#be nice this is my first smut contribution to tumble
karmicgalaxies · 4 months
18+ Content MDNI.
Logan Howlett (Wolverine) X AFAB! Reader
Disclaimers: Implied unprotected sex (Wrap it before you tap it!) Riding, Shotgunning cigar smoke, Spanking? If you squint. P in V Sex Logan’s a little mean here. Just a small imagine/drabble that’s mainly my self indulgence.
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Imagine sitting in Logan’s lap while he’s smoking a cigar, laying back while you’re riding him. You’re a desperate, wet and whiny mess while you pick yourself up and sink back down onto his cock in an almost embarrassingly desperate fashion. His thick cock stretching you out oh so deliciously in all the right ways, disappearing into your aching, needy cunt again and again. “Logan.. I.. I can’t..” You begin, knees nearly buckling as you struggle with his size.
“Shh. You can. Keep goin’.” Logan replies. A smug, grin on his face as he savors the feeling of his cock enveloped in your sweet pussy. He takes another drag of the cigar between his fingers. Placing a firm smack on your asscheeks when he feels you starting to slack, the impact of his heavy palm on your pretty little ass is sudden and sharp. Yeah, that’s gonna leave a nice (not so) little handprint shaped mark. Hell, you already feel the sting. That’s motivation enough for you to build back up a pace.
“There you go, darlin’. That so hard fer ya?” Logan speaks condescendingly. Almost in a low growl. Grabbing you by the jaw, he brings your face in close to his as he shotguns the cigar smoke into your mouth, allowing you savor the flavor of the tobacco on your tongue. The proximity just shy of ending in a passionate kiss. One which you hope he gives, but he ultimately denies, a whimper escaping those pretty lips. All the meanwhile a wolfish grin is painted on Logan’s bastardly handsome face.
Shame. He almost feels bad. Almost tempted to rub his thumb at your swollen little clit in that circular motion that makes you see stars, bring you to the edge that you desperately need. However he refrains from indulging you in such a manner. Cruelly watching your pathetic attempt at getting off on his cock without his intervention or effort.
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prettyboykatsuki · 3 years
hihi! i saw that you might’ve felt down on the dash so i am here to run my big mouth and say that i really loved your draken fic! the one that you wrote a few days ago! it was so good and it’s been so long since i’ve read an amazing fic like this!!!!!
like the way you set up this tension between draken and reader bc of his response to emma’s death was superb and so clever! that’s definitely something draken would take to heart, even if it wasn’t his fault. he takes the responsibility of too many things that aren’t even his to begin with and it’s just. the way you touched on that and expanded in that was so big brained of you, like i wanna give your mind so many kisses. you made me feel pity for him with that even though he pissed me off so much in the beginning bc of the way he was so defensive to reader on that issue. like damn she just wanted to comfort you. i wanted to beat his ass 😒. doesn’t matter if i’m 5’3 and he’s this buff 6’0 man. all i gotta do is kick his shins and the back of his knees and that bitch will go tumbling n it’s gonna be a big drop too. but it sucks that he did that to her bc she did so much for him like comforting him through the bad break ups of his exes, and she came up to him non-confrontationally just to understand him better! no I’ll intentions or selfish motives to her either! and she was being so kind to him and i cried w/ her bc i felt so bad and related to her too.
gawd thinking about it makes my blood boil. THEN THE FUCKING BITCH WOULDNT LET HER GO WHEN SHE WANTED TO LEAVE. AND AFTER ALL THAT TALK TOO. LIKE NAH BITCH GET YOUR GREASY HANDS OFF HER. if it was me, there definitely would have been a fight and signs of a struggle that would’ve lead to a murder scene and a homicide case 💀
but when you lead up to the smut, i did a 180 so quick bc he started acting all sweet to her. definitely made me raise a brow like sir 🤨 what happened to our argument 10 minutes beforehand. had me thinking it was about to be fight night, like we were about to tussle. BUT IT WAS RIDICULOUS HOW YOU HAD ME GIGGLING AND SCREAMING INTERNALLY AND SILENTLY DURING THE FUCKING PORN. THROWING MY PHONE DOWN EVERY TWO MINUTES TO SMILE AND CALM MYSELF. PULLING MY HAIR OUT. FUCKING BEATING MY FIST AGAINST MY BED IN SHAME. PERKING MY HEAD UP WHEN I GOT TO SOMETHING DRAKEN SAID THAT MADE ME BLUSH. LIKE WTFFFFFFFF. AFTER OUR ARGUMENT AND HOW MUCH I WANTED TO WHOOP SOME ASS. YOU PULLED THIS SHIT ON ME?????!?! was literally fighting for my life at 3 in the morning to keep quiet and not scream 😞
but your writing was beautiful! and not a single sentence was of waste. every single sentence contributed to your story telling and it kept me on my toes and everything flowed so nicely!!!! and god was the smut sublime.
it all played out like a movie to me and i just wanna say how amazing that is of you. bc (and i’m not shitting on anyone) some writers on here have some sentences or parts in their fics where the tension or excitement of the story dies down and it goes in this direction where there’s a lot of explaining of things that feel almost excessive or bland. but i understand that. i know writing is hard—i myself am one too, so i speak from experience, especially bc i suck and my tiny brain isn’t complex enough to deal w/ it 🤡. so i know that it can be hard to string up words that fit the tone and mood of the story, and to do it in a way that isn’t too much or too little. but if i could i would forget this story just so i can experience reading it for the first time again. that’s how much i loved it.
sorry for the long ramble! i honestly just wanted to geek about your draken fic and yet, here we are.
i read this so many times last night trying to think of express my gratitude and reply because this is genuinely so kind and so thoughtful im not even sure what to say like im really so so grateful you would take the time out for ME and write this it just means so much.
i think draken is such a complicated character but he's just so grounded at the same time!!! i feel like there's so much burden he has to endure but he seems so simple because of how much he loves and cares for mikey and emma - he's just really willing to put himself aside for the sake of others in a way i find to be really impressive. ALSO I KNOW I WROTE HIM but i remember being so IRRITATED with him KJDSKLS LIKE I WAS SITTING HERE LIKE.. god ur so annoying ur so lucky ur dick is huge KJHFDK he was very frustrating even for me because i am very invested in my conflicts
I TRIED RLLY HARD TO MAKE HIM EXTRA SWEET HEHE!! i think after a big fight like that he would owe it to reader to be extra sweet yk? soft and kind and gentle on her.. so im glad that came through.
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It Takes Me All the Way
Pairing: Peter Parker/Tony Stark Rating: Explicit (E) Notes: This is my fic for my @starkerfestivals summer BINGO “flower shop au” square. The following idea hit me in the head a couple of days ago & I couldn’t let it go until the whole thing was written. Here’s my bingo card  - if you see something on there you might want written, shoot me a message!!! Word Count: 11.5K  Warnings: There’s a tiny bit of smut in here, but it’s me writing, so when is that not the case?
'For the next half an hour, Peter learned about flower language and the subtle way to artfully layer flowers so the colors blended meaningfully together. Peter didn’t retain too much about the flowers themselves – they were beautiful and coordinated perfectly, but Tony out shone them all. He was obviously in his element; the simple way the information fell from his mouth spoke of years of study and tons of hands-on knowledge. Not only was the man smart, he had an eye for style and created little living masterpieces without much thought.
By the time Peter worked up the courage to make any sort of move, they were at the register, seconds away from a complete transaction. He was in too deep to let the spark between them go another time. Steeling himself for whatever might come, Peter took a deep breath and leapt. “Hey, before I go – would you like to go out with me sometime?"'
Or: the one where Tony's a florist and Peter kind of digs that.
Read on AO3 here.
After taking home the third, consecutive NCA Championship title, Peter craved a tame summer. Unlike the rest of his teammates, he had no dreams of furthering his cheerleading career by becoming a coach; while everyone else flocked to the NCA cheer champ coaching positions, Peter tried his hardest to create some distance between himself and the sport.
Of course, that was easier said than done when his very best friend was also a teammate. Since the day MJ pulled him off the gymnastics mat and thrust him not so gently into the world of cheer in seventh grade, Peter never looked back – not to gymnastics or the people he left behind. He didn’t naturally fit in with anyone, but with MJ by his side and an incredible amount of athleticism, high school passed by in a whirlwind of football games, competitions, and a rich education Peter clung to. Being smart was a way out of the conservative little town that would never accept the truth of who Peter truly was.
When Purdue became an option for the both of them, Peter immediately understood moving to Indiana was the next step in life’s adventure. It wasn’t the big city that he always imagined he’d escape to, but Peter couldn’t argue with a full ride academic scholarship and a spot earned on the cheer team. As a male with tumbling experience and a shocking amount of strength for his size, Peter didn’t have to wonder about his spot on the team – he’d been leading teams to competition wins for years. Stepping out of the narrow-minded world of Springfield, Missouri was the only thing that mattered; the ability to do what he wanted without worrying about where the money came from to do it – that was just a delightful bonus.
Despite the challenges of college athletics and a philosophy major, Peter managed to keep his close friendship with MJ. They’d been a stunting pair for ages and their similarities made it easy to not only be around each other but stay tight knit in their connection. Going through so many of the trials of growing up together, Peter didn’t know what life would be like without her. After coming out and receiving nothing but a hug and a shy “me too”, their bond was cemented – made permanent in a way that something shared tied one person to another.
Their undying friendship and ridiculous commitment to each other was how he found himself balls deep in wedding planning, instead of relaxing in the peace and quiet of his one-bedroom apartment, playing video games and reading all the books he didn’t get to crunch out during the busy school year. MJ didn’t even bother asking him to be her ‘man’ of honor – after popping the question to Darcy, she simply sent him a list of things to do and dove right in.
Between bachelorette parties, bridal showers, and the seemingly impossible hunt for the best bridesmaid’s dresses, Peter hadn’t spent more than a couple days of the break on his own. Though he loved the fuck out of MJ and her soon-to-be wife, he couldn’t wait for the wedding to come and go. A little peace and alone time was exactly what he needed.
