#beach wedding hair advice
tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 5 months
Any headcanons for the twins?👀 (if u want ofc)
Yeah I've got some!!! 🧡💙
One time, after learning about the classic trope of twins switching places for a day they decided to try it. Despite their obvious differences they were so sure it was going to work too (it did not work)
Smiley will sometimes play with angrys hair when bored
Smiley makes sound effects while messing around with his plastic models, like whooshing noises.
Angry doesn't actually know how many plushies he has (he can remember all their names though)
Once, Angry got so sick and tired of always having to take care of their injuries that he "quit". He lasted five minutes before he felt too bad and came back.
They did each others hair for Yumi and Pah's wedding
Smiley really likes warm temperatures where as Angry prefers the winter months. 
Angry has to put extra effort into hiding Smiley's birthday presents each year (Smiley always goes looking for them).
Angry and Draken get along well because they're both used to having to apologise on behalf of someone else (Smiley and Mikey)
Smiley is the biggest supporter of Angry's band and threatens people if they say anything bad about it.
They learnt to ride their bikes together, both giving each other advice and encouraging each other
If you want to throw them off then you should call them by their actual names. They're so used to their nicknames that sometimes it stuns them for a second when they hear their actual names.
Angry is good at gardening 
Both are actually good pupils in school, Smiley does tend to threaten people occasionally but similarly to Baji, he puts effort in to not upset his parents.
Sometimes if someone asks Smiley where Angry is he'll just reply with "who's Angry?" as a way to mess with them.
Smiley actually likes romantic films and books but will never tell anyone.
Angry will take care of hurt animals as well as people, for example if he finds an injured bird he will nurse it back to health before letting it go.
Both twins love the beach! And will go on trips there often
Angry and Sanzu became friends just because of how much Smiley and Mucho hang out.
Both twins are very very excited and enthusiastic the first time the other one brings a romantic partner home.
Smiley will threaten to kill the rain if it gets his hair wet (angry doesn't blame him).
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mysteriesmuse · 1 year
The Quirky Little Lady Next Door
I’m absolutely OBESSED with the idea of Bakugou having a quirky little neighbor. So here’s an absolutely random and spontaneous mess of headcannons
Bakugou himself always insists on living at the top floor. GREAT VIEW, GETS HIS STEPS IN, AND NO NEIGHBORS STOMPING ON HIS CEILING. 👏 rip to everyone who lives below him tho seriously
you’re the only other person around his age on the floor and you’re the most normal of the bunch. Seriously y’all deserve a reality TV Show up here on the 19th floor.
Y’all’s most notable floor mates being a retired grandmother, a newly wed couple, your staple office worker hippy man, an ex-boxer, a librarian, an eccentric recluse of a professor who teachers online. Along with serveral young families with children who love to run around the halls.
Bakugou gets used to it and truly love/hates it up here. 🖤
although he finds himself running into you much more than he’d like at first. you turn out to run on much the same internal clock as he does. Early bird.
you move into the empty apartment next door to him. and therefore you share the apartment balcony with him.
Bakugou never used to go out there
but now you’re out every morning cradling a cup of steaming tea, every weekend you take to the plants in their pots and you always pad over to his sliding door and knock, and shout, and pout about him picking your herbs or tomatoes . . . Katsuki used to just shrug and feign innocence until he started to enjoy seeing your squished up angry face outside his door. Now he gives you a devishly handsome grin before nodding and letting you in to share the delicious meal he’s made with herbs fresh from your garden.
Now Katsuki leaves his balcony door unlocked so you can feel free to let yourself in. Whether that be to share dinner he’s made, to drop off half a freshly baked loaf or bread or plate of extra sweets, or even when you come in screaming and spluttering in your bath robe about some vermin in your bathroom. (The later happens a lot. Both of you two still can’t figure out how these critters get up to the 19th floor like this)
loves to come home in the evenings from patrol and see you out there with your little blue light glasses doing work or occasionally taking an animated phone call to a friend. PS Katsuki has since dragged a foldable beach hair out there to bask in your presence
Bakugou has also learned how active you are. He quickly caught on to your early morning jogs at the local park near the building. Now Katsuki makes the effort to “walk out” the door the same time as you do. you always greet him with a surprised chirp when he starts walking out the building with you clad in his blank tank and cargo pants getting ready for his early morning shift at work. 🌤️🌷
Katsuki hates forgetting things, but loves when he runs out to get something he forgot at the grocery store only to see you chatting with the giggling kids in the hallway.
he wonders if you’d like kids?? U seem so good with them; the little ones that totter around chasing after the older siblings? Got him clutching his peck the way you squat down and offer a hand to help them back up into the game of chase or whatever the heck the whirlwind-of-shrieking-kids-in-the-hallway-game is?? U even do well with the teens. Even the bristling goth teen seems to make eye contact under their thick bangs and gives u a shaky lopsided grin. (he knows you’re good when you start giving them advice about how to prepare for college)
And damn it when the parents of the floor ask everyone who’s participating in Halloween so they know who’s doors to knock on for trick-or-treating he can’t help it. not when you beam and tell him that he wouldn’t even have to get a costume bc he’s already a real-life hero.
So mans probs shouts yes.
and Katsuki would normally hate being bothered to fix sinks or move furniture but he’s absolutely bitting back a grin whenever you nervously send him a text message asking for help
Bakugou almost always responds as fast as he’s able to and always show up in some tight fitting shirt to show off his muscles . . . as if he needed to impress you 💪🙄
and when he steps foot into your place it’s even more you than he thought from the goofy little paw print floor mat on the outside of your place.
it’s big and bright and bold and oh so color coordinating. there’s colorful throw pillows, and a cozy little bookshelf. And you’ve got dozens of trailing plants hung up on your curtain rods. And a sleek but childish Lego coffee table. And a step-stool in your kitchen, which you always use to fetch the instructions for the sink.
