#be complicty
annadelveys · 1 year
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uuuuu dont worry, the good normal nice liberals will not vote for a derranged populist billionaire, they will vote for a former NATO general who joined the party to advance his military career. see he took a photo with john paul II, he is the good guy :)
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immaculatasknight · 1 year
Heart of ice
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always really impressed by how in dungeon meshi ppl express their predjudices and complicty are consistant w their character as a whole. Really doesn't pull its punches and like. I feel its engaging in it in a way a lot of ppl don't bc the topics uncomfortable. but ur expressions of discrimination are a part of urself like any other huh
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drdamiang · 21 days
Oh, Dante!
please tell me where you
found me
on your final
visit to anf journey
through the all-new
updated Hades and
revised Inferno
to what suffering ny hear
or fire or other
devilish torments I am
here subjected to
for my complicty
in the horrors
of my time
unlike those active agents
in and perpetrators of
this worst of crimes
of all mankind
ascend to Heaven
by virtue of tribal
the hideous magnificence
of their wealth
their great religious tenet
proved true
at last
there is nothing in
the Universe that sees not
with our eyes, does
not share in the joy
of our hypocrisy,
in our lies
know the divinty of money
avd sacred beauty of
payoff and bribe.
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meenafreezoid · 2 years
Animal Crossing Characters Headcanons #1
Heeey, I just got into the Animal Crossing's fandom a month ago and I wanted to do this soooo bad. I feel like there's not enough hdcns of Animal Crossing's characters on tumblr, so here u go !
We'll start with my tanuki bois: Tom, Timmy and Tommy Nook, enjoy :)
💰☕🍃 Tom Nook 🍃☕💰
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Our favorite Tanuki Landlord is 42 years-old. He left his natal town for the city at the young age of 20 and came back when he was around 30.
My boi is a bisexual king, periodt.
According to Sable, when he was a kid, he was a idealist with a heart of gold, very ambitious, yet always kind. He hated injustice and was actually very sensitive. I like to think young Tom Nook was a bit like Ash from Pokemon~~
He adopted Timmy and Tommy when they were basically babies (like 2 or 3 years-old or something). He considers them as his pupils and sometimes call them affectively his nephews. That's because he's got too much pride to call them his sons.
The fact that he found two children who looks exactly like him even though Tanukis are a very rare species is a pure coincidence, but Tom secretly like to think it was fate.
He's slowly recovering from depression. When he found Timmy and Tommy in his late twenties, he was at his lowest point, alone and broke, and even considered the s word. Adopting them was like starting a new life and he decided to come back at his little town to raise them and start over.
He's very good friend with Isabelle, Blathers and Sable, and get along with almost everybody, even if they all confirms that Tom is an introvert, just with good social skills.
He had a hard time reconnecting with Sable when he came back, because he developped trust issues. He either rejected her or didn't have enough time to spend with her. But now they are close again, even if they don't have the same complicty they had when they were children. Because of how he treated Sable back then, Mable doesn't trust him and thinks her sister deserves better (she's still polite with him though)
Coffee drinker, and during his breaks he sometimes smoke while Isabelle allows herself to drink a little glass of whiskey. They both do that when Timmy, Tommy and the Resident Representative (or kids in general) aren't there so they don't give a bad example.
He used to have a VeRy AmbIGuOus~~ relationship with Redd at their time in the city. They were buisness partners and lived together but that's all Tom would spoke about him. This is probably thanks to Redd that he discovered that he can be into men (and let's be honest anyone would be gay for Redd <3 even if he's a bastard).
He hates Redd with a passion not only because he betrayed him but also because he brings out the worst in him: from his desire of adventure he became drawn to danger and even illegal things, his dream of glory and ambitions turned into greed, and basically every of his morals and principles were dead during his time with him. He isn't proud of it at all.
Has many talents and interests: good crafter, very great singer (loves to do karaoke with Isabelle), has an eye for fashion (like to speak clothes and do shopping with Sable), chess player, pianist and violonist (he once did a cover of KK Lament).
He won't admit it, but now that he's a bellionaire and have a stable life, he slowly start to think about more "conventional life" things, like marriage~~. He still hasn't found the one yet. This idiot is so oblivious to love anyway... (Poor Sable)
He gives the best hugs <3
He can be harsh with people (especially the Resident Representative) because he doesn't want others to end up like him. He has a sort of affection toward the Resident Representative like for Timmy and Tommy and he's very protective of them. Tom is the kind of guy that would beat the shit out of himself to create a better system and future for the people he cares about, even if he has to act like the villain.