Finally, after a week of long nights and last-minute errands, the big day was upon them. The beautiful ranch venue radiated with a rich sunshine, basking the place in a lucky sort of golden glow. Since he didn’t have to spend his entire morning trapped in a makeup chair, Peter got to enjoy the beautiful weather firsthand as he contributed to the set up and decorating. Aside from helping MJ get into the admittedly cool pant suit she planned to wear, Peter’s time was his own until an hour before the ceremony.
Grinning at the thought, Peter pulled out one of the reception hall chairs and sat down heavily. He relaxed into the comfortable wood, reaching up to run a hand through his formidable curls. They were sans gel at the moment; his fingers sailed through the silky strands with ease.
Peter wasn’t aware he closed his eyes until a loud clatter had them blinking open in surprise. Swiftly turning towards the noise, Peter stopped in his tracks at the sight in front of him.
A big gray vase was the source of the noise, there was no doubt about that the second Peter spotted it. What completely took his breath away, or maybe who, was the man holding said vase. Peter saw tanned arms that were toned to perfection right off the bat. It was obvious at first glance that the owner of those limbs worked outside with his hands frequently. The lithe muscles and glorious golden skin tone spoke more of manual work than physical exercise. With his eyes travelling up firm forearms and the swell of a built bicep, Peter noticed the man’s hair next. Tamed by a plain white dad hat, an abundance of unruly curls flipped under the edges of the brim and sides. Peter imagined a flowing head of dark brunette hair he could easily slip his fingers into the depths of.
As if the man knew Peter was staring, he turned towards Peter’s table, an intrigued look on his face. A face that, after taking in the rest of the stranger’s glorious beauty, didn’t seem fair. Well-kept facial hair outlined perfect lips pulled into a knowing smirk. Rich, honey-golden eyes were just visible under the brim of the man’s sweat-stained hat. They seemed to pierce Peter right in the chest, like their unblinking nature dug under his skin and saw everything he tried so desperately to hide. The feeling was unnerving yet so exhilarating all the same. Though he felt so very exposed, Peter wanted nothing more than to narrow the space and get to know the handsome stranger.
Luckily, his chance came a couple hours later.
To stop himself from shamelessly flirting, Peter hightailed it out of the reception hall the second he could, using a check up on MJ as a guise for his obvious escape. Most of his friends were exactly where he left them at the start of the morning – it was a marvel that anything got done when they all got together. After braving the makeup talk and putting out a few emotional fires, Peter’s reprieve came in the form of a man of honor errand.
With MJ’s credit card in hand, Peter made his way to the front of the building where the florist was waiting. He’d been so glad to get out of the bridal suite that he didn’t stop to think about the stranger and the beautiful floral arrangement that’d been in his hand or to make the connection between the two. For the second time that day, Peter tripped over himself when the man came into view. Now that an actual need to speak to him was in sight, Peter didn’t know if he could make his mouth work to take the chance.
Recognition was clear on the florist’s face – though they didn’t know one another, it was hard to forget the very long, very obvious stare Peter was caught in. Those utterly kissable lips were upturned, the pinch around the man’s eyes from the grin making him all the more attractive. Rolling his eyes at the thought (like he needed to be any more attractive), Peter tried to school his features and return the smile with one of his own.
“Hi! I’m Peter, MJ’s man of honor. She sent me to square up the bill for the flowers,” Peter said in greeting. As the space between them narrowed down, Peter nervously reached out, his free hand suddenly taking up the space between them.
A surprisingly soft hand slipped into his a moment later – the touch was firm and efficient, only lingering a second longer than usually appropriate. “Nice to meet you, Peter. Please let MJ know that I really enjoyed the challenge of the flower choices. Geraniums are hard to come by this late in the season.”
Pulling away, despite the desperate want to have the man’s hands all over him, Peter nodded in understanding – most of both MJ and Darcy’s choices were high maintenance and unique. The planning of every step along the way had been an absolute bear. “That’s MJ for you,” Peter agreed with a light chuckle. “We’ve been scrambling around the last week or so trying to get all the details right.”
There was a shared moment of silence where the two simply smiled at each other. The florist seemed just as lost as Peter, the joint look of discomfort and wonder more telling than any words ever could be. For Peter, each second that passed was a small gift he gluttonously got to unwrap until the magic was broken.
“It’s her big day, she should have what she wants,” Tony finally replied, the words and a red blush breaking the silence. “I like the unique stuff, anyway – keeps the job interesting.”
Without missing a beat, a paper invoice was thrust in his direction. “I took out the delivery fee from the total since I was in the area already.”
After that, it didn’t take more than a couple of minutes to complete the transaction – the florist worked swiftly, his fingers nimble and knowledgeable in every movement he made as he swiped MJ’s card and handed it quickly back to Peter. The brush of their fingers in the exchange seemed purposeful, though – especially with the smirk and red blush that followed.
Caught up in how brilliant the look was, Peter didn’t realize there was nothing keeping him there until the shuffling of feet brought the reality of the situation back with a vengeance. As much as he wanted to stay and chat, or ask for a number, or even a name, Peter knew the time wasn’t right. He already felt so caught up – actually having access to his preoccupation wouldn’t be good for his focus. It was MJ’s day; he owed it to her to keep his shit together and make every second of it the very best.
Looking up, Peter shot the other man a large grin before lifting a hand, pointing his thumb over his shoulder. “I better get back,” Peter started awkwardly, “but thank you – for helping make MJ’s day so beautiful.”
With a nod, the florist pocketed his phone and took off towards the parking lot. Peter watched him walk away just long enough to catch the glance over work-firm shoulders. Hazel and brown met for a moment before Peter forced himself to walk away – a large part of him wanted to sprint across the black top to stop the gorgeous man from leaving. Something in the pit of his chest was pulsing with life; the feeling was so foreign that Peter pushed it down and quickly ran in the opposite direction, instead.
Peter got back to the bridal suite in a wonky haze – so much so that he didn’t even realize he walked through the door until MJ’s voice broke through his rampaging thoughts. “Did you get everything squared away with Tony?”
Turning towards her, Peter tilted his head, a crease in his brow appearing in his confusion. “Tony?” Peter questioned as he made his way over to the big table in the center of the room to deposit both the invoice and MJ’s credit card.  
“Tony – the florist. I sent you to pay the bill. Please tell me you didn’t get lost along the way.” MJ shot him a knowing look, her hazel eyes blazing with affection. “He was a great help these last couple of months – matching all the colors would’ve been impossible without him.”
His brain halted for a second, the organ doing nothing but processing the fact that his handsome stranger now had a name. Recalling the beautiful face, Peter figured the name Tony fit the man pretty perfectly. With that knowledge, it was quickly becoming obvious that his focus was already shot – Tony with toned arms and a delectably deep voice already took up space there, just waiting to distract Peter at the worst possible time.
Like that moment, where MJ was staring at him with growing concern, waiting for a simple yes or no to her easily answerable question. Peter shot her an embarrassed grin when he got himself back under control. Sheepishly, he reached up to run a hand through his hair. “All is well. He told me to tell you he enjoyed the challenge. Oh, and he nixed the delivery fee – said he was already in the area.” He tried to sound cool as he spoke, to not give his interest away. Yet he knew almost immediately he wasn’t successful – Peter heard his own excitement as the words bounced around in his ears.
“So it’s like that,” MJ said, looking at him much more critically now.
“Like what?” Peter shot back, refusing to look her directly in the eye. She already caught the scent – the second he gave her the satisfaction of seeing the truth in his eyes, Peter would never hear the end of it. Regardless of the very important fact that Peter, despite wanting to more than ever, didn’t even pursue the obvious and very mutual interest.
Instead of pushing, MJ surprisingly let a knowing smile overtake her face.
“I see you Peter Parker.”
Luckily, the hustle and bustle of pre-wedding preparations and nerves that were inescapable, swept the subject right off the table a moment later. Peter happily helped MJ make her finishing touches in preparation for finally meeting her wife at the end of the aisle. Getting so swept up in it all, Peter allowed himself to forget the hazel eyed man for the rest of the evening. MJ and Darcy looked so happy – it was hard to see passed anything other than their beaming smiles and the bright future waiting for them.
The next few weeks passed by in a flash. Peter finally got some time to himself and reveled in it, taking advantage of every second of solitary freedom he could purge himself on before his final season began. Movies, books, and his favorite video games were the only thing Peter allowed himself to think about (and Tony, so many of his thoughts were about the gorgeous florist). He even went as far as to bar MJ and Darcy from the apartment when they got back from their honeymoon – it was the least they could do after running him ragged with errands and things over the previous few months. The last thing he wanted to deal with was the bombardment of newly wed grossness; it’d been some time since Peter felt the luscious caress of love against his heart and soul – and jealousy just didn’t look good on him.
When his self-imposed isolation came to an end, Peter begrudgingly got back into a suitable routine. Though cheer practice was different without MJ there, Peter easily sunk back into the drills and full body workouts that came after an entire summer off on their own. Hayley, their coach extraordinaire, pushed them hard in the beginning – it was the best way to filter out those who wouldn’t make it when the season really got started and competition prep took over all of their lives.
Once his muscles got used to the severe beating he took on a daily basis, Peter was more than ready for the year to start. Football games and the atmosphere that came with being a Boiler were a lot of fun; and with his decreased workload as a fifth-year senior, Peter planned to enjoy the easy-going nature of spirit and poms and comradery before the teeth came out and everyone’s battle armor settled into place. When competition season started, the team’s overall atmosphere and driving motivations changed.
Of course, just when Peter thought things were going just the way they should, karma came around to prove him wrong. After a long practice the week before the semester started, one of their flyers fell from a stunt, completely unaware of her contact with the ground’s effect until someone on the other side of the mat screamed. The sight, when Peter allowed himself to look, turned his stomach – he’d never seen a dislocated hip in person before and hoped to never do so again.