And everything is shining from the light hitting the disco ball in the center of your living room. It casts such an alluring light into your beautiful eyes everytime he steps foot into your place 🪩💖
it’s all so much more than his apartment. maybe you’d like decorating a larger space, an actual home? He’d buy you one in a heartbeat let you choose how to style the whole thing.
heck he even loves your bathroom. It looks so much more luxurious than his with the plush bath mats, even tho they’re identical twins of each other. trust me, Bakugou know bc he always hears you talking to the shampoo bottles in your bath abt your day when he walks in to take he shower after patrol . . .
but Kats is also a gentlemen despite his brash exterior and he’ll always dunk his head under the spray so fast that’s he just catches your mumbling tones
also loves the excited bounce you do when you come home to find a package at the door
or the first Wednesday of the month. Smt abt your show bc you always refuse the dinner offer at his place. . . luckily he’ll just show up with an extra at your balcony door. And it’s one evening when he rasps on your door that you drag him into the house by the hand and violently shush him as you shove him into place next to you on your couch.
or his favorite is when you got the pro being like :o when you absent mindedly snuggle yourself up next to his beefy arm after a news report with particularly big villain and tall glass of wine later it’s not like you missed him or were worried. nah nothing like that for sure . . . 🫶
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writingsofwesteros · 2 years
dad daemon targaryen x daughter reader please? he was the one who spent the night with rhaenyra not criston.
he left after the wedding without knowing shes pregnant. After few months she gave birth to a white haired girl with unmistakably violet eyes like her dad. 10 years later he saw her at his wife’s funeral and he just knew she is his
maybe some angst, drama especially since she’s her mother’s heir and all the attention is on her perhaps it ends with fluff
AN:Hi, I hope you like it x
You held your brother’s hands as the boat slowly came ashore for the funeral of the Valaryon daughter. It hadn’t been long since the news of Harwin Strong’s death had reached you all. Not that it hurt you. But you knew your brothers; well, Jace was mourning. He wasn’t as stupid as people thought.
The cold air brushed past you and the soft, bright locks of yours moved in the wind. “I’m sad.” Jace whispered to you. “Shh, little one.” You whispered back and moved to kneel down. Luke cuddling to your side. “We’ll be okay.” It was the only comfort you could bring them both as you kept them close.
“We are here now.” Rhaenyra gently whispered to you three as she moved closer. She took Luke’s hand. Jace stayed cuddled against your side as you both followed your mother. Your eyes looked to find Alicent staring at you. A soft smile came over your face as you looked at the Queen. 
There was no animosity between the two of you and sometimes you seeked comfort in her company. You bowed as you walked past. Your hand was still holding Jace as you moved onto the sand. The soft breeze moved past you as the soft, bright locks that were so noticeably against your brother’s colour cascaded down your back. 
Thankfully, the sombre mood of the day allowed you to fall into the background and away from prying eyes. You missed the looks that did come your way as the service continued. Daemon looked over to his niece and her family. His eyes widened as the service for his late wife began. What had been hidden from him?
Thankfully, you were looking down as you played with Jace’s fingers. You missed the looks from Daemon’s daughters too. The speaking continued and a soft frown came over your face as you realised what they were talking about. You tightened your hold on your brothers as you finally locked eyes with your mother’s uncle.
But he wasn’t staring at your mother. Only you. It had you more confused as you ducked your head once more as his laughter sounded out. You decided on ignoring it as the service slowly came to an end. Your mother pressed a soft kiss to your cheek before asking you to take the boys outside.
“Come on then.” You hummed and reached for some drink for the three of you whilst cheekily picking at food. You didn’t notice the soft smile coming over Daemon’s lips as he watched you.
“You did not tell me about her.” Daemon whispered to Rhaenyra as they walked the beach together. The Princess began to play with her fingers as she continued to walk with him. Her heart was racing. “I know.” She admitted; ducking her head down as she tried to explain why she hadn’t done so.
“She is mine?” Daemon continued, even though he knew the truth and Rhaenyra tried to not get offended by such a question. “Of course.” She whispered and wrapped her arms around herself as they continued to walk. “I’ve missed so much of her life.” He whispered mostly to himself as he too looked down.
“I’m sorry.” Rhaenyra whispered, playing nervously with her fingers as she slowly came to a stop. She reached for Daemon’s hand as a soft smile came over his face. “It’s fine.” He whispered. “I can have her in my life now.” He whispered mostly to himself as he thought back to seeing you.
“She’s beautiful.” He muttered. “She is.” Rhaenyra smiled before looking up and locking eyes with him. “You should go to her.” Rhaenyra whispered with a soft smile as she took his hand. “She’d like that.”
Daemon had taken Rhaenyra’s advice and began to search for you. Apparently you enjoyed being outside rather than hidden away. A soft smile came over him at the thought; you were just like him. Your little dragon settled beside you as you cooed and gently petted her beautiful scales. 
A soft gasp escaped you when you heard branches breaking behind you. The small creature of yours huffed and stood in front of you. “She’s precious.” You looked down at your dragon with a soft blush. “Thank you.” Your eyes locked onto Daemon now as you whispered it out. Your hands are moving to clasp behind your back.
“She’s small.” You whispered out; chewing nervously on your bottom lip as the silence moved past you both. Only the harsh wind gives you comfort. “She’ll grow.” Daemon promised; his smile widening. “Yes.” You hummed, stroking her scales once more as she huffed. You watched the little blood, red dragon move into the distance.
The silence once more came over you both as you stared into the distance. The evening is darkening around you. Daemon moved to stand beside you. For a moment; he was unsure on how to proceed. “You are my father.” It was you who broke the silence as you ducked your head; thoughts running wild.
“I am.” Daemon whispered. The Prince saw no need to lie to you. Not like he had been lied to for years now. “Why did you not come for me?” You whispered it out to the world. Your troubles and insecurities falling from your lips. “I did not know you existed.” The dragon ducked his head in shame.
