#bday cele
lowcosmic · 7 months
every day i age i grow a white hair ( I SWEAR I AIN’T A GRANDMA IT’S JUST GENES )
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22plus15 · 4 months
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okay lovebirds
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kroosluvr · 2 months
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ITS MY BIRTHDAY WE MADE IT TO ANOTHER YEAR LETS GET ITTTTTT (think abt shuakesumi hamurio tatsujun and Anna yoshizaka for me. ty)
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moon9931 · 2 months
vampire werebat maybe jumpscare
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textpost-ronpa · 2 years
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scribblesofagoonerr · 6 months
So, history is just repeating itself then?
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This one got more votes so here's the next post, I'm still sick and I just feel miserable now but here we go ✌🏼
Bday balloon cele day to me 🎈
⟫ part 1 | part 2
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You knew the minute that it happened that it was over, it was well and truly over. The dream of the olympics had come crushing down.
Minutes after it happened and the whole stadium is at a complete standstill and the loud noise of the fans was now completely silent. Meanwhile, your team mates all looked at you with sombre facial expressions while trying to be there for you in any way that they could.
"Y/N kiddo, are you alright?" Katies' usual teasing tone has disappeared and now it's full of concern.
"Y/N, you're gonna be alright" Caitlin chips in as she tries to take a hold of your head.
You can't help but flinch and pull your hand away as you writhe around in pain, "No, get off, it's my... it's my knee. Get off!" You try and swat at your team mates' hands around who are trying to offer their support, but you can't care a less for that now as the tears stream down your face, "It's... It's all over" Still continuing to cry in pain as the realisation sinks in.
"Let's give her some space, girls" Kims' authortive tone steps in and directs the girls away from crowding you, other than Beth and Viv who still remain by your side.
"It's gonna be okay kiddo" Beth holds your hand and tries to reassure you.
The medics are quick to rush onto the pitch as soon as they see what's happened, they all share a look and a stretcher is brought onto the pitch.
"It's better to get her inside so we can access the damage there" You're not sure whos' even speaking at this point, you are istaught with tears spilling down your cheeks and it's heartbreaking for all your teammates, coaches and even the fans to see it happen to somebody so young.
Your sure that the image of you being carried on the strecher with tears sreaming down your cheeks is going to do it's rounds on social media but in that moment, you really couldn't carealess about anything.
The olympics' dream in that moment was completely over.
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You are non the wiser to the medical jargon that is being spilled from the medical teams' mouth that's surrounding you; You just sit crumpled up on the improv medic bed as they work to access your extent of your injury.
You only have one question that you keep thinking to yourself right now, like a constant loop in your head.
How could this happen to you?
A single step, it was just one wrong move and it left disasterous concequences.
It was all over in a matter of minutes, at least that's what you're thinking.
Nodody has even muttered the dreaded 3 letter word but your no fool to think it's anything but that.
"It's all over" Are the only words you can muster up the courage to say.
"Hey it's okay kiddo, it's gonna be okay. We've got you" Beth does her best to reassure you from where she's sat beside you, "Cry if you want too, let it all out. It's gonna be okay" she tells you.
Viv is right there beside you both as she holds your hand, "No matter what happens, we've got you, kleintje. You're so strong, you will get through this" she tells you gently.
Your quick to shake your head frantically in disagreement, "I can't... I can't do it. I can't be strong" You mumble, staring straight ahead at the stark white walls around you.
"You are, kiddo. I know you're scared but like what Viv said, we're going to be right here for you throughout it all, no matter what" The blonde keeps her words soft and gentle to try and keep more tears spilling down your cheeks.
"The olympics, it's over... It's all over" You mumble quietly; you feel numb to everything going on around you now, "My dream to go to the olympics is over now" You repeat in barely a whisper as the realisation sinks in.
"You don't know that just yet kleintje, we have to wait until the scans come first to confirm what injury it is" Viv says as she smiles at you weakily as she does her best to not worry you but it's no use when it's all you can think about.