After the trauma of having the paramedics all over their turf, the team was given a couple of days off to recuperate. Peter and the rest of the squad planned to take advantage of the freedom by visiting Macy, who ended up having to have emergency surgery to save both her leg and her life. Though he knew a bouquet of flowers wouldn’t change the fact that she would never be able to cheer ever again, Peter figured it was a nice touch and planned to have one made before heading to the hospital.
Googling the closest florist, Peter was surprised to find a shop so near to campus. Many of the businesses surrounding Purdue were food joints or bars that were guaranteed to get a lot of steady business during the semester and over the summer. He wondered, just for a moment, how such a random store managed to survive the college population.
It took one look at the place to understand why the shop fit exactly where it was. Instead of the old lady feel he assumed he’d find, Peter stepped in front of a large windowed building with intricate flower arrangements filling the visible shelves. On the far side of the door was a mural of the Purdue P surrounded by all types of flora. The word Stark’s was camouflaged within the swarm of vines and greenery throughout the painting. It was well done and in the perfect, eye-catching spot.
A small bell over the door rang as Peter walked through it – at least one of the cliches in his mind was accurate. Grinning at the thought, Peter let his legs carry him further into the store, his head on a swivel to look at all the beautiful foliage placed strategically from one wall to the other. Though he knew nothing of plants, Peter understood the art of drawing attention – he participated in a sport that perfected it. From the placement to the intrigue, whoever owned the shop knew exactly what to do to draw a person in.
Peter stopped his exploration when a recognizable voice echoed throughout the space – “I’ll be right with you.” Upon hearing the timber and depth that haunted Peter every night since MJ’s wedding, he almost turned around and walked right back out of the store. He wasn’t equipped for the gorgeous man and his distracting smile and eyes and shapely ass.
Before he could make his feet move or even think, Tony and his inarguable gorgeousness walked in through the back door. His hands were covered in dirty gloves, a newly potted plant in the crook of his elbow. A denim apron covered a plain white t-shirt and black jeans that peaked out the bottom. At the sight of him, Peter had to force himself to keep his mouth closed and the pace of his heart under control – much like the last time he enjoyed the view, Peter wanted to bound across the distance and intimately get to know the other man.
Met with a smile when their eyes locked, Peter reminded himself to remain calm and smile back, to actually act like a human person with thoughts and the ability to actually articulate them. He came in here for a reason, walking out of the store with anything but the arrangement he wanted to bring to the hospital was unacceptable.
Tony, upon recognizing him, took the first step towards intelligible conversation.
“Peter, right? It’s nice to see you in here! How’d the wedding go?”
Blushing at the familiarity, Peter dipped his head and took a deep breath, hoping to collect himself enough to actually reply back. “Hi, yes. Peter. It’s nice to see you, too. I was surprised to see a flower shop in the middle of college central, but your place seems to fit in really nicely. No wonder MJ was pulled in,” Peter said in reply, getting the words out all at once to make sure they all saw the light of day. “The wedding was beautiful. Both brides are blissfully happy, and your floral arrangements were the topic of several conversations I had that night. You do good work, Tony.”
Peter’s heart stopped when Tony tilted his head back into a laugh a moment later. How did someone look so sexy doing something so base? No matter what happened, Peter knew he’d never understand such a thing. To cover up his reaction, Peter added his own laugh to the mix – the sounds harmonious in the empty shop.
“Yeah, I’m sure my flowers were a hot topic of conversation, especially with those beautiful women in the room. Thanks for the kind words, though,” Tony mumbled through a laugh. As he spoke, Tony reached up to brush an errant curl from his forehead – without the hat, the hair on Tony’s head looked unruly and all over the place, untamed and absolutely beautiful. The move left the smallest remnant of dirt on his skin, the black flecks of soil like little calling cards with Peter’s name on them. His fingers itched to reach up and brush them away. Tony’s next words shook him of the thought – “What brings you in today?”
“One of my teammates fell and injured herself pretty severely. We, as a team, decided to rub in the fact that she’ll never join us on the mat again by visiting her now that she’s out of the ICU. I figured some pretty flowers might soften the blow,” Peter explained, coloring at the blunt honesty that trickled from his mouth.
Tony looked intrigued, the other man completely unfazed by Peter’s word choice and candid nature. “Must be a dangerous sport if you guys are nursing career ending injuries.” He signaled for Peter to follow him with a swift flick of his hand.
“I’ve seen some pretty intense injuries in my long cheerleading career, for sure. People flying through the air, and all that. I wouldn’t call the sport in general dangerous, per say – I’d say the expectations we have to meet are what’s dangerous. The look, the difficulty of the stunts we make our bodies do – it’s demanding,” Peter remarked, following a couple steps behind Tony as they walked.
“Sounds misogynistic as hell.”
Laughing at the truth of Tony’s statement, Peter nodded enthusiastically. His heart felt warm from the idea of the random stranger in front of him understanding his struggles better than May and Ben ever could. Tony didn’t know him, and yet Peter couldn’t remember ever feeling so seen. “Oh, it is. The beauty standards are unbelievable and if you’re a male in the cheer world, forget it – you’re fodder for mockery and intense judgement. I fit the stereotype and even I can’t catch a break.”
“What’s the stereotype?” Tony asked with a soft tilt of his head and curiousness in his eyes.
They stopped suddenly then – the space between them was narrowed down to a couple of feet with an abundance of plants surrounding them on both sides. If he took a step or two forward, Peter wouldn’t have too much trouble reaching out and touching Tony’s beautifully tanned skin like he so desperately wanted to. It took too much effort to stop himself from doing exactly that. How exhausting.
Without waiting another beat or giving himself another moment to eye kissable lips, Peter uttered the answer with subtle breathlessness – “Gay. Flaming homosexual is usually what people attribute to the men of the cheer world.”
Color travelled up Tony’s cheeks, his lips quirking ever so slightly. He took his time answering, the man obviously thinking through his reply before blurting whatever he had to say into the universe. “Huh. That’s interesting, considering football players don’t go a play without touching each other on the ass.” Tony stopped for a second, making sure to catch Peter’s eye. “Do you like it?”
“I love it,” Peter answered immediately, the words coming out of his mouth without thought. “Its been my life since 7th grade.”
“I guess that’s all that matters, then,” Tony replied softly, a small, familiar smile on his lips. “Now back to your friend – what’s her favorite color?”
For the next half an hour, Peter learned about flower language and the subtle way to artfully layer flowers so the colors blended meaningfully together. Peter didn’t retain too much about the flowers themselves – they were beautiful and coordinated perfectly, but Tony out shone them all. He was obviously in his element; the simple way the information fell from his mouth spoke of years of study and tons of hands-on knowledge. Not only was the man smart, he had an eye for style and created little living masterpieces without much thought.
By the time Peter worked up the courage to make any sort of move, they were at the register, seconds away from a complete transaction. He was in too deep to let the spark between them go another time. Steeling himself for whatever might come, Peter took a deep breath and leapt. “Hey, before I go – would you like to go out with me sometime? I have a chef friend that makes killer steak frites.”
For what it was worth, the look of surprise that crossed over Tony’s face was brief. It made Peter’s breath catch in anticipation – for the first time in their short acquaintance, Peter felt uncertain. The feeling quickly passed, however; Tony’s face split into a beaming smile, the earlier surprise so easily replaced with seemingly genuine happiness.
“Yeah, I’d love to. I close up shop around 6 – are you free tonight?” Tony’s cheeks were stained with a rapidly darkening, gorgeous blush, hazel eyes shining.
Peter couldn’t remember what the next ten minutes entailed, let alone that evening – yet, whatever it was, he’d happily reschedule. There wasn’t a single thing that would stop him from saying yes to whatever Tony suggested. “I am. How about I meet you out front at 6:30? I’ll call Tasha and grab us a table for 7.”
Tony nodded, reaching across the counter towards Peter’s phone. “That sounds good. I’ll give you my number in case something changes. I’ve got a greenhouse out back and tend to forget myself. I sometimes lose track of time.”
Completely taken by every new thing he learned about Tony, Peter opened the phone and pushed it in Tony’s direction without hesitation. He didn’t expect the older man to be so forward – then again, Peter wasn’t all that surprised, either; Tony owned, operated, and supplied a successful business – he had to know what he was doing to some extent.
Watching with a delirious sort of haze, Peter followed as Tony’s fingers enter his number, then hit the green button to call himself. A phone on the back counter buzzed a couple of times before Tony ended the call and slid Peter’s phone back to him. “See you later, Peter. Tell your friend I wish her a speedy recovery.”
Numb hands grabbed the arrangement off the counter – Peter raised it towards Tony in a mock solute. “Until tonight, then.” Peter muttered the words excitedly. “Bye, Tony.”
He forced himself to keep his head down in hopes of actually making it out of the store. Peter wanted to turn around and look goofily at Tony – now that he knew his feelings were reciprocated, there was nothing stopping his desire from slipping out. Since the wedding, Peter forced the thought of strong arms and bright eyes from his head, just to be haunted by Tony’s beauty when he closed his eyes and let sleep take hold. His subconscious wasn’t on board with suppressing his urges – the fact that karma played a role made the rightness he felt even more valid.
Tony wanted him too.
His visit with Macy and the team was an immediate drag to his mood – the mix of emotions of the people surrounding their friend attempting to express sympathy was exhausting. Every person in the room feared Macy’s position in the bed. Some handled the anxiety better than others. The one bright spot of the visit, of course, was Tony’s arrangement. MJ immediately recognized the man’s work and winked at him knowingly. Peter didn’t stop a grin from slipping across his face; in their silent means of communication, the look was answer enough.
MJ corned him in the parking lot everyone dispersed to an appropriate amount of time later. When the room started to get too cloying, Peter made his excuses, prompting everyone to follow suit. There was only so much sad he could take – especially when a potential light in his dark tunnel shone so bright, waiting for him just hours away. They stopped at the trunk of Peter’s car, MJ leaning against the bumper like always. “Peter, spill. I haven’t seen that goofy look on your face since high school. Did something happen with Tony?”
