#beard kickass anon
velvetvexations · 2 months
It feels like it took FOREVER to get here, but finally, my beard has grown out enough I'm consistently being called "Sir" aaaa I was starting to think it'd never happen I'm so happy
That's fantastic, anon! I have low spoons for shaving but always feel a million times better when I'm able to get around to it, but I love seeing others make it work for them and bring them joy. You're a kickass man.
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Beard analyzing anon here, bow to me and my awesome power!
I called it, this time and I called it last time that he’d return for the 100th episode judging from David’s “watch this space” and the Legacies beard and the MOTU beard and beards do not lie, people, and I can see what they say!  I have the gift of prophecy* and you should all bow to me and my infinite knowledge**, bwahahaha!  
*okay, it’s not prophecy, just logical thinking based on facts*
**been watching too much Stargate SG-1, excuse me**
In all seriousness, this development came about on a day when I got absolutely slammed at work so I haven’t had full time to read/digest everything.  I said some things already, but here are my thoughts on what probably happened if anyone cares but more importantly why I really do think this means karamel endgame:
My guess is based on everything we’ve heard and the rumors: they wanted Chris to return for season 4 but he didn’t want to stick around, for whatever reason I won’t speculate.  So they said to him, okay, fine, but he had to be open to being written back into the show for an appearance and karamel endgame toward the end.  Notice they undid his death in the episode with Reign, laid the groundwork to show how much he still means to Kara and vice versa in episode 100, etc.  And yes, they didn’t mention him much in s4 but to be honest, I think just wanted to give some time because maybe they hoped the supercraps would finally simmer down a bit (fat chance) and they were biding time till they could bring him back and they did mention him, though in a very poorly-written line.
Then they test the waters with episode 100’s return and the majority of sane fans loved it.  So they proceeded with their plan to give karamel endgame in the finale and meantime distracted everyone with Dull Reporter Dude who was never meant to be endgame, but rather, was supposed to be the Pete Shanahan of this story (hillshollow will get this reference but for non-Stargate SG-1 fans, basically means the dull and completely ordinary guy very ill-fitting for a superhero to marry but she’s desperate to make it work because she doesn’t want to admit she’s in love with someone else).  So they keep DRD around but keep throwing out stories showing how Kara will never be herself around him and he’s not a serious contender for endgame.  Plus - cue the Sweet Home Alabama theme - she gave away her heart a long ago [to Mon El], and she never got it back.
Hence them returning Mon El for karamel endgame in the finale.  I really think the evidence is rock-solid for this to happen: they wouldn’t bring back a serious love interest who Kara said “I LOVE YOU” to just randomly, finale or not.  They wouldn’t unless they plan to make them be together for good.  Yes, you can argue that James is back but we all know James was never a serious love interest and they never loved each other, he really was nothing more than a puppy crush when Kara was still searching for herself, her identity, the real love of her life who is not only a hero in his own right but can stand alongside her like equals.  And thus far, the only one we’ve seen who fits that bill is Mon El.  (Just like the only one who could ever be on equal footing in SG-1 with Samantha Carter was Jack O'Neill, the head of SG-1, the man who fought alongside her for years and understood her life and her world unlike all the love interests she had throughout the show.)
So you heard it here first and this time you might even believe me: KARAMEL ENDGAME INCOMING, BITCHES!!!!! XD
Assorted thoughts I already shared today:
1) I do think the funeral is Papa Zor-El’s most likely, sorry.  I thought maybe it could be Dull Reporter Dude but it makes no sense to have Mon El or Winn there for it, they never knew him and I would guess his family wouldn’t want randos who didn’t even know him at his funeral.  
2) I don’t think melwood is going to stay in Vancouver so my guess is any special appearances or crossovers they make with S&L will be few and very far in between if any at all.
Anyone else see any concrete evidence for karamel endgame, feel free to pipe in here.  On a closing note, I would say something about supercraps, but they don’t deserve any more of my time or my headspace, so screw that.  
A standing ovation, please:
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I agree? Totally. I think a lot of us, more or less, had and have similar thoughts. Just we keep in mind that we talk about the SG writers who love to screw everything, not only ships, but generally speaking - EVERYTHING.
But yeah, it makes sense. I don’t think that the pandemia screwed Dullara that much,because he could have been developed outisde of Kara and their so called relationship, and he was not.
1)The funeral is William’s, it looks like. Staz was not in that scene also Lobotomzier is founding some journalistic school with his name, so it probably means he is dead. I think Legion could have come for another mission, William died and they stayed for teh funeral to support Kara and the rest superfriends.
It’s not Zor El. Papa Zor is with Alura on Argo. End of story.
2)Yeah, they have a house in CA and there is nothing that will keep them there after finishing shooting.
