had promised to lead him to the nearest outpost, but he wondered... He couldn't help but wonder.
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"How long now?"
He needed to get back to the Ren. He could not be alone so far from camp. He knew there was some greater darkness lurking beyond the verdurous trees, beyond the stars. It called to him. On moonless nights, it called.
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protectxthem · 4 years
@bcyondrcpair​ asked: “I lie awake at night and imagine running my fingers through your hair.” - Mari to Din (take your time xx)
SOFT FLUFF; | Accepting
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“I would like nothing more then for you to do so.” He spoke, shifting a bit in his chair. “But rules are rules. I can’t remove my helmet in front of another living being.”
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Luciel finally got a rest from his job ( though just for a lunch break ) so he left the mission site and walked across the street towards a family owned taco shop. Ah poor guy, always on the job huh? His mind was clouded with work, but the fresh air allowed him to think for a moment. His hands remained in his pockets, gradually opening and closing as an attempt to stretch. Hacking typing away on a computer all day sure does a toll on his hands.
With a small cheerful smile, he continues to the shop until suddenly he bumps into someone. His glasses tilt forward, falling off of his face he quickly struggles to catch them in his hands before they hit the ground. With his glasses in hand he looks down at the person he bumped into. Ah... A girl... She looked young too. Oh well, better apologize and bring back that mask huh? Quickly Seven flashes a smile.
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⌨ “  Woah there! Sorry, kiddo! I’ll try and watch where I’m going next time.  ” ⌨
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ofthemandalore · 4 years
@bcyondrcpair​ liked the starter call
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“What is he eating?” Mando asked her, looking over at Grogu who had obviously put something in his mouth. “I thought you were watching him?”
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traitoriisms · 4 years
Her face falls a bit when he speaks, expression mixed with somewhat of surprise and sadness. “I-... Well, I...” She struggles to find words before she clears her throat. “I don’t know if I can do this job without solely putting everything I have towards it. Especially since I’m already distracted by working with you each step of the way.”
“What does that even mean, Mari?” Finn looked at her with eyes that were equal parts confused as they were pleading. He wanted an answer -- one that made sense.
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acerbusfilus · 3 years
⚡🌊✨💖⚡☄️If you're receiving this, then you make someone happy!!💞🌊⚡💖✨☄️ Feel free to send this to other friends who make you happy or someone you think might need some cheering up.💞✨🌊✨ 🌊💞☄️
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hopexncarnate · 4 years
💕 (mari or din or both it's up to you!)
Shipping Interest Check! | [ open ]
Have we discussed shipping before?: yes || no
My interest level overall: I’ve wanted this for so long || can’t wait || I think it’ll be fun || kinda feeling it || maybe with a lot of plotting || I need to think about it || not interested, sorry
How we should do this: jump right in || slow burn || pre-established || build up to it in a thread || anything goes
Dynamics I want to try out with our ship: friends to lovers || rivals to lovers || enemies to lovers || mutual pining || battle couple || childhood friends || high school sweethearts || star crossed lovers || long time lovers || old married couple || newlyweds || sickeningly sweet couple || secret lovers || fake dating/marriage || best friends hiding their feelings || arranged marriage (au) || soulmates || other: double dads
Have we discussed shipping before?: yes || no
My interest level overall: I’ve wanted this for so long || can’t wait || I think it’ll be fun || kinda feeling it || maybe with a lot of plotting || I need to think about it || not interested, sorry
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aeterna---amantes · 3 years
hey there! i have a pair of marvel blogs i'd love to write with you on if you were at all interested?
//Yes, send me the urls and I'll follow them!
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resistancefire · 3 years
I didn’t need your help. (introducing lindira everyone)
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“Maybe so, but you can’t be mad at a guy for offering a hand.” Poe blinked at the woman, surprised by how agitated she seemed by his assistance. “So you’re welcome.”
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