Snorting at MJ’s impeccable awareness, Peter shifted until he could wrap his arm around her. He leaned his head against the side of MJ’s, closing his eyes. “Your florist is the best-looking man I’ve ever laid eyes on. I maturely held myself back at the wedding to be there with you in the moment and those karma points I banked were good to me today. I walked into Stark’s for some flowers for Macy and couldn’t bear to walk out without a chance to see him again.” Peter turned his head until he could press a kiss to her forehead. “We’re going out tonight.”
“I’m happy for you,” MJ said, her thin arms wrapping around him. “When I first met him, I thought you two might like each other. He’s older, a little weird, smart as hell – just your type.”
“I guess there’s a reason why you’re my best friend,” Peter quipped. “Seriously, though. Thank you – you always point me in the right direction. I really like him.”
MJ pulled back just enough to tap her forefinger against Peter’s nose – the move their sign of affection for years now. “Go get your man, Pete.”
To stop himself from pacing up and down the hall of his apartment, Peter went to the fitness center on campus – a hard workout with the weights was exactly what his body needed. Sweating and listening to a couple of playlists took Peter away from his thoughts of dinner later and into a mindset that let him just exist. It didn’t hurt that the pump in his arms looked amazing by the time he packed up and called it a day.
Timing it perfectly, Peter left himself an hour to get back to his apartment, shower, and decide on an outfit that didn’t shout desperate, but expressed his implicit interest, too. Not living too far from campus made it easy to fret about his clothes after a lengthy shower that took every ounce of Peter’s willpower to not masturbate anxiously. He wasn’t sure he’d be able to face the star of his fantasies head on after beating off to the thought of Tony’s tanned skin and gorgeous smile.
After a few restless passes through every piece in his closet, Peter took a large step back, attempting to clear his head. From what he already learned of the older man, Peter knew Tony looked flawless in anything – his style was basic, but the casual nature in which it was worn made the look stylish, anyway. Tasha’s restaurant wasn’t the fanciest place in the world and the pressing feeling of being comfortable in Tony’s presence made an outfit pop into Peter’s head after a couple of long breaths that helped to calm him down.
Peter slipped into his favorite dark wash jeans, smiling all the while – it seemed silly, the anxiety he danced with less than five minutes ago. He’d felt nothing but ease and excitement around Tony, getting himself prepared for a date with the man wasn’t as life and death as he let himself believe. Stressing over something that felt simple in every other way was a new feeling – Peter carried an abundance of confidence with him everywhere. The change made Peter believe whatever might happen with Tony was different and so much better than any other romantic dalliance he’d ever taken part in.
The outfit was finished with a couple small sprays of his favorite cologne – Peter only broke out the fancy stuff for special occasions. With a tug to his rolled shirt sleeve and the slightest adjustment of his collar, Peter took a deep breath and wandered across the room to stop in front of his mirror. His straight legged jeans were clasped at the waist with a black leather belt that cut Peter’s figure dramatically. Both muscular and trim, Peter went out of his way to make sure each attribute was highlighted appropriately. A white and blue stripped short sleeve button up wrapped around Peter’s firm biceps and tucked neatly into his waistband to highlight the narrowness of his hips.
Aside from the rogue curls Peter couldn’t tame, he felt good about the way he looked – the outfit and the confidence it made him feel would be a hit. Tony seemed to like the upfront and honest way he presented himself, there wasn’t any reason to change that now. Allowing himself one last look, Peter turned away from the mirror and made his last-minute preparations – he pocketed his wallet and keys and grabbed a jacket off the coat hook on his way out of the door.
It took less than five minutes to get to Tony’s shop – without the daily traffic on the road, the drive was easy. Pocketing that fact for another time, Peter climbed out of the car excitedly; for the first time in a while, Peter felt ready to date. Tony presented intrigue and want and a curiosity that Peter hoped to cling to for as long as possible. The simple fact that Peter already felt that way spoke volumes.
A door shutting brought Peter’s attention to the sidewalk in front of him. He expected to find Tony turned around to lock the front door of the shop, yet the older man was closing a door on the side of the building instead. Even more interested now, Peter started to head in that direction.
“I live in a huge loft above the shop,” Tony said with a knowing tone, answering Peter’s unspoken question without any sort of hesitation. “When I first bought the building, a storefront wasn’t what I initially had in mind. After I opened up the shop, it made the most sense.” Tony continued to speak as he closed the distance between them.
A soft pair of lips were pressed lightly against Peter’s cheek before he could think, let alone reply. Peter felt his cheeks and neck light up with a heated flush, his body temperature skyrocketing. Tony’s next words only added to the feeling – “You look amazing, Peter.”
Swallowing his awkwardness, Peter smiled in Tony’s direction, finally taking the man in front of him fully. Tony’s legs were encased in charcoal grey jeans that were rolled twice at the cuff. The edges sat nicely against a pair of black and white vans. The tanned arms Peter hadn’t been able to stop thinking about were on display – Tony’s short sleeve button up was perfectly tight against a trim chest and firm shoulders. Other than the stubble Peter figured Tony always had, the man’s cheeks were smooth – highlighting how gorgeous the florist truly was. It didn’t hurt that their fashion senses were similar, either; Peter wondered for a moment where Tony got the floral shirt currently driving him crazy.
“You’re stunning,” Peter eventually managed to say, his breathy words finally breaking his minutes long silence. “You’ve looked great in every way I’ve seen you – covered in dirt, sweaty and working, dressed to impress – it’s kind of not fair, Tony.” Peter let the truth of what he just said sit transparently on his face. They were passed the point of coyness and subtlety; Peter wanted Tony to know he was wanted, even though they hadn’t known each other long.
His bluntness seemed to do the trick – Tony grinned widely in his direction, avoiding direct eye contact with Peter in obvious hope of getting himself back under control. “Charmer,” Tony muttered, stepping a little closer to Peter to emphasis his point.
After opening the passenger side door like the gentleman he was, Peter settled behind the wheel and onto the main road. Tasha was a former teammate, a senior his freshman year, that escaped to Paris – only to make her way back to Indiana and use the knowledge she gained in one of the cooking capitals of the world. Over the years, Silver became a regular place for Peter and the team to spend their classier nights. The food was amazing, and Tasha’s unique style made the minimalism the restaurant was known for interesting and thought provoking. When he called to make the reservation, Tasha cooed in Peter’s ear while saving his favorite table for 7.
They made easy small talk during the drive over – Peter described the pre-season workouts he’d been trucking through while Tony regaled him with a story of his last customer of the day who tried to steal roses by stuffing them down her shirt. As he listened and absorbed, Peter realized Tony was funny and full to the brim of wit – he laughed freely, the sound so joyful, Peter couldn’t help but join in. They were still chatting as the hostess led them to their table and set large menus before them.
Their drink orders were taken almost immediately – the serving staff was familiar with Peter and must’ve been tipped off before they got there. A bottle of red wine was set on the table before either of them could delve back into their previous conversation. Peter poured them each a glass, then pointed at the menu – “Did anything catch your eye?”
“I thought I’d go with the steak frites. Out of all the dishes on this extensive menu, that one immediately came to your mind. Seems like as good a reason as any to give them a try,” Tony reasoned, lifting the wine to his lips as he spoke. “What about you?”
Peter’s cheeks were already starting to hurt from the giddy smile he couldn’t help – talking and joking and simply being with Tony felt so natural. He didn’t have to think to reply casually to whatever they were talking about. “I get them every time I’m here. When Tasha first opened this place, she’d just lay dishes on the table when we sat down. I stopped being her menu taster when she introduced me to the steak frites. I haven’t had anything else here since,” Peter admitted, his cheeks flaming once again.
“You’re one of those people, huh?” Tony shot back, grinning all the while.
“One of those people?”
Tony grinned a little wider, his eyes shining with affectionate enjoyment. Before he replied, the older man slipped his hand across the table, taking Peter’s fingers lightly. “Yeah, one of those people. Someone that gets the same dish at every Chinese or Italian place they go to, no matter the options.” His thumb trailed over the back of Peter’s hand. “You like what you like.”
Feeling a little called out, Peter ducked his head to stop anymore redness from overtaking his skin – he probably resembled a tomato already. It was crazy – to feel so happy being teased. “Okay, yeah – I’m one of those people. I’ll try that one dish anywhere, though.”
They traded a few barbs back and forth until they ordered, and their dishes were sat down in front of them. Without the threat of interruptions in the near future, Peter felt ready to broach some of the more personal topics – for the first time on a date, Peter genuinely wanted to listen and find out more about the person across from him.
“So, tell me more about yourself – who is Tony Stark when not covered in dirt or up to his elbows in beautiful flowers?” Peter cut into his steak as he spoke, hoping the relaxed way he asked the question would take a little tension off Tony’s obligation to answer. The last thing he wanted to do was make their time together feel like an interrogation.
Tony didn’t seem to mind, though – he looked up with a tilt of his head. “What do you want to know? I’m shockingly not covered in dirt a lot of my time throughout the day.”
“How did your love for flowers start? Did you study horticulture in college?” Peter decided to ask.
Smiling lightly, Tony shifted in his seat, preparing himself for story time. “I studied Botany and Plant Pathology, actually. I have a doctorate in Plant Genetics and Soil and Water Sciences. During my plant genetics studies, I did some time abroad that took me to every continent – seeing the wide range of flora that exists in this world was the first time I ever thought about making plants and flowers a daily part of my life to the extent they are now.” Tony stopped to meaningfully catch Peter’s eyes.
“I used to be a professor at Purdue – when the restrictions of the lab became too much, I ditched the academic world and opened up the shop. I’ve been elbows deep in beautiful flowers ever since.” Tony winked in his direction, repeating his words jokingly back to him. “What about you? You cheer and charm unsuspecting old men, I know that. What else do you get up to?”