Your heart broke at the news and all you could think about was why your mother had done such a thing. Daemon could easily read your face; you were so much like your mother, he thought as he reached for a lock of your hair. “She did what she thought was right.” Daemon defended Rhaenyra even as he felt slighted too.
“I will never leave you again.” Daemon promised as you slowly turned around to face him. The sun is setting around you both. You hated how the words had such an impact on you. “I promise.” He continued and brought you against his chest. Your arms instantly wrapping around him,
You burrowed into his chest and fought against the tears threatening to spill. You felt complete. Nothing could change that now. His fingers moved through your hair as he gently rocked you. “I’m happy you are here.” You babbled out; the words muffled but he heard them. “Me too.” Daemon whispered, pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head.
@kittycatcait219 @lilyviolets
@multifndom @7minutes-tomidnight
@kid-from-new-zealand @mypatrochilles @ladystardvsts
@vivalarevolution @my-dark-prince
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kickflipped · 1 month
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Is that Mark Lee? Oh, no, that’s Kitae Park, a twenty-four year old professional skateboarder (on hiatus) & lifeguard on Golden Beach Street who uses he/him pronouns. They currently live in Vina del Mar, and the character they identify with most is Spongebob from Spongebob Squarepants. Hopefully they find their own little paradise here in el país de los poetas!
𝒊. dossier.
FULL NAME kitae “kit” park AGE 24 GENDER cis man PRONOUNS he/him ORIENTATION bisexual OCCUPATION professional skateboarder on a health hiatus / lifeguard at golden beach street BIRTHPLACE mokpo, south korea CURRENT RESIDENCE chile. HAIR black, messy cut EYES brown, large, round HEIGHT five foot nine / 175 cm TATTOOS the text “no wings needed” on his left shoulder blade PIERCINGS earlobes SCARS a collection of them on his legs, especially right leg
PHOBIAS slightly claustrophobic DRUGS + ALCOHOL y / y CURRENTLY WATCHING hunter x hunter chimera ant arc CURRENTLY LISTENING imagine dragons / linkin park / kenshi yonezu / day6 SOCIAL MEDIA tiktok - shares clips of his coolest tricks and also cringe fails, moderate-large number of followers, has not been active in a year
𝒊𝒊. history.
cw: leg injury mention / divorce mention
kit loves skateboarding. it's the one thing he's good at, been good at since he'd picked up a board at the impressionable age of nine. since childhood, his parents' relationship had been strained - always teetering on the edge of divorce, with explosive fights tearing up their small apartment in mokpo, south korea every night.
he finds refuge in the skate park, pours a little too much of his time there. it becomes a second home when home is too uncomfortable, even more so when his parents finally bite the bullet and cut each other loose, leaving him floundering in the middle.
for a while, he goes back and forth between mom and dad. they live in different cities; his dad remarries quickly - quick enough that it rubs him the wrong way. kit doesn't make his displeasure known during the wedding, only letting it loose in the half-pipe where he brute-forces his way through learning a new trick, knees and elbows skinned.
friends he makes at the park push him towards the pro path and it quickly becomes clear that he's good at it. like, really good. if the amount of time he was spending on this sport was excessive before, it becomes his whole life now. medals and trophies quickly adorn his shelves when he gets his own place, and his parents separately praise him for his achievements. sometimes they even come watch, both of them on opposite sides of the stands like they'd discussed beforehand a careful distance - his father with his new wife and his mother with her work friends, and kit splits his time between the two of them post-competition, having two celebratory dinners.
it's fucking exhausting. if kit isn't careful his existence becomes yet another point of contention. he's spending more time with mom, of course he loves mom more - and now dad's acting all cold, and his new wife looks uncomfortable, and kit pours even more of his time into skateboarding because it's the one place where he feels like he's free and unburdened.
then comes the injury, which... well. no skating for half a year sounds like a death sentence. kit shrugs it off. he ignores his doctor's advice and gets back in the half-pipe way too soon, which leads into injury number two, which is a lot worse than the first one. it's so much worse that he's pulled from the upcoming olympics.
ironically enough, the first time he sees his mother and father in the same room since their divorce is when he's in the hospital, leg wrapped in bandages - and even then they argue.
𝒊𝒊𝒊. currently...
post-injury, kit moves to chile to live with his aunt and uncle (from his mother's side). it's a move supported by his various therapists, for the fresh air and surroundings. he's ignoring his parents rn he has both of their numbers blocked for peace of mind!
right now, he's coping with the summer olympics coming up (that he'd had to pull out of), doing physical therapy, and trying to find supplemental meaning in life.
working as a lifeguard (position courtesy of his uncle, who'd pulled some strings for him) - but don't catch him doing much at the job besides reading and occasionally blowing his whistle. he does not care fr
he still gets away with skating sometimes, just lightly and casually. no tricks. sometimes he'll go to popular skater spots just to watch wistfully.
ceo of saying "it is what it is" "fuck it we ball" "well on the bright side..."
can come off as gratingly cheerful at times (he tries really hard to seem happy, content, and optimistic) but after he runs out of stamina he has a tendency to snap and do a complete 180.
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resiotcage · 11 months
Prompt answer originally posted on Twitter Aug 22, 2022.
Recipient: @khunbham (Prompt)
Summary: And they were dads. 😭
The beach was peaceful. There were few visitors stretched out on towels and some splashing about in the water. Not far from the shore was a huddle group of four people. Two children who looked nearly identical except for the length of their light brown hair watched in awe as two infamous Rankers faced off.
The air was tense and everyone held their breath as Khun flicked his finger against the side of a plastic bucket.
"That doesn't actually help," whispered Bam.
"Shut up," hissed Khun.
Slowly, the bucket was lifted, and a perfect little sand castle was revealed.
Bam groaned as he fell back on the sand dramatically. The little boy and girl jumped around him in a fit of giggling. "Papa wins! Papa wins!"