Basically act tuff but he's such a dad and a big softie I luv him so much <3
☺👋🍃 Timmy & Tommy 🍃👋☺
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Despite their height, Timmy and Tommy aren't young children, they're both 15, with Timmy being a few minutes older than Tommy.
No one knows who are their actual parents, and they don't remember them neither, and both don't care. They are happy with their mentor Tom Nook and no one can replace him.
They both work because they want to. Tom Nook never forced them. At first he was just teaching them and let them observe him. Then, when his shop grew bigger and bigger (when he was more stable financially), he asked them if they wanted to work with him to put in practice what they learned. Timmy and Tommy were more than happy to, and actually were always harrassing Tom to let them work with him (they both truly admire him). When Tom Nook thought that they were ready (in New Horizons), he lend them the key of Nook's Cranny. The fact that they work alone in Nook's Cranny are way more a proof that Tom Nook trust them than any kind of exploitation.
Because they were raised by Tom Nook, they're both very mature for their age, more practical, independent and autonomous. So they don't really get along well with others children/teens and are more at ease with adults (Celeste and the Resident Representative are exceptions).
They are both smart as hell (young buisness prodigies), in a different way. Timmy is a quick thinker and learner, very adaptable, more social and persuasive, while Tommy is best at long-term planning, organization, logistics and managment. Tom Nook taught them everything he knows to not let them make the same mistakes he did.
Both probably have a high IQ and are good mathematicians and excellent chess players (Tommy beat Tom Nook once).
Since they are basically adults in teen's body, Tom Nook let them do wathever the fuck they want. They drink coffee, sometimes alcohol and Timmy even smoke once because he saw Tom Nook do it, but he hated that and never did again. Tom Nook knows they are responsible enough to handle themselves, but he's still here to protect or help them if they need him.
Tommy is a very good listener while Timmy gives great advices.
When they aren't working, they like to prank Tom Nook just to mess with him or test him. They like to switch clothes or things like that for example. Yet Tom is always one step ahead and always knows what they're up to. Little mischievous boys <3
They sometimes hang up with Celeste after closing the store since Blathers and Tom are friends. They get along well with her because of how calm and wise she is. They also like the Resident Representative more than just a client, because they're also more responsible than most people of their age (due to being in debt for Tom Nook), and Tommy has a little crush on them <3 (while Timmy is always like "Love sucks !")
They both accidentally called Tom Nook "dad" at different moment. Timmy did when Tom complimented him on his work (Literally the: "Nice work !", "Cool ! Thanks dad."). Tommy did when he was asking a innocent question like "Hey dad, why do you always look so sad ?". Tom Nook act like he didn't heard that but he was screaming internally.
They both live in Nook's Cranny. Upstairs, there's a studio for them to live (beds, kitchen, bathroom, etc.). Tom Nook comes to join them after they close to spend time with them and eventually stays there to sleep (when he's not overworked).
Timmy and Tommy are the only one who ever saw Tom cry.
They give Cuphead (Timmy) and Mugman (Tommy) from Casinoandcups vibe~~.
Aaaand that's all I have for now. Tell me if you want more <3
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alborde · 2 years
i wonder, if we get s3 & s4, if or how much of the aftermath of the experiment we would get to see
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valkyriesexual · 2 years
Also, I want to ask, what's your opinion on the jury not being sequestered for this trial? I know it's different from a criminal trial but it feels wrong that they probably could have spent the last week (or any night after the trial hours) googling this case in their free time and discussing it with their family members and friends.
i have touched on this in earlier posts, but i have some questions about the way the judicial officer has allowed this case to proceed in that particular regard. like, it's expensive to sequester jurors and this isn't a short trial! so i get not making that call. and i'm sure all the jurors are technically under an order to stay off the internet/not read any coverage of the case/not to discuss the case with anyone, but it's pretty hard to enforce those rules.
given that, i really don't understand why the judicial officer has allowed this case to become such a spectacle. why livestream it? why not limit attendance to a few reporters with a gag order not to publish until after the case is submitted to the jury for decision? why not limit courtroom media to notetaking and courtroom sketches?
of all the decisions made by this judicial officer, the court's complicty in allowing this to become such an ungodly spectacle is one of the things i find most concerning and questionable.
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invisiblerambler · 4 years
A Few More Thoughts on BA 8/6/20
Since I don’t know how to shut up, here’s a few thoughts regarding what we found out today from Priya, Rick and Sohla. The bottom line of all of this is that since Conde Nast and to a lesser extent Bon Appetit are legacy publications they are slow to change and respond to things. The fact that the YouTube channel took off at all is truly a huge fluke and one that Vincent Cross is heavily responsible for. There’s a world in which we wouldn’t know the name of any of these people if Vinny and others hadn’t pushed for that first It’s Alive episode to go up on the channel. The reason he knew it would go over well is because he likely is more familiar with video as a medium and YouTube/online video in specific more than anyone he was talking to.