“You’re the only unsuspecting older guy I want to be charming, don’t you worry,” Peter reassured Tony with a soft chuckle. “When I’m not sweeping you off your feet, I study Philosophy and play a stupid amount of video games. Cheer and all that comes with it takes up a lot of my time, though. Most of my college life has revolved around football games and competitions.”
“Sweeping me off my feet – jeez, Pete,” Tony mumbled. His cheeks were red and the smile he wore spoke of happiness and enjoyment. “I took a couple of Philosophy classes during my undergrad days. What do you plan to do with an entire degree with it?”
A laugh slipped from Peter’s mouth at Tony’s question – though many people asked him that very same thing, no one presented it quite like Tony did. “You’d be surprised by what you can do with a Philosophy degree,” Peter retorted. “I want to be a bioethicist. My minor is Public Health – when I put my cheer shoes away for good, I hope to get a master’s in Bioethics and finally get into the realm I want to be in.”
Tony tilted his head then, his eyes roaming over Peter curiously. “What made you want to get into that? I’m sure there aren’t a lot of young bucks walking into higher education with their sights set on changing the medical world like that.”
Sucking in a long breath, Peter let the question sit on the air for a moment. He swirled the last of his wine in the glass before drinking it. “My parents were in a car accident a couple of days before my 10th birthday. My dad passed away immediately, but my mom – she hung on for an extra couple of days. There was a lot of internal bleeding that they were worried about. In all that worry, they didn’t wait for scan results or blood work to come back before they attempted a new, exploratory surgery. She didn’t make it back out of the operating room.”
Peter paused for a moment, catching his breath. “I was old enough to know someone fucked up and when I looked into it later, I decided I never wanted to let someone feel like I did in a crisis like that. There’s got to be someone who reviews the evidence and makes the ethically just decision to save someone’s life. Why shouldn’t it be me?”
For a second, Peter thought he went a little bit too far – there was a tense moment of silence that felt heavy after revealing something so personal. Peter bit into his bottom lip, not letting himself look up to see whatever reaction existed on Tony’s face. Then, a soft touch brushed across the back of Peter’s hand, Tony’s calloused fingers wrapping around his own. A brief squeeze had Peter looking up, his breath catching at the awe that met him. “I’m sorry to hear about your parents, Pete. Mine aren’t around anymore, either. It’s kind of cliché to say that you saw the deeper meaning of something so tragic, but it’s true. You’re using your pain to make the world better. That’s good shit,” Tony said, his voice hinting at a note of finality – like nothing would change his mind of the thought.
His certainty made Peter feel light, the weight of his emotional burden finally lifting from him after so many years. What a difference it made, to be so easily understood.  
That light and airy feeling followed Peter throughout the rest of the evening – he smiled widely as Tony talked about his greenhouse while they shared a small chocolate tart between them. For all that his physical attraction was worth, Peter was genuinely surprised to realize that he felt a personal connection to the florist, too. They led different lives but shared enough similarities to make the time spent together more than worth it. Peter liked Tony and from the looks and subtle touches Tony bestowed upon him all evening, Peter figured Tony might like him, too.
Tony proved that thought to be true when they pulled up in front of his place – “Do you want to come up? I had a really nice time tonight and don’t want it to end.” Tony’s words were said through a saucy smile, his intention more than clear in the look in his eyes.
Peter didn’t hesitate to give his answer – leaning forward, he gripped the side of Tony’s cheeks, using his hold as leverage to pull Tony a little closer. They met in the middle, their lips pressing together softly.
Things progressed pretty quickly from there. Tony led Peter up a small flight of stairs into an open room. As expected, plants and flowers were scattered around the place, covering all of the flat surfaces with adequate enough sunlight. A comfortable looking couch and kitchen table took up one corner of the room while a large, king-sized bed took up the rest of the free space of the room. There wasn’t much clutter and all of the things that Tony had, he more than likely used. It was simple and perfect, much like the person who resided there.
Tony didn’t let Peter take in the room for too long – before he could walk around and snoop, Tony’s arms were around Peter’s hips, pulling him close. Peter eagerly met Tony in the middle, their lips sealing together in the delicious slide of tongue and teeth and wet, panted breath. As the kisses deepened and their bodies moved closer to each other, Peter started to impatiently thumb at Tony’s buttons, his palms and fingers running over every inch of bare skin he revealed to the cold air. Tony followed suit; his movements much more impatient than Peter’s were. By the time they made it over to the bed, Tony was pulling down Peter’s pants and boxer briefs. He gladly joined Tony in nakedness before climbing onto the inviting mattress.
“Holy shit, this is comfortable,” Peter babbled absentmindedly, his limbs stretching as far as they could go.
“It’s the one thing I refuse to compromise on. I want to be comfortable when I partake in all the activities a bed is good for,” Tony replied as he climbed onto the bed and fit himself between Peter’s legs. “You’ll be even more impressed in the morning,”
For a while after that, there weren’t any words exchanged. Peter kept his mouth busy by pressing kisses into Tony’s neck and upper chest – Tony’s cologne was prominent, pulling Peter in the more he breathed the delicious smell in. Tony let Peter riddle his skin with marks and spit while he ran his hands all over Peter’s skin. Their hips were lined up and with every thrust Peter made up, Tony rolled his hips down until their cocks brushed delightfully. They were both so caught up in each other that nothing but touching and experiencing actually mattered.
It’d been so long for Peter that he found himself coming to a breathless crescendo fast. After a few minutes of passively letting Peter kiss him, Tony took control of things – his hips set the tempo and his hands and lips laid down the distraction. So overwhelmed from it all, Peter wasn’t aware of how close he was until his orgasm slammed into him out of nowhere. “Oh fuck, Tony! I’m – I’m going to come,” Peter panted out, his body thrumming with life and want and a desire he couldn’t hold back.
“Oh, Tony!” Peter practically screamed a moment later – Tony dirtily rolled his hips to toss him deliciously over the edge.
Panted breath filled the room as Peter rode the high of his orgasm. Tony placed tiny, teasing kisses against any part of Peter’s skin he could reach. Reaching down, Peter gripped the sides of Tony’s face until they were looking at each other – Tony met his eyes with a self-satisfied smirk. “How good is your turnaround time?”
Laughing, Peter leaned forward to give Tony a kiss. His cock was already starting to fill out again – having Tony so close set his body on fire. “Ten minutes at the max,” Peter mumbled after a moment of cataloging his heavy limbs and the desire that was rampaging through them.
“Good. Then you’ll have plenty of time to prep me before you fuck me.”
Lost in the words for a moment, Peter was immobile until Tony tapped his side with a cold lube bottle to get his attention. “You want me to fuck you?” Peter dumbly asked, his mind still trying to catch up.
“Yeah, Pete. I want to feel you inside of me. Your body is trim and fit – I can only imagine how good you’re going to fuck me,” Tony admitted without shame. He moved out of the splay of Peter’s thighs, climbing to his hands and knees, instead.
Not wanting to lose his chance, Peter launched himself into action. He ran his hands over the planes of Tony’s sides and back, tracing the small scars and tiny moles scattered across pale skin. His fingers were eager to categorize and map, but his impatience was too great. Tony pressed back into him, as if he too was starting to feel anxious for what was coming next.
Uncapping the lube, Peter drizzled a good amount onto two of his fingers, pausing just long enough to warm the slick to body temperature. When he felt ready, Peter pressed the tips of both his fingers to Tony’s eagerly waiting hole, tracing and circling the muscle to spread the lube and relax the man he was touching. Little by little, his first finger slipped in without much resistance. Tony bared down against him and let the digit slip all the way in until the webbing of Peter’s finger stopped him.
Now that the warm heat was wrapped around him, Peter wanted to take his time, letting Tony get used to the feeling while he explored and reached. Tony’s entire body jolted forward when Peter finally found that delicate nub.
“Shit – do that again!” Tony shouted; his voice laced with a breathy moan.
Unable to do anything but give into what they both wanted, Peter continued his ministrations, teasing Tony with one, two, and then three fingers. He scissored and pressed against the edge of Tony’s rim, loosening the muscle as he went. When he pressed inside, Peter caressed Tony’s insides, just barely pressing against his prostate until Tony was humping back with exaggerated impatience.
“I’m good, Pete. I’m good. Please, I want you,” Tony pleaded as he reached back and felt around for whatever lenght of Peter’s skin he could reach.
Completely hard once again, Peter was more than ready to feel Tony wrapped around him – after an easy orgasm already, Peter knew he’d be able to make their coupling worth it. Opening the tube of lube again, Peter drizzled more of it directly onto the length of his cock, and then a bit more around Tony’s rim. He stroked himself a couple of times, then shifted until the head of his cock could drag through the lube coating Tony’s skin.
He teased them both for a moment, tracing Tony’s rim with the wet head of his cock to ramp up that initial moment of anticipation. Peter kept up his antics until his own body couldn’t take it any longer – every part of him craved the warm embrace of Tony’s hole. With that thought in mind, Peter used one of his hands to grip Tony’s hip, using his hold to pull the other man back against him as he thrust forward. Breaching the muscle felt like coming home – he threw his head back with a rough groan; maybe he wouldn’t last as long as he initially thought.
“Tony, Tony, Tony – you feel fucking amazing,” Peter panted through clenched teeth, his body fighting hard against the need to thrust forward and take, take, take.
Tony reached back to grab at Peter’s hand on his hip to tangle their fingers together, instead. They shared a few breaths while Tony got used to the stretch of Peter within him, the mere connection between them radiating a different sort of heat while they waited.
Finally, Peter felt Tony relax around him enough for his hips to draw back and press forward without much effort. He kept his thrusts slow to start; his cock was throbbing from the realization that it was Tony below him – picking up the pace was a sure-fire way to end things a lot quicker than either of them wanted. When Tony started to thrust back against him, however, Peter lost more and more of his control. His hips snapped forward, their skin slapping together to make a loud sound that echoed around the room. With every thrust in, Tony moved with him – the tip of Peter’s cock was poised to press perfectly against Tony’s prostate every time.