Khun tossed the bucket aside and smirked as he opened up his arms. "Reigning champion Khun Aguero Agnis does it again! The architectural genius remains undefeated in the specialized field of—Oof!"
There was a pile of flailing feet and laughter after the little girl tackled Khun in a big hug.
The boy crossed his legs from his seat on Bam's chest. "You need to try something different, daddy. Papa has the finger trick—" He tried to imitate the movement but his brows knit when he couldn't remember how to arrange his fingers. Bam grabbed his hand and positioned his fingers for him, whispering little bits of advice.
The boy gasped when his little finger finally flicked out. "Wait! I can do it now! I can defeat papa!" He jumped off Bam's chest, ignoring the pained grunt, and ran to get the bucket.
"No way!" cried out the girl from her place on Khun's stomach, their fingers still tangled from their wresting match. "It's gonna take more than the finger trick to defeat him!" She jumped off, ignoring the sputtering from Khun as she kicked up sand when taking off after her brother.
From their sprawled out spots, Bam and Khun raised their heads to look at each other for a moment before bursting out in laughter.
To think that they could have ever found this moment of peace when their pasts had been full of hardships and difficult choices. They were living a wonderful dream worth all the struggle to get here with every heartfelt smile they shared.
Khun crawled over to Bam, cupping his face and brushing his thumb across his cheek. His gold wedding ring shone brightly in the shinsu sun, as dazzling as Bam's smile. "Shall we get dinner soon?"
Bam's fingers brushed against the back of Khun's hand in a soft caress. "Yeah. How about that little restaurant on the boulevard next to the flower shop?"
Khun raised a brow. "The one with the fluffy dog out front?"
Bam nodded vigorously, his smile widening. Khun sighed and then pressed a light kiss to his lips. "When have I ever been able to say no."
In a blur, Khun found himself on his back, being kissed silly by his husband.
It was interrupted by the sudden outraged cries of their kids.
"Oh no! They're kissing again! Don't look!"
"They always do this! It's so gross!"
Bam got up with a grumble and the kids took off running, screeching with laughter.
Just as was finishing up packing their things, Bam returned with a wiggling kid under each arm. "Ready!"
Khun nearly dropped the bags as he sputtered out a laugh.
This little bubble of happiness in their lives was worth absolutely everything in the world to them.
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roseunspindle · 7 months
Helaena x Aemond x Lucerys
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how many people can I ship Lucerys with? Let's not ask....
Mayhaps Luke and Helaena started writing each other post Driftmark. Luke asking about how Aemond was doing. If he would accept Luke's apology...well, partial apology? Luke can never regret saving his brother's life.
Helaena begins sharing Luke's letters with Aemond and she starts having two paths for her dreams, one ends in death for all three of them...the other...
So she goes to her father, possibly she asks Luke advice for how to ask her father for something specific that he might not want to grant to avoid fights. Luke has to be honest and tells her to do her hair and clothes like his mothers, he sends a few small sketches to show her. Helaena gets her maids to braid her hair and she finds one of her blue kirtles and borrows a black leather jerkin from Aemond.
Aemond has accepted her wish and through numerous and often very angry letters to Luke, she thinks they've reached some form of peace. (Considering the way Aemond has gone from scoffing at the letters the past year to laughing and eagerly replying...peace is good.)
Her father seems out of it, as he often is with the milk of the poppy keeping the pain away...but he smiles warmly at her and she knows Luke's advice has been sound. She feels a little guilty but she wants a happy ending...one where she see's a downy head in her lap while little feet kick in the waters of Driftmark, where she knows if she turns her head Aemond will be teaching slightly bigger hands to hold a sword and she can hear the laughter over head as Luke takes another child flying on Arrax. Dreamfyre and Vaghar are lounging further up the beach, enjoying the sunshine...
So she holds her fathers hand, and speaks of how sweet Luke is, that maybe he might need someone sterner beside him, but he'd need a wife too...
She talks and talks and when her mother brings up her betrothal to Aegon the very morning she's "flowered" at a Small Council meeting her father actually attended, he rebuffs that, and says he's thought about it and Aegon has no liking for Helaena but that he wishes to wed her to Aemond and to bridge the gap between families, he wants to wed them both in the way of Targaryens to Luke...
Also in part, returning Vaghar to the Velaryons as well, without anyone having to go into the matter.
Her mother and grandfather scream and yell but the king is set...it's just what his Rhaenyra would want...
Rhaenyra isn't so sure once she gets the letter, but accepts when after she asks Luke, he lights up and seems delighted.
Baela and Rhaena, upon finding out, seem ecstatic and ask in happy voices that you actually could have three people in a marriage? Rhaenyra nods hesitantly as of course Aegon the Conqueror had married both his sisters though it really isn't often done...
Thus Jacaerys finds himself betrothed to Baela and Rhaena who laugh at their father's discombobulated expression. Jace is a bit nervous to his new father's reaction (but he really likes both sisters!) but Daemon just shakes his head ruefully and says it's very Laena of them.
Aegon feels both relieved and miffed that he has been left out of all the marriage arrangements.
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Helaena is pleased...she'll be much happier as Lady of Driftmark, Lucerys will be happy having people he loves with him, Aemond will be happier as Luke's right hand and husband than he ever would having to be Aegon's enforcer
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Damage Control
I decided to try and publish another fic of mine on here! This one is a drabble!
characters: Steven, Wallace, Silver
read the rest of the drabbles here!: https://archiveofourown.org/series/3027612
Steven glanced around the table, wondering how long this tense air will stay. Currently, he and Wallace were on vacation to Kanto, although they had a surprise visitor - Silver. Apparently, Silver and Lance had an argument, and Silver responded by running off. Steven had already sent a message to Lance, assuring the youngest Blackthorn was safe and sound, to which Lance merely sent a thumbs up, showing that he was in no hurry to collect his child.