There could easily have been a world in which BA stayed hands and pans for a lot longer than they did. I say this only to acknowledge the work that went in early on to even prove this as a concept. The problem is the higher ups don’t think that concept can be proved with diverse talent and content that sets a precedent of fair pay. In their minds, white talent brings in more views. Obviously this is not strictly the case considering the popularity of many videos featuring Sohla, Rick and Priya, but since they didn’t ever truly invest in giving them a series or any sort of fleshed out concepts it allowed them to make excuses for lower pay rates for video and things like that.
The other thing is, as I said in my last post these are people who have probably have very little tangible knowledge about video in comparison to print and online editorial content, on top of that the way on-camera talent is paid on these platforms seems to still be a really sticky issue across the industry. We have seen this several times with Buzzfeed when they realize they can make more money by having control over their own content. Buzzfeed is a company that you think would have it figured out considering it came of age with online video and the modern internet, but it doesn’t so expecting that Bon Appetit and Conde Nast would be progressive enough is not entirely reasonable. Now in theory, they could just do the simplest thing and just pay people fairly, but since they are so risk-averse like Sohla said just taking that chance doesn’t make sense. That obviously is ridiculous and we all know how well the channel would do if they just did what they were asking, but this is the epitome of ok, boomer type energy.
That isn’t to say the new head of CNE and executive editor couldn’t bring in these types of changes, I would truly love to see that for the good of the industry as a whole, but I am inherently very distrustful of corporations and Conde Nast has proven in this situation to be entirely tone deaf to what their core audience wants.
Now, here’s where I admittedly launch into wild speculation. Who else will leave? In my mind, Claire isn’t coming back. She has a book coming out and probably has a lot of people knocking down her door with opportunities. It will be very sticky for anyone who decides to stay with video after everything that we know since they will basically be openly admitting their complicty in allowing their coworkers to be undervalued and underpaid.
I think Andy, Carla, Chris and Molly will stay. I also think Brad will likely stay too unless Netflix offers him some sort of travel show, so I guess I still think Brad would be one foot out the door. Christina and Gaby may continue to appear in videos or they may literally just keep doing their normal job duties and not appear in videos in the future. If they do I will support their videos with a LOT of contingencies.
This is tangentially related, but the speculation that CN will break their lease on 1WTC is also something I will keeping a close eye on. If/when it makes sense for them to be able to shoot in any kind of communal space it will be interesting to see.
The next few weeks and months will reveal a lot about what the future will look like. It promises to be a very interesting fall.
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#1yrago Ban on discussing Poland's complicity in Holocaust draws worldwide attention to Poland's complicity in Holocaust
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We all know that Poland resisted the Nazi invasion and that Poles and Polish Jews bore the brunt of the Holocaust. But the world is now finding out all about Polish complicty in the Holocaust, thanks to its government trying to ban discussion of it.
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antmrankingsfr · 6 years
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01. Tiffany
They definitely were determined to keep Tiffany if she hadn’t give up in the middle of the panel challenge. She was a complete mess on set but yet she manage to have the best selected photo in panel. I love the connection between her and the male model, there is just a tangible and strong complicty between the two of them, it makes it look like they are actually caught up in the middle of a real pillow fight. Tiffany’s smile is just so beautiful and warming, and shows she has the goods to succeed in commercial modelling as well. Finally, I think shed id the best at showing off the underwear, probably along with Naima. It’s an all arround great photograph.
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#HailCaesar #BirtherInChief #CorpMedia #Idiocracy #Oligarchs #MegaBanks vs #Union #Occupy #NoDAPL #BLM #SDF #DACA #MeToo #Humanity #DemExit
UN accused of complicity in Turkey's war crimes in northern Syria
THE United Nations has been accused of complicity in war crimes for failing to take action against Turkey, which is accused of atrocities including torture, rape and extrajudicial killings in northern Syria...
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vidmidnews · 6 years
We all know that Poland resisted the Nazi invasion and that Poles and Polish Jews bore the brunt of the Holocaust. But the world is now finding out all about Polish complicty in the Holocaust, thanks to its government trying to ban discussion of it. Th
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baudenavegacoes · 6 years
http://ift.tt/2ACW00g História publicada às December 7, 2017 at 06:15AM; armazenada aqui às December 7, 2017 at 10:04AM
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wionews · 7 years
Protests, rage across country as Gauri Lankesh is laid to rest
The murder of senior journalist Gauri Lankesh at her home in Bengaluru Tuesday evening has shocked the nation. 