Between the sounds dripping from Tony’s mouth and the delightful squeeze around his length, Peter was a few thrusts away from slipping over the edge once more. He tried to shift so he could wrap his fingers around Tony’s cock to get him there too, but he was met with a long stare over Tony’s shoulder – dark hazel eyes were on fire, pushing him to thrust harder and forget everything else. Tony’s body was taut, obviously strung out and seconds away from breaking apart. Finally understanding, Peter straightened out his chest, gripped Tony’s hips in both hands, and let himself go.
In the end, it was hard to decide who tumbled over the edge first. Tony shouted Peter’s name and tightened impossibly tight around him. The extra stimulus was the perfect thing to bring the heat in Peter’s belly to an overflowing boiling point. He tucked his head into the sweaty length of Tony’s neck and groaned, Tony’s name and fuck and unintelligible noises added to the symphony their joining created around the room.
Managing to just barely turn Tony as his body collapsed, Peter hit the mattress hard – his cock slipped out of the blissful heat, dragging a long groan from the depth of Peter’s chest. Being inside of Tony already felt like home; both his body and his heart were convinced. Wrapping his arm around Tony’s hip to compensate, Peter snuggled into the man’s sweaty back, keeping their bodies close.
“I – Tony. That was…” Peter started to mutter, his brain still not back online like the rest of him. Tony looked over his shoulder, affection and appreciation alive in the hazel of his eyes. They shared a heated stare as Tony pulled Peter’s hand more firmly across his chest – they didn’t need words in that moment, merely touching and existing in the same orbit was more than enough.
After that first passionate night, Peter spent almost all of his free time with Tony. With the shop being so close to campus, it was easy to lean on Tony’s close proximity and the joyful happiness Peter felt whenever they were together. The natural way their lives just sort of combined with each other proved how right they were for each other. Where others were wrapped up in the time Peter spent away from them, Tony enjoyed the fact that they led separate lives. Peter got to keep cheerleading and Tony at the same time without the two battling against each other. He didn’t know it before Tony came into his life, but that level of acceptance was everything Peter needed from another person to both excel and feel happiness.
Before Peter knew it, four months were behind them – though it hadn’t been that long, most of Peter’s things took up space in Tony’s apartment and every thought Peter had revolved around the life he was trying to create with the older man. He even took the time to learn more about Tony’s body of work – they spent many of their afternoons together in the backyard with Tony working the greenhouse while Peter practiced tumbling or simply watched his boyfriend in his element. Peter couldn’t recall another person making him feel so dumbfounded playing in the dirt the way Tony did – it wouldn’t matter what the man did, either; Peter would find something to be amazed about.
It was Tony that drew him in; his personality, thoughts, and the eager way he gave back to Peter spoke to a part of himself that he never knew existed.
Which was how he found himself nervously awaiting Tony’s arrival at the Purdue football stadium – aside from MJ and Darcy, Tony’s appearance at the football game would be the first time any of his friends met the older man. The fall, much like Peter, was a busy time of the year for Tony. Between weddings, showers, and parties, Tony’s weekends were filled to the brim. The homecoming game was the first game that the home schedule actually lined up with Tony’s off day. He couldn’t wait for Tony to watch him do the thing he loved in the uniform he felt proud to wear. Selfishly, he wanted to see that same sort of pride radiating from the person he’d fallen in love with.
The forty minutes they were trapped in the locker room before the game started felt like torture – his phone vibrated against his thigh a couple of minutes after they headed in from warm-ups. Tony was navigating the stadium’s security to get to the sideline spot Peter secured for him. When they walked back onto the field, Tony would be there eagerly waiting for him.
Finally, the performance lights flickered, and they were ushered to their usual entrance. The large black and gold flag he carried in his hands was lighter than usual – his excitement pumped through him, the dopamine of happiness causing a rush of energy. As the announcer pumped up the crowd, Peter caught the eyes of his teammates around him, sharing the hype he felt.
Running across the thick white lines never felt better – by the time he crossed center field, Peter caught sight of Tony in the corner. His boyfriend was clapping loudly, the honey-hazel of his eyes glued to Peter’s every move. The familiar feeling that Tony’s love created in him spread through Peter’s chest, showing itself off as a giant, beaming smile.
They didn’t get much of a chance to talk throughout the first half of the game – Peter’s stunt group was responsible for the spirit stuff for the first and second quarter. Instead, Peter sent Tony messages with his eyes, showing off his skills and tumbling talents whenever he could. It was almost better that way – Tony got to experience Peter in his element without any pressure to respond. The crowd going wild around them only added to the experience. For once, Peter got to put on the show.
When Peter got to wander off after the half-time performance, he was wrapped up in a bear-hug the second Tony could get his arms around him. Peter was covered in sweat and glitter and the annoying little turf beads that always stuck to his skin, but Tony didn’t seem to care. The older man picked him up, spinning him around excitedly. “Pete, you’re so talented. I about shit my pants when you back flipped for so long down the field, but damn – the skill you possess,” Tony gushed, tucking his face into Peter’s neck to calm himself down.
Not wanting to lose the upbeat energy, Peter cupped Tony’s cheeks in both of his hands. Tony leaned into the touch, tilting his head back to look at him. “I’m so happy you’re here,” Peter started, leaning forward to steal a quick kiss. “I’ve been on point all day because of you. I can feel you watching me – I want to be good for you.” The last words were whispered in his ear, the impact of them hitting Peter hard across his lower back as Tony wrapped him up and pulled him close.
“You’re the only thing I see,” Tony mumbled back, his tone all the sudden low and gravelly.
After leaning in to give Tony a heated kiss, Peter forced himself to pull back – he stepped out of Tony’s embrace completely. If he stayed there any longer, he wouldn’t make it back to the locker room at all. Smirking in Tony’s direction, Peter thrust his thumb over his shoulder. “I’ve got to go, or I’ll never leave. See you after?”
“I’ll meet you out front,” Tony said with a nod, his anxious hands reaching out to squeeze Peter’s hand once more. “Keep kicking ass, Pete.”
His role during the third and fourth quarter was a lot more passive than the first half of the game. Since the Boilers were up more than two touchdowns, a lot of the crowd left after the first few minutes of the third quarter – that meant the younger stunters and less experienced tumblers got to have some time on the field. To stop himself from straying over towards Tony, Peter put all of his effort into helping his littles. It didn’t work nearly as well as he figured it might, but he got through the rest of the game with minimal distraction.
Hayley’s speech was inspirational and moving like usual – they were done with football home games for the season and their success was obvious and highlighted in her moving words. The next couple of months of the season were the calm before the storm and they were all looking forward to the small break basketball games posed for them. Competition season started after the holidays and no rest would be spared. Though he always appreciated her words, Peter wished for them to quickly come to an end.
Before he even finished the thought, Hayley was circling them up, calling out the cheer that they all echoed back. As he shifted to move out of the circle, a firm grip stopped him. “I believe this is for you,” Hayley said, handing over a classic red rose.
“Hayley, who’s this from?” Peter asked, trying his best to tamper down the hope that maybe Tony was the stupidly romantic culprit.
With a knowing smile, Hayley shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly, “He said you’d know.”
Pulling the rose to his chest, Peter ducked his nose to sniff at the crisp petals. It was de-thorned and freshly cut – Tony’s markers were all over the beautiful gesture. His cheeks were already sore from all the beaming he’d been doing all night, the face splitting smile only made it worse. Despite that, Peter wore it throughout his post-game routine and out the door where he ran directly into MJ.
“MJ! What are you doing here?” Peter threw his arms around her then, careful not to crush the flower still in his hand.
Thin arms returned the hug – MJ brought him tightly to her chest with a hard squeeze. It’d been a few weeks since they’d seen each other. Seeing her standing there, Peter realized it’d been too long.
“I couldn’t miss homecoming. I am an alumna after all,” MJ replied, her wide eyes never leaving him. Watching her closely, Peter felt a gasp leave his lips when she brought another classic red rose up, running the flower under her nose. “This needed delivering, too.”
Peter gripped the rose lightly, tucking it against the other one in his hand. Each of the petals were perfect and from the small lessons he got from Tony whenever they handled the clipped flowers, Peter knew what the giving of classic red roses meant. It only seemed right that Tony clued him in that way.
“Don’t fuck this up, Peter. I really like him, too,” MJ remarked as she moved in to press a soft kiss on his cheek. He kept her close for a moment, simply soaking in her presence. “He’s waiting for you out front. Go get your man, Pete.”
A soft laugh left his lips, MJ said that to him when she first learned about his date with Tony. It wasn’t lost on him how full circle everything felt. The rightness of being with Tony existed in every aspect of his life – each little sign made the delirious heat in his chest burn that much brighter.
Giving MJ one more squeeze, Peter broke away to quickly make his way towards the front of the stadium where Tony was waiting for him. He wasn’t sure what he did to deserve such a sweet display of affection – Tony knew Peter appreciated the simple day to day life they were slowly creating with each other. At the same time, Peter’s heart was hammering in his chest at the thought that Tony deemed him worthy of such a gesture.
Peter found Tony leaning up against one of the large pillars just outside the exit doors. In the darkness, the honey color of his eye shone like melted pools of gold. Narrowing the distance between them became the only thing on Peter’s mind, he picked up his pace and practically threw himself in Tony’s arms.
The sigh along the length his neck made Peter tuck in a little tighter against Tony, his heart pounding with affection. He pulled back before the roses in his hand could get squished in the intensity of their embrace. Peter brought the flowers to his nose, keeping Tony’s eye as he did. “They’re beautiful, aren’t they?” Peter sing-songed, grinning at the flush that spread over Tony’s cheeks with every word.