Wallace, taking this in stride, inquired, "So, Silver, mind telling us why you ran away from home?"
The red headed teen had his arms crossed, sinking down in his chair, "It's nothing."
"Now, now," Wallace tutted, "that hardly sounds right. Obviously, you're not here for a social call. Tell Uncle Wallace the issue."
That seemed to convince the other, who unfolded his arms, then sighed, "Dad is an idiot! He gave me dumb advice, and I embarrassed myself!" He then hid his face in his hands, his face almost as red as his hair.
Steven and Wallace exchanged looks at that - Lance was well versed in many topics, given his age and experience, but sometimes he… could miss the mark. While he always meant well, to the 15-year-old Silver, it probably felt like the end of the world.
"What exactly did he say?" asked Steven, leaning forward some.
Silver didn't look thrilled to give up the secrets of his thrilling teenage life, but finally he muttered, "I embarrassed myself in front of Lyra."
Oh no.
Silver's crush on fellow trainer Lyra was well known between the champions, ever since Lance teased him about it during a dinner they all were having. It was also well known that Lance didn't know shit about romance, since he hasn't been in a serious relationship - or any relationship, for that matter - in like thirty years. Lorelai, Lance's only known ex, confessed she thought Lance's ineptitude in matters of romantic expression were charming, which convinced Lance he was a romance guru. Steven fell for the trap of asking for advice, once, which only worked out for him since Wallace also found romantic idiocy cute.
Steven could definitely see the issue, though. It'll take a very delicate hand to unwind this mess.
Wallace said gently, scooting closer so he could place a hand on Silver's shoulder, "It isn't the end of the world, Silver."
"Feels like it."
The other hummed a bit, "I'm sure there's a way to salvage this… How about giving her a heartfelt gift?" He smiled a bit, lifting his hand some to show Silver his wedding ring - which had a beautiful jade stone imbedded in it, "This is the first gift Steven ever gave me. He was fresh from digging it up when he marched up and presented it to me. It was so adorable, I could hardly refuse." He glanced at Steven, delighting in how red his face was now.
Silver listened, then mumbled, "I don't know what to give her, though…"
Wallace stood up, suggesting, "How about we go walk around town? Perhaps you'll see something you like." That idea seemed good to Silver, and Steven got up as well, knowing he was going to be the credit card for this trip.
Walking around town seemed to calm Silver down, although he wasn't satisfied with any of the trinkets sold at the stands. Their trip took them to the beach, where Wallace got to show off his Pokemon. While Silver went to grab his Pokeballs, he stopped.
"Silver?" inquired Wallace. "Is something wrong?"
Silver walked through the sand, kneeling down to pick something up. He held it up for a moment, then turned to the pair, grinning, "I think she'd like this." He showed them a gorgeous shell, colored like a sunset. From the way Silver's eyes shined, Steven could tell this was the perfect gift.
Later in the evening, Lance stopped by to retrieve his lost child. Silver went along easily, which obviously surprised Lance. He glanced at Steven, who merely smiled. Those two would have a lot to talk about, but Steven is confident that they'll figure it out.
It would be years down the road before Steven saw that little shell again, now turned into a pretty necklace she wore on her wedding day. He's glad it all worked out - and Lance didn't manage to ruin anything else with his awful romantic advice. However, Steven and Wallace never found out exactly what Lance told Silver to do. Perhaps it's better nobody ever finds out, for Silver's pride's sake.
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carelessflower · 3 months
Malec wedding Scene
The golden sand streched meeting the ocean, they have rented a private area of the beach for the next few days, one for the wedding, and parties. Magnus and Alec danced slowly, as the song I get to love you played, all eyes were on them. Helene and Aline sitting next to each other, hand holding.
Mark was failing at making balloon animals for the little ones, Tavvy and Rafael were bored.
Magnus and Alec kissed once more, as the song changed.
"I love you Magnus Ligntwood Bane."
"I love you too Alexander Gideon Lightwood Bane." Magnus kissed his husband, bringing him close.
"TEAM MALEC." Simon yelled.
"Malec?" Alec eyed him, his arm wrappes around Magnus waiste.
"Magnus and Alec...Malec it makes sense better than the other name ideas." Simon stated, Alec noticed that the kids were bored, except for Max who was playing with what was supposed to be a flower ballon but it was just flat ballons.
"Kids, we are going back to the hotel for food." Alec called, giving Mark a small smile.
"There were all worms dad." Rafael huffed.
"Uncle Mark tried though."
He ruffled his sons hair.
"Can we go in the limo." Raf and Tavvy spoke, as Max was now bashing the balloon against his dad's arm and making roaring noises.
"Yes, go ask your granddad, and Tavvy ask your sister Helene." Most of the kids followed Alec up the stairs, he noticed that Magnus, Stanley, and Charlie and a few others were by the rocks.
"Congrats on being married." Hannah smiled at him, as he returned the small smile.
"Thanks. Oh Hannah I was wondering what is it, that your family does. Like I guess your royals, but it feels different, like there is more?" The question being in the back of his mind as he first met Magnus's dad when he was a young teen.
"Its a family secret?" Hannah walked towards the car, Alec quickly followed behind.
"But since im part of the family -"
"Okay, you know how the world opperates, so basically we get,unlimted tech, unlimited data, we get knowledge and access to other countries and sometimes when problem rises we sort it, sometimes we dont. Its like the mafia except no one knows who we are, we opparate in the background, money comes to our country and we run the globe.
There was still more questions.
"I dont get it. If your like the Mafia then how - "
"We control it, okay. Jobs and positions get passed just like the crown. Asmodeus is 17th in line, making Magnus 18th. However with the mafia positions can change, and we can go to places and govern areas. Like what Belial did in London in the 1980s." A red haired male said, Alec didnt remeber his name.
"Can you call the others." Hannah suggested, getting in the limo, sighing he turned back, and headed towards the beach.
"Alec wait up." Jace jogged over.