News reports said protests had broken out in Bengaluru, and across Karnataka and the country.
Even as the protests raged, Lankesh was laid to rest. 
Bengaluru: Mortal remains of #GauriLankesh brought to Ravindra Kala Kshethra http://pic.twitter.com/qnyYglKuqb
— ANI (@ANI) September 6, 2017
Bengaluru: Family members & friends gather as mortal remains of #GauriLankesh were brought to Ravindra Kala Kshethra. http://pic.twitter.com/WYzFJKIXvv
— ANI (@ANI) September 6, 2017
  Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah pays tribute to #GauriLankesh in Bengaluru's Chamrajpet http://pic.twitter.com/ZjWeZV52jR
— ANI (@ANI) September 6, 2017
I condemn the killing of journalist #GaurilLankesh: West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee in Kolkata http://pic.twitter.com/2dbhNbwOTi
— ANI (@ANI) September 6, 2017
  Karnataka: Protest at Town Hall in Bengaluru against killing of senior journalist #GauriLankesh http://pic.twitter.com/MrE0POZvBw
— ANI (@ANI) September 6, 2017
Social media too was flooded with commiseration over her death. 
Protest meeting at Press Club of India, Delhi,3pm today against killing of senior journalist Gauri Lankesh. Do join- PCI,IWPC,Editors Guild
— Suhasini Haidar (@suhasinih) September 6, 2017
At the protest meeting for #GauriLankeshMurder in Delhi. let us stand as one. Silence is complicty. http://pic.twitter.com/LwRaxE1xWj
— barkha dutt (@BDUTT) September 6, 2017
And what it might mean for the nation. 
Gauri Lankesh edited the anti-establishment Lankesh Patrike. 
The general consensus seems to be that she was murdered for her views. 
#Gauri Lankesh shot dead outside her home.Shocking Devastating. Dabholkar Pansare Kalburgi Culprits must be punished
— Azmi Shabana (@AzmiShabana) September 5, 2017
  No point saying go to Pakistan to anyone anymore, They'll get the experience here itself... #GauriLankeshMurder
— Kunal Kamra (@kunalkamra88) September 6, 2017
  You are not dead. We are not afraid. This strengthens our resolve to fight. #GauriLankesh was a strong supporter of students' movement.
— Shehla Rashid (@Shehla_Rashid) September 5, 2017
  In India we bow to frauds like Ram Rahim and kill men and women of reason & inquiry like Pansare, Dabholkar, Kalburgi & now #gaurilankesh
— barkha dutt (@BDUTT) September 5, 2017
The Editors' Guild of India put out a statement condemning the killing.  
Editors Guild on #GauriLankeshMurder @htTweets http://pic.twitter.com/2k1Alxgfwq
— Smriti Kak (@smritikak) September 6, 2017
Her killing is an ominous portent for dissent in democracy& brutal assault on freedom of the press: Editor's Guild of India #GauriLankesh
— ANI (@ANI) September 6, 2017
  Let the #GauriLankeshMurder be a reminder that all of us need to intensify our fight against fascism; that we will NOT be silenced.
— Prerna Bakshi (@bprerna) September 6, 2017
But as always on social media, there were people on the other side of the divide too. 
Why everyone is talking abt #GauriLankeshMurder Here is list of RSS/BJP Activist who got murderd in Karnataka & no one tweeted a single word http://pic.twitter.com/XGvcJ4k1ZJ
— Republic Of India (@RepubIicofIndia) September 6, 2017
Sanghi troll justifies #GauriLankeshMurder; calls for killing Arundhati, @sagarikaghose @kavita_krishnan @UmarKhalidJNU @kanhaiyajnusu & me http://pic.twitter.com/iucFcCLlJd
— Shehla Rashid (@Shehla_Rashid) September 6, 2017
Right wing user posts hitlist online, calls for serial assassinations, calls Gauri Lankesh murder a warning to 'anti nationals' http://pic.twitter.com/60NKlKwxkr
— Hindutva Watch (@SaffronWatch) September 6, 2017
Karnataka chief minister Siddaramaiah said the authorities were questioning the people who had posted against Lankesh.  
2 people posted something on Facebook (against #GauriLankesh) and we are questioning them: Karnataka CM
— ANI (@ANI) September 6, 2017
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Ban on discussing Poland's complicity in Holocaust draws worldwide attention to Poland's complicity in Holocaust
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We all know that Poland resisted the Nazi invasion and that Poles and Polish Jews bore the brunt of the Holocaust. But the world is now finding out all about Polish complicty in the Holocaust, thanks to its government trying to ban discussion of it.
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