ninatucker-archive · 11 years
beast-of-innocence has entered the Tucker Estate
Alexander raises his head from his paws sharply when he senses it. Something unnatural was in the air. The large canine gave a low whine in his throat and lowers his head around slightly to nudge his sleeping master awake. Nina was sprawled out on a blanket she had laid down earlier after deciding to take a nap in the yard, upon feeling Alexander's incessant nudging the child lightly groans and flutters her lashes at the dog.
"Alexander...?" Lethargically the female swipes at her eyes and gives her dog a confused look, why was he waking her up, she was having such a nice dream. Alexander whines again, ears pinning back against his fur, then barks quietly, head turning in the direction of the front gates.
"Huh?" Nina's head tilts in confusion, what was he trying to tell her? She sits up and turns her attention to their front gate, eyes squinting at what looked to be a fuzzy figure slowly shuffling its way towards them. For a third time Alexander's whining in her ear but now he's up on his feet and his teeth are clamped around the sleeve of her shirt, tugging gently at the fabric, they had to get out of here. Something wasn't right.
Of course, Nina is oblivious to what her dog is feeling at the moment, her eyes locked on the strange figure, who looked to be able Alexander's height, covered in a mix of... brown and white fur (?) Blinking once more, the toddler pulls her arm away from her companion and gently pets his neck in a calming gesture. "It's okay Alexander, its just another doggy!"
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myvaliantnoblesoul · 11 years
-nudges url in shyly-
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Don’t be shy! Come here my amazing friend~
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{Let me love you.
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whoareyoucallingsmall · 11 years
beast-of-innocence & myvaliantnoblesoul
beast-of-innocence: I haven’t RPed with them too much, but from what I can tell, their muse is perfect. I may have only, what… two replies with them? But they’ve already given me serious Nina feels. I look forward to roleplaying with them more!
myvaliantnoblesoul: Ah! Alphonse! I seriously love this Alphonse so much. I haven’t roleplayed with too many Al’s, but this one is most definitely my favorite and I will ALWAYS RP with them if they want to
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fullmetalchibi · 11 years
Indeed, there was a figure. The low light of mansion, the darkened, old walls making little light, made the figure appear more like a silhouette. Except for a pair of emotionless, silver pools that glistened from where its eyes sockets would be. The structure of the figure was indeed, dog-like in posture. Its head hung down a bit, as it had stopped moving the second the first breath escaped the blond. The creature stayed still, before tilting its head slightly, eyes never blinking. "...H..Hi..."
Ed had lost his voice, he can’t seem to speak audibly nor clearly. He was gaping like a fish out of water, unable to breath and foolishly tries to struggle to be alive. But alas, he couldn’t even move in shock. All the painful memories that he never wanted to remember came crashing down his head like someone threw a bucket of ice-cold water in top of him.
He clutched and shook his head violently, ragged sobs racked his lithe frame. ”No, s-stop…Don’t…D-Don’t say a-anything…Stop…” A droplet of blood poured from his wounded lips down his chin as he bit it painfully, preventing him from lashing out like a maniac and howling like a deranged man.
But when the chimera greeted the lost boy once again, Ed couldn’t restrain himself and screamed at the horrid creature. ”SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! FUCK, JUST SHUT UP! I DON’T WANT TO HEAR YOUR FUCKING VOICE!” He bared his teeth at the chimera for a several minutes before breaking down in a sobbing mess again.
”Just…stay quiet…I beg you, Nina…Please…”
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myvaliantnoblesoul · 11 years
(( 〄 :3))
“Pain… Transmutation…Dog…”
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myvaliantnoblesoul · 11 years
beast-of-innocence replied to your post
(( OHHHH OK seeimstupido))
//nooo you're fine!
and i just looked at the tag of the message i sent you that you posted...
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myvaliantnoblesoul · 11 years
beast-of-innocence replied to your post
(( eh? ))
I made a post and I really wanna do it ;u;
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