"Oh hi Jace." Jace bumpes his shoulder.
"Im so happy for you man. Youve come this far. Anyway I need your advice. Im going to propose to Clary, what do you think?"
"Go for it." Alec smiled, as Jace nodding his head, and running back to their car.
"Come on guys." Alec called.
Magnus kissed his husband once more.
"So honeymoon, where are you lot going?"
"Wow! Charlie exclaimed.
"So Magnus and Alec." Felix stood in front of the couple smiling.
"We got a superise." Stanley exclaimed.
Felix got out a key and handed them over to Magnus, looked up at them with an confused look.
"The island that we own off Costa Rica, well the family that work there are on vacation, and its empty we think you should go, since you havent been."
"Island off Costa Rica?"
"60 miles from Costa Rica. Travel by boat. The island is huge. A range of mountains, grasslands, and also we have houses and a park. Its nice, the animals are kept in their enclosure and the zookeeper will be ther-" Stanley was cut off as Raziel pulled his arm.
"Come on. Dont keep us waiting." He huffed, as Stanley pushed Raziel gently before running away as the others ran towards the steps, with Raziel walking behind them.
The house key was warm in Magnus's hand.
The couple looked at each other.
"One more trip?" Alec stated, as Magnus nodded.
so cute and fluffy
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casper-spills · 6 months
Initial sh
Sign virgo
Do you think any spirit is following me
I feel like someone is following me?
Thank you for reading
Hello S!
Thank you for following and rebloging!
Discaimer: Tarot reading is for entertainment purposes only and should never take the place of professional therapy or professional legal, medicinal or financial advice.
Cards: The High Priestess, Judgment (reversed), Six of Coins, Four of Wands, The Star (reversed), The Hanged Man, Death, Knight of Swords
Is there a spirit following you? You may feel like youre going crazy or that you can't tell what's imaginary and whats real at times. You might wonder if it will be better for your sanity to turn the other way and pretend its not there. But you know that no matter how much you ignore it, you are going to keep feeling that something is there. You might be a very intuitive person so perhaps its not that you've 'seen' anything but you feel it very strongly.
Appearances: older person, serious expression, strong nose, straight hair, average height, boney, high cheekbones, prominent collarbones, skin issues such as eczema or rashes or perhaps they have something noticeable about their skin Traits: may come to you in your dreams, kind spirit, active spirit, might be someone you know?, someone who was once wealthy, once started a business or project with someone Signs to look out for: pawn shop, fast food outlet, family dining center, cafe, family business?, outdoor places for weddings or parties, the beach, a poor place, the homeless, poverty, charity events
What do they want? This spirit seems to be lost. They may be trying to find a way to 'cross over' or transition from this state of being. They might think that they need to feel like they can let go of something or maybe its that they needs someones blessing. They might want forgiveness so they are trying to get someones attention.
I hope this reading was helpful for you and thank you for your request!
All feedback is appreciated.
Cassy the friendly ghost ♡
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extensionshawaii · 1 year
Hair Salon Hawaii: Perfect Wedding Hair & Makeup in Paradise
If you are planning a wedding in Hawaii is a dream come true for many couples. Amidst the stunning landscapes and idyllic beaches, ensuring you look your absolute best on your special day is paramount.
The knowledge of the best hair salon hawaii is useful in this situation. They can make you into a picture-perfect bride by enhancing your natural beauty and leaving you feeling confident and beautiful. They have talented stylists and makeup experts.
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Exquisite Hair Styling: When it comes to your wedding hair, a skilled stylist will create a masterpiece that complements your features, dress, and overall wedding theme. Hawaii's hair salons offer a range of services, from classic updos and elegant braids to loose curls and romantic half-up hairstyles. They always take the time to understand your vision and collaborate with you to craft a look that is uniquely yours.                        For beach weddings, hair salons in Hawaii excel at creating hairstyles that withstand the tropical elements. Their expertise in using products and techniques that combat humidity ensures your hair stays flawless throughout the ceremony and reception. Whether you desire a bohemian-inspired look or a sophisticated and polished style, the stylists have the creativity and skills to bring your vision to life.
Captivating Makeup Artistry: Wedding makeup in Hawaii is all about achieving a flawless, natural glow that enhances your best features. Talented makeup artists in the islands understand the importance of using products suitable for the region's climate, which is why they specialize in long-lasting and humidity-resistant formulas. They carefully blend colors to match your skin tone and enhance your eyes, cheeks, and lips, ensuring you look stunning both in person and in photographs.                            The makeup artists at Hawaii's hair salons have a keen eye for detail and are experienced in creating various bridal looks, ranging from soft and romantic to bold and glamorous. They listen to your preferences and offer professional advice, incorporating your desired elements while considering your unique features. With their expertise, they can emphasize your natural beauty, giving you a radiant and camera-ready appearance on your special day.
A Relaxing and Pampering Experience: Visiting a wedding hair & makeup salon near me in Hawaii for your wedding hair and makeup is not just about achieving stunning results—it's also about indulging in a luxurious and relaxing experience. These salons prioritize creating a serene and calming environment, allowing you to unwind and enjoy every moment leading up to your ceremony.                                                  From the moment you step into a Hawaiian hair salon, you are greeted by friendly and attentive staff who are dedicated for making you feel pampered. They offer personalized consultations, making sure to understand your preferences and desires. The stylists and makeup artists use high-quality products and the latest techniques, ensuring you receive top-notch service and leave the salon feeling confident and radiant.
For couples seeking exceptional hair and makeup services for their wedding in Hawaii, the islands' hair salons are a treasure trove of talent and expertise. With their exceptional skills, they can create exquisite hairstyles and captivating makeup looks that complement the tropical beauty surrounding them. By entrusting your wedding hair and makeup to these professionals, you can relax and focus on making lifelong memories while looking your absolute best on your special day. So, get ready to walk down the aisle in paradise, knowing that you are in the capable hands of Hawaii's finest hair salons.