Beth and Viv both take a minute to look at the medics' team that are working on you for any sort of words right now some kind of explanation and although no words are spoken, the medics' are sure enough to understand the look as they soon begin to speak.
"There's no official confirmation yet until we get the scans to see the extent of the damage" One of the medics, possibly Rose begins to speak as you shift your head to look at her almost pleadingly.
"Please don't say it, please don't say it" You whimper quietly, you're not ready to hear anybody speak it aloud yet.
Rose gives you a sympathetic look before she continues to talk, "However, based on what we can tell, it does very much look like you've ruptured your anterior cruciate ligament" The moment them words are spoken and it's like your world has come crashing down around you.
So you do the only thing that you know how to do, which is cry.
You completely pour out your emotions right there in that very moment, not even caring how ugly your face may look right now.
None of this is fair in your opinion.
What'd you do so wrong to suffer something like this?
9 months being sidelined; Your dreams of the Olympics were completely crushed.
"Just remember, we're here for you" Beths' words cut like a knife as you swallow the harsh lump in the back of your throat.
You've never handled emotions well and right in this moment, you feel like you're draining under water with nobody to pull you up from it.
You really don't know what to do or even how to feel, so you do the one thing that you do know.
Push people away, its' the easier thing to do. You're practically a pro at it now.
With an injured knee, it hurts to move but you bite back the pain and turn your back to the 2 girls; You know it seems horrible to do that, but you just don't know how to handle it all right now.
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"Where is she-- What happened?" Laura come bursting into the medical room as her eyes land on you as they soften, "Y/N/N, it's gonna be okay" she is another one to reassure you.
This time you can't help but scoff at the older girls words, "Is it? That's all I keep on hearing-- I've ruined my chance to play football, no more olympics... I've lost the dream" You can't help how venemous the words sound spilling from your mouth but it's the harsh reality of what is happening right now.
Sometimes feelings are hard to handle and being only young, you're about to take on a challenge that you're not even sure that you can handle.
"Y/N" Beth gasps in shock at the cold and harsh words that spill from your mouth.
You turn to look at the blonde with a somewhat blank expression, "What?" You question, carelessly that makes the older girl frown.
"Hey, I know you're upset but there's no need to be mean to Laura like that" Beth lightly scolds you, she knows that you're upset about this but that still doesn't make it okay to talk to anybody like you did.
"Why not? I'm so sick of everything saying and thinking that it'll be fine, when it's not gonna be!" You exclaim, its' the first time you've raised your voice to them in anger and although you regret it instantly, your current pent up anger takes over any upset feelings right now.
"Y/N" Viv looks at you with the same unimpressed expression that Beth does.
The dutch women goes to further speak but you're quick to interject.
"Can you all just go? Just leave me alone" You try to fight back the tears that are threatening to spill all over again, "I just... I just want to be alone" You repeat.
"Y/N--" Laura starts to speak.
"Please?" The pleading in your voice is something you ditest, it makes you sound weak and that's something you hate to show; Weakness.
If there's one thing you remember from your deadbeat father, it was that showing weakness makes you a coward, and you wasn't one of them.
"I just need to be alone right now, so just go" You feel horrible to demand for them to leave, you need them but you're just stubborn to admit it.
"Alright, alright. We will leave you to be alone and have some time to think kleintje" Viv squeezes your injured knee and smiles gently before she stands up from the chair she currently sat in, "Come on, lets' give Y/N some space" she tells them.
"Okay" Laura begrudingly agrees and nods, "See you in a bit, Y/N/N" she adds before she starts to head out the room.
"Come on Beth" Viv nudges her girlfriend.
Beth looks more hesistant to leave but knows it's probably better to do than have you blow up again, "O... Okay sure; We're right here for you when you need us, kiddo. Remember that, okay?" Reassuring you with a matching smile, she stands up from her chair and the two women head out the medic room.
You didn't bother to mutter any kind of response. You didn't even mean to block any of them out, they were your makeshift family and you know that they care about you so much; Each and every single one of them, but no matter how surrounded with love you are, you feel more alone than ever.