Bitch, don’t force me to start watching SG-1, I have other things to do =____________=’
@hillshollow @peggystormborn @raisedbyfandomwolves @madeunmexico @chelseaellie @adazzlingsakura @msclockwatcher @i-am-aci01​ you may find in interesting :D
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nancywheelxr · 5 years
Oooo could you write a B99 thing where Jake calls Holt dad again? Like he’s injured and right before he passes out he says “I love you dad”
hey, anon! Hope you like it!
The last thing Jake remembers is getting shot again and how much that shit hurts.
Like, a lot.
So it’s no surprise when he wakes up in a hospital bed, floating nicely in a cloud of painkillers. It’s the good stuff, he thinks, or as good as his insurance would pay for. He’s not sure what the standards are, really, forms and fine print are more of Amy’s thing. But it doesn’t matter because nothing hurts except, like, his foot and he’s pretty sure it was already hurting before he got shot. He did accidentally kick their bedside table before leaving yesterday.
Was it yesterday? How long was he out anyway– wait.
What if he was in a coma for like, years, and now the world has spiraled into a zombie apocalypse? Oh, shit, does he know how to ride a horse? Pff, how hard can that be? He’s got this, all he needs is a sheriff hat and a military tank conveniently left in the middle of the highway and he’s set.
“Jake?” Amy’s voice shakes him off his carefully planned zombie-apocalypse survival. It involved a mash-up of Die Hard and the first season of The Walking Dead and Jake looking dashing in a sheriff’s hat and a dirty white tank top. And Amy leading a survivors group comprised of the 99 squad. It was a teary reunion and Charles had cried harder than any of them. “Are you awake? Your face is doing a thing– oh god, are you having a seizure?”
“What? No! I’m awake, I’m awake!” He opens his eyes expecting to find Amy with her hair shorter or maybe longer, you know in a length to conveniently showcase the passage of time. It’s not. In fact, if anything, she looks exactly the same, down to her clothes. He makes a face. “How long was I out? Wait, wait, was it years? Am I rocking a kickass beard? Be honest, am I pulling it off?”
Amy frowns, letting go of his hand which she had been clutching to check his forehead for a fever. “What? What are you talking about? Jake, you’ve been asleep for three hours, tops. Are you sure you’re alright? I should call the doctor–”
Well, that’s just disappointing.
“Three hours? And no zombies?”
“He’s clearly still concussed, Santiago,” Captain Holt says and holy crap since when has he been there? The whole time? “Or perhaps not. I can’t tell. This does sound like his usual nonsense.”
“Captain! You’re here too! What a great development I was definitely already aware of,” Jake grins, looking around the room just in the case any more of the squad was hiding. He wouldn’t put it past Rosa to hide in the ceiling or Charles in the vents. “What happened anyway?”
“You got shot,” Amy tells him, softening and taking his hand between hers again, “and concussed. In that order.”
“Oh, well, that explains it,” he shrugs, surprised to find it doesn’t hurt. Huh, it must be the really good stuff. “I’m sorry, I know it must have been scary to see me lying in a pool of my own blood, bleeding out in the sidewalk. I’ll understand if you want to do something extremely nice like maybe buying that massage chair for me?”
It’s her turn to make a face while the Captain snorts. “It was fine. Why would it be scary? Jake,” she says in that voice just this side of patronizing and one hundred percent amused, “you got shot in the foot. The bullet didn’t even properly hit you, it just grazed your ankle.”
“What? Then why was I unconscious, hm? Why would they put me in the good stuff? Come on, Ames, the facts don’t lie,” he raises his eyebrows in his best checkmate face.
“They didn’t,” she deadpans, trading a look with the Captain over his shoulder– which rude. “They just hooked you with the IV because you were a little dehydrated. And concussed. After you got shot, you stumbled back and hit your head against the desk pretty hard.”
“Before you ask,” Captain Holt interrupts, leaning forward on his chair, “it was very embarrassing.”
“Ooh, yeah,” Amy perks up, eyes shining with mischief in that way that makes her whole face light up and Jake can’t help smiling back. “We had just arrived at the scene and you weren’t totally out yet. You said some pretty emotional stuff. Really, Charles would be proud.”
“Oh no. That’s never a good thing, Amy,” Jake splutters, already dreading coming back to the precinct later. “What did I say?”
“Nothing to worry about,” Holt says, pausing for dramatic effect and now Jake knows it must be bad, “son.”
Jake groans.
It mostly for show, though. There are worse things he could have said, he’s more or less resigned to this; it lost the embarrassing effect years ago.
“Yeah, it wasn’t so bad,” Amy pats his hand comfortingly, “all you said was I love you, dad and then dramatically passed out on my arms.”
He groans again, sinking deeper into his pillow.
He takes back what he said, that is not something either of them will let him hear the end of.
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