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kkbarksdale · 1 year
Day 2- Lindquist Beach
Sunday, April 30th, 2023
Cody and I woke up at the crack of dawn due to the chickens (again) and a full night’s sleep. We headed down the hill by foot to grab our daily Lattes in Paradise breakfast. The barista at Lattes stole our hearts and actually ended up knowing our names by the end of the trip. After breakfast, we completed our workout routine and got ready for the day. We decided to pack lunch and Cody made some BOMB chicken honey mustard wraps. Once we were all packed up and ready, we decided to venture over to Lindquist Beach for the day. This beach is known as being the secondest prettiest beach on St. Thomas and actually gives Magen’s Bay a run for it’s money. Lindquist does not have amenities like Magen’s such as the beach bar and grill, that’s their “downside”. 
Arriving at Lindquist, we were blown away by the crystal blue water. It was a perfect, beautiful beach. There were trees scattered along the back end of the beach where we found some shade. We immediately knew we wanted to bring our family here when they arrived on Thursday. Cody and I enjoyed the beautiful, quiet beach. We encountered the cutest black kitty that enjoyed the shade of our picnic table. We tried to feed him water, but he was really only interested in food which we didn’t have. He looked like a Bert and he was the only stray cat that we encountered that I would want to take home. We had heard from the lifeguard that there was good snorkeling to the right side of the beach, but unfortunately we did not have snorkel gear. At some point in the day, we saw a Caribbean local come out into the water with a floating bar. He went around the beach selling drinks. We heard from the lifeguard that he only comes out on Sunday and uses the tips that he makes to buy the bottles of liquor. He does this for fun on Sundays and his day job was a driver for some heads of the local government. 
Cody and I decided we would go out to dinner this night since we had packed lunch and been eating well. Our plan for Monday was to spend the entire day at St. John and then go to dinner that night. After some discussion, we realized that going to a nice restaurant for dinner after a day of beach hopping, did not make much sense. So far, we had only been making it barely 4 hours in the sun each day. We decided that we would go to St. John on the “people ferry” for dinner at Morgan’s Mango. Once we had our fill of Lindquist, we headed home to get ready for our first fancy island dinner on St. John. We called and made reservations for 7pm. This was the only day that Cody and I managed to lay down to try to nap. 
We headed over to the “people ferry” where we waited in line to board. They had a pretty cool bar but you had to finish your drink before boarding so we opted not to grab a cocktail. We decided to sit on top of the ferry out in the elements. We met a really cool couple from Nashville, Tim and Alicia. Tim had long hair, overalls, and a dirty cowboy hat. TIm enthralled Cody with his stories of being a good musician in Nashville. Turns out, they were actually heading to St. John for their friend’s wedding. They gave us some marriage advice- never give up/quit on the same day. He told us a story of how he recieved that advice from an older couple in their life and was pleased to pass it on. 
Once we got off the boat, we walked and explored the shops right by the port. They had many quaint shops but we did not end up buying anything. We made our way over to Morgan’s Mango for dinner. We arrived about an hour earlier than our reservation time. The restaurant was so cute. It was a beautiful open air restaurant with palm trees and stunning views. The sun was setting and although it was not a clear view, the light shining through the palms was mesmerizing. I ordered a pomegranet martini and Cody ordered a whiskey cocktail. Both of our drinks were so refreshing and tasty. We decided not to get an appetizer, so we just ordered entrees. I ordered one of the catches of the day which was halibut which came with rice and beans. Cody ordered the cocnut crusted grouper. Both of our meals were so tasty. Mine was refreshing and healthy, and Cody’s was tasty and sweet. We decided to order their famous key lime pie to go to eat when we got home. We rode on the people ferry back home and actually saw a couple that had just gotten married on St. John! We sat behind some crazy ladies that were about to go out in St. Thomas. The one lady wore a beautiful white dress that her mother had embroidered colorful patterns on. It was one of the prettiest dresses I’ve ever seen. The night/dusk sky was so gorgeous ferrying back over to St. Thomas. 
We came back home and ate our key lime pie, which was the best I’ve ever had! We had another early night and bought our car ferry tickets to head over to St. John with our Jeep the next day. 
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rayphotovideo · 1 year
Event Photographer West Palm Beach To Give You The Best And Lifetime Memories
Photographs are for our lifetime memories and when it comes to a wedding, this is an event which deserves to be preserved forever. We can’t let go our wedding day at all without clicking pictures, hence always call upon the best photographer. As this is the most auspicious occasion for you, hence you better be careful and never call any ordinary service provider. Instead call upon the most experienced, talented and super amazing service provider if you expect getting high quality, innovative and out of the world images.
As you are going to spend a lot on your wedding day or any other event, you should look for keeping a good memory and that can be possible via right photographers. For lifetime and ultimate memories, just look around for the best photographer and you won’t regret at all. If you are seeking for the best Wedding Photographer West Palm Beach, you can also try out the suggested source that will help you in offering ultimate options, great packages and lots of ideas will provide you only fantastic images. These creative photographers won’t only help you in offering great photos, but at the same time you can discuss with them about your wedding dress to the hair style, venue, decoration ideas, photography destinations and everything else, for capturing dreamy photographs. These talented people always have great ideas and they are so artistic, hence their advice can easily make your wedding experience the best.
Hiring professional photographer is always the best idea as they are always awesome and working with them means a lot of fun. These creative people are always in love with capturing photographs, hence they make sure to take the best side of yours. They will allow you to enjoy wedding and rest of the things will be done by them. They are also the best for taking candid photographs that will fill your heart with immense love and happiness forever. Always consider the right one and you will be happy to have great services, including- documentary wedding photography with a clean, light and romantic aesthetic. Not only you, but Event Photographer West Palm Beach ensures to capture all your guests in a creative manner and without disturbing them for posing. They will do everything in a flow where nobody will get bothered and everybody will enjoy to the fullest. So, whether you’re planning for a budget wedding and need everything economical, but the best, just look for the reliable professional and you are done. Get all amazing photographs with perfect editing to maintain style of work and you get the best photos only.