You didn't want to hear words of encourgament or reassure; You just want to be alone in your thoughts.
You were better to be left alone in your thoughts.
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© scribblesofagoonerr
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rui-drawsbox · 19 days
Coming out of nowhere to say your OCs for love and Deepspace are super cute!!! They're so good I never thought abt twins!
Care to share a few fun facts abt them? 👀
JFSDHFD thanks ><!! the first funfact would be that this ask was sent while i was asleep so i woke up and spent the rest of the day thinking about the girls bc they didn't even had a name HAHA
quick disclaimer i have like 17 days in total in-game (i started at the release lmao) and terrible luck with the pulls so i cant really go lore-deep FDSFGFDS this is just sillyness and might be ooc
i drew some stuff and i'll let the random funfacts and in-game pics after the cut lol
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anywayy i went for the most classic way of differentiating they features besides hair and heterochromia, Micah has ㆆㆆ eyes with prominent lower eyelashes while Mia has more upwards/pointy eyes and bigger upper eyelashes. Micah is more chill/flirty in general and Mia is more,,, expressive. Truly wears her heart in her sleeve, mabye a little reckless.
after a few days seeing Mephisto stalk her apartment, Mia bought a tree-bird-holder-thing like the one in Sylus's room so he could spend the time inside her house instead.
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Micah is pretty vengative, even with silly jokes.
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in-game pics for them (tried my best to differentiate them with makeup since i still have the face i choose at the beginning of the game sdgfd)
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mm Micah uses a staff and Mia uses the guns, i think it matches the close-combat style for the boys
Micah and Rafayel are absolutely disgusting to be around. they flirt as if they were alone in the world. ew
Mia actually sews as a hobby and made a few outfits for her and her sister, made a crow plushy for Sylus for his bday
Micah was a problem child doing pranks everywhere and Mia was a crybaby. Caleb had a hard time trying to keep up with them
They're both super clingy, tho Mia is a little iffy about PDA
They live together! i should've said it sooner?
In the case they aren't interested in their respective LI, Micah would lean towards Xavier and Mia towards Zayne
Micah uses kaomojis and Mia common emojis
Micah takes charge of all the numbers in the house
Micah leans in the cool side of outfits while Mia surprisingly leans in the cute-fem side of things
When they were 10-
Micah: Hey it says gullible in the celing!
Mia: Wah! it's true!
Micah: *throws her a frog* hahaha Mia you're so gullible!
Mia: *screams*
you'll never guess what Mia is deeply disgusted of
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ticketgatewaycanada · 4 months
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Ai Milly Bday Party is organizing Ai Milly bday cele event by Ai Milly Bday Party on 2024–07–14 05 PM in Canada, we are selling the tickets for Ai Milly bday cele. https://www.ticketgateway.com/event/view/ai-milly-bday-cele
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gthmfc · 3 years
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My midfielder’s bday cele > urs
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lowcosmic · 7 months
HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY ‼️ I don't know our timezones so I'll just say it early 😞 I hope everyone here is doing well too, wishing you a great brithday to come~
⋆ 🔭
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nahyutaa · 7 years
just asked my mother to buy me a collectors edition dvd set of a lesbian movie for my birthday. hehe 
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g0re-moved · 5 years
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ayamacelestine · 6 years
I just found out its your bday, so... Happy birthday!
It was a few days ago but thank you, Celes!!! ;u;
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supercici64 · 6 years
ive still never played final fantasy before, but my icon is celes in anticipation of my bday... in 15 days, ill finally be able to play it. kek
she has a very pretty theme song
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And that looks great on you! HAPPY BIRTHDAY CELIS! (or you know celes according to that bday thing)
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ladylaguna · 7 years
DUDE so my friend is having a bday party this month, she LOVES Pearl so I went on your Society6 and bought a print! and then I saw there's a sale and a gorgeous print of Locke and Celes ("Power Breeds War" hehe) . SO THEN I BOUGHT THAT TOO I'VE NEVER OWNED ART OF THEM IT'S SO EXCITING
slips not so subtle link in if anyone else is interested:
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