Tony nodded at him, tilting his head with a mischievous look of his own. “It looks like you’re missing one, though,” Tony remarked. The long stem in his hand was darker than the others, symbolizing love yet to be realized. Their fingers brushed as Peter took it, his brow quirked in intrigue.
“I love you, Pete. I’ve known since you walked through the door of my shop that you were special. Every second with you has made my life just a little bit better. I know it hasn’t been that long, but I’m mad about you. Over the fucking moon.” Tony walked into his space then, his hands cupping Peter’s cheeks.
Surging forward, Peter caught Tony’s lips in a passionate kiss, their noses bumping in the process. They sipped from each other’s mouths until the need to breath became pressing. Instead of pulling away, Peter leaned his forehead against Tony’s, closing his eyes to revel in the contentment that wrapped around them both. After a couple of shared breaths, Peter blinked to catch Tony’s eye. “I love you too, Tony,” Peter whispered back.
With a wide grin, Tony leaned in again, mumbling “I know” against Peter’s lips.
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A Very Merry Dornix
Human female x Fallen Captain | smut | science licks back | mild dubcon-ish | cuteness | NSFW
As snow and Dawning festivities enshroud the Last City, a civilian scientist smuggles a dead Eliksni Captain inside the Walls. However, he turns out to be less deceased than she first thought, and just as interested in her as she is in him.   
“Lexana. What the hell have you got there?”
Flurries of snow were falling all around and Lexana’s cart had left deep grooves in the muddy, icy road. The motor had failed several miles down the road and she’d had to push it back to the Last City gates.
Lexana straightened and shoved her glasses up her sweaty nose. Nonchalantly, she leaned against the cart and put her hand on her hip. “Noth—nothing,” she panted.
The sentry’s eyes narrowed. Mav had grown used to her coming and going as she often collected plants and fauna from outside the Walls. If the Last City was to flourish they needed to accumulate more knowledge. This was her contribution.
And her personal obsession. She had to know everything.
Sometimes everything included a dozen rattlesnakes, which Mav had taken exception to. He started forward with two others to inspect the contents of her cart.
Lexana reached beneath the tarpaulin and pulled out a fistful of wriggling larvae. “Maggots! For my fish collection.”
All the sentries reeled back, their faces pinched with horror. Thank goodness she’d collected some maggots as well.
“You need a whole cartload of those things?” Mav asked, waving her through, the disgusted expression still on his face.
“I have a lot of fish,” she panted, pushing the cart once more, grateful that they hadn’t offered to help her. “Happy Dawning!”
“Get your cart fixed,” he called after her.
“I will! Thank you!”
Lexana lived alone in a run-down part of the City, but she didn’t mind the peeling paint and bad plumbing in her big, old house, and neither did her experiments. Mostly she worked with plants, as agriculture was her passion, but she enjoyed keeping all manner of creepy crawlies, fish and critters, too. If she came across a particularly interesting dead specimen she would bring it home to dissect it or stuff it.
As she had today.
Gleefully, she plugged her electric cart into the mains and it blooped into life. As she’d suspected, the batteries were just flat from hauling the heavy load. The maggots put carefully aside and her workbench clear, she punched in a few commands and the cart upended its contents onto the long table.
A dead Fallen Captain. It tumbled out, a mass of limbs and cloak and gleaming armour. What a beauty.  
Furtively, she twitched the curtains more tightly closed. It wasn’t as if she was breaking any formal rules, but people could get touchy about an Eliksni within the City, even a dead one. 
Having shaken the snow from her hair and taken off her coat, she got to work. The armour had to be unbuckled and laid carefully aside, and then she snipped away at the alien’s underclothing until the creature was naked on the table.
Lexana surveyed her find. It was…well, it was beautiful. Thick through the arms and legs, with a broad chest and huge hands and feet. A reptilian skull with rows of shiny pointed teeth. She couldn’t tell if it was male or female as the sexual organs were somehow hidden. She couldn’t tell how it had died, either. There was no injury anywhere.
So, where to start? Those arms were fascinating. She’d always wanted to know what was going on beneath the Fallens’ exoskeletons and how their limbs moved. Perhaps it was hydraulics. She picked up a scalpel and hovered over one of the shoulder joints, wondering where and how to make the first incision in the shiny carapace.
A hand shot out and grabbed her wrist. A very large, clawed hand. Four bright yellow eyes were open and glaring at her.
Lexana stared back, frozen in shock.
The Eliksni opened its mandibles, revealing rows of devastatingly sharp, tiny teeth, and hissed.
Lexana screamed and dropped her scalpel.
The Eliksni sat up and slid off the table, tatters of uniform falling to the ground, limbs flailing. It knocked its pile of armour over with a crash and her tray of metal instruments went flying all across the floor. The Eliksni stood over her, growling. Slowly to her horror, it dropped into a fighting crouch, its claws undulating menacingly.
“I’m sorry!” Lexana said, backing away. “I thought you were dead. Oh, Traveler. Please don’t kill me.”
It picked up her scalpel and shoved it into her hand, and then dropped back into the crouch.
She put the instrument down hastily. “Oh—no—I don’t want to fight you. I’m a scientist. I just wanted to see how you worked.” She raised her hands in surrender, her eyes darting all over the room, looking for an escape. What was going to happen when it got loose in the City? If this Eliksni didn’t do it, Mav was going to kill her.
Seizing on the only thing she could think of, Lexana pointed at its arm and then flexed her own, indicating the tendons and muscles. “I just wanted to know how you worked. I’m a scientist.”
The Eliksni regarded her with narrow, suspicious eyes. If she could keep it quiet until midnight maybe she could sneak it out without anyone knowing. If she lived that long.
The Eliksni looked slowly around the room. At the workbench. The tanks of fish and insects, the sketchbooks and datapads. It’s head on one side, it turned back slowly to her and pointed at the ridges in its carapace, and then at her arm.
“Yes!” she said excitedly. “You understand don’t you? I was examining you, not trying to hurt you. You must have your own scientists on board your ships, I’m sure.” She pushed her glasses up her nose and then reached carefully for its arm. She ran her finger along one of the ridges, and then looked up at the Eliksni, questioningly.
It took her free hand and began examining her, seeming just as curious about her as she was about it. Together they peered closely at each other’s limbs and she was aware of it claws pricking her flesh. Maybe it liked science, too. Or maybe it was just sizing her up for a meal.
A moment later it pulled at her t-shirt and rucked it up, peering at what was beneath.
“Um—that’s not—”
The Eliksni pulled the t-shirt up over her head and Lexana felt her face heat. “Fair’s fair, I suppose,” she said with a shaky laugh, examining its shoulders. Her subject poked and prodded at her, touching her bones and stroking the flesh of her breasts over her bra.
“Handsy, aren’t you?” she muttered, before going back to what she was doing. She was touching a living Eliksni, probably the first of her kind to do so. It was a handsome creature, all elongated limbs and tough exoskeleton. There was something both savage and proud about it, and she thought back to the little she knew about the Eliksni. This was a captain who’d proved itself in battle and been allowed to grow large and strong and command other troops.
Her fingers travelled over its chest, its belly, looking for clues as to how their kind reproduced. The alien made a sound deep in its chest, its claws tightened on her ribs, and then something happened.
Oh, wow. He was male, then. Very male. Some plates between his legs had parted and she saw not one, but two, members emerge. Snakes had two pensises, so perhaps Eliksni had evolved from some sort of reptile ancestor that—
The Eliskni grasped her hand and wrapped it around one of his members, and then peered at her questioningly. He was fleshy and cool to the touch, and pleasingly thick in her hand.
“Oh! Okay them. Um. Very, interesting. Scientifically.” Lexana felt her face heat but she couldn’t look away from him. Science wasn’t supposed to be embarrassing. Science wasn’t supposed to make you feel all fluttery either, but seeing his large claws clamped around her hand which was wrapped around one of his erect cocks was making her feel like there were butterfly wings beating against her sex.
He made a clicking noise, and she felt a tugging on her pants.
“I think I’ve done enough science for today!” she said shrilly, pulling away.
The Eliksni paused, and then dropped his hands, drooping a little. Not his members, though. They stayed proudly upright and she couldn’t drag her eyes away from him. Not when her heart was pounding alarmingly hard in her underwear. Even though he was another species he was aggressively man-shaped, and the eyes that peered at her were sharply intelligent.
Lexana looked furtively around the lab. The doors were locked. They were just curious about each other. There was no harm in it.
No one needed to know.
Tentatively, she held a hand out toward his belly and looked at him questioningly. He took her hand and placed it back around his members, and made a little sound in his throat. When she slid her hand up and down he made the sound again, louder.
Biting her lip hard, she felt the heat in her sex pulse harder and a surge of wetness as she squeezed her thighs together.
His lower claws set to work on the rest of her clothing, muddling through peeling it off her body. His touches on her naked skin were not very scientific. Hers on his weren’t, either. They were…caressing each other. Like lovers. And it felt so nice to be touched this way.
She tapped her chest, and whispered, “Lexana.”
After she’d repeated it a few times, he got the idea and said it, too. When she touched his chest, he growled, “Dahhw-nig.”
It was difficult to make out the word sounds. “Dawning?”
He spoke more slowly. “Dornix.”
“Dawning. Door nicks.” She couldn’t roll her Rs like him. “Well, aren’t you festive.”
He bent down to her, put out his tongue and ran it over the tips of her breasts. Lexana moaned softly, and grasped the table behind her to support herself. Sometimes you had to lick science, such as when you were trying to tell rock from bone. Sometimes, it seemed, science licked back.
Dornix grasped her about the waist and sat her atop the table, running his tongue from her navel up to her throat and behind her ear.
“Hey,” she panted. “I’m supposed to be examining you.”
He snuffled in her hair for a moment and she giggled, barely noticing he was edging her thighs apart. Two of his hands were hugging her legs to him, and that felt nice. The tip of a pointed cock nudged her entrance, and then slid a little inside.