So, what are you waiting for? If you really want to enjoy in your special day without worrying about how you are getting captured, just hire professionals as they very well know how to give you the most beautiful images. Have them to have ultimate memories for the lifetime.
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beachwedding011 · 1 year
Beautiful brides on the white sands of beautiful beaches will always look lovely in their stunning wedding hair styles. A simple up-do will never be enough to complement that perfect hairstyle. When planning a wedding, one should not forget to consider the dress, make up, and accessories. Brides who don’t have access to a great hairdresser can opt for a professional salon. If you feel you cannot afford to pay for a hairdresser, there are many different hair styling products that you can purchase at your local drug store or beauty supply store.
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101now · 2 years
Beautiful Women of Domincian Repulbic The 5 Best Dating Sites in the Dominican Republic 101now.com HOT GIRLS
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marrymeingr · 2 years
In India, How are Weddings Commemorated?
Indian weddings often last three days. when the bride and groom spend their first day with their family. On the second, the bride and her companions participate in the mehendi ritual, when their hands and feet are adorned with elaborate henna decorations. Dance, song, and a delectable supper are all included.
 Advice: get mehendi to provide a touch of home to a wedding in Europe. It's lovely and unique. There will be several weeks of drawing.
 The third day is set aside for a ceremony, which is often held in a temple or a five-star hotel. It begins early in the morning or closer to nightfall because of the hot temperature. A customized canopy stage with a backdrop of cloth or garlands of fresh flowers is set up for the newlyweds.
 Hindu wedding customs
 Fire ritual: It is necessary to go around the sacred fire "agni" seven times. The oath that each circle has taken is confirmed.
Color dot: The newlyweds make a red dot "bindi" on their foreheads in place of a wedding band. The bride's hair is divided in the same shade, signifying the couple's commitment to one another.
Bright wedding dresses:  The bride's sari and the groom's outfit are heavily jeweled, with the motto "the brighter the better." In India, the bride's color is crimson. Choose it over the conventional white if you want an authentic Indian ceremony.
 You may also plan a traditional European wedding in India. These rituals are typically performed on a beach or hotel lawn.
 One can think of a destination Wedding in Athens  Greece. A wedding here had to fall under a different heading. The alternatives available for your wedding in the city that never sleeps will enable you to plan the perfect celebration of your love. Elegant locations, hotels, mansions, stunning chapels, and exquisitely planned outdoor areas may host your wedding in the finest way imaginable.
 How much does a Wedding in Athens Greece cost?
 When you inquire about the cost of the wedding, the event manager responds, Whatever a person wants to give, they can choose. However, when the time comes to complete the required paperwork, they inform the wedders that they need money to turn on the air conditioner, that the chandelier is extra, that the singer must be paid, and that the candle lighter must be satisfied so that wedders won’t arrive at the church to find it in disarray if there are still more mysteries to be solved. And then all of a sudden, wedders have to spend another 200–300 euros there.
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tonkicold · 2 years
Unico riviera maya wedding
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I couldn’t have asked for anyone better to capture our wedding.Flights can be added to any package at time of booking. Emily was the best photographer and she was so sweet and attentive. Invest in a great photographer! These pictures are what you’ll have to look back on your special day. Also, something that was very important to me was photography. Also, remember the moment that you first see each other on your wedding day, and let loose at the reception! We made the best memories with our family and friends at the reception that we will be talking about for years. Don’t stress too much over stuff you can’t control. My best advice is to be calm and in the moment. When I walked down the aisle and saw Ryan my nerves disappeared. Once I made my way down to the beach, I was getting very nervous and anxious. The whole day getting ready for the wedding I was very calm. Q: What was your favorite memory from your big day?Ī:My favorite memory from our wedding day was finally getting to see Ryan. I only got one bite of it at the reception, but it was absolutely amazing. The decoration was very minimal, which I loved. It was a two-tier vanilla cake with fresh strawberries mixed in. I had her do white roses and eucalyptus since I knew that I would have eucalyptus and greenery for decoration at the gazebo we got married at.Ī: Our cake was also provided by the resort. I had them made my one of my friends’ mom in my hometown. My bridesmaid’s and the groomsmen’s flowers were artificial. It was a bouquet of white roses Ryan’s boutonniere was a single white rose. My flowers were actually provided for me by the resort. We had it customized to be strapless and it ended up being absolutely perfect. When I purchased it, it had a spaghetti strap style top. My gown was a Martin Thornburg Mon Cheri dress. I purchased my gown from Pomp and Pageantry in Oklahoma City. We have been together now for 4 years now. I had no idea that the first night I moved that I would meet him. Complete fate! When I moved to Oklahoma City from my small hometown, I had hoped I would meet my future husband someday. Ryan and I met on the very first night that I moved to Oklahoma City. I found a lot of my inspiration on Pinterest.Ī little bit of backstory from the bride: I wanted to keep the palette very clean and minimal. I didn’t want a lot of color since we were getting married next to the beach, and the gazebo ended up having a lot of greenery. My main and only color in the wedding was blue (Ryan and I both love the color blue). What was your color palette and style vision? Photography: Emily Nicole Photo | venue: Unico Hotel Riviera Maya | hair and makeup: Adney Artistry | wedding dress: Pomp and Pageantry | The Unico Hotel Riviera Maya in Mexico featured vendors: I could get used to this 😉 UNICO 2087 Hotel Riviera Maya I had so much fun with this crew, sweet friends & family that welcomed me in!! I flew out of OKC with the family & wedding party on Sunday, got to hangout and relax with them around the gorgeous UNICO 20º87º Hotel Riviera Maya till the wedding Wednesday. This wedding took place at the UNICO 2087 Hotel Riviera Maya in Mexico.
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