“Holy fucking Traveling Wilburys!” She grasped him by his massive shoulders and leaned back, staring down at her sex. He wasn’t very deep, and holy crap that looked strange, her familiar flesh wrapped tightly around his lower, thicker member, while the other was protruding up along her pubic bone. He got thicker closer to the base and was covered in rows of little bumps.
He didn’t move, only looked down at her questioningly, blinking his four bright eyes.
Then he moved his hips just a little, making that clicking sound again, softly encouraging, and she felt him shift around inside of her. A little moan of pleasure escaped her. He felt cool within her heat, and with both of them so slippery it was just so easy to imagine letting him go on and seeing what would happen next.
Dornix leaned down and snuffled in her ear again. A friendly, needy little sound, nudging at her coaxingly. His tongue flicked out across her throat. He was asking her to mate with him.
Maybe just—just a little bit more. For science. 
She leaned back on her palms and wriggled her butt to the edge of the bench and his cock deeper into her. Oh, Traveler, that felt amazing. He began to move slowly, watching, fascinated, as his member sank into her, drew out, and sank again. This must be as strange for him as it was for her. She wondered what she felt like to him. What he made of her moans, her ragged breathing. His other member was rubbing firmly against her clit with each thrust. It was sticky and oozing something clear and making her sex tingle, which was interesting in and of itself, but all she could think about right now was fuck yes that feels amazing don’t stop Dornix please don’t stop.
She looked up at him through her eyelashes, her vision hazy and her lips parted. Her science experiment was mating with her. This was really bad science, but a really really good Dawning.
Lexana reach down to his other member, rubbing up and down his length and holding it tighter against her clit. Dornix seemed to like it and made a growling sound deep in his chest. His thrusts got deeper and more energetic. Her sex was easing up around him and she was amazing how much of his length was disappearing inside her with each thrust. Maybe it was that stickiness he oozed. Who cared right now.
Dornix took hold of her with all four of his hands, supporting the weight of her body as he fucked her vigorously. The pressure inside of her and against her clit was building and building. She tried to keep her cries down but couldn’t help the shout of pleasure as her orgasm burst through her. Her hand worked up and down on his member, harder than ever, and a moment later his come gouted up over her and covered her breasts. Inside, she felt him spurt, and he filled her quickly until he was dripping out of her and spattering onto the floor. He thrust a dozen or so more times, looking down between them at the sight of their joined bodies, and then stilled. Holding her tightly he gathered her close against him and pressed even deeper into her.
Lexana closed her eyes, enjoying his four-armed embrace and deeply lodged member. His breath stirred in her hair and he made a deep rumbling noise in his chest, like a purr.
A moment later he pulled away, and she looked around dazedly. Her lab was a mess. Come, clothing tatters and instruments were all over the floor. In a tank across the room, a large fish glubbed at her reproachfully. You mind your own business, silly old fish. 
Dornix reached down and fitted his breather mask over his face and tucked a canister of something under his arm. Ether, presumably.
Lexana felt a thud of disappointment. He was leaving already. That was pretty callous of him.
Suddenly embarrassed, she reached for her clothes, but then felt herself gathered up against Dornix and bodily carried toward the door. He wandered through her house with her in his arms, seeming to look for something. Finally, when he found her bed, he dropped her down into it and sank down beside her.
“Oh, sleeping, are we?”
Dornix already had his eyes closed. Perhaps he was feeling his injury at last, whatever it was. Both of them could use a shower but Lexana found she couldn’t be bothered. It was dark outside now and more snow was falling. It was oddly comfortable, being nestled in his arms and listening to the faint hiss of his ether tank. A short while later, she fell asleep.
Gray light was peeking around the curtains when Lexana awoke to find four hands squeezing her thighs and breasts.
“Good morn—”
Dornix splayed her on her belly and knelt between her thighs, and then thrusted into her, hard and fast. Lexana cried out and flexed her hips up toward him. Oh Traveler. Morning sex. She’d forgotten how good it was when sleep was bracketed by bouts of love-making.
Dornix put two hands on her hips and pulled her up, angling her sex toward him. This time when she felt him against her she felt the tips of two cocks, not one. Slowly, deliberately, he penetrated her with both, taking care to go slowly, a question in his movements: was this going to work? Lexana squeezed her eyes shut and gripped the blankets, trying to relax. She felt like she was being stretched to breaking point but in the best possible way. He thrust shallowly at first, and then coaxed his way deeper, inch by inch. She came up on her hands and bore back against him, matching his thrusts. His claws raked her flesh and tangled in her hair, and she watched him over her shoulder as she rubbed circles on her clit. He was saying strange words to her as he mated with her, and his claws covered her hand briefly, as if wondering what she was doing. When he started massaging her clit instead she let him, and as she came she seemed to allow him even deeper, and he pulled her up and bore her down on his members as he came.
Panting, she collapsed back onto the bed, looking up at him through a curtain of her hair. “Maybe I can keep you just for the Dawning. Would you like that, Dornix? To spend the Dawning with me, just the two of us?”
Dornix scooped her tightly into in his arms and snuffled against her ear. There were so many experiments she should be attending to, but they could all wait. She was going to have a very merry Dornix instead.
Outside her warm room, the City was hushed, and the snow kept falling.
Happy Dawning, Guardians! Thank you for reading xx
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starmy7 · 7 years
Personal warmer - Jooheon
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Main character - Monsta x Jooheon
Length - 945
Genre - Fluffy Honey with a pinch of smut
Having male best friend was both a great thing and a very tricky one. You met Jooheon on your first year of college and you instantly became great friends. There was no hidden agenda between you two. You simply enjoyed each other's company, you had same taste in music and movies, you could laugh for hours, so it was never really boring. That was the great part about a male friend.
The tricky one was the fact that Jooheon was good looking. QUITE good looking, and there were periods in your friendship when you just drooled over him secretly. Then he would get a girlfriend for a few months and you would kind of get over the whole thing.
"OMG I really feel like dying!" you are weeping over the phone.
"Is it really that bad Y/N?" male voice on the other side of the line carefully says.
"Listen, when you experience pain of a knife stabbing into your uterus you will have a word in this discussion. Until then you can just listen to my cries of help."
"Okay babe, I'm sorry."
Ughh you hated to hear him calling you that. Actually, you loved the way his low voice pronounced the word, kind of sultry with a hint of smug to it, but you hated how your body responded to it. The pain stopped for a moment to be replaced with slight tingles in your lower stomach that heated your core.
"I could really use some of those electric heating blankets" you try to change the subject and sway your thoughts in other direction.
"Umm... Y/N, I really need to go right now." Jooheon suddenly says, and you unwillingly end your conversation.
You try to kill some time and forget about the pain by surfing on the internet, but it's not really helping. Jooheon's babe is still resonating in your head, contributing to the weird feeling in your uterus.
Sound of branches crackling beneath your window startle you. Just as you turn around to check it out, tall figure almost tumbles into your room. Just as you're about to scream, the man in front of you takes his hoodie off, and your body relaxes when you recognize Jooheon's features. He smiles at you, revealing both of his adorable dimples, while his eyes squint so much they become almost a line. In moments like these, his milky smooth skin and round cheeks only show you a face of an adorable boy, on the contrary to the fuckboy he can be.
"Fuck Jooheon! You scared the shit out of me!" you lightly hit his arm and go back to your bed.
"Sorry babe, but you said you wanted that warm blanket" he smugly says.
"Yeah, but I don't see you carrying one."
Jooheon doesn't listen to your nagging, instead he grabs his hoodie by the hem and slowly pulls it over his head.
You look at him in amazement, and your curiosity is fed when the white tee underneath pulls up together with the hoodie, revealing his sculpted lower stomach. You gulp at the sight of his prominent v lines, going all the way down and getting lost behind the elastic waistband of his grey sweatpants.
God, how much you loved seeing casual Jooheon in white t-shirt and grey, loose sweatpants. He would get dressed frequently, but you loved this style on him the most.
"What are you doing?!" you exclaim after the initial delight fades.
"I'm getting ready for bed."
You almost choke on your own spit but Jooheon doesn't seem to be fazed at all. Instead he ruffles his chocolate locks, lowers his t-shirt and steps into the bed, pushing you to move and give him more space.You do as he asks, and Jooheon presses his body against your back, warming the curved part of your spine with his lower stomach.
"You asked for the blanket and I'm here to be your personal warmer." You feel his hot breath on your neck and it sends sweet shivers down your spine and through your whole body.
"I can't believe you came all the way to my house just to help me relieve some menstrual cramps" you giggle and snuggle yourself deeper into his embrace.
"First of all, we live in the same neighborhood, and second, of course I would be your personal warmer whenever you need one!"
Big laughter escapes your lungs as you listen to his words.
"Oh, that's so nice of you. But I have a complaint, you're not doing your job properly. My belly is still cold" you tease him to see what's he going to do next.
Jooheon wraps his arms around your waist, brings you even closer than you already were and slowly lifts your shirt. You feel his fingertips on your bare skin, and a low, soft whimper escapes your lips. Jooheon then places both of his palms over your tummy, warming it in seconds.
Both of you lay in silence, your body trembling from his vicinity, and you feel Jooheon snuggling his face into the crook of your neck and inhaling your smell.
Peaceful and maybe even slightly romantic moment is interrupted when you feel something hard pressing against your ass.
"Yah! Lee Jooheon! What are you doing?!"
"Sorry Y/N" he stutters, but doesn't move an inch. "I'm just nervous, okay? Give him some time and he'll fall back asleep."
Chuckle mixed with disbelief and nervousness escapes your lips while you gently hit him in stomach with your elbow.
"Just go to sleep babe, you need to rest so your stomach doesn't hurt." Jooheon lulls you gently, and before you could think of response, you feel your eye lids close, so you let go and enjoy his embrace.
A/N: Any kind of feedback is welcome, so don’t hesitate to send me an ask! Tell me what you think so I can improve. Also, hit follow, it means a